
Education and Sustainable Development in the Context of Crises: International Case Studies of Transformational Change

ISBN: 978-1-83797-776-5, eISBN: 978-1-83797-773-4

Open Access. Publication date: 3 December 2024

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(2024), "Index", Kushnir, I., Sood, K., Park, M.S.-A., Zhong, H. and Serret, N. (Ed.) Education and Sustainable Development in the Context of Crises: International Case Studies of Transformational Change, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 145-151.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2025 Iryna Kushnir, Krishan Sood, Miriam Sang-Ah Park, Hua Zhong, and Natasha Serret


These works are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of these works (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at


Acculturation of international students
, 97

Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030)
, 77

American University of Iraq, Sulaimani (AUIS)
, 27–29, 35–36, 39

organisational affiliates of
, 33–35

American-style liberal arts universities
, 26

American-style university model
, 26, 28

Anthroecological change
, 127

, 35

Approaches to learning skills (ATL skills)
, 117

AUIS Center for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (CACHE)
, 38

AUIS Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre (AEIC)
, 33, 35

Average citation per year (ACPY)
, 85

Benadir regional administration
, 46–47

Bibliometric analysis
, 75

Bibliometric methodology
, 79–80

Biophysical subsystem
, 127

Brain drain phenomenon
, 76

Brain gain
, 76, 97

BREXIT referendum (2016)
, 14

Brundtland Report of the United Nations
, 77

Capability approach
, 4

Capital accumulation in education mobility
, 97–98

Carbon Neutral ESG Sharing Forum (2030)
, 62

Cascading crises
, 15

Center for Gender and Development Studies (CGDS)
, 29, 33, 36, 38

Central government of South Korea
, 59

Chung-Ang University
, 62

Citation analysis
, 85, 99

Citizenship education
, 110–111, 115

Climate change
, 13

, 16

Cluster analysis
, 81, 92

Co-authorship analysis
, 89

Co-creation skills
, 134

Collaboration trends in migration studies in education
, 85–91

Collective identity
, 113

, 119

Communication challenges
, 35–36

Communicative action to address gap in educating for global citizenship, Habermas’ theory of
, 112–115

Communicative reality
, 112

Community betterment, individual and personal efforts for
, 38

Community mobilization
, 48

Conflict-affected environment, school leadership in
, 48–50

, 134


and impact on higher education institutions in South Korea
, 61

, 11, 143

Creeping crises
, 10–11

, 5, 10–12, 49, 141

education in International sustainable development in ever-existing context of
, 15–16

glocalisation and
, 12–14

around world and impact on sustainable development
, 14–15

, 10, 12, 58

Critical thinking skills
, 26, 28, 30, 35

Crucial capital
, 97

Cuban missile crisis (1962)
, 12

Cultural adaptation in higher education
, 97

, 113

Curriculum model
, 136

Data collection
, 50

Data sorting
, 50

Descriptive indicators
, 82

Digital education
, 16

, 33

Disadvantaged students
, 63

, 10–11

Disclosure of ESG information by universities
, 64

Discourse of international student mobility
, 94–95

Dissemination of ESG information by universities
, 64

, 31, 84, 94

Dual-level impact
, 31

Dynamic relationship
, 93

Earth Hacks
, 136

, 12

East Africa
, 5, 13, 15

Economic crises
, 5

Economic crisis
, 14–15

, 132

, 3–4, 16, 93, 141

capital accumulation in education mobility
, 97–98

characteristics of migration studies in
, 82–85

collaboration trends in migration studies in
, 85–91

conceptual structure of migration studies in
, 91–93

for global citizenship
, 110–112, 117

, 61

in international sustainable development in ever-existing context of crises
, 15–16

migration in
, 75–76

, 130

for sustainability
, 129–132

Education for sustainable development (ESD)
, 4, 59, 61

Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP)
, 46, 49

Educational migration
, 78

for sustainable development
, 77–78

Educational mobility, regional dynamics and neo-nationalism in
, 95–96

Educational research
, 75

Educational systems
, 76

, 131

, 113

Ekskäret Foundation
, 132

, 10–12

, 78, 89, 97

, 52

Environment, society, and governance (ESG)
, 59

, 62

disclosure and dissemination of ESG information by universities
, 64

management of universities
, 63

operation of ESG committee and efforts to spread ESG culture
, 63

University Cluster
, 64

University Cluster Agreement Ceremony and Forum (2023)
, 64

European debt crisis, The
, 14

European Union (EU)
, 13

Exclusion criteria
, 79

Exploratory factor analysis
, 82

Forced migration
, 76

Global citizenship
, 4

, 110–112

Habermas’ theory of communicative action to address gap in educating for
, 112–115

