
Continuous Teacher Education in Russia

ISBN: 978-1-83753-853-9, eISBN: 978-1-83753-852-2

Publication date: 24 July 2024

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(2024), "Index", Valeeva, R.A. and Kalimullin, A.M. (Ed.) Continuous Teacher Education in Russia, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 233-241.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Roza A. Valeeva and Aydar M. Kalimullin. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Academic fundamentals
, 215

Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of USSR
, 12

, 34, 143–144

Additional professional education (APE)
, 182, 227–228

as basis for continuous professional development of teachers
, 182–185

goals and objectives
, 182–185

innovative technologies of educators’ training in professional development system
, 193–196

quality assessment systems for
, 196–197

trends in development of system of teachers’ professional development in modern Russia
, 186–192

Additional professional programme (APP)
, 185

structure and content
, 185

, 139–140

Advanced training
, 183

of continuous teacher education
, 1

, 10–11

American Educational Researchers Associations (AERA)
, 2

Anthropocentric concept
, 211

, 211–212

Applicant as form of dissertation preparation
, 170–171

Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE)
, 2

Augmented reality (AR)
, 78

Bachelor's degree curricula
, 107

Bachelor's programme

with one profile
, 107

with two profiles
, 107

Baltic Federal University
, 224

Basic professional educational programmes of higher education
, 156

Basic professional of continuous teacher education
, 1

Bilingual personality development
, 204

Bilingualism in National Education of Russian Subjects

prevalence of different types of bilingualism in educational institutions
, 209

types of
, 207–209

Bologna Declaration
, 4

, 226

, 18

British Educational Researchers Associations (BERA)
, 2

Candidate of Chemical Sciences
, 155

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
, 155

Candidate of Science
, 155

Case studies
, 49

Central Depot of Educational Institutions
, 21

, 181

Charter of Educational Institutions Subordinate to Universities
, 14

Charter of Public Schools
, 17

Client-oriented model of additional professional education of teachers
, 188

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
, 5

Communicative and digital module
, 128

Communicative function of pre-vocational teacher education
, 47

Communist ideology
, 18

Competence approach
, 77, 109

Competency model

of teacher education programmes
, 109

for teacher training
, 109–120

Compulsory part of educational programme
, 79

Concept of Multicultural Education Development in the Russian Federation
, 204–205

Concept of Teacher Training for the Education System until 2030
, 131–132

Content features
, 77

Continuity of pedagogical education in theory and practice of teacher training
, 83

Continuity of teacher education
, 35, 69

Continuous education
, 1

Continuous pedagogical education
, 223, 226–227

in Russia
, 228–229

Continuous teacher education
, 10, 32

essential characteristics
, 35–36

historical development of pre-professional teacher education in Russia
, 10–13

history of secondary vocational teacher education
, 14–17

lifelong learning in Russian research perspective
, 33–35

postgraduate teacher education
, 24–27

in Russia
, 10

Russian system of professional development of pedagogical staff
, 20–24

structure of system
, 36–38

university teacher education historical development in Russia
, 17–20

‘Core of Higher Teacher Education’, The
, 120, 230–231

Core of Secondary Professional Teacher Education
, 89

Corrective function of prevocational education
, 47

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
, 3–4

Credit unit
, 79

Criteria for evidence of dissertation research
, 173

Cross-border problems
, 59

Cross-cutting professional competences of pedagogical bachelor degree and indicators of achievement
, 121–123

Current problems of higher teacher education
, 131–133

Defence of thesis on pedagogy
, 173–175

Democratism principle
, 36

Design of conjugate curricula
, 77

, 26–27

Digital educational environment
, 88

Digital transformation of additional professional education of teachers
, 189–191

, 191

of education
, 227–228

Directions of strategic development
, 89–90

Dissertant (а dissertation author)
, 156

, 155

Dissertation council
, 156, 174

Dissertation defence
, 160

Distance learning
, 190

Doctor of Chemical Sciences
, 155

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
, 155

Doctor of Science
, 155

Doctoral studies
, 175–176

Doctoral training
, 225–226

Edu Tech Centre
, 190

, 32

, 184

forms of
, 103–105

, 221

“Education and Pedagogical Sciences”
, 105

Educational activities module
, 128–129

Educational function of pre-vocational teacher education
, 46–47

Educational institutions
, 77, 213

Educational organisations
, 71–72

Educational practice
, 32, 192

Educational process
, 208, 227–228, 230

Educational programmes
, 68

Educational standards
, 79

Educational-research and project activity module
, 129

, 16

Elimination of illiteracy
, 18

Empress Maria Institutions
, 11

Ethnocultural content
, 212

Ethnocultural education
, 211, 215

Ethnocultural environment

directions for preparing teachers to work in ethnocultural environment
, 212–214

evolution of content and methods of ethnocultural teacher training at Russian universities
, 209–212

