
Bhawana Bhardwaj, Dipanker Sharma

Managing and Negotiating Disagreements: A Contemporary Approach for Conflict Resolution

ISBN: 978-1-83797-972-1, eISBN: 978-1-83797-971-4

Publication date: 28 October 2024


Bhardwaj, B. and Sharma, D. (2024), "Prelims", Managing and Negotiating Disagreements: A Contemporary Approach for Conflict Resolution, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xviii.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Bhawana Bhardwaj and Dipanker Sharma

Half Title Page

Managing and Negotiating Disagreements

Title page

Managing and Negotiating Disagreements: A Contemporary Approach for Conflict Resolution



Central University of Himachal Pradesh, India



Central University of Himachal Pradesh, India

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

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First edition 2024

Copyright © 2024 Bhawana Bhardwaj and Dipanker Sharma.

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ISBN: 978-1-83797-972-1 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-971-4 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-973-8 (Epub)


List of Abbreviations xi
About the Authors xiii
Foreword xv
Preface xvii
Chapter 1: Introduction to Conflict: A Contemporary Notion 1
1.1. What is Conflict? 2
1.2. Conflict Life Cycle 3
1.3. Speculating Nature of Conflict: Various Schools of Thought 4
1.4. Is Conflict Always Harmful? 5
1.5. Diagnosis of Conflict 7
1.6. Sources of Conflict 8
1.7. Case 1.1: Role Clarity and Conflict 11
1.8. Part A (Self-assessment) 11
1.9. Part B (Review Questions) 13
1.10. Part C (Glossary) 14
1.11. Activity 1.1: Active Listening Game 14
1.12. Activity 1.2: Group Discussion 14
1.13. Activity 1.3: Assessing Your Preconceived Notion 14
Chapter 2: Levels of Conflict: How Profound Can it Be? 15
2.1. Intra-personal Conflict 16
2.2. Inter-personal Conflict 19
2.3. Intra-group Conflict 19
2.4. Inter-group Conflict 20
2.5. Intra-organizational Conflict 20
2.6. Inter-organizational Conflict 21
2.7. Case 2.1: Sarah’s Struggle 22
2.8. Activity 2. 122
2.9. Part A (Self-assessment) 23
2.10. Part B (Review Questions) 25
2.11. Part C (Glossary) 25
Chapter 3: How Does a Conflict Occur? Genesis, Stages, and Process 27
3.1. Stage I: Potential Opposition or Incompatibility 28
3.2. Stage II: Cognition and Personalization 30
3.3. Stage III: Intentions 31
3.4. Stage IV: Behavior 31
3.5. Stage V: Outcome 31
3.6. Caselet 3. 133
3.7. Caselet 3. 234
3.8. Caselet 3. 334
3.9. Caselet 3. 434
3.10. Part A (Self-assessment) 35
3.11. Part B (Review Questions) 36
3.12. Part C (Glossary) 37
Chapter 4: Uncovering Styles of Conflict Management 39
4.1. Conflict Management Style 40
4.2. Importance of Understanding Conflict Management Styles 46
4.3. Case Study 4. 147
4.4. Part A (Self-assessment) 47
4.5. Part B (Review Questions) 49
4.6. Part C (Glossary) 49
4.7. Activity 4. 149
Chapter 5: Personality and Conflict: How are They Inter-connected? 51
5.1. Conflict Management: Role of Big Five Personality Traits 52
5.2. Role of Personality in Influencing Conflict Management Styles 55
5.3. Unraveling the Role of Transactions and Transactional Analysis in Conflict Management 56
5.4. Caselet 5. 162
5.5. Activity 5. 162
5.6. Part A (Self-assessment) 62
5.7. Part B (Review Questions) 63
5.8. Part C (Glossary) 64
Chapter 6: Conflict Resolution: Initial Reactions and Strategies 65
6.1. Dimensions of Conflict Resolution 66
6.2. Managing Different Levels of Conflict 68
6.3. Case 6. 174
6.4. Part A (Self-assessment) 75
6.5. Part B (Review Questions) 75
6.6. Part C (Glossary) 76
Chapter 7: Resolving Interpersonal and Intergroup Conflict Through RAT and RNT 77
7.1. Role Analysis Technique 78
7.2. Role Negotiation Technique 80
7.3. Activity 7. 182
7.4. Part A (Self-assessment) 82
7.5. Part B (Review Questions) 84
7.6. Part C (Glossary) 84
Chapter 8: Negotiation: Bringing Conflict to a Negotiation Table 85
8.1. Definition 85
8.2. Objectives of Negotiation 86
8.3. Types of Negotiation 87
8.4. Negotiation Versus Bargaining 88
8.5. Process of Negotiation 88
8.6. Types of Negotiators 92
8.7. Case Study 8.1: Labor Dispute 94
8.8. Part A (Self-assessment) 94
8.9. Part B (Review Questions) 95
