Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Emerging Markets
ISBN: 978-1-83909-333-3, eISBN: 978-1-83909-331-9
Publication date: 20 November 2020
(2020), "Prelims", Yoshizaki, H.T.Y., Mejía Argueta, C. and Mattos, M.G. (Ed.) Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Emerging Markets, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxxi.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Emerging Markets
Title Page
Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Emerging Markets: Selected Papers from the 2018 MIT SCALE Latin America Conference
Edited By
Hugo Tsugunobu Yoshida Yoshizaki
Departamento de Engenharia de Produção, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Christopher Mejía Argueta
MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, USA
Marina Guimarães Mattos
MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative, USA
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2021
Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited
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ISBN: 978-1-83909-333-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83909-331-9 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83909-334-0 (Epub)
List of Figures
Chapter 2 | |
Figure 2.1. | Regional Average Risk Score |
Chapter 3 | |
Figure 3.1. | Supplier Selection Process Steps at Nongovernmental Organization |
Figure 3.2. | Procedure to Conduct Cases Application |
Figure 3.3. | Procurement Cost with and without Combinatorial Auctions and Cost Savings |
Figure 3.4. | Procurement Cost with and without Volume Discount Auctions and Cost Savings |
Figure 3.5. | Weighted Value Performances Comparing Single Criterion Optimizations and Multi-criteria Decision Analysis Solution for the Applied Case |
Figure 3.6. | Sensitivity Analysis Varying the Cost Weight in the Decision Model |
Chapter 4 | |
Figure 4.1. | Fast-moving Consumer Goods Consumption Variation by Country |
Figure 4.2. | Global Fast-moving Consumer Goods Value Share by Channel |
Figure 4.3. | Retail Sales from a Manufacturer from 2015 to 2018 |
Figure 4.4. | Proposed Financial Framework and Its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) |
Figure 4.5. | Promotional Supply Chain Framework |
Figure 4.6. | Return on investment (ROI) per echelon |
Figure 4.7. | Side-by-side Histogram of Product-per-points of Sale Return on Investment (ROI) |
Figure 4.8. | Gross Margin Return on Inventory (GMROI) per Product and Points of Sale |
Figure 4.9. | Side-by-side Histogram of Product-per-points of Sale Gross Margin Return on Inventory (GMROI) |
Figure 4.10. | Final Promotion Forecast Accuracy Histogram |
Figure 4.11. | Average Promotion Forecast Accuracy Time Evolution |
Figure 4.12. | Market Share Variation Histogram |
Figure 4.13. | Market Share Variation after Promotion |
Figure 4.14. | Boxplots of Return on Investment (ROI) and Gross Margin Return on Inventory (GMROI) per Category |
Figure 4.15. | (a) Regional Share Variation and (b) Price Elasticity |
Chapter 5 | |
Figure 5.1. | Functional Strategic Map (Own Elaboration) |
Chapter 6 | |
Figure 6.1. | Overview of the Followed Methodology |
Figure 6.2. | Restricted Bounding Circle and Optimal Location of Three Transfer Centers |
Chapter 7 | |
Figure 7.1. | General overview of the research |
Figure 7.2. | Selected 1-km2 in Old Downtown Area in Córdoba, Argentina |
Figure 7.3. | GPS Location of a Squared Block within the Selected 1-km2 |
Figure 7.4. | Component Graph to analyze the relation between Component 1 and Component 2 |
Figure 7.5. | Squared Blocks in the Factorial bidimensional Plot |
Figure 7.6. | Data Collection per Block and per Group |
Chapter 8 | |
Figure 8.1. | Steps of Statistical Analysis |
Figure 8.2. | Matrix of Probability of Occurrence vs Impact for Cargo Risks |
Chapter 9 | |
Figure 9.1. | Main Ports of the Brazil's Northern Arc |
Figure 9.2. | Export Cargo from São Luís (Itaqui) Port in Millions of Tons from 2014 to 2019 Grouped by Products |
Figure 9.3. | Central–Northern Corridor Map |
Figure 9.4. | Rail Freight Transport of Grains, Cellulose, and Fuel by VLI in the North–Central Corridor between 2014 and 2019, in Billion Tonne-kilometers |
Figure 9.5. | Methodology Summary |
Figure 9.6. | Railroad System at Port of São Luís |
Figure 9.7. | Number of Instances Grouped by the Number of Cyclic Flows |
Figure 9.8. | Double-Track Segments Defined by Terminals Entrance and Track Crossovers |
Figure 9.9. | BoxPlot of the Computational Time for all Group of Instances |
Chapter 10 | |
Figure 10.1. | Business size Distribution per Country |
Figure 10.2. | Economic Sector Distribution per Country |
