(2023), "Index", Valeri, M. (Ed.) Sport and Tourism (New Perspectives in Tourism and Hospitality Management), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 247-254.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Marco Valeri. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Active sports tourists, 25–26
Adventure tourism, 97–98
Aesthetics, 82, 85–87
All Nippon Airways, 46
Alliotiki Excursion, 109–110
Alternative tourism, 96
Ambiti Turistici
, 161–162
American Trails organization, The, 99
AskmeSPb (mobile service), 48
Association of International Marathon & Distance Races (AIMS), 196
Athens Classic Marathon, 200
Athens marathon, The, 195–196, 201
Authentic Athens marathon, 200–203
Author co-citation analysis (ACA), 12
Author’s keywords network, co-occurrence of, 14–15
Automatic Content Analysis, 116–117
Average citations per publication (ACP), 58
Average daily range (ADR), 45
Beijing Winter Olympic Games (2022), 79–80
Bibliographic coupling network, 56–57, 66–67
Bibliometric assessment methods, 16
Bibliometric connections, 12
Bibliometric coupling, 12
Bicycle route, 158–159
Bidding process, 215–216
Big Data approach, 114
Blue Shield, 217–218
Boston Marathon, 196
Brand love and brand attachment, 27
Business groups, 219
Business network model, 163
act as agent to stimulate and compose interests of territory, 164
business plan of network, 165–169
centre interest and lobbying, 164
create business and tourist relationships, 164
creation of business network, 163–164
cycle tourism in Tuscany, 160–163
cycling tourism, 158–160
strengthen presence on market, 164
Business relationships, tourist and, 164
Campione (theme), 125
Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2 emissions), 139
Carbon footprint methodology, 143–144
Centrality measures, 117
Cicloitinerario (types of itineraries), 161
Ciclovia (types of itineraries), 161
analysis, 16–17
citation-based clustering approach, 66–67
networks, 12
Classes, 82
Climbing, 107
Co-authorship networks, 12
for frequently cited authors, 12
Co-citation analysis, 13, 16–17
analysis of country-wise co-authorship network, 15
analysis of source co-citation network, 13
co-authorship networks for frequently cited authors, 12
co-occurrence of author’s keywords network, 14–15
network, 12–15
Co-citation networks, 12
Co-cited sources, 13
Co-occurrence, 120–121
of author’s keywords network, 14–15
networks, 12
Co-word analysis, 16–17
Coaching (theme of educational experience), 86
Collaboration, 159–160
Communicable infectious diseases, 41–42
Communication, 120–129
process, 120
technologies, 25–26
Communitarian method, 232–233
Community involvement, 17
Comparative analysis, 120–121, 124
Competitive computer gaming, 81–82
Consecutive analysis process, 120–121
Contract network, 168–169
Correlation hypothesis testing, 191
Country-wise co-authorship network, analysis of, 15
Country-wise publication, 61
COVID-19 pandemic, 142, 216
Cricket, 1–2, 69–70
Cricket World Cup, 55
Culture, 219
Cycle tourism (see also Event tourism (ET)), 157, 164
soft mobility masterplan of Province of Siena, 161
Strade di Siena Project, 162–163
Terre di Siena Slow project, 161–162
in Tuscany, 160–163
Cycling, 157
cycling-related tourism activities, 159
tourism, 157–158, 160, 164
trips, 166
Data analysis, 143–144
Data retrieval, 56
Decision-making process, 23–26
Dependent variables, 178
Descriptive analysis, 179–188
escape, 183–186
health and beauty, 183
intention to visit health and wellness services in Malaysia, 188
profile demographics of respondents, 180
relaxation and relief, 180–183
self-development, 178
tourist motivation factors, 180–188
Digital technologies, 164
Disneyland, 81
Ecotourism, 97
Educational events, 82
Educational experience, 85–86
Emerging themes, 121
Entertainment, 79, 81, 85–86
Environmental Consciousness Index, The, 143–144
Equipment to reduce pain and discomfort (theme of PC), 88
Escapism, 82
Escapist, 85, 87–88
European Cyclists Federation, The, 157–158
European Federation, 100
European Hiking Federation, 100
European Ramblers Association, The, 100–102, 106
European Union (EU), 157–158
attitudes of EU Citizens to moderate sport activity, 238–239
attitudes of EU Citizens to sitting, 241
attitudes of EU citizens to sport and physical activities in European Union, 233–242
attitudes of EU citizens to vigorous sport activity, 236–238
attitudes of EU Citizens towards walking, 239–241
frequency of sport and physical activities in European Union, 233–235
legal base and role of European Commission in managing tourism and sports policies after enlargement 2004, 230–233
levels of engagement in sports activities by EU Citizens, 236–242
literature review, 230
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise sport and physical activity, 241–242
tourism policy, 231
EuroVelo system, 167
Event organizers, 141
Event tourism (ET) (see also Sports tourism (ST)), 64, 66, 197, 211
country-wise publication, 61
data retrieval and search string, 56
descriptive statistics, 57–63
findings, 57–69
implications and scope for future research, 69–70
influential articles, 58–61
knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
methodology, 56–57
most productive authors, 61–63
preferred publications, 58
research methods, 56–57
research trends, 57–58
Excitement, 85
Exotic village (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Experience economy model (4Es), 79–81, 83
Experience–use–history (EUH), 140
Federation’s Leading Quality Trails programme (Federation’s LQT programme), 100
FIFA World Cup, 55
Finding things to do (theme of SN), 88–89
Flysch, 102
Focus group, 28
results of, 30
Football, 1–2, 23, 26–27, 36
tourism sector, 2–3
Frequency analysis, 179
Friends of Chios Paths, 109
Fun, 85
Geodesic distance, 118
Geotourism, 24
GirodItalia (theme), 125–129
Global citations (GC), 60–61
Global Travel & Tourism Partnership (GTTP), 198–200
Globalization, 41–42
Golf tourism, 69
Good hotel facilities (theme of PC), 88
hiking as alternative form of tourism, 97–99
hiking in international space, 99–103
hiking tourism in, 103–110
literature review, 97–103
Gross domestic product (GDP), 25
Hard adventure tourism, 97–98
Health and wellness services in Malaysia, intention to visit, 188
Hellenic Athletics Federation (SEGAS), 195
Hellenic Society for Environment and Culture’s ‘Cultural Paths’ programme, The, 105
Hiking, 98–99
in international space, 99–103
tourism in Greece, 103–110
Hiking/trekking, 107
History cluster, 121–124
Hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, sport venues engage tourism and, 219–220
Hot springs (theme of escapist), 87–88
Hove Albion Football Club, 220
Information and communication technology (ICT), 168
Information satisfaction (IS), 80–81
Innovative travelling experience, 79
Instrumental case analysis, 217
Integrated Regional Plan of Mobility Infrastructures (PRIIM), 161
Integrated spatial investments tool, 104
Internal competitions, 30–31
International Appalachian Trail, 101
International Fai, 43
International Federations (IF), 44–45
International Olympic Committee (IOC), 2, 41, 44, 214, 218–219
International space, hiking in, 99–103
International Trail-Running Association, 142
Istria Ultra-Trail, 100 miles of, 141–142
Itineraries, 161
Itinerario ciclo escursionistico
, 161
Japanese airlines, 46
Jeju Olle Trail in South Korea, The, 101
Kalymnos island, 107
Keyword co-occurrence network, 56–57, 63, 66
Keyword network analysis, 14–15
Knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
bibliographic coupling network, 66–67
keyword co-occurrence network, 63–66
Kythera hiking trail of Kythera, 105
La Balaguere, 103
Learning from friends (theme of educational experience), 86
Legacy, concept of, 198
Legacy Reporting Framework, 218–219
Leisure, 55
studies, 13–14
Local citations count (LC count), 58–60
Macro niches, 24
Magliarosa cluster, 121–124
Major Tourism Event, 201
Malaysia, intention to visit health and wellness services in, 188
Man and Biosphere programme (MAB programme), 99–100
Marathon, 202
authentic Athens marathon, 200–203
races, 197
as sport tourism event, 203–204
theoretical framework, 197–200
tourism, 200
Marathon phenomenon, 200
Market, strengthen presence on, 164
Marketing forces, 219
Master Card, 219
Media communication process, 118
Mega events, 43
Mega-sports events, 44, 133, 197
Menalon Social Cooperative Enterprise, 106
Menalon Trail, 106
in Arcadia, 105
Micro niches, 24
Modern sporting events, 55
Mondial Tours (private company), 195
Multi-method approach, 83
Multidimensional analysis maps (MDS), 125, 129
National Football League (NFL), 221–222
National Olympic Committees (NOC), 44–45
Nature-based sports, 141
tourism, 17
Netnographic method, 79–80
Netnography, 83
Network, business plan of, 165–169
Network Analysis (NA), 116
tools, 118
New sport venue, planning, 213–215
Niche marketing, 24
Niche tourism, 24
Non-sporting events, 43
Non-ST, 82–83
Nordic hiking, 98–99
sport tourism, 211, 215
visiting and revisiting, 215–216
Oak View Group investment, 221–222
Olympic Agenda 2020, 218–219
Olympic events, 67–68
Olympic Games (2020), 1–2, 44–45, 49, 195–196, 214
of Tokyo, 45–47
UEFA European Championship 2020, 47–49
Olympic Games Study Commission, 214
Olympic movement, 44–45
Olympic Tourism, 215–216
Olympics, 43, 55
Pandemics, 41–42
Passion for club in tourism, importance of football and, 34
Passion of football fans, 33
Passive sport tourism, 211, 217
Peer pressure (theme of SN), 88–89
Physical activity, 229
frequency of physical activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Physical Comfort (PC), 85, 88, 90–91
Portuguese Football
brand love and brand attachment, 27
evolution of football, 32
feeling weight, 28–29
football’s financial capacity, 32–33
importance of football and passion for club in tourism, 34
importance of football as tourist phenomenon, 30–31
importance of football for society, 31
importance of football for tourism and country’s economy, 34–35
importance of football in big cities, 32
importance of satisfaction and loyalty, 29
importance of sport, 29
main challenges, 29–30
methodology, 27–28
passion of football fans, 33
results, 28–35
results of focus group, 30
sport tourism, 24, 27, 31
theoretical background, 24–27
tourism segmentation and niche tourism, 24
tourist interest in football, 33–34
visit to stadiums, 34
Post-event legacy planning, 217–219
Post-event venue reality, 213–215
Presidential Commission on American Outdoors, 101
Primary trails, 99
Profiling trail runners
data analysis, 143–144
100 Miles of Istria Ultra-Trail, 141–142
methodology, 142–144
questionnaire and data collection, 142–143
research context, 141–142
results, 144–150
trail running, 141
Province of Siena, The, 160–161
soft mobility masterplan of, 161
Publications, 58
PubMed, 9–11
Qualitative methodology, 27–28
Quality tourism clientele, established destinations invest in sport venues to attract, 221–223
Quantitative approach, 6–7
Rally championships, 69
Regional Government of Tuscany, 161–162
Relaxation, 177, 180, 183
Reliability analysis, 191
Relief, 177, 180, 183
Responsible rural tourism, 97
Rugby league, 1–2
Rural tourism, 24
Scopus, 5
Search string, 56
Secondary trails, 99
Self-administered questionnaire, 142–143
Self-development, 178, 186
Self-exploring (theme of educational experience), 86
Self-loops, 118
Semi-structured interviews, 28
Sentiment analysis techniques, 117
Shopping, 85
Short trips (theme of escapist), 87–88
Skiing, 85
Social Needs (SN), 85, 88–89, 91
Social Network Analysis, 116–117
Society, importance of football for, 31
Soft adventure tourism, 97–98
Soft tourism, 97
Source co-citation network, analysis of, 13
Spectacularization, 212, 214–215
Sport activity
frequency of sport activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Sport management, 13–14
Sport mega-events, 114–115
Sport venues, 211–213
established destinations invest in sport venues to attract quality tourism clientele, 221–223
facing post-event venue reality and planning ‘new’ sport venue, 213–215
identified factors for sport-venue related tourism destination making, 217–223
method, 217
nostalgia, visiting and revisiting, 215–216
post-event legacy planning, 217–219
prerequisite for sport venue tourism development, 217–219
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
theoretical considerations, 213–216
Sport-for-Development Structure (S4D Structure), 9–11
Sport(ing) events, 1–2, 43, 115, 139, 198, 200
impact of, 114–116
communication, 120–129
main information, 117–118
methods, 116–117
network structure, 118–120
results, 117–129
theoretical background, 114–116
Sporting activities, 203
Sports, 1–2, 41, 69–70, 195, 229
Sports marketing, 23
Sports research
country-wise publication, 61
data retrieval and search string, 56
descriptive statistics, 57–63
findings, 57–69
implications and scope for future research, 69–70
knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
methodology, 56–57
most influential articles, 58–61
most preferred publications, 58
most productive authors, 61–63
research methods, 56–57
research trends, 57–58
Sports sponsorship, 14–15
Sports tourism (ST), 1–2, 13–14, 16–17, 24, 27, 31, 41–42, 64, 66, 79, 97–98, 195, 197–198, 200, 215
case study, 45–49
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
experience, 80–81
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2, 5, 42, 45
marathon as sport tourism event, 203–204
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
phenomenon, 211
productive and influencing authors, 8–11
productive countries, 11–12
productive journals, 8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Stadiums, 34
Stage (theme), 129
Standardized sweet spot, 89–90
Strade di Siena project, 162–164
Strategic alliances, 219
Strategic approach, 218–219
Supply chain management, 69–70
Sustainability, 95–96
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2–5
most productive and influencing authors, 8–11
most productive countries, 11–12
most productive journals, 8
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Sustainable development, 95–96
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1, 204
Sustainable tourism, 13–14
Sweet Road, 161
Tappa (theme), 129
Technology, 115–116
Terre di Siena Slow, The project, 161–162
Thematic analysis, 120–121
Tokyo, Olympic games of, 45–47
Torino (theme), 129
Total citations (TC), 58
Total publications (TP), 58
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, 220
Tour operators (TO), 157–158
Tourism, 17, 41, 95–96, 195, 229
development of city, 48
hiking as alternative form of, 97–99
importance of football and passion for club in, 34
management, 13–14
segmentation, 24
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
Tourism Department of the Municipality of Siena, 163
Tourist interest in football, 33–34
Tourist motivation factors, 176–177, 180, 188
correlation analysis, 191
correlation hypothesis testing, 191
descriptive analysis, 179–188
escape, 177–178
findings, 179–191
frequency analysis, 179
health and beauty, 177
literature review, 176–178
methodology, 179
relaxation and relief, 177
reliability analysis, 191
self-development, 178
Tourist phenomenon, importance of football as, 30–31
Tourist relationships, create business and, 164
Trails, 99, 105
running, 141
Training approach, 177
Travel management, 13–14
Travelling, 79
Treaty of Lisbon, 230–231
Trekking, 98–99, 107
Tuscany, cycle tourism in, 160–163
UEFA European Championship (2020), 45, 47, 49
study of tourism destination of St. Petersburg, 47–49
UNEP, 99–100
Unique selling point (USP), 90–91
United Nations, The, 1–2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 175
UNWTO, 99–100, 204
Urban landmark, 213
Various restaurants (theme of PC), 88
Venue tourism development, 216
Visitors, 147
Volunteer program, 202
VOS viewer
clustering technique, 6–7
online, 12
software, 6–7, 12
Walking, 98–99
Web of Science (WoS), 9, 11, 56
Wine-tasting tutorials in wine tourism, 82
Winter landscape and appearance (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Winter sports mega-event destination experience
aesthetic, 86–87
educational, 86
entertainment, 85–86
escapist, 87–88
experience economy model, 81–83
literature review, 80–83
methodology, 83
PC, 88
results, 83–89
SN, 88–89
sports tourism experience, 80–81
World Tourism Organization, 2, 41
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 99–100
Campione (theme), 125
Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2 emissions), 139
Carbon footprint methodology, 143–144
Centrality measures, 117
Cicloitinerario (types of itineraries), 161
Ciclovia (types of itineraries), 161
analysis, 16–17
citation-based clustering approach, 66–67
networks, 12
Classes, 82
Climbing, 107
Co-authorship networks, 12
for frequently cited authors, 12
Co-citation analysis, 13, 16–17
analysis of country-wise co-authorship network, 15
analysis of source co-citation network, 13
co-authorship networks for frequently cited authors, 12
co-occurrence of author’s keywords network, 14–15
network, 12–15
Co-citation networks, 12
Co-cited sources, 13
Co-occurrence, 120–121
of author’s keywords network, 14–15
networks, 12
Co-word analysis, 16–17
Coaching (theme of educational experience), 86
Collaboration, 159–160
Communicable infectious diseases, 41–42
Communication, 120–129
process, 120
technologies, 25–26
Communitarian method, 232–233
Community involvement, 17
Comparative analysis, 120–121, 124
Competitive computer gaming, 81–82
Consecutive analysis process, 120–121
Contract network, 168–169
Correlation hypothesis testing, 191
Country-wise co-authorship network, analysis of, 15
Country-wise publication, 61
COVID-19 pandemic, 142, 216
Cricket, 1–2, 69–70
Cricket World Cup, 55
Culture, 219
Cycle tourism (see also Event tourism (ET)), 157, 164
soft mobility masterplan of Province of Siena, 161
Strade di Siena Project, 162–163
Terre di Siena Slow project, 161–162
in Tuscany, 160–163
Cycling, 157
cycling-related tourism activities, 159
tourism, 157–158, 160, 164
trips, 166
Data analysis, 143–144
Data retrieval, 56
Decision-making process, 23–26
Dependent variables, 178
Descriptive analysis, 179–188
escape, 183–186
health and beauty, 183
intention to visit health and wellness services in Malaysia, 188
profile demographics of respondents, 180
relaxation and relief, 180–183
self-development, 178
tourist motivation factors, 180–188
Digital technologies, 164
Disneyland, 81
Ecotourism, 97
Educational events, 82
Educational experience, 85–86
Emerging themes, 121
Entertainment, 79, 81, 85–86
Environmental Consciousness Index, The, 143–144
Equipment to reduce pain and discomfort (theme of PC), 88
Escapism, 82
Escapist, 85, 87–88
European Cyclists Federation, The, 157–158
European Federation, 100
European Hiking Federation, 100
European Ramblers Association, The, 100–102, 106
European Union (EU), 157–158
attitudes of EU Citizens to moderate sport activity, 238–239
attitudes of EU Citizens to sitting, 241
attitudes of EU citizens to sport and physical activities in European Union, 233–242
attitudes of EU citizens to vigorous sport activity, 236–238
attitudes of EU Citizens towards walking, 239–241
frequency of sport and physical activities in European Union, 233–235
legal base and role of European Commission in managing tourism and sports policies after enlargement 2004, 230–233
levels of engagement in sports activities by EU Citizens, 236–242
literature review, 230
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise sport and physical activity, 241–242
tourism policy, 231
EuroVelo system, 167
Event organizers, 141
Event tourism (ET) (see also Sports tourism (ST)), 64, 66, 197, 211
country-wise publication, 61
data retrieval and search string, 56
descriptive statistics, 57–63
findings, 57–69
implications and scope for future research, 69–70
influential articles, 58–61
knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
methodology, 56–57
most productive authors, 61–63
preferred publications, 58
research methods, 56–57
research trends, 57–58
Excitement, 85
Exotic village (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Experience economy model (4Es), 79–81, 83
Experience–use–history (EUH), 140
Federation’s Leading Quality Trails programme (Federation’s LQT programme), 100
FIFA World Cup, 55
Finding things to do (theme of SN), 88–89
Flysch, 102
Focus group, 28
results of, 30
Football, 1–2, 23, 26–27, 36
tourism sector, 2–3
Frequency analysis, 179
Friends of Chios Paths, 109
Fun, 85
Geodesic distance, 118
Geotourism, 24
GirodItalia (theme), 125–129
Global citations (GC), 60–61
Global Travel & Tourism Partnership (GTTP), 198–200
Globalization, 41–42
Golf tourism, 69
Good hotel facilities (theme of PC), 88
hiking as alternative form of tourism, 97–99
hiking in international space, 99–103
hiking tourism in, 103–110
literature review, 97–103
Gross domestic product (GDP), 25
Hard adventure tourism, 97–98
Health and wellness services in Malaysia, intention to visit, 188
Hellenic Athletics Federation (SEGAS), 195
Hellenic Society for Environment and Culture’s ‘Cultural Paths’ programme, The, 105
Hiking, 98–99
in international space, 99–103
tourism in Greece, 103–110
Hiking/trekking, 107
History cluster, 121–124
Hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, sport venues engage tourism and, 219–220
Hot springs (theme of escapist), 87–88
Hove Albion Football Club, 220
Information and communication technology (ICT), 168
Information satisfaction (IS), 80–81
Innovative travelling experience, 79
Instrumental case analysis, 217
Integrated Regional Plan of Mobility Infrastructures (PRIIM), 161
Integrated spatial investments tool, 104
Internal competitions, 30–31
International Appalachian Trail, 101
International Fai, 43
International Federations (IF), 44–45
International Olympic Committee (IOC), 2, 41, 44, 214, 218–219
International space, hiking in, 99–103
International Trail-Running Association, 142
Istria Ultra-Trail, 100 miles of, 141–142
Itineraries, 161
Itinerario ciclo escursionistico
, 161
Japanese airlines, 46
Jeju Olle Trail in South Korea, The, 101
Kalymnos island, 107
Keyword co-occurrence network, 56–57, 63, 66
Keyword network analysis, 14–15
Knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
bibliographic coupling network, 66–67
keyword co-occurrence network, 63–66
Kythera hiking trail of Kythera, 105
La Balaguere, 103
Learning from friends (theme of educational experience), 86
Legacy, concept of, 198
Legacy Reporting Framework, 218–219
Leisure, 55
studies, 13–14
Local citations count (LC count), 58–60
Macro niches, 24
Magliarosa cluster, 121–124
Major Tourism Event, 201
Malaysia, intention to visit health and wellness services in, 188
Man and Biosphere programme (MAB programme), 99–100
Marathon, 202
authentic Athens marathon, 200–203
races, 197
as sport tourism event, 203–204
theoretical framework, 197–200
tourism, 200
Marathon phenomenon, 200
Market, strengthen presence on, 164
Marketing forces, 219
Master Card, 219
Media communication process, 118
Mega events, 43
Mega-sports events, 44, 133, 197
Menalon Social Cooperative Enterprise, 106
Menalon Trail, 106
in Arcadia, 105
Micro niches, 24
Modern sporting events, 55
Mondial Tours (private company), 195
Multi-method approach, 83
Multidimensional analysis maps (MDS), 125, 129
National Football League (NFL), 221–222
National Olympic Committees (NOC), 44–45
Nature-based sports, 141
tourism, 17
Netnographic method, 79–80
Netnography, 83
Network, business plan of, 165–169
Network Analysis (NA), 116
tools, 118
New sport venue, planning, 213–215
Niche marketing, 24
Niche tourism, 24
Non-sporting events, 43
Non-ST, 82–83
Nordic hiking, 98–99
sport tourism, 211, 215
visiting and revisiting, 215–216
Oak View Group investment, 221–222
Olympic Agenda 2020, 218–219
Olympic events, 67–68
Olympic Games (2020), 1–2, 44–45, 49, 195–196, 214
of Tokyo, 45–47
UEFA European Championship 2020, 47–49
Olympic Games Study Commission, 214
Olympic movement, 44–45
Olympic Tourism, 215–216
Olympics, 43, 55
Pandemics, 41–42
Passion for club in tourism, importance of football and, 34
Passion of football fans, 33
Passive sport tourism, 211, 217
Peer pressure (theme of SN), 88–89
Physical activity, 229
frequency of physical activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Physical Comfort (PC), 85, 88, 90–91
Portuguese Football
brand love and brand attachment, 27
evolution of football, 32
feeling weight, 28–29
football’s financial capacity, 32–33
importance of football and passion for club in tourism, 34
importance of football as tourist phenomenon, 30–31
importance of football for society, 31
importance of football for tourism and country’s economy, 34–35
importance of football in big cities, 32
importance of satisfaction and loyalty, 29
importance of sport, 29
main challenges, 29–30
methodology, 27–28
passion of football fans, 33
results, 28–35
results of focus group, 30
sport tourism, 24, 27, 31
theoretical background, 24–27
tourism segmentation and niche tourism, 24
tourist interest in football, 33–34
visit to stadiums, 34
Post-event legacy planning, 217–219
Post-event venue reality, 213–215
Presidential Commission on American Outdoors, 101
Primary trails, 99
Profiling trail runners
data analysis, 143–144
100 Miles of Istria Ultra-Trail, 141–142
methodology, 142–144
questionnaire and data collection, 142–143
research context, 141–142
results, 144–150
trail running, 141
Province of Siena, The, 160–161
soft mobility masterplan of, 161
Publications, 58
PubMed, 9–11
Qualitative methodology, 27–28
Quality tourism clientele, established destinations invest in sport venues to attract, 221–223
Quantitative approach, 6–7
Rally championships, 69
Regional Government of Tuscany, 161–162
