ISBN: 978-1-83909-417-0, eISBN: 978-1-83909-416-3
Publication date: 10 September 2020
Kostopoulos, C. (2020), "Prelims", Journalism and Austerity (Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy And Culture In Network Communication), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xviii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Christos Kostopoulos
Half Title Page
Journalism and Austerity
Series Title Page
Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy AND Culture in Network Communication
The Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy and Culture in Network Communication series focuses on the political use of digital everyday-networked media by corporations, governments, international organizations (Digital Politics), as well as civil society actors, NGOs, activists, social movements and dissidents (Digital Activism) attempting to recruit, organize and fund their operations, through information communication technologies.
The series publishes books on theories and empirical case studies of digital politics and activism in the specific context of communication networks. Topics covered by the series include, but are not limited to:
the different theoretical and analytical approaches of political communication in digital networks;
studies of socio-political media movements and activism (and ‘hacktivism’);
transformations of older topics such as inequality, gender, class, power, identity and group belonging;
strengths and vulnerabilities of social networks.
Series Editor
Dr Athina Karatzogianni
About the Series Editor
Dr Athina Karatzogianni is an Associate Professor at the University of Leicester, UK. Her research focuses on the intersections between digital media theory and political economy, in order to study the use of digital technologies by new socio-political formations.
Published Books in this Series:
Digital Materialism: Origins, Philosophies, Prospects by Baruch Gottlieb
Nirbhaya, New Media and Digital Gender Activism by Adrija Dey
Digital Life on Instagram: New Social Communication of Photography by Elisa Serafinelli
Internet Oligopoly: The Corporate Takeover of Our Digital World by Nikos Smyrnaios
Digital Activism and Cyberconflicts in Nigeria: Occupy Nigeria, Boko Haram and MEND by Shola A. Olabode
Platform Economics: Rhetoric and Reality in the “Sharing Economy” by Cristiano Codagnone
Communication as Gesture: Media(tion), Meaning, & Movement by Michael Schandorf
Forthcoming Titles:
Chinese Social Media: Face, Sociality, and Civility by Shuhan Chen and Peter Lunt
Protest Technologies and Media Revolutions: The Longue Durée by Athina Karatzogianni
Transhumanism and the Reproduction of Humanity: Changing Bodies, Identity and Power in Film and Video Game Fandom by Callum McMillan
Title Page
Journalism and Austerity: Digitization and Crisis during the Greek Memoranda
Christos Kostopoulos
University of Leicester, UK
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2020
Copyright © 2020 Christos Kostopoulos
Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-83909-417-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83909-416-3 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83909-418-7 (Epub)
List of Tables
Chapter 1 | |
Table 1.1. | Table of Participants. |
Chapter 3 | |
Table 3.1. | PASOK's Advocate Frames in 2010 |
Table 3.2. | Application of PASOK's Advocate Frames in Kathimerini in 2010 |
Table 3.3. | Application of PASOK's Advocate Frames in Ta Nea in 2010 |
Table 3.4. | Application of PASOK's Advocate Frame in Avgi in 2010 |
Table 3.5. | ND's Advocate Frames in 2010 |
Table 3.6. | SYRIZA's Advocate Frames in 2010 |
Table 3.7. | Application of the Opposition's Advocate Frames in Kathimerini in 2010 |
Table 3.8. | Application of the Opposition's Advocate Frames in Ta Nea in 2010 |
Table 3.9. | Application of the Opposition's Advocate Frames in Avgi in 2010 |
Table 3.10. | SYRIZA's ‘Colony’ Frame in 2010 |
Table 3.11. | Application of SYRIZA's ‘Colony’ Frame in Kathimerini in 2010 |
Table 3.12. | Application of SYRIZA's ‘Colony’ Frame in Ta Nea in 2010 |
Table 3.13. | Application of SYRIZA's ‘Colony’ Frame in Avgi in 2010 |
Table 3.14. | PASOK's Advocate Frames in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.15. | Application of PASOK's Advocate Frames in Kathimerini in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.16. | Application of PASOK's Advocate Frames in Ta Nea in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.17. | PASOK's ‘Harsh but Necessary’ Frame in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.18. | ND's ‘Harsh but Necessary’ Frame in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.19. | Application of the Government's Frames in Kathimerini in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.20. | Application of the Government's Frames in Ta Nea in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.21. | Application of the Government's Frames in Avgi in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.22. | ND's ‘Antimemorandum’ Frame in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.23. | SYRIZA's ‘Antimemorandum’ Frame in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.24. | Kathimerini's Application of the ‘Antimemorandum’ Frame in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.25. | Ta Nea's Application of the ‘Antimemorandum’ Frame in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.26. | Avgi's Application of the ‘Antimemorandum’ Frame in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.27. | SYRIZA's ‘Colony’ Frame in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.28. | Kathimerini's Application of ‘Colony’ Frame in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.29. | Ta Nea's Application of ‘Colony’ Frame in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.30. | Avgi's Application of ‘Colony’ Frame in 2011/2012 |
Table 3.31. | ND's Advocate Frames in 2015 |
Table 3.32. | PASOK's Advocate Frames in 2015 |
Table 3.33. | Application of the Opposition's Advocate Frames in Kathimerini in 2015 |