Figure 10.3. | Gender Distribution per Country |
Figure 10.4. | Five-dimensional Approach for Data Collection of MSEs |
Chapter 11 | |
Figure 11.1. | Regular Replenishment Method (Left) and the Proposed Method (Right) |
Figure 11.2. | Heuristic Approach to Solve the S-CJRP |
Figure 11.3. | Genetic Algorithm Elitism Procedure |
Figure 11.4. | Total Cost Comparison between the Collaborative Method and the Individual Method for P1 |
Chapter 12 | |
Figure 12.1. | Evolution of the Peruvian Formal Micro and SMEs (2008–2017), in Millions |
Figure 12.2. | Five-Dimension Approach for Data Collection of MSEs |
Chapter 13 | |
Figure 13.1. | Categories of Bloom's Taxonomy Aligned to the Metric of Knowledge Level |
Figure 13.2. | Perspectives of Balance Scorecard and Performance Metrics |
Figure 13.3. | Results of Second Level “Understanding” in Bloom's Taxonomy of KPI Concept |
Figure 13.4. | Boxplot of Self-Reported Usage and Balance Scorecard Perspectives |
Figure 13.5. | Histogram of Self-Reported Usage by Classification of Strategies of the Firms Based on the Performance Metrics of Sousa (2005) |
Figure 13.6. | Scatterplot of Self-Reported Usage and Knowledge Level of the KPI Concept Score by Size of Firms |
Figure 13.7. | Scatterplot of Self-Reported Usage and Self-Reported Importance of KPIs (Mode) |
Chapter 14 | |
Figure 14.1. | Methodological Framework |
Figure 14.2. | Most Significant Issues with Nanostores in Low-income Areas |
Figure 14.3. | Causal Loop Diagram for Nanostores Operating in Low-Income Areas |
Figure 14.4. | Main Issues with Nanostores in Middle-income Areas (Respondents Could Choose More than One Answer) |
Figure 14.5. | Causal Loop Diagram for Nanostores Operating in Middle- and High-income Areas |
Figure 14.6. | Most Significant Issues with Nanostores in High-income Areas |
Chapter 15 | |
Figure 15.1. | Sample Representativeness with Respect to Nanostore Density per Block and Socioeconomic Middle Range |
Figure 15.2. | Nanostores and Supermarkets Located in Surco District (Lima, Perú) |
Figure 15.3. | Selecting a Retail Format Option (Nanostores vs Supermarkets) |
List of Tables
Chapter 2 | |
Table 2.1. | Database Summary by Region |
Table 2.2. | Variables Names and Descriptions |
Table 2.3. | Sites Models Descriptive Statistics and Correlations Table |
Table 2.4. | Firm Models Descriptive Statistics and Correlations Table |
Table 2.5. | All Models Results |
Chapter 3 | |
Table 3.1. | Glossary of auction terminology |
Table 3.2. | Description of Components Used in the Combinatorial Auction Model (a) |
Table 3.3. | Description of Components Used in the Volume Discount Auction Model (b) |
Table 3.4. | Description of Components Used in the Multi-criteria Decision Analysis Model (c) |
Chapter 4 | |
Table 4.1. | Mean Return on Investment (ROI) and Gross Margin Return on Inventory (GMROI) per Category |
Table 4.2. | Promotion Forecast Accuracy, Share Variation, and Elasticity per Category |
Table 4.3. | Regional Promotional Financial key performance indicators |
Chapter 5 | |
Table 5.1. | The 10 Steps of the Functional Strategy Map Protocol |
Table 5.2. | First Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process. The Relations between Criteria (Own Elaboration) |
Table 5.3. | Questionnaire (Own Elaboration) |
Table 5.4. | Coherence Matrix—Synergy (Own Elaboration) |
Table 5.5. | Matrix of Reinforcement and Reciprocity Relationship (Own Elaboration) |
Table 5.6. | Damaging Reciprocity Relationship Matrix (Own Elaboration) |
Table 5.7. | Support Values Matrix (Own Elaboration) |
Table 5.8. | Harmful Values Matrix (Own Elaboration) |
Table 5.9. | Matrix of Neutral Values (Own Elaboration) |
Table 5.10. | Matrix of Values DK-NO (Own Elaboration) |
Table 5.11. | Comparison Matrix (Own Elaboration) |
Table 5.12. | Normalized Matrix and Resulting Weights at Operational Level (Own Elaboration) |
Table 5.13. | Random Consistency Index (RI) (Own Elaboration) |
Chapter 6 | |
Table 6.1. | Cluster Categories and Zones within the City |
Table 6.2. | Shop Categories by Economic Activity |
Table 6.3. | Main Logistic Characteristics per District |
Table 6.4. | Analysis of Variance for the Obtained Results |
Table 6.5. | Freight Trip Generation Models per District |
Chapter 7 | |
Table 7.1. | Population Distribution by Size Class of Settlement for 2018 and 2030. The Authors, with Information from United Nations (2018) |
Table 7.2. | Total Explained Variance, Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as Extraction Method |
Table 7.3. | Component Matrix |
Table 7.4. | Coefficient Matrix to Compute Scores |
Chapter 8 | |
