Digital Transformation in Higher Education, Part B
ISBN: 978-1-83608-425-9, eISBN: 978-1-83608-424-2
Publication date: 28 October 2024
(2024), "Index", Lytras, M.D., Serban, A.C., Alkhaldi, A., Malik, S. and Aldosemani, T. (Ed.) Digital Transformation in Higher Education, Part B (Emerald Studies in Active and Transformative Learning in Higher Education), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 243-254.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Miltiadis D. Lytras, Andreea Claudia Serban, Afnan Alkhaldi, Sawsan Malik and Tahani Aldosemani. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Academic culture change, 109
Academic literature, 74
Academic medicine, 156
Academic process, 156
Accessibility, 136–137
in higher education, 133
Active and transformative learning (ATL), 232
Active learners, 18
Active learning strategies, 84
Adaptive assessment, 71
Adaptive learning
platforms, 198, 212
software, 201
Adaptive technologies, 203–205
Administrative efficiency, 215–216
Agglomeration analysis, 157
Algorithmic bias, 21
Algorithmic bias mitigation, 21
Analytics tools, 206
Anonymization, 21
Artificial intelligence (AI), 3, 30–31, 90, 115, 128, 142, 156, 198, 202–203, 207–209, 232
AI-driven career guidance, 24
AI-driven language assessment tools, 108
AI-powered chatbots, 199
AI-powered learning resources, 21
application and integration in healthcare and nursing education, 71
artificial intelligence-enabled digital transformation scenarios, 235–236
capacity building, 236
content, 236
e-learning modules, 58
emerging trends and innovations in AI-driven lifelong learning, 26–27
guideline among publisher, 157
problem solving, 236
process, 236
safeguarding privacy and upholding data protection in, 20–21
tools, 15, 238
Assessment criteria, 92
Assessment strategies, 130
Assessment tools, 199
Assistive technology (AT), 134, 136–138
benefits of, 137–138
for diverse learners, 137–138
laptop computers and computerized devices, 137–138
Augmented reality (AR) (see also Virtual reality (VR)), 30–31, 58, 89, 104, 115, 129–130, 139–140, 201, 217
applications in nursing education, 70–71
integration in nursing education, 70–72
simulations, 70
Authorship criteria, 169
Automated grading, 199
Behaviorism-based inclusive education practices, 130
Best practices in curriculum development, 70–72
Big data, 128
Blended learning programmes, 58
Blockchain technology, 90, 209
Budget constraints, 211
Business, 202–203
intelligence, 205–207
process reengineering, 2–3
Campus-wide sensors, 198–199
Capacity building, 236
Carnegie learning, 205
Case-based learning, 76, 91–92
Challenges to digital transformation, 108–114
ChatGPT, 19, 41–42, 156, 235
aims of study, 15
benefits of personalized learning with, 17–18
case studies of ChatGPT implementation, 24–25
challenges and hurdles in integrating, 22
clear articulation of research objectives, 14
collaborative learning experiences, 19–20
consideration of ethical implications, 15
data analysis techniques, 16
data collection methods and sources, 15–16
demonstrated impact on student outcomes and institutional strategies, 24–25
educational content to individual student needs, 17
effective implementation strategies, 22–23
embedding ethical guidelines into ChatGPT implementation, 21
emerging trends and innovations in AI-driven lifelong learning, 26–27
enhances student motivation and participation, 18–19
enhancing student engagement, 18–19
ensuring inclusive access to AI-powered learning resources, 21
ethical considerations, 16, 20–21
expanding access and promoting inclusivity with ChatGPT, 26
fostering collaborative learning environments, 19–20
future prospects and challenges, 25–27
importance of collaboration in higher education, 19
investigating potential of ChatGPT in addressing future higher education challenges, 25–26
lessons learnt from ChatGPT case studies, 25
methodology, 15–16
mitigating algorithmic bias and ensuring equitable outcomes, 21
with pedagogical goals and institutional strategies, 23
personalized learning with, 16–18
practical strategies for successful, 22
real-world examples of successful collaboration facilitated by ChatGPT, 20
real-world examples showcasing successful ChatGPT deployments, 24
research design and approach, 15
safeguarding privacy and upholding data protection in AI-driven education, 20–21
study objectives, 14–15
lectures, 59
technological integration for enhancing students learning in, 41–42
Claude, 235
Clinical decision support, 71
Clinical skills, enhancing, 78–79
Cloud computing, 198, 207–208
Cloud-based services, 142
Co-occurrence matrix, 165–166
Cognitivism-based inclusive education practices, 131
Collaboration in higher education, importance of, 19
Collaborative learning
ChatGPT promotes collaborative learning experiences, 19–20
fostering collaborative learning environments, 19–20
initiatives, 80
platforms, 117
tools, 116
Collaborative platforms, 200
Collaborative VR/AR applications, 140
Communication skills, 92
Comprehensive digital transformation road map, 8
Computer-assisted instruction programmes (CAI programmes), 59, 138
Computer-assisted learning (CAL), 135
and technologies, 135
Computerized devices, 137–138
Constructivism-based inclusive education practices, 131–133
Constructivist approach, 132
Constructivist inclusive education setting, 132
Contemporary higher education, 19
Content analysis, 157
Cooperative learning, 132
Critical thinking, 92
enhancement, 61, 65
skills, 66–69
Cross-tabulation, 166–168
Cultural competence
enhancing, 80–81
workshops, 81
Curriculum development, 115
best practices in, 70–72
in nursing education, 61
Curriculum integration, 117
Customer relationship management systems (CRM systems), 202–203
Data analysis techniques, 16
Data analytics, 71, 199–200, 202–203, 205, 207–209, 212
for student assessment, 89
Data encryption, 20
Data extraction, 33
Data fragmentation, 113
Data protection policies, 142
Data security, 211–212
Data visualization, 206–207
Decision-based learning (DBL), 66
activities, 66–69
critical thinking in nursing, 68–69
enhancing, 78–79
skills, 65
Digital accessibility, 136
Digital age, 104
Digital credentials, 199
Digital curriculum development, integrating best practices into, 66–69
Digital divide, 209–210
and equity issues, 141
ethical concerns and privacy considerations, 142
strategies to bridge digital divide, 141
strategies to safeguard student privacy, 142
Digital education, 37–38, 215
Digital gamification, 75
Digital health technologies, 94
Digital instructional tools, 38
Digital language assessment, 118
Digital learning, 58–59
specialists, 82
Digital literacy, 35–36, 108–109
necessity, 36
programs, 117
projects, 118
and significance in era of modern technology, 35–36
training, 141, 209–210
Digital nurse education and changing role of educators, 82
Digital revolution in education, 240
Digital scholars, 60
Digital self-efficacy, 31, 35
concept, 34–35
fostering innovation through, 43
of pre-service teachers towards education 5. 0, 37–38
Digital simulations, 62
Digital storytelling projects, 118
Digital teaching and learning approaches, 111
Digital technology, 30, 35–37, 44, 60, 90–91, 104, 108, 116, 201
digital technology-enhanced learning, 201
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating, 40
Digital tools, 65, 116
usage for improving pedagogical skills of teachers, 42
Digital transformation (DT), 1–2, 58, 65, 87, 104–105, 112–114, 202–203, 207–208, 214, 216, 232
activities, 107
administrative efficiency and support systems, 205–209
in administrative processes, 216
AI application and integration in healthcare and nursing education, 71
barriers and challenges to, 108–114
benefits of digital transformation, 212–216
best practices in curriculum development, 70–72
best practices in integrating digital transformation in nursing curriculum, 61
best practices in nursing curriculum development, 74–77
as bold enabler and multiplier of value in HE, 4–6
challenges and considerations, 209–212
challenges in integrating digital transformation in nursing curriculum, 81
components of digital transformation, 201–205
comprehensive digital transformation road map, 8
data analytics and business intelligence, 205–207
data security and privacy, 211–212
DBL framework, 67
decision-based learning enhance critical thinking in nursing, 68–69
digital divide, 209–210
digital nurse education and changing role of educators, 82
drivers, 198–201
e-learning modules and significance, 73
in education, 203
engagement and knowledge retention, 73–74
engaging learning experiences, 75
enhanced learning experience, 200–201
enhanced learning impact, 4–5
enhanced student experience, 5–6
enhancing critical thinking and decision-making skills, 65
enhancing cultural competence, 80–81
enterprise resource planning systems, 205
evolution of technology in nursing education, 59–60
evolve stakeholders and initiatives, 8
examples and case studies, 76
faculty development and training, 82
faculty training and development, 210–211
flexible and accessible learning resources, 73
future prospects, 217
gamification and role in nursing education, 74–75
globalization and access, 200
in higher education, 58, 105, 107, 209, 211
immersive learning environments, 65
immersive technologies, 217
implications of research, 114–115
improved administrative efficiency, 215–216
increased accessibility, 213–215
integrating best practices into digital curriculum development, 66–69
interdisciplinary collaborations and virtual interactions, 80–82
learning management systems, 202
limitations in technological infrastructure, 87–91
maintaining human connection, 211–212
monitor effectiveness and update strategy, 8
motivation and active participation, 75–76
open educational resources, 203
overview of digital transformation, 58–59
personalized learning, 212–213
personalized learning and adaptive technologies, 203–205
policy recommendations, 116–117
process, 109
quality assurance and evaluation, 85–86
role of digital transformation in teaching English, 107–108
role of nurse-educator, 82–85
set DT strategic objectives, 8
significance of integrating digital transformation in nursing curricula, 60–61
simulated environments and realistic scenarios, 71–72
impact of simulation-based learning, 70
simulation-based learning in nursing education, 61–62
SIS, 207–209
spatial awareness and practical skill development, 72
strategic considerations for impact of digital transformation in HE, 6–8
strategy, 7–8, 233
suggestions for initiatives concerning digital transformation of education, 115–116
technological advancements, 198–200
validity and reliability challenges, 86–87
as value proposition, 2–4
virtual classrooms and online lectures, 202
VR and AR applications in nursing education, 70–71
Digitalization, 105
Digitally literate individuals, 35–36
Direct instruction, 130
Disruptive innovation, 3–4
Diverse learners, assistive technologies for, 137–138
accessibility, 214
in higher education, 133
Dragon Naturally Speaking (speech-to-text tools), 138
DreamBox Learning, 205
Duolingo (language learning application), 204
modules and significance, 73–74
pedagogy, 73
Eclectic approach, 132–133
Education, 104, 212
ICT in education in different countries, 134
suggestions for initiatives concerning digital transformation of, 115–116
Education 5.0, 36–37, 45–46
digital self-efficacy of pre-service teachers towards, 37–38
educational policies for integration of education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
principles, 46–47
Education Framework for Action (2030), 44
Educational institutions, 20, 105, 116, 209–210, 216
Educational landscape, 37
Educational policies for integration of Education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
Educational resources, 201
Educators, 82, 114–115, 140
digital nurse education and changing role of, 82
Edutainment, 115–116
Effective implementation strategies, 22–23
aligning ChatGPT with pedagogical goals and institutional strategies, 23
challenges and hurdles in integrating ChatGPT in HE, 22
effective implementation strategies for ChatGPT in HE, 23–24
practical strategies for successful ChatGPT implementation, 22
Effective learning, role of student engagement in, 18
Electronic databases, 32
Electronic health records (EHRs), 59, 94, 202–203
Emerging technologies, 128, 133
accessibility and assistive technologies, 136–137
assistive technologies for diverse learners, 137–138
computer-assisted instruction, 138
inclusive pedagogy and, 135–136
software functions, 138
technologies in inclusive higher education, 134–135
text to speech, 138–139
transformative role of, 134–139
Emerging trends in AI-driven lifelong learning, 26–27
Engagement, 73–74
digital transformation role in teaching, 107–108
education, 116
language instruction, 108
Enhanced learning
experience, 200–201
impact, 4–5
Enhanced student experience, 5–6
Enrolment management, 206–207
Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 205
Equitable outcomes, 21
in higher education, 133
issues, 141
Ethical considerations
agglomeration analysis, 157
AI use guideline among publisher, 157
best practices and recommendations, 193
in ChatGPT, 20–21
co-occurrence matrix, 165–166
cross-tabulation, 166–168
evaluation, 169–193
FA, 158–161
limitation, 193–194
methodology and approach, 157
problem statement and motivation, 156–157
proximity plot, 168
in research design, 16
results, 157–193
results retrieved from journal website, 171–192
semantic mapping, 161–163
Silhouette coefficient, 164–165
Evidence-based practice, 92
Exclusion, selection process and criteria for, 34
Factor analysis (FA), 158, 161, 194
Faculty development
strategies for faculty development and building technological competence, 83–84
and training, 211
Faculty members, 82
Faculty training and development, 210–211
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 208
Feedback loops, 23
Financial sustainability, 3
Formative assessment techniques, 84
Functional behavioral analysis, 130
Gamification, 74–75, 115–116
and role in nursing education, 74–75
Gamified learning modules, 76
Gemini, 235
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 142
General learning technology, 134
Generative AI, 156
models, 235
tools, 156
Global Classroom Projects, 20
Globalization and access, 200
Google Scholar search, 34
Healthcare, AI application and integration in, 71
Higher education (HE) (see also Inclusive education), 1–2, 14, 146, 233
challenges and hurdles in integrating ChatGPT in, 22
digital transformation as bold enabler and multiplier of value in, 4–6
digital transformation in, 105–107