8.10. Part C (Glossary) 96
Chapter 9: Negotiation Temperaments: An Overview 97
9.1. Introduction 97
9.2. Four Key Negotiating Temperaments 100
9.3. Activity 9. 1104
9.4. Part A (Self-assessment) 105
9.5. Part B (Review Questions) 106
9.6. Part C (Glossary) 106
Chapter 10: Rules for Effective Negotiation: Do’s and Don’ts 107
10.1. Negotiation Failure 107
10.2. Reasons for Negotiation Failure 110
10.3. Rules for Effective Negotiation 112
10.4. Case Study 10.1: The Lodi Corporation Labor Dispute 113
10.5. Part A (Self-assessment) 115
10.6. Part B (Review Questions) 116
10.7. Part C (Glossary) 116
Chapter 11: Role of Perception in Negotiation 117
11.1. Role of Perception in Negotiation 118
11.2. Process of Perception in Negotiation 120
11.3. Perceptual Errors Affecting Negotiation 121
11.4. Managing Perception for Effective Negotiation 123
11.5. Part A (Self-assessment) 125
11.6. Part B (Review Questions) 126
11.7. Part C (Glossary) 127
11.8. Activity 11.1: Role Play “The Negotiation Game” 127
11.9. Activity11.2: Group Project: “Negotiation and Perceptual Errors” 127
Chapter 12: Team Negotiation 129
12.1. Features of Team Negotiation 130
12.2. Application 131
12.3. Various Roles in Team Negotiations 132
12.4. Advantages of Team Negotiation 133
12.5. Challenges of Team Negotiation 134
12.6. Process of Team Negotiation 135
12.7. Ensuring Effectiveness in Team Negotiation 135
12.8. Caselet 12.1: Team Negotiation with a Diverse Team 136
12.9. Activity 12.1: Team Negotiation and Diversity 137
12.10. Part A (Self-assessment) 137
12.11. Part B (Review Questions) 138
12.12. Part C (Glossary) 139
Chapter 13: Negotiation Skills: How to Stay Stronger in Negotiation 141
13.1. Introduction 141
13.2. Types of Negotiation Skills 142
13.3. Importance of Negotiation Skills 146
13.4. Situations in Which Negotiation Skills Can Be Applied? 148
13.5. Part A (Self-assessment) 150
13.6. Part B (Review Questions) 151
13.7. Part C (Glossary) 151
Chapter 14: BATNA: Reserving Alternatives and Back Up 153
14.1. Introduction and Concept 154
14.2. Benefits of BATNA 155
14.3. How to Decide a BATNA? 157
14.4. Boosting Up Your BATNA 157
14.5. Rules for a Robust BATNA 158
14.6. Why BATNA is Essential 158
14.7. Challenges of BATNA 158
14.8. Part A (Self-assessment) 159
14.9. Part B (Review Questions) 160
14.10. Part C (Glossary) 160
14.11. Activity 14.1: BATNA in a Job Negotiation 161
Chapter 15: Post-negotiation Process: Evaluation and Introspection 163
15.1. Assessing the Effectiveness of Negotiation Process 167
15.2. Post-negotiation Evaluation Questionnaire 167
15.3. PEP (Personal Excellence Progress) 169
15.4. Part A (Self-assessment) 170
15.5. Part B (Review Questions) 171
15.6. Part C (Glossary) 171
Chapter 16: Third-party Interventions: When Negotiation Doesn’t Work 175
16.1. Forms of Third-party Intervention in Conflict Management 176
16.2. Part A (Self-assessment) 181
16.3. Part B (Review Questions) 183
16.4. Part C (Glossary) 184
16.5. Role Play: Resolving Conflict Through Mediation 184
Chapter 17: Changing Dimensions of Conflict Management: Digital Technology and Artificial Intelligence 185
17.1. Role of Digital Technology and AI in Conflict Resolution 186
17.2. Models of ODR 193
17.3. Merits of ODR 194
17.4. Challenges of ODR 195
17.5. Part A (Self-assessment) 197
17.6. Part B (Review Questions) 198
17.7. Part C (Glossary) 198

List of Abbreviations

ADR Alternative dispute resolution
AI Artificial intelligence
BATNA Best alternative to a negotiated agreement
NLP Natural language processing
NSS Negotiation support systems
ODR Online dispute resolution
PEP Personal excellence program
RAT Role analysis technique
RNT Role negotiation technique

About the Authors

Bhawana Bhardwaj is Assistant Professor, HPKV Business School, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharmshala, India. She has 19 years of teaching and research experience in organizational behavior and human resource management. Throughout her education, she has been recognized for her merit and has received merit scholarships. She has contributed to the academic field as a dedicated academician and prolific writer by raising numerous social and organizational issues.

