Elizabeth Brooke
(The University of Melbourne, Australia)
Creative Ageing and the Arts of Care: Reframing Active Ageing
ISBN: 978-1-83867-436-6, eISBN: 978-1-83867-435-9
Publication date: 24 August 2022
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Brooke, E. (2022), "Index", Creative Ageing and the Arts of Care: Reframing Active Ageing, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 209-218.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Elizabeth Brooke
, 6, 30–31, 35, 43, 72–73, 82, 91, 99–100, 106, 171, 174, 178, 180, 184, 187, 190
Active ageing
, 1–3, 5–6, 8, 139, 169, 173, 186, 189, 191–192
through cultural participation
, 189–192
Active music-making
, 163, 165
Adult developmental psychology
, 4, 15–19, 51, 77–78, 96, 102
Age & Opportunity
, 10, 32, 34–35, 44, 52, 71, 102, 179, 181, 186–187
Age fluidity experienced through dance
, 49–54
Age of Creativity
, 40
Age-based constraints
, 5, 171
Age-Friendly New York City Initiative
, 29
Age-sensitive attributes of musical directors
, 154–156
Aged care settings
, 184–185
, 1–2, 82–83
stereotypes of
, 3–5, 47, 50, 54, 132, 163, 187
, 3–4, 42, 78, 104, 125–126, 128, 173, 187, 190
, 77, 164
, 20
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPGAHW)
, 5–6, 26
Alzheimer’s disease
, 23
Ambience of inclusiveness and egalitarian ethos
, 149–151
Area Agencies on Aging
, 31
Art on prescription (AoP)
, 26, 37–38, 179
, 82–83, 99, 172, 189
and COVID-19
, 102
experiences of older adults through
, 169–173
multilevel processes in
, 104–107
qualities of
, 173
social justice and
, 99–101
Artist in Residence in a Care Setting (ARCS)
, 35
Artistic transcendence, sense of liberation through
, 84–88
Australian Country Context
, 40–44
Australian National Arts and Health Framework
, 40, 43
, 43, 139–140, 143, 146–147, 150–154, 157, 159, 161, 164–165, 167
Baltes, P.
, 15, 17–18, 21, 61, 77–78, 96, 146, 164, 170, 189
Baltes, M.
, 15, 17–18, 21, 61, 77–78, 96, 146, 164, 170, 189
Baring Foundation
, 27, 38–40, 178, 184–185
Barwon Heads Chorale
, 43, 139, 142, 144, 148, 151, 153–154, 156–157, 160–161, 165
Be Mindful Through Art
, 33, 86, 93, 96, 99–100, 102, 105
Bealtaine at Home
, 34, 36
Bealtaine Festival
, 32–33
, 106
Bethany Center, 32
, 91, 100, 107
Big ‘C’ artists
, 5, 81
Biggs, S.
, 105, 121, 137, 171
Bluebell Project
, 36
‘Bonding’ relationships
, 106
, 10–12, 45, 61, 68, 70, 76–77, 89, 105–106, 128–130, 135, 159, 164, 171–172, 191
, 10–12, 106, 159, 172
‘Bridging’ capital
, 106, 147, 179
Butler, R.
, 111
Byrne, T.
, 10, 34–35
Calasanti, T.
, 2, 171
Campbell, D.
, 10, 32, 33, 36
Capital Age Festival
, 40
, 110
community-making and
, 116–119, 151–153
in theatre-making
, 118
, 58, 67, 70, 87, 94, 100, 104–105, 109, 116, 140, 145, 163–164, 166, 170, 173, 190
, 183, 184–185
Case study methodology
, 10
Catalysing Creative Aging
, 30–31, 85
Claremont Project
, 183, 190
Cohen, G. D.