Global contexts
, 5

Global crises
, 143

positive reaction to
, 129

Global South
, 131

Global world
, 143

, 18, 128

Glocal community
, 144

, 5, 10, 15

and crises
, 12–14

Glocalism concept
, 143

‘Habermas’ assertion
, 120

‘Habermas’ theory of communicative action
, 110, 116, 120–121

to address gap in educating for global citizenship
, 112–115

Habermasian theory
, 120

, 136

, 50, 53

in private schools
, 48

Higher education

change in participation and perception
, 65–67

, 58

COVID-19 and impact on higher education institutions in South Korea
, 61

cultural adaptation and internationalisation in
, 97

historical background
, 60–61

in post-conflict settings
, 30

regional cooperations between universities and local government
, 65

SDGs and ESG management
, 61–64

in South Korea
, 60

, 26, 30

Higher education institutions (HEIs)
, 30, 58, 94, 99, 142

Human capital development
, 95

Human capital model
, 94

Human systems
, 129

and nature of crises
, 127–128

, 12

Incheon Port Corporation
, 65

Incheon Transportation Corporation
, 65

Incheon University LINC 3.0 Project Group
, 65

Inclusion criteria
, 79

Inconsistent strategies
, 36–37

Individual engagement and development
, 31

, 58

Inner development goals (IDG)
, 126, 132–137, 144

, 133

, 134–135

humans, systems and nature of crises
, 127–128

SDGs and education for sustainability
, 129–132

, 128

Institute of Regional and International Studies (IRIS)
, 29, 33

Institutional Review Board, The
, 33

Intercultural competence
, 134

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programmes (IBDP)
, 116

International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programmes (IBMYP)
, 116–117

International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO)
, 111

International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programmes (IBPYP)
, 116

International development
, 5

International educational mobility
, 97

International migration
, 75, 98

International Organization for Migration (IOM)
, 74

International schools
, 111

International student mobility
, 95

discourse and politics of
, 94–95

factors shaping
, 96–97

International students
, 78

motivational factors for
, 98

International study, trans/national academic mobilities and
, 95

International sustainable development
, 5, 16, 141

education in international sustainable development in ever-existing context of crises
, 15–16