She has published research papers and book chapters in prestigious national and international journals with international publishers such as Elsevier, Emerald, Taylor & Francis, etc. She has presented papers as well as acted as a resource person at national and international conferences. She has also attended and organized numerous faculty development programs and workshops. As a resource person, she has been immensely appreciated by the organizers for her pedagogy and content. She has been conferred with “The Young Researcher Award,” “National Budding Researcher Award,” and the “Education Excellence Award in Human Resource Management.” She has published books on contemporary issues such as artificial intelligence (AI), emotional intelligence, women empowerment, and conflict management. Her research interests include conflict management, AI, Green Human Resource Management (GHRM), skilled migration, and organizational ambidexterity.

Dipanker Sharma is Professor and Head, HPKV Business School, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharmshala, India. He has a total work experience of 19 years and his areas of interest are human resource management and organizational behavior. With an illustrious industrial experience of over a decade as a corporate trainer with many renowned MNCs, his contribution to academia is unparalleled.

His academic career has been extraordinary. He has many patents and SCOPUS indexed books in his name. He has published research articles in nationally and internationally acclaimed journals with high cite scores and impact factors. He has presented research papers at several national and international conferences in and outside India. He has received national and international awards for his work. He has done short assignments in Asian countries like Hong Kong, Dubai, Bhutan, and Singapore and has taken up many research projects on women empowerment and related issues. He was conferred with the National Researcher Award by Trigarth, Department of Tourism, in collaboration with Himachal Tourism, Government of Himachal Pradesh. His area of research includes migration studies, brain circulation of human capital, leadership, work–life balance, workforce diversity and knowledge management.


Conflicts are common. Our lives are filled with conflicts: within the individual, between two individuals, between groups, among the groups, between organizations, communities, societies, nations, and many more. In fact, our lives are filled with conflicts and sometimes one feels if there are no conflicts, there is no life. Conflicts can be on goals, methods, values, systems, processes, and many more points.

Recognizing and managing conflicts within ourselves from time to time makes us productively or less productively use our time and energy and succeed or fail. Succeed or fail in our relationships, professional endeavors, or societal interactions, we frequently find ourselves facing divergent perspectives and conflicting interests. How we navigate these disagreements often defines the quality of our relationships, the success of our endeavors, the harmony of our communities, and the success of the organizations.

This book by Dr Bhawana Bhardwaj and Prof Dipanker Sharma Managing and Negotiating Disagreements: A Contemporary Approach for Conflict Resolution is a comprehensive text book that offers practical insights and strategies for effectively addressing and resolving conflicts in various contexts. Written by integrating research and practical experiences with exercises and case studies, this book serves as a beacon of wisdom for anyone seeking to enhance their conflict management skills.

Drawing from extensive research and real-world experiences, the chapters illuminate the intricacies of disagreement dynamics and provide readers with a comprehensive toolkit for constructive engagement. From understanding the underlying causes of conflicts to mastering the art of active listening and empathetic communication, each chapter equips readers with valuable techniques for fostering mutual understanding, finding mutually beneficial solutions, and developing negotiation skills.

What sets this book apart is its holistic approach to conflict resolution, which transcends simplistic notions of winning or losing. Instead, the emphasis is placed on cultivating collaborative mindsets, fostering trust, and nurturing resilient relationships that can withstand the test of disagreement. Through illustrative case studies, practical exercises, and insightful anecdotes, readers are invited on a transformative journey toward becoming more adept conflict navigators.

The book certainly benefits management graduates, professionals, practitioners, and academic fraternity with its comprehensive approach to develop proficiency for creating win–win situations while negotiating or dealing with conflicts of a variety. Whether you are a seasoned negotiator, a budding leader, or simply someone navigating the complexities of everyday interactions, this book offers invaluable guidance that will empower you to turn conflicts into opportunities for growth, understanding, and mutual gain.

The purpose of this book is to delve into the intricacies of negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution within organizational contexts and complexities. This book advocates proactive approaches to conflict resolution by reframing conflict as a normal and potentially beneficial phenomenon. Through the lens of active listening, empathy, creativity, and principled bargaining, these 17 chapters of this book aim to empower readers to approach conflicts constructively.

