
Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Responsible Consumption and Production

ISBN: 978-1-80455-843-0, eISBN: 978-1-80455-840-9

Publication date: 22 June 2023

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(2023), "Index", Birdthistle, N. and Hales, R. (Ed.) Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Responsible Consumption and Production (Family Businesses on a Mission), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 95-99.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Naomi Birdthistle and Rob Hales. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited


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Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030)
, 1

Animal By-Products Disposal Act
, 46–47

Animal welfare
, 60

Atkinson’s approach to SDG#12
, 93–94

Atkinsons Coffee Roasters
, 8, 77

, 78–80

Atkinsons and SDG#12
, 91–94

background to Atkinsons
, 80–81

business and greater good
, 90

Business model and SDG#2
, 88–89

challenges of working with SDG#12
, 89–90

new broom sweeps in
, 82–84

organisational structure and description
, 84

products and/or services offered by Atkinsons
, 80

, 86–87, 89–90

vision and mission
, 78

Atkinsons Impact Report (2022)
, 90

B-Corp company
, 89

B-Corps Certification
, 77

B-Corps Impact Assessment (BIA)
, 77

Bavarian organic cuisine
, 42

Bewley’s coffee

background to
, 68–71

Bewley’s sourced coffee
, 70–71

net positive consumption
, 73–74

products and/or services offered by
, 67–68

reflect and bounce back
, 74–76

sustainable consumption
, 72–73

sustainable production
, 71–72

, 61

, 1, 32, 48–49, 75

, 8, 29–30

responsible consumption and production
, 42–44

, 69

Chairman of Supervisory Board
, 52

China Tea Company
, 7–8, 67–68

Circular economy concept
, 4–5

Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act
, 48

Coatinc Company
, 18

Code of Conduct, The
, 28

Coffee Washing Station
, 89

Commercial Waste Ordinance
, 41–42

Cosy Eco-Inn in Munich Haidhausen
, 37–38

, 3, 18

, 2, 49, 75

, 30–31

, 61

DIY approach
, 92

, 55

, 30

Edible oil
, 58

, 30

, 48

, 54

and climate
, 61

Environmental Purchasing Policy (EPP)
, 89

Epos Biopartner Süd
, 45

European Chemical Transport Association (ECTA)
, 30–32

European Commission, The
, 11–13

European Union (EU)
, 11, 13, 30–31

Executive Board
, 28, 63

Fair trade coffee
, 70–71

Fair trade programme
, 70–71

Family businesses
, 5–6, 11, 13, 53

countries represented in book
, 15–18

family businesses around world
, 15

in twenty-first century, meaning of
, 11–15

Family Management Team (FMT)
, 77–78, 84, 89

Family-owned businesses
, 15

Fast-moving-consumer-goods (FMCG)
, 51

Food industry
, 58

Food waste, legal requirements for hygienic handling of
, 42

Foundation for Family Business
, 18

Frosta AG
, 52, 56

challenge procurement markets
, 64

corporate background
, 51–52

for future
, 61

mission, vision and SDG#12
, 52–63

, 64

strategic challenge
, 64

Frosta Group’s business, The
, 55

Frosta’s business model
, 54

Frosta’s sustainability strategy
, 61, 63

Frozen food
, 54

Gas to liquid based on biogas (GTL based on biogas)
, 30

Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie München e. V. (GWÖ)
, 44, 48–49

German CSR legal guideline
, 61

German Federal Animal By-Products Disposal Act
, 46–47

‘German Sustainability Code’
, 61

‘Glasgow Cup Movement’
, 73

Global Reporting Initiative
, 30–31

‘Grasshopper Tea Warehouse’, The
, 80

Gross value added contribution (GVA contribution)
, 17

Herrmannsdorfer Landwerkstätten Glonn GmbH & Co. KG
, 44

HOYER Group (logistics company)
, 6, 21

background to
, 23–27

business and greater good
, 32

business model and SDG#12
, 29–30

challenges of working with SDG#12
, 31–32

HOYER Group and SDG#12
, 32–33

, 23–24

HOYER’s Code of Conduct
, 21

, 28–31

services offered by
, 23

vision and mission
, 23

Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO)
, 30, 32–33

Ian and Sue Steel
, 84

Industrial food doctrine
, 54

Industrial food production
, 53

Indy’ coffee shop
, 80–81

Intermodal transportation
, 29–30

International Standards
, 61

International sustainability standards
, 30–31

ISO 26000
, 30–31

ISO 26000 Standard principles
, 31

J. Atkinson & Co.
, 77, 80

, 35, 43, 46–48

, 48

SDG#12 responsible consumption and production and
, 40–42

and SDG#12
, 49–50

Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
, 6

Loring Smart Eco Roaster
, 86–87

, 58

Management Development Leadership Programme
, 75

Market, clients and
, 57–58

Munich Haidhausen, Cosy Eco-Inn in
, 37–38

Munich’s First Organic Inn

background to
, 36–38

business and greater good
, 48–49

business model and SDG#12 responsible consumption and production
, 42–44

challenges of working with SDG#12 responsible consumption and production
, 45–48

Cosy Eco-Inn in Munich Haidhausen
, 37–38

key activities of business
, 42

Klinglwirt and SDG#12
, 49–50

networks and awards regarding SDG#12 responsible consumption and production
, 44–45