Table 8.1. | Summary of Lost Values of Stolen Goods (US$) per Location |
Table 8.2. | Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of Average Values |
Table 8.3. | Chi-square Hypothesis Testing for Cargo Risk vs Location |
Table 8.4. | Average Loss Values for Combinations of Locations and Incident Categories (US$ Thousands) |
Table 8.5. | Risk Scores/Rating for Average Loss Values (“Impact Risk”) |
Table 8.6. | Frequencies of all Combinations of Cargo Risk and Location |
Table 8.7. | Risk Scores/Rating for Frequency (“Probability of Risk”) |
Table 8.8. | Results of Chi-square Hypothesis Testing vs Robbery Values |
Table 8.9. | Logistic Regression of Cargo Robbery |
Chapter 9 | |
Table 9.1. | Indices |
Table 9.2. | Sets |
Table 9.3. | Parameters |
Table 9.4. | Unidirectional Routes for Each Flow |
Chapter 10 | |
Table 10.1. | Summary of the Analysis That Shows the Inconsistency in Surveys Responded by Managers of MSEs in Latin America |
Chapter 11 | |
Table 11.1. | Data for Analytical Example |
Table 11.2. | Results of the Model for Four Players |
Chapter 12 | |
Table 12.1. | Formal MSEs According to the Economic Sector |
Table 12.2. | Types of Practices Evaluated by Criteria |
Table 12.3. | Summary Statistics |
Table 12.4. | Mean Difference Test of the Adoption of Practices for Micro firms and Small Firms |
Table 12.5. | Simple OLS Results – Relationship between Aggregate Index Practices and Log Sales per Worker |
Table 12.6. | Multiple OLS Results – Relationship between Aggregate Index Practices and Log Sales per Worker |
Table 12.7. | Heterogeneous Effects – Complementarities among Different Practices |
Chapter 13 | |
Table 13.1. | Categorization by Key Performance Indicator Concepts Used in the Definition |
Table 13.2. | Percentage of Firms Surveyed by Size and Kind of Services Offered by Firms |
Table 13.3. | Achievement of Knowledge Level of the KPI Concept Competence According to Bloom's Taxonomy |
Table 13.4. | Results of Mann-Whitney Test |
Chapter 14 | |
Table 14.1. | Relationship between Gender and Income Level in Low-income Areas |
Table 14.2. | Relationship between Gender and Income Level in Middle-income Areas |
Table 14.3. | Relationship between Income Level and Percentage of Payment with Credit/Debit Card in Middle-Income Areas |
Table 14.4. | Relationship between Friendly Service and Variety of Products from Nanostores in Middle-income Areas |
Table 14.5. | Relationship between Income Level and Percentage of Purchases from Supermarkets in Middle-income Areas |
Table 14.6. | Relationship between Friendly Service and Loyalty to Nanostores in High-income Areas |
Table 14.7. | Relationship between Broader Assortment and Self-service in High-income Areas |
Chapter 15 | |
Table 15.1. | Analysis of Perceptions for Deciding to Purchase in a Grocery Store or a Supermarket, in Different Contexts |
Table 15.2. | Distribution of Socioeconomic Levels per Region in Lima |
Table 15.3. | List of Hypotheses to Be Tested to Predict Preference for Nanostores |
Table 15.4. | Descriptive Results From the Survey |
Table 15.5. | Differential Perceptions of Store Attributes |
Table 15.6. | Construct Reliability |
Table 15.7. | Logistics Regression Model for Explaining Format Choice |
About the Authors
Marcos Agurto – Marcos Agurto obtained his PhD in Economics at the Vancouver School of Economics (VSE). He is a Professor in Economics at Universidad de Piura, where he also serves as Vice President for Research and Director of Lima School of Economics. He has been a Visiting Lecturer at VSE and Visiting Scholar at Virginia Tech. His research focuses on development economics, social inclusion, applied econometrics, and impact evaluation. He has been a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank and a research mentor for the Partnership for Economic Policy Network, focusing on financial inclusion and price information projects in Africa.
René Amaya-Mier – René Amaya-Mier is a full-time professor of the Industrial Engineering Department at Universidad del Norte, in Barranquilla, Colombia. He holds over two decades of experience as a researcher in the fields of Operations Management and Operations Research. His research interests center in supply chain management, ICT applications in logistics, supply chain collaboration and gainsharing, coordinated product and supply chain design, reverse logistics and system dynamics. He is active member of IIE, INFORMS, IEOM, and the Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI) as part of the MIT SCALE Latin America network, as well as partner of the Port, Transport and Logistics Centre of Excellence at Uninorte.