importance of collaboration in, 19
institutions, 2–3
landscape, 237
personalized learning in, 16–17
sector, 8
strategic considerations for impact of digital transformation in, 6–8
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 104, 110–111, 113, 198–199, 207
Higher Education vision (2035), 236, 239
in 2025, 238
in 2028, 238–239
in 2030, 239
in 2032, 239
present, 238
Homework gap, 209
Human connection, 211–212
Immersive learning environments (ILEs), 61, 65
Immersive learning experiences, 139
Immersive technologies, 115, 217
criteria, 32
ICT to support, 134
selection process and criteria for, 34
Inclusive access to AI-powered learning resources, ensuring, 21
Inclusive collaborative environments, 139–141
harnessing online learning communities and social media for inclusivity, 140
strategies for building inclusive online communities, 140–141
virtual and augmented reality, 139–140
Inclusive education, 128–130
accessibility, diversity, and equity, 133
behaviorism-based inclusive education practices, 130
cognitivism-based inclusive education practices, 131
constructivism-based inclusive education practices, 131–133
for learning, 134
research design/methodology, 133
Inclusive higher education
CAL and technologies, 135
ICT in education in different countries, 134
ICT to support inclusion and UDL, 134
inclusive education and universal design for learning, 134
technologies in, 134–135
Inclusive internationalization in higher education
case studies, 143–144
challenges and considerations, 141–142
contribution to diverse audience, 142–143
cultivating inclusive collaborative environments, 139–141
digital divide and equity issues, 141
inclusive education, 129–130
opportunities and future directions, 144–145
presentation of key findings, 145
significance of research, 145
theoretical framework, 129–133
transformative role of emerging technologies, 134–139
Inclusive learning experiences, 139
Inclusive online communities, strategies for building, 140–141
Inclusive online environment, 140
Inclusive pedagogy, 141
and emerging technologies, 135–136
accessibility, 214
in education, 128
expanding access and promoting inclusivity with ChatGPT, 26
harnessing online learning communities and social media for, 140
Industrial revolutions, 104
Information and communication technologies (ICTs), 39, 134
in education in different countries, 134
to support inclusion and UDL, 134
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
Informed consent, 20–21
in AI-driven lifelong learning, 26–27
through digital self-efficacy in pre-service teacher education, 43
Institutional leaders, 110
Institutional strategies
aligning ChatGPT with, 23
demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Institutions, 114–115, 213
support and policies from, 40–41
Instructional approaches, 131
Interactive digital tools, 201
Interactive learning platforms, 74–75, 89
Interdisciplinary collaborations, 80–82
International Association of Universities (IAU), 110
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), 193
International educational policy, 44
International exchange programmes, 80
International policies, 44
Internationalization, 129
of education, 128
Internet of Things (IoT), 198–199
IoT-enabled devices, 198–199
Joint Research Projects, 80
Khan Academy (online platform), 204
Knowledge, 106–107
retention, 73–74
Kurzweil 3000 (Text-to-speech applications), 138–139
LandBot (chatbot mobile app), 71–72
Language Exchange Programmes, 20
Language learning
applications and platforms, 204
apps review, 118
Laptop computers, 137–138
Large language models (LLMs), 156
analytics, 142
engaging learning experiences, 75
inclusive education and universal design for, 134
theories, 129
Learning management systems (LMSs), 60, 108, 202
Library and information science (LIS), 157
LinkedIn, 199
Literature review approach, 32
Machine learning (ML), 3, 90, 198, 206–207, 209
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 198–199
Meta-analysis, 35
Mobile accessibility, 209
Mobile learning applications, 76–77
enhancing clinical skills and decision-making, 78–79
features and learning applications, 77–78
significance of mobile learning applications in nursing education, 77–79
students and educators challenges, 79
Modern nursing education, 73
Modern technology, digital literacy and significance in era of, 35–36
Multimedia resources, 74
Multimedia-enhanced learning experiences, 74
Multipliers, 233
National Education Technology Plan, 36
National professional standard for teacher education in Pakistan (NPSTP), 36
Natural language processing, 115
Nurse-educator, 82–85
pedagogical training, 84–85
strategies for faculty development and building technological competence, 83–84
Nursing curriculum
best practices in integrating digital transformation in, 61
challenges in integrating digital transformation in, 81
development, 74–77
significance of integrating digital transformation in, 60–61
Nursing education, 58, 76
AI application and integration in healthcare and, 71
decision-based learning enhance critical thinking in, 68–69
evolution of technology in, 59–60
future directions and recommendations for, 90–91
gamification and role in, 74–75
significance of mobile learning applications in, 77–79
simulation-based learning in, 61–62
virtual reality and augmented reality integration in, 70–72
VR and AR applications in, 70–71
Online assessment methods, 117
Online education, 199
Online learning
communities and social media for inclusivity, 140
platforms, 129–130
Online lectures, 202
Online peer editing workshops, 118
Online peer review systems, 69
Online Think Tanks, 20
Open educational resources (OERs), 108, 117, 201, 203
Pakistan, usage of ICT in teacher education in, 39–40
Participation divide, 209
Pedagogical goals, aligning ChatGPT with, 23
Pedagogical integration, 23
Pedagogical skills of teachers, digital tools usage for improving, 42
Pedagogical techniques, 116
Pedagogical training, 84–85
Peer tutoring, 132
Personalized learning, 71, 135–136, 203, 205, 212–213
benefits of personalized learning with ChatGPT, 17–18
with ChatGPT, 16–18
ChatGPT tailors educational content to individual student needs, 17
educational strategy, 16–17
experiences, 115
in HE, 16–17
resources, 89
technology, 135–136
Pi.AI, 235
Practical skill development, 72
Practical strategies for successful ChatGPT implementation, 22
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA guidelines), 32
Pre–service teachers digital self-efficacy towards education 5.0, 31
concept of digital self-efficacy, 34–35
data extraction, 33
digital literacy and significance in era of modern technology, 35–36
digital self-efficacy of pre-service teachers towards education 5.0, 37–38
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of teachers, 42
education 5.0, 36–37
educational policies for integration of education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
fostering innovation through digital self-efficacy in pre-service teacher education, 43
gaps in literature, 45
limitations, 45–46
literature review, 34–44
practical implications, 46
preparing pre-service teachers for future technologies, 43–44
professional development, 40
review methodology, 32–33
review questions, 32
search strategy, 32
selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
study selection, 32
support and policies from institutions, 40–41
technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
Privacy, 211–212
privacy-by-design, 142
Problem solving, 236
Professionals, 215
development, 40
for faculty, 210
Proximity plot, 168
dynamics, 161–163
process, 158–161
Qualitative methods, 15
Quality assurance
and evaluation, 85–86
standardised assessment criteria, 86
systems, 117
Realistic scenarios, 71–72
Reflective practice, 84
Reliability challenges, 86–87
Remote learning opportunities, 89
Research design
and approach, 15
ethical considerations in, 16
research design/methodology, 133
Resource allocation, 211
Response to Intervention model (RTI model), 143
Robotic process automation (RPA), 199
Schools, 213
Seamless integration of ChatGPT, 23
Search strategy, 32
Selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
Self-determination theory, 75
Semantic mapping, 161, 163, 193–194
Silhouette coefficient, 164–165
Simulated environments, 71–72
Simulation-based learning (SBL), 58, 61, 70
examples of non-technical and non-pedagogical purposes of simulation, 65
impact, 70
in nursing education, 61–62
phases of simulation-based learning and examples in nursing education, 63–64
Simulations, 201
Skills-based training, 59
Smart classrooms, 198–199
Smart Sparrow (adaptive e-learning platform), 205
Social media for inclusivity, harnessing online learning communities and, 140
Socioeconomic inequality, 210
Software functions, 138
Spatial awareness, 72
Speech-to-text tools, 138
Stakeholders and initiatives, 8
Standardised assessment criteria, 86
Student engagement
case studies illustrating improved student engagement, 19
ChatGPT enhances student motivation and participation, 18–19
enhancing, 18–19
role of student engagement in effective learning, 18
Student Information Systems (SISs), 207–209
Student outcomes, demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Student privacy, strategies to safeguard, 142
Students learning in classroom, technological integration for enhancing, 41–42
Students’ individual learning styles, 42
Study selection, 32
Teachers, 36–37, 79, 107, 118
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of, 42
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
training programs, 117
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
experiences, 105
and learning, 104
process, 91–92, 110–111
Technological advancement, 35
Technological competence, strategies for faculty development and building, 83–84
Technological infrastructure
best practices and impact, 87–89
future directions and recommendations for nursing education, 90–91
limitations in, 87–91
recap of challenges and solutions, 90
Technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), 43
Telehealth platforms, 94
Text to speech software, 138–139
Text-to-speech applications, 138
Textbooks, 59
Thematic analysis, 16
Three-dimensional models (3D models), 72
Traditional classrooms, 201
Traditional didactic teaching methods, 59
Traditional peer-review process, 69
Transformation in education, 140–141
Transformative learning (TL) (see also Collaborative learning), 232
AI-enabled digital transformation scenarios, 235–236
model of, 234
visioning Higher Education 2035, 236–239
U.S. Department of Education, 135–136
Universal design for learning (UDL), 84, 134–135
ICT to support, 134
Universities, 106–107, 129–130, 146
education, 145
Validity challenges, 86–87
Value proposition, digital transformation as, 2–4
Value-based education, 4
Virtual classrooms, 202
Virtual conferences and webinars, 80–81
Virtual interactions, 80–82
Virtual reality (VR), 30–31, 58, 89, 128–130, 139–140, 201, 217
applications in nursing education, 70–71
experiences, 105
integration in nursing education, 70–72
simulations, 70
technologies, 201
Virtual simulations, 76
Vision of Higher Education 2035 model, The, 238
Web content analysis, 157, 194
WordQ (word prediction software), 138
Workflow automation, 3
Campus-wide sensors, 198–199
Capacity building, 236
Carnegie learning, 205
Case-based learning, 76, 91–92
Challenges to digital transformation, 108–114
ChatGPT, 19, 41–42, 156, 235
aims of study, 15
benefits of personalized learning with, 17–18
case studies of ChatGPT implementation, 24–25
challenges and hurdles in integrating, 22
clear articulation of research objectives, 14
collaborative learning experiences, 19–20
consideration of ethical implications, 15
data analysis techniques, 16
data collection methods and sources, 15–16
demonstrated impact on student outcomes and institutional strategies, 24–25
educational content to individual student needs, 17
effective implementation strategies, 22–23
embedding ethical guidelines into ChatGPT implementation, 21
emerging trends and innovations in AI-driven lifelong learning, 26–27
enhances student motivation and participation, 18–19
enhancing student engagement, 18–19
ensuring inclusive access to AI-powered learning resources, 21
ethical considerations, 16, 20–21
expanding access and promoting inclusivity with ChatGPT, 26
fostering collaborative learning environments, 19–20
future prospects and challenges, 25–27
importance of collaboration in higher education, 19
investigating potential of ChatGPT in addressing future higher education challenges, 25–26
lessons learnt from ChatGPT case studies, 25
methodology, 15–16
mitigating algorithmic bias and ensuring equitable outcomes, 21
with pedagogical goals and institutional strategies, 23
personalized learning with, 16–18
practical strategies for successful, 22
real-world examples of successful collaboration facilitated by ChatGPT, 20
real-world examples showcasing successful ChatGPT deployments, 24
research design and approach, 15
safeguarding privacy and upholding data protection in AI-driven education, 20–21
study objectives, 14–15
lectures, 59
technological integration for enhancing students learning in, 41–42
Claude, 235
Clinical decision support, 71
Clinical skills, enhancing, 78–79
Cloud computing, 198, 207–208
Cloud-based services, 142
Co-occurrence matrix, 165–166
Cognitivism-based inclusive education practices, 131
Collaboration in higher education, importance of, 19
Collaborative learning
ChatGPT promotes collaborative learning experiences, 19–20
fostering collaborative learning environments, 19–20
initiatives, 80
platforms, 117
tools, 116
Collaborative platforms, 200
Collaborative VR/AR applications, 140
Communication skills, 92
Comprehensive digital transformation road map, 8
Computer-assisted instruction programmes (CAI programmes), 59, 138
Computer-assisted learning (CAL), 135
and technologies, 135
Computerized devices, 137–138
Constructivism-based inclusive education practices, 131–133
Constructivist approach, 132
Constructivist inclusive education setting, 132
Contemporary higher education, 19
Content analysis, 157
Cooperative learning, 132
Critical thinking, 92
enhancement, 61, 65
skills, 66–69
Cross-tabulation, 166–168
Cultural competence
enhancing, 80–81
workshops, 81
Curriculum development, 115
best practices in, 70–72
in nursing education, 61
Curriculum integration, 117
Customer relationship management systems (CRM systems), 202–203
Data analysis techniques, 16
Data analytics, 71, 199–200, 202–203, 205, 207–209, 212
for student assessment, 89
Data encryption, 20