Relaxation, 177, 180, 183
Reliability analysis, 191
Relief, 177, 180, 183
Responsible rural tourism, 97
Rugby league, 1–2
Rural tourism, 24
Scopus, 5
Search string, 56
Secondary trails, 99
Self-administered questionnaire, 142–143
Self-development, 178, 186
Self-exploring (theme of educational experience), 86
Self-loops, 118
Semi-structured interviews, 28
Sentiment analysis techniques, 117
Shopping, 85
Short trips (theme of escapist), 87–88
Skiing, 85
Social Needs (SN), 85, 88–89, 91
Social Network Analysis, 116–117
Society, importance of football for, 31
Soft adventure tourism, 97–98
Soft tourism, 97
Source co-citation network, analysis of, 13
Spectacularization, 212, 214–215
Sport activity
frequency of sport activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Sport management, 13–14
Sport mega-events, 114–115
Sport venues, 211–213
established destinations invest in sport venues to attract quality tourism clientele, 221–223
facing post-event venue reality and planning ‘new’ sport venue, 213–215
identified factors for sport-venue related tourism destination making, 217–223
method, 217
nostalgia, visiting and revisiting, 215–216
post-event legacy planning, 217–219
prerequisite for sport venue tourism development, 217–219
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
theoretical considerations, 213–216
Sport-for-Development Structure (S4D Structure), 9–11
Sport(ing) events, 1–2, 43, 115, 139, 198, 200
impact of, 114–116
communication, 120–129
main information, 117–118
methods, 116–117
network structure, 118–120
results, 117–129
theoretical background, 114–116
Sporting activities, 203
Sports, 1–2, 41, 69–70, 195, 229
Sports marketing, 23
Sports research
country-wise publication, 61
data retrieval and search string, 56
descriptive statistics, 57–63
findings, 57–69
implications and scope for future research, 69–70
knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
methodology, 56–57
most influential articles, 58–61
most preferred publications, 58
most productive authors, 61–63
research methods, 56–57
research trends, 57–58
Sports sponsorship, 14–15
Sports tourism (ST), 1–2, 13–14, 16–17, 24, 27, 31, 41–42, 64, 66, 79, 97–98, 195, 197–198, 200, 215
case study, 45–49
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
experience, 80–81
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2, 5, 42, 45
marathon as sport tourism event, 203–204
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
phenomenon, 211
productive and influencing authors, 8–11
productive countries, 11–12
productive journals, 8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Stadiums, 34
Stage (theme), 129
Standardized sweet spot, 89–90
Strade di Siena project, 162–164
Strategic alliances, 219
Strategic approach, 218–219
Supply chain management, 69–70
Sustainability, 95–96
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2–5
most productive and influencing authors, 8–11
most productive countries, 11–12
most productive journals, 8
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Sustainable development, 95–96
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1, 204
Sustainable tourism, 13–14
Sweet Road, 161
Tappa (theme), 129
Technology, 115–116
Terre di Siena Slow, The project, 161–162
Thematic analysis, 120–121
Tokyo, Olympic games of, 45–47
Torino (theme), 129
Total citations (TC), 58
Total publications (TP), 58
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, 220
Tour operators (TO), 157–158
Tourism, 17, 41, 95–96, 195, 229
development of city, 48
hiking as alternative form of, 97–99
importance of football and passion for club in, 34
management, 13–14
segmentation, 24
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
Tourism Department of the Municipality of Siena, 163
Tourist interest in football, 33–34
Tourist motivation factors, 176–177, 180, 188
correlation analysis, 191
correlation hypothesis testing, 191
descriptive analysis, 179–188
escape, 177–178
findings, 179–191
frequency analysis, 179
health and beauty, 177
literature review, 176–178
methodology, 179
relaxation and relief, 177
reliability analysis, 191
self-development, 178
Tourist phenomenon, importance of football as, 30–31
Tourist relationships, create business and, 164
Trails, 99, 105
running, 141
Training approach, 177
Travel management, 13–14
Travelling, 79
Treaty of Lisbon, 230–231
Trekking, 98–99, 107
Tuscany, cycle tourism in, 160–163
UEFA European Championship (2020), 45, 47, 49
study of tourism destination of St. Petersburg, 47–49
UNEP, 99–100
Unique selling point (USP), 90–91
United Nations, The, 1–2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 175
UNWTO, 99–100, 204
Urban landmark, 213
Various restaurants (theme of PC), 88
Venue tourism development, 216
Visitors, 147
Volunteer program, 202
VOS viewer
clustering technique, 6–7
online, 12
software, 6–7, 12
Walking, 98–99
Web of Science (WoS), 9, 11, 56
Wine-tasting tutorials in wine tourism, 82
Winter landscape and appearance (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Winter sports mega-event destination experience
aesthetic, 86–87
educational, 86
entertainment, 85–86
escapist, 87–88
experience economy model, 81–83
literature review, 80–83
methodology, 83
PC, 88
results, 83–89
SN, 88–89
sports tourism experience, 80–81
World Tourism Organization, 2, 41
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 99–100
Ecotourism, 97
Educational events, 82
Educational experience, 85–86
Emerging themes, 121
Entertainment, 79, 81, 85–86
Environmental Consciousness Index, The, 143–144
Equipment to reduce pain and discomfort (theme of PC), 88
Escapism, 82
Escapist, 85, 87–88
European Cyclists Federation, The, 157–158
European Federation, 100
European Hiking Federation, 100
European Ramblers Association, The, 100–102, 106
European Union (EU), 157–158
attitudes of EU Citizens to moderate sport activity, 238–239
attitudes of EU Citizens to sitting, 241
attitudes of EU citizens to sport and physical activities in European Union, 233–242
attitudes of EU citizens to vigorous sport activity, 236–238
attitudes of EU Citizens towards walking, 239–241
frequency of sport and physical activities in European Union, 233–235
legal base and role of European Commission in managing tourism and sports policies after enlargement 2004, 230–233
levels of engagement in sports activities by EU Citizens, 236–242
literature review, 230
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise sport and physical activity, 241–242
tourism policy, 231
EuroVelo system, 167
Event organizers, 141
Event tourism (ET) (see also Sports tourism (ST)), 64, 66, 197, 211
country-wise publication, 61
data retrieval and search string, 56
descriptive statistics, 57–63
findings, 57–69
implications and scope for future research, 69–70
influential articles, 58–61
knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
methodology, 56–57
most productive authors, 61–63
preferred publications, 58
research methods, 56–57
research trends, 57–58
Excitement, 85
Exotic village (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Experience economy model (4Es), 79–81, 83
Experience–use–history (EUH), 140
Federation’s Leading Quality Trails programme (Federation’s LQT programme), 100
FIFA World Cup, 55
Finding things to do (theme of SN), 88–89
Flysch, 102
Focus group, 28
results of, 30
Football, 1–2, 23, 26–27, 36
tourism sector, 2–3
Frequency analysis, 179
Friends of Chios Paths, 109
Fun, 85
Geodesic distance, 118
Geotourism, 24
GirodItalia (theme), 125–129
Global citations (GC), 60–61
Global Travel & Tourism Partnership (GTTP), 198–200
Globalization, 41–42
Golf tourism, 69
Good hotel facilities (theme of PC), 88
hiking as alternative form of tourism, 97–99
hiking in international space, 99–103
hiking tourism in, 103–110
literature review, 97–103
Gross domestic product (GDP), 25
Hard adventure tourism, 97–98
Health and wellness services in Malaysia, intention to visit, 188
Hellenic Athletics Federation (SEGAS), 195
Hellenic Society for Environment and Culture’s ‘Cultural Paths’ programme, The, 105
Hiking, 98–99
in international space, 99–103
tourism in Greece, 103–110
Hiking/trekking, 107
History cluster, 121–124
Hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, sport venues engage tourism and, 219–220
Hot springs (theme of escapist), 87–88
Hove Albion Football Club, 220
Information and communication technology (ICT), 168
Information satisfaction (IS), 80–81
Innovative travelling experience, 79
Instrumental case analysis, 217
Integrated Regional Plan of Mobility Infrastructures (PRIIM), 161
Integrated spatial investments tool, 104
Internal competitions, 30–31
International Appalachian Trail, 101
International Fai, 43
International Federations (IF), 44–45
International Olympic Committee (IOC), 2, 41, 44, 214, 218–219
International space, hiking in, 99–103
International Trail-Running Association, 142
Istria Ultra-Trail, 100 miles of, 141–142
Itineraries, 161
Itinerario ciclo escursionistico
, 161
Japanese airlines, 46
Jeju Olle Trail in South Korea, The, 101
Kalymnos island, 107
Keyword co-occurrence network, 56–57, 63, 66
Keyword network analysis, 14–15
Knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
bibliographic coupling network, 66–67
keyword co-occurrence network, 63–66
Kythera hiking trail of Kythera, 105
La Balaguere, 103
Learning from friends (theme of educational experience), 86
Legacy, concept of, 198
Legacy Reporting Framework, 218–219
Leisure, 55
studies, 13–14
Local citations count (LC count), 58–60
Macro niches, 24
Magliarosa cluster, 121–124
Major Tourism Event, 201
Malaysia, intention to visit health and wellness services in, 188
Man and Biosphere programme (MAB programme), 99–100
Marathon, 202
authentic Athens marathon, 200–203
races, 197
as sport tourism event, 203–204
theoretical framework, 197–200
tourism, 200
Marathon phenomenon, 200
Market, strengthen presence on, 164
Marketing forces, 219
Master Card, 219
Media communication process, 118
Mega events, 43
Mega-sports events, 44, 133, 197
Menalon Social Cooperative Enterprise, 106
Menalon Trail, 106
in Arcadia, 105
Micro niches, 24
Modern sporting events, 55
Mondial Tours (private company), 195
Multi-method approach, 83
Multidimensional analysis maps (MDS), 125, 129
National Football League (NFL), 221–222
National Olympic Committees (NOC), 44–45
Nature-based sports, 141
tourism, 17
Netnographic method, 79–80
Netnography, 83
Network, business plan of, 165–169
Network Analysis (NA), 116
tools, 118
New sport venue, planning, 213–215
Niche marketing, 24
Niche tourism, 24
Non-sporting events, 43
Non-ST, 82–83
Nordic hiking, 98–99
sport tourism, 211, 215
visiting and revisiting, 215–216
Oak View Group investment, 221–222
Olympic Agenda 2020, 218–219
Olympic events, 67–68
Olympic Games (2020), 1–2, 44–45, 49, 195–196, 214
of Tokyo, 45–47
UEFA European Championship 2020, 47–49
Olympic Games Study Commission, 214
Olympic movement, 44–45
Olympic Tourism, 215–216
Olympics, 43, 55
Pandemics, 41–42
Passion for club in tourism, importance of football and, 34
Passion of football fans, 33
Passive sport tourism, 211, 217
Peer pressure (theme of SN), 88–89
Physical activity, 229
frequency of physical activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Physical Comfort (PC), 85, 88, 90–91
Portuguese Football
brand love and brand attachment, 27
evolution of football, 32
feeling weight, 28–29
football’s financial capacity, 32–33
importance of football and passion for club in tourism, 34
importance of football as tourist phenomenon, 30–31
importance of football for society, 31
importance of football for tourism and country’s economy, 34–35
importance of football in big cities, 32
importance of satisfaction and loyalty, 29
importance of sport, 29
main challenges, 29–30
methodology, 27–28
passion of football fans, 33
results, 28–35
results of focus group, 30
sport tourism, 24, 27, 31
theoretical background, 24–27
tourism segmentation and niche tourism, 24
tourist interest in football, 33–34
visit to stadiums, 34
Post-event legacy planning, 217–219
Post-event venue reality, 213–215
Presidential Commission on American Outdoors, 101
Primary trails, 99
Profiling trail runners
data analysis, 143–144
100 Miles of Istria Ultra-Trail, 141–142
methodology, 142–144
questionnaire and data collection, 142–143
research context, 141–142
results, 144–150
trail running, 141
Province of Siena, The, 160–161
soft mobility masterplan of, 161
Publications, 58
PubMed, 9–11
Qualitative methodology, 27–28
Quality tourism clientele, established destinations invest in sport venues to attract, 221–223
Quantitative approach, 6–7
Rally championships, 69
Regional Government of Tuscany, 161–162
Relaxation, 177, 180, 183
Reliability analysis, 191
Relief, 177, 180, 183
Responsible rural tourism, 97
Rugby league, 1–2
Rural tourism, 24
Scopus, 5
Search string, 56