Claudia Antonini – Claudia Antonini holds a PhD in Operations Research from the ISYE School at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. She is currently a professor in the Industrial Engineering School at Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología, UTEC in Lima, Perú. She has over 20 years teaching experience. Her research interests are probabilistic and statistical issues in the design and analysis of large-scale simulation experiments, including modeling, estimation, and generation of stochastic input processes, analysis of output processes, and variance reduction techniques. Recently, she has been working in applications in sales operations for emerging retail markets and agri-business supply chains
José A. Larco – José Antonio Larco holds a PhD in Operations Management & Logistics and an MPhil in Business Research from Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is currently a professor and Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering. He has taught courses on inventory planning, decision making, simulation, research methods, and facility design. His research focuses on behavioral operations in planning and goal/setting for work design. More recently, he has empirical methods applied for applications in sales operations for emergent retail markets and agri-business supply chains. In addition, he has over five years of experience in operations management and production planning in the industry.
Miguel Avila – Miguel Avila holds a BA degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidad de Ingenieria y Tecnologia, Barranco, Lima, Peru. Also, he holds a specialization in Business Intelligence and Data Mining from ESAN – UNIANDES. He has been working in the telecommunications sector for over two years in areas such as Customer Intelligence. His research interest focuses on techniques for improving the decision-making process using data, predictive models, customer analysis, conjoint analysis, and machine learning algorithms.
Luiz Barreto – Luiz Barreto works as Pathways Operations Manager for Amazon. He has over 10 years of supply chain experience, working in the automotive, heavy machinery, and public sectors. He earned his master's degree in Supply Chain Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He obtained two MBAs, one in Finance and one in International Relations, from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. He has also earned a graduate certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (GCLOG).
Sandor Boyson – Dr. Sandor Boyson is Research Professor at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park, and holds an affiliate faculty appointment at the Institute of Systems Research, Clark School of Engineering, College Park. Dr. Boyson is engaged in sponsored research as principal investigator/advisor in IT Supply Chain Risk Management for the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST); and he is the author of three reports on the subject released through NIST in 2010, 2011, and 2012. He is a member of the Advisory Committee on Supply Chain Competitiveness and currently serves as the Chair of the IT/Data Sub-Committee.
Allan M. C. Bretas – Allan M. C. Bretas is a PhD candidate at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Newcastle, Australia. He has a Production Engineering degree and a master's degree in Operations Research from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. As an operations research engineer, he has eight years of experience in the industry, where he applied optimization, simulation, and statistical methods to steelmaking, seaport, and railway transportation processes. His current research is an industry–academy partnership, where he applies Artificial Intelligence techniques for the optimization of rail freight transportation in the Hunter Valley coal supply chain.
Irineu de Brito Junior – Dr. Irineu de Brito Junior is a professor of Risk Management at Sao Paulo State University (Unesp) in São José dos Campos, Brazil. He is an invited Professor of Humanitarian Logistics at University of São Paulo (USP) and Professor of Humanitarian Logistics at São Paulo State University (USP) and Humanitarian Logistics Instructor at Civil Defense and World Food Programme (WFP). He received his BSc in Industrial Engineering; MSc in Logistics Engineering, and PhD in Industrial Engineering from USP. He is also a researcher at Center for Disaster Studies (CEPED) at USP, and his humanitarian research interests are in facility location, transportation, and donations management.
Andrés Cárdenas Hurtado – Andrés is an Industrial Engineer from the National University of Colombia with experience in sustainable logistics, optimization, modeling, data management, and visualization. He has experience in sustainability and strategy in supply chain, working in projects related to Carbon Footprint, Life Cycle Analysis, Efficient Promotions, Packaging Logistics, among others. He is currently serving as Coordinator of Research Projects for the Latin-American Center for Innovation in Logistics (CLI).
Ana M. Castañeda Velásquez – Ana Maria serves as the coordinator of the development of New Services for the Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI), where she has worked since 2016. She holds a master's degree in Information Management from Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito. She holds an undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering in the same university.
Mario Chong – Dr. Chong is a professor and member of the Research Center (CIUP) at the Universidad del Pacífico. He is Director of the Peruvian Association of Professionals in Logistics (APPROLOG). He has experience developing research projects, related to engineering and business such as humanitarian logistics, operations management, business strategy, supply chain, global business, agribusiness, operation research, and business models. He has also published several papers, chapters, and books. He has been associate dean of business engineering, director of corporate and international programs, academic director of Master's programs in Business Administration, Global Business, Agribusiness and Food and Supply Chain Management.
Thomas Corsi – Thomas Corsi (PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) is the Michelle Smith Professor of Logistics, Business, and Public Policy at the University of Maryland. He serves as Associate Editor for Transportation Research Series E: The Logistics and Transportation Review, Transportation Journal, and Journal of Business Logistics. He also serves on the Editorial Review Board for International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. His research interests include transportation safety and management practices.
Carlos H. F. Faria – Carlos H. F. Faria is a senior operations research analyst at Valor Logistica Integrada (VLI) Multimodal, Brazil. He has 10 years of experience in capacity planning for railways, ports, and terminals using operations research models. He earned his undergraduate degree in production engineering and master's in transport engineering from Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil, in 2010 and 2016, respectively. He is currently a PhD candidate in production engineering at UFMG.
