ISBN: 978-1-83867-502-8, eISBN: 978-1-83867-499-1
Publication date: 15 November 2021
Bevan, S. and Cooper, C.L. (2021), "Index", The Healthy Workforce (The Future of Work), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 223-228.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 by Emerald Publishing Limited
Absence, 24
Accounting for human capital, 180–181
Agreeableness, 199–200
APHIRM toolkit, 120–122
Attribution, 158–159
of effect, 147–148
Attrition bias, 159
Big data, 179
Black Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds (BAME backgrounds), 63–64
Board Agenda, investors force well-being onto, 194–195
Bridging the Gap (BTG), 128
Business performance metrics, linking workforce well-being to, 192–194
Businesses, 176–177
Buy-side analysts, 182
Capital, 179–180
Capital investment analogy, 175–176
Captives, capturing data from, 70–71
Centre for Mental Health in UK, 30
Chief executive officers (CEOs), 177–178
Chief Medical Officers (CMOs), 217
Clinical nurse specialists (CNS), 129
Cognitive crafting, 40, 106
Command and control culture, 107–108
Conflicting outcomes, 162–163
Conscientiousness, 196–200
as asset, 201–202
Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ), 120
Corporate Health Achievement Award (CHAA), 193
Counterproductive Work Behaviour, 38
COVID-19. See also Lockdowns
front line, 62–65
and health of workforce, 61–62
mental health at work and, 76–81
and social gradient in health, 65–68
Crafting, 40, 106
Dead-weight effect, 159
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM III), 37–38
Discrimination in employment, 18–19
Duration of follow-up, 147
Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs), 102
Employee participation, 143–146
Employer perspective, 27
discrimination, 18–19
employment-focussed social prescribing, 128
rate, 12–13
Environmental Social and Governance (ESG), 179–180
European Occupational Safety and Health Agency (EUOSHA), 132
European Union (EU), 14–15, 181
Executive functions, 41–42, 150–151
at work, 41–47
Facemasks, 219–220
Fatal accidents, 14–15
Friction cost method, 26–27
Friction period, 26–27
General practitioners (GPs), 115, 126
Generalisability, 147
Global Reporting Index (GRI), 182, 190–191
Hawthorne effect, 159–160
Health. See also Workforce health
as ‘factor of production’, 7–9
and executive functions at work, 41–47
impact of health on task performance, 33–47
of key workers, 62–65
managers influence, 94–97
promotion, 83–84, 143
and task performance at work, 37–41
three ways of thinking, 10–12
and underemployment, 16–18
in workplace, 24–33
Health and Safety Executive (HSE), 15
Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), 35
Healthcare professionals (HCPs), 3, 113, 116
prevention, 117–123
primary care, 123–127
productive work as healthcare outcome, 135–136
secondary care, 127–132
vocational rehabilitation, 132–135
work as clinical outcome, 113–117
Healthy worker, 1
High-performance HRM practices, 162
Human capital
accounting for, 180–181
method, 26
Human resource management (HRM), 91–92, 160, 162
Human resources (HR), 1, 142–143, 180
initiatives, 160–163
Ill-health. See also Health, 12–24
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), 126–127
Information asymmetry, 131–132
Institute for Employment (IES), 70
Institutional investors, 182
Intangible assets, 89, 177–178
reporting employee well-being as, 181–192
Integrated reporting, 179–180
Inverse care law, 145
Job Crafting, 39–40, 105–106
Job demands-resources model (JD-R model), 96–97
Job design, 38–39
Knowledge economy, 180
market participation, 10–12, 24
productivity, 4–5
Lagged effects, 159
Leadership capital index, 180
Learn as you go approach, 220–221
Lifestyle diseases, 15–16
Line managers, 3, 98, 213, 216
Lockdowns, 62–63
as laboratory, 68–76
returning to work after, 81–84
Long COVID, 84–85
Lujatalo, Finland, risk assessment and work adaptation at, 124
helping employees to ‘flourish’, 98–100
influence health and productivity, 94–97
management support and mental health at work, 100–107
random acts of kindness, 107–108
squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
at work, 89–90
Medical/clinical vulnerability risk assessment, 83
Mental health at work and COVID-19, 76–81
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), 155–156
Messages for managers, 74–76
Modifiable health risks, 119, 143
Moral injury, 64–65
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), 24–25, 35, 120, 122
Mutual benefits, 162
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 154–155
New normal, 84–85
Non-work-related deaths, 15
Normal weight, 64
Obesity, 19
Occupational Health (OH), 1, 104–105, 123, 126, 216–217
Office of National Statistics (ONS), 68
Operating and Financial Review (OFR), 181
Personal and protective equipment (PPE), 62, 219–220
Physical distancing, 77–78
Physical strain, 120–122
Poor design, 157–158
Poor sleep, 43, 45–46
Premature mortality, 14–16
Premature withdrawal from labour market, 21–24
Presenteeism, 24
costs and consequences, 28–32
Prevention, 117–123
Primary care, 123–127
Production function, 8
Productive capacity in workplace, 24–33
Productive work as healthcare outcome, 135–136
Productivity, 2, 12, 24
loss in RA, 35
managers influence, 94–97
three ways of thinking, 10–12
Protected characteristics, 18
Psychological contract, 90
Psychological safety, 64–65
Psychosocial risks, 219
at work, 121–122
Public Health England (PHE), 155–156
Reduced working time, 20–21
Reduced workplace productive capacity, 11–12
Rehabilitation medicine, 132–133
Relational crafting, 40, 106
Return on investment (ROI), 146, 177
Return to work (RTW), 113, 129