Secondary trails, 99
Self-administered questionnaire, 142–143
Self-development, 178, 186
Self-exploring (theme of educational experience), 86
Self-loops, 118
Semi-structured interviews, 28
Sentiment analysis techniques, 117
Shopping, 85
Short trips (theme of escapist), 87–88
Skiing, 85
Social Needs (SN), 85, 88–89, 91
Social Network Analysis, 116–117
Society, importance of football for, 31
Soft adventure tourism, 97–98
Soft tourism, 97
Source co-citation network, analysis of, 13
Spectacularization, 212, 214–215
Sport activity
frequency of sport activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Sport management, 13–14
Sport mega-events, 114–115
Sport venues, 211–213
established destinations invest in sport venues to attract quality tourism clientele, 221–223
facing post-event venue reality and planning ‘new’ sport venue, 213–215
identified factors for sport-venue related tourism destination making, 217–223
method, 217
nostalgia, visiting and revisiting, 215–216
post-event legacy planning, 217–219
prerequisite for sport venue tourism development, 217–219
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
theoretical considerations, 213–216
Sport-for-Development Structure (S4D Structure), 9–11
Sport(ing) events, 1–2, 43, 115, 139, 198, 200
impact of, 114–116
communication, 120–129
main information, 117–118
methods, 116–117
network structure, 118–120
results, 117–129
theoretical background, 114–116
Sporting activities, 203
Sports, 1–2, 41, 69–70, 195, 229
Sports marketing, 23
Sports research
country-wise publication, 61
data retrieval and search string, 56
descriptive statistics, 57–63
findings, 57–69
implications and scope for future research, 69–70
knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
methodology, 56–57
most influential articles, 58–61
most preferred publications, 58
most productive authors, 61–63
research methods, 56–57
research trends, 57–58
Sports sponsorship, 14–15
Sports tourism (ST), 1–2, 13–14, 16–17, 24, 27, 31, 41–42, 64, 66, 79, 97–98, 195, 197–198, 200, 215
case study, 45–49
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
experience, 80–81
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2, 5, 42, 45
marathon as sport tourism event, 203–204
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
phenomenon, 211
productive and influencing authors, 8–11
productive countries, 11–12
productive journals, 8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Stadiums, 34
Stage (theme), 129
Standardized sweet spot, 89–90
Strade di Siena project, 162–164
Strategic alliances, 219
Strategic approach, 218–219
Supply chain management, 69–70
Sustainability, 95–96
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2–5
most productive and influencing authors, 8–11
most productive countries, 11–12
most productive journals, 8
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Sustainable development, 95–96
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1, 204
Sustainable tourism, 13–14
Sweet Road, 161
Tappa (theme), 129
Technology, 115–116
Terre di Siena Slow, The project, 161–162
Thematic analysis, 120–121
Tokyo, Olympic games of, 45–47
Torino (theme), 129
Total citations (TC), 58
Total publications (TP), 58
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, 220
Tour operators (TO), 157–158
Tourism, 17, 41, 95–96, 195, 229
development of city, 48
hiking as alternative form of, 97–99
importance of football and passion for club in, 34
management, 13–14
segmentation, 24
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
Tourism Department of the Municipality of Siena, 163
Tourist interest in football, 33–34
Tourist motivation factors, 176–177, 180, 188
correlation analysis, 191
correlation hypothesis testing, 191
descriptive analysis, 179–188
escape, 177–178
findings, 179–191
frequency analysis, 179
health and beauty, 177
literature review, 176–178
methodology, 179
relaxation and relief, 177
reliability analysis, 191
self-development, 178
Tourist phenomenon, importance of football as, 30–31
Tourist relationships, create business and, 164
Trails, 99, 105
running, 141
Training approach, 177
Travel management, 13–14
Travelling, 79
Treaty of Lisbon, 230–231
Trekking, 98–99, 107
Tuscany, cycle tourism in, 160–163
UEFA European Championship (2020), 45, 47, 49
study of tourism destination of St. Petersburg, 47–49
UNEP, 99–100
Unique selling point (USP), 90–91
United Nations, The, 1–2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 175
UNWTO, 99–100, 204
Urban landmark, 213
Various restaurants (theme of PC), 88
Venue tourism development, 216
Visitors, 147
Volunteer program, 202
VOS viewer
clustering technique, 6–7
online, 12
software, 6–7, 12
Walking, 98–99
Web of Science (WoS), 9, 11, 56
Wine-tasting tutorials in wine tourism, 82
Winter landscape and appearance (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Winter sports mega-event destination experience
aesthetic, 86–87
educational, 86
entertainment, 85–86
escapist, 87–88
experience economy model, 81–83
literature review, 80–83
methodology, 83
PC, 88
results, 83–89
SN, 88–89
sports tourism experience, 80–81
World Tourism Organization, 2, 41
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 99–100
Geodesic distance, 118
Geotourism, 24
GirodItalia (theme), 125–129
Global citations (GC), 60–61
Global Travel & Tourism Partnership (GTTP), 198–200
Globalization, 41–42
Golf tourism, 69
Good hotel facilities (theme of PC), 88
hiking as alternative form of tourism, 97–99
hiking in international space, 99–103
hiking tourism in, 103–110
literature review, 97–103
Gross domestic product (GDP), 25
Hard adventure tourism, 97–98
Health and wellness services in Malaysia, intention to visit, 188
Hellenic Athletics Federation (SEGAS), 195
Hellenic Society for Environment and Culture’s ‘Cultural Paths’ programme, The, 105
Hiking, 98–99
in international space, 99–103
tourism in Greece, 103–110
Hiking/trekking, 107
History cluster, 121–124
Hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, sport venues engage tourism and, 219–220
Hot springs (theme of escapist), 87–88
Hove Albion Football Club, 220
Information and communication technology (ICT), 168
Information satisfaction (IS), 80–81
Innovative travelling experience, 79
Instrumental case analysis, 217
Integrated Regional Plan of Mobility Infrastructures (PRIIM), 161
Integrated spatial investments tool, 104
Internal competitions, 30–31
International Appalachian Trail, 101
International Fai, 43
International Federations (IF), 44–45
International Olympic Committee (IOC), 2, 41, 44, 214, 218–219
International space, hiking in, 99–103
International Trail-Running Association, 142
Istria Ultra-Trail, 100 miles of, 141–142
Itineraries, 161
Itinerario ciclo escursionistico
, 161
Japanese airlines, 46
Jeju Olle Trail in South Korea, The, 101
Kalymnos island, 107
Keyword co-occurrence network, 56–57, 63, 66
Keyword network analysis, 14–15
Knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
bibliographic coupling network, 66–67
keyword co-occurrence network, 63–66
Kythera hiking trail of Kythera, 105
La Balaguere, 103
Learning from friends (theme of educational experience), 86
Legacy, concept of, 198
Legacy Reporting Framework, 218–219
Leisure, 55
studies, 13–14
Local citations count (LC count), 58–60
Macro niches, 24
Magliarosa cluster, 121–124
Major Tourism Event, 201
Malaysia, intention to visit health and wellness services in, 188
Man and Biosphere programme (MAB programme), 99–100
Marathon, 202
authentic Athens marathon, 200–203
races, 197
as sport tourism event, 203–204
theoretical framework, 197–200
tourism, 200
Marathon phenomenon, 200
Market, strengthen presence on, 164
Marketing forces, 219
Master Card, 219
Media communication process, 118
Mega events, 43
Mega-sports events, 44, 133, 197
Menalon Social Cooperative Enterprise, 106
Menalon Trail, 106
in Arcadia, 105
Micro niches, 24
Modern sporting events, 55
Mondial Tours (private company), 195
Multi-method approach, 83
Multidimensional analysis maps (MDS), 125, 129
National Football League (NFL), 221–222
National Olympic Committees (NOC), 44–45
Nature-based sports, 141
tourism, 17
Netnographic method, 79–80
Netnography, 83
Network, business plan of, 165–169
Network Analysis (NA), 116
tools, 118
New sport venue, planning, 213–215
Niche marketing, 24
Niche tourism, 24
Non-sporting events, 43
Non-ST, 82–83
Nordic hiking, 98–99
sport tourism, 211, 215
visiting and revisiting, 215–216
Oak View Group investment, 221–222
Olympic Agenda 2020, 218–219
Olympic events, 67–68
Olympic Games (2020), 1–2, 44–45, 49, 195–196, 214
of Tokyo, 45–47
UEFA European Championship 2020, 47–49
Olympic Games Study Commission, 214
Olympic movement, 44–45
Olympic Tourism, 215–216
Olympics, 43, 55
Pandemics, 41–42
Passion for club in tourism, importance of football and, 34
Passion of football fans, 33
Passive sport tourism, 211, 217
Peer pressure (theme of SN), 88–89
Physical activity, 229
frequency of physical activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Physical Comfort (PC), 85, 88, 90–91
Portuguese Football
brand love and brand attachment, 27
evolution of football, 32
feeling weight, 28–29
football’s financial capacity, 32–33
importance of football and passion for club in tourism, 34
importance of football as tourist phenomenon, 30–31
importance of football for society, 31
importance of football for tourism and country’s economy, 34–35
importance of football in big cities, 32
importance of satisfaction and loyalty, 29
importance of sport, 29
main challenges, 29–30
methodology, 27–28
passion of football fans, 33
results, 28–35
results of focus group, 30
sport tourism, 24, 27, 31
theoretical background, 24–27
tourism segmentation and niche tourism, 24
tourist interest in football, 33–34
visit to stadiums, 34
Post-event legacy planning, 217–219
Post-event venue reality, 213–215
Presidential Commission on American Outdoors, 101
Primary trails, 99
Profiling trail runners
data analysis, 143–144
100 Miles of Istria Ultra-Trail, 141–142
methodology, 142–144
questionnaire and data collection, 142–143
research context, 141–142
results, 144–150
trail running, 141
Province of Siena, The, 160–161
soft mobility masterplan of, 161
Publications, 58
PubMed, 9–11
Qualitative methodology, 27–28
Quality tourism clientele, established destinations invest in sport venues to attract, 221–223
Quantitative approach, 6–7
Rally championships, 69
Regional Government of Tuscany, 161–162
Relaxation, 177, 180, 183
Reliability analysis, 191
Relief, 177, 180, 183
Responsible rural tourism, 97
Rugby league, 1–2
Rural tourism, 24
Scopus, 5
Search string, 56
Secondary trails, 99
Self-administered questionnaire, 142–143
Self-development, 178, 186
Self-exploring (theme of educational experience), 86
Self-loops, 118
Semi-structured interviews, 28
Sentiment analysis techniques, 117
Shopping, 85
Short trips (theme of escapist), 87–88
Skiing, 85
Social Needs (SN), 85, 88–89, 91
Social Network Analysis, 116–117
Society, importance of football for, 31
Soft adventure tourism, 97–98
Soft tourism, 97
Source co-citation network, analysis of, 13
Spectacularization, 212, 214–215
Sport activity
frequency of sport activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Sport management, 13–14
Sport mega-events, 114–115
Sport venues, 211–213
established destinations invest in sport venues to attract quality tourism clientele, 221–223
facing post-event venue reality and planning ‘new’ sport venue, 213–215
identified factors for sport-venue related tourism destination making, 217–223
method, 217
nostalgia, visiting and revisiting, 215–216
post-event legacy planning, 217–219
prerequisite for sport venue tourism development, 217–219
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
theoretical considerations, 213–216
Sport-for-Development Structure (S4D Structure), 9–11
Sport(ing) events, 1–2, 43, 115, 139, 198, 200
impact of, 114–116
communication, 120–129
main information, 117–118
methods, 116–117
network structure, 118–120
results, 117–129
theoretical background, 114–116
Sporting activities, 203
Sports, 1–2, 41, 69–70, 195, 229
Sports marketing, 23
Sports research
country-wise publication, 61
data retrieval and search string, 56
descriptive statistics, 57–63
findings, 57–69
implications and scope for future research, 69–70
knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
methodology, 56–57
most influential articles, 58–61
most preferred publications, 58
most productive authors, 61–63
research methods, 56–57
research trends, 57–58
Sports sponsorship, 14–15
Sports tourism (ST), 1–2, 13–14, 16–17, 24, 27, 31, 41–42, 64, 66, 79, 97–98, 195, 197–198, 200, 215
case study, 45–49
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
experience, 80–81
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2, 5, 42, 45
marathon as sport tourism event, 203–204
