ISBN: 978-1-80382-578-6, eISBN: 978-1-80382-577-9
Publication date: 6 February 2023
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(2023), "Index", Kumar Pal, M. (Ed.) The Impact of Environmental Emissions and Aggregate Economic Activity on Industry: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 357-368.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Mihir Kumar Pal
, 200
Agenda 21
, 231, 250
Aggregative methodology
, 233
Agri-hydroscape, changes in
, 203–205
Agricultural practices
, 196
Agricultural production, climate change on
, 196
Agricultural sector
, 253
Agricultural systems, changing climate and
, 199–200
, 197
input management
, 200–208
, 199
sustainability in fertiliser consumption in
, 205–208
, 200
Agronomic soil conservation strategies
, 201
Air emissions, nature and seasonal trend of
, 337–339
Air pollutants
, 336
Air pollution
, 184, 216, 332
, 277
data source
, 185–188
description of study area
, 335–336
higher levels of
, 185
of Kolkata
, 334–335
major causes of seasonal fluctuation
, 340
, 185–187, 336–340
relevancy in national and international platform
, 333–334
result of analysis
, 188–192
survey of literature
, 184–185
Air quality crisis
, 332
Air Quality Index (AQI)
, 46, 141, 278
growth rate of
, 285
of Mumbai, India, statistics of
, 282
Akaike information criterion (AIC)
, 133, 176
Analytical process
, 95
Annual Survey of Industries
, 344
Artificial intelligence (AI)
, 69
Asian countries
, 94–95
Asian economies
, 95
Augmented Dickey–Fuller test (ADF test)
, 158, 279, 318–319
, 332
Bar diagram
, 186
Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition (BCFN)
, 84
Baseline model
, 114–118
empirical calibration
, 119–120
impact of increase in stringency of environmental norms
, 118–119
impact of technological advancement in production of clean energy
, 119
impact of technological progress towards fuel efficiency
, 119
Basic Services for Urban Poor (BSUP)
, 294
Bengal Smoke Nuisance Act, The
, 1905, 280
Bhagirathi–Hooghly River systems
, 43
Bidirectional Causality
, 108
Biodiversity loss
, 293
Bombay Smoke Nuisance Act, The
, 1905, 280
Bureaucratic system
, 40
Capacity utilisation (CU)
, 314
method for measuring
, 317–318
Capital controls
, 171
Capital deflator
, 161
Capital input
, 160
Capital intensity (CAPIN)
, 347, 352
Capital-wise data
, 301
Capital–labour ratio (K/L)
, 186–187
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
, 12
Carbon Capture/Utilization and Storage (CCS/CCUS)
, 12
Carbon capturing smart cities
, 20
Carbon capturing smart construction industry model
, 15
construction phase and carbon capturing smart supply chain
, 18–19
and construction project management
, 13–16
design phase
, 16–18
, 19–20
Carbon capturing smart supply chain, construction phase and
, 18–19
Carbon capturing smart technologies
, 19
Carbon capturing technologies
, 13, 15–16
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
, 1, 94, 166, 170
analysis of results
, 100–108
Breusch–Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test
, 105
definition of variables and model
, 98–100
first generation panel unit-root tests
, 102
individual cross-section cointegration results
, 104
Johansen Fisher Panel Cointegration Test
, 103
, 95–98
Pairwise Granger Causality Tests
, 106–107
panel cross-section heteroscadasticity LR Test
, 104
Panel EGLS
, 105
Pedroni residual cointegration test and Kao residual cointegration test
, 102
review of existing literature
, 95
summary of literature review
, 96–97
Carbon dioxide emission to per unit of energy used (CEU)
, 127
Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2E) (see also Environmental emission)
, 2, 4, 12, 14, 108, 129, 175, 344–345
Carbon dioxide removal technologies (CDR technologies)