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 21–22, 35
Risk assessment and prevention, 217–219
Role conflict, 75
Secondary care, 127–132
Selection bias, 159
Self-management, 130
Sell-side analysts, 182
Service profit chain, 192–193
Shared decision-making, 130–131
absence costs, 24–27
certification, 126
Sleep, 43
deprivation, 44–45
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 144, 217
Social distancing, 66–67
Social gradient in health, 65–68
Social isolation, 77–78
Socially responsible investors (SRI), 182–190
Society of Occupational Medicine (SoM), 82–84
Squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
Standard and Poor companies (S&P companies), 193
Subjective well-being (SWB), 148, 150
Sustainability, 159
Symptom severity, 33–34
in RA, 35
Take-up, 158
Task crafting, 40, 106
Task performance, 12
at work, 37–41
Top-down process, 39
Total factor productivity, 8
Transmission mechanisms, 41–42, 150–151
Underemployment. See also Employment, 16–18
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 115–116, 132, 135
Weak signals, 218
Well-being, 154
to drive performance, 221–222
at work post-Covid, 219–221
Winter of discontent, 24–25
capacity, 22
as clinical outcome, 113–117
Work Productivity Activity Impairment Scale (WPAI), 31
Work-life balance under pressure, 71–74
Workforce health, 2, 4, 176
health and job performance, 195–202
at work, 178–195
Working from home, 68–76
Workplace adjustments or accommodations, 102
Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WERS), 148–150
Workplace health interventions, 141–143
employee participation, 143–146
evidence base, 154–159
financial payback, 146–148
HR initiatives, 160–163
performance and productivity, 148–154
Workplace transmission risk assessment and control, 83
Workplace-only initiatives, 158
World Health Organization (WHO), 151–152
WHO-5 Wellbeing Index, 70
Worried well, 145
Capital, 179–180
Capital investment analogy, 175–176
Captives, capturing data from, 70–71
Centre for Mental Health in UK, 30
Chief executive officers (CEOs), 177–178
Chief Medical Officers (CMOs), 217
Clinical nurse specialists (CNS), 129
Cognitive crafting, 40, 106
Command and control culture, 107–108
Conflicting outcomes, 162–163
Conscientiousness, 196–200
as asset, 201–202
Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ), 120
Corporate Health Achievement Award (CHAA), 193
Counterproductive Work Behaviour, 38
COVID-19. See also Lockdowns
front line, 62–65
and health of workforce, 61–62
mental health at work and, 76–81
and social gradient in health, 65–68
Crafting, 40, 106
Dead-weight effect, 159
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM III), 37–38
Discrimination in employment, 18–19
Duration of follow-up, 147
Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs), 102
Employee participation, 143–146
Employer perspective, 27
discrimination, 18–19
employment-focussed social prescribing, 128
rate, 12–13
Environmental Social and Governance (ESG), 179–180
European Occupational Safety and Health Agency (EUOSHA), 132
European Union (EU), 14–15, 181
Executive functions, 41–42, 150–151
at work, 41–47
Facemasks, 219–220
Fatal accidents, 14–15
Friction cost method, 26–27
Friction period, 26–27
General practitioners (GPs), 115, 126
Generalisability, 147
Global Reporting Index (GRI), 182, 190–191
Hawthorne effect, 159–160
Health. See also Workforce health
as ‘factor of production’, 7–9
and executive functions at work, 41–47
impact of health on task performance, 33–47
of key workers, 62–65
managers influence, 94–97
promotion, 83–84, 143
and task performance at work, 37–41
three ways of thinking, 10–12
and underemployment, 16–18
in workplace, 24–33
Health and Safety Executive (HSE), 15
Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), 35
Healthcare professionals (HCPs), 3, 113, 116
prevention, 117–123
primary care, 123–127
productive work as healthcare outcome, 135–136
secondary care, 127–132
vocational rehabilitation, 132–135
work as clinical outcome, 113–117
Healthy worker, 1
High-performance HRM practices, 162
Human capital
accounting for, 180–181
method, 26
Human resource management (HRM), 91–92, 160, 162
Human resources (HR), 1, 142–143, 180
initiatives, 160–163
Ill-health. See also Health, 12–24
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), 126–127
Information asymmetry, 131–132
Institute for Employment (IES), 70
Institutional investors, 182
Intangible assets, 89, 177–178
reporting employee well-being as, 181–192
Integrated reporting, 179–180
Inverse care law, 145
Job Crafting, 39–40, 105–106
Job demands-resources model (JD-R model), 96–97
Job design, 38–39
Knowledge economy, 180
market participation, 10–12, 24
productivity, 4–5
Lagged effects, 159
Leadership capital index, 180
Learn as you go approach, 220–221
Lifestyle diseases, 15–16
Line managers, 3, 98, 213, 216
Lockdowns, 62–63
as laboratory, 68–76
returning to work after, 81–84
Long COVID, 84–85
Lujatalo, Finland, risk assessment and work adaptation at, 124
helping employees to ‘flourish’, 98–100
influence health and productivity, 94–97
management support and mental health at work, 100–107
random acts of kindness, 107–108
squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
at work, 89–90
Medical/clinical vulnerability risk assessment, 83
Mental health at work and COVID-19, 76–81
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), 155–156
Messages for managers, 74–76
Modifiable health risks, 119, 143
Moral injury, 64–65
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), 24–25, 35, 120, 122
Mutual benefits, 162
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 154–155