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
phenomenon, 211
productive and influencing authors, 8–11
productive countries, 11–12
productive journals, 8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Stadiums, 34
Stage (theme), 129
Standardized sweet spot, 89–90
Strade di Siena project, 162–164
Strategic alliances, 219
Strategic approach, 218–219
Supply chain management, 69–70
Sustainability, 95–96
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2–5
most productive and influencing authors, 8–11
most productive countries, 11–12
most productive journals, 8
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Sustainable development, 95–96
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1, 204
Sustainable tourism, 13–14
Sweet Road, 161
Tappa (theme), 129
Technology, 115–116
Terre di Siena Slow, The project, 161–162
Thematic analysis, 120–121
Tokyo, Olympic games of, 45–47
Torino (theme), 129
Total citations (TC), 58
Total publications (TP), 58
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, 220
Tour operators (TO), 157–158
Tourism, 17, 41, 95–96, 195, 229
development of city, 48
hiking as alternative form of, 97–99
importance of football and passion for club in, 34
management, 13–14
segmentation, 24
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
Tourism Department of the Municipality of Siena, 163
Tourist interest in football, 33–34
Tourist motivation factors, 176–177, 180, 188
correlation analysis, 191
correlation hypothesis testing, 191
descriptive analysis, 179–188
escape, 177–178
findings, 179–191
frequency analysis, 179
health and beauty, 177
literature review, 176–178
methodology, 179
relaxation and relief, 177
reliability analysis, 191
self-development, 178
Tourist phenomenon, importance of football as, 30–31
Tourist relationships, create business and, 164
Trails, 99, 105
running, 141
Training approach, 177
Travel management, 13–14
Travelling, 79
Treaty of Lisbon, 230–231
Trekking, 98–99, 107
Tuscany, cycle tourism in, 160–163
UEFA European Championship (2020), 45, 47, 49
study of tourism destination of St. Petersburg, 47–49
UNEP, 99–100
Unique selling point (USP), 90–91
United Nations, The, 1–2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 175
UNWTO, 99–100, 204
Urban landmark, 213
Various restaurants (theme of PC), 88
Venue tourism development, 216
Visitors, 147
Volunteer program, 202
VOS viewer
clustering technique, 6–7
online, 12
software, 6–7, 12
Walking, 98–99
Web of Science (WoS), 9, 11, 56
Wine-tasting tutorials in wine tourism, 82
Winter landscape and appearance (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Winter sports mega-event destination experience
aesthetic, 86–87
educational, 86
entertainment, 85–86
escapist, 87–88
experience economy model, 81–83
literature review, 80–83
methodology, 83
PC, 88
results, 83–89
SN, 88–89
sports tourism experience, 80–81
World Tourism Organization, 2, 41
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 99–100
Information and communication technology (ICT), 168
Information satisfaction (IS), 80–81
Innovative travelling experience, 79
Instrumental case analysis, 217
Integrated Regional Plan of Mobility Infrastructures (PRIIM), 161
Integrated spatial investments tool, 104
Internal competitions, 30–31
International Appalachian Trail, 101
International Fai, 43
International Federations (IF), 44–45
International Olympic Committee (IOC), 2, 41, 44, 214, 218–219
International space, hiking in, 99–103
International Trail-Running Association, 142
Istria Ultra-Trail, 100 miles of, 141–142
Itineraries, 161
Itinerario ciclo escursionistico
, 161
Japanese airlines, 46
Jeju Olle Trail in South Korea, The, 101
Kalymnos island, 107
Keyword co-occurrence network, 56–57, 63, 66
Keyword network analysis, 14–15
Knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
bibliographic coupling network, 66–67
keyword co-occurrence network, 63–66
Kythera hiking trail of Kythera, 105
La Balaguere, 103
Learning from friends (theme of educational experience), 86
Legacy, concept of, 198
Legacy Reporting Framework, 218–219
Leisure, 55
studies, 13–14
Local citations count (LC count), 58–60
Macro niches, 24
Magliarosa cluster, 121–124
Major Tourism Event, 201
Malaysia, intention to visit health and wellness services in, 188
Man and Biosphere programme (MAB programme), 99–100
Marathon, 202
authentic Athens marathon, 200–203
races, 197
as sport tourism event, 203–204
theoretical framework, 197–200
tourism, 200
Marathon phenomenon, 200
Market, strengthen presence on, 164
Marketing forces, 219
Master Card, 219
Media communication process, 118
Mega events, 43
Mega-sports events, 44, 133, 197
Menalon Social Cooperative Enterprise, 106
Menalon Trail, 106
in Arcadia, 105
Micro niches, 24
Modern sporting events, 55
Mondial Tours (private company), 195
Multi-method approach, 83
Multidimensional analysis maps (MDS), 125, 129
National Football League (NFL), 221–222
National Olympic Committees (NOC), 44–45
Nature-based sports, 141
tourism, 17
Netnographic method, 79–80
Netnography, 83
Network, business plan of, 165–169
Network Analysis (NA), 116
tools, 118
New sport venue, planning, 213–215
Niche marketing, 24
Niche tourism, 24
Non-sporting events, 43
Non-ST, 82–83
Nordic hiking, 98–99
sport tourism, 211, 215
visiting and revisiting, 215–216
Oak View Group investment, 221–222
Olympic Agenda 2020, 218–219
Olympic events, 67–68
Olympic Games (2020), 1–2, 44–45, 49, 195–196, 214
of Tokyo, 45–47
UEFA European Championship 2020, 47–49
Olympic Games Study Commission, 214
Olympic movement, 44–45
Olympic Tourism, 215–216
Olympics, 43, 55
Pandemics, 41–42
Passion for club in tourism, importance of football and, 34
Passion of football fans, 33
Passive sport tourism, 211, 217
Peer pressure (theme of SN), 88–89
Physical activity, 229
frequency of physical activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Physical Comfort (PC), 85, 88, 90–91
Portuguese Football
brand love and brand attachment, 27
evolution of football, 32
feeling weight, 28–29
football’s financial capacity, 32–33
importance of football and passion for club in tourism, 34
importance of football as tourist phenomenon, 30–31
importance of football for society, 31
importance of football for tourism and country’s economy, 34–35
importance of football in big cities, 32
importance of satisfaction and loyalty, 29
importance of sport, 29
main challenges, 29–30
methodology, 27–28
passion of football fans, 33
results, 28–35
results of focus group, 30
sport tourism, 24, 27, 31
theoretical background, 24–27
tourism segmentation and niche tourism, 24
tourist interest in football, 33–34
visit to stadiums, 34
Post-event legacy planning, 217–219
Post-event venue reality, 213–215
Presidential Commission on American Outdoors, 101
Primary trails, 99
Profiling trail runners
data analysis, 143–144
100 Miles of Istria Ultra-Trail, 141–142
methodology, 142–144
questionnaire and data collection, 142–143
research context, 141–142
results, 144–150
trail running, 141
Province of Siena, The, 160–161
soft mobility masterplan of, 161
Publications, 58
PubMed, 9–11
Qualitative methodology, 27–28
Quality tourism clientele, established destinations invest in sport venues to attract, 221–223
Quantitative approach, 6–7
Rally championships, 69
Regional Government of Tuscany, 161–162
Relaxation, 177, 180, 183
Reliability analysis, 191
Relief, 177, 180, 183
Responsible rural tourism, 97
Rugby league, 1–2
Rural tourism, 24
Scopus, 5
Search string, 56
Secondary trails, 99
Self-administered questionnaire, 142–143
Self-development, 178, 186
Self-exploring (theme of educational experience), 86
Self-loops, 118
Semi-structured interviews, 28
Sentiment analysis techniques, 117
Shopping, 85
Short trips (theme of escapist), 87–88
Skiing, 85
Social Needs (SN), 85, 88–89, 91
Social Network Analysis, 116–117
Society, importance of football for, 31
Soft adventure tourism, 97–98
Soft tourism, 97
Source co-citation network, analysis of, 13
Spectacularization, 212, 214–215
Sport activity
frequency of sport activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Sport management, 13–14
Sport mega-events, 114–115
Sport venues, 211–213
established destinations invest in sport venues to attract quality tourism clientele, 221–223
facing post-event venue reality and planning ‘new’ sport venue, 213–215
identified factors for sport-venue related tourism destination making, 217–223
method, 217
nostalgia, visiting and revisiting, 215–216
post-event legacy planning, 217–219
prerequisite for sport venue tourism development, 217–219
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
theoretical considerations, 213–216
Sport-for-Development Structure (S4D Structure), 9–11
Sport(ing) events, 1–2, 43, 115, 139, 198, 200
impact of, 114–116
communication, 120–129
main information, 117–118
methods, 116–117
network structure, 118–120
results, 117–129
theoretical background, 114–116
Sporting activities, 203
Sports, 1–2, 41, 69–70, 195, 229
Sports marketing, 23
Sports research
country-wise publication, 61
data retrieval and search string, 56
descriptive statistics, 57–63
findings, 57–69
implications and scope for future research, 69–70
knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
methodology, 56–57
most influential articles, 58–61
most preferred publications, 58
most productive authors, 61–63
research methods, 56–57
research trends, 57–58
Sports sponsorship, 14–15
Sports tourism (ST), 1–2, 13–14, 16–17, 24, 27, 31, 41–42, 64, 66, 79, 97–98, 195, 197–198, 200, 215
case study, 45–49
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
experience, 80–81
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2, 5, 42, 45
marathon as sport tourism event, 203–204
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
phenomenon, 211
productive and influencing authors, 8–11
productive countries, 11–12
productive journals, 8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Stadiums, 34
Stage (theme), 129
Standardized sweet spot, 89–90
Strade di Siena project, 162–164
Strategic alliances, 219
Strategic approach, 218–219
Supply chain management, 69–70
Sustainability, 95–96
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2–5
most productive and influencing authors, 8–11
most productive countries, 11–12
most productive journals, 8
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Sustainable development, 95–96
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1, 204
Sustainable tourism, 13–14
Sweet Road, 161
Tappa (theme), 129
Technology, 115–116
Terre di Siena Slow, The project, 161–162
Thematic analysis, 120–121
Tokyo, Olympic games of, 45–47
Torino (theme), 129
Total citations (TC), 58
Total publications (TP), 58
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, 220
Tour operators (TO), 157–158
Tourism, 17, 41, 95–96, 195, 229
development of city, 48
hiking as alternative form of, 97–99
importance of football and passion for club in, 34
management, 13–14
segmentation, 24
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
Tourism Department of the Municipality of Siena, 163
Tourist interest in football, 33–34
Tourist motivation factors, 176–177, 180, 188
correlation analysis, 191
correlation hypothesis testing, 191
descriptive analysis, 179–188
escape, 177–178
findings, 179–191
frequency analysis, 179
health and beauty, 177
literature review, 176–178
methodology, 179
relaxation and relief, 177
reliability analysis, 191
self-development, 178
Tourist phenomenon, importance of football as, 30–31
Tourist relationships, create business and, 164
Trails, 99, 105
running, 141
Training approach, 177
Travel management, 13–14
Travelling, 79
Treaty of Lisbon, 230–231
Trekking, 98–99, 107
Tuscany, cycle tourism in, 160–163
UEFA European Championship (2020), 45, 47, 49
study of tourism destination of St. Petersburg, 47–49
UNEP, 99–100
Unique selling point (USP), 90–91
United Nations, The, 1–2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 175
UNWTO, 99–100, 204
Urban landmark, 213
Various restaurants (theme of PC), 88
Venue tourism development, 216
Visitors, 147
Volunteer program, 202
VOS viewer
clustering technique, 6–7
online, 12
software, 6–7, 12
Walking, 98–99
Web of Science (WoS), 9, 11, 56
Wine-tasting tutorials in wine tourism, 82
Winter landscape and appearance (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Winter sports mega-event destination experience
aesthetic, 86–87
educational, 86
entertainment, 85–86
escapist, 87–88
experience economy model, 81–83
literature review, 80–83
methodology, 83
PC, 88
results, 83–89
SN, 88–89
sports tourism experience, 80–81
World Tourism Organization, 2, 41
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 99–100
Kalymnos island, 107
Keyword co-occurrence network, 56–57, 63, 66
Keyword network analysis, 14–15
Knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
