
Growth, Poverty and Developmental Aspects of Agriculture

ISBN: 978-1-83608-077-0, eISBN: 978-1-83608-076-3

Publication date: 20 November 2024

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(2024), "Index", Das, R.C. (Ed.) Growth, Poverty and Developmental Aspects of Agriculture, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 249-258.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2025 Ramesh Chandra Das. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)
, 111–112

, 192

Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)
, 168–169

Action Against Hunger
, 185

, 212, 216–217

domestic and international response
, 219–220

food crisis during COVID-19
, 215

policy recommendations
, 221

reasons for food insecurity in
, 217–218

research objectives, research questions, and research methodology
, 213

results of the study
, 220

review of literature
, 213

Agribusiness pricing
, 96

Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund (ACGSF)
, 28–29

long-run effects
, 35–37

short-run effects
, 35–37

Agricultural financing companies
, 28

Agricultural free trade
, 67–68

Agricultural growth
, 4, 166

long-and short-run effect of commercial bank’s loan to agricultural sector on
, 32–34

Agricultural growth sustainability

long-and short-run effects of ACGSF on
, 35–37

long-and short-run effects of commercial banks’ interest on
, 34–35

Agricultural Insurance Scheme
, 81–82

Agricultural labor (ALAB)
, 30

Agricultural land area (ALAN)
, 30

Agricultural machinery and capital (AMACH)
, 30

Agricultural output
, 45

Agricultural pollination
, 43–44

Agricultural sector
, 4–5, 108–109, 145

Agricultural suicides
, 81

, 4, 12–13, 108

effect on
, 130–131

in G-20 countries
, 146–147

in Nigeria
, 27–28

, 5

, 42

, 42

Agro-climatic zones
, 13

Agroeconomy sector impact of Sinaloa in Mexico
, 65–66

Agrupación Española de Entidades Aseguradoras de los Seguros Agrarios Combinados (AGROSEGURO)
, 86–87