Data extraction, 33
Data fragmentation, 113
Data protection policies, 142
Data security, 211–212
Data visualization, 206–207
Decision-based learning (DBL), 66
activities, 66–69
critical thinking in nursing, 68–69
enhancing, 78–79
skills, 65
Digital accessibility, 136
Digital age, 104
Digital credentials, 199
Digital curriculum development, integrating best practices into, 66–69
Digital divide, 209–210
and equity issues, 141
ethical concerns and privacy considerations, 142
strategies to bridge digital divide, 141
strategies to safeguard student privacy, 142
Digital education, 37–38, 215
Digital gamification, 75
Digital health technologies, 94
Digital instructional tools, 38
Digital language assessment, 118
Digital learning, 58–59
specialists, 82
Digital literacy, 35–36, 108–109
necessity, 36
programs, 117
projects, 118
and significance in era of modern technology, 35–36
training, 141, 209–210
Digital nurse education and changing role of educators, 82
Digital revolution in education, 240
Digital scholars, 60
Digital self-efficacy, 31, 35
concept, 34–35
fostering innovation through, 43
of pre-service teachers towards education 5. 0, 37–38
Digital simulations, 62
Digital storytelling projects, 118
Digital teaching and learning approaches, 111
Digital technology, 30, 35–37, 44, 60, 90–91, 104, 108, 116, 201
digital technology-enhanced learning, 201
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating, 40
Digital tools, 65, 116
usage for improving pedagogical skills of teachers, 42
Digital transformation (DT), 1–2, 58, 65, 87, 104–105, 112–114, 202–203, 207–208, 214, 216, 232
activities, 107
administrative efficiency and support systems, 205–209
in administrative processes, 216
AI application and integration in healthcare and nursing education, 71
barriers and challenges to, 108–114
benefits of digital transformation, 212–216
best practices in curriculum development, 70–72
best practices in integrating digital transformation in nursing curriculum, 61
best practices in nursing curriculum development, 74–77
as bold enabler and multiplier of value in HE, 4–6
challenges and considerations, 209–212
challenges in integrating digital transformation in nursing curriculum, 81
components of digital transformation, 201–205
comprehensive digital transformation road map, 8
data analytics and business intelligence, 205–207
data security and privacy, 211–212
DBL framework, 67
decision-based learning enhance critical thinking in nursing, 68–69
digital divide, 209–210
digital nurse education and changing role of educators, 82
drivers, 198–201
e-learning modules and significance, 73
in education, 203
engagement and knowledge retention, 73–74
engaging learning experiences, 75
enhanced learning experience, 200–201
enhanced learning impact, 4–5
enhanced student experience, 5–6
enhancing critical thinking and decision-making skills, 65
enhancing cultural competence, 80–81
enterprise resource planning systems, 205
evolution of technology in nursing education, 59–60
evolve stakeholders and initiatives, 8
examples and case studies, 76
faculty development and training, 82
faculty training and development, 210–211
flexible and accessible learning resources, 73
future prospects, 217
gamification and role in nursing education, 74–75
globalization and access, 200
in higher education, 58, 105, 107, 209, 211
immersive learning environments, 65
immersive technologies, 217
implications of research, 114–115
improved administrative efficiency, 215–216
increased accessibility, 213–215
integrating best practices into digital curriculum development, 66–69
interdisciplinary collaborations and virtual interactions, 80–82
learning management systems, 202
limitations in technological infrastructure, 87–91
maintaining human connection, 211–212
monitor effectiveness and update strategy, 8
motivation and active participation, 75–76
open educational resources, 203
overview of digital transformation, 58–59
personalized learning, 212–213
personalized learning and adaptive technologies, 203–205
policy recommendations, 116–117
process, 109
quality assurance and evaluation, 85–86
role of digital transformation in teaching English, 107–108
role of nurse-educator, 82–85
set DT strategic objectives, 8
significance of integrating digital transformation in nursing curricula, 60–61
simulated environments and realistic scenarios, 71–72
impact of simulation-based learning, 70
simulation-based learning in nursing education, 61–62
SIS, 207–209
spatial awareness and practical skill development, 72
strategic considerations for impact of digital transformation in HE, 6–8
strategy, 7–8, 233
suggestions for initiatives concerning digital transformation of education, 115–116
technological advancements, 198–200
validity and reliability challenges, 86–87
as value proposition, 2–4
virtual classrooms and online lectures, 202
VR and AR applications in nursing education, 70–71
Digitalization, 105
Digitally literate individuals, 35–36
Direct instruction, 130
Disruptive innovation, 3–4
Diverse learners, assistive technologies for, 137–138
accessibility, 214
in higher education, 133
Dragon Naturally Speaking (speech-to-text tools), 138
DreamBox Learning, 205
Duolingo (language learning application), 204
modules and significance, 73–74
pedagogy, 73
Eclectic approach, 132–133
Education, 104, 212
ICT in education in different countries, 134
suggestions for initiatives concerning digital transformation of, 115–116
Education 5.0, 36–37, 45–46
digital self-efficacy of pre-service teachers towards, 37–38
educational policies for integration of education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
principles, 46–47
Education Framework for Action (2030), 44
Educational institutions, 20, 105, 116, 209–210, 216
Educational landscape, 37
Educational policies for integration of Education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
Educational resources, 201
Educators, 82, 114–115, 140
digital nurse education and changing role of, 82
Edutainment, 115–116
Effective implementation strategies, 22–23
aligning ChatGPT with pedagogical goals and institutional strategies, 23
challenges and hurdles in integrating ChatGPT in HE, 22
effective implementation strategies for ChatGPT in HE, 23–24
practical strategies for successful ChatGPT implementation, 22
Effective learning, role of student engagement in, 18
Electronic databases, 32
Electronic health records (EHRs), 59, 94, 202–203
Emerging technologies, 128, 133
accessibility and assistive technologies, 136–137
assistive technologies for diverse learners, 137–138
computer-assisted instruction, 138
inclusive pedagogy and, 135–136
software functions, 138
technologies in inclusive higher education, 134–135
text to speech, 138–139
transformative role of, 134–139
Emerging trends in AI-driven lifelong learning, 26–27
Engagement, 73–74
digital transformation role in teaching, 107–108
education, 116
language instruction, 108
Enhanced learning
experience, 200–201
impact, 4–5
Enhanced student experience, 5–6
Enrolment management, 206–207
Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 205
Equitable outcomes, 21
in higher education, 133
issues, 141
Ethical considerations
agglomeration analysis, 157
AI use guideline among publisher, 157
best practices and recommendations, 193
in ChatGPT, 20–21
co-occurrence matrix, 165–166
cross-tabulation, 166–168
evaluation, 169–193
FA, 158–161
limitation, 193–194
methodology and approach, 157
problem statement and motivation, 156–157
proximity plot, 168
in research design, 16
results, 157–193
results retrieved from journal website, 171–192
semantic mapping, 161–163
Silhouette coefficient, 164–165
Evidence-based practice, 92
Exclusion, selection process and criteria for, 34
Factor analysis (FA), 158, 161, 194
Faculty development
strategies for faculty development and building technological competence, 83–84
and training, 211
Faculty members, 82
Faculty training and development, 210–211
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 208
Feedback loops, 23
Financial sustainability, 3
Formative assessment techniques, 84
Functional behavioral analysis, 130
Gamification, 74–75, 115–116
and role in nursing education, 74–75
Gamified learning modules, 76
Gemini, 235
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 142
General learning technology, 134
Generative AI, 156
models, 235
tools, 156
Global Classroom Projects, 20
Globalization and access, 200
Google Scholar search, 34
Healthcare, AI application and integration in, 71
Higher education (HE) (see also Inclusive education), 1–2, 14, 146, 233
challenges and hurdles in integrating ChatGPT in, 22
digital transformation as bold enabler and multiplier of value in, 4–6
digital transformation in, 105–107
importance of collaboration in, 19
institutions, 2–3
landscape, 237
personalized learning in, 16–17
sector, 8
strategic considerations for impact of digital transformation in, 6–8
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 104, 110–111, 113, 198–199, 207
Higher Education vision (2035), 236, 239
in 2025, 238
in 2028, 238–239
in 2030, 239
in 2032, 239
present, 238
Homework gap, 209
Human connection, 211–212
Immersive learning environments (ILEs), 61, 65
Immersive learning experiences, 139
Immersive technologies, 115, 217
criteria, 32
ICT to support, 134
selection process and criteria for, 34
Inclusive access to AI-powered learning resources, ensuring, 21
Inclusive collaborative environments, 139–141
harnessing online learning communities and social media for inclusivity, 140
strategies for building inclusive online communities, 140–141
virtual and augmented reality, 139–140
Inclusive education, 128–130
accessibility, diversity, and equity, 133
behaviorism-based inclusive education practices, 130
cognitivism-based inclusive education practices, 131
constructivism-based inclusive education practices, 131–133
for learning, 134
research design/methodology, 133
Inclusive higher education
CAL and technologies, 135
ICT in education in different countries, 134
ICT to support inclusion and UDL, 134
inclusive education and universal design for learning, 134
technologies in, 134–135
Inclusive internationalization in higher education
case studies, 143–144
challenges and considerations, 141–142
contribution to diverse audience, 142–143
cultivating inclusive collaborative environments, 139–141
digital divide and equity issues, 141
inclusive education, 129–130
opportunities and future directions, 144–145
presentation of key findings, 145
significance of research, 145
theoretical framework, 129–133
transformative role of emerging technologies, 134–139
Inclusive learning experiences, 139
Inclusive online communities, strategies for building, 140–141
Inclusive online environment, 140
Inclusive pedagogy, 141
and emerging technologies, 135–136
accessibility, 214
in education, 128
expanding access and promoting inclusivity with ChatGPT, 26
harnessing online learning communities and social media for, 140
Industrial revolutions, 104
Information and communication technologies (ICTs), 39, 134
in education in different countries, 134
to support inclusion and UDL, 134
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
Informed consent, 20–21
in AI-driven lifelong learning, 26–27
through digital self-efficacy in pre-service teacher education, 43
Institutional leaders, 110
Institutional strategies
aligning ChatGPT with, 23
demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Institutions, 114–115, 213
support and policies from, 40–41
Instructional approaches, 131
Interactive digital tools, 201
Interactive learning platforms, 74–75, 89
Interdisciplinary collaborations, 80–82
International Association of Universities (IAU), 110
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), 193
International educational policy, 44
International exchange programmes, 80
International policies, 44
Internationalization, 129
of education, 128
Internet of Things (IoT), 198–199
IoT-enabled devices, 198–199
Joint Research Projects, 80
Khan Academy (online platform), 204
Knowledge, 106–107
retention, 73–74
Kurzweil 3000 (Text-to-speech applications), 138–139
LandBot (chatbot mobile app), 71–72
Language Exchange Programmes, 20
Language learning
applications and platforms, 204
apps review, 118
Laptop computers, 137–138
Large language models (LLMs), 156
analytics, 142
engaging learning experiences, 75
inclusive education and universal design for, 134
theories, 129
Learning management systems (LMSs), 60, 108, 202
Library and information science (LIS), 157
LinkedIn, 199
Literature review approach, 32
Machine learning (ML), 3, 90, 198, 206–207, 209
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 198–199
Meta-analysis, 35
Mobile accessibility, 209
Mobile learning applications, 76–77
enhancing clinical skills and decision-making, 78–79
features and learning applications, 77–78
significance of mobile learning applications in nursing education, 77–79
students and educators challenges, 79
Modern nursing education, 73
Modern technology, digital literacy and significance in era of, 35–36
Multimedia resources, 74
Multimedia-enhanced learning experiences, 74
Multipliers, 233
National Education Technology Plan, 36
National professional standard for teacher education in Pakistan (NPSTP), 36
Natural language processing, 115
Nurse-educator, 82–85
pedagogical training, 84–85
strategies for faculty development and building technological competence, 83–84
Nursing curriculum
best practices in integrating digital transformation in, 61
challenges in integrating digital transformation in, 81
development, 74–77
significance of integrating digital transformation in, 60–61
Nursing education, 58, 76
AI application and integration in healthcare and, 71
decision-based learning enhance critical thinking in, 68–69
evolution of technology in, 59–60
future directions and recommendations for, 90–91
gamification and role in, 74–75
significance of mobile learning applications in, 77–79
simulation-based learning in, 61–62
virtual reality and augmented reality integration in, 70–72
VR and AR applications in, 70–71
Online assessment methods, 117
Online education, 199
Online learning
communities and social media for inclusivity, 140
platforms, 129–130
Online lectures, 202
Online peer editing workshops, 118
Online peer review systems, 69
Online Think Tanks, 20
Open educational resources (OERs), 108, 117, 201, 203
Pakistan, usage of ICT in teacher education in, 39–40
Participation divide, 209
Pedagogical goals, aligning ChatGPT with, 23
Pedagogical integration, 23