bibliographic coupling network, 66–67
keyword co-occurrence network, 63–66
Kythera hiking trail of Kythera, 105
La Balaguere, 103
Learning from friends (theme of educational experience), 86
Legacy, concept of, 198
Legacy Reporting Framework, 218–219
Leisure, 55
studies, 13–14
Local citations count (LC count), 58–60
Macro niches, 24
Magliarosa cluster, 121–124
Major Tourism Event, 201
Malaysia, intention to visit health and wellness services in, 188
Man and Biosphere programme (MAB programme), 99–100
Marathon, 202
authentic Athens marathon, 200–203
races, 197
as sport tourism event, 203–204
theoretical framework, 197–200
tourism, 200
Marathon phenomenon, 200
Market, strengthen presence on, 164
Marketing forces, 219
Master Card, 219
Media communication process, 118
Mega events, 43
Mega-sports events, 44, 133, 197
Menalon Social Cooperative Enterprise, 106
Menalon Trail, 106
in Arcadia, 105
Micro niches, 24
Modern sporting events, 55
Mondial Tours (private company), 195
Multi-method approach, 83
Multidimensional analysis maps (MDS), 125, 129
National Football League (NFL), 221–222
National Olympic Committees (NOC), 44–45
Nature-based sports, 141
tourism, 17
Netnographic method, 79–80
Netnography, 83
Network, business plan of, 165–169
Network Analysis (NA), 116
tools, 118
New sport venue, planning, 213–215
Niche marketing, 24
Niche tourism, 24
Non-sporting events, 43
Non-ST, 82–83
Nordic hiking, 98–99
sport tourism, 211, 215
visiting and revisiting, 215–216
Oak View Group investment, 221–222
Olympic Agenda 2020, 218–219
Olympic events, 67–68
Olympic Games (2020), 1–2, 44–45, 49, 195–196, 214
of Tokyo, 45–47
UEFA European Championship 2020, 47–49
Olympic Games Study Commission, 214
Olympic movement, 44–45
Olympic Tourism, 215–216
Olympics, 43, 55
Pandemics, 41–42
Passion for club in tourism, importance of football and, 34
Passion of football fans, 33
Passive sport tourism, 211, 217
Peer pressure (theme of SN), 88–89
Physical activity, 229
frequency of physical activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Physical Comfort (PC), 85, 88, 90–91
Portuguese Football
brand love and brand attachment, 27
evolution of football, 32
feeling weight, 28–29
football’s financial capacity, 32–33
importance of football and passion for club in tourism, 34
importance of football as tourist phenomenon, 30–31
importance of football for society, 31
importance of football for tourism and country’s economy, 34–35
importance of football in big cities, 32
importance of satisfaction and loyalty, 29
importance of sport, 29
main challenges, 29–30
methodology, 27–28
passion of football fans, 33
results, 28–35
results of focus group, 30
sport tourism, 24, 27, 31
theoretical background, 24–27
tourism segmentation and niche tourism, 24
tourist interest in football, 33–34
visit to stadiums, 34
Post-event legacy planning, 217–219
Post-event venue reality, 213–215
Presidential Commission on American Outdoors, 101
Primary trails, 99
Profiling trail runners
data analysis, 143–144
100 Miles of Istria Ultra-Trail, 141–142
methodology, 142–144
questionnaire and data collection, 142–143
research context, 141–142
results, 144–150
trail running, 141
Province of Siena, The, 160–161
soft mobility masterplan of, 161
Publications, 58
PubMed, 9–11
Qualitative methodology, 27–28
Quality tourism clientele, established destinations invest in sport venues to attract, 221–223
Quantitative approach, 6–7
Rally championships, 69
Regional Government of Tuscany, 161–162
Relaxation, 177, 180, 183
Reliability analysis, 191
Relief, 177, 180, 183
Responsible rural tourism, 97
Rugby league, 1–2
Rural tourism, 24
Scopus, 5
Search string, 56
Secondary trails, 99
Self-administered questionnaire, 142–143
Self-development, 178, 186
Self-exploring (theme of educational experience), 86
Self-loops, 118
Semi-structured interviews, 28
Sentiment analysis techniques, 117
Shopping, 85
Short trips (theme of escapist), 87–88
Skiing, 85
Social Needs (SN), 85, 88–89, 91
Social Network Analysis, 116–117
Society, importance of football for, 31
Soft adventure tourism, 97–98
Soft tourism, 97
Source co-citation network, analysis of, 13
Spectacularization, 212, 214–215
Sport activity
frequency of sport activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Sport management, 13–14
Sport mega-events, 114–115
Sport venues, 211–213
established destinations invest in sport venues to attract quality tourism clientele, 221–223
facing post-event venue reality and planning ‘new’ sport venue, 213–215
identified factors for sport-venue related tourism destination making, 217–223
method, 217
nostalgia, visiting and revisiting, 215–216
post-event legacy planning, 217–219
prerequisite for sport venue tourism development, 217–219
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
theoretical considerations, 213–216
Sport-for-Development Structure (S4D Structure), 9–11
Sport(ing) events, 1–2, 43, 115, 139, 198, 200
impact of, 114–116
communication, 120–129
main information, 117–118
methods, 116–117
network structure, 118–120
results, 117–129
theoretical background, 114–116
Sporting activities, 203
Sports, 1–2, 41, 69–70, 195, 229
Sports marketing, 23
Sports research
country-wise publication, 61
data retrieval and search string, 56
descriptive statistics, 57–63
findings, 57–69
implications and scope for future research, 69–70
knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
methodology, 56–57
most influential articles, 58–61
most preferred publications, 58
most productive authors, 61–63
research methods, 56–57
research trends, 57–58
Sports sponsorship, 14–15
Sports tourism (ST), 1–2, 13–14, 16–17, 24, 27, 31, 41–42, 64, 66, 79, 97–98, 195, 197–198, 200, 215
case study, 45–49
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
experience, 80–81
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2, 5, 42, 45
marathon as sport tourism event, 203–204
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
phenomenon, 211
productive and influencing authors, 8–11
productive countries, 11–12
productive journals, 8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Stadiums, 34
Stage (theme), 129
Standardized sweet spot, 89–90
Strade di Siena project, 162–164
Strategic alliances, 219
Strategic approach, 218–219
Supply chain management, 69–70
Sustainability, 95–96
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2–5
most productive and influencing authors, 8–11
most productive countries, 11–12
most productive journals, 8
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Sustainable development, 95–96
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1, 204
Sustainable tourism, 13–14
Sweet Road, 161
Tappa (theme), 129
Technology, 115–116
Terre di Siena Slow, The project, 161–162
Thematic analysis, 120–121
Tokyo, Olympic games of, 45–47
Torino (theme), 129
Total citations (TC), 58
Total publications (TP), 58
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, 220
Tour operators (TO), 157–158
Tourism, 17, 41, 95–96, 195, 229
development of city, 48
hiking as alternative form of, 97–99
importance of football and passion for club in, 34
management, 13–14
segmentation, 24
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
Tourism Department of the Municipality of Siena, 163
Tourist interest in football, 33–34
Tourist motivation factors, 176–177, 180, 188
correlation analysis, 191
correlation hypothesis testing, 191
descriptive analysis, 179–188
escape, 177–178
findings, 179–191
frequency analysis, 179
health and beauty, 177
literature review, 176–178
methodology, 179
relaxation and relief, 177
reliability analysis, 191
self-development, 178
Tourist phenomenon, importance of football as, 30–31
Tourist relationships, create business and, 164
Trails, 99, 105
running, 141
Training approach, 177
Travel management, 13–14
Travelling, 79
Treaty of Lisbon, 230–231
Trekking, 98–99, 107
Tuscany, cycle tourism in, 160–163
UEFA European Championship (2020), 45, 47, 49
study of tourism destination of St. Petersburg, 47–49
UNEP, 99–100
Unique selling point (USP), 90–91
United Nations, The, 1–2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 175
UNWTO, 99–100, 204
Urban landmark, 213
Various restaurants (theme of PC), 88
Venue tourism development, 216
Visitors, 147
Volunteer program, 202
VOS viewer
clustering technique, 6–7
online, 12
software, 6–7, 12
Walking, 98–99
Web of Science (WoS), 9, 11, 56
Wine-tasting tutorials in wine tourism, 82
Winter landscape and appearance (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Winter sports mega-event destination experience
aesthetic, 86–87
educational, 86
entertainment, 85–86
escapist, 87–88
experience economy model, 81–83
literature review, 80–83
methodology, 83
PC, 88
results, 83–89
SN, 88–89
sports tourism experience, 80–81
World Tourism Organization, 2, 41
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 99–100
Macro niches, 24
Magliarosa cluster, 121–124
Major Tourism Event, 201
Malaysia, intention to visit health and wellness services in, 188
Man and Biosphere programme (MAB programme), 99–100
Marathon, 202
authentic Athens marathon, 200–203
races, 197
as sport tourism event, 203–204
theoretical framework, 197–200
tourism, 200
Marathon phenomenon, 200
Market, strengthen presence on, 164
Marketing forces, 219
Master Card, 219
Media communication process, 118
Mega events, 43
Mega-sports events, 44, 133, 197
Menalon Social Cooperative Enterprise, 106
Menalon Trail, 106
in Arcadia, 105
Micro niches, 24
Modern sporting events, 55
Mondial Tours (private company), 195
Multi-method approach, 83
Multidimensional analysis maps (MDS), 125, 129
National Football League (NFL), 221–222
National Olympic Committees (NOC), 44–45
Nature-based sports, 141
tourism, 17
Netnographic method, 79–80
Netnography, 83
Network, business plan of, 165–169
Network Analysis (NA), 116
tools, 118
New sport venue, planning, 213–215
Niche marketing, 24
Niche tourism, 24
Non-sporting events, 43
Non-ST, 82–83
Nordic hiking, 98–99
sport tourism, 211, 215
visiting and revisiting, 215–216
Oak View Group investment, 221–222
Olympic Agenda 2020, 218–219
Olympic events, 67–68
Olympic Games (2020), 1–2, 44–45, 49, 195–196, 214
of Tokyo, 45–47
UEFA European Championship 2020, 47–49
Olympic Games Study Commission, 214
Olympic movement, 44–45
Olympic Tourism, 215–216
Olympics, 43, 55
Pandemics, 41–42
Passion for club in tourism, importance of football and, 34
Passion of football fans, 33
Passive sport tourism, 211, 217
Peer pressure (theme of SN), 88–89
Physical activity, 229
frequency of physical activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Physical Comfort (PC), 85, 88, 90–91
Portuguese Football
brand love and brand attachment, 27
evolution of football, 32
feeling weight, 28–29
football’s financial capacity, 32–33
importance of football and passion for club in tourism, 34
importance of football as tourist phenomenon, 30–31
importance of football for society, 31
importance of football for tourism and country’s economy, 34–35
importance of football in big cities, 32
importance of satisfaction and loyalty, 29
importance of sport, 29
main challenges, 29–30
methodology, 27–28
passion of football fans, 33
results, 28–35
results of focus group, 30
sport tourism, 24, 27, 31
theoretical background, 24–27
tourism segmentation and niche tourism, 24
tourist interest in football, 33–34
visit to stadiums, 34
Post-event legacy planning, 217–219
Post-event venue reality, 213–215
Presidential Commission on American Outdoors, 101
Primary trails, 99
Profiling trail runners
data analysis, 143–144
100 Miles of Istria Ultra-Trail, 141–142
methodology, 142–144
questionnaire and data collection, 142–143
research context, 141–142
results, 144–150
trail running, 141
Province of Siena, The, 160–161
soft mobility masterplan of, 161
Publications, 58
PubMed, 9–11
Qualitative methodology, 27–28
Quality tourism clientele, established destinations invest in sport venues to attract, 221–223
Quantitative approach, 6–7
Rally championships, 69
Regional Government of Tuscany, 161–162
Relaxation, 177, 180, 183
Reliability analysis, 191
Relief, 177, 180, 183
Responsible rural tourism, 97
Rugby league, 1–2
Rural tourism, 24
Scopus, 5
Search string, 56
Secondary trails, 99
Self-administered questionnaire, 142–143
Self-development, 178, 186
Self-exploring (theme of educational experience), 86
Self-loops, 118
Semi-structured interviews, 28
Sentiment analysis techniques, 117
Shopping, 85
Short trips (theme of escapist), 87–88
Skiing, 85
Social Needs (SN), 85, 88–89, 91
Social Network Analysis, 116–117
Society, importance of football for, 31
Soft adventure tourism, 97–98
Soft tourism, 97
Source co-citation network, analysis of, 13
Spectacularization, 212, 214–215
Sport activity
frequency of sport activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Sport management, 13–14