Air pollution
, 83

Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) criteria
, 50, 101

Allocative efficiency (AE)
, 15

Allowance for the Widow
, 126

, 108–109, 111–112, 114–115

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test
, 109–111

Anchor Borrowers’ Program (ABP)
, 28

, 97–98

Aquaculture insurance
, 86

Asian Countries
, 87–90

Asian Development Bank
, 192

Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (AUTP)
, 90

Augmented Dickey–Fuller test
, 50

, 108–109, 111–112, 114–115

Australian Agency for International Development (AUSAID)
, 90

Autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic (ARCH) model
, 100

Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model
, 5, 30, 45–46, 195

estimated ARDL long-run coefficients
, 31, 33

, 7, 152

, 192

, 216

, 124

government, NGOs and other responses
, 133–137

government and NGOs’ responses to natural disasters in
, 125–128

methods (300)
, 129

study findings
, 129–133

Bangladesh Delta Plan (BDP)
, 126

Bank credit
, 17

Bank finance
, 5

Bank financing
, 29

materials and methods
, 30–32

, 32–37

Bank loans
, 5

Barro regression
, 30

Bartlett’s test
, 195

Bhola cyclone
, 125–126

, 99

, 44

Block Exogeneity Wald test
, 49–50

, 108–109, 111–112, 114–115, 124–125

Bounds testing approach
, 30–32

Breusch–Pagan test
, 169–171

Burdwan district
, 94–95

Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)
, 216

Carbon dioxide (CO2)
, 45–46

Carbon emissions
, 42–43, 47

Casual labourers (CL)
, 237

Causality test, results of
, 56

Central Bank of Nigeria
, 28

Challakere markets
, 100

, 97

“Chronic” food insecurity
, 164

Classical theory
, 44–45

Climate change
, 124

, 43–44

Climate-related disasters
, 214

Climate-smart agricultural Practices (CSAPs)
, 169–171

Cobb–Douglas production function
, 109–111

Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS)
, 88

Cointegration test
, 32, 150–151

Commercial Agriculture Credit Scheme (CACS)
, 28

Commercial Bank Credit to Private Sector
, 28–29

Commercial crops
, 13

Commodity price volatility
, 99–100

Compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
, 7, 165, 172

Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme (CCIS)
, 88

Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (CDMP)
, 126

Conservation strategies
, 44

Consumption-expenditure-based poverty estimation
, 235–239

Convergence measurement in food security
, 199

Coping strategies
, 213

Coppock’s index
, 112

, 153

, 212


and food insecurity
, 218

, 168–169

Crop diversification
, 83

Crop growth simulation approach
, 109–111

Crop insurance
, 5–6, 80

Asian Countries
, 87–90

, 87–88

empirical findings
, 90–91

European countries
, 84–87

, 85

, 85–86

, 88–89

, 89–90

literature review
, 80–82

, 82

, 82

scenario in selected European and Asian Countries
, 84–90

, 86–87

towards sustainable agriculture
, 82–84

Crop pollination
, 44

Crop productions
, 4

, 13–14

CUSUM tests
, 49–50

Cyclone Preparedness Program (CPP)
, 126

Daily earning, effects on
, 132–133

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
, 5, 15

brief review of existing literature
, 15–17

, 17–18

results and analysis
, 19–21

TE model
, 18–19

Decision-making units (DMU)
, 18

, 43–44

Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare (DAC & FW)
, 172

Deposit money banks
, 28

interest rate
, 5

Descriptive statistics
, 240–242

Deserted and Destitute Women and Maternity Allowance for the Poor
, 126

, 4

Dickey–Fuller bound test
, 50

Difference fixed effect (DFE) model
, 199

Digital Agriculture Mission (DAM)
, 14–15

Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES)
, 172

Disable Allowance
, 126

Disaster Management (DM) Act 2012
, 126

Disaster Management Bureau (DMB)
, 126

Disaster Management Policy 2015
, 126

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
, 126

Domestic rice price
, 7

Durbin–Watson statistics
, 53–55

East Lombok of East Java
, 90

Ecological footprint
, 45–46

Econometric analysis
, 149

Econometric model
, 99–100

for determinants of food security
, 198–199

Economic disturbances
, 214

Economic efficiency (EE)
, 15

Economic incentives
, 145

Ecosystem services
, 44

Education, effects on
, 133

, 12

Eidhi Foundation
, 185

Eighth (8th) Five Year Plan
, 126

Emergency Response Management (ERM)
, 126

Emerging market and developing economy (EMDE)
, 13–14

Endogenous growth theory
, 44–45

Engle–Granger two-step test
, 150–151

Entidad Estatal de Seguros Agrarios O. A. (ENESA)
, 86–87

Environment-related risks
, 108–109

Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)
, 45

Environmental pollution
, 46

Error correction model (ECM)
, 48

Error correction term (ECT)
, 35, 151

European countries
, 84–87

Experimental Crop Insurance Scheme (ECIS)
, 88

Export logistics
, 71–72

Export movements by system, Mexico
, 72–73, 2013

Export subsidies
, 68

Export-oriented crops
, 13

Farm Income Insurance Scheme (FIIS)
, 88

Farmer decision-making
, 97

Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)
, 13–14

Fertilizer consumption in kilograms per hectare (FCKPH)
, 150

, 14–15

, 186–187

Financial risks
, 108–109

Financial system development (FSD)
, 30

, 28

Fiscal year (FY)
, 215

Fisher Chi-square ADF panel unit root test
, 198–199

Fisher Johansen cointegration test
, 150–151

Fisher-Johansen cointegration test
, 153

, 13

Flash floods
, 7, 124

affected sectors and extent
, 130

effect on agriculture and food security
, 130–131

effects on daily earning
, 132–133

effects on homestead and education
, 133

effects on livestock
, 131–132

socio-economic condition of respondents
, 129

unemployment, food insecurity and miseries
, 129–133

Flood Action Plan (FAP)
, 126

, 124

Focus group discussions (FGDs)
, 129

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
, 42–43, 145, 164, 180–181, 192, 226