Pedagogical skills of teachers, digital tools usage for improving, 42
Pedagogical techniques, 116
Pedagogical training, 84–85
Peer tutoring, 132
Personalized learning, 71, 135–136, 203, 205, 212–213
benefits of personalized learning with ChatGPT, 17–18
with ChatGPT, 16–18
ChatGPT tailors educational content to individual student needs, 17
educational strategy, 16–17
experiences, 115
in HE, 16–17
resources, 89
technology, 135–136
Pi.AI, 235
Practical skill development, 72
Practical strategies for successful ChatGPT implementation, 22
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA guidelines), 32
Pre–service teachers digital self-efficacy towards education 5.0, 31
concept of digital self-efficacy, 34–35
data extraction, 33
digital literacy and significance in era of modern technology, 35–36
digital self-efficacy of pre-service teachers towards education 5.0, 37–38
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of teachers, 42
education 5.0, 36–37
educational policies for integration of education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
fostering innovation through digital self-efficacy in pre-service teacher education, 43
gaps in literature, 45
limitations, 45–46
literature review, 34–44
practical implications, 46
preparing pre-service teachers for future technologies, 43–44
professional development, 40
review methodology, 32–33
review questions, 32
search strategy, 32
selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
study selection, 32
support and policies from institutions, 40–41
technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
Privacy, 211–212
privacy-by-design, 142
Problem solving, 236
Professionals, 215
development, 40
for faculty, 210
Proximity plot, 168
dynamics, 161–163
process, 158–161
Qualitative methods, 15
Quality assurance
and evaluation, 85–86
standardised assessment criteria, 86
systems, 117
Realistic scenarios, 71–72
Reflective practice, 84
Reliability challenges, 86–87
Remote learning opportunities, 89
Research design
and approach, 15
ethical considerations in, 16
research design/methodology, 133
Resource allocation, 211
Response to Intervention model (RTI model), 143
Robotic process automation (RPA), 199
Schools, 213
Seamless integration of ChatGPT, 23
Search strategy, 32
Selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
Self-determination theory, 75
Semantic mapping, 161, 163, 193–194
Silhouette coefficient, 164–165
Simulated environments, 71–72
Simulation-based learning (SBL), 58, 61, 70
examples of non-technical and non-pedagogical purposes of simulation, 65
impact, 70
in nursing education, 61–62
phases of simulation-based learning and examples in nursing education, 63–64
Simulations, 201
Skills-based training, 59
Smart classrooms, 198–199
Smart Sparrow (adaptive e-learning platform), 205
Social media for inclusivity, harnessing online learning communities and, 140
Socioeconomic inequality, 210
Software functions, 138
Spatial awareness, 72
Speech-to-text tools, 138
Stakeholders and initiatives, 8
Standardised assessment criteria, 86
Student engagement
case studies illustrating improved student engagement, 19
ChatGPT enhances student motivation and participation, 18–19
enhancing, 18–19
role of student engagement in effective learning, 18
Student Information Systems (SISs), 207–209
Student outcomes, demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Student privacy, strategies to safeguard, 142
Students learning in classroom, technological integration for enhancing, 41–42
Students’ individual learning styles, 42
Study selection, 32
Teachers, 36–37, 79, 107, 118
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of, 42
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
training programs, 117
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
experiences, 105
and learning, 104
process, 91–92, 110–111
Technological advancement, 35
Technological competence, strategies for faculty development and building, 83–84
Technological infrastructure
best practices and impact, 87–89
future directions and recommendations for nursing education, 90–91
limitations in, 87–91
recap of challenges and solutions, 90
Technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), 43
Telehealth platforms, 94
Text to speech software, 138–139
Text-to-speech applications, 138
Textbooks, 59
Thematic analysis, 16
Three-dimensional models (3D models), 72
Traditional classrooms, 201
Traditional didactic teaching methods, 59
Traditional peer-review process, 69
Transformation in education, 140–141
Transformative learning (TL) (see also Collaborative learning), 232
AI-enabled digital transformation scenarios, 235–236
model of, 234
visioning Higher Education 2035, 236–239
U.S. Department of Education, 135–136
Universal design for learning (UDL), 84, 134–135
ICT to support, 134
Universities, 106–107, 129–130, 146
education, 145
Validity challenges, 86–87
Value proposition, digital transformation as, 2–4
Value-based education, 4
Virtual classrooms, 202
Virtual conferences and webinars, 80–81
Virtual interactions, 80–82
Virtual reality (VR), 30–31, 58, 89, 128–130, 139–140, 201, 217
applications in nursing education, 70–71
experiences, 105
integration in nursing education, 70–72
simulations, 70
technologies, 201
Virtual simulations, 76
Vision of Higher Education 2035 model, The, 238
Web content analysis, 157, 194
WordQ (word prediction software), 138
Workflow automation, 3
modules and significance, 73–74
pedagogy, 73
Eclectic approach, 132–133
Education, 104, 212
ICT in education in different countries, 134
suggestions for initiatives concerning digital transformation of, 115–116
Education 5.0, 36–37, 45–46
digital self-efficacy of pre-service teachers towards, 37–38
educational policies for integration of education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
principles, 46–47
Education Framework for Action (2030), 44
Educational institutions, 20, 105, 116, 209–210, 216
Educational landscape, 37
Educational policies for integration of Education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
Educational resources, 201
Educators, 82, 114–115, 140
digital nurse education and changing role of, 82
Edutainment, 115–116
Effective implementation strategies, 22–23
aligning ChatGPT with pedagogical goals and institutional strategies, 23
challenges and hurdles in integrating ChatGPT in HE, 22
effective implementation strategies for ChatGPT in HE, 23–24
practical strategies for successful ChatGPT implementation, 22
Effective learning, role of student engagement in, 18
Electronic databases, 32
Electronic health records (EHRs), 59, 94, 202–203
Emerging technologies, 128, 133
accessibility and assistive technologies, 136–137
assistive technologies for diverse learners, 137–138
computer-assisted instruction, 138
inclusive pedagogy and, 135–136
software functions, 138
technologies in inclusive higher education, 134–135
text to speech, 138–139
transformative role of, 134–139
Emerging trends in AI-driven lifelong learning, 26–27
Engagement, 73–74
digital transformation role in teaching, 107–108
education, 116
language instruction, 108
Enhanced learning
experience, 200–201
impact, 4–5
Enhanced student experience, 5–6
Enrolment management, 206–207
Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 205
Equitable outcomes, 21
in higher education, 133
issues, 141
Ethical considerations
agglomeration analysis, 157
AI use guideline among publisher, 157
best practices and recommendations, 193
in ChatGPT, 20–21
co-occurrence matrix, 165–166
cross-tabulation, 166–168
evaluation, 169–193
FA, 158–161
limitation, 193–194
methodology and approach, 157
problem statement and motivation, 156–157
proximity plot, 168
in research design, 16
results, 157–193
results retrieved from journal website, 171–192
semantic mapping, 161–163
Silhouette coefficient, 164–165
Evidence-based practice, 92
Exclusion, selection process and criteria for, 34
Factor analysis (FA), 158, 161, 194
Faculty development
strategies for faculty development and building technological competence, 83–84
and training, 211
Faculty members, 82
Faculty training and development, 210–211
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 208
Feedback loops, 23
Financial sustainability, 3
Formative assessment techniques, 84
Functional behavioral analysis, 130
Gamification, 74–75, 115–116
and role in nursing education, 74–75
Gamified learning modules, 76
Gemini, 235
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 142
General learning technology, 134
Generative AI, 156
models, 235
tools, 156
Global Classroom Projects, 20
Globalization and access, 200
Google Scholar search, 34
Healthcare, AI application and integration in, 71
Higher education (HE) (see also Inclusive education), 1–2, 14, 146, 233
challenges and hurdles in integrating ChatGPT in, 22
digital transformation as bold enabler and multiplier of value in, 4–6
digital transformation in, 105–107
importance of collaboration in, 19
institutions, 2–3
landscape, 237
personalized learning in, 16–17
sector, 8
strategic considerations for impact of digital transformation in, 6–8
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 104, 110–111, 113, 198–199, 207
Higher Education vision (2035), 236, 239
in 2025, 238
in 2028, 238–239
in 2030, 239
in 2032, 239
present, 238
Homework gap, 209
Human connection, 211–212
Immersive learning environments (ILEs), 61, 65
Immersive learning experiences, 139
Immersive technologies, 115, 217
criteria, 32
ICT to support, 134
selection process and criteria for, 34
Inclusive access to AI-powered learning resources, ensuring, 21
Inclusive collaborative environments, 139–141
harnessing online learning communities and social media for inclusivity, 140
strategies for building inclusive online communities, 140–141
virtual and augmented reality, 139–140
Inclusive education, 128–130
accessibility, diversity, and equity, 133
behaviorism-based inclusive education practices, 130
cognitivism-based inclusive education practices, 131
constructivism-based inclusive education practices, 131–133
for learning, 134
research design/methodology, 133
Inclusive higher education
CAL and technologies, 135
ICT in education in different countries, 134
ICT to support inclusion and UDL, 134
inclusive education and universal design for learning, 134
technologies in, 134–135
Inclusive internationalization in higher education
case studies, 143–144
challenges and considerations, 141–142
contribution to diverse audience, 142–143
cultivating inclusive collaborative environments, 139–141
digital divide and equity issues, 141
inclusive education, 129–130
opportunities and future directions, 144–145
presentation of key findings, 145
significance of research, 145
theoretical framework, 129–133
transformative role of emerging technologies, 134–139
Inclusive learning experiences, 139
Inclusive online communities, strategies for building, 140–141
Inclusive online environment, 140
Inclusive pedagogy, 141
and emerging technologies, 135–136
accessibility, 214
in education, 128
expanding access and promoting inclusivity with ChatGPT, 26
harnessing online learning communities and social media for, 140
Industrial revolutions, 104
Information and communication technologies (ICTs), 39, 134
in education in different countries, 134
to support inclusion and UDL, 134
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
Informed consent, 20–21
in AI-driven lifelong learning, 26–27
through digital self-efficacy in pre-service teacher education, 43
Institutional leaders, 110
Institutional strategies
aligning ChatGPT with, 23
demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Institutions, 114–115, 213
support and policies from, 40–41
Instructional approaches, 131
Interactive digital tools, 201
Interactive learning platforms, 74–75, 89
Interdisciplinary collaborations, 80–82
International Association of Universities (IAU), 110
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), 193
International educational policy, 44
International exchange programmes, 80
International policies, 44
Internationalization, 129
of education, 128
Internet of Things (IoT), 198–199
IoT-enabled devices, 198–199
Joint Research Projects, 80
Khan Academy (online platform), 204
Knowledge, 106–107
retention, 73–74
Kurzweil 3000 (Text-to-speech applications), 138–139
LandBot (chatbot mobile app), 71–72
Language Exchange Programmes, 20
Language learning
applications and platforms, 204
apps review, 118
Laptop computers, 137–138
Large language models (LLMs), 156
analytics, 142
engaging learning experiences, 75
inclusive education and universal design for, 134
theories, 129
Learning management systems (LMSs), 60, 108, 202
Library and information science (LIS), 157
LinkedIn, 199
Literature review approach, 32
Machine learning (ML), 3, 90, 198, 206–207, 209
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 198–199
Meta-analysis, 35
Mobile accessibility, 209
Mobile learning applications, 76–77
enhancing clinical skills and decision-making, 78–79
features and learning applications, 77–78
significance of mobile learning applications in nursing education, 77–79
students and educators challenges, 79
Modern nursing education, 73
Modern technology, digital literacy and significance in era of, 35–36
Multimedia resources, 74
Multimedia-enhanced learning experiences, 74
Multipliers, 233
National Education Technology Plan, 36
National professional standard for teacher education in Pakistan (NPSTP), 36
Natural language processing, 115
Nurse-educator, 82–85
pedagogical training, 84–85
strategies for faculty development and building technological competence, 83–84
Nursing curriculum
best practices in integrating digital transformation in, 61
challenges in integrating digital transformation in, 81
development, 74–77
significance of integrating digital transformation in, 60–61
Nursing education, 58, 76
AI application and integration in healthcare and, 71
decision-based learning enhance critical thinking in, 68–69
evolution of technology in, 59–60
future directions and recommendations for, 90–91
gamification and role in, 74–75
significance of mobile learning applications in, 77–79
simulation-based learning in, 61–62
virtual reality and augmented reality integration in, 70–72
VR and AR applications in, 70–71
Online assessment methods, 117
Online education, 199
Online learning
communities and social media for inclusivity, 140
platforms, 129–130
Online lectures, 202
Online peer editing workshops, 118
Online peer review systems, 69
Online Think Tanks, 20
Open educational resources (OERs), 108, 117, 201, 203
Pakistan, usage of ICT in teacher education in, 39–40
