Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)
, 111–112
Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)
, 168–169
Action Against Hunger
, 185
, 212, 216–217
domestic and international response
, 219–220
food crisis during COVID-19
, 215
policy recommendations
, 221
reasons for food insecurity in
, 217–218
research objectives, research questions, and research methodology
, 213
results of the study
, 220
review of literature
, 213
Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund (ACGSF)
, 28–29
long-run effects
, 35–37
short-run effects
, 35–37
Agricultural financing companies
, 28
Agricultural free trade
, 67–68
Agricultural growth
, 4, 166
long-and short-run effect of commercial bank’s loan to agricultural sector on
, 32–34
Agricultural growth sustainability
long-and short-run effects of ACGSF on
, 35–37
long-and short-run effects of commercial banks’ interest on
, 34–35
Agricultural Insurance Scheme
, 81–82
Agricultural labor (ALAB)
, 30
Agricultural land area (ALAN)
, 30
Agricultural machinery and capital (AMACH)
, 30
Agricultural pollination
, 43–44
Agricultural sector
, 4–5, 108–109, 145
Agricultural suicides
, 81
, 4, 12–13, 108
effect on
, 130–131
in G-20 countries
, 146–147
in Nigeria
, 27–28
, 5
, 42
, 42
Agroeconomy sector impact of Sinaloa in Mexico
, 65–66
Agrupación Española de Entidades Aseguradoras de los Seguros Agrarios Combinados (AGROSEGURO)
, 86–87
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) criteria
, 50, 101
Allocative efficiency (AE)
, 15
Allowance for the Widow
, 126
, 108–109, 111–112, 114–115
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test
, 109–111
Anchor Borrowers’ Program (ABP)
, 28
Aquaculture insurance
, 86
Asian Development Bank
, 192
Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (AUTP)
, 90
Augmented Dickey–Fuller test
, 50
, 108–109, 111–112, 114–115
Australian Agency for International Development (AUSAID)
, 90
Autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic (ARCH) model
, 100
Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model
, 5, 30, 45–46, 195
estimated ARDL long-run coefficients
, 31, 33
, 7, 152
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
, 45–46
Carbon emissions
, 42–43, 47
Casual labourers (CL)
, 237
Causality test, results of
, 56
Central Bank of Nigeria
, 28
“Chronic” food insecurity
, 164
Climate change
, 124
, 43–44
Climate-related disasters
, 214
Climate-smart agricultural Practices (CSAPs)
, 169–171
Cobb–Douglas production function
, 109–111
Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS)
, 88
Cointegration test
, 32, 150–151
Commercial Agriculture Credit Scheme (CACS)
, 28
Commercial Bank Credit to Private Sector
, 28–29
Commodity price volatility
, 99–100
Compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
, 7, 165, 172
Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme (CCIS)
, 88
Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (CDMP)
, 126
Conservation strategies
, 44
Consumption-expenditure-based poverty estimation
, 235–239
Convergence measurement in food security
, 199
and food insecurity
, 218
, 168–169
Crop growth simulation approach
, 109–111
Crop insurance
, 5–6, 80
Asian Countries
, 87–90
, 87–88
empirical findings
, 90–91
European countries
, 84–87
, 85
, 85–86
, 88–89
, 89–90
literature review
, 80–82
, 82
, 82
scenario in selected European and Asian Countries
, 84–90
, 86–87
towards sustainable agriculture
, 82–84
Cyclone Preparedness Program (CPP)
, 126
Daily earning, effects on
, 132–133
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
, 5, 15
brief review of existing literature
, 15–17
, 17–18
results and analysis
, 19–21
TE model
, 18–19
Decision-making units (DMU)
, 18
Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare (DAC & FW)
, 172
Deposit money banks
, 28
interest rate
, 5
Descriptive statistics
, 240–242
Deserted and Destitute Women and Maternity Allowance for the Poor
, 126
Dickey–Fuller bound test
, 50
Difference fixed effect (DFE) model
, 199
Digital Agriculture Mission (DAM)
, 14–15
Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES)
, 172
Disaster Management (DM) Act 2012
, 126
Disaster Management Bureau (DMB)
, 126
Disaster Management Policy 2015
, 126
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
, 126
Durbin–Watson statistics
, 53–55
East Lombok of East Java
, 90
Ecological footprint
, 45–46
Econometric analysis
, 149
Econometric model
, 99–100
for determinants of food security
, 198–199
Economic disturbances
, 214
Economic efficiency (EE)
, 15
Education, effects on
, 133
Eighth (8th) Five Year Plan
, 126
Emergency Response Management (ERM)
, 126
Emerging market and developing economy (EMDE)
, 13–14