New normal, 84–85
Non-work-related deaths, 15
Normal weight, 64
Obesity, 19
Occupational Health (OH), 1, 104–105, 123, 126, 216–217
Office of National Statistics (ONS), 68
Operating and Financial Review (OFR), 181
Personal and protective equipment (PPE), 62, 219–220
Physical distancing, 77–78
Physical strain, 120–122
Poor design, 157–158
Poor sleep, 43, 45–46
Premature mortality, 14–16
Premature withdrawal from labour market, 21–24
Presenteeism, 24
costs and consequences, 28–32
Prevention, 117–123
Primary care, 123–127
Production function, 8
Productive capacity in workplace, 24–33
Productive work as healthcare outcome, 135–136
Productivity, 2, 12, 24
loss in RA, 35
managers influence, 94–97
three ways of thinking, 10–12
Protected characteristics, 18
Psychological contract, 90
Psychological safety, 64–65
Psychosocial risks, 219
at work, 121–122
Public Health England (PHE), 155–156
Reduced working time, 20–21
Reduced workplace productive capacity, 11–12
Rehabilitation medicine, 132–133
Relational crafting, 40, 106
Return on investment (ROI), 146, 177
Return to work (RTW), 113, 129
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 21–22, 35
Risk assessment and prevention, 217–219
Role conflict, 75
Secondary care, 127–132
Selection bias, 159
Self-management, 130
Sell-side analysts, 182
Service profit chain, 192–193
Shared decision-making, 130–131
absence costs, 24–27
certification, 126
Sleep, 43
deprivation, 44–45
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 144, 217
Social distancing, 66–67
Social gradient in health, 65–68
Social isolation, 77–78
Socially responsible investors (SRI), 182–190
Society of Occupational Medicine (SoM), 82–84
Squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
Standard and Poor companies (S&P companies), 193
Subjective well-being (SWB), 148, 150
Sustainability, 159
Symptom severity, 33–34
in RA, 35
Take-up, 158
Task crafting, 40, 106
Task performance, 12
at work, 37–41
Top-down process, 39
Total factor productivity, 8
Transmission mechanisms, 41–42, 150–151
Underemployment. See also Employment, 16–18
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 115–116, 132, 135
Weak signals, 218
Well-being, 154
to drive performance, 221–222
at work post-Covid, 219–221
Winter of discontent, 24–25
capacity, 22
as clinical outcome, 113–117
Work Productivity Activity Impairment Scale (WPAI), 31
Work-life balance under pressure, 71–74
Workforce health, 2, 4, 176
health and job performance, 195–202
at work, 178–195
Working from home, 68–76
Workplace adjustments or accommodations, 102
Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WERS), 148–150
Workplace health interventions, 141–143
employee participation, 143–146
evidence base, 154–159
financial payback, 146–148
HR initiatives, 160–163
performance and productivity, 148–154
Workplace transmission risk assessment and control, 83
Workplace-only initiatives, 158
World Health Organization (WHO), 151–152
WHO-5 Wellbeing Index, 70
Worried well, 145
Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs), 102
Employee participation, 143–146
Employer perspective, 27
discrimination, 18–19
employment-focussed social prescribing, 128
rate, 12–13
Environmental Social and Governance (ESG), 179–180
European Occupational Safety and Health Agency (EUOSHA), 132
European Union (EU), 14–15, 181
Executive functions, 41–42, 150–151
at work, 41–47
Facemasks, 219–220
Fatal accidents, 14–15
Friction cost method, 26–27
Friction period, 26–27
General practitioners (GPs), 115, 126
Generalisability, 147
Global Reporting Index (GRI), 182, 190–191
Hawthorne effect, 159–160
Health. See also Workforce health
as ‘factor of production’, 7–9
and executive functions at work, 41–47
impact of health on task performance, 33–47
of key workers, 62–65
managers influence, 94–97
promotion, 83–84, 143
and task performance at work, 37–41
three ways of thinking, 10–12
and underemployment, 16–18
in workplace, 24–33
Health and Safety Executive (HSE), 15
Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), 35
Healthcare professionals (HCPs), 3, 113, 116
prevention, 117–123
primary care, 123–127
productive work as healthcare outcome, 135–136
secondary care, 127–132
vocational rehabilitation, 132–135
work as clinical outcome, 113–117
Healthy worker, 1
High-performance HRM practices, 162
Human capital
accounting for, 180–181
method, 26
Human resource management (HRM), 91–92, 160, 162
Human resources (HR), 1, 142–143, 180
initiatives, 160–163
Ill-health. See also Health, 12–24
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), 126–127
Information asymmetry, 131–132
Institute for Employment (IES), 70
Institutional investors, 182
Intangible assets, 89, 177–178
reporting employee well-being as, 181–192
Integrated reporting, 179–180
Inverse care law, 145
Job Crafting, 39–40, 105–106
Job demands-resources model (JD-R model), 96–97
Job design, 38–39
Knowledge economy, 180
market participation, 10–12, 24
productivity, 4–5
Lagged effects, 159
Leadership capital index, 180
Learn as you go approach, 220–221
Lifestyle diseases, 15–16
Line managers, 3, 98, 213, 216
Lockdowns, 62–63
as laboratory, 68–76
returning to work after, 81–84
Long COVID, 84–85
Lujatalo, Finland, risk assessment and work adaptation at, 124
helping employees to ‘flourish’, 98–100
influence health and productivity, 94–97
management support and mental health at work, 100–107
random acts of kindness, 107–108
squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
at work, 89–90
Medical/clinical vulnerability risk assessment, 83
Mental health at work and COVID-19, 76–81