Participation divide, 209
Pedagogical goals, aligning ChatGPT with, 23
Pedagogical integration, 23
Pedagogical skills of teachers, digital tools usage for improving, 42
Pedagogical techniques, 116
Pedagogical training, 84–85
Peer tutoring, 132
Personalized learning, 71, 135–136, 203, 205, 212–213
benefits of personalized learning with ChatGPT, 17–18
with ChatGPT, 16–18
ChatGPT tailors educational content to individual student needs, 17
educational strategy, 16–17
experiences, 115
in HE, 16–17
resources, 89
technology, 135–136
Pi.AI, 235
Practical skill development, 72
Practical strategies for successful ChatGPT implementation, 22
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA guidelines), 32
Pre–service teachers digital self-efficacy towards education 5.0, 31
concept of digital self-efficacy, 34–35
data extraction, 33
digital literacy and significance in era of modern technology, 35–36
digital self-efficacy of pre-service teachers towards education 5.0, 37–38
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of teachers, 42
education 5.0, 36–37
educational policies for integration of education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
fostering innovation through digital self-efficacy in pre-service teacher education, 43
gaps in literature, 45
limitations, 45–46
literature review, 34–44
practical implications, 46
preparing pre-service teachers for future technologies, 43–44
professional development, 40
review methodology, 32–33
review questions, 32
search strategy, 32
selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
study selection, 32
support and policies from institutions, 40–41
technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
Privacy, 211–212
privacy-by-design, 142
Problem solving, 236
Professionals, 215
development, 40
for faculty, 210
Proximity plot, 168
dynamics, 161–163
process, 158–161
Qualitative methods, 15
Quality assurance
and evaluation, 85–86
standardised assessment criteria, 86
systems, 117
Realistic scenarios, 71–72
Reflective practice, 84
Reliability challenges, 86–87
Remote learning opportunities, 89
Research design
and approach, 15
ethical considerations in, 16
research design/methodology, 133
Resource allocation, 211
Response to Intervention model (RTI model), 143
Robotic process automation (RPA), 199
Schools, 213
Seamless integration of ChatGPT, 23
Search strategy, 32
Selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
Self-determination theory, 75
Semantic mapping, 161, 163, 193–194
Silhouette coefficient, 164–165
Simulated environments, 71–72
Simulation-based learning (SBL), 58, 61, 70
examples of non-technical and non-pedagogical purposes of simulation, 65
impact, 70
in nursing education, 61–62
phases of simulation-based learning and examples in nursing education, 63–64
Simulations, 201
Skills-based training, 59
Smart classrooms, 198–199
Smart Sparrow (adaptive e-learning platform), 205
Social media for inclusivity, harnessing online learning communities and, 140
Socioeconomic inequality, 210
Software functions, 138
Spatial awareness, 72
Speech-to-text tools, 138
Stakeholders and initiatives, 8
Standardised assessment criteria, 86
Student engagement
case studies illustrating improved student engagement, 19
ChatGPT enhances student motivation and participation, 18–19
enhancing, 18–19
role of student engagement in effective learning, 18
Student Information Systems (SISs), 207–209
Student outcomes, demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Student privacy, strategies to safeguard, 142
Students learning in classroom, technological integration for enhancing, 41–42
Students’ individual learning styles, 42
Study selection, 32
Teachers, 36–37, 79, 107, 118
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of, 42
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
training programs, 117
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
experiences, 105
and learning, 104
process, 91–92, 110–111
Technological advancement, 35
Technological competence, strategies for faculty development and building, 83–84
Technological infrastructure
best practices and impact, 87–89
future directions and recommendations for nursing education, 90–91
limitations in, 87–91
recap of challenges and solutions, 90
Technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), 43
Telehealth platforms, 94
Text to speech software, 138–139
Text-to-speech applications, 138
Textbooks, 59
Thematic analysis, 16
Three-dimensional models (3D models), 72
Traditional classrooms, 201
Traditional didactic teaching methods, 59
Traditional peer-review process, 69
Transformation in education, 140–141
Transformative learning (TL) (see also Collaborative learning), 232
AI-enabled digital transformation scenarios, 235–236
model of, 234
visioning Higher Education 2035, 236–239
U.S. Department of Education, 135–136
Universal design for learning (UDL), 84, 134–135
ICT to support, 134
Universities, 106–107, 129–130, 146
education, 145
Validity challenges, 86–87
Value proposition, digital transformation as, 2–4
Value-based education, 4
Virtual classrooms, 202
Virtual conferences and webinars, 80–81
Virtual interactions, 80–82
Virtual reality (VR), 30–31, 58, 89, 128–130, 139–140, 201, 217
applications in nursing education, 70–71
experiences, 105
integration in nursing education, 70–72
simulations, 70
technologies, 201
Virtual simulations, 76
Vision of Higher Education 2035 model, The, 238
Web content analysis, 157, 194
WordQ (word prediction software), 138
Workflow automation, 3
Gamification, 74–75, 115–116
and role in nursing education, 74–75
Gamified learning modules, 76
Gemini, 235
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 142
General learning technology, 134
Generative AI, 156
models, 235
tools, 156
Global Classroom Projects, 20
Globalization and access, 200
Google Scholar search, 34
Healthcare, AI application and integration in, 71
Higher education (HE) (see also Inclusive education), 1–2, 14, 146, 233
challenges and hurdles in integrating ChatGPT in, 22
digital transformation as bold enabler and multiplier of value in, 4–6
digital transformation in, 105–107
importance of collaboration in, 19
institutions, 2–3
landscape, 237
personalized learning in, 16–17
sector, 8
strategic considerations for impact of digital transformation in, 6–8
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 104, 110–111, 113, 198–199, 207
Higher Education vision (2035), 236, 239
in 2025, 238
in 2028, 238–239
in 2030, 239
in 2032, 239
present, 238
Homework gap, 209
Human connection, 211–212
Immersive learning environments (ILEs), 61, 65
Immersive learning experiences, 139
Immersive technologies, 115, 217
criteria, 32
ICT to support, 134
selection process and criteria for, 34
Inclusive access to AI-powered learning resources, ensuring, 21
Inclusive collaborative environments, 139–141
harnessing online learning communities and social media for inclusivity, 140
strategies for building inclusive online communities, 140–141
virtual and augmented reality, 139–140
Inclusive education, 128–130
accessibility, diversity, and equity, 133
behaviorism-based inclusive education practices, 130
cognitivism-based inclusive education practices, 131
constructivism-based inclusive education practices, 131–133
for learning, 134
research design/methodology, 133
Inclusive higher education
CAL and technologies, 135
ICT in education in different countries, 134
ICT to support inclusion and UDL, 134
inclusive education and universal design for learning, 134
technologies in, 134–135
Inclusive internationalization in higher education
case studies, 143–144
challenges and considerations, 141–142
contribution to diverse audience, 142–143
cultivating inclusive collaborative environments, 139–141
digital divide and equity issues, 141
inclusive education, 129–130
opportunities and future directions, 144–145
presentation of key findings, 145
significance of research, 145
theoretical framework, 129–133
transformative role of emerging technologies, 134–139
Inclusive learning experiences, 139
Inclusive online communities, strategies for building, 140–141
Inclusive online environment, 140
Inclusive pedagogy, 141
and emerging technologies, 135–136
accessibility, 214
in education, 128
expanding access and promoting inclusivity with ChatGPT, 26
harnessing online learning communities and social media for, 140
Industrial revolutions, 104
Information and communication technologies (ICTs), 39, 134
in education in different countries, 134
to support inclusion and UDL, 134
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
Informed consent, 20–21
in AI-driven lifelong learning, 26–27
through digital self-efficacy in pre-service teacher education, 43
Institutional leaders, 110
Institutional strategies
aligning ChatGPT with, 23
demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Institutions, 114–115, 213
support and policies from, 40–41
Instructional approaches, 131
Interactive digital tools, 201
Interactive learning platforms, 74–75, 89
Interdisciplinary collaborations, 80–82
International Association of Universities (IAU), 110
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), 193
International educational policy, 44
International exchange programmes, 80
International policies, 44
Internationalization, 129
of education, 128
Internet of Things (IoT), 198–199
IoT-enabled devices, 198–199
Joint Research Projects, 80
Khan Academy (online platform), 204
Knowledge, 106–107
retention, 73–74
Kurzweil 3000 (Text-to-speech applications), 138–139
LandBot (chatbot mobile app), 71–72
Language Exchange Programmes, 20
Language learning
applications and platforms, 204
apps review, 118
Laptop computers, 137–138
Large language models (LLMs), 156
analytics, 142
engaging learning experiences, 75
inclusive education and universal design for, 134
theories, 129
Learning management systems (LMSs), 60, 108, 202
Library and information science (LIS), 157
LinkedIn, 199
Literature review approach, 32
Machine learning (ML), 3, 90, 198, 206–207, 209
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 198–199
Meta-analysis, 35
Mobile accessibility, 209
Mobile learning applications, 76–77
enhancing clinical skills and decision-making, 78–79
features and learning applications, 77–78
significance of mobile learning applications in nursing education, 77–79
students and educators challenges, 79
Modern nursing education, 73
Modern technology, digital literacy and significance in era of, 35–36
Multimedia resources, 74
Multimedia-enhanced learning experiences, 74
Multipliers, 233
National Education Technology Plan, 36
National professional standard for teacher education in Pakistan (NPSTP), 36
Natural language processing, 115
Nurse-educator, 82–85
pedagogical training, 84–85
strategies for faculty development and building technological competence, 83–84
Nursing curriculum
best practices in integrating digital transformation in, 61
challenges in integrating digital transformation in, 81
development, 74–77
significance of integrating digital transformation in, 60–61
Nursing education, 58, 76
AI application and integration in healthcare and, 71
decision-based learning enhance critical thinking in, 68–69
evolution of technology in, 59–60
future directions and recommendations for, 90–91
gamification and role in, 74–75
significance of mobile learning applications in, 77–79
simulation-based learning in, 61–62
virtual reality and augmented reality integration in, 70–72
VR and AR applications in, 70–71
Online assessment methods, 117
Online education, 199
Online learning
communities and social media for inclusivity, 140
platforms, 129–130
Online lectures, 202
Online peer editing workshops, 118
Online peer review systems, 69
Online Think Tanks, 20
Open educational resources (OERs), 108, 117, 201, 203
Pakistan, usage of ICT in teacher education in, 39–40
Participation divide, 209
Pedagogical goals, aligning ChatGPT with, 23
Pedagogical integration, 23
Pedagogical skills of teachers, digital tools usage for improving, 42
Pedagogical techniques, 116
Pedagogical training, 84–85
Peer tutoring, 132
Personalized learning, 71, 135–136, 203, 205, 212–213
benefits of personalized learning with ChatGPT, 17–18
with ChatGPT, 16–18
ChatGPT tailors educational content to individual student needs, 17
educational strategy, 16–17
experiences, 115
in HE, 16–17
resources, 89
technology, 135–136
Pi.AI, 235
Practical skill development, 72
Practical strategies for successful ChatGPT implementation, 22
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA guidelines), 32
Pre–service teachers digital self-efficacy towards education 5.0, 31
concept of digital self-efficacy, 34–35
data extraction, 33
digital literacy and significance in era of modern technology, 35–36
digital self-efficacy of pre-service teachers towards education 5.0, 37–38
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of teachers, 42
education 5.0, 36–37
educational policies for integration of education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
fostering innovation through digital self-efficacy in pre-service teacher education, 43
gaps in literature, 45
limitations, 45–46
literature review, 34–44
practical implications, 46
preparing pre-service teachers for future technologies, 43–44
professional development, 40
review methodology, 32–33
review questions, 32
search strategy, 32
selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
study selection, 32
support and policies from institutions, 40–41
technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
Privacy, 211–212
privacy-by-design, 142
Problem solving, 236
Professionals, 215
development, 40
for faculty, 210
Proximity plot, 168
dynamics, 161–163
process, 158–161
Qualitative methods, 15
Quality assurance
and evaluation, 85–86
standardised assessment criteria, 86
systems, 117
Realistic scenarios, 71–72
Reflective practice, 84
Reliability challenges, 86–87
Remote learning opportunities, 89
Research design
and approach, 15
ethical considerations in, 16
research design/methodology, 133
Resource allocation, 211
Response to Intervention model (RTI model), 143
Robotic process automation (RPA), 199
Schools, 213
Seamless integration of ChatGPT, 23
Search strategy, 32
Selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
Self-determination theory, 75
Semantic mapping, 161, 163, 193–194
Silhouette coefficient, 164–165
Simulated environments, 71–72
Simulation-based learning (SBL), 58, 61, 70
examples of non-technical and non-pedagogical purposes of simulation, 65
impact, 70
in nursing education, 61–62
