Beyond Multi-channel Marketing
ISBN: 978-1-83867-686-5, eISBN: 978-1-83867-685-8
Publication date: 17 June 2020
(2020), "Prelims", Palazzo, M., Foroudi, P. and Siano, A. (Ed.) Beyond Multi-channel Marketing, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xvii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Beyond Multi-channel Marketing
A very significant contribution to a rapidly growing field, valuing its diversity and at the same time making important inroads into clarifying some key concepts
Prof. Jillian Farquhar PhD, AM, School of Business, Law and Communications, Solent University, UK.
The marketing field needs more books such as this one. Dual marketing is a niche area of marketing that is very little known and written about. The authors have done a thorough and excellent job in putting together an up-to-date and comprehensive book that can become a definite work of reference on the topic of dual marketing for both scholars and practitioners.
Prof. Bang Nguyen, Professor of Marketing, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Denmark.
The authors describe Dual Marketing as the ‘practice of selling the same product both to consumers and business customers’. The topic has long been of interest to marketing practitioners and academics but now takes on a new importance with the blurring of barriers between channels and between supply chain members, and the digitisation of marketing processes. This book is an excellent contribution to contemporary thinking and represents an insightful, conceptual take on the important topic of Dual Marketing. I strongly recommend it to all who want to know more about dual, multi- and omni-channel marketing in the digital age.
Prof. Charles Dennis, Professor of Consumer Behaviour, Departmental Research Leader, Middlesex University London, UK.
Title Page
Beyond Multi-channel Marketing: Critical Issues in Dual Marketing
Edited by
Maria Palazzo
Pantea Foroudi
Alfonso Siano
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2020
Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-83867-686-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83867-685-8 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83867-687-2 (Epub)
To my sons Giulio Maria and Giuseppe Maria
Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them
–Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince.
To my Father, Dr Mohammad Foroud Foroudi, my Mum, Flora Mahdavi and my Brother Dr Mohammad Mahdi Foroudi
To my daughter Daniela and in memory of my father Carmine
List of Figures
Figure 2.1 | Impact of Public Policy in the Housing Market |
Figure 2.2 | Strategic Net and Issue-based Net Members in Property Market |
Figure 5.1 | Integrated Marketing Communication Model |
Figure 5.2 | Validated Model |
Figure 6.1 | Flowchart for Dual Marketing |
Figure 8.1 | The Research Conceptual Model |
Figure 11.1 | Distribution of Publications per Year |
Figure 11.2 | Distribution of Publications per Journal |
Figure 11.3 | Main Issues Related to DM |
Figure 11.4 | Main Issues Related to Dual Marketing |
List of Tables
Table 4.1 | Approaches and Findings in B2B Branding Literature |
Table 5.1 | Demographic Profile of Respondents |
Table 5.2 | Constructs and Scale Items |
Table 5.3 | Measurement Model Evaluation for First-order Constructs |
Table 5.4 | Measurement Model Evaluation for First-order Constructs |
Table 5.5 | Discriminant Validity (B2B) |
Table 5.6 | Discriminant Validity (B2C) |
Table 5.7 | Results of Hypothesis Testing |
Table 8.1 | Initial Pool of Items |
Table 11.1 | Main Advantages and Features of IB, IMC, and DM |
Table 11.2 | Four Dual Marketer's Options |
About the Contributors
Ogechi Adeola is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Lagos Business School (LBS), Pan-Atlantic University, Nigeria. She is also the Academic Director, LBS Sales and Marketing Academy. Her research interests include tourism and hospitality marketing, strategic marketing, brand management and digital marketing strategies in sub-Saharan Africa (e-mail:
Tuğra Nazlı Akarsu (PhD) is a Lecturer in Marketing at Southampton Business School, University of Southampton. She completed her PhD in Business as a recipient of the Dean Excellence Scholarship at Middlesex University London. Her research interests are in the fields of sensory marketing, branding, and consumer psychology. She has published in Journal of Business Research, Journal of Happiness Studies, and contributed to various conferences and book chapters (e-mail:
Nader Seyyed Amiri is an Assistant Professor in the University of Tehran, Faculty of Entrepreneurship. Also, he is Head of MBA and DBA Programs in this Faculty. He has a PhD of Marketing from this university and works as a Guest Researcher at the Aalborg University of Denmark, Campus of Copenhagen. Nader's research area is entrepreneurial and digital marketing in tourism and small and medium e-businesses. As a member of the ITS and the Asian Marketing Association, he is a consultant and author of many academic articles and books in these fields (e-mail:
Norbani Che-Ha (PhD) is an Associate Professor and Head of the Marketing Department, Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Her research interests are in Marketing Capabilities, Branding, Consumer behaviour and Small and Medium Enterprises (e-mail:
Cheah Chee Wei (PhD) is an Associate Professor at Business School, Shenzhen Technology University, China. He was a Research Associate with the Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. His research areas are in B2B marketing strategy and business networks (e-mail:
Maria Giovanna Confetto, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Economics and Business Management at the Department of Political and Communication Sciences of the University of Salerno (Italy), where she teaches Social Media Planning and Monitoring. Her research activity concerns Marketing, Brand Management, Digital Marketing and Sustainability. She is the author of monographs, contributions in volumes and articles published in leading national and international academic journals, such as Journal of Marketing Communications, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Museum Management and Curatorship, and Sinergie (e-mail:
Francesca Conte, PhD, is Research Fellow in Marketing Communications at the Department of Political, Social and Communication Studies, University of Salerno (Italy). She earned her PhD in 2014 with research focused on leadership and CEO communication. Her research interests mainly concern corporate sustainability, CSR communication, CEO communication and cultural heritage management. She has published in leading international journals, including Journal of Business Research and CSR & Environmental Management (e-mail:
Claudia Covucci is a PhD Fellow in Marketing Management, at the Department of Economics and Statistics Sciences of the University of Salerno. Her main research interests are digital and social media marketing and corporate sustainability communication. She is a co-author of articles on these topics published in national and international journals (e-mail:
Jimoh Fatoki worked as a Research Assistant in the Department of Operations Management at Lagos Business School, Nigeria. He has co-authored a few research articles, and he is currently a PhD student and Graduate Assistant in the Department of Business Administration and Management at New Mexico State University in the United States His research interests include e-commerce, quality management, business analytics, and supply chain management (email:
Maria Antonella Ferri is Full Professor of Management at Universitas Mercatorum, where she teaches Strategy, Marketing and Management. She got a PhD in Business Management at The University Ca' Foscari of Venice; she became a researcher at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ and then Associate Professor at the Parthenope University of Naples. She is interested in strategic sustainability, social responsibility, business model and marketing plan. She published several books and articles on these items (e-mail:
Mohammad M. Foroudi (PhD, BSc (Honour)) is a Co-Founder and Managing Director of Foroudi Consultancy. He is responsible for managing the firm's worldwide interests and enhancing its strategic and creative global offering to our clients in the UK, including the growth and development of their brand, company's corporate identity and architecture since 2013. He earned his PhD from Brunel University London. He has published widely in international academic journals such as Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, and so on (e-mail:
Pantea Foroudi (PhD, FHEA, MSc (Honours), MA, BA (Honours)) is Business Manager and Solution Architect at Foroudi Consultancy as well as is a member of the Marketing, Branding, and Tourism, Middlesex University London. She earned her PhD from Brunel University London. Pantea has started her corporate position since 1996. Her research interests include marketing, branding, communications, visual identity/design, stakeholders, and social media, and e-marketing from a multi-disciplinary approach. Pantea has published widely in international academic journals such as Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, and so on. She has presented at numerous conferences, workshops and universities. She is the Guest Editor of Journal of Business Research and Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal.
