
Nassir Ul Haq Wani (Kardan University, Afghanistan)

Policy Solutions for Economic Growth in a Developing Country

ISBN: 978-1-83753-431-9, eISBN: 978-1-83753-430-2

Publication date: 17 June 2024

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Wani, N.U.H. (2024), "Index", Policy Solutions for Economic Growth in a Developing Country, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 203-209.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Nassir Ul Haq Wani. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Afghan economy
, 138

Afghani currency (AFN)
, 136–137

Afghanistan Transit Trade Agreement (ATTA)
, 112–113

, 14–16, 125, 132, 157–159, 161, 182–184

, 159

analysis, findings
, 20–35

, 159

comparative advantages
, 26–29

, 157–159

, 18, 20

, 19

export survival rates
, 18–20

global trade
, 106–107

Herfindahl-Hirschman product concentration index
, 18

, 17–18

, 18

, 17

overview of trade costs in
, 109–115

, 3–4

policy recommendations
, 35–37

product concentration
, 20–25

product sophistication
, 26

, 19, 26, 29

regional trade patterns
, 14–17

research methodology
, 17–20

, 19–20

trade arrangements and regimes
, 135–140

trade complementarities
, 29–35

trade mis-invoicing
, 139–140

trade relations of Afghanistan with SAARC and EU
, 44–47

trade with SAFTA countries
, 158–159, 184–185

Afghanistan–India Free Trade Area (AIFTA)
, 159

Afghanistan–Pakistan Transit and Trade Agreement (APTTA)
, 113, 136–137, 159

Agricultural trade facilitation
, 6–7

Anti-money laundering (AML)
, 133–134

Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
, 6, 16, 42, 84, 87

, 89

, 87–90

Association of South-East Asian Nations Free Trade Area (AFTA)
, 156

Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF)
, 189

Augmented-exports supply model
, 5–6

Balance of payments (BoP)
, 63

Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka (BIPS)
, 42–43, 184

trade with
, 184–185

Basel Anti-Money Laundering Index
, 139

Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC)
, 156

Best Linear Unbiased Estimators (BLUE)
, 189

Bilateral Free Trade Agreements (BFTAs)
, 156–157, 165, 167, 174

Afghanistan’s economy
, 157–159

, 162–163

empirical connotation
, 160–162

estimates of full panel
, 163, 170, 174

evaluating magnitudes of TC and diversion
, 167–174

factors influencing Afghanistan’s imports
, 164

findings and analysis
, 163–174

full panel
, 169

, 159–163

, 163, 167

policy suggestions
, 176–177

, 165–166, 169–170, 174

TC and diversion in
, 170

theoretical structure
, 159–160

Bilateral trade agreements
, 87, 157, 159

, 146

Capital flight
, 131–132

adjusted capital flight
, 144

adjustment of capital flight with trade mis-invoicing
, 141–142

Afghanistan trade arrangements and regimes
, 135–140

capital flight estimates
, 142–146

literature review
, 135

policy suggestions
, 146–148

representation of capital flight based on unadjusted estimates
, 143

research methodology
, 140–142

, 142–146

trade mis-invoicing
, 142

Central Asia Region (CAR)
, 13–14, 16, 30

Central Asian republics (CARs)
, 14, 113

Changes in external debt (CED)
, 141

Changes in foreign currency reserve (COR)
, 141

Co-integration test, results of
, 120–121

, 184–185

, 33

Comparative trade analysis, hinge trade as per
, 36

, 118

, 184–185

, 76

Corruption indicator (Cor)
, 67–68

Cross-sectional effects
, 193

Cuddington’s technique
, 144

Current account deficit balance (CAB)
, 141


, 92

, 92–93

specification of variables
, 188–190

, 85–86

of export market diversification
, 84


evaluating magnitudes of
, 167–174

TC and diversion in BFTAs
, 170

Drivers of export supply
, 62–63

Dummy variable
, 118

Dynamic gravity framework
, 108–109

Dynamic regional markets
, 33–35

Econometric framework
, 92

Economic Cooperation Organisation Trade Agreement (ECOTA)
, 136–137

Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
, 184

Economic growth
, 62, 64

Emotional protectionism
, 186

Empirical connotation
, 160–162

, 161–162

Empirical estimation
, 190–191

Empirical model
, 67–68, 117–118

ESCAP Trade Analytics Portal
, 50

Estimations results based on FMOLS
, 73

European Union (EU)
, 42

trade relations of Afghanistan with SAARC and EU
, 44–47

Everything but Arms (EBA)
, 114

Exchange rate (ER)
, 63–64, 109–110

Exploited market opportunities (EMA)
, 33

Export Diversification (ED)
, 15–16, 20

cross-sectional dependence assessment
, 93

data sources
, 92–93

dataset and econometric framework
, 92

empirical findings based on unit root
, 93–95

export diversification of SAARC and ASEAN
, 89

findings and analysis
, 93–97

FMOLS results
, 96

fully modified least squares empirical results
, 95–97

HH market concentration index of SAARC and ASEAN
, 90

literature review
, 85–87

measurement of export diversification
, 91

nature and determinants
, 85–86

overview of ASEAN and SAARC regions
, 87–90

, 36

policy implications
, 98

research methodology
, 91–93

results of co-integration test
, 94

results of IPS Test
, 94

SAARC and ASEAN countries’ economic indicators