Food availability
, 192

Food crisis during COVID-19
, 215

Food crisis problem
, 193

Food crops
, 145–146

Food for Work and Test Relief programmes
, 127–128

Food grains
, 12–15, 165

Food Insecure and Poor (FIP)
, 230

Food Insecure but Non-Poor (FINP)
, 230

Food insecurity
, 128, 179, 198, 213, 217, 226, 229

, 180–183

COVID-19 and
, 218

, 230

imagination, freedom, and
, 179–180

international food system and Pakistan
, 183–186

, 214–215

reasons for food insecurity in Afghanistan
, 217–218

under Taliban Regime
, 218–219

terminology related to
, 229–230

Food insecurity estimation for the sample households
, 239

Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES)
, 226

Food prices
, 7, 144–145

Food production
, 43–44, 114, 144

Food Savers
, 185

Food Secure and Non-Poor (FSNP)
, 230

Food Secure but Poor (FSP)
, 230

Food security
, 4–5, 144, 164, 192, 194, 212, 226

agriculture, food security and rice production in G-20 countries
, 146–147

analysis of result
, 172

, 7

causes and consequences
, 8

, 194–195

data and methodology
, 150–152

econometric analysis
, 149

econometric model for determinants of
, 198–199

effect on
, 130–131

in G-20 countries
, 146–147

, 7–8

methodology and data source
, 172

, 195–198

, 173–174

, 153, 158, 200–201

review of literature
, 165–172

survey of literature
, 148–149

Foreign aid
, 212

Foreign direct investment (FDI)
, 5–6, 30, 42

Forest coverage
, 47

Forest ecosystem services
, 44

Forestry insurance
, 86

Framing impacts
, 97

Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
, 64

, 179–180

, 144, 146

agriculture, food security and rice production in
, 146–147

, 12–13

Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model
, 6, 95, 99–100

data and methodology
, 101

literature review
, 95–101

, 101–102

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
, 185

Global Hunger Index (GHI)
, 180–181

Global warming
, 81

, 12–13, 42–43, 168

Government aid
, 126–127

Granary of Mexico
, 64–65

Granger causality test
, 49–50, 56

Gratuitous Relief (GR)
, 134

Green Revolution
, 12

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
, 42–43, 45–46

Greenhouse insurance
, 86

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 27–28, 171–172, 181–182

Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP)
, 228–229

Gross value added (GVA)
, 166–167

, 4–7

Hannan–Quinn Information Criterion (HQ)
, 50

Haor regions
, 124–125, 131

Headcount ratio (HCR)
, 229

Heteroscedasticity tests
, 49–50

, 99

, 98

, 97

Higher levels of poverty incidence (HCR)
, 239

Homestead, effects on
, 133

, 13

Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS)
, 226

Household Food Security Survey Module (HFSSM)
, 226

, 179, 192

Hybrid system
, 80

, 179–180

Impact investors
, 28

Indemnity-based insurance products
, 81–82

Index-based system
, 80

, 93–94, 108–109, 193

status of food security in
, 200–201

India, China and the United States (ICU)
, 5–6, 42

data source and variable description
, 47

empirical model
, 48–50

literature review
, 44–46

objectives of study
, 47

, 56–57

research gap
, 46–47

research methodology
, 47–50

, 50–56

Indian agriculture
, 12, 166

Indian economy
, 13, 165

Indian states
, 15

Indirect use value
, 43–44

Indo-Gangetic basin
, 109–111

Institute of Business Administration (IBA)
, 186–187

Insurance products
, 80–81

Insurance sector
, 83

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
, 71

Intergovernmental Working Group
, 226

International food system
, 183–186

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 192, 215

International trade
, 68

Internet of Things (IoT)
, 168–169

, 97–98

Intuitive judgement
, 97

, 108, 111–112, 114–115

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
, 90

Kajer Binimoye Taka (KABITA)
, 134

Kao cointegration test
, 153

Kerala’s people campaign model
, 166–167

Keynesian theory
, 44–45

Kharif crop
, 94–95

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPk)
, 216

Kisan Card
, 216

KMO test
, 195

Krishi Vigyan Kendra
, 13–14

, 43–44

, 12–13

Likelihood ratio trace statistics
, 150–151

Liner log
, 109–111


effects on
, 131–132

, 86

Local government institutions (LGIs)
, 126–127

Long-run analysis
, 202–203

results of
, 53

Long-run causality
, 151

Long-run coefficients
, 49

Long-run effects

, 35–37

of commercial bank’s loan
, 32–34

of commercial banks’ interest
, 34–35

Long-run form and bound test, results of
, 50–53

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)
, 166

, 193–194, 217

Market-related risks
, 108–109

Marketing strategy
, 96

Maximal eigenvalue statistics
, 150–151

Mean group (MG)
, 199

Midday meal programs, anganwadi, and employment guarantee programs (MGNREGA)
, 168–169