products and/or services offered by
, 35–36

SDG#12 responsible consumption and production and Klinglwirt
, 40–42

vision and mission
, 35

National Standards
, 61

Natural additives
, 44–45

Net positive consumption
, 73–74

Networks and awards regarding SDG#12 responsible consumption and production
, 44–45

Non-family management approach
, 24

Objective Key Results teams (OKR teams)
, 28

Organic farm Lenz
, 45

Organic herbs
, 44–45

Organic spices
, 44–45

Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
, 86–87

, 57, 73

, 61

Paper Cup Recovery and Recycle Group
, 73

Paris Climate Agreement
, 51, 62

‘Pathway to Paris’ project
, 32

People, Profit and Planet (3 P’s)
, 78

Plan International
, 60

, 64

Process definitions
, 11

Production process
, 7, 55


offered by Atkinsons
, 80

offered by Bewley’s coffee
, 67–68

offered by Munich’s First Organic Inn
, 35–36

quality and safety’
, 61

Progressmaker software
, 29

Purity Law (2003)
, 53–55, 57, 64

Rain Forest Alliance (RFA)
, 79

Rapunzel’s organic spelt flour
, 45

‘Refill Culture’
, 93

Relationship Coffee model, The
, 8, 90–91

Republic of Ireland, The
, 17–18

Responsible Consumerism
, 78

, 92

, 57

Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
, 72

Safety/Security, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ)
, 21, 27

SHEQ forum and the executive board
, 28

SDG number 12 (SDG#12)
, 3, 5, 28–29, 78

Atkinsons and
, 91–94

book series focus
, 6–8

bottom line
, 63

business and greater good
, 59–60

business aspects
, 62

business model and
, 29–30, 42, 44, 54–55, 88–89

challenges of working with
, 31–32, 45, 48, 89–90

clients and market
, 57–58

, 54

family aspects
, 62

HOYER group, and stakeholders
, 30–33

initial situation
, 52

Klinglwirt and
, 49–50

legal requirements for hygienic handling of food waste
, 42

lessons learnt ‘SDG#12 Perspective’
, 59

, 61, 63

mission, vision and
, 52–63

, 52–53

national and international standards
, 61

politics and public
, 58–59

produce as little waste as possible
, 41–42

purity law
, 53–54

networks and awards regarding SDG#12 responsible consumption and production
, 44–45

responsible consumption and production and Klinglwirt
, 40–42

SDG#12. 2
, 57

SDG#12. 3
, 45, 57, 79

SDG#12. 7
, 48

stakeholder relation to
, 55

, 57

waste prevention
, 45–46

waste recycling
, 46–48

waste separation regulations and systems
, 41

Senior Management Team (SMT)
, 84


offered by Atkinsons
, 80

offered by Bewley’s coffee
, 67–68

offered by Munich’s First Organic Inn
, 35–36

Silicon dioxide
, 58

Socio-Emotional Wealth (SEW)
, 53

‘Sole survivor factor’
, 80–81

Speciality Coffee Association (SCA)
, 79


, 2

relation to SDG#12
, 55

SDG#12, HOYER Group and
, 30–31

Strategic Guiding Principles
, 28

Structural definitions
, 11

, 58

, 57

Supply chain management
, 5

, 26–27, 52, 63

, 90

, 27

, 56

Sustainability Development Officer (SDO)
, 78

Sustainable business models
, 43

Sustainable consumption
, 72–73

Sustainable consumption and production (CSP)
, 67

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
, 1, 27, 87–88

methodological approach adopted for book
, 8

SDG#12 book series focus
, 6–8

Sustainable differentiation
, 64

Sustainable production
, 71–72

, 36

Traceability and Transparency and Trust (3 Tr’s)
, 78, 80

UK gross domestic product (GDP)
, 15, 17

, 77

Unique selling point (USP)
, 92

United Kingdom
, 17, 69, 73

United Nations Global Compact
, 30–31

Unser Bio-Ei
, 45

, 15

, 58

, 15


, 45–46

, 46–48

separation regulations and systems
, 41

Waste Act
, 46–47

‘Wholesale Department’
, 92–93

William Prym Holding Ltd.
, 18

World Wide Fund (WWF)
, 32

‘Wylex’ plugs
, 81