Endogenous growth theory
, 44–45
Engle–Granger two-step test
, 150–151
Entidad Estatal de Seguros Agrarios O. A. (ENESA)
, 86–87
Environment-related risks
, 108–109
Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)
, 45
Environmental pollution
, 46
Error correction model (ECM)
, 48
Error correction term (ECT)
, 35, 151
European countries
, 84–87
Experimental Crop Insurance Scheme (ECIS)
, 88
Export movements by system, Mexico
, 72–73, 2013
Export-oriented crops
, 13
Farm Income Insurance Scheme (FIIS)
, 88
Farmer decision-making
, 97
Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)
, 13–14
Fertilizer consumption in kilograms per hectare (FCKPH)
, 150
Financial system development (FSD)
, 30
Fisher Chi-square ADF panel unit root test
, 198–199
Fisher Johansen cointegration test
, 150–151
Fisher-Johansen cointegration test
, 153
Flash floods
, 7, 124
affected sectors and extent
, 130
effect on agriculture and food security
, 130–131
effects on daily earning
, 132–133
effects on homestead and education
, 133
effects on livestock
, 131–132
socio-economic condition of respondents
, 129
unemployment, food insecurity and miseries
, 129–133
Flood Action Plan (FAP)
, 126
Focus group discussions (FGDs)
, 129
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
, 42–43, 145, 164, 180–181, 192, 226
Food crisis during COVID-19
, 215
Food for Work and Test Relief programmes
, 127–128
Food Insecure and Poor (FIP)
, 230
Food Insecure but Non-Poor (FINP)
, 230
Food insecurity
, 128, 179, 198, 213, 217, 226, 229
, 180–183
COVID-19 and
, 218
, 230
imagination, freedom, and
, 179–180
international food system and Pakistan
, 183–186
, 214–215
reasons for food insecurity in Afghanistan
, 217–218
under Taliban Regime
, 218–219
terminology related to
, 229–230
Food insecurity estimation for the sample households
, 239
Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES)
, 226
Food production
, 43–44, 114, 144
Food Secure and Non-Poor (FSNP)
, 230
Food Secure but Poor (FSP)
, 230
Food security
, 4–5, 144, 164, 192, 194, 212, 226
agriculture, food security and rice production in G-20 countries
, 146–147
analysis of result
, 172
, 7
causes and consequences
, 8
, 194–195
data and methodology
, 150–152
econometric analysis
, 149
econometric model for determinants of
, 198–199
effect on
, 130–131
in G-20 countries
, 146–147
, 7–8
methodology and data source
, 172
, 195–198
, 173–174
, 153, 158, 200–201
review of literature
, 165–172
survey of literature
, 148–149
Foreign direct investment (FDI)
, 5–6, 30, 42
Forest ecosystem services
, 44
Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
, 64
, 144, 146
agriculture, food security and rice production in
, 146–147
Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model
, 6, 95, 99–100
data and methodology
, 101
literature review
, 95–101
, 101–102
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
, 185
Global Hunger Index (GHI)
, 180–181
, 12–13, 42–43, 168
Granger causality test
, 49–50, 56
Gratuitous Relief (GR)
, 134
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
, 42–43, 45–46
Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 27–28, 171–172, 181–182
Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP)
, 228–229
Gross value added (GVA)
, 166–167
Indemnity-based insurance products
, 81–82
, 93–94, 108–109, 193
status of food security in
, 200–201
India, China and the United States (ICU)
, 5–6, 42
data source and variable description
, 47
empirical model
, 48–50
literature review
, 44–46
objectives of study
, 47
, 56–57
research gap
, 46–47
research methodology
, 47–50
, 50–56
Indian agriculture
, 12, 166
Indirect use value
, 43–44
Indo-Gangetic basin
, 109–111
Institute of Business Administration (IBA)
, 186–187
Insurance products
, 80–81
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
, 71
Intergovernmental Working Group
, 226
International food system
, 183–186
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 192, 215
Internet of Things (IoT)
, 168–169
, 108, 111–112, 114–115
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)
, 166
, 193–194, 217
Market-related risks
, 108–109
Maximal eigenvalue statistics
, 150–151
Midday meal programs, anganwadi, and employment guarantee programs (MGNREGA)
, 168–169
Millennium development goals (MDGs)
, 192–193
Minimum Support Prices (MSPs)
, 12–14
Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR)
, 126
Mixed-methods approach
, 7
Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS)
, 88
Mukhya Mantri Kisan Kalyan Yojana
, 19–21
Multi-peril crop insurance (MPCI)
, 80
Multidimensional food security index
, 194
Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
, 229
Multinomial logistic (m-logit) regression model
