A Primer on Critical Thinking and Business Ethics
ISBN: 978-1-83753-313-8, eISBN: 978-1-83753-312-1
Publication date: 4 March 2024
Mascarenhas, O.A.J., Thakur, M. and Kumar, P. (2024), "References", A Primer on Critical Thinking and Business Ethics, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 189-209.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Oswald A. J. Mascarenhas, Munish Thakur and Payal Kumar. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
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- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Critical Thinking Applied to Free Enterprise Market Capitalism
- Chapter 2 Critical Thinking Applied to Profit Maximization and Its Presumptive Capitalist Models
- Chapter 3 Critical Thinking for Owning Moral Responsibility for Turbulent Markets
- Chapter 4 Critical Thinking for Redesigning the MBA Program: A Paradigm Shift to Respond to Its Major Criticisms
- Chapter 5 Critical Thinking to Harness Global Social “Wicked” Problems: New Curriculum, Content, and Challenges in the Redesigned MBA Program
- References
- Index