Millennium development goals (MDGs)
, 192–193

Minimum Support Prices (MSPs)
, 12–14

Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR)
, 126

Mixed-methods approach
, 7

Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS)
, 88

Moran’s I
, 231

Mukhya Mantri Kisan Kalyan Yojana
, 19–21

Multi-peril crop insurance (MPCI)
, 80

Multidimensional food security index
, 194

Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
, 229

Multinomial logistic (m-logit) regression model
, 230

Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
, 97

Multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (MGARCH) model
, 99–100

Multivariate regression analysis
, 109–111

National Agricultural Disaster Fund (FNGCA)
, 85

National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS)
, 88

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
, 13

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
, 73

National Crop Insurance Program (NCIP)
, 88

National Disaster Management Council (NDMC)
, 126

National Food Security
, 14

National Food Security Act 2013
, 165

National Plan for Disaster Management (NPDM)
, 126

National System of Logistics Platforms (SNPL)
, 71

Natural pollinators
, 43–44

Nature-based solutions (NBS)
, 83

Negusa Tengara Barat (NTB)
, 90

Neo-classical theory
, 44–45

Nigeria, agriculture in
, 27–28

Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL)
, 28

Nigerian government
, 28

Non-food grains
, 14–15

, 235–237

Non-tariff obstacles
, 68

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
, 80–81, 185, 221

Normality tests
, 49–50

Normalization of data
, 195–198

Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)
, 80

North American Free Trade Agreements (NAFTA)
, 64

Nutrient cycling
, 43–44

Nutrient retention
, 44

Nutritional International
, 185

, 228

materials and methods
, 228–229

, 229–231

policy recommendations
, 244–245

regression results
, 240–244

, 231–235

sources of data
, 229

study area selection
, 228–229

Old Aged Allowance
, 126

Open Market Sale (OMS)
, 126, 134

Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression
, 230–231

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
, 45–46, 150, 183–184

Paddy production
, 108

data source
, 111–112

future scopes of study
, 117

gaps in literature
, 111

limitations of study
, 117

literature review
, 109–111

, 112

objectives of study
, 111

, 112–115

, 212–214

domestic and international response
, 215–216

food crisis during COVID-19
, 215

policy recommendations
, 221

research objectives, research questions, and research methodology
, 213

results of the study
, 220

review of literature
, 213

Panel ARDL
, 198–199

Panel cointegration
, 149

estimated results of
, 201–207

, 198

Panel error correction result
, 153–157

Panel unit root tests
, 150

estimated results of
, 201

Paschim Medinipur district
, 109

Pedroni approach test
, 153

Pedroni cointegration test
, 198–199

People’s Insurance Company of China (PICC)
, 87

Per capita food availability
, 165

Per capita monthly expenditure (MPCE)
, 235–237

poverty and food insecurity based on
, 240

Peril crop insurance
, 80

Perspective Plan (2021)
, 126, 2041

Phillips Perron (PP) test statistic
, 207

Pilot Crop Insurance Scheme (PCIS)
, 88

Pilot Scheme on Seed Crop Insurance (PSSCI)
, 88

, 13

PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana
, 13–14

Policy crisis
, 183

, 43–44

Pooled mean group (PMG)
, 199

estimated results of PMG regression
, 201–202

Population displacement
, 214

Post-liberalization period
, 12–13

Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
, 94

, 4–5, 193

and food insecurity based on MPCE
, 240

, 229

terminology related to
, 229–230

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
, 13–14, 88

Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana (PMGKY)
, 168–169

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PMKISAN)
, 19–21

Price volatility
, 93–94, 144

Primary data analysis
, 235–240

, 12–13

Producer rice price indices relative to GDP deflator (RPGDPDef)
, 150

Producer support (PS)
, 150

, 96

Public Distribution System (PDS)
, 12, 165, 168–169, 230

Public model of crop insurance
, 80

Public–private partnership (PPP) model
, 80

Rabi crop
, 94–95

Radimer/Cornell measures
, 226

Regional disparity in food security in India
, 207

Regional imbalance
, 194

Regression results
, 240–244

of multinomial logit to analysis to examine poverty and food security
, 242–244

Regular employees (RE)
, 237

Renegotiation of TMEC
, 65

Renewable energy consumption (REC)
, 45–46

Research and development (R&D)
, 166–167

Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Schemes (RWBCIS)
, 13–14

Reuters Market Light (RMLb)
, 98

, 12

Rice production in 1 tonnes (RPTT)
, 000, 150

Rice production in G-20 countries
, 146–147

Rice production tonnes per hectare (RPTPH)
, 150

Rice productivity
, 7

Rice-potato-jute sequence
, 109–111

Risk mitigation schemes
, 81

Risk tolerance of French farmers
, 98–99

Risk-loving behaviour model
, 99