, 230
Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
, 97
Multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (MGARCH) model
, 99–100
Multivariate regression analysis
, 109–111
National Agricultural Disaster Fund (FNGCA)
, 85
National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS)
, 88
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
, 13
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
, 73
National Crop Insurance Program (NCIP)
, 88
National Disaster Management Council (NDMC)
, 126
National Food Security
, 14
National Food Security Act 2013
, 165
National Plan for Disaster Management (NPDM)
, 126
National System of Logistics Platforms (SNPL)
, 71
Natural pollinators
, 43–44
Nature-based solutions (NBS)
, 83
Negusa Tengara Barat (NTB)
, 90
Neo-classical theory
, 44–45
Nigeria, agriculture in
, 27–28
Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL)
, 28
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
, 80–81, 185, 221
Normalization of data
, 195–198
Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)
, 80
North American Free Trade Agreements (NAFTA)
, 64
Nutritional International
, 185
Paddy production
, 108
data source
, 111–112
future scopes of study
, 117
gaps in literature
, 111
limitations of study
, 117
literature review
, 109–111
, 112
objectives of study
, 111
, 112–115
, 212–214
domestic and international response
, 215–216
food crisis during COVID-19
, 215
policy recommendations
, 221
research objectives, research questions, and research methodology
, 213
results of the study
, 220
review of literature
, 213
Panel cointegration
, 149
estimated results of
, 201–207
, 198
Panel error correction result
, 153–157
Panel unit root tests
, 150
estimated results of
, 201
Paschim Medinipur district
, 109
Pedroni approach test
, 153
Pedroni cointegration test
, 198–199
People’s Insurance Company of China (PICC)
, 87
Per capita food availability
, 165
Per capita monthly expenditure (MPCE)
, 235–237
poverty and food insecurity based on
, 240
Perspective Plan (2021)
, 126, 2041
Phillips Perron (PP) test statistic
, 207
Pilot Crop Insurance Scheme (PCIS)
, 88
Pilot Scheme on Seed Crop Insurance (PSSCI)
, 88
PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana
, 13–14
Pooled mean group (PMG)
, 199
estimated results of PMG regression
, 201–202
Population displacement
, 214
Post-liberalization period
, 12–13
Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
, 94
, 4–5, 193
and food insecurity based on MPCE
, 240
, 229
terminology related to
, 229–230
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
, 13–14, 88
Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana (PMGKY)
, 168–169
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PMKISAN)
, 19–21
Price volatility
, 93–94, 144
Primary data analysis
, 235–240
Producer rice price indices relative to GDP deflator (RPGDPDef)
, 150
Producer support (PS)
, 150
Public Distribution System (PDS)
, 12, 165, 168–169, 230
Public model of crop insurance
, 80
Public–private partnership (PPP) model
, 80
Radimer/Cornell measures
, 226
Regional disparity in food security in India
, 207
Regression results
, 240–244
of multinomial logit to analysis to examine poverty and food security
, 242–244
Regular employees (RE)
, 237
Renegotiation of TMEC
, 65
Renewable energy consumption (REC)
, 45–46
Research and development (R&D)
, 166–167
Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Schemes (RWBCIS)
, 13–14
Reuters Market Light (RMLb)
, 98
Rice production in 1 tonnes (RPTT)
, 000, 150
Rice production in G-20 countries
, 146–147
Rice production tonnes per hectare (RPTPH)
, 150
Rice-potato-jute sequence
, 109–111
Risk mitigation schemes
, 81
Risk tolerance of French farmers
, 98–99
Risk-loving behaviour model
, 99
Schwarz Information Criterion (SIC)
, 50
Secondary data analysis
, 231–235
Seemingly Unrelated Regression
, 169–171
Self-reported maximizers
, 97
Serial correlation tests
, 49–50
Short-run analysis
, 203
results of
, 53–55
Short-run effects
, 35–37
of commercial bank’s loan
, 32–34
of commercial banks’ interest
, 34–35
Social safety net programmes (SSNPs)
, 126
Spatial autocorrelation
, 231
Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
, 168
Square food insecurity gap
, 230
, 5, 108, 192
, 6–7
results of stability test graph
, 55
Standing Orders on Disaster (SOD)
, 126
State-specific panel regression in short run
, 203–207
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA)
, 15
Structural Social Psychology Methodology
, 97
Sustainable agriculture
, 82
Sustainable agriculture, crop insurance towards
, 82–84
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 42, 184, 227–228
, 192–193