phases of simulation-based learning and examples in nursing education, 63–64
Simulations, 201
Skills-based training, 59
Smart classrooms, 198–199
Smart Sparrow (adaptive e-learning platform), 205
Social media for inclusivity, harnessing online learning communities and, 140
Socioeconomic inequality, 210
Software functions, 138
Spatial awareness, 72
Speech-to-text tools, 138
Stakeholders and initiatives, 8
Standardised assessment criteria, 86
Student engagement
case studies illustrating improved student engagement, 19
ChatGPT enhances student motivation and participation, 18–19
enhancing, 18–19
role of student engagement in effective learning, 18
Student Information Systems (SISs), 207–209
Student outcomes, demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Student privacy, strategies to safeguard, 142
Students learning in classroom, technological integration for enhancing, 41–42
Students’ individual learning styles, 42
Study selection, 32
Teachers, 36–37, 79, 107, 118
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of, 42
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
training programs, 117
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
experiences, 105
and learning, 104
process, 91–92, 110–111
Technological advancement, 35
Technological competence, strategies for faculty development and building, 83–84
Technological infrastructure
best practices and impact, 87–89
future directions and recommendations for nursing education, 90–91
limitations in, 87–91
recap of challenges and solutions, 90
Technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), 43
Telehealth platforms, 94
Text to speech software, 138–139
Text-to-speech applications, 138
Textbooks, 59
Thematic analysis, 16
Three-dimensional models (3D models), 72
Traditional classrooms, 201
Traditional didactic teaching methods, 59
Traditional peer-review process, 69
Transformation in education, 140–141
Transformative learning (TL) (see also Collaborative learning), 232
AI-enabled digital transformation scenarios, 235–236
model of, 234
visioning Higher Education 2035, 236–239
U.S. Department of Education, 135–136
Universal design for learning (UDL), 84, 134–135
ICT to support, 134
Universities, 106–107, 129–130, 146
education, 145
Validity challenges, 86–87
Value proposition, digital transformation as, 2–4
Value-based education, 4
Virtual classrooms, 202
Virtual conferences and webinars, 80–81
Virtual interactions, 80–82
Virtual reality (VR), 30–31, 58, 89, 128–130, 139–140, 201, 217
applications in nursing education, 70–71
experiences, 105
integration in nursing education, 70–72
simulations, 70
technologies, 201
Virtual simulations, 76
Vision of Higher Education 2035 model, The, 238
Web content analysis, 157, 194
WordQ (word prediction software), 138
Workflow automation, 3
Immersive learning environments (ILEs), 61, 65
Immersive learning experiences, 139
Immersive technologies, 115, 217
criteria, 32
ICT to support, 134
selection process and criteria for, 34
Inclusive access to AI-powered learning resources, ensuring, 21
Inclusive collaborative environments, 139–141
harnessing online learning communities and social media for inclusivity, 140
strategies for building inclusive online communities, 140–141
virtual and augmented reality, 139–140
Inclusive education, 128–130
accessibility, diversity, and equity, 133
behaviorism-based inclusive education practices, 130
cognitivism-based inclusive education practices, 131
constructivism-based inclusive education practices, 131–133
for learning, 134
research design/methodology, 133
Inclusive higher education
CAL and technologies, 135
ICT in education in different countries, 134
ICT to support inclusion and UDL, 134
inclusive education and universal design for learning, 134
technologies in, 134–135
Inclusive internationalization in higher education
case studies, 143–144
challenges and considerations, 141–142
contribution to diverse audience, 142–143
cultivating inclusive collaborative environments, 139–141
digital divide and equity issues, 141
inclusive education, 129–130
opportunities and future directions, 144–145
presentation of key findings, 145
significance of research, 145
theoretical framework, 129–133
transformative role of emerging technologies, 134–139
Inclusive learning experiences, 139
Inclusive online communities, strategies for building, 140–141
Inclusive online environment, 140
Inclusive pedagogy, 141
and emerging technologies, 135–136
accessibility, 214
in education, 128
expanding access and promoting inclusivity with ChatGPT, 26
harnessing online learning communities and social media for, 140
Industrial revolutions, 104
Information and communication technologies (ICTs), 39, 134
in education in different countries, 134
to support inclusion and UDL, 134
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
Informed consent, 20–21
in AI-driven lifelong learning, 26–27
through digital self-efficacy in pre-service teacher education, 43
Institutional leaders, 110
Institutional strategies
aligning ChatGPT with, 23
demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Institutions, 114–115, 213
support and policies from, 40–41
Instructional approaches, 131
Interactive digital tools, 201
Interactive learning platforms, 74–75, 89
Interdisciplinary collaborations, 80–82
International Association of Universities (IAU), 110
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), 193
International educational policy, 44
International exchange programmes, 80
International policies, 44
Internationalization, 129
of education, 128
Internet of Things (IoT), 198–199
IoT-enabled devices, 198–199
Joint Research Projects, 80
Khan Academy (online platform), 204
Knowledge, 106–107
retention, 73–74
Kurzweil 3000 (Text-to-speech applications), 138–139
LandBot (chatbot mobile app), 71–72
Language Exchange Programmes, 20
Language learning
applications and platforms, 204
apps review, 118
Laptop computers, 137–138
Large language models (LLMs), 156
analytics, 142
engaging learning experiences, 75
inclusive education and universal design for, 134
theories, 129
Learning management systems (LMSs), 60, 108, 202
Library and information science (LIS), 157
LinkedIn, 199
Literature review approach, 32
Machine learning (ML), 3, 90, 198, 206–207, 209
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 198–199
Meta-analysis, 35
Mobile accessibility, 209
Mobile learning applications, 76–77
enhancing clinical skills and decision-making, 78–79
features and learning applications, 77–78
significance of mobile learning applications in nursing education, 77–79
students and educators challenges, 79
Modern nursing education, 73
Modern technology, digital literacy and significance in era of, 35–36
Multimedia resources, 74
Multimedia-enhanced learning experiences, 74
Multipliers, 233
National Education Technology Plan, 36
National professional standard for teacher education in Pakistan (NPSTP), 36
Natural language processing, 115
Nurse-educator, 82–85
pedagogical training, 84–85
strategies for faculty development and building technological competence, 83–84
Nursing curriculum
best practices in integrating digital transformation in, 61
challenges in integrating digital transformation in, 81
development, 74–77
significance of integrating digital transformation in, 60–61
Nursing education, 58, 76
AI application and integration in healthcare and, 71
decision-based learning enhance critical thinking in, 68–69
evolution of technology in, 59–60
future directions and recommendations for, 90–91
gamification and role in, 74–75
significance of mobile learning applications in, 77–79
simulation-based learning in, 61–62
virtual reality and augmented reality integration in, 70–72
VR and AR applications in, 70–71
Online assessment methods, 117
Online education, 199
Online learning
communities and social media for inclusivity, 140
platforms, 129–130
Online lectures, 202
Online peer editing workshops, 118
Online peer review systems, 69
Online Think Tanks, 20
Open educational resources (OERs), 108, 117, 201, 203
Pakistan, usage of ICT in teacher education in, 39–40
Participation divide, 209
Pedagogical goals, aligning ChatGPT with, 23
Pedagogical integration, 23
Pedagogical skills of teachers, digital tools usage for improving, 42
Pedagogical techniques, 116
Pedagogical training, 84–85
Peer tutoring, 132
Personalized learning, 71, 135–136, 203, 205, 212–213
benefits of personalized learning with ChatGPT, 17–18
with ChatGPT, 16–18
ChatGPT tailors educational content to individual student needs, 17
educational strategy, 16–17
experiences, 115
in HE, 16–17
resources, 89
technology, 135–136
Pi.AI, 235
Practical skill development, 72
Practical strategies for successful ChatGPT implementation, 22
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA guidelines), 32
Pre–service teachers digital self-efficacy towards education 5.0, 31
concept of digital self-efficacy, 34–35
data extraction, 33
digital literacy and significance in era of modern technology, 35–36
digital self-efficacy of pre-service teachers towards education 5.0, 37–38
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of teachers, 42
education 5.0, 36–37
educational policies for integration of education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
fostering innovation through digital self-efficacy in pre-service teacher education, 43
gaps in literature, 45
limitations, 45–46
literature review, 34–44
practical implications, 46
preparing pre-service teachers for future technologies, 43–44
professional development, 40
review methodology, 32–33
review questions, 32
search strategy, 32
selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
study selection, 32
support and policies from institutions, 40–41
technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
Privacy, 211–212
privacy-by-design, 142
Problem solving, 236
Professionals, 215
development, 40
for faculty, 210
Proximity plot, 168
dynamics, 161–163
process, 158–161
Qualitative methods, 15
Quality assurance
and evaluation, 85–86
standardised assessment criteria, 86
systems, 117
Realistic scenarios, 71–72
Reflective practice, 84
Reliability challenges, 86–87
Remote learning opportunities, 89
Research design
and approach, 15
ethical considerations in, 16
research design/methodology, 133
Resource allocation, 211
Response to Intervention model (RTI model), 143
Robotic process automation (RPA), 199
Schools, 213
Seamless integration of ChatGPT, 23
Search strategy, 32
Selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
Self-determination theory, 75
Semantic mapping, 161, 163, 193–194
Silhouette coefficient, 164–165
Simulated environments, 71–72
Simulation-based learning (SBL), 58, 61, 70
examples of non-technical and non-pedagogical purposes of simulation, 65
impact, 70
in nursing education, 61–62
phases of simulation-based learning and examples in nursing education, 63–64
Simulations, 201
Skills-based training, 59
Smart classrooms, 198–199
Smart Sparrow (adaptive e-learning platform), 205
Social media for inclusivity, harnessing online learning communities and, 140
Socioeconomic inequality, 210
Software functions, 138
Spatial awareness, 72
Speech-to-text tools, 138
Stakeholders and initiatives, 8
Standardised assessment criteria, 86
Student engagement
case studies illustrating improved student engagement, 19
ChatGPT enhances student motivation and participation, 18–19
enhancing, 18–19
role of student engagement in effective learning, 18
Student Information Systems (SISs), 207–209
Student outcomes, demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Student privacy, strategies to safeguard, 142
Students learning in classroom, technological integration for enhancing, 41–42
Students’ individual learning styles, 42
Study selection, 32
Teachers, 36–37, 79, 107, 118
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of, 42
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
training programs, 117
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
experiences, 105
and learning, 104
process, 91–92, 110–111
Technological advancement, 35
Technological competence, strategies for faculty development and building, 83–84
Technological infrastructure
best practices and impact, 87–89
future directions and recommendations for nursing education, 90–91
limitations in, 87–91
recap of challenges and solutions, 90
Technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), 43
Telehealth platforms, 94
Text to speech software, 138–139
Text-to-speech applications, 138
Textbooks, 59
Thematic analysis, 16
Three-dimensional models (3D models), 72
Traditional classrooms, 201
Traditional didactic teaching methods, 59
Traditional peer-review process, 69
Transformation in education, 140–141
Transformative learning (TL) (see also Collaborative learning), 232
AI-enabled digital transformation scenarios, 235–236
model of, 234
visioning Higher Education 2035, 236–239
U.S. Department of Education, 135–136
Universal design for learning (UDL), 84, 134–135
ICT to support, 134
Universities, 106–107, 129–130, 146
education, 145
Validity challenges, 86–87
Value proposition, digital transformation as, 2–4
Value-based education, 4
Virtual classrooms, 202
Virtual conferences and webinars, 80–81
Virtual interactions, 80–82
Virtual reality (VR), 30–31, 58, 89, 128–130, 139–140, 201, 217
applications in nursing education, 70–71
experiences, 105
integration in nursing education, 70–72
simulations, 70
technologies, 201
Virtual simulations, 76
Vision of Higher Education 2035 model, The, 238
Web content analysis, 157, 194
WordQ (word prediction software), 138
Workflow automation, 3
Khan Academy (online platform), 204
Knowledge, 106–107
retention, 73–74
Kurzweil 3000 (Text-to-speech applications), 138–139
LandBot (chatbot mobile app), 71–72
Language Exchange Programmes, 20
Language learning
applications and platforms, 204
apps review, 118
Laptop computers, 137–138
Large language models (LLMs), 156
analytics, 142
engaging learning experiences, 75
inclusive education and universal design for, 134
theories, 129
Learning management systems (LMSs), 60, 108, 202
Library and information science (LIS), 157
LinkedIn, 199
Literature review approach, 32
Machine learning (ML), 3, 90, 198, 206–207, 209
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 198–199
Meta-analysis, 35
Mobile accessibility, 209
Mobile learning applications, 76–77
enhancing clinical skills and decision-making, 78–79
features and learning applications, 77–78
significance of mobile learning applications in nursing education, 77–79
students and educators challenges, 79