features of National Education in Tatarstan
, 206–207

multi-ethnic structure of Russia
, 202–204

state policy of ethnocultural education in practical activities of universities
, 204–206

trends and prospects for development of system of ethnocultural teacher training at Russian Universities
, 214–216

types of bilingualism in National Education of Russian Subjects
, 207–209

Ethnocultural pedagogical education
, 210

Ethnocultural training
, 209, 215–216

Ethnopolitical strategy of Russian Government
, 205

Evening form of education
, 104

, 170

Exemplar lessons
, 16

Exemplary Basic Educational Programmes
, 230

Experimental demonstration schools
, 12

Extra-mural education
, 22

Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”
, 98–99

Federal State Educational Programmes
, 223–224

Federal State Educational Standard (FSES)
, 77, 83, 158, 205, 224, 231

Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education
, 98–99

Federal State Educational Standards of higher pedagogical education
, 105–109

Federal State General Education Standard, The (FGOS)
, 212

Federal State Requirements
, 161

Federal State Standard for Higher Qualification Training
, 165

Forms of education
, 103–105

Full-fledged Tatar schools
, 206

Full-time study
, 103–104

General education
, 3, 12

General professional competences and indicators of achievement
, 112–115

, 32, 220–221

Goals and objectives
, 182–185

Government of the Russian Federation
, 217

, 11–12, 37

Health-promoting module
, 128

Higher Attestation Commission
, 156

Higher education institutions
, 101, 227

Higher professional teacher education

competency-based model of educational programmes for teacher training
, 109–120

current problems and prospects of higher teacher education
, 131–133

Federal State Educational Standards of higher pedagogical education
, 105–109

forms of education
, 103–105

legal foundations and principles
, 97–100

modules of teacher education curriculum
, 120–129

organisation of practice of future teachers
, 129–131

, 100–103

Higher School of Economics
, 2

Higher teacher education
, 223–224

Highly qualified personnel
, 154

Highly qualified teaching staff

admission and organisation of training of postgraduate students
, 166–175

changes in nomenclature of scientific specialties
, 156

doctoral studies
, 175–176

general characteristics of postgraduate programmes in Russia
, 161–166

peculiarities of system of higher education in Russia
, 155–156

postgraduate studies
, 156–161

training of
, 154

, 10

Horizontal integration principle
, 36

‘Immersion’ model
, 194–195

Incentive function
, 46

Incomplete secondary education
, 16

, 139–140

Industrial internship
, 129

Industrial practice
, 81–82

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
, 56–57

Initial teacher education
, 38

, 58–59

Innovative technologies of educators’ training in professional development system
, 193–196