Reginaldo C. Ferreira – Reginaldo Catarino Ferreira holds a master's degree in Supply Chain Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. He earned an MBA degree in Strategic Service Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas and a certificate in ISO 31000 and Risk Based Auditing from QSP Institute. He has over 18 years of experience in leadership positions in Risk Management, Internal Controls, and Corporate Security for the main Brazilian Risk Management companies dealing with cargo transportation.
Alejandro Gallegos – Alejandro Gallegos holds an Industrial Engineer Major from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería with a master's degree in Strategic Business Administration from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He also has a Six Sigma Black Belt and a Business Process Management Certificate. He has over 25 years of experience as a consultant in process, quality, and IT areas in leading companies of service and manufacturing sectors. He is a professor in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering at Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología, Barranco, Lima, Peru. He is currently the Chair of Quality at the school and the General Director at CODEGES company.
Jorge García Castillo – Jorge García Castillo is a senior manager at the Danish Refugee Council humanitarian operation in Latin America. He holds a Master's Degree of Engineering in Supply Chain Management from MIT and previously he obtained a double bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering and Mathematics from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Spain. He has extensive experience in the optimization sector in companies like IBM and Decide, and he has developed successful innovative products such as ORQUEST. He has also worked as innovation manager and served as a member of the executive group at the Center for Latin-America Logistics Innovation (CLI).
Joice C. Ribeiro Giacon – Joice Ribeiro Giacon is a Supply Chain professional with over 15 years of experience in procurement, distribution and transportation, project management and research. Since 2019, she is COO at Optimum Supply, a company focused in strategic decision analysis using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) applied in Business Procurement. She worked in Brazil at the University of São Paulo Center for Innovation in Logistics Systems (CISLog USP), Fundação Vanzolini, Natura Cosmetics, and Efeso Consulting. She is a Mechanical Engineer, with an MSc in Logistics Systems Engineering (both from USP) and specialization in Global Logistics & Supply Chain Management (MIT GCLOG program).
Curt Grimm (postmortem) – Curtis Grimm was professor and Charles A. Taff chair of Economics and Strategy at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. From 1995 to 2003, Professor Grimm served as Logistics, Business, and Public Policy department chair. He received his PhD in economics from the University of California–Berkeley, with his primary focus on industrial organization. Professor Grimm conducted extensive research in both supply chain management, with a strong focus on surface freight transportation, and strategic management. His research focused on the interface of business and public policy with strategic management, with a particular emphasis on competition, competition policy, deregulation, and microeconomic reform both in the United States and overseas.
Lucas S. M. Guedes – Lucas S. M. Guedes is the operations research leader at Valor Logistica Integrada (VLI) Multimodal, Brazil. In the last three years, he has been working on optimization projects, capacity sizing, and risk measurement at VLI. He earned his bachelor degree in production engineering, his master's degree and PhD in electrical engineering in operations research from Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil, in 2010, 2012, and 2016, respectively.
Gerardo Heckmann – Dr. Heckmann is a senior professor at the National University of Córdoba (UNC), Argentina, where he leads the Master in Business Administration (MBA) and the Bachelor in Strategy courses. He is the executive director of the Micromasters in Service Management: Design of Successful Experiences, UNCordobaX, on the EdX platform. He works in Statistical Methods, Market Research, and Service Management.
José R. Hernandéz-Arreola – José Rodrigo Hernández-Arreola graduated as an Industrial and Systems Engineer from Monterrey Tech, in 2017. José Rodrigo completed his chapter back in 2016, as part of a final project of System Dynamics. He performed consulting for Mead Johnson Nutrition and developed a project for Farmacias San Pablo before his graduation. Currently, he works for Walmart Mexico as an executive manager for a set of stores. Before being appointed to this position, he led projects related to improve administrative operations and other store tasks, as well as to boost innovation in Walmart stores.
David Hidalgo-Carvajal – David Hidalgo-Carvajal is a PhD candidate at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He holds a BEng in Aeronautical Engineering and a MSc in Industrial Engineering. He worked as researcher in urban logistics and sustainability at Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI), as well as European Union projects (INSPIRE and NEXT-NET), at Zaragoza Logistics Center, both part of the MIT SCALE Network. In addition, he serves as Senior Teaching Assistant at GCLOG program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He currently works at WEDistrict project, a European Union project for renewable energies, and CircularizatETSII project, a local project in Madrid aiming to create circular economy models for the city. His current research focuses mainly on product servitization, circular economy and strategies for reshaping supply chain, including SMEs and nanostores’ perspectives.
Miguel Jaller – Dr. Miguel Jaller is an Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Davis, and Co-Director of the Sustainable Freight Research Center at the Institute of Transportation Studies, Davis. He received his BSc and MSc degrees in Industrial Engineering from Universidad del Norte, Colombia, and his MEng degree in Transportation Engineering, MScdegree in Applied Mathematics, and PhD in Transportation Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His research is highly multidisciplinary and concentrates on analyzing the societal and private impacts of transport and logistics operations, technology, and policies to develop tools to achieve a sustainable transportation system.