Internationalisation in higher education
, 97

Japanese Colonial Period
, 60

Jeonju-University ESG Agreement
, 65

Kangwon National University
, 66

Konkuk University
, 62

Korea University’s Social Contribution Centre
, 63

Korean higher education institutions
, 63

Korean sustainable development goals (K-SDGs)
, 61

Korean War
, 60

Kurdish community’s hesitancy to accept liberal values
, 38

Kurdish/Arab community
, 37


, 47–48

, 49

Learning lifeworlds
, 143

Liberal arts curriculum
, 26, 28

Liberal values, Kurdish community’s hesitancy to accept
, 38

Lifelong learning
, 74, 77–78

Limited funding
, 37

Local contexts
, 5

Local government, regional cooperations between universities and
, 65

Macro-scale destinations
, 138

Marginalised communities
, 36

Metropolitan Landfill Management Corporation
, 65

Microcategorisation approach
, 83

, 74–75, 93

analysis of identified data sources
, 80–82

capital accumulation in education mobility
, 97–98

characteristics of migration studies in education
, 82–85

collaboration trends in migration studies in education
, 85–91

conceptual considerations and literature review
, 75

conceptual structure of migration studies in education
, 91–93

cultural adaptation and internationalisation in higher education
, 97

discourse and politics of international student mobility
, 94–95

in education
, 75–76

educational migration for sustainable development
, 77–78

factors shaping international student mobility
, 96–97

identification of scholarly sources
, 79

implications and future directions
, 99

methodological considerations
, 78

motivational factors for international students
, 98

regional dynamics and neo-nationalism in educational mobility
, 95–96

research design
, 78

, 82

trans/national academic mobilities and international study
, 95

Military conflicts
, 27

Militia group
, 52

Millennium development goals (MDGs)
, 77

Ministry of Education (MoE)
, 58–59

in South Korea
, 60

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MTIE)
, 64

Mixed-methods approach
, 116

, 137

Multidimensional crises
, 13

National academic mobilities and international study
, 95

National school systems
, 111

Natural disasters
, 5

Neo-nationalism in educational mobility
, 95–96

, 95

New Division, The
, 132

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
, 29, 50

Onyx’s conceptualisation of impact
, 31

Onyx’s model of social impact
, 31

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 76, 112

Organisational affiliates of AUIS
, 33–35

, 53

Personal identity
, 113

Place, Problem, and Project method (P3L method)
, 59

Policy landscape of Somali Private Education System

Benadir regional administration
, 46–47

conceptualising leadership
, 47–48

, 50–52

, 50

, 53

school leadership in conflict-affected environment
, 48–50

Political crises
, 5

Political socialization
, 30

Politics of international student mobility
, 94–95

Population decline
, 67

Positive feedback loops
, 128

Post-2015 migration crises in Europe
, 15

Post–conflict society
, 26–27

Presidential Committee on Ageing Society and Population Policy (PCASPP)
, 58

Private schools in Mogadishu
, 48

Problem based learning (PBL)
, 59

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
, 89

Push–pull theory of international students
, 98

Qualitative analysis
, 32

Qualitative data
, 116

Quality education
, 15, 142

Reflexive thematic analysis
, 117

Refugee education
, 89

Regional cooperations between universities and local government
, 65

Regional dynamics
, 96

in educational mobility
, 95–96

Regional Innovation Scheme project (RIS project)
, 59, 66

Regular crises
, 10

Research questions (RQs)
, 78

, 128

Russia-Ukraine war
, 10

Scholarly collaborations
, 85

School cultures
, 113

School leadership

in conflict-affected environment
, 48–50

in Somalia
, 142

School-age population
, 59

Self-determination theory
, 144

Self-efficacy concept
, 65

Self-replicating phenomenon
, 114

Self-sustaining phenomenon
, 114

Semi-structured interviews
, 32

Seoul National University
, 64

Social capital
, 66–67, 76, 97

Social cohesion
, 28, 77

Social impact of American Liberal Arts University

, 28–29

communication challenges
, 35–36

conceptual framework
, 31–32

, 35

individual and personal efforts for community betterment
, 38

Kurdish community’s hesitancy to accept liberal values
, 38–39

limited funding
, 37

literature review
, 29–30

, 32–33

organisational affiliates of AUIS
, 33–35

unclear institutional vision and inconsistent strategies
, 36–37

Social justice
, 87, 89, 94

Social role of universities
, 29–30

Social-ecological resilience
, 128

Socially responsible investing (SRI)
, 63

, 113

Socio-ecological systems
, 128

Socio-metabolic subsystem
, 127

Somali private schools
, 46

, 6, 46

education system
, 53

Somalia-related studies
, 49

South Korea
, 58

higher education in
, 60–67

Spiritual competency
, 52

Staff faced repercussions
, 52

Student self-directedness and independence
, 117–118

impact of lifeworld on
, 117

Students Club Research Projects
, 66

Supply chain management (SCM)
, 62

, 95

education for
, 129–132

, 136

sustainability-orientated response
, 128

Sustainable development
, 59, 75, 131

educational migration for
, 77–78

recent crises around world and impact on
, 14–15

Sustainable development goals (SDGs)
, 5, 15, 59, 74, 110, 126, 136, 142

(see also Inner development goals (IDG))
and education for sustainability
, 129–132

, 61–64

Swedish organizations
, 132

System colonization, withstanding threat of
, 118–120

Takween (business accelerator)
, 34, 37

Teacher–student communicative action

education for global citizenship
, 110–112

Habermas’ theory of communicative action to address gap in educating
, 112–115

impact of lifeworld on student self-directedness and independence
, 117

, 115–117

student self-directedness and independence
, 117–118

withstanding threat of system colonization
, 118–120

Thematic data analysis
, 33

, 4

Total citation (TC)
, 85

Trans/national academic mobilities and international study
, 95

Transdisciplinary approach
, 127

, 5

29k Foundation, the
, 132

, 65

Unclear institutional vision
, 36–37

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)
, 77

, 50

Unintended impacts
, 27

United Nations (UN)
, 77

Agenda (2030)
, 77

Millennium Summit
, 77

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
, 77

Human Development Report
, 4

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
, 50, 75

, 31, 58

disclosure and dissemination of ESG information by
, 64

regional cooperations between local government and
, 65

social role of
, 29–30

University of Michigan, The
, 31

Validity claims
, 113

Volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world (VUCA world)
, 120

Web of Science (WOS)
, 75, 83

Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and Democratic countries (WEIRD countries)
, 142

World Bank
, 50

World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED)
, 77

World War II (WWII)
, 5

Yonsei University
, 64