Institute of National Education (INE)
, 19

Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, The
, 212

Institutes for Education Development
, 227

Integration of ethnocultural education
, 215–216

Interactive learning process
, 190

, 210–211

, 183

Job qualification
, 34

Kazan Federal University (KFU)
, 2, 58, 131, 184, 206, 227

, 209–210

, 213

Law of the Republic of Tatarstan
, 205

Law on Education of the Russian Federation, The
, 226–227

, 211

Learning society
, 1

Levels of higher education
, 98

Liberalisation of educational policy
, 227

Life qualification
, 34

‘Lifelong education’ paradigm
, 1, 33

Lifelong learning
, 32, 68

in Russian research perspective
, 33–35

Linguistic personality
, 208

Linguistic phenomena
, 210–211

Linguocentric concept
, 209

List of Current Topics of Dissertation Research in Education Sciences
, 172–173

Literacy schools
, 15

Logocentric concept
, 211

, 23

Marxist–Leninist theory
, 23

Master’s students
, 130–131

Master's degree curriculum
, 108

Master's programme
, 109

Meta-subject results
, 50

Methodological support
, 60, 187

Middle Volga Region
, 203

Migrants complement National Composition of Russia
, 203

Ministry of Education
, 206

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan
, 212

Ministry of Education of Russian Federation
, 45, 52

Mixed bilingualism
, 208–209

Mixed personality type
, 208

Models of development of secondary professional pedagogical education
, 71

Modern civilisation
, 228

Modern educational systems
, 219

Modern secondary professional teacher education, content of
, 77–82

, 1–2

of Russian qualifications system
, 68

of secondary professional teacher education
, 83–89

‘Modular’ model
, 194–195

, 79

Modules of teacher education curriculum (bachelor's degree)
, 120–129

Moscow City Pedagogical University
, 192

Moscow Pedagogical State University
, 224

Moscow State Pedagogical Institute
, 13

Moscow State Regional University
, 188

Moscow State University
, 2

Motivational function
, 46

Multi-ethnic structure of Russia
, 202–204

middle Volga region and North Caucasus
, 203

migrants complement National Composition of Russia
, 203

Multicultural education
, 229

Multicultural environment
, 203

Multiculturalism in Russia
, 204

, 202, 228–229

, 25

National Composition of Russia, Migrants complement
, 203

National cultural code
, 212

National education
, 202

features of national education in Tatarstan
, 206–207

types of bilingualism in
, 207–209

National educational institutions of Russia
, 210

National languages
, 210

National programmes
, 214–215

Native language
, 210–211

Native speakers
, 207–208

Network paradigm
, 58–59

, 10–11

Nomenclature of scientific specialties
, 156

North Caucasus
, 203

Novice teachers
, 139–140

induction and adaptation
, 141–143

legal and regulatory support for adaptation of young teachers in school
, 143–144

Russian practice of induction and mentoring young teachers
, 144–148

Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)
, 193

October Revolution
, 18

Open pedagogical classes
, 60

Open Teacher Education School Programmes
, 60

Organisational management
, 139–140

Part of the educational programme formed by the participants of educational relations
, 106

Part-time form of education
, 104

Pedagogical casuistry
, 48

Pedagogical classes
, 11–13, 43–44, 58

in modern system of continuous teacher education
, 45

in Russia
, 49

Pedagogical councils
, 20

Pedagogical courses
, 21

Pedagogical education
, 68, 205–207, 212

Pedagogical institutes
, 19–20

Pedagogical internship
, 129

Pedagogical knowledge
, 49

Pedagogical pre-vocational teacher education cluster
, 61

, 4–5

requirements for content and topics of postgraduate theses in
, 172–173

requirements for formatting of PhD theses in
, 171–172

People's Commissariat of Education
, 24–25

Personal aspect of continuous teacher education system
, 38

Personal results
, 50

Personalisation of additional professional education programmes
, 186–189

PISA International Programme for the Assessment of Educational Achievement of Students
, 76

Post-war period of pedagogical classes development
, 12

Postgraduate education
, 25

Postgraduate of continuous teacher education
, 1

Postgraduate programmes in Russia, general characteristics of
, 161–166

Postgraduate school, algorithm of admission to
, 166–168

Postgraduate students

admission and organisation of training of
, 166–175

procedure for certification of
, 169–170

Postgraduate studies
, 154, 156, 161

peculiarities of organisation of academic classes and practices in
, 168–169

Postgraduate teacher education
, 24–27

opening and development of postgraduate schools in pedagogy
, 26–27

postgraduate school as system for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in USSR
, 24–26

Postgraduate training
, 225–226

Practice base
, 50

Practice-oriented approach
, 47–48

Practice-oriented learning for teaching teams
, 191–192

Practice-oriented training
, 75

Pre-professional of continuous teacher education
, 1

Pre-professional pedagogical education
, 222

Pre-professional teacher education in Russia, historical development of
, 10–13

‘Pre-university’ education
, 223

Pre-vocational teacher education
, 43–44, 60

methodology of pre-vocational teacher training in Russia
, 45–52

models of specialised psycho-pedagogical classes
, 57–63

Russian concept of specialised psychological and pedagogical classes
, 52–57

Preliminary Rules of Public Education
, 14

Primary school
, 16

Primary school teachers
, 16

Principles of higher pedagogical education
, 99–100

Problem-developing learning
, 211

Professional adaptation
, 143

Professional competencies
, 120, 158

Professional development
, 181

, 184

Professional education
, 68

Professional educational organisations
, 72

Professional identity
, 45

Professional portfolio
, 57

Professional retraining
, 183–184

Professional standards
, 98–99

, 141

, 44

, 140

Promising directions for development of higher pedagogical education
, 132–133

Prussian model
, 3–4

Psycho-pedagogical education
, 105

Psychological and pedagogical module
, 128

Psychological knowledge
, 49

, 139–140

Public education
, 12

Quality assessment systems for additional professional education
, 196–197

Recommended professional competences of pedagogical bachelor's degree and indicators of achievement
, 120

