ISBN: 978-1-80455-413-5, eISBN: 978-1-80455-410-4
Publication date: 18 March 2024
(2024), "Prelims", Goel, P., Simmons, J., Marwah, S., Andersson, L., Neuhaus, S. and Mahat, M. (Ed.) Building a Better Normal (Great Debates in Higher Education), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xvi.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Priya Goel, Jonathan Simmons, Smridhi Marwah, Lars Andersson, Sinikka Neuhaus and Marian Mahat. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Building a Better Normal
Series Title Page
Great Debates in Higher Education is a series of short, accessible books addressing key challenges to and issues in Higher Education, on a national and international level. These books are research informed but debate driven. They are intended to be relevant to a broad spectrum of researchers, students and administrators in higher education, and are designed to help us unpick and assess the state of higher education systems, policies and social and economic impacts.
Recently Published in This Series
Recognizing Promise: The Role of Community Colleges in a Post Pandemic World
Michael A. Baston, Beatrice L. Bridglall and Michael Nettles
Arts and Academia
Carola Boehm
The Affective Researcher
Andrew G. Gibson
From Access to Engagement and Beyond
Stuart Billingham
Selling Our Youth: Graduate Stories of Class, Gender and Work in Challenging Times
Harriet Bradley, Richard Waller and Laura Bentley
Theory of Change: Debates and Applications to Access and Participation in Higher Education
Samuel Dent, Anna Mountford-Zimdars and Ciaran Burke
Transformational University Leadership: A Case Study for 21st Century Leaders and Aspirational Research Universities
Hilary Coulson, Yali Zou and Frank Fernandez
Degrees of Success: The Transitions From Vocational to Higher Education
Geoff Hayward, Eugenia Katartzi, Hubert Ertl and Michael Hoelscher
Reimagining Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Survival Beyond 2021
Gary B. Crosby, Khalid A. White, Marcus A. Chanay and Adriel A. Hilton
Higher Education at the Crossroads of Disruption: The University of the 21st Century
Andreas Kaplan
Combatting Marginalisation by Co-Creating Education: Methods, Theories and Practices From the Perspectives of Young People
Edited by David Thore Gravesen, Kaz Stuart, Mette Bunting, Sidse Hølvig Mikkelsen and Peter Hornbæk Frostholm
Challenging the Teaching Excellence Framework: Diversity Deficits in Higher Education Evaluations
Amanda French and Kate Carruthers Thomas
Leadership of Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A What Not to Do Guide for HBCU Leaders
Johnny D. Jones
The Fully Functioning University
Tom Bourner, Asher Rospigliosi and Linda Heath
A Brief History of Credit in UK Higher Education: Laying Siege to the Ivory Tower
Wayne Turnbull
Degendering Leadership in Higher Education
Barret Katuna
Cultural Journeys in Higher Education: Student Voices and Narratives
Jan Bamford and Lucy Pollard
Perspectives on Access to Higher Education
Sam Broadhead, Rosemarie Davis and Anthony Hudson
Radicalisation and Counter-Radicalisation in Higher Education
Catherine McGlynn and Shaun McDaid
Refugees in Higher Education: Debate, Discourse and Practice
Jacqueline Stevenson and Sally Baker
The Marketisation of English Higher Education: A Policy Analysis of a Risk-Based System
Colin McCaig
Access to Success and Social Mobility Through Higher Education: A Curate's Egg?
Edited by Stuart Billingham
Evaluating Scholarship and Research Impact: History, Practices, and Policy Development
Jeffrey W. Alstete, Nicholas J. Beutell and John P. Meyer
Sexual Violence on Campus: Power-Conscious Approaches to Awareness, Prevention, and Response
Chris Linder
Higher Education, Access and Funding: The UK in International Perspective
Edited by Sheila Riddell, Sarah Minty, Elisabet Weedon and Susan Whittaker
British Universities in the Brexit Moment: Political, Economic and Cultural Implications
Mike Finn
Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: Challenges, Changes and the Teaching Excellence Framework
Amanda French and Matt O'Leary
Title Page
Building a Better Normal
Visions of Schools of Education in a Post-Pandemic World
Edited by
Priya Goel
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jonathan Simmons
University of Connecticut, USA
Smridhi Marwah
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Together with
Lars Andersson
Lund University, Sweden
Sinikka Neuhaus
Lund University, Sweden
Marian Mahat
University of Melbourne, Australia
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing, Floor 5, Northspring, 21-23 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL
First edition 2024
Editorial matter and selection © 2024 Priya Goel, Jonathan Simmons, Smridhi Marwah, Lars Andersson, Sinikka Neuhaus and Marian Mahat.
Individual chapters © 2024 The Authors.
Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-80455-413-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-80455-410-4 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-80455-412-8 (Epub)
This book is dedicated to all of the educators across the globe who work tirelessly for the success of their students.