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), 155–156
Messages for managers, 74–76
Modifiable health risks, 119, 143
Moral injury, 64–65
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), 24–25, 35, 120, 122
Mutual benefits, 162
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 154–155
New normal, 84–85
Non-work-related deaths, 15
Normal weight, 64
Obesity, 19
Occupational Health (OH), 1, 104–105, 123, 126, 216–217
Office of National Statistics (ONS), 68
Operating and Financial Review (OFR), 181
Personal and protective equipment (PPE), 62, 219–220
Physical distancing, 77–78
Physical strain, 120–122
Poor design, 157–158
Poor sleep, 43, 45–46
Premature mortality, 14–16
Premature withdrawal from labour market, 21–24
Presenteeism, 24
costs and consequences, 28–32
Prevention, 117–123
Primary care, 123–127
Production function, 8
Productive capacity in workplace, 24–33
Productive work as healthcare outcome, 135–136
Productivity, 2, 12, 24
loss in RA, 35
managers influence, 94–97
three ways of thinking, 10–12
Protected characteristics, 18
Psychological contract, 90
Psychological safety, 64–65
Psychosocial risks, 219
at work, 121–122
Public Health England (PHE), 155–156
Reduced working time, 20–21
Reduced workplace productive capacity, 11–12
Rehabilitation medicine, 132–133
Relational crafting, 40, 106
Return on investment (ROI), 146, 177
Return to work (RTW), 113, 129
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 21–22, 35
Risk assessment and prevention, 217–219
Role conflict, 75
Secondary care, 127–132
Selection bias, 159
Self-management, 130
Sell-side analysts, 182
Service profit chain, 192–193
Shared decision-making, 130–131
absence costs, 24–27
certification, 126
Sleep, 43
deprivation, 44–45
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 144, 217
Social distancing, 66–67
Social gradient in health, 65–68
Social isolation, 77–78
Socially responsible investors (SRI), 182–190
Society of Occupational Medicine (SoM), 82–84
Squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
Standard and Poor companies (S&P companies), 193
Subjective well-being (SWB), 148, 150
Sustainability, 159
Symptom severity, 33–34
in RA, 35
Take-up, 158
Task crafting, 40, 106
Task performance, 12
at work, 37–41
Top-down process, 39
Total factor productivity, 8
Transmission mechanisms, 41–42, 150–151
Underemployment. See also Employment, 16–18
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 115–116, 132, 135
Weak signals, 218
Well-being, 154
to drive performance, 221–222
at work post-Covid, 219–221
Winter of discontent, 24–25
capacity, 22
as clinical outcome, 113–117
Work Productivity Activity Impairment Scale (WPAI), 31
Work-life balance under pressure, 71–74
Workforce health, 2, 4, 176
health and job performance, 195–202
at work, 178–195
Working from home, 68–76
Workplace adjustments or accommodations, 102
Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WERS), 148–150
Workplace health interventions, 141–143
employee participation, 143–146
evidence base, 154–159
financial payback, 146–148
HR initiatives, 160–163
performance and productivity, 148–154
Workplace transmission risk assessment and control, 83
Workplace-only initiatives, 158
World Health Organization (WHO), 151–152
WHO-5 Wellbeing Index, 70
Worried well, 145
General practitioners (GPs), 115, 126
Generalisability, 147
Global Reporting Index (GRI), 182, 190–191
Hawthorne effect, 159–160
Health. See also Workforce health
as ‘factor of production’, 7–9
and executive functions at work, 41–47
impact of health on task performance, 33–47
of key workers, 62–65
managers influence, 94–97
promotion, 83–84, 143
and task performance at work, 37–41
three ways of thinking, 10–12
and underemployment, 16–18
in workplace, 24–33
Health and Safety Executive (HSE), 15
Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), 35
Healthcare professionals (HCPs), 3, 113, 116
prevention, 117–123
primary care, 123–127
productive work as healthcare outcome, 135–136
secondary care, 127–132
vocational rehabilitation, 132–135
work as clinical outcome, 113–117
Healthy worker, 1
High-performance HRM practices, 162
Human capital
accounting for, 180–181
method, 26
Human resource management (HRM), 91–92, 160, 162
Human resources (HR), 1, 142–143, 180
initiatives, 160–163
Ill-health. See also Health, 12–24
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), 126–127
Information asymmetry, 131–132
Institute for Employment (IES), 70
Institutional investors, 182
Intangible assets, 89, 177–178
reporting employee well-being as, 181–192
Integrated reporting, 179–180
Inverse care law, 145
Job Crafting, 39–40, 105–106
Job demands-resources model (JD-R model), 96–97
Job design, 38–39
Knowledge economy, 180
market participation, 10–12, 24
productivity, 4–5
Lagged effects, 159
Leadership capital index, 180
Learn as you go approach, 220–221
Lifestyle diseases, 15–16
Line managers, 3, 98, 213, 216
Lockdowns, 62–63
as laboratory, 68–76
returning to work after, 81–84
Long COVID, 84–85
Lujatalo, Finland, risk assessment and work adaptation at, 124
helping employees to ‘flourish’, 98–100
influence health and productivity, 94–97
management support and mental health at work, 100–107
random acts of kindness, 107–108
squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
at work, 89–90
Medical/clinical vulnerability risk assessment, 83
Mental health at work and COVID-19, 76–81
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), 155–156
Messages for managers, 74–76
Modifiable health risks, 119, 143
Moral injury, 64–65
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), 24–25, 35, 120, 122
Mutual benefits, 162