Ana Luna – Ana Luna, PhD, is a full-time professor and a Research Scientist at Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, Peru. She has worked for several years in the Solid Lasers Division at DEILAP, CONICET–Argentina. Within the photonics area, she was dedicated to the study of the generation of structural color. She applied different optimization algorithms in the study of natural photonic structures. She currently does research in mathematical modeling analyzing the air quality using several sensors. She also evaluates distribution systems and air pollutant emissions in the logistics systems from Lima, Peru. Results will be part of the “Smart Cities” project.
Camil Martínez – Camil Martínez (PhD, University of Maryland) is a Post Doctorate Associate at Los Andes University in Bogotá, Colombia. Her research interests include the digital transformation in developing economies, technology adoption for the small and medium enterprises, the impact of supply chain risk management on firm resilience and country resilience and urban logistics. Dr. Martínez' work has been published in several journals, including Transportation Research Part E.
Marina G. Mattos – Dr. Marina Mattos is a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT, where her research focuses on sustainable supply chains for circular economy. She also works for the MIT Leadership Engineering Program teaching grad students. Marina holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering, an MSc degree in Transportation Engineering, and a BEng degree in Robotics from UFMG, Brazil. She obtained the Master Level in Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management from MIT and completed the MIT Sloan Program for International Fashion and Luxury Management. Her education also includes a marketing MBA from UFPR, ports engineering from UFRJ, strategical logistics from UFMG, and railroad engineering from IME.
Diego Matuk – Diego is a research assistant for the Research Center of Universidad del Pacifico (CIUP). He is a specialist in logistics, urban and humanitarian transport networks, and last mile transportation for small business. His main work includes publishing papers, chapters, and books related to the aforementioned topics.
Bruno T. Medeiros – Bruno T. Medeiros is a senior operations research analyst at Valor Logística Integrada (VLI) Multimodal, Brazil. In the last four years, he has worked on capacity planning for railways, ports, and terminals using discrete event simulation models at VLI. He holds a bachelor's degree in production engineering, a specialization in business administration and an MBA in Engineering and Simulation. He is currently a master student in Transport Engineering at UFMG, Brazil.
Christopher Mejía Argueta – Dr. Christopher Mejía Argueta is a Research Scientist at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics with over 14 years of experience. He does research on retailing operations and supply chain management for food and agri-business. His research focuses on improving the efficiency and flexibility of operations for multiple stakeholders, designing route-to-market and logistics strategies to address changing purchasing patterns, coupling these dynamic consumer profiles with the retail landscape, and reducing undesired socioeconomic and health problems like income disparity, food malnutrition, food waste by proposing data-driven decision and policy-making processes. Dr. Mejía serves as the Director of the MIT SCALE Latin America network, and he is the founder and director of the Food and Retail Operations Lab (MIT FaROL).
Gianmarco Merino – Mr. Merino is an engineering consultant in Supply Chain and Business Management in Latin America. He worked as a researcher in the MIT GeneSys Project.
Jairo Montoya-Torres – Jairo R. Montoya-Torres is a Full Professor and Director of the PhD Program in Logistics and Supply Chain Management of the School of Engineering at Universidad de La Sabana. He holds a Postdoctoral Diploma “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” from INSA Lyon and Claude Bernard University, Lyon, France and a PhD from École des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France. His research interests lie broadly in simulation and optimization of logistics and production systems, supply chain analytics, scheduling and supply chain design, and management under collaborative and sustainable environments. He also serves as part of the scientific committee of the MIT SCALE Latin America Conference.
Breno D. Moreira – Breno D. Moreira is the operations research and long-term planning manager at Valor Logistica Integrada (VLI) Multimodal in Brazil. He holds a production engineering undergraduate degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and a specialist degree in Integrated Logistic from Pontifícia Universidade Católica from Minas Gerais (PUC-MG) in Brazil. He has nine years of experience in VLI focused on long-term planning, strategic projects, capacity planning analyses, and optimization projects.
Clara Orellana-Rojas – Clara Orellana-Rojas is a research engineer at the Institute of Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ. Her research focuses on studies of Supply Chain Sustainability and Circular Economy, Urban Logistics and Productivity. More particularly, her current research focuses on the analysis of the maritime transportation dynamics in the Galapagos Islands. This is a study of inter-island passenger transportation for the creation of new routes and transportation policies that allow the reduction of environmental impact and externalities that affect the ecosystems.
María B. Ortíz – María Belén Ortíz holds an MSc in Industrial and Systems Engineering with a specialization in Cognitive Engineering from Ohio State University. She is currently a PhD candidate in Engineering Management at the University of Alberta. Her research is related to customer satisfaction management systems for the healthcare sector. Maria is a Fulbright alum and a recipient of the “International Postgraduate Study” scholarship funded by the Peruvian government.