, 4–5, 16, 18–21, 29, 41–42, 77–78, 85, 103, 110, 135, 146, 148, 159, 162, 164, 169, 187, 189
, 94
, 172
, 78
in theatre-making
, 118
, 49, 84
art and
, 89–94
and care
, 116–119, 151–153
, 118
through dance and movement
, 57–60
Compensation-Related Utilization of Neural Circuits (CRUNCH)
, 20
Complementary neurological concepts contesting ageist decline paradigm
, 19–22
of creative ageing programme
, 175–177
of dance-making model
, 48
of music-making model
, 166
of theatre-making model
, 138
of visual art-making model
, 107
Comprehensive search strategy
, 25
, 110, 116, 135
Cost–benefit analysis
, 26
Country contexts
, 29
Australian Country Context
, 40–44
Irish Republic Country Context
, 32–37
UK Country Context
, 37–40
US Country Context
, 29–32
Covia Affordable Housing
, 91
, 9, 13, 33, 35–36, 38–40, 42–45, 51, 71, 79, 94, 111, 119, 132, 137, 140, 151, 153, 160, 170, 180, 182, 184, 192
art-making and
, 102
COVID-19 era-related recommendations
, 187
digital inclusion in
, 182–183
innovations in theatre-making
, 130–131
innovative responses
, 72–74
music-making processes and
, 159–160
restrictions impact on art practices
, 35
, 22
Creative ageing
, 1, 12, 15, 29, 189
and adult developmental psychology
, 15–19
complementary neurological concepts contesting ageist decline paradigm
, 19–22
cultural participation, empowerment and human rights
, 6–7
everyday creativity
, 5–6
foundational meta-level reviews of evidence
, 22–27
global demography and
, 1–3
latent ageist barriers restricting
, 3–5
macro-level principles underpinning
, 174–188
, 9–10
micro-and meso-level components of
, 174, 175–177
multilevel perspectives and framework
, 8–9
multilevel recommendations for
, 185–188
theatrical precursors
, 109–110
theoretical frames
, 10–12
well-being and cultural participation
, 7–8
Creative Ageing Development Agency (CADA)
, 39
Creative Ageing Strategy Advisory Group
, 40
Creative Aging International
, 33, 36, 181
Creative Aging Programme pilot project
, 85
Creative capital
, 12, 100, 106, 137, 172, 180, 191
Creative Exchanges
, 35
Creative Ireland Programme
, 32
Creative Learning
, 31
Creative Minds
, 37
Creativity, everyday
, 5–6
Creech, A.
, 144, 146, 156, 159, 163–165, 170
Cross-disciplinary conceptual approach
, 82
Age-friendly Cities model
, 39
art-based partnerships
, 183
, 26, 29
, 160–161, 179
, 178, 186
Cultural activism
, 164
Cultural exploration of identity
and belonging
, 164
through music and belonging
, 146–149
Cultural gerontology
, 15, 128
Cultural participation
, 1–3, 6–7, 170, 171–172, 191
active ageing and self-care through
, 189–192
, 129
well-being and
, 7–8
Cultural Value Project
, 7
Cutler, D.
, 27, 38, 184
Dahl, C. J.
, 110–113, 116, 121–122, 124, 134–135, 137–138, 172
, 10, 23, 30, 34, 47
age fluidity experienced through
, 49–54
beneficial effects of dance
, 74–76
components of dance-making model
, 48
disciplined and systematised teaching methodology
, 62–64
displacement of medicalised model of health by playfulness and fun
, 65–68
Egalitarian non-hierarchical relations supporting empowerment
, 68–69
experience through
, 49–61
integrating processes in Dance
, 69–70
macro-level context
, 70–74
multilevel integration
, 76–79
, 47
processes in
, 62
Dance for Parkinson’s Disease
, 49, 53–54, 64, 65, 69, 78–79, 48, 178
Dances for a Variable Population (DVP)
, 49, 54, 61–62, 66, 68–73, 75, 77–78, 178, 180–182
Day-care centres, re-designing art participation in
, 183–184
De-temporalised’ sense of age
, 60–61
DeMarrais, E.
, 82–83, 89, 97, 99, 105, 172
, 18, 20, 23–24, 34, 36–37, 42, 74, 87, 109, 113, 120, 129, 131, 133–134, 141, 148–149, 151–152, 181, 185
Democratic pedagogy
, 96, 105
Demography of longevity
, 2–3
Department for the Aging (DFTA)
, 49, 86, 178
Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA)
, 49, 86, 178
Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA)
, 30
Department of the Ageing (DOTA)
, 30
Digital access
, 184
Displacement of medicalised model
, 65–68
Dissanayake, E.
, 83, 85, 88, 94–95, 104
, 11, 20, 24, 30–32, 34, 39–40, 42–45, 49, 54, 58, 69–70, 72–74, 77–78, 81, 91, 107, 110, 149, 154, 159, 161–162, 167, 169, 174, 178–179, 181–182, 184, 186
Egalitarian ethos, ambience of
, 149–151
Elder Care Alliance
, 32, 87, 90–91, 96–97, 102, 107
Elders Share the Arts (ESTA)
, 110
, 6–7, 49, 54–57, 61–62, 77, 88, 136, 150, 170–172, 185, 189, 191
through cultural participation
, 170
Egalitarian non-hierarchical relations supporting
, 68–69
Encore adulthood
, 1, 3, 190–191
English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA)
, 24
Entelechy Arts Drama Group
, 118
Everyday art-making
, 81
Everyday creativity
, 5–6
art and community-making
, 89–94
community-making through dance and movement
, 57–60
through dance
, 49
empowerment, resistance, and agency
, 54–57
of individuals
, 7
integrating experiential themes
, 60–61
through music-making
, 140–153
new materialities in visual art-making increased agency
, 88–89
new post-retirement ‘vocation’ and sense of liberation
, 84–88
of older adults through art-making
, 169–173
through theatre-making
, 111–119
through visual art-making
, 84
‘Experiential process analysis’
, 9
Face-to-face interviews
, 139
, 31–32, 181–182
Finkelstein, R.