Mohammad Jalali is an M.Sc. of Entrepreneurship at the University of Tehran in Iran. His research interests include online customer behaviour in services industries, especially in the tourism industry and online shopping (e-mail:
Reza Marvi is a PhD student at Middlesex University, London, United Kingdom. He holds a Master of Science degree in Entrepreneurship (Business creation) of University of Tehran. His main interest and research projects are customer engagement and brand love (e-mail:
T.C. Melewar (BSc, MBA, PhD) is Professor of Marketing and Strategy and Head of Department (Marketing, Branding and Tourism-MBT) at The Business School, Middlesex University London, UK. TC's research interests include corporate identity/branding and international marketing strategy. He has published over 80 journal articles in academic journals such as the Journal of International Business Studies, International Marketing Review, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of World Business, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Management Review, Journal of Marketing Communications, International Journal of Market Research and International Journal of Advertising, among others. He has written three research books in the area of corporate branding/identity and international marketing with publishers such as Routledge and Palgrave. He was the former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Brand Management. Now he is the Editor Emeritus of this journal (e-mail:
Suhana Mohezar (PhD) is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Her research interests include value chain management, innovations and disruptive technology (e-mail:
Solongo Munkhbat graduated with an MA (Honours) Degree in Strategic Branding and Stakeholder Communication at Middlesex University London (e-mail:
Obinna S. Muogboh is Faculty Member at Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic University. He was an International Fellow at INSEAD, France, and The Open University, UK. His research and consultancy are in the areas of analytics and operations strategy. He received his MSc and PhD from the University of Pittsburgh, USA (e-mail:
Alireza Nankali is a PhD Researcher at Tehran University. He also is the Head of Marketing and Branding at Global companies in Tehran, Iran (e-mail:
Maria Palazzo (PhD, AFHEA, FHEA, MSc (Honours), MA, BA (Honours)) is a Research Fellow at the Department of Political and Communication Studies, University of Salerno (Italy) and a member of the ‘Sustainability Communication Centre’ (SCC) ( She was a former Lecturer at the University of Bedfordshire, School of Business (London, Luton, UK), a Visiting Scholar at the University of Granada (Granada, Spain) and a Visiting Lecturer at the Universidad del Norte, Escuela de Negocios (Barranquilla, Colombia). She is also an academic tutor and a lecturer at the Universitas Mercatorum (Rome, Italy). Her articles have been published in the TQM Journal, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, Journal of Brand Management and in other academic outlets.
Nuria Rodríguez-Priego works as a Researcher in Behavioural Economics in the Autonomous University of Madrid, where she also teaches Microeconomics. She has a PhD in Economics, a Master in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour and a Master in Empirical Economics. She was a scientific officer in the European Commission, a Visiting Scholar at Yale University (CT, USA), University of Bedfordshire (London, Luton, UK), University of Leeds (Leeds, UK), and Decision Research Centre (OR, USA), and an Assistant Professor at the University of Granada (Granada, Spain).
Gholam Heydar Salami is a Scientific Member of University of Tehran (Business Department), Employment School of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Iran, PhD (sociology), President of the Iranian Scientific Association Member of the supreme council of cultural heritage and tourism of Iran Managing Director of Holding Social Security Tourism (e-mail:
Domenico Sardanelli earned a PhD in Marketing Management from the University of Salerno. His research interests mainly involve consumer behaviour and organizational behaviour. He is a co-author of articles on these topics published in national and international journals (e-mail:
Alfonso Siano is Professor and Chair of Marketing and of Corporate Communication and Brand Management at the University of Salerno (Italy). He is the Scientific Director of the ‘Sustainability Communication Centre’ (SCC) ( He teaches and carries out research in marketing communication, corporate communication and reputation, CSR and sustainability communication. He has published eight books and several book chapters. He has published in a wide range of international academic journals, including Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Tourism Research, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Marketing Communications, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Electronic Commerce Research, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management and Sustainability, among others.
Agostino Vollero is Assistant Professor at the Department of Political and Communication Sciences, University of Salerno, Italy, where he teaches Digital Marketing and e-Commerce. His primary research interests include CSR communication and greenwashing. He has published in leading international journals, including Journal of Business Research and CSR & Environmental Management (e-mail:
Sayabek Ziyadin is the Professor, Doctor of Economic Science and Director of the Center for Economic Research at al-Farabi Kazakh National University. His work has attracted the best research paper awards in both the database Scopus and the Clarivate. Research interests: marketing, tourism and regional development; innovation and digitalization; project management; sustainability.
- Prelims
- Part I Introduction
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Part II Mapping the Field
- Chapter 2 Evolution of Supply Chains and Dual Marketing Strategies: A Case on the Impact of Public Policy on Dual Marketing Strategy
- Chapter 3 Using Quelch's Tools to Explore and Put Dual Marketing into Practice: Benefits, Opportunities and Risks
- Part III Extending the Field
- Chapter 4 Industrial Branding: Communicating in Business-to-Business Sector
- Chapter 5 Integrated Marketing Communication in B2B2C Area
- Chapter 6 Transforming the Complexity of Having Multiple Channels to an Asset: Reflective Critics on the Dual Marketing and Co-branding
- Part IV From Field to Practice
- Chapter 7 From Dual Marketing to Marketing 4.0: The Role Played by Digital Technology and the Internet
- Chapter 8 Against the Odds: Consequences of Social Media in B2B and B2C
- Chapter 9 Approach to Dual Marketing: Re-organisation of Structures and Development of Competencies
- Part V Conclusion
- Chapter 10 Business Areas That Can Benefit of Dual Marketing Practices: Presentation of Case Studies
- Chapter 11 Toward a Conclusion
- Index