, 88

, 85

theoretical foundations
, 86–87

Export Sophistication (ES)
, 19

Export Survival Rates (ESR)
, 18–19, 23, 25

, 63–64, 84, 90

demand model
, 5–6

growth process
, 63

, 4

, 62–63, 66–67, 73

External variables
, 62

Fixed effect estimation technique
, 189

Fixed effect method
, 191

Foreign currency exchange rate (EXCH)
, 121

Foreign direct investment (FDI)
, 36, 73–75, 85

Free trade agreement (FTA)
, 50, 156

Full panel, estimates of
, 170–174

Fully modified least squares empirical results
, 95–97

Fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS)
, 68–69, 94–95, 120–121

empirical findings based on
, 121–124

, 70, 73

, 72

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
, 42

General equilibrium effects (GEE)
, 162

General gravity equation
, 189

Global trade, complementarities in
, 29–31

Government institutions
, 196

Gravity equation
, 47–48, 117

Gravity model
, 5, 47, 49

Gravity trade models
, 43, 196–197

Greater openness
, 66–67

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 74–75, 184

Gross fixed capital development (GFCD)
, 86

Harmonised System (HS)
, 20

Hawalla systems
, 139

Herfindahl index
, 91

Herfindahl-Hirschman Product Concentration Index (HH Product Concentration Index)
, 18, 23

Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI)
, 89–90

Heritage Foundation’s databank, The
, 191

Higher Commission of Investment (HCI)
, 133–134

Im, Pesaran and Shin (IPS)
, 93

Imperfect substitute model (ISM)
, 66

Import compression (IC)
, 66

, 140

, 72–73

Increased penetration in stagnant markets (IPSM)
, 33

Instrumentation of variables
, 188–190

Inter-level, regional products traded at
, 20–23

Inter-Regional Trade (IRT)
, 16–17

Inter-Regional Trade Intensity Index (IERTII)
, 18

, 14–17

Interdependence of policies
, 36

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 136

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)
, 47

International trade
, 183, 187

Intra-level, regional products traded at
, 20–23

Intra-regional trade
, 16

Intra-Regional Trade Intensity Index (IARTII)
, 17–18

Intra-regional trade share (IRTS)
, 16–17

of SA
, 16

, 14–17

, 75

Iron ore
, 184–185

Kao cointegration test
, 68–69

Kyrgyzstan’s economy
, 15

, 26

of trade integration
, 29

Levin, Lin and Chu (LLC)
, 93, 189–190

Liner shipping connectivity index (LSCI)
, 118

Magnitudes of TC and diversion, evaluating
, 167–174

Mathematical connotation
, 119

Mathematical gravity theory
, 115–116

, 115–116, 118

Memorandums of understanding (MoUs)
, 112–113

Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Trade (MoCIT)
, 196

Ministry of Economy (MoE)
, 196

Model estimation and results
, 191–194

Multi-country generalised equilibrium method
, 116

Multilateral Resistance Term (MRT)
, 160

Multilateral trade agreement (MTA)
, 54

Multilateral treaties
, 42

Natural gas
, 184–185

Natural resources
, 184–185

Net acquisition foreign assets (NAFA)
, 141

Net foreign direct investment (NFDI)
, 141

Newton’s gravitational law
, 115

Newton’s law
, 159

Newton’s theory of gravitation
, 47–48

Non-tariff barriers (NTBs)
, 6–7, 105–106, 182

Non-tariff measures (NTMs)
, 7–8, 182, 195–196

Afghanistan’s economy
, 184–185

data specification, instrumentation and operationalisation of variables
, 188–190

effects of NTMs protection on Afghanistan exports
, 193

empirical estimation
, 190–191

exports from Afghanistan to BIPS
, 185–186

fixed effects on Afghanistan’s exports
, 193

limitations and future scope of study
, 196–197

LLC unit root test results
, 189

model estimation and results
, 191–194

operationalisation of variables
, 190

, 196

research methodology
, 188–191

results, analysis
, 191–195

scholarship review on NTMs to trade in SAARC region
, 186–188

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
, 42

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
, 47

Novy’s method
, 108–109

Null hypothesis
, 93

Operationalisation of variables
, 188–190

Ordinary least square (OLS)
, 68–69, 94–95, 162, 189

Outward multilateral resistance (OMR)
, 116

, 140

, 139–140

Pakistan–Afghanistan Transit Trade Agreement’
, 85


cointegration examination
, 68

data estimate methods
, 124

Panel Unit Root Test (PURT)
, 189

Passage to Prosperity (P2P)
, 112–113

Pedroni cointegration test
, 70

Performance indicators
, 29–30

, 184–185

Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood (PPML)
, 162


, 75–76

, 49

, 48

Pre-shock trade potential results
, 51

Prebisch–Singer hypothesis (PSH)
, 86–87

Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA)
, 111, 156


, 20–25

, 23–25

, 33–35

HH product concentration index
, 23

regional products traded at intra-and inter-level
, 20–23

, 26

, 192–193

, 122–124

RCA values
, 27–28

, 44–47

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
, 186

Regional policies, interdependence of
, 36

Regional products traded at intra-and inter-level
, 20–23

Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs)
, 37, 42, 87, 156–157, 159, 165–166, 169–170, 174