, 29, 30, 32
Fiore, A.
, 30
Focus groups
, 49–50, 52
, 34, 37, 139, 141–143, 146–147, 149, 151, 153–154, 156, 161, 164–165, 167, 177, 181
Foundational meta-level reviews of evidence
, 22–27
Gene D Cohen
, 4, 5, 16, 18
General practitioner (GP)
, 26, 38, 129, 140, 179
Generational intelligence
, 137
Gerontological theory of disengagement
, 3
, 21
Gilleard, C.
, 10–12, 70, 128, 135, 158–159, 165, 172, 191
Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI)
, 36
Gordon-Nesbitt, R.
, 6, 26–27, 37, 38, 178, 183
Goulding, A.
, 10, 99, 106
Greater Manchester Ageing Hub and Age-Friendly Manchester
, 39
Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA)
, 26, 39
Greater Manchester Culture Champions
, 178
Greater Manchester Hub
, 40
Greater Manchester’s Combined Authority (GMCA)
, 178
Greenfield, E. A.
, 8, 139, 165
Grounds for Sculpture, 84–85
, 88, 94, 97, 103, 105, 170, 178
Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound
, 16
, 77
Hammond Care model
, 41
Harkin, M.
, 10, 33–34
Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Our Strategy for Public Health in England
, 37
Hemispheric Asymmetry Reduction in Older Adults (HAROLD)
, 20
Here and Now Older People’s Arts Festival
, 40
Inclusiveness, ambience of
, 149–151
Individual interviews
, 49–50
Intergenerational intelligence
, 105
, 32, 34, 44, 191
Irish Republic Country Context
, 32–37
Jeffri, J.
, 63, 81–82, 102
Krape, E.
, 112, 127
Krekula, C.
, 4, 47, 104, 164
Late life, developmental stages of
, 18
Leventhal, D.
, 53, 64, 66, 71–72, 75–76
Lewington, N.
, 156, 161
LGBTQI community
, 126
, 18, 47, 65, 69, 94, 105, 145, 170, 172
, 19, 85, 103
sense of
, 84–88, 143
Lifetime Arts
, 31–32
Link Workers
, 37, 179
‘Linked’ capital
, 106
Little ‘c’ art
, 5, 81
Living History Theatre
, 109–110
Macro-level context
, 48, 70
COVID-19 innovative responses
, 72–74
Dance for PD
, 70–71
of music-making
, 160–162
social justice and dance
, 71–72
of theatre-making
, 131–132
of visual art-making
, 101–102
Macro-level principles underpinning creative ageing programme
, 174
, 180
digital inclusion in COVID-19 era
, 182–183
, 181
, 181–182
, 174–179
meso-level intersectoral connectors
, 179–180
operationalising principles
, 183
re-designing art participation in aged care settings
, 184–185
re-designing art participation in day-care centres
, 183–184
social justice
, 180
Manchester Hub
, 39–40, 44, 178
Manchester Institute of Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA)
, 39
Mandie, S.
, 153
Mark Morris Dance Group (MMDG)
, 53
Material capital
, 11
Meacham, T.
, 43
Medicalisation of ageing
, 171
Medicalised model displacement of health by playfulness and fun
, 65–68
Meet Me at the Albany and Entelechy Arts
, 111, 114, 118, 120, 130, 122, 128, 190
Melendez, V. A.
, 100
Meso-level processes
, 8–10, 31–32, 44–45, 48, 78, 94, 105, 137–138, 165–166, 184, 188
components of creative ageing programme
, 174
components of practice
, 48, 138, 166
intersectoral connectors
, 179–180, 183–184
Micro-level components of creative ageing programme
, 174
Micro-level experience
, 48, 84
Micro-level processes
, 188
Milne, L.
, 112
, 2
Mind the Gap
, 111, 115, 119, 121, 123, 129
Ministerial Advisory Council on Ageing (MACA)
, 40
Mobilising the Potential of Active Ageing in Europe (MoPAct)
, 8
active ageing direction of
, 191
Montgomery, A.