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 154–155
New normal, 84–85
Non-work-related deaths, 15
Normal weight, 64
Obesity, 19
Occupational Health (OH), 1, 104–105, 123, 126, 216–217
Office of National Statistics (ONS), 68
Operating and Financial Review (OFR), 181
Personal and protective equipment (PPE), 62, 219–220
Physical distancing, 77–78
Physical strain, 120–122
Poor design, 157–158
Poor sleep, 43, 45–46
Premature mortality, 14–16
Premature withdrawal from labour market, 21–24
Presenteeism, 24
costs and consequences, 28–32
Prevention, 117–123
Primary care, 123–127
Production function, 8
Productive capacity in workplace, 24–33
Productive work as healthcare outcome, 135–136
Productivity, 2, 12, 24
loss in RA, 35
managers influence, 94–97
three ways of thinking, 10–12
Protected characteristics, 18
Psychological contract, 90
Psychological safety, 64–65
Psychosocial risks, 219
at work, 121–122
Public Health England (PHE), 155–156
Reduced working time, 20–21
Reduced workplace productive capacity, 11–12
Rehabilitation medicine, 132–133
Relational crafting, 40, 106
Return on investment (ROI), 146, 177
Return to work (RTW), 113, 129
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 21–22, 35
Risk assessment and prevention, 217–219
Role conflict, 75
Secondary care, 127–132
Selection bias, 159
Self-management, 130
Sell-side analysts, 182
Service profit chain, 192–193
Shared decision-making, 130–131
absence costs, 24–27
certification, 126
Sleep, 43
deprivation, 44–45
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 144, 217
Social distancing, 66–67
Social gradient in health, 65–68
Social isolation, 77–78
Socially responsible investors (SRI), 182–190
Society of Occupational Medicine (SoM), 82–84
Squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
Standard and Poor companies (S&P companies), 193
Subjective well-being (SWB), 148, 150
Sustainability, 159
Symptom severity, 33–34
in RA, 35
Take-up, 158
Task crafting, 40, 106
Task performance, 12
at work, 37–41
Top-down process, 39
Total factor productivity, 8
Transmission mechanisms, 41–42, 150–151
Underemployment. See also Employment, 16–18
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 115–116, 132, 135
Weak signals, 218
Well-being, 154
to drive performance, 221–222
at work post-Covid, 219–221
Winter of discontent, 24–25
capacity, 22
as clinical outcome, 113–117
Work Productivity Activity Impairment Scale (WPAI), 31
Work-life balance under pressure, 71–74
Workforce health, 2, 4, 176
health and job performance, 195–202
at work, 178–195
Working from home, 68–76
Workplace adjustments or accommodations, 102
Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WERS), 148–150
Workplace health interventions, 141–143
employee participation, 143–146
evidence base, 154–159
financial payback, 146–148
HR initiatives, 160–163
performance and productivity, 148–154
Workplace transmission risk assessment and control, 83
Workplace-only initiatives, 158
World Health Organization (WHO), 151–152
WHO-5 Wellbeing Index, 70
Worried well, 145
Ill-health. See also Health, 12–24
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), 126–127
Information asymmetry, 131–132
Institute for Employment (IES), 70
Institutional investors, 182
Intangible assets, 89, 177–178
reporting employee well-being as, 181–192
Integrated reporting, 179–180
Inverse care law, 145
Job Crafting, 39–40, 105–106
Job demands-resources model (JD-R model), 96–97
Job design, 38–39
Knowledge economy, 180
market participation, 10–12, 24
productivity, 4–5
Lagged effects, 159
Leadership capital index, 180
Learn as you go approach, 220–221
Lifestyle diseases, 15–16
Line managers, 3, 98, 213, 216
Lockdowns, 62–63
as laboratory, 68–76
returning to work after, 81–84
Long COVID, 84–85
Lujatalo, Finland, risk assessment and work adaptation at, 124
helping employees to ‘flourish’, 98–100
influence health and productivity, 94–97
management support and mental health at work, 100–107
random acts of kindness, 107–108
squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
at work, 89–90
Medical/clinical vulnerability risk assessment, 83
Mental health at work and COVID-19, 76–81
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), 155–156
Messages for managers, 74–76
Modifiable health risks, 119, 143
Moral injury, 64–65
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), 24–25, 35, 120, 122
Mutual benefits, 162
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 154–155
New normal, 84–85
Non-work-related deaths, 15
Normal weight, 64
Obesity, 19
Occupational Health (OH), 1, 104–105, 123, 126, 216–217
Office of National Statistics (ONS), 68
Operating and Financial Review (OFR), 181
Personal and protective equipment (PPE), 62, 219–220
Physical distancing, 77–78
Physical strain, 120–122
Poor design, 157–158
Poor sleep, 43, 45–46
Premature mortality, 14–16
Premature withdrawal from labour market, 21–24
Presenteeism, 24
costs and consequences, 28–32
Prevention, 117–123
Primary care, 123–127
Production function, 8
Productive capacity in workplace, 24–33
Productive work as healthcare outcome, 135–136
Productivity, 2, 12, 24
loss in RA, 35
managers influence, 94–97
three ways of thinking, 10–12
Protected characteristics, 18
Psychological contract, 90
Psychological safety, 64–65
Psychosocial risks, 219
at work, 121–122
Public Health England (PHE), 155–156
Reduced working time, 20–21
Reduced workplace productive capacity, 11–12
Rehabilitation medicine, 132–133
Relational crafting, 40, 106
Return on investment (ROI), 146, 177
Return to work (RTW), 113, 129
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 21–22, 35