This book has 17 chapters. The first chapter itself introduces and discusses the contemporary notion of conflict including what is conflict, conflict life cycle, speculating nature of conflict, various schools of thought on conflict, and diagnosis of conflict and discusses if conflict is always harmful. The second chapter presents various types of conflict (intra-personal, inter-personal, inter-group, intra-group, intra-organizational, and inter-organizational conflicts). The third chapter discusses the stages and processes of conflict. The fourth chapter discusses the styles of conflict management. The fifth chapter deals with conflict management styles (avoiding, competing, accommodating, compromising, and collaborating). The next chapters discuss the dynamics of personality and conflict including transactional analysis and ego-states. There are chapters devoted to conflict resolution strategies, resolving inter-group and intra-organizational conflict through role analysis and role negotiation techniques. A full chapter is devoted to negotiating conflicts including the temperaments that people bring to the negotiation table (harmonizing, controlling, pragmatic, and action driven) and how they impact negotiations. There are four chapters devoted to negotiation, dynamics of negotiation, team negotiation, and negotiation skills. The book also presents the best alternatives to negotiated agreements popularly known as BATNAs. This is a very comprehensively written book on conflict management. The book has various case studies, self-assessments, review questions, glossary, and group activities. The authors deserve to be congratulated to bring out such a comprehensive book with examples, case studies, and self-assessment tools.

I am very sure the ideas expressed, solutions provided, and approaches described in this book serve as a compass, guiding the readers toward a future where conflicts and disagreements are not obstacles to be feared but rather invitations to deepen connections and forge a more harmonious world. In the era of digitalization, there has been a significant drift in the management practices and negotiations are now managed online and through several AI tools. The discourse on using contemporary tools like negotiation support system and online dispute resolution is per se a prodigious contribution of this book which will benefit and enable the readers to fine-tune with this changing paradigm.

The authors, Dr Bhawana Bhardwaj and Prof Dipanker Sharma, have done a remarkable job and as they embark on this journey of educating and training various groups of professionals, teachers, and students, I appreciate their undaunted efforts in developing this book and congratulate them.

Best Wishes!!

T. V. Rao

Chairman, T V Rao Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd

Former Professor IIM (A)


Welcome to Managing and Negotiating Disagreements: A Contemporary Approach for Conflict Resolution. Human interaction will always involve conflict, especially in contexts like organizations where people with different personalities, objectives, and points of view come together. Even though conflict is frequently associated with negativity, when handled skillfully, it may also offer chances for development, creativity, and stronger bonds between people. The capacity to resolve conflicts and negotiate agreements is a critical talent for both individuals and companies in today’s linked and fast changing world.

The purpose of this book is to present a conflict management that delves into the intricacies of negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution in the context of organizations. The book support proactive methods to conflict resolution by encouraging readers to recognize conflict as a normal and potentially beneficial phenomenon. It does this by highlighting active listening, empathy, creativity, and principled bargaining. It also emphasizes how crucial it is to create an environment where candid communication, helpful criticism, and cooperative problem solving are valued in order to resolve disputes before they become more serious.

This book examines different aspects of conflict, negotiation, and resolution via 17 chapters. It starts with an introduction to conflict as a modern concept and goes into its numerous levels, stages, and procedures. The complexities of conflict management techniques, the relationship between personality and conflict, and conflict resolution and preventive tactics will all be covered in detail for readers.

The negotiation chapters provide insightful information about the nature of negotiations, negotiation styles, temperaments, and successful negotiating techniques. In order to obtain a deeper knowledge of the dynamics at play during negotiations, readers will also learn about crucial concepts like best alternative to a negotiated agreement and the significance of perception in negotiation.

This book also looks at the function of teams in negotiations, the significance of post-negotiation assessment, and the possibility of third parties stepping in to mediate disputes. It also looks at how conflict management is evolving in the digital era and how artificial intelligence and technology are used to resolve disputes. To encourage active learning and reinforce important concepts, each chapter is enhanced with self-assessment tasks, review questions, case studies, group activities, and glossaries.

Conflict management techniques suggested in the books are useful tools for fostering harmony, innovation, and organizational resilience, as disputes continue to affect organizational dynamics and outcomes. This book is a great tool for developing competence and confidence in handling and resolving conflicts, whether you’re a professional, a student, an academician, a researcher, or an individual looking to improve your conflict resolution abilities.

In order to help you become an expert negotiator and conflict resolution practitioner, we believe that Managing and Negotiating Disagreements: A Contemporary Approach for Conflict Resolution will be a useful manual and a source of motivation.

Happy reading and learning!

Dr Bhawana Bhardwaj

Prof Dipanker Sharma