Sport mega-events, 114–115
Sport venues, 211–213
established destinations invest in sport venues to attract quality tourism clientele, 221–223
facing post-event venue reality and planning ‘new’ sport venue, 213–215
identified factors for sport-venue related tourism destination making, 217–223
method, 217
nostalgia, visiting and revisiting, 215–216
post-event legacy planning, 217–219
prerequisite for sport venue tourism development, 217–219
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
theoretical considerations, 213–216
Sport-for-Development Structure (S4D Structure), 9–11
Sport(ing) events, 1–2, 43, 115, 139, 198, 200
impact of, 114–116
communication, 120–129
main information, 117–118
methods, 116–117
network structure, 118–120
results, 117–129
theoretical background, 114–116
Sporting activities, 203
Sports, 1–2, 41, 69–70, 195, 229
Sports marketing, 23
Sports research
country-wise publication, 61
data retrieval and search string, 56
descriptive statistics, 57–63
findings, 57–69
implications and scope for future research, 69–70
knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
methodology, 56–57
most influential articles, 58–61
most preferred publications, 58
most productive authors, 61–63
research methods, 56–57
research trends, 57–58
Sports sponsorship, 14–15
Sports tourism (ST), 1–2, 13–14, 16–17, 24, 27, 31, 41–42, 64, 66, 79, 97–98, 195, 197–198, 200, 215
case study, 45–49
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
experience, 80–81
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2, 5, 42, 45
marathon as sport tourism event, 203–204
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
phenomenon, 211
productive and influencing authors, 8–11
productive countries, 11–12
productive journals, 8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Stadiums, 34
Stage (theme), 129
Standardized sweet spot, 89–90
Strade di Siena project, 162–164
Strategic alliances, 219
Strategic approach, 218–219
Supply chain management, 69–70
Sustainability, 95–96
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2–5
most productive and influencing authors, 8–11
most productive countries, 11–12
most productive journals, 8
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Sustainable development, 95–96
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1, 204
Sustainable tourism, 13–14
Sweet Road, 161
Tappa (theme), 129
Technology, 115–116
Terre di Siena Slow, The project, 161–162
Thematic analysis, 120–121
Tokyo, Olympic games of, 45–47
Torino (theme), 129
Total citations (TC), 58
Total publications (TP), 58
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, 220
Tour operators (TO), 157–158
Tourism, 17, 41, 95–96, 195, 229
development of city, 48
hiking as alternative form of, 97–99
importance of football and passion for club in, 34
management, 13–14
segmentation, 24
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
Tourism Department of the Municipality of Siena, 163
Tourist interest in football, 33–34
Tourist motivation factors, 176–177, 180, 188
correlation analysis, 191
correlation hypothesis testing, 191
descriptive analysis, 179–188
escape, 177–178
findings, 179–191
frequency analysis, 179
health and beauty, 177
literature review, 176–178
methodology, 179
relaxation and relief, 177
reliability analysis, 191
self-development, 178
Tourist phenomenon, importance of football as, 30–31
Tourist relationships, create business and, 164
Trails, 99, 105
running, 141
Training approach, 177
Travel management, 13–14
Travelling, 79
Treaty of Lisbon, 230–231
Trekking, 98–99, 107
Tuscany, cycle tourism in, 160–163
UEFA European Championship (2020), 45, 47, 49
study of tourism destination of St. Petersburg, 47–49
UNEP, 99–100
Unique selling point (USP), 90–91
United Nations, The, 1–2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 175
UNWTO, 99–100, 204
Urban landmark, 213
Various restaurants (theme of PC), 88
Venue tourism development, 216
Visitors, 147
Volunteer program, 202
VOS viewer
clustering technique, 6–7
online, 12
software, 6–7, 12
Walking, 98–99
Web of Science (WoS), 9, 11, 56
Wine-tasting tutorials in wine tourism, 82
Winter landscape and appearance (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Winter sports mega-event destination experience
aesthetic, 86–87
educational, 86
entertainment, 85–86
escapist, 87–88
experience economy model, 81–83
literature review, 80–83
methodology, 83
PC, 88
results, 83–89
SN, 88–89
sports tourism experience, 80–81
World Tourism Organization, 2, 41
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 99–100
Oak View Group investment, 221–222
Olympic Agenda 2020, 218–219
Olympic events, 67–68
Olympic Games (2020), 1–2, 44–45, 49, 195–196, 214
of Tokyo, 45–47
UEFA European Championship 2020, 47–49
Olympic Games Study Commission, 214
Olympic movement, 44–45
Olympic Tourism, 215–216
Olympics, 43, 55
Pandemics, 41–42
Passion for club in tourism, importance of football and, 34
Passion of football fans, 33
Passive sport tourism, 211, 217
Peer pressure (theme of SN), 88–89
Physical activity, 229
frequency of physical activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Physical Comfort (PC), 85, 88, 90–91
Portuguese Football
brand love and brand attachment, 27
evolution of football, 32
feeling weight, 28–29
football’s financial capacity, 32–33
importance of football and passion for club in tourism, 34
importance of football as tourist phenomenon, 30–31
importance of football for society, 31
importance of football for tourism and country’s economy, 34–35
importance of football in big cities, 32
importance of satisfaction and loyalty, 29
importance of sport, 29
main challenges, 29–30
methodology, 27–28
passion of football fans, 33
results, 28–35
results of focus group, 30
sport tourism, 24, 27, 31
theoretical background, 24–27
tourism segmentation and niche tourism, 24
tourist interest in football, 33–34
visit to stadiums, 34
Post-event legacy planning, 217–219
Post-event venue reality, 213–215
Presidential Commission on American Outdoors, 101
Primary trails, 99
Profiling trail runners
data analysis, 143–144
100 Miles of Istria Ultra-Trail, 141–142
methodology, 142–144
questionnaire and data collection, 142–143
research context, 141–142
results, 144–150
trail running, 141
Province of Siena, The, 160–161
soft mobility masterplan of, 161
Publications, 58
PubMed, 9–11
Qualitative methodology, 27–28
Quality tourism clientele, established destinations invest in sport venues to attract, 221–223
Quantitative approach, 6–7
Rally championships, 69
Regional Government of Tuscany, 161–162
Relaxation, 177, 180, 183
Reliability analysis, 191
Relief, 177, 180, 183
Responsible rural tourism, 97
Rugby league, 1–2
Rural tourism, 24
Scopus, 5
Search string, 56
Secondary trails, 99
Self-administered questionnaire, 142–143
Self-development, 178, 186
Self-exploring (theme of educational experience), 86
Self-loops, 118
Semi-structured interviews, 28
Sentiment analysis techniques, 117
Shopping, 85
Short trips (theme of escapist), 87–88
Skiing, 85
Social Needs (SN), 85, 88–89, 91
Social Network Analysis, 116–117
Society, importance of football for, 31
Soft adventure tourism, 97–98
Soft tourism, 97
Source co-citation network, analysis of, 13
Spectacularization, 212, 214–215
Sport activity
frequency of sport activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Sport management, 13–14
Sport mega-events, 114–115
Sport venues, 211–213
established destinations invest in sport venues to attract quality tourism clientele, 221–223
facing post-event venue reality and planning ‘new’ sport venue, 213–215
identified factors for sport-venue related tourism destination making, 217–223
method, 217
nostalgia, visiting and revisiting, 215–216
post-event legacy planning, 217–219
prerequisite for sport venue tourism development, 217–219
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
theoretical considerations, 213–216
Sport-for-Development Structure (S4D Structure), 9–11
Sport(ing) events, 1–2, 43, 115, 139, 198, 200
impact of, 114–116
communication, 120–129
main information, 117–118
methods, 116–117
network structure, 118–120
results, 117–129
theoretical background, 114–116
Sporting activities, 203
Sports, 1–2, 41, 69–70, 195, 229
Sports marketing, 23
Sports research
country-wise publication, 61
data retrieval and search string, 56
descriptive statistics, 57–63
findings, 57–69
implications and scope for future research, 69–70
knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
methodology, 56–57
most influential articles, 58–61
most preferred publications, 58
most productive authors, 61–63
research methods, 56–57
research trends, 57–58
Sports sponsorship, 14–15
Sports tourism (ST), 1–2, 13–14, 16–17, 24, 27, 31, 41–42, 64, 66, 79, 97–98, 195, 197–198, 200, 215
case study, 45–49
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
experience, 80–81
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2, 5, 42, 45
marathon as sport tourism event, 203–204
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
phenomenon, 211
productive and influencing authors, 8–11
productive countries, 11–12
productive journals, 8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Stadiums, 34
Stage (theme), 129
Standardized sweet spot, 89–90
Strade di Siena project, 162–164
Strategic alliances, 219
Strategic approach, 218–219
Supply chain management, 69–70
Sustainability, 95–96
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2–5
most productive and influencing authors, 8–11
most productive countries, 11–12
most productive journals, 8
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Sustainable development, 95–96
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1, 204
Sustainable tourism, 13–14
Sweet Road, 161
Tappa (theme), 129
Technology, 115–116
Terre di Siena Slow, The project, 161–162
Thematic analysis, 120–121
Tokyo, Olympic games of, 45–47
Torino (theme), 129
Total citations (TC), 58
Total publications (TP), 58
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, 220
Tour operators (TO), 157–158
Tourism, 17, 41, 95–96, 195, 229
development of city, 48
hiking as alternative form of, 97–99
importance of football and passion for club in, 34
management, 13–14
segmentation, 24
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
Tourism Department of the Municipality of Siena, 163
Tourist interest in football, 33–34
Tourist motivation factors, 176–177, 180, 188
correlation analysis, 191
correlation hypothesis testing, 191
descriptive analysis, 179–188
escape, 177–178
findings, 179–191
frequency analysis, 179
health and beauty, 177
literature review, 176–178
methodology, 179
relaxation and relief, 177
reliability analysis, 191
self-development, 178
Tourist phenomenon, importance of football as, 30–31
Tourist relationships, create business and, 164
Trails, 99, 105
running, 141
Training approach, 177
Travel management, 13–14
Travelling, 79
Treaty of Lisbon, 230–231
Trekking, 98–99, 107
Tuscany, cycle tourism in, 160–163
UEFA European Championship (2020), 45, 47, 49
study of tourism destination of St. Petersburg, 47–49
UNEP, 99–100
Unique selling point (USP), 90–91
United Nations, The, 1–2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 175
UNWTO, 99–100, 204
Urban landmark, 213
Various restaurants (theme of PC), 88
Venue tourism development, 216
Visitors, 147
Volunteer program, 202
VOS viewer
clustering technique, 6–7
online, 12
software, 6–7, 12
Walking, 98–99
Web of Science (WoS), 9, 11, 56
Wine-tasting tutorials in wine tourism, 82
Winter landscape and appearance (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Winter sports mega-event destination experience
aesthetic, 86–87
educational, 86
entertainment, 85–86
escapist, 87–88
experience economy model, 81–83
literature review, 80–83
methodology, 83
PC, 88
results, 83–89
SN, 88–89
sports tourism experience, 80–81
World Tourism Organization, 2, 41
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 99–100
Qualitative methodology, 27–28
Quality tourism clientele, established destinations invest in sport venues to attract, 221–223
Quantitative approach, 6–7
Rally championships, 69
Regional Government of Tuscany, 161–162
Relaxation, 177, 180, 183
Reliability analysis, 191
Relief, 177, 180, 183
Responsible rural tourism, 97
Rugby league, 1–2
Rural tourism, 24
Scopus, 5
Search string, 56
Secondary trails, 99
Self-administered questionnaire, 142–143
Self-development, 178, 186
Self-exploring (theme of educational experience), 86
Self-loops, 118
Semi-structured interviews, 28
Sentiment analysis techniques, 117
Shopping, 85
Short trips (theme of escapist), 87–88
Skiing, 85
Social Needs (SN), 85, 88–89, 91
Social Network Analysis, 116–117
Society, importance of football for, 31
Soft adventure tourism, 97–98
Soft tourism, 97
Source co-citation network, analysis of, 13