Risk assessment and prevention, 217–219
Role conflict, 75
Secondary care, 127–132
Selection bias, 159
Self-management, 130
Sell-side analysts, 182
Service profit chain, 192–193
Shared decision-making, 130–131
absence costs, 24–27
certification, 126
Sleep, 43
deprivation, 44–45
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 144, 217
Social distancing, 66–67
Social gradient in health, 65–68
Social isolation, 77–78
Socially responsible investors (SRI), 182–190
Society of Occupational Medicine (SoM), 82–84
Squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
Standard and Poor companies (S&P companies), 193
Subjective well-being (SWB), 148, 150
Sustainability, 159
Symptom severity, 33–34
in RA, 35
Take-up, 158
Task crafting, 40, 106
Task performance, 12
at work, 37–41
Top-down process, 39
Total factor productivity, 8
Transmission mechanisms, 41–42, 150–151
Underemployment. See also Employment, 16–18
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 115–116, 132, 135
Weak signals, 218
Well-being, 154
to drive performance, 221–222
at work post-Covid, 219–221
Winter of discontent, 24–25
capacity, 22
as clinical outcome, 113–117
Work Productivity Activity Impairment Scale (WPAI), 31
Work-life balance under pressure, 71–74
Workforce health, 2, 4, 176
health and job performance, 195–202
at work, 178–195
Working from home, 68–76
Workplace adjustments or accommodations, 102
Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WERS), 148–150
Workplace health interventions, 141–143
employee participation, 143–146
evidence base, 154–159
financial payback, 146–148
HR initiatives, 160–163
performance and productivity, 148–154
Workplace transmission risk assessment and control, 83
Workplace-only initiatives, 158
World Health Organization (WHO), 151–152
WHO-5 Wellbeing Index, 70
Worried well, 145
Knowledge economy, 180
market participation, 10–12, 24
productivity, 4–5
Lagged effects, 159
Leadership capital index, 180
Learn as you go approach, 220–221
Lifestyle diseases, 15–16
Line managers, 3, 98, 213, 216
Lockdowns, 62–63
as laboratory, 68–76
returning to work after, 81–84
Long COVID, 84–85
Lujatalo, Finland, risk assessment and work adaptation at, 124
helping employees to ‘flourish’, 98–100
influence health and productivity, 94–97
management support and mental health at work, 100–107
random acts of kindness, 107–108
squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
at work, 89–90
Medical/clinical vulnerability risk assessment, 83
Mental health at work and COVID-19, 76–81
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), 155–156
Messages for managers, 74–76
Modifiable health risks, 119, 143
Moral injury, 64–65
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), 24–25, 35, 120, 122
Mutual benefits, 162
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 154–155
New normal, 84–85
Non-work-related deaths, 15
Normal weight, 64
Obesity, 19
Occupational Health (OH), 1, 104–105, 123, 126, 216–217
Office of National Statistics (ONS), 68
Operating and Financial Review (OFR), 181
Personal and protective equipment (PPE), 62, 219–220
Physical distancing, 77–78
Physical strain, 120–122
Poor design, 157–158
Poor sleep, 43, 45–46
Premature mortality, 14–16
Premature withdrawal from labour market, 21–24
Presenteeism, 24
costs and consequences, 28–32
Prevention, 117–123
Primary care, 123–127
Production function, 8
Productive capacity in workplace, 24–33
Productive work as healthcare outcome, 135–136
Productivity, 2, 12, 24
loss in RA, 35
managers influence, 94–97
three ways of thinking, 10–12
Protected characteristics, 18
Psychological contract, 90
Psychological safety, 64–65
Psychosocial risks, 219
at work, 121–122
Public Health England (PHE), 155–156
Reduced working time, 20–21
Reduced workplace productive capacity, 11–12
Rehabilitation medicine, 132–133
Relational crafting, 40, 106
Return on investment (ROI), 146, 177
Return to work (RTW), 113, 129
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 21–22, 35
Risk assessment and prevention, 217–219
Role conflict, 75
Secondary care, 127–132
Selection bias, 159
Self-management, 130
Sell-side analysts, 182
Service profit chain, 192–193
Shared decision-making, 130–131
absence costs, 24–27
certification, 126
Sleep, 43
deprivation, 44–45
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 144, 217
Social distancing, 66–67
Social gradient in health, 65–68
Social isolation, 77–78
Socially responsible investors (SRI), 182–190
Society of Occupational Medicine (SoM), 82–84
Squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
Standard and Poor companies (S&P companies), 193
Subjective well-being (SWB), 148, 150
Sustainability, 159
Symptom severity, 33–34
in RA, 35
Take-up, 158
Task crafting, 40, 106
Task performance, 12
at work, 37–41
Top-down process, 39
Total factor productivity, 8
Transmission mechanisms, 41–42, 150–151
Underemployment. See also Employment, 16–18
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 115–116, 132, 135
Weak signals, 218
Well-being, 154
to drive performance, 221–222
at work post-Covid, 219–221
Winter of discontent, 24–25
capacity, 22
as clinical outcome, 113–117
Work Productivity Activity Impairment Scale (WPAI), 31
Work-life balance under pressure, 71–74
Workforce health, 2, 4, 176
health and job performance, 195–202
at work, 178–195
Working from home, 68–76
Workplace adjustments or accommodations, 102
Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WERS), 148–150
Workplace health interventions, 141–143
employee participation, 143–146
evidence base, 154–159
financial payback, 146–148
HR initiatives, 160–163