Afghanistan’s economy
, 157–159

, 165, 167, 174

, 162–163

empirical connotation
, 160–162

estimates of full panel
, 163

estimates of full panel
, 170–174

evaluating magnitudes of TC and diversion
, 167–174

factors influencing Afghanistan’s imports
, 164

findings and analysis
, 163–174

full panel
, 169

, 159–163

, 163, 167

policy suggestions
, 176–177

TC and diversion in BFTAs
, 170

theoretical structure
, 159–160

Regional trade patterns
, 14–17

intra-regional trade
, 16

, 16–17

Relative pricing (RP)
, 72

Research and development (R&D)
, 36

, 48, 107

, 182–183, 187

Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA)
, 19, 26, 29

Sanitary and Phytosanitary regulations [SPS]
, 183

Sectoral trade, costs of
, 110–115

trade cost estimate equivalents
, 111–112

Single-factor method
, 93

South Asia (SA)
, 13–15, 106–107

South Asia Preferential Trade Agreement (SAPTA)
, 42, 171–172

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
, 5–6, 17, 42, 62, 84, 157–158

cross-sectional dependence test for FMOLS residuals
, 72

data and procedures for assessment
, 66–67

empirical model
, 67–68

estimation of Kao Cointegration test
, 69

estimations results based on FMOLS
, 73

FMOLS estimation
, 70–71

literature review
, 63–65

, 65–68

Pedroni cointegration test
, 70

policy enunciations
, 75–76

policy recommendations
, 76

, 8, 87, 90

results and analysis
, 68–75

scholarship review on NTMs to trade in SAARC region
, 186–188

statistics of model fitness
, 71

test for stationarity
, 69

trade relations of Afghanistan with
, 44–47

South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA)
, 7–8, 42, 50, 156–157

trade with SAFTA countries
, 158–159

Special and Differential mechanisms (S & D mechanisms)
, 184–185

Subject matter
, 106

, 118, 121

rate coefficient
, 165

, 182

Technical innovation (TI)
, 66–67

Time-fixed effect
, 161

Tobit model
, 107–108

, 42, 182

, 34–35

with BIPS
, 184–185

compatibility analysis
, 30

complementarities in global and bilateral trade
, 29, 31, 35

matching top regional imports with top product exports
, 32–33

product exports and dynamic regional markets
, 33–35

with SAFTA countries
, 158–159

simulation equation
, 50

, 182–183

trade potential after calibrating
, 52–53

Trade Complementarity Index (TCI)
, 19–20

Trade costs (TC)
, 109–111, 114–115

co-integration test results
, 120–121

costs of sectoral trade
, 110–115

cross model coefficients based on Z-Scores
, 124

descriptive statistics summary
, 119

empirical findings based on FMOLS
, 121–124

empirical model
, 117–118

FMOLS-based empirical results
, 122–123

in Afghanistan
, 109–115

literature review
, 107–109

LLC test for stationarity
, 120

mathematical connotation
, 119

policy recommendations
, 125

policy suggestions
, 124–125

research methodology
, 115–119

, 119–124

summary figures
, 119

theoretical framework
, 115–117

unit root test results
, 120

Trade creation (TC)
, 156–157

, 166–167

and diversion in BFTAs
, 170

, 170

evaluating magnitudes of
, 167–174

Trade diversion equation (TD equation)
, 156–157, 170

Trade Facilitating Agreement (TFA)
, 37

Trade liberalisation programme
, 158–159

Trade mis-invoicing
, 139–140

Trade mis–invoicing, adjustment of capital flight with
, 141–142

Trade potential
, 50

Afghanistan’s exports and imports from SAARC and EU
, 45–46

after calibrating trade simulation
, 52–53

future scope
, 55

gravity model
, 47–49

policy recommendations
, 54–55

policy simulation
, 49

pre-shock trade potential results
, 51

research methodology
, 47–49

, 49–53

trade potential after calibrating trade simulation
, 52–53

trade relations of Afghanistan with SAARC and EU
, 44–47

trade simulation and trade potential of Afghanistan with South Asian and EU countries
, 50–51

Trade reform (TR)
, 63

, 5–6, 72

TRI index
, 182–183

UNCTAD study
, 187

, 139–140

Unit root test results
, 120

World Bank approach, The
, 141, 144

World Development Indicators (WDI)
, 66

World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS)
, 55

World Trade Organisation (WTO)
, 15, 112–113, 133–134, 156