, 179
Morningside Retirement and Health Services (MRHS)
, 145
Mukhsinova, M.
, 91
Multilevel connections
, 136–138
Multilevel processes in art-making
, 104–107
Multilevel recommendations for creative ageing programme
, 185
countering ageism platforms
, 187
COVID-19 era-related recommendations
, 187
cross-sectoral partnerships
, 186
developing occupational categories of teaching artists and artistic carers
, 186–187
festivals germinating multi-art activities
, 187
international active ageing initiative
, 185
micro-and meso-level processes
, 188
national government responsibilities
, 185–186
Multilevel structural framework
, 76
, 139–140
age-sensitive attributes and adaptiveness of musical directors
, 154–156
ageing self, well-being in
, 162–163
ambience of inclusiveness and egalitarian ethos
, 149–151
aspirational standards and disciplined direction
, 156–158
and caregiving
, 145
choir participation resisting ageing inactively
, 143
community-making and care
, 151–153
components of
, 166
cultural exploration of identity through music and belonging
, 146–149
experience through
, 140
infusing sense of well-being
, 140–143
macro-level context
, 160–162
meaning-driven originator of choirs
, 153–154
multilevel analysis of music-making
, 163–165
music-making processes and COVID-19
, 159–160
organisational capabilities of director
, 154
processes in
, 153
re-envisioning ageing self after catastrophic health episodes and life events
, 144–145
social justice and music-making
, 158–159
Musical directors, age-sensitive attributes and adaptiveness of
, 154–156
Musical training
, 23
Naomi Goldberg Haas
, 49, 55, 73, 178
National Arts and Cultural Development Act (1964)
, 29
National Association of Link Workers (NALW)
, 38
National Centre for Creative Aging (NCCA)
, 29, 82
National Concert Hall (NCH)
, 36, 52, 71
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
, 29
National Guild for Community Arts Education
, 181
National Health Service (NHS)
, 26, 37, 179
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
, 133
Naturalisation of age inequality
, 171
Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC)
, 145, 179
‘market-centric’ countries
, 45
context of rationed and segregated government funding
, 131
political-economic framework
, 174
, 174
, 160
, 179–180, 192
‘Neuro erosion’
, 20
, 21
, 104
New post-retirement ‘vocation’
, 84–88
New York Age-Friendly Cities (AFC)
, 29–30, 170, 183
New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)
, 31, 178
New York State Creative Aging Initiative
, 31
New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA)
, 31
New York Theatre Workshop (NYTW)
, 30, 111, 115, 119, 121, 123, 129, 132
Olsen, G.
, 31
Oral Historian
, 128–129
Oral history
, 111–113
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 2, 19
Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
, 48, 178
Parr, H.
, 8–9, 44, 71–72, 97, 139, 149, 164
Participatory arts
, 5
Penelope Project
, 134
, 70, 110
Perlstein, S.
, 20, 22, 29–30, 32, 42, 105, 109, 110, 135, 169
Person-centred social care
, 173
Phenomenological approach
, 47
, 31
Phillipson, C.
, 3, 137, 171–172, 181
Physical capital
, 12, 70
Plasticity of ageing mind
, 17
Policy ‘structural lag’ factors
, 19
Primary care networks (PCNs)
, 37
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
, 110
in dance
, 62–70
in music-making
, 153–160
in theatre-making
, 119–131
in visual art-making
, 94–101
Qualitative methods of structured interviews
, 41
Qualitative research method
, 10, 22
Qualitative systematic review of social capital
, 106
Quality of care
, 170, 189
Quality of life
, 1, 8, 144, 170
Quantitative research method
, 22
Quasi-experimental research design
, 133
Re-designing art participation
in aged care settings
, 184–185
in day-care centres
, 183–184
Re-envisioning ageing self after catastrophic health episodes and life events
, 144–145
Recognising Senior Victorians programme
, 43
COVID-19 era-related recommendations
, 187
for creative ageing programme
, 185–188
Rediscovered place-based community
, 117
Reid, B.
, 43
Reimagining Health programme
, 132
, 111–113
Residential aged care
, 35–36, 92, 132, 183–184, 189
Revis, R.
, 52
Ruta, D.
, 136
Ruth’s Table
, 91–92, 102
Said, E. W.
, 55
Santiago-Jirau, A.
, 111
Schaie, W.
, 15–17
Schubel, L.
, 89, 100
Schwaiger, E., 47, 61,
, 70, 72, 76, 77
Seattle Longitudinal Study (SLS)
, 16
Selective optimisation with compensation theory (SOC theory)
, 17–18, 170
Self-care through cultural participation
, 189–192
Self-enhancement values
, 103
Seniors Festival Reimagined 2020
, 42
Seniors Festivals
, 42
Sennett, R.