performance and productivity, 148–154
Workplace transmission risk assessment and control, 83
Workplace-only initiatives, 158
World Health Organization (WHO), 151–152
WHO-5 Wellbeing Index, 70
Worried well, 145
helping employees to ‘flourish’, 98–100
influence health and productivity, 94–97
management support and mental health at work, 100–107
random acts of kindness, 107–108
squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
at work, 89–90
Medical/clinical vulnerability risk assessment, 83
Mental health at work and COVID-19, 76–81
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), 155–156
Messages for managers, 74–76
Modifiable health risks, 119, 143
Moral injury, 64–65
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), 24–25, 35, 120, 122
Mutual benefits, 162
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 154–155
New normal, 84–85
Non-work-related deaths, 15
Normal weight, 64
Obesity, 19
Occupational Health (OH), 1, 104–105, 123, 126, 216–217
Office of National Statistics (ONS), 68
Operating and Financial Review (OFR), 181
Personal and protective equipment (PPE), 62, 219–220
Physical distancing, 77–78
Physical strain, 120–122
Poor design, 157–158
Poor sleep, 43, 45–46
Premature mortality, 14–16
Premature withdrawal from labour market, 21–24
Presenteeism, 24
costs and consequences, 28–32
Prevention, 117–123
Primary care, 123–127
Production function, 8
Productive capacity in workplace, 24–33
Productive work as healthcare outcome, 135–136
Productivity, 2, 12, 24
loss in RA, 35
managers influence, 94–97
three ways of thinking, 10–12
Protected characteristics, 18
Psychological contract, 90
Psychological safety, 64–65
Psychosocial risks, 219
at work, 121–122
Public Health England (PHE), 155–156
Reduced working time, 20–21
Reduced workplace productive capacity, 11–12
Rehabilitation medicine, 132–133
Relational crafting, 40, 106
Return on investment (ROI), 146, 177
Return to work (RTW), 113, 129
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 21–22, 35
Risk assessment and prevention, 217–219
Role conflict, 75
Secondary care, 127–132
Selection bias, 159
Self-management, 130
Sell-side analysts, 182
Service profit chain, 192–193
Shared decision-making, 130–131
absence costs, 24–27
certification, 126
Sleep, 43
deprivation, 44–45
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 144, 217
Social distancing, 66–67
Social gradient in health, 65–68
Social isolation, 77–78
Socially responsible investors (SRI), 182–190
Society of Occupational Medicine (SoM), 82–84
Squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
Standard and Poor companies (S&P companies), 193
Subjective well-being (SWB), 148, 150
Sustainability, 159
Symptom severity, 33–34
in RA, 35
Take-up, 158
Task crafting, 40, 106
Task performance, 12
at work, 37–41
Top-down process, 39
Total factor productivity, 8
Transmission mechanisms, 41–42, 150–151
Underemployment. See also Employment, 16–18
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 115–116, 132, 135
Weak signals, 218
Well-being, 154
to drive performance, 221–222
at work post-Covid, 219–221
Winter of discontent, 24–25
capacity, 22
as clinical outcome, 113–117
Work Productivity Activity Impairment Scale (WPAI), 31
Work-life balance under pressure, 71–74
Workforce health, 2, 4, 176
health and job performance, 195–202
at work, 178–195
Working from home, 68–76
Workplace adjustments or accommodations, 102
Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WERS), 148–150
Workplace health interventions, 141–143
employee participation, 143–146
evidence base, 154–159
financial payback, 146–148
HR initiatives, 160–163
performance and productivity, 148–154
Workplace transmission risk assessment and control, 83
Workplace-only initiatives, 158
World Health Organization (WHO), 151–152
WHO-5 Wellbeing Index, 70
Worried well, 145
Obesity, 19
Occupational Health (OH), 1, 104–105, 123, 126, 216–217
Office of National Statistics (ONS), 68
Operating and Financial Review (OFR), 181
Personal and protective equipment (PPE), 62, 219–220
Physical distancing, 77–78
Physical strain, 120–122
Poor design, 157–158
Poor sleep, 43, 45–46
Premature mortality, 14–16
Premature withdrawal from labour market, 21–24
Presenteeism, 24
costs and consequences, 28–32
Prevention, 117–123
Primary care, 123–127
Production function, 8
Productive capacity in workplace, 24–33
Productive work as healthcare outcome, 135–136
Productivity, 2, 12, 24
loss in RA, 35
managers influence, 94–97
three ways of thinking, 10–12
Protected characteristics, 18
Psychological contract, 90
Psychological safety, 64–65
Psychosocial risks, 219
at work, 121–122
Public Health England (PHE), 155–156
Reduced working time, 20–21
Reduced workplace productive capacity, 11–12
Rehabilitation medicine, 132–133
Relational crafting, 40, 106
Return on investment (ROI), 146, 177
Return to work (RTW), 113, 129
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 21–22, 35
Risk assessment and prevention, 217–219
Role conflict, 75
Secondary care, 127–132
Selection bias, 159
Self-management, 130
Sell-side analysts, 182
Service profit chain, 192–193
Shared decision-making, 130–131
absence costs, 24–27
certification, 126
Sleep, 43
deprivation, 44–45
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 144, 217
Social distancing, 66–67
Social gradient in health, 65–68
Social isolation, 77–78
Socially responsible investors (SRI), 182–190
Society of Occupational Medicine (SoM), 82–84
Squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
Standard and Poor companies (S&P companies), 193
Subjective well-being (SWB), 148, 150
Sustainability, 159