List of Figures and Tables
Chapter 2 | ||
Fig. 2.1. | Percentage of Public-School Teachers, by Race/Ethnicity. | 21 |
Chapter 7 | ||
Fig. 7.1. | Faculty of Education (FOE) 2022 Workforce Strategy Model. | 131 |
Chapter 2 | ||
Table 2.1. | Neag School of Education Early College Experience Programme Courses. | 28 |
Table 2.2. | Neag School of Education Early College Experience Course Completion (2019–2022). | 31 |
Chapter 3 | ||
Table 3.1. | COVID-19 Response Committees. | 40 |
Chapter 6 | ||
Table 6.1. | Seven Strands of Content. | 102 |
Table 6.2. | Phase Inquiry Questions. | 103 |
List of Contributors
Lars Andersson | Lund University, Sweden |
Sophia Arkoudis | The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Jacqueline Batchelor | University of Johannesburg, South Africa |
Helena Berglund | Lund University, Sweden |
Jo Blannin | The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Roberto Domínguez Cáceres | Tecnologico de Monterrey, México |
Ga Young Chung | University of California Davis, USA |
Janet Clinton | The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Caroline Cohrssen | The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Elizer Jay de los Reyes | The University of Southampton, UK |
Rafaela Bueckmann Diegoli | Tecnologico de Monterrey, México |
Priya Goel | The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Lorraine Graham | The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Sarah Gravett | University of Johannesburg, South Africa |
Anna Houmann | Lund University, Sweden |
Jason Irizarry | University of Connecticut, USA |
Marian Mahat | The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Smridhi Marwah | The University of Auckland, New Zealand |
Joanna McIntyre | The University of Nottingham, UK |
Sinikka Neuhaus | Lund University, Sweden |
Nadine Petersen | University of Johannesburg, South Africa |
John Quay | The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Bairbre Redmond | University College Dublin, Ireland |
Suzanne Rice | The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Yuhang Rong | University of Connecticut, USA |
Judith Aurora Ruíz Godoy Rivera | Tecnologico de Monterrey, México |
Jonathan Simmons | University of Connecticut, USA |
Saran Stewart | University of Connecticut, USA |
Stefanie Sullivan | The University of Nottingham, UK |
Ethel Villafranca | The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Paulina Campos Villaseñor | Tecnologico de Monterrey, México |
Jim Watterston | The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Asma Zulfiqar | The University of Queensland, Australia |
Sinikka Neuhaus and Lars Andersson
The COVID-19 pandemic brought about unprecedented challenges and changes in schools of education globally. Administrators, instructors and students were forced to create and quickly adapt to new modes of teaching and learning while navigating the complex and often-changing public health and safety guidelines and regulations. While we faced different circumstances across our institutional contexts, we collectively grappled with the challenge of flexibility, adaptability, technology-enhanced remote learning, and supporting our students. As we enter post-pandemic research, learning and teaching, we must reflect to reimagine. That is, we must consider the past and present to facilitate our reimagination of what schools of education can and should be in a better normal. Our reflections on our organisations, policies and practices can generate critical insights as we collectively tackle persisting issues of student well-being, educational equity, educational quality, technology use and more.
In the spring of 2020, the Universitas 21 (U21) Deans of Education group and the Forum for International Networking in Education (FINE) Leadership Team conceived of this book project to collectively reflect and reimagine learning, teaching and research in schools of education. This inspiration came from virtual meetings, from 2020 onwards, in which members of the Deans of Education group shared their ongoing experiences and challenges with navigating and managing learning, teaching and research during the pandemic. This book emphasises the possibilities and challenges we face in education in a post-pandemic era, driven by knowledge, skills, creative and critical thinking with technology as an accelerator for learning. Guided by late Professor David Clarke's legacy and his remarkable willingness to collaborate and engage in dialogue and our collective commitment to educational excellence and equity, we aim for this book to inspire reflection and reimagination among education scholars globally. In that spirit of reflection, collaboration and reimagination, we'd like to share a poem written by David Clarke that speaks to living joyfully in community.
Good morning all, here comes the sun.
Another day has now begun.
We are the gifts that we exchange.
Across the landscapes of our lives we range.
No need for fear, we are all here.
And gloriously evermore shall be.
In conversation you with me and we.
A joy to live, a joy to be,
Please celebrate without restraint,
We have no pretext for complaint.
–David Clarke, 22 November 2017
- Prelims
- 1 Towards a Better Normal: Schools of Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- 2 Beginning to Cultivate a Diverse Teaching Force Through Early College Experience in Connecticut
- 3 Challenges Faced by a New Educational Model and the Community at Monterrey Tech: Post-Pandemic Perspectives
- 4 Navigating the Challenges of Emergency Remote Teaching at the University of Johannesburg
- 5 Ambiguity, Arguments and Visions: First-Year Teacher Student Voices on Digital Teaching During COVID-19
- 6 How Can University Teacher Educators Contribute Towards a ‘Better Normal’ Within a Highly Regulated Policy Space?
- 7 Transforming Education for a Post-COVID World
- 8 Making Space for Learning
- 9 Beyond Perseverance: Developing Academic Resilience for a Better Normal
- 10 What Did I Sign Up For? Navigating Graduate Study During a Pandemic and Beyond
- 11 Building a Better Normal, Where to Now?