Spectacularization, 212, 214–215
Sport activity
frequency of sport activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Sport management, 13–14
Sport mega-events, 114–115
Sport venues, 211–213
established destinations invest in sport venues to attract quality tourism clientele, 221–223
facing post-event venue reality and planning ‘new’ sport venue, 213–215
identified factors for sport-venue related tourism destination making, 217–223
method, 217
nostalgia, visiting and revisiting, 215–216
post-event legacy planning, 217–219
prerequisite for sport venue tourism development, 217–219
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
theoretical considerations, 213–216
Sport-for-Development Structure (S4D Structure), 9–11
Sport(ing) events, 1–2, 43, 115, 139, 198, 200
impact of, 114–116
communication, 120–129
main information, 117–118
methods, 116–117
network structure, 118–120
results, 117–129
theoretical background, 114–116
Sporting activities, 203
Sports, 1–2, 41, 69–70, 195, 229
Sports marketing, 23
Sports research
country-wise publication, 61
data retrieval and search string, 56
descriptive statistics, 57–63
findings, 57–69
implications and scope for future research, 69–70
knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
methodology, 56–57
most influential articles, 58–61
most preferred publications, 58
most productive authors, 61–63
research methods, 56–57
research trends, 57–58
Sports sponsorship, 14–15
Sports tourism (ST), 1–2, 13–14, 16–17, 24, 27, 31, 41–42, 64, 66, 79, 97–98, 195, 197–198, 200, 215
case study, 45–49
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
experience, 80–81
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2, 5, 42, 45
marathon as sport tourism event, 203–204
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
phenomenon, 211
productive and influencing authors, 8–11
productive countries, 11–12
productive journals, 8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Stadiums, 34
Stage (theme), 129
Standardized sweet spot, 89–90
Strade di Siena project, 162–164
Strategic alliances, 219
Strategic approach, 218–219
Supply chain management, 69–70
Sustainability, 95–96
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2–5
most productive and influencing authors, 8–11
most productive countries, 11–12
most productive journals, 8
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Sustainable development, 95–96
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1, 204
Sustainable tourism, 13–14
Sweet Road, 161
Tappa (theme), 129
Technology, 115–116
Terre di Siena Slow, The project, 161–162
Thematic analysis, 120–121
Tokyo, Olympic games of, 45–47
Torino (theme), 129
Total citations (TC), 58
Total publications (TP), 58
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, 220
Tour operators (TO), 157–158
Tourism, 17, 41, 95–96, 195, 229
development of city, 48
hiking as alternative form of, 97–99
importance of football and passion for club in, 34
management, 13–14
segmentation, 24
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
Tourism Department of the Municipality of Siena, 163
Tourist interest in football, 33–34
Tourist motivation factors, 176–177, 180, 188
correlation analysis, 191
correlation hypothesis testing, 191
descriptive analysis, 179–188
escape, 177–178
findings, 179–191
frequency analysis, 179
health and beauty, 177
literature review, 176–178
methodology, 179
relaxation and relief, 177
reliability analysis, 191
self-development, 178
Tourist phenomenon, importance of football as, 30–31
Tourist relationships, create business and, 164
Trails, 99, 105
running, 141
Training approach, 177
Travel management, 13–14
Travelling, 79
Treaty of Lisbon, 230–231
Trekking, 98–99, 107
Tuscany, cycle tourism in, 160–163
UEFA European Championship (2020), 45, 47, 49
study of tourism destination of St. Petersburg, 47–49
UNEP, 99–100
Unique selling point (USP), 90–91
United Nations, The, 1–2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 175
UNWTO, 99–100, 204
Urban landmark, 213
Various restaurants (theme of PC), 88
Venue tourism development, 216
Visitors, 147
Volunteer program, 202
VOS viewer
clustering technique, 6–7
online, 12
software, 6–7, 12
Walking, 98–99
Web of Science (WoS), 9, 11, 56
Wine-tasting tutorials in wine tourism, 82
Winter landscape and appearance (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Winter sports mega-event destination experience
aesthetic, 86–87
educational, 86
entertainment, 85–86
escapist, 87–88
experience economy model, 81–83
literature review, 80–83
methodology, 83
PC, 88
results, 83–89
SN, 88–89
sports tourism experience, 80–81
World Tourism Organization, 2, 41
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 99–100
Scopus, 5
Search string, 56
Secondary trails, 99
Self-administered questionnaire, 142–143
Self-development, 178, 186
Self-exploring (theme of educational experience), 86
Self-loops, 118
Semi-structured interviews, 28
Sentiment analysis techniques, 117
Shopping, 85
Short trips (theme of escapist), 87–88
Skiing, 85
Social Needs (SN), 85, 88–89, 91
Social Network Analysis, 116–117
Society, importance of football for, 31
Soft adventure tourism, 97–98
Soft tourism, 97
Source co-citation network, analysis of, 13
Spectacularization, 212, 214–215
Sport activity
frequency of sport activities in European Union, 233–235
motives and barriers of EU citizens to exercise, 241–242
Sport management, 13–14
Sport mega-events, 114–115
Sport venues, 211–213
established destinations invest in sport venues to attract quality tourism clientele, 221–223
facing post-event venue reality and planning ‘new’ sport venue, 213–215
identified factors for sport-venue related tourism destination making, 217–223
method, 217
nostalgia, visiting and revisiting, 215–216
post-event legacy planning, 217–219
prerequisite for sport venue tourism development, 217–219
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
theoretical considerations, 213–216
Sport-for-Development Structure (S4D Structure), 9–11
Sport(ing) events, 1–2, 43, 115, 139, 198, 200
impact of, 114–116
communication, 120–129
main information, 117–118
methods, 116–117
network structure, 118–120
results, 117–129
theoretical background, 114–116
Sporting activities, 203
Sports, 1–2, 41, 69–70, 195, 229
Sports marketing, 23
Sports research
country-wise publication, 61
data retrieval and search string, 56
descriptive statistics, 57–63
findings, 57–69
implications and scope for future research, 69–70
knowledge cluster mapping, 63–67
methodology, 56–57
most influential articles, 58–61
most preferred publications, 58
most productive authors, 61–63
research methods, 56–57
research trends, 57–58
Sports sponsorship, 14–15
Sports tourism (ST), 1–2, 13–14, 16–17, 24, 27, 31, 41–42, 64, 66, 79, 97–98, 195, 197–198, 200, 215
case study, 45–49
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
experience, 80–81
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2, 5, 42, 45
marathon as sport tourism event, 203–204
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
phenomenon, 211
productive and influencing authors, 8–11
productive countries, 11–12
productive journals, 8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Stadiums, 34
Stage (theme), 129
Standardized sweet spot, 89–90
Strade di Siena project, 162–164
Strategic alliances, 219
Strategic approach, 218–219
Supply chain management, 69–70
Sustainability, 95–96
co-citation analysis network, 12–15
implications, 16–17
literature review, 2–5
most productive and influencing authors, 8–11
most productive countries, 11–12
most productive journals, 8
number of publications trends over year, 7–8
research methodology, 5–7
results, 7–15
Sustainable development, 95–96
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1, 204
Sustainable tourism, 13–14
Sweet Road, 161
Tappa (theme), 129
Technology, 115–116
Terre di Siena Slow, The project, 161–162
Thematic analysis, 120–121
Tokyo, Olympic games of, 45–47
Torino (theme), 129
Total citations (TC), 58
Total publications (TP), 58
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, 220
Tour operators (TO), 157–158
Tourism, 17, 41, 95–96, 195, 229
development of city, 48
hiking as alternative form of, 97–99
importance of football and passion for club in, 34
management, 13–14
segmentation, 24
sport venues engage tourism and hospitality business forces to uplift attendance experience, 219–220
Tourism Department of the Municipality of Siena, 163
Tourist interest in football, 33–34
Tourist motivation factors, 176–177, 180, 188
correlation analysis, 191
correlation hypothesis testing, 191
descriptive analysis, 179–188
escape, 177–178
findings, 179–191
frequency analysis, 179
health and beauty, 177
literature review, 176–178
methodology, 179
relaxation and relief, 177
reliability analysis, 191
self-development, 178
Tourist phenomenon, importance of football as, 30–31
Tourist relationships, create business and, 164
Trails, 99, 105
running, 141
Training approach, 177
Travel management, 13–14
Travelling, 79
Treaty of Lisbon, 230–231
Trekking, 98–99, 107
Tuscany, cycle tourism in, 160–163
UEFA European Championship (2020), 45, 47, 49
study of tourism destination of St. Petersburg, 47–49
UNEP, 99–100
Unique selling point (USP), 90–91
United Nations, The, 1–2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 175
UNWTO, 99–100, 204
Urban landmark, 213
Various restaurants (theme of PC), 88
Venue tourism development, 216
Visitors, 147
Volunteer program, 202
VOS viewer
clustering technique, 6–7
online, 12
software, 6–7, 12
Walking, 98–99
Web of Science (WoS), 9, 11, 56
Wine-tasting tutorials in wine tourism, 82
Winter landscape and appearance (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Winter sports mega-event destination experience
aesthetic, 86–87
educational, 86
entertainment, 85–86
escapist, 87–88
experience economy model, 81–83
literature review, 80–83
methodology, 83
PC, 88
results, 83–89
SN, 88–89
sports tourism experience, 80–81
World Tourism Organization, 2, 41
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 99–100
UEFA European Championship (2020), 45, 47, 49
study of tourism destination of St. Petersburg, 47–49
UNEP, 99–100
Unique selling point (USP), 90–91
United Nations, The, 1–2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 175
UNWTO, 99–100, 204
Urban landmark, 213
Various restaurants (theme of PC), 88
Venue tourism development, 216
Visitors, 147
Volunteer program, 202
VOS viewer
clustering technique, 6–7
online, 12
software, 6–7, 12
Walking, 98–99
Web of Science (WoS), 9, 11, 56
Wine-tasting tutorials in wine tourism, 82
Winter landscape and appearance (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Winter sports mega-event destination experience
aesthetic, 86–87
educational, 86
entertainment, 85–86
escapist, 87–88
experience economy model, 81–83
literature review, 80–83
methodology, 83
PC, 88
results, 83–89
SN, 88–89
sports tourism experience, 80–81
World Tourism Organization, 2, 41
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 99–100
Walking, 98–99
Web of Science (WoS), 9, 11, 56
Wine-tasting tutorials in wine tourism, 82
Winter landscape and appearance (theme of aesthetic), 86–87
Winter sports mega-event destination experience
aesthetic, 86–87
educational, 86
entertainment, 85–86
escapist, 87–88
experience economy model, 81–83
literature review, 80–83
methodology, 83
PC, 88
results, 83–89
SN, 88–89
sports tourism experience, 80–81
World Tourism Organization, 2, 41
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 99–100
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Mapping the Research Trends on Sports Tourism and Sustainability: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Chapter 2 Brand Love as a Trigger of Sport Tourism: A Study in Portuguese Football
- Chapter 3 Sports Tourism in the COVID-19 Era
- Chapter 4 Progress in Sports and Event Tourism Research: A Review Study
- Chapter 5 Winter Sports Mega-Event Destination Experience: An Experience Economy Model Perspective During the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic
- Chapter 6 Hiking Tourism in Greece
- Chapter 7 Assessing the Impact of a Sports Event From Big Data
- Chapter 8 Profiling Trail Runners by Experience–Use–History, Environmental Consciousness and Travel Carbon Footprint
- Chapter 9 A Business Network Model for the Development of Cycle Tourism in a Destination
- Chapter 10 Tourist Motivation Factors Towards Health and Wellness Tourism in Malaysia: A Case Study of Marathon Events in Kuala Lumpur
- Chapter 11 Is Marathon a Sport Tourism Event? The Authentic Athens Marathon
- Chapter 12 Sport Venues as Sport Tourism Destinations: Examining a Dynamic Multilinked Leisure Proposal
- Chapter 13 European Union Managing Tourism and Sport: The Attitudes of EU Citizens on Sport and Physical Activity
- Index