
Maria Palazzo, Alessandra Micozzi

Rethinking Decision-Making Strategies and Tools: Emerging Research and Opportunities

ISBN: 978-1-83797-205-0, eISBN: 978-1-83797-204-3

Publication date: 16 February 2024

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Palazzo, M. and Micozzi, A. (2024), "Index", Rethinking Decision-Making Strategies and Tools: Emerging Research and Opportunities, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 111-114.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Maria Palazzo and Alessandra Micozzi


Academic spin-off
, 87–88

Action plan
, 75, 96–97

Actual versus potential
, 5, 74

Ad exchanges
, 36

Advertising technology industry (AdTech industry)
, 35–37

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
, 89

Analytical myopia
, 4

APPNIE model
, 5, 96, 106–107

future directions for
, 108

Artificial intelligence (AI)
, 42

application of BCG matrix to platform provides
, 42

application of GE matrix to platform provides AI services
, 44–45

applying SWOT analysis to
, 62–65

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
, 89

Balanced scorecard (BSC)
, 4, 12, 19–21, 55

applying BSC to banking sector
, 38–40

drivers and limits of
, 37–38

Banking sector, applying BSC to
, 38–40

, 107

adaptation of GE/McKinsey matrix to ‘explore’ metaverse
, 45–47

application of BCG matrix to platform provides artificial intelligence services
, 42

application of GE matrix to platform provides AI services
, 44–45

applying BSC to banking sector
, 38–40

drivers and limits of Boston consulting group matrix
, 40–41

drivers and limits of BSC
, 37–38

drivers and limits of general electric Matrix
, 43–44

example of PESTEL analysis applied to AdTech industry
, 35–37

limitations and barriers to application of PEST/PESTEL Analysis
, 34–35

limitations of BCG Matrix
, 41

PEST analysis’s drivers
, 35


case study Bioerg srl
, 91–95

, 91

Boston Consulting Group matrix (BCG matrix)
, 4, 21–23

advantages of
, 23–24

drivers and limits of
, 40–41

limitations of
, 41

Business Register of the Italian Chamber of Commerce
, 84

, 105, 107

Conventional GE matrix
, 45

Conventional marketing strategies
, 106

Conventional SWOT analysis
, 4, 74

Corporate strategy
, 12, 15, 18, 34

Cost-benefit analysis
, 106

Criticism of GE McKinsey matrix
, 26

Customer perspective
, 19

Customer-centric approaches
, 107

Data management platforms (DMPs)
, 36

, 12

evolution of
, 55–56

, 104–105

, 5, 41, 43, 55, 57

Decision–making strategies and tools
, 5

advantages of BCG Matrix
, 23–24

Balanced Scorecard
, 17–20

Boston consulting group matrix
, 21–23

changing facets of PEST/PESTEL analysis
, 14

evolution of PEST Analysis
, 14–17

future directions for APPNIE model
, 108

GE/McKinsey Matrix
, 24–26

PEST analysis
, 12–14

strategic map and BSC
, 20–21

Degenerative process
, 24

Demand-side platforms (DSPs)
, 36

Dextran-substitute products
, 92

Digital strategies
, 106

Dynamic analysis approach
, 19

Economic, Technical, Political, and Social factors analysis (ETPS analysis)
, 14

Economic factors
, 13, 16

Economic-financial facet
, 39

, 4

Entrepreneurial activation process
, 85

, 81, 86

Environmental factors
, 14

European paradox
, 84

External elements
, 54

Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCGs)
, 16

Financial perspective
, 19

Financial sustainability
, 93

Foreign direct investment (FDI)
, 13

General Electric matrix (GE matrix)
, 4, 24–26

adaptation of GE matrix to ‘explore’ metaverse
, 45–47

application of GE matrix to platform provides AI services
, 44–45

drivers and limits of
, 43–44

GE/McKinsey nine-quadrant matrix
, 26

, 3

Goal-setting frameworks
, 107

, 16

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
, 16

Harvard Business Review (HBR)
, 21, 57

Harvard Business School
, 53

Innovative start–ups
, 86–87

in Italy
, 82–84

Intelligent Specialisation Strategy
, 97

Internal Process Perspective
, 20

Internal versus external
, 5, 74

Italy, Innovative start-ups in
, 82–84

Key performance indicators (KPIs)
, 37

Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship (KSTE)
, 84

Learning and development/innovation perspective
, 20

Legal factors
, 14

, 96

case study
, 87–90

Management control systems
, 21

Marche Region
, 81–82, 87, 97

, 75, 106

Marketing Technology (Martech)
, 65

applying SWOT Analysis to
, 65–66

McKinsey Matrix
, 4, 24–26, 43

adaptation of McKinsey matrix to ‘explore’ metaverse
, 45–47

Ministry of Economic Development
, 82

Non-financial factors
, 43

Organisational sustainability
, 92

Performance measurement approach
, 19

, 107

Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, International, Environmental, Demographic factors analysis (PESTLIED analysis)
, 14

Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal, Environmental factors analysis (PESTLE analysis)
, 4, 12, 14, 35, 57

changing facets of
, 14

example of advertising technology industry
, 35–37

limitations and barriers to application of
, 34–35

Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological factors analysis (PEST analysis)
, 4, 12–14, 34–35

changing facets of
, 14

, 35

evolution of
, 14–17

limitations and barriers to application of
, 34–35

in practice
, 14–17

Political decision-makers
, 82

Political factors
, 13, 16

Porter five-forces model
, 4, 57

Positive versus negative
, 5, 74

Product development
, 22

Purchasing power parity (PPP)
, 16

Quality based approach
, 19

Real-time bidding (RTB)
, 36

Regional entrepreneurial dynamics
, 81

Research and development (R&D)
, 13

, 96

Rome Outstanding Maker of Europe (R. O. M. E.)
, 88

Science, Tech, Engineering, Math field (STEM field)
, 86

Sharing economy
, 3

SO strategies
, 54

Social, Legal, Economic, Political, Technological factors (SLEPT analysis)
, 14

Social, Technical, Economic, Political, and Ecological factors analysis (STEPE analysis)
, 14

Social factors
, 13, 17

Social/Demographic, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal, Ethical factors (STEEPLE analysis)
, 14

SOFT approach
, 55

ST strategies
, 54

Stakeholder groups
, 5


factors influencing emergence of
, 84–86

‘weekend’ business competition
, 88

Strategic, Trend, Evaluation, Process (STEP)
, 14

Strategic decision making
, 107

Strategic management

, 17

, 15

Strategic map
, 20–21, 39

, 104

Subjective assessment process
, 63

Supply-side platforms (SSPs)
, 36

Sustainability of business
, 92

SWOT analysis
, 4, 15, 35, 53–54, 57, 74, 89, 93, 106, 108

to AI platform
, 62–65

areas of application of
, 56–57

evolution of decision-making tool
, 55–56

limits and drawbacks of
, 57–58

to Martech
, 65–66

structured literature review
, 58–61

SWOT matrix
, 54

Talking Hands
, 88–89, 96

Technical sustainability
, 92–93

Technological factors
, 13

, 17

Technology-forecasting process
, 22

, 107

TOWS strategic matrix
, 55

, 24

UN Sustainable Development Goals
, 89

Underlying planning (UP)
, 55

Vulnerability mitigation strategies
, 97

WO strategies
, 54

World Bank
, 82

, 55

WT strategies
, 54