Davide de Gennaro
(Italian National School of Administration, Italy)
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de Gennaro, D. (2019), "Index", Job Crafting, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 153-157.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
Antecedents of job crafting
, 55–66
Approach crafting
, 18, 19, 82, 102–103, 107
, 89
Approach-oriented employees
, 18
Approach-oriented job crafting
, 98–99
, 34–35, 62
Avoidance crafting
, 18, 19, 81–82, 89, 98–99
Behavioral approach
, 82, 84–85
Behavioral avoidance
demands crafting
, 82
resources crafting
, 82
Behavioral model
, 22
Big Five personality traits
, 57–58
Burdensome tasks
, 39
Call center operators
, 33–34
Catholic Church
, 98–99
Cause–effect relationship-oriented approach
, 74–86
meta-analyses on job crafting
, 74–86
Cognitive approach
, 82, 84–85
Cognitive avoidance
demands crafting
, 82
resources crafting
, 82
Cognitive job crafting
, 22–23, 106
, 4, 34–35
Contextual antecedents of job crafting
, 55–56, 60–63
Contextual crafting
, 20–21
Contextual predictors
, 62–63
Courageous behavior
, 36
“Courtesy calls”
, 41
Crafting in other domains
, 19–20
Crafting toward interests
, 99–100
Crafting toward strengths
, 99–100
Culinary artists
, 3–4
Daily modifications in job crafting
, 69–70
Demands-Abilities fit (D-A fit)
, 20
Diary approaches
, 50
Empirical studies
, 58–59, 62, 67
“Esteem enhancing” identity
, 22–23
Feedback system
, 62–63
Fit, types of
, 20
Focused tasks
, 39
High commitment HR management
, 61
Idiosyncratic jobs
, 38–39
Individual personality traits
, 56
Information Technology (IT)
, 52–53
Intangible work role perceptions
, 80–81
Job autonomy
, 61, 64
Job crafters
, 5, 6, 7, 55, 100–101
Job crafting
, 27–28, 37–44, 73–74, 80–81, 95, 113, 114, 115
, 55–66
, 7–9, 69–70
characteristics and definitions
, 6–22
conceptualizations and measures of
, 76–79
, 7
future research and needs of labor market
, 105–111
, 1–6
measure for use with bluecollar workers
, 47–48
measurement techniques
, 44–55
meta-analyses on
, 74–86
meta-synthesis on
, 87–94
need for unique conceptual framework
, 22–25
, 66–70
, 17–22
practical, and managerial implication
, 101–105
previous lines of research
, 28–36
state of art
, 95–97
theoretical implication
, 98–101
, 29–31, 32–36, 40–44, 99
, 84–85
Job Crafting Questionnaire (JCQ)
, 48, 49–50
general-level and day-level
, 51–52
Job Crafting Scale (JCS)
, 44, 45–46, 108–109
Job demands
, 13–14, 15–16, 18, 65, 84–85, 115–116
hindering job demand
, 14–15, 45, 80–81, 98–99, 110
reduction of
, 16–17
Job demands-resources model (JD-R model)
, 9–10, 12–17, 22, 46–50, 64–65, 67, 75–80, 96–97, 98–99, 106–107, 114
Job design
, 37–40, 101–102
Job design theories
, 4, 37–40
Job identity model
, 9–12, 22, 96–97, 114
Job profiles of employees
, 4
Job redesign
, 2, 54, 101–102
Job resources
, 9, 13–14, 16, 64, 80–81, 84–85, 95–96, 103–104, 115–116
Killer job
, 39
Labor market
, 105–111
Leader–member exchange (LMX) theory
, 32–33
, 62
Leisure crafting
, 19–20
Locational crafting
, 108
Measurement techniques
, 44–55
Meta-analyses on job crafting
, 74–86
Meta-synthesis on job crafting
, 87–94
Multilevel design
, 109–110
Multiperson job
, 39
Needs-Supplies fit (N-S fit)
, 20
Non-work task
, 39
Organizational behavior in workplace
, 1
Organizational change
, 54, 62
Organizational socialization
, 27
Passive behavior of employees
, 37–38
Peer-rated job crafting
, 44
Person-Job fit model (P-J fit model)
, 20
Personal resources
, 64, 95–96
Personal well-being
, 35
“Personal/individual” antecedents of job crafting
, 55–60
, 12–13
Proactive behaviors
, 10, 24, 61, 75–80, 96, 103, 114
Proactive personality
, 42–43, 57–58
Proactive working behaviors
, 96
, 42–43
Process-oriented approach
, 86–94
, 90–92
meta-synthesis on job crafting
, 87–94
Promotion-focused job crafting
, 80–81
Proximal personal motivational factors
, 58
Qualitative approach
, 71–74
process-oriented approach
, 86–94
Qualitative assessments of job crafting
, 86–87
Quantitative approach
, 71–74
cause–effect relationship-oriented approach
, 74–86
Quid pro quo
, 19–20
“Range” of job profile
, 38–39
Ratio of job crafting
, 8
Regulatory focus theory
, 80
, 34–35
Relational crafting
, 3–4, 49
, 4
, 70
Resilient crafters
, 70
Resource crafting
, 17–18, 24–25
Resource-based job crafting
, 80
Role crafting
, 17–18, 24–25
Role innovators
, 29–30
Role routinization
, 30–31
Role taking
, 30–31
Role-based job crafting
, 80
Scholars of motivational theories
, 4
Scientific research
, 71
Self-determination theory (SDT)
, 4, 34, 35
, 59–60
Self-employed behaviors
, 111
, 111
Self-rated job crafting behaviors
, 44
Strategic proactive behavior
, 96
Tangible work role boundaries
, 80–81
Task complexity and job challenges
, 63
Task crafting
, 3–4, 11–12, 46–48, 55
Task interdependence
, 63
Taylor’s theory of scientific management
, 40
Temporal crafting
, 19–20
Three-level hierarchical structure of job crafting
, 81–82
Top-down organizational practices
, 2
Top-down organizations
, 101–102
Trust relationships
, 62–63
Unitary analysis
, 114–115
Vox media
, 16
Work engagement
, 58–59, 69–70, 95–96
Work–life balance crafting
, 19–20
, 61–62