Carlos Otero-Palencia – Palencia is a graduate research student at the Civil and Environment Engineering Department at the University of California, Davis. He is a PhD candidate in the Industrial Engineering Program at Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia, where he also received his BAs and MSc Degrees in the same program. His research focuses on supply chain collaboration and gainsharing, third revolution in freight transportation, sustainable transportation systems, and optimization. Carlos is currently working on the design of strategies to reduce both logistics costs and carbon emissions in the supply chain operation.
Eduardo Pale-Jiménez – Eduardo Pale-Jiménez holds a BSc in Industrial Engineering and Systems from Monterrey Tech, where he graduated back in 2017. Eduardo developed his chapter as part of a final project in the System Dynamics class during 2016. He works as a production line manager/supervisor at Grupo Zucarmex, the most important sugar manufacturer in Mexico.
John P. Paraskevas – John-Patrick Paraskevas (PhD, University of Maryland) is an Assistant Professor at Miami University. His research interests include the impact of supply chain management representation on the top management team, supply chain risk management, and buyer–supplier relationships. Dr. Paraskevas' work has been published in the Journal of Supply Chain Management.
Alicia Pérez – Alicia Pérez is the head of fresh supply in a global company. She holds a master's degree in Supply Chain Management at Universidad del Pacífico and an undergraduate degree in Food Industry Engineering at Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. She has more than 15 years of experience in the creation, management, and investment projects in the agri-business sector. Her research interests include business strategy, food and beverage supply chain projects, and innovation in agri-food.
Daniel F. Prato – Daniel is a senior researcher at CLI, with major interest in generating competitiveness and development in emerging countries taking advantage of the large amount of data available, technological platforms, and the use of models. He aims to predict real-world phenomena, facilitate decision-making processes, provide technical support, and generate public policies that guarantee efficiency in operations, management of resources, and facilitate the design of strategies to improve mobility in megacities. Daniel is an Environmental Engineer from the EAN University, with a master's degree in Automotive Engineering and a PhD in Engineering Sciences from Monterrey Tech, Mexico.
Bernardo Puente-Mejia – Bernardo Puente-Mejia is a research engineer in the Institute of Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ, where his main research interests focus on urban logistics, supply chain management related topics in Latin America, and data science. He earned his B.Eng. in Industrial Engineering from Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador, in 2018. He participated at a Latin America SCALE Conference 2018, where he was granted with the Best Student Paper Award. He has also earned the Micromasters Credential in Supply Chain Management from MITx in 2019 and graduated from the MIT GCLOG Program Class 2020.
María F. Rangel Espinosa – María Fernanda Rangel is an alum of Monterrey Tech. She holds a BSc degree in Industrial Engineering and Systems. Maria Fernanda developed her chapter as part of a final project in the System Dynamics class during 2016. She worked for Abbott immediately after her graduation. She currently works in Walmart Mexico, where she has served as administrative project manager in a project related to develop omni-channel strategies, as vice manager of innovation and omni-channel distribution, and currently, she is a specialist in operations management for omni-channel distribution. She also holds a certificate from MIT Sloan Business of School in Innovation of Products and Services.
David E. Salinas-Navarro – Dr. David E. Salinas-Navarro is an Associate Professor at Monterrey Tech. He holds a PhD in Business/Management Systems from the University of Lincoln and an MBA from Monterrey Tech. His research work focuses on Educational Innovation for Industrial Engineering in Experiential Learning Spaces such as the Lean Thinking Learning Space and the Social Lab for Sustainable Logistics. In 2018, he obtained a Silver Award in the category of Presence Learning and Teaching at the QS Reimagine Education competition. He is an academic advisor for the UCLOG and leads the Educational Innovation track in the MIT SCALE Latin America network.
Brenda Silupú– Brenda Silupú Garcés is a PhD candidate in Business Administration and Management from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is a researcher on issues of Informality, Supply Chain, Business Management in small businesses. She is a research professor in the area of finance at the University of Piura. She works in the GeneSys initiative and is the point of contact for Universidad de Piura with the MIT SCALE Latin America network.
Alessandro S. Silva – Alessandro Santos Silva holds executive positions in Operations and Services, mainly in the Telecommunications industry, during the last 20 years. He holds a master's degree in Management Engineering, and an MBA and a specialization in International Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. He has also obtained a Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (GCLOG) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2019.
Juan D. Suárez Moreno – Juan David Suárez holds a master's degree in Industrial Engineering with a focus on Humanitarian Logistics from the National University of Colombia, where he also earned his undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering. He has experience in research at Universidad Nacional, executing projects for various national and local government entities. Also, he has experience in complex system modeling and in the development of customized optimization applications. Additionally, his academic experience includes the GCLOG program (Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management) certification offered by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and work with the Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI).