Symptom severity, 33–34
in RA, 35
Take-up, 158
Task crafting, 40, 106
Task performance, 12
at work, 37–41
Top-down process, 39
Total factor productivity, 8
Transmission mechanisms, 41–42, 150–151
Underemployment. See also Employment, 16–18
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 115–116, 132, 135
Weak signals, 218
Well-being, 154
to drive performance, 221–222
at work post-Covid, 219–221
Winter of discontent, 24–25
capacity, 22
as clinical outcome, 113–117
Work Productivity Activity Impairment Scale (WPAI), 31
Work-life balance under pressure, 71–74
Workforce health, 2, 4, 176
health and job performance, 195–202
at work, 178–195
Working from home, 68–76
Workplace adjustments or accommodations, 102
Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WERS), 148–150
Workplace health interventions, 141–143
employee participation, 143–146
evidence base, 154–159
financial payback, 146–148
HR initiatives, 160–163
performance and productivity, 148–154
Workplace transmission risk assessment and control, 83
Workplace-only initiatives, 158
World Health Organization (WHO), 151–152
WHO-5 Wellbeing Index, 70
Worried well, 145
Reduced working time, 20–21
Reduced workplace productive capacity, 11–12
Rehabilitation medicine, 132–133
Relational crafting, 40, 106
Return on investment (ROI), 146, 177
Return to work (RTW), 113, 129
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 21–22, 35
Risk assessment and prevention, 217–219
Role conflict, 75
Secondary care, 127–132
Selection bias, 159
Self-management, 130
Sell-side analysts, 182
Service profit chain, 192–193
Shared decision-making, 130–131
absence costs, 24–27
certification, 126
Sleep, 43
deprivation, 44–45
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 144, 217
Social distancing, 66–67
Social gradient in health, 65–68
Social isolation, 77–78
Socially responsible investors (SRI), 182–190
Society of Occupational Medicine (SoM), 82–84
Squeezed middle of organisations, 90–94
Standard and Poor companies (S&P companies), 193
Subjective well-being (SWB), 148, 150
Sustainability, 159
Symptom severity, 33–34
in RA, 35
Take-up, 158
Task crafting, 40, 106
Task performance, 12
at work, 37–41
Top-down process, 39
Total factor productivity, 8
Transmission mechanisms, 41–42, 150–151
Underemployment. See also Employment, 16–18
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 115–116, 132, 135
Weak signals, 218
Well-being, 154
to drive performance, 221–222
at work post-Covid, 219–221
Winter of discontent, 24–25
capacity, 22
as clinical outcome, 113–117
Work Productivity Activity Impairment Scale (WPAI), 31
Work-life balance under pressure, 71–74
Workforce health, 2, 4, 176
health and job performance, 195–202
at work, 178–195
Working from home, 68–76
Workplace adjustments or accommodations, 102
Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WERS), 148–150
Workplace health interventions, 141–143
employee participation, 143–146
evidence base, 154–159
financial payback, 146–148
HR initiatives, 160–163
performance and productivity, 148–154
Workplace transmission risk assessment and control, 83
Workplace-only initiatives, 158
World Health Organization (WHO), 151–152
WHO-5 Wellbeing Index, 70
Worried well, 145
Take-up, 158
Task crafting, 40, 106
Task performance, 12
at work, 37–41
Top-down process, 39
Total factor productivity, 8
Transmission mechanisms, 41–42, 150–151
Underemployment. See also Employment, 16–18
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 115–116, 132, 135
Weak signals, 218
Well-being, 154
to drive performance, 221–222
at work post-Covid, 219–221
Winter of discontent, 24–25
capacity, 22
as clinical outcome, 113–117
Work Productivity Activity Impairment Scale (WPAI), 31
Work-life balance under pressure, 71–74
Workforce health, 2, 4, 176
health and job performance, 195–202
at work, 178–195
Working from home, 68–76
Workplace adjustments or accommodations, 102
Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WERS), 148–150
Workplace health interventions, 141–143
employee participation, 143–146
evidence base, 154–159
financial payback, 146–148
HR initiatives, 160–163
performance and productivity, 148–154
Workplace transmission risk assessment and control, 83
Workplace-only initiatives, 158
World Health Organization (WHO), 151–152
WHO-5 Wellbeing Index, 70
Worried well, 145
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 115–116, 132, 135
Weak signals, 218
Well-being, 154
to drive performance, 221–222
at work post-Covid, 219–221
Winter of discontent, 24–25
capacity, 22
as clinical outcome, 113–117
Work Productivity Activity Impairment Scale (WPAI), 31
Work-life balance under pressure, 71–74
Workforce health, 2, 4, 176
health and job performance, 195–202
at work, 178–195
Working from home, 68–76
Workplace adjustments or accommodations, 102
Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WERS), 148–150
Workplace health interventions, 141–143
employee participation, 143–146
evidence base, 154–159
financial payback, 146–148
HR initiatives, 160–163
performance and productivity, 148–154
Workplace transmission risk assessment and control, 83
Workplace-only initiatives, 158
World Health Organization (WHO), 151–152
WHO-5 Wellbeing Index, 70
Worried well, 145
- Prelims
- 1 Why Worker Health and Productivity Matter
- 2 How Health Affects Productivity
- 3 Health and Work in a Pandemic
- 4 Is Your Manager Bad for Your Health?
- 5 Productivity at Work: The Role of Healthcare Professionals
- 6 Workplace Health Interventions to Improve Productivity
- 7 Rethinking Workforce Health as an Asset
- 8 A Road Map to Better Worker Health
- Index