Modern nursing education, 73
Modern technology, digital literacy and significance in era of, 35–36
Multimedia resources, 74
Multimedia-enhanced learning experiences, 74
Multipliers, 233
National Education Technology Plan, 36
National professional standard for teacher education in Pakistan (NPSTP), 36
Natural language processing, 115
Nurse-educator, 82–85
pedagogical training, 84–85
strategies for faculty development and building technological competence, 83–84
Nursing curriculum
best practices in integrating digital transformation in, 61
challenges in integrating digital transformation in, 81
development, 74–77
significance of integrating digital transformation in, 60–61
Nursing education, 58, 76
AI application and integration in healthcare and, 71
decision-based learning enhance critical thinking in, 68–69
evolution of technology in, 59–60
future directions and recommendations for, 90–91
gamification and role in, 74–75
significance of mobile learning applications in, 77–79
simulation-based learning in, 61–62
virtual reality and augmented reality integration in, 70–72
VR and AR applications in, 70–71
Online assessment methods, 117
Online education, 199
Online learning
communities and social media for inclusivity, 140
platforms, 129–130
Online lectures, 202
Online peer editing workshops, 118
Online peer review systems, 69
Online Think Tanks, 20
Open educational resources (OERs), 108, 117, 201, 203
Pakistan, usage of ICT in teacher education in, 39–40
Participation divide, 209
Pedagogical goals, aligning ChatGPT with, 23
Pedagogical integration, 23
Pedagogical skills of teachers, digital tools usage for improving, 42
Pedagogical techniques, 116
Pedagogical training, 84–85
Peer tutoring, 132
Personalized learning, 71, 135–136, 203, 205, 212–213
benefits of personalized learning with ChatGPT, 17–18
with ChatGPT, 16–18
ChatGPT tailors educational content to individual student needs, 17
educational strategy, 16–17
experiences, 115
in HE, 16–17
resources, 89
technology, 135–136
Pi.AI, 235
Practical skill development, 72
Practical strategies for successful ChatGPT implementation, 22
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA guidelines), 32
Pre–service teachers digital self-efficacy towards education 5.0, 31
concept of digital self-efficacy, 34–35
data extraction, 33
digital literacy and significance in era of modern technology, 35–36
digital self-efficacy of pre-service teachers towards education 5.0, 37–38
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of teachers, 42
education 5.0, 36–37
educational policies for integration of education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
fostering innovation through digital self-efficacy in pre-service teacher education, 43
gaps in literature, 45
limitations, 45–46
literature review, 34–44
practical implications, 46
preparing pre-service teachers for future technologies, 43–44
professional development, 40
review methodology, 32–33
review questions, 32
search strategy, 32
selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
study selection, 32
support and policies from institutions, 40–41
technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
Privacy, 211–212
privacy-by-design, 142
Problem solving, 236
Professionals, 215
development, 40
for faculty, 210
Proximity plot, 168
dynamics, 161–163
process, 158–161
Qualitative methods, 15
Quality assurance
and evaluation, 85–86
standardised assessment criteria, 86
systems, 117
Realistic scenarios, 71–72
Reflective practice, 84
Reliability challenges, 86–87
Remote learning opportunities, 89
Research design
and approach, 15
ethical considerations in, 16
research design/methodology, 133
Resource allocation, 211
Response to Intervention model (RTI model), 143
Robotic process automation (RPA), 199
Schools, 213
Seamless integration of ChatGPT, 23
Search strategy, 32
Selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
Self-determination theory, 75
Semantic mapping, 161, 163, 193–194
Silhouette coefficient, 164–165
Simulated environments, 71–72
Simulation-based learning (SBL), 58, 61, 70
examples of non-technical and non-pedagogical purposes of simulation, 65
impact, 70
in nursing education, 61–62
phases of simulation-based learning and examples in nursing education, 63–64
Simulations, 201
Skills-based training, 59
Smart classrooms, 198–199
Smart Sparrow (adaptive e-learning platform), 205
Social media for inclusivity, harnessing online learning communities and, 140
Socioeconomic inequality, 210
Software functions, 138
Spatial awareness, 72
Speech-to-text tools, 138
Stakeholders and initiatives, 8
Standardised assessment criteria, 86
Student engagement
case studies illustrating improved student engagement, 19
ChatGPT enhances student motivation and participation, 18–19
enhancing, 18–19
role of student engagement in effective learning, 18
Student Information Systems (SISs), 207–209
Student outcomes, demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Student privacy, strategies to safeguard, 142
Students learning in classroom, technological integration for enhancing, 41–42
Students’ individual learning styles, 42
Study selection, 32
Teachers, 36–37, 79, 107, 118
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of, 42
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
training programs, 117
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
experiences, 105
and learning, 104
process, 91–92, 110–111
Technological advancement, 35
Technological competence, strategies for faculty development and building, 83–84
Technological infrastructure
best practices and impact, 87–89
future directions and recommendations for nursing education, 90–91
limitations in, 87–91
recap of challenges and solutions, 90
Technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), 43
Telehealth platforms, 94
Text to speech software, 138–139
Text-to-speech applications, 138
Textbooks, 59
Thematic analysis, 16
Three-dimensional models (3D models), 72
Traditional classrooms, 201
Traditional didactic teaching methods, 59
Traditional peer-review process, 69
Transformation in education, 140–141
Transformative learning (TL) (see also Collaborative learning), 232
AI-enabled digital transformation scenarios, 235–236
model of, 234
visioning Higher Education 2035, 236–239
U.S. Department of Education, 135–136
Universal design for learning (UDL), 84, 134–135
ICT to support, 134
Universities, 106–107, 129–130, 146
education, 145
Validity challenges, 86–87
Value proposition, digital transformation as, 2–4
Value-based education, 4
Virtual classrooms, 202
Virtual conferences and webinars, 80–81
Virtual interactions, 80–82
Virtual reality (VR), 30–31, 58, 89, 128–130, 139–140, 201, 217
applications in nursing education, 70–71
experiences, 105
integration in nursing education, 70–72
simulations, 70
technologies, 201
Virtual simulations, 76
Vision of Higher Education 2035 model, The, 238
Web content analysis, 157, 194
WordQ (word prediction software), 138
Workflow automation, 3
Machine learning (ML), 3, 90, 198, 206–207, 209
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 198–199
Meta-analysis, 35
Mobile accessibility, 209
Mobile learning applications, 76–77
enhancing clinical skills and decision-making, 78–79
features and learning applications, 77–78
significance of mobile learning applications in nursing education, 77–79
students and educators challenges, 79
Modern nursing education, 73
Modern technology, digital literacy and significance in era of, 35–36
Multimedia resources, 74
Multimedia-enhanced learning experiences, 74
Multipliers, 233
National Education Technology Plan, 36
National professional standard for teacher education in Pakistan (NPSTP), 36
Natural language processing, 115
Nurse-educator, 82–85
pedagogical training, 84–85
strategies for faculty development and building technological competence, 83–84
Nursing curriculum
best practices in integrating digital transformation in, 61
challenges in integrating digital transformation in, 81
development, 74–77
significance of integrating digital transformation in, 60–61
Nursing education, 58, 76
AI application and integration in healthcare and, 71
decision-based learning enhance critical thinking in, 68–69
evolution of technology in, 59–60
future directions and recommendations for, 90–91
gamification and role in, 74–75
significance of mobile learning applications in, 77–79
simulation-based learning in, 61–62
virtual reality and augmented reality integration in, 70–72
VR and AR applications in, 70–71
Online assessment methods, 117
Online education, 199
Online learning
communities and social media for inclusivity, 140
platforms, 129–130
Online lectures, 202
Online peer editing workshops, 118
Online peer review systems, 69
Online Think Tanks, 20
Open educational resources (OERs), 108, 117, 201, 203
Pakistan, usage of ICT in teacher education in, 39–40
Participation divide, 209
Pedagogical goals, aligning ChatGPT with, 23
Pedagogical integration, 23
Pedagogical skills of teachers, digital tools usage for improving, 42
Pedagogical techniques, 116
Pedagogical training, 84–85
Peer tutoring, 132
Personalized learning, 71, 135–136, 203, 205, 212–213
benefits of personalized learning with ChatGPT, 17–18
with ChatGPT, 16–18
ChatGPT tailors educational content to individual student needs, 17
educational strategy, 16–17
experiences, 115
in HE, 16–17
resources, 89
technology, 135–136
Pi.AI, 235
Practical skill development, 72
Practical strategies for successful ChatGPT implementation, 22
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA guidelines), 32
Pre–service teachers digital self-efficacy towards education 5.0, 31
concept of digital self-efficacy, 34–35
data extraction, 33
digital literacy and significance in era of modern technology, 35–36
digital self-efficacy of pre-service teachers towards education 5.0, 37–38
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of teachers, 42
education 5.0, 36–37
educational policies for integration of education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
fostering innovation through digital self-efficacy in pre-service teacher education, 43
gaps in literature, 45
limitations, 45–46
literature review, 34–44
practical implications, 46
preparing pre-service teachers for future technologies, 43–44
professional development, 40
review methodology, 32–33
review questions, 32
search strategy, 32
selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
study selection, 32
support and policies from institutions, 40–41
technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
Privacy, 211–212
privacy-by-design, 142
Problem solving, 236
Professionals, 215
development, 40
for faculty, 210
Proximity plot, 168
dynamics, 161–163
process, 158–161
Qualitative methods, 15
Quality assurance
and evaluation, 85–86
standardised assessment criteria, 86
systems, 117
Realistic scenarios, 71–72
Reflective practice, 84
Reliability challenges, 86–87
Remote learning opportunities, 89
Research design
and approach, 15
ethical considerations in, 16
research design/methodology, 133
Resource allocation, 211
Response to Intervention model (RTI model), 143
Robotic process automation (RPA), 199
Schools, 213
Seamless integration of ChatGPT, 23
Search strategy, 32
Selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
Self-determination theory, 75
Semantic mapping, 161, 163, 193–194
Silhouette coefficient, 164–165
Simulated environments, 71–72
Simulation-based learning (SBL), 58, 61, 70
examples of non-technical and non-pedagogical purposes of simulation, 65
impact, 70
in nursing education, 61–62
phases of simulation-based learning and examples in nursing education, 63–64
Simulations, 201
Skills-based training, 59
Smart classrooms, 198–199
Smart Sparrow (adaptive e-learning platform), 205
Social media for inclusivity, harnessing online learning communities and, 140
Socioeconomic inequality, 210
Software functions, 138
Spatial awareness, 72
Speech-to-text tools, 138
Stakeholders and initiatives, 8
Standardised assessment criteria, 86
Student engagement
case studies illustrating improved student engagement, 19
ChatGPT enhances student motivation and participation, 18–19
enhancing, 18–19
role of student engagement in effective learning, 18
Student Information Systems (SISs), 207–209
Student outcomes, demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Student privacy, strategies to safeguard, 142
Students learning in classroom, technological integration for enhancing, 41–42
Students’ individual learning styles, 42
Study selection, 32
Teachers, 36–37, 79, 107, 118
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of, 42
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
training programs, 117
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
experiences, 105
and learning, 104
process, 91–92, 110–111
Technological advancement, 35
Technological competence, strategies for faculty development and building, 83–84
Technological infrastructure
best practices and impact, 87–89
future directions and recommendations for nursing education, 90–91
limitations in, 87–91
recap of challenges and solutions, 90
Technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), 43
Telehealth platforms, 94
Text to speech software, 138–139
Text-to-speech applications, 138
Textbooks, 59
Thematic analysis, 16
Three-dimensional models (3D models), 72
Traditional classrooms, 201
Traditional didactic teaching methods, 59
Traditional peer-review process, 69
Transformation in education, 140–141
Transformative learning (TL) (see also Collaborative learning), 232
AI-enabled digital transformation scenarios, 235–236
model of, 234
visioning Higher Education 2035, 236–239
U.S. Department of Education, 135–136
Universal design for learning (UDL), 84, 134–135
ICT to support, 134
Universities, 106–107, 129–130, 146
education, 145
Validity challenges, 86–87
Value proposition, digital transformation as, 2–4
Value-based education, 4
Virtual classrooms, 202
Virtual conferences and webinars, 80–81
Virtual interactions, 80–82
Virtual reality (VR), 30–31, 58, 89, 128–130, 139–140, 201, 217
applications in nursing education, 70–71
experiences, 105
integration in nursing education, 70–72
simulations, 70
technologies, 201
Virtual simulations, 76
Vision of Higher Education 2035 model, The, 238
Web content analysis, 157, 194
WordQ (word prediction software), 138
Workflow automation, 3
Online assessment methods, 117
Online education, 199
Online learning
communities and social media for inclusivity, 140
platforms, 129–130
Online lectures, 202