Reduced contingent of students
, 101

Reforms of teacher education in Russia
, 5–6

, 220–221

Regionalisation of ethnocultural education
, 216

Relevance principle
, 36

Religious instruction
, 15

Research work
, 129

, 83

Rural educational institutions
, 207


general characteristics of postgraduate programmes in
, 161–166

methodology of pre-vocational teacher training in
, 45–52

migrants complement National Composition of
, 203

multi-ethnic structure of
, 202–204

peculiarities of system of higher education in
, 155–156

teacher education
, 6–7

Russia Anxiety, The (Smith)
, 5

Russian Academy of Education
, 173

Russian concept of specialised psychological and pedagogical classes
, 52–57

Russian education system
, 1

Russian educational institutions
, 207

Russian Federation
, 68, 119, 202, 205, 231

Russian Ministry of Education
, 68

Russian national culture
, 206

Russian national identity
, 209

Russian normative legal acts
, 225–226

Russian pedagogical education
, 205

Russian pedagogical science
, 221

Russian pedagogy
, 230

Russian practice of induction and mentoring young teachers
, 144–148

Russian secondary professional pedagogical education
, 73

Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (RSFSR)
, 19

Russian State Pedagogical University in name of A.I. Herzen
, 101–103

Russian system

of professional development of pedagogical staff
, 20–24

of teacher education
, 220

Russian teacher training system
, 96–97

Russian Universities

evolution of content and methods of ethnocultural teacher training at
, 209–212

trends and prospects for development of system of ethnocultural teacher training at
, 214–216

School of excellence
, 146–147

School principals
, 147

School reforms
, 15

School-university partnership
, 45, 59

Science of the Republic of Tatarstan
, 206

Scientific specialties, changes in nomenclature of
, 156

Scientific supervision
, 62

‘Second-grade’ teacher schools
, 15

Secondary professional education (SPE)
, 77

Secondary Professional Pedagogical Education (SPPE)
, 70

Secondary professional teacher education (SPTE) (see also Additional professional education (APE))
, 67–68, 75

content of modern secondary professional teacher education
, 77–82

general characteristics of current system of secondary vocational teacher education in Russia
, 69–76

modernisation in context of transformation of Russian Society
, 83–89

Secondary teacher education
, 15

Secondary vocational education (SVE)
, 38, 68, 85, 223

Secondary vocational teacher education

general characteristics of current system of
, 69–76

history of
, 14–17

Self-designing competence-oriented individual educational programs
, 187

Self-determination of schoolchildren
, 13

, 13

, 147

, 13

Situational tasks
, 49

Smart technologies
, 189–190

Smolny Institute of Noble Maidens
, 10–11

Social and Humanitarian Module
, 120

Social functions
, 74–75

, 139–140

Soviet model of teacher training
, 3–4, 6

Soviet pedagogical university
, 18

Soviet school
, 12

Special (defectological) education
, 105

Special pedagogical classes
, 16

Specialised pedagogical universities
, 100–101

Specialised psycho-pedagogical classes, models of
, 57–63

Specialist curriculum
, 108

Specialty level programme
, 105–106

, 78

St. Petersburg Main Public School
, 14

St. Petersburg University
, 17–18

State policy of ethnocultural education in practical activities of universities
, 204–206

Status aspect
, 37

Structural and functional characteristics
, 32

Structure and content
, 185

, 207–208

Subject results
, 51

Subject-methodic module
, 129

Subject-oriented approach
, 47

Subject-oriented educational process
, 32

Subordinate personality type
, 207

, 76

, 168

Sverdlovsk Oblast
, 61

Systemic feedback
, 187

Tatar language
, 213

Tatar schools
, 206

Tatarstan, features of National Education in
, 206–207

Teacher courses
, 15

Teacher education
, 95–96, 221–222

modules of teacher education curriculum
, 120–129

in Russia
, 1, 229

school programmes of integrated structure
, 60

with two training profiles
, 105

Teacher institutes
, 19

Teacher pre-vocational education
, 50

Teacher training

, 17–18

, 18

, 101

in Russia
, 202

, 205

Teachers' institutes
, 14

Teachers' seminaries
, 14

Teachers to work in ethnocultural environment, directions for preparing
, 212–214

Teaching internship
, 16

Teaching methods
, 210

Teaching profession
, 43–44

Technological internship
, 129

Technology of blended learning
, 193–194

Technology of concentrated learning
, 194–196

Technology of contextual learning
, 195

Technology of problem-modular learning
, 195

, 214–215

Theological educational institutions
, 14

Thesis supervisor
, 168

Times Higher Education (THE)
, 2

Tomsk State Pedagogical University
, 60

Training colleges
, 17–18

Training programme
, 12

Transformations and reforms
, 86

, 210–211

, 10

Types of bilingualism
, 207–209

Unified educational space
, 88

Unified State Exam (USE)
, 212–213

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
, 6, 229

Universal competences and indicators of achievement
, 109–112

Universities, state policy of ethnocultural education in practical activities of
, 204–206

University teacher education historical development in Russia
, 17–20

Upbringing educational function
, 47

Urban educational institutions
, 207

Ushinsky reform
, 11

Vernacular globalisation
, 5

Virtual reality (VR)
, 78

Vocational guidance system
, 43–44

Vocational pedagogical education
, 23

Vocational training by sector
, 105

, 44

World Educational Researchers Associations (WERA)
, 2

Young specialists
, 142, 146

Young teachers
, 139–140

legal and regulatory support for adaptation of
, 143–144