Table 3.34. | Application of the Opposition's Advocate Frames in Ta Nea in 2015 |
Table 3.35. | SYRIZA's ‘Blackmail’ Frame in 2015 |
Table 3.36. | Application of ‘Blackmail’ Frame in Ta Nea in 2015 |
Table 3.37. | Application of ‘Blackmail’ Frame in Avgi in 2015 |
Table 3.38. | SYRIZA's Advocate Frames in 2015 |
Table 3.39. | Application of SYRIZA's Advocate Frames in Kathimerini in 2015 |
Table 3.40. | Application of SYRIZA's Advocate Frames in Ta Nea in 2015 |
Table 3.41. | Application of SYRIZA's Advocate Frames in Avgi in 2015 |
Chapter 4 | |
Table 4.1. | Kathimerini's News Frame in 2010 |
Table 4.2. | Ta Nea's News Frames in 2010 |
Table 4.3. | Avgi's News Frame in 2010 |
Table 4.4. | Kathimerini's News Frames in 2011/2012 |
Table 4.5. | Ta Nea's News Frames in 2011/2012 |
Table 4.6. | Application of the ‘False Dichotomy’ Frame in Ta Nea in 2011/2012 |
Table 4.7. | KKE's Advocate Frame in 2011/2012 |
Table 4.8. | Kathimerini's News Frame in 2015 |
Table 4.9. | Ta Nea's News Frame in 2015 |
Table 4.10. | Avgi's News Frame in 2015 |
Table 4.11. | Application of the ‘Antimemorandum’ Frame in Avgi in 2015 |
Table 4.12. | Application of the ‘Colony’ Frame in Avgi in 2015 |
Table 4.13. | Application of the ‘Harsh but Necessary’ Frame in Avgi in 2015 |
Table 4.14. | SYRIZA's ‘Harsh but Necessary’ Frame in 2015 |
Chapter 5 | |
Table 5.1. | Kathimerini's Frames in 2010 |
Table 5.2. | Ta Nea's Frames in 2010 |
Table 5.3. | Avgi's Frames in 2010 |
Table 5.4. | Kathimerini's Frames in 2011/2012 |
Table 5.5. | Ta Nea's Frames in 2011/2012 |
Table 5.6. | Avgi's Frames in 2011/2012 |
Table 5.7. | Kathimerini's Frames in 2015 |
Table 5.8. | Ta Nea's Frames in 2015 |
Table 5.9. | Avgi's Frames in 2016 |
List of Abbreviations
Anexartiti Ellines/Independent Greeks
Dimokratiki Aristera/Democratic Left
Dimosiografikos Organismos Lampraki/Journalistic Organization Lampraki
European Central Bank
- EU
European Union
Gross Domestic Product
International Monetary Fund
Komounistiko Komma Elladas/Communist Party of Greece
Laiki Enotita/Popular Unity
Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos/Popular Orthodox Rally
- ND
Nea Dimokratia/New Democracy
Panellinio Sosialistiko Komma/Pan-Hellenic Socialist Party
Private Sector Involvement
Synaspismos tis aristeras, ton kinimaton, kai tis oikologias/Coalition of the Left, of the movements, and of ecology
Synaspismos Rizospastikis Aristeras/Coalition of the Radical Left
World War II
This book is the culmination of efforts that started in 2014 with the beginning of my PhD studies at the University of Leicester. It would be remiss if I did not acknowledge all the important people who had a role in the successful completion of this research and the publication of this book.
Starting with my first PhD supervisor, Dr Maria Touri, who patiently guided me, supported and gave me the space to develop my own ideas. I also want to thank my second PhD supervisor Dr Vincent Campbell for the feedback and advice he provided that was instrumental in the shaping of this research. Last but not least, from the University of Leicester team I have to thank Dr Athina Karatzogianni, not only for making this book possible but mainly because her participation in this research as an examiner meant that this project was rigorously scrutinized at every level ensuring the best possible outcome that I could achieve. Furthermore, I need to thank Professor Eugenia Siapera for examining my research and providing with important feedback that enhanced my research and allowed me to move forward from the PhD to writing an actual book. I hope that this book does justice to these people and their participation in the process.
On more personal acknowledgments, there are a number of family, friends and colleagues that I wish to thank and I hope that I will not forget anyone. Starting with my role model and mentor Professor Annette Hill. If it hadn't been for Annette, I would not be writing these pages today as she was the first one who pointed out that I could pursue a career as a researcher way back in time when I was completing my Master's studies in Lund and for that I will be forever grateful to her. I also need to thank my parents Charis and Vivi, and my brother Rafail. If it weren't for them, I would also not be writing these pages now. Their constant support and unconditional love throughout this journey and indeed my life has helped me become the person I am today, and without them I would not be able to pursue my dreams. Furthermore, I need to thank my friends Christos and Akis who dealt with my constant nagging throughout the duration of this research and of the writing of this book and patiently heard me talk about theories and methods without complaint. Finally, I need to thank my friend and former roommate in the UK, Dr Leandros Savvides. Without our endless conversations on how we perceive the world, this project would look completely different. You helped me find my own voice; you answered my questions patiently and were always there to share a bottle of whiskey when our studies brought us down.
Finally, I want to thank the team at Emerald Publishing for choosing to publish this book and for making this process easy and straightforward. I want to thank my publisher Jen McCall, editorial assistant Katy Mathers and editor Carys Morley for providing support whenever asked and being patient while the book was being written.
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 The Media and the Economic Crisis: A Critical Juncture
- Chapter 2 Framing and Power Influences of the Media: A Multi-level Political Economy Approach
- Chapter 3 When Politicians Lead the Tango: The Impact of the Crisis and New Technologies on Journalistic Practices and Frame Building
- Chapter 4 Issues of Journalistic Freedom: The Impact of the Organizational Structure and Editorial Stance on Frame Building
- Chapter 5 Setting Limits to the Debate: The Interaction between the Structures of Politics, the Economy and the Press
- Chapter 6 Conclusion: Framing and Political Economy as Complementary Approaches
- References
- Index