Online peer editing workshops, 118
Online peer review systems, 69
Online Think Tanks, 20
Open educational resources (OERs), 108, 117, 201, 203
Pakistan, usage of ICT in teacher education in, 39–40
Participation divide, 209
Pedagogical goals, aligning ChatGPT with, 23
Pedagogical integration, 23
Pedagogical skills of teachers, digital tools usage for improving, 42
Pedagogical techniques, 116
Pedagogical training, 84–85
Peer tutoring, 132
Personalized learning, 71, 135–136, 203, 205, 212–213
benefits of personalized learning with ChatGPT, 17–18
with ChatGPT, 16–18
ChatGPT tailors educational content to individual student needs, 17
educational strategy, 16–17
experiences, 115
in HE, 16–17
resources, 89
technology, 135–136
Pi.AI, 235
Practical skill development, 72
Practical strategies for successful ChatGPT implementation, 22
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA guidelines), 32
Pre–service teachers digital self-efficacy towards education 5.0, 31
concept of digital self-efficacy, 34–35
data extraction, 33
digital literacy and significance in era of modern technology, 35–36
digital self-efficacy of pre-service teachers towards education 5.0, 37–38
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of teachers, 42
education 5.0, 36–37
educational policies for integration of education 5.0 supporting SDGs, 44
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
fostering innovation through digital self-efficacy in pre-service teacher education, 43
gaps in literature, 45
limitations, 45–46
literature review, 34–44
practical implications, 46
preparing pre-service teachers for future technologies, 43–44
professional development, 40
review methodology, 32–33
review questions, 32
search strategy, 32
selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
study selection, 32
support and policies from institutions, 40–41
technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
Privacy, 211–212
privacy-by-design, 142
Problem solving, 236
Professionals, 215
development, 40
for faculty, 210
Proximity plot, 168
dynamics, 161–163
process, 158–161
Qualitative methods, 15
Quality assurance
and evaluation, 85–86
standardised assessment criteria, 86
systems, 117
Realistic scenarios, 71–72
Reflective practice, 84
Reliability challenges, 86–87
Remote learning opportunities, 89
Research design
and approach, 15
ethical considerations in, 16
research design/methodology, 133
Resource allocation, 211
Response to Intervention model (RTI model), 143
Robotic process automation (RPA), 199
Schools, 213
Seamless integration of ChatGPT, 23
Search strategy, 32
Selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
Self-determination theory, 75
Semantic mapping, 161, 163, 193–194
Silhouette coefficient, 164–165
Simulated environments, 71–72
Simulation-based learning (SBL), 58, 61, 70
examples of non-technical and non-pedagogical purposes of simulation, 65
impact, 70
in nursing education, 61–62
phases of simulation-based learning and examples in nursing education, 63–64
Simulations, 201
Skills-based training, 59
Smart classrooms, 198–199
Smart Sparrow (adaptive e-learning platform), 205
Social media for inclusivity, harnessing online learning communities and, 140
Socioeconomic inequality, 210
Software functions, 138
Spatial awareness, 72
Speech-to-text tools, 138
Stakeholders and initiatives, 8
Standardised assessment criteria, 86
Student engagement
case studies illustrating improved student engagement, 19
ChatGPT enhances student motivation and participation, 18–19
enhancing, 18–19
role of student engagement in effective learning, 18
Student Information Systems (SISs), 207–209
Student outcomes, demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Student privacy, strategies to safeguard, 142
Students learning in classroom, technological integration for enhancing, 41–42
Students’ individual learning styles, 42
Study selection, 32
Teachers, 36–37, 79, 107, 118
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of, 42
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
training programs, 117
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
experiences, 105
and learning, 104
process, 91–92, 110–111
Technological advancement, 35
Technological competence, strategies for faculty development and building, 83–84
Technological infrastructure
best practices and impact, 87–89
future directions and recommendations for nursing education, 90–91
limitations in, 87–91
recap of challenges and solutions, 90
Technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), 43
Telehealth platforms, 94
Text to speech software, 138–139
Text-to-speech applications, 138
Textbooks, 59
Thematic analysis, 16
Three-dimensional models (3D models), 72
Traditional classrooms, 201
Traditional didactic teaching methods, 59
Traditional peer-review process, 69
Transformation in education, 140–141
Transformative learning (TL) (see also Collaborative learning), 232
AI-enabled digital transformation scenarios, 235–236
model of, 234
visioning Higher Education 2035, 236–239
U.S. Department of Education, 135–136
Universal design for learning (UDL), 84, 134–135
ICT to support, 134
Universities, 106–107, 129–130, 146
education, 145
Validity challenges, 86–87
Value proposition, digital transformation as, 2–4
Value-based education, 4
Virtual classrooms, 202
Virtual conferences and webinars, 80–81
Virtual interactions, 80–82
Virtual reality (VR), 30–31, 58, 89, 128–130, 139–140, 201, 217
applications in nursing education, 70–71
experiences, 105
integration in nursing education, 70–72
simulations, 70
technologies, 201
Virtual simulations, 76
Vision of Higher Education 2035 model, The, 238
Web content analysis, 157, 194
WordQ (word prediction software), 138
Workflow automation, 3
Qualitative methods, 15
Quality assurance
and evaluation, 85–86
standardised assessment criteria, 86
systems, 117
Realistic scenarios, 71–72
Reflective practice, 84
Reliability challenges, 86–87
Remote learning opportunities, 89
Research design
and approach, 15
ethical considerations in, 16
research design/methodology, 133
Resource allocation, 211
Response to Intervention model (RTI model), 143
Robotic process automation (RPA), 199
Schools, 213
Seamless integration of ChatGPT, 23
Search strategy, 32
Selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
Self-determination theory, 75
Semantic mapping, 161, 163, 193–194
Silhouette coefficient, 164–165
Simulated environments, 71–72
Simulation-based learning (SBL), 58, 61, 70
examples of non-technical and non-pedagogical purposes of simulation, 65
impact, 70
in nursing education, 61–62
phases of simulation-based learning and examples in nursing education, 63–64
Simulations, 201
Skills-based training, 59
Smart classrooms, 198–199
Smart Sparrow (adaptive e-learning platform), 205
Social media for inclusivity, harnessing online learning communities and, 140
Socioeconomic inequality, 210
Software functions, 138
Spatial awareness, 72
Speech-to-text tools, 138
Stakeholders and initiatives, 8
Standardised assessment criteria, 86
Student engagement
case studies illustrating improved student engagement, 19
ChatGPT enhances student motivation and participation, 18–19
enhancing, 18–19
role of student engagement in effective learning, 18
Student Information Systems (SISs), 207–209
Student outcomes, demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Student privacy, strategies to safeguard, 142
Students learning in classroom, technological integration for enhancing, 41–42
Students’ individual learning styles, 42
Study selection, 32
Teachers, 36–37, 79, 107, 118
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of, 42
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
training programs, 117
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
experiences, 105
and learning, 104
process, 91–92, 110–111
Technological advancement, 35
Technological competence, strategies for faculty development and building, 83–84
Technological infrastructure
best practices and impact, 87–89
future directions and recommendations for nursing education, 90–91
limitations in, 87–91
recap of challenges and solutions, 90
Technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), 43
Telehealth platforms, 94
Text to speech software, 138–139
Text-to-speech applications, 138
Textbooks, 59
Thematic analysis, 16
Three-dimensional models (3D models), 72
Traditional classrooms, 201
Traditional didactic teaching methods, 59
Traditional peer-review process, 69
Transformation in education, 140–141
Transformative learning (TL) (see also Collaborative learning), 232
AI-enabled digital transformation scenarios, 235–236
model of, 234
visioning Higher Education 2035, 236–239
U.S. Department of Education, 135–136
Universal design for learning (UDL), 84, 134–135
ICT to support, 134
Universities, 106–107, 129–130, 146
education, 145
Validity challenges, 86–87
Value proposition, digital transformation as, 2–4
Value-based education, 4
Virtual classrooms, 202
Virtual conferences and webinars, 80–81
Virtual interactions, 80–82
Virtual reality (VR), 30–31, 58, 89, 128–130, 139–140, 201, 217
applications in nursing education, 70–71
experiences, 105
integration in nursing education, 70–72
simulations, 70
technologies, 201
Virtual simulations, 76
Vision of Higher Education 2035 model, The, 238
Web content analysis, 157, 194
WordQ (word prediction software), 138
Workflow automation, 3
Schools, 213
Seamless integration of ChatGPT, 23
Search strategy, 32
Selection process and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 34
Self-determination theory, 75
Semantic mapping, 161, 163, 193–194
Silhouette coefficient, 164–165
Simulated environments, 71–72
Simulation-based learning (SBL), 58, 61, 70
examples of non-technical and non-pedagogical purposes of simulation, 65
impact, 70
in nursing education, 61–62
phases of simulation-based learning and examples in nursing education, 63–64
Simulations, 201
Skills-based training, 59
Smart classrooms, 198–199
Smart Sparrow (adaptive e-learning platform), 205
Social media for inclusivity, harnessing online learning communities and, 140
Socioeconomic inequality, 210
Software functions, 138
Spatial awareness, 72
Speech-to-text tools, 138
Stakeholders and initiatives, 8
Standardised assessment criteria, 86
Student engagement
case studies illustrating improved student engagement, 19
ChatGPT enhances student motivation and participation, 18–19
enhancing, 18–19
role of student engagement in effective learning, 18
Student Information Systems (SISs), 207–209
Student outcomes, demonstrated impact on, 24–25
Student privacy, strategies to safeguard, 142
Students learning in classroom, technological integration for enhancing, 41–42
Students’ individual learning styles, 42
Study selection, 32
Teachers, 36–37, 79, 107, 118
digital tools usage for improving pedagogical skills of, 42
factors influence attitudes and beliefs of teachers for integrating digital technologies, 40
training programs, 117
usage of ICT in teacher education in Pakistan, 39–40
experiences, 105
and learning, 104
process, 91–92, 110–111
Technological advancement, 35
Technological competence, strategies for faculty development and building, 83–84
Technological infrastructure
best practices and impact, 87–89
future directions and recommendations for nursing education, 90–91
limitations in, 87–91
recap of challenges and solutions, 90
Technological integration for enhancing students learning in classroom, 41–42
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), 43
Telehealth platforms, 94
Text to speech software, 138–139
Text-to-speech applications, 138
Textbooks, 59
Thematic analysis, 16
Three-dimensional models (3D models), 72
Traditional classrooms, 201
Traditional didactic teaching methods, 59
Traditional peer-review process, 69
Transformation in education, 140–141
Transformative learning (TL) (see also Collaborative learning), 232
AI-enabled digital transformation scenarios, 235–236
model of, 234
visioning Higher Education 2035, 236–239
U.S. Department of Education, 135–136
Universal design for learning (UDL), 84, 134–135
ICT to support, 134
Universities, 106–107, 129–130, 146
education, 145
Validity challenges, 86–87
Value proposition, digital transformation as, 2–4
Value-based education, 4
Virtual classrooms, 202
Virtual conferences and webinars, 80–81
Virtual interactions, 80–82
Virtual reality (VR), 30–31, 58, 89, 128–130, 139–140, 201, 217
applications in nursing education, 70–71
experiences, 105
integration in nursing education, 70–72
simulations, 70
technologies, 201
Virtual simulations, 76
Vision of Higher Education 2035 model, The, 238
Web content analysis, 157, 194
WordQ (word prediction software), 138
Workflow automation, 3
U.S. Department of Education, 135–136
Universal design for learning (UDL), 84, 134–135
ICT to support, 134
Universities, 106–107, 129–130, 146
education, 145
Validity challenges, 86–87
Value proposition, digital transformation as, 2–4
Value-based education, 4
Virtual classrooms, 202
Virtual conferences and webinars, 80–81
Virtual interactions, 80–82
Virtual reality (VR), 30–31, 58, 89, 128–130, 139–140, 201, 217
applications in nursing education, 70–71
experiences, 105
integration in nursing education, 70–72
simulations, 70
technologies, 201
Virtual simulations, 76
Vision of Higher Education 2035 model, The, 238
Web content analysis, 157, 194
WordQ (word prediction software), 138
Workflow automation, 3
Web content analysis, 157, 194
WordQ (word prediction software), 138
Workflow automation, 3
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Digital Transformation for Enhanced Learning Impact and Student Experience
- Chapter 2 ChatGPT: Innovating Lifelong Learning in Higher Education Through Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation
- Chapter 3 Pre-service Teachers' Digital Self-efficacy Towards Education 5.0: A Narrative Literature Review
- Chapter 4 Integrating Digital Transformation in Nursing Education: Best Practices and Challenges in Curriculum Development
- Chapter 5 Digital Transformation in Teaching and Learning of English in Higher Education
- Chapter 6 The Role of Innovative Technologies in Advancing Inclusive Internationalization in Higher Education
- Chapter 7 Ethical Considerations for Artificial Intelligence Tools in Academic Research and Manuscript Preparation: A Web Content Analysis
- Chapter 8 A Review of the Discussion on Digital Transformation in Higher Education
- Chapter 9 Transformative Learning for Future Higher Education: The Artificial Intelligence-enabled Learning Revolution 2035
- Index