Risky selection
, 97

Rural markets
, 100

Russia–Ukraine war
, 144

Schwarz Information Criterion (SIC)
, 50

Secondary data analysis
, 231–235

Seemingly Unrelated Regression
, 169–171

Self-employed (SE)
, 237

, 13

, 212

Self-reported maximizers
, 97

Serial correlation tests
, 49–50

Short-run analysis
, 203

results of
, 53–55

Short-run causality
, 151

Short-run effects

, 35–37

of commercial bank’s loan
, 32–34

of commercial banks’ interest
, 34–35

Short-run model
, 32

Sidr cyclone
, 128

, 64

, 216

Sira markets
, 100

Social safety net programmes (SSNPs)
, 126

SOD 2019
, 126

Soil conservation
, 44

Spatial autocorrelation
, 231

Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
, 168

Speed of adjustment
, 49

Square food insecurity gap
, 230

Square poverty gap
, 229

, 5, 108, 192

, 6–7

results of stability test graph
, 55

Standing Orders on Disaster (SOD)
, 126

State-specific panel regression in short run
, 203–207

Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA)
, 15

Strong causality
, 151

Structural Social Psychology Methodology
, 97

Sustainable agriculture
, 82

Sustainable agriculture, crop insurance towards
, 82–84

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 42, 184, 227–228

, 192–193

, 112

Taliban Regime
, 218–219

“Target price” approach
, 168–169

Tariff barriers
, 68

Technical efficiency (TE)
, 15, 18–19

Technological advancements
, 4

Theory of planned behaviour (TPB)
, 96–97

Time trend variance model
, 99–100

, 64

Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
, 109–111

Total Interpretive Structural Modelling (TISM)
, 168–169

Traditional indemnity-based system
, 80

“Transitory” food insecurity
, 164

, 6

, 128

Union Council (UP)
, 129, 134

Union Parishad (UP)
, 134

Union Territory (UT)
, 89

Unit root test, results of
, 50

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
, 127

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
, 216

United States–Canada–Mexico (USCM) treaty
, 6, 65

agricultural exports
, 65

agricultural free trade
, 67–68

impact of agroeconomy sector of Sinaloa in Mexico
, 65–66

contextual framework of exports in
, 68–69

data analysis
, 69–74

materials and methods
, 69

research design
, 69

research instrument
, 69

research limitations
, 73–74

, 74–75

theoretical-empirical review of literature
, 66–67

Upazila Executive Officer (UNO)
, 134

, 192

Value-added from agriculture, forestry and fishing (VA_AGR)
, 47

, 96

Vector autoregressive (VAR) equation
, 151

Vector error correction model (VECM)
, 45–46, 49–50, 151–152

Vegetable exports and imports, Mexico-EU
, 73

Vegetable King. See Potato (Solanum tuberosum)

Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)
, 126

Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF)
, 126, 134

Wald tests
, 32

Ward Committees (WC)
, 134

Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS)
, 88

Weather index
, 80

West Bengal
, 94–95, 109, 111

World Bank (IBRD)
, 192

World Food Programme (WFP)
, 180–181

World Food Summit (WFS)
, 164

World rice price indices (RPWP)
, 150

World Trade Organization (WTO)
, 12–13

Yield index
, 80

Yield rates
, 4, 112

Z Score
, 195

Section I Growth Aspects of Agriculture Across the Countries and Groups
Chapter 1 Growth, Poverty and Developmental Aspects of Agriculture: An Introductory Note
Chapter 2 Assessing Efficiency of Food Grain Production Across Indian States: An Investigation Based on Data Envelopment Analysis
Chapter 3 Fostering Agricultural Growth Sustainability: The Critical Role of Bank Financing in Nigeria
Chapter 4 Do FDI Inflow, Forest Coverage and CO2 Emission Stimulate Agriculture Sector Productivity? Empirical Evidence From ICU Economies
Chapter 5 The Agricultural Exports on the Renegotiation of USCM: The Case of Sinaloa
Chapter 6 Role of Crop Insurance in Sustainable Agriculture Practices: A Global Perspective
Chapter 7 Interpreting Potato Price Volatility Through GARCH Estimation: A Novel Evidence
Chapter 8 Growth and Stability in Paddy Production and Irrigation Facilities: A State-Level Analysis in India With Special Reference to the Blocks of Paschim Medinipur District in West Bengal
Section II Poverty, Food Security and Developmental Aspects of Agriculture Across the Countries and Groups
Chapter 9 Unemployment, Food Insecurity and the Misery of Flood-Affected People in Bangladesh: How Do the Government and NGOs Respond?
Chapter 10 Understanding the Problem of Food Security of the G-20 Countries From the Nexus Between Food Price and Food Production
Chapter 11 Has Indian Agricultural Growth Manage Food Security in India Successfully in the Last Decade? An Empirical Investigation
Chapter 12 Pakistan: Food Insecurity in a National Security State
Chapter 13 Determinants and Regional Imbalance of Food Security for the Selected States in India
Chapter 14 Food Security in Pakistan and Afghanistan: Investigating the Lacunae of Domestic Policy and Foreign Policy
Chapter 15 Understanding the Linkage Between Household Poverty and Food Security: Insights From the Indian State of Odisha