, 89, 101, 172, 173
Sense of care
, 116
Sense of liberation through artistic transcendence
, 84–88
Shapiro, A. R.
, 100
, 23
‘Situated embodiment’
, 171
Slater, D.
, 111, 114–116, 119, 121–122, 126, 131–132, 136–137
‘Social space’ of choirs
, 159
Social capital
, 11
Social determinants of health
, 2, 170
Social field
, 70
of art-making
, 171
Social isolation
, 26
Social justice
, 71, 180, 184
and art-making
, 99–101
and dance
, 71–72
and theatre-making
, 128–130
Social Prescribing see Art on prescription (AoP)
Social relations
, 82–83, 89, 105–106, 172
, 30, 70, 78, 86, 178
Successful aging model
, 3–4
Sugawara, N.
, 131
, 140, 161
Symbolic capital
, 11
Synthesising frameworks
experiences of older adults through art-making
, 169–173
macro-level principles underpinning a creative ageing programme
, 174–185
micro-and meso-level components of creative ageing programme
, 174
multilevel recommendations for creative ageing programme
, 185–188
Tandy, V.
, 39
Teaching artists
, 186–187
Telling Tales
, 43, 110–112, 114, 116, 120, 128, 130, 190
The Door
, 49, 51, 60, 63, 71, 78–79
, 30
Theatre interventions
, 23
Theatre of Wandering
, 131
, 10, 109
case studies and methods
, 110
community-making and care
, 116–119
components of
, 138
creative ageing theatrical precursors
, 109–110
evoking self-inquiry and personal stories through trust
, 121–123
experience through
, 111
intergenerational genesis of theatre-making
, 120–121
inverting power and control through
, 126–128
macro-level context
, 131–132
multilevel connections
, 136–138
processes in
, 119
risk element crossing theatrical boundaries and life overcoming art
, 123–126
social justice and
, 128–130
the ageing self in drama, alive to what matters in the ‘now’
, 111–116
theatre-making, well-being, and care
, 110
well-being, ageing, and
, 133–136
Time Slips
, 134
Training carers
, 173
Tulle, E.
, 10, 12, 47, 61, 70, 76–77, 172, 190
Twigg, J.
, 15, 53, 61, 113, 128, 139, 163
UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPGAHW)
, 5–6
UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
, 7
UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS)
, 25
UK Royal Society for Public Health
, 7
Unconscious ageism
, 3
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
, 6
University of California, San Francisco (USCF)
, 37
, 86, 88–90, 97–98, 100, 101, 105, 107, 178
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
, 91
Visual art-making
, 10
age-sensitive intergenerational competence
, 94–95
art-making, social relations, and ageing
, 82–83
case studies
, 83
components of
, 107
experience through
, 84–94
Liminal studio art context encouraged transition
, 97–99
macro-level context
, 101–102
multilevel processes in art-making
, 104–107
precursors of ‘creative ageing’ art-making
, 81–82
processes in
, 94
social justice and art-making
, 99–101
, 83
teaching artists’ democratic Egalitarian pedagogy
, 95–97
visual art-making and adult developmental growth
, 102–104
Visual arts
, 22, 23, 30–32, 34, 170, 172
Vitality Arts
, 31
Walker, A.
, 8, 139, 191
Walsh, N.
, 154, 157
Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS)
, 41
, 22, 24, 110
and cultural participation
, 7–8
in music-making
, 162–163
music-making infusing sense of
, 140–143
and theatre-making
, 133–136
Western Australia (WA)
, 41
Wisdom paradigm
, 20
World Dance
, 49, 52, 60, 61, 63, 67, 71, 72
World Health Organization (WHO)
, 1, 22, 39, 170, 192
- Prelims
- Chapter 1: Active Ageing and Cultural Participation
- Chapter 2: Creative Ageing Groundwork: concepts and research
- Chapter 3: The Country Contexts of the Case Studies: the enabling factors
- Chapter 4: Older Dancers: being a dancer is part of life
- Chapter 5: Visual Art-Making: it was like opening up a whole new world for me
- Chapter 6: Theatre-Making: we’ve got a lifetime of stories to tell
- Chapter 7: Music-Making: people don’t judge, there’s equality when you enter the door
- Chapter 8: Synthesising the Frameworks
- Conclusion: Structuring and enriching a creative life course and quality of care
- Appendix
- Joan Schulze Ruth’s Table Exhibition Artist 2021
- References
- Index