Carlos Suárez-Núñez – Carlos is a professor-researcher in the Industrial Engineering Department at Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) and a consultant with the Center of Development and Transfer of Technologies (CTT-USFQ). He is the founder and director of the Institute of Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ, and is the Director of the Master Program in Industrial Engineering at USFQ. He is the co-lead of the “Urban Logistics and Last Mile Operations” research track for the MIT SCALE Latin America network.
Cansu Tayaksi – Cansu Tayaksi is a Postdoctoral Associate at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL), where she supports the Supply Chain Management Blended Program. She has over six years of research experience in Operations Management in academia and has joined numerous national and European Union projects in Turkey as a researcher. Cansu Tayaksi holds a BSc degree in Software Engineering, a Master of Business Administration degree, and a PhD in Business Administration with major in Operations Management from Izmir University of Economics, Turkey.
Jennifer Uchofen – Jennifer L. Uchofen Carrión is an Industrial Engineer from Universidad de Piura. Jennifer is currently working as a logistic analyst in a Peruvian retail company with over 33 stores and four distribution centers around Peru. She is in charge of the management of the logistics operation in the distribution centers, designing new strategies to boost efficiency and continuous improvement. Previously, she had also been directly involved with the development and implementation of logistic processes in the company's stores.
Juan J. Vega – Juan J. Vega is a Research Assistant at CICE, FCE, National University of Córdoba, Argentina, he is a graduate in administration and a doctoral candidate. He has a wide expertise in the Service Sector.
Josué C. Velázquez-Martínez – Dr. Josué C. Velázquez Martínez is a Research Scientist at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL). He has vast experience in conducting applied research on Sustainable Logistics in emerging markets. Dr. Velázquez Martínez leads two research streamlines: the MIT Sustainable Logistics initiative and the MIT Genesys, an initiative to increase the productivity and survival of micro and small firms. Dr. Velázquez Martínez holds a PhD, an MSc and a BSc degree in industrial engineering from Monterrey Tech (Mexico). Before joining MIT CTL, he served as the dean of School of Engineering at Monterrey Tech in Santa Fe, Mexico, and he was a postdoc at the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands.
José Villena – José Andrés Villena Bayona is a Budget and Acquisitions consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) in Washington D.C., with over nine years of experience in public and private sectors. His research interests include environmental sustainability and integration of supply chain operations, especially in purchases, production, distribution, and risk management in global supply chains. Prior to joining the IADB, José Andrés has been involved in International Business Development in the fishing, metal foundries, mining, and hospitality industries in Latin America.
Jenny E. Yalico – Jenny holds a BA degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología, Barranco, Lima, Perú. Also, she holds a specialization in Business Intelligence from Cibertec. She has worked in the consumer goods companies for over three years in areas of Supply Chain and Project Management. Her research interest focuses on techniques for improving processes using data, statistical analysis, and Lean Manufacturing.
Hugo Yoshizaki – Prof. Yoshizaki is a senior professor at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, where he co-directs the Center for Innovation in Logistics Systems (CISLog). He is a full member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Standing Committee on Urban Freight Transportation, and vice-president, Americas, of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS). He also leads several regional research initiatives in the MIT SCALE Latin America network, including the humanitarian logistics and disaster relief research track. He also serves as part of the scientific committee of the MIT SCALE Latin America Conference.
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Updates in Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Part I Strategic Topics in Supply Chain Management
- Chapter 2 The Impact of Environmental Risks in Supply Chain Resilience
- Chapter 3 NGO's Supplier Selection and Procurement Cost Reduction with Multi-dimensional Auctions
- Chapter 4 A Collaborative Assessment of Promotions Performance Using Financial KPIs
- Chapter 5 An Analytical Hierarchy Approach Applied in the Packaging Supply Chain
- Part II Urban Logistics Operations and Freight Transportation
- Chapter 6 Data-driven Solutions for Evaluating and Planning Last Mile Operations in Latin America: A Methodological Approach Focused in Quito, Ecuador
- Chapter 7 Identifying Underlying Urban Logistics Factors in Old Downtown of Córdoba, Argentina
- Chapter 8 Risk Analysis of Transporting Goods by Road in Brazil
- Chapter 9 Daily Train Scheduling in Seaport Terminal: A MILP approach
- Part III Supply Chain Operations for Micro and Small Firms and Retail Operations for Nanostores
- Chapter 10 Supply Chain Management for Micro and Small Firms in Latin America
- Chapter 11 Collaborative Inventory Replenishment: Discussions and Insights of a Cost-Effective Alternative for Noncompetitive Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises
- Chapter 12 Adoption of Best Business and Supply Chain Practices and Micro/small Firms' Performance: Evidence from Northern Peru
- Chapter 13 Managers' Knowledge of Key Performance Indicators in Small and Medium Enterprises: Wood and Timber SMEs in Peru
- Chapter 14 Increasing Competitiveness of Nanostore Business Models for Different Socioeconomic Levels
- Chapter 15 A Discrete Choice Model for Retailer Selection in Emerging Markets
- Index