, 12
Carbon efficiency of energy use (CEU)
, 4
Carbon emission (CE)
, 3, 69, 72, 130, 170
role of nuclear energy to reduce carbon emission problem
, 72
Carbon monoxide (CO)
, 334
Carbon neutrality
, 16
Carbon prices level
, 20
Casual enterprises
, 347
Cement production
, 17
Central Statistical Organization
, 159
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. (CMIE)
, 344
Chemical and chemical products
, 262–263, 267–269
Chemical industry
, 263
Chemical processes
, 269
Chi-square test
, 133
Chow Test
, 281
, 17
City-wise data
, 301
Civil society
, 257
Classical theory model
, 251
Clean energy
, 112, 115
per capita
, 117
impact of technological advancement in production of
, 119
Clean technology
, 26
Climate change
, 80, 82, 197, 199, 292–293
on agricultural production
, 196
impacts of climate change on Jordan
, 81–82
Climate-smart agriculture in India
basics of
, 197–198
changing climate and agricultural systems
, 199–200
input management in agriculture
, 200
institutions for
, 208–209
sustainability in fertiliser consumption in agriculture
, 205–208
sustainable water management for
, 200–205
Clinker production process
, 18
, 345
, 346–347, 351–352
, 346
at industry level
, 350–351
, 68, 126
Coefficient of variation (CVt)
, 220
Cointegration test
, 319
Component bar chart
, 186
Composite indicator
, 232
Computable General Equilibrium (CGE)
, 27
Constant returns to scale (CRS)
, 57, 264
Construction industry
, 13, 18
, 19
Construction phase and carbon capturing smart supply chain
, 18–19
Construction project management, carbon capturing smart construction industry and
, 13–16
Consumer Price Index
, 188
Consumption–emission dynamics
, 31
Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)
, 4, 142
data base and survey design
, 144
econometric specification and results
, 144–151
, 145–148
objectives and hypothesis of study
, 143–144
, 148–151
Convergence test
, 119
, 100
Cost function approach
brief review of literature
, 314–315
data sources and methodology
, 316–320
, 315
Cost of pollution
, 118
, 278–279
growth rate of AQI
, 285
, 285–287
, 278
, 279–281
, 278
policy implications
, 287–288
, 281–282
stationarity checking
, 279–280
statistics of AQI of Mumbai, India
, 282
structural break and growth rate
, 280–281
structural break or switching points
, 283–284
unit root test
, 282–283
, 156
Cultural globalisation (CULG)
, 174
CUSUM Of Squares Test
, 283
CUSUM tests
, 281
CUSUMQ tests
, 281
Cyber technologies
, 208
, 278–279
of pollutants
, 188
, 219
, 129–130s, 316
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
, 6, 158, 263
, 316
Decreasing returns to scale (DRS)
, 268
Department of Environment (DoE)
, 46
Department of International Development (DFID)
, 293
Department of Statistics (DoS)
, 85
Design optimization
, 17
Design Phase
, 16–18
Design team
, 16–17
Determinant analysis
, 187
Developed countries (DCs)
, 112
Developing countries
, 170
Development and environment, politics of
, 43–45
Development initiatives
, 43
Development politics
, 41
Dhaka Metrorail
, 47
Direct Air Capture (DAC)
, 12
Disaster risk, perspectives on
, 46–48
Distributive justice
, 112
Divergence test
, 119
Domestic capital
, 61
Domestic pharmaceutical industry
, 156
Dynamic panel equation
, 175
Dynamics, relationship between per capita output growth rate, emission and
, 33
Eco-friendly development
, 250
Eco-industrial zones
, 18
Economic crises
, 266
Economic development
, 40, 141
Economic globalisation
, 171, 174
Economic growth
, 1, 17, 26, 108, 113, 126, 170, 173, 216, 252
and development
, 112
experience of Bangladesh
, 252–255
experience of Maldives
, 255–257
preventing environmental degradation and solving water scarcity problem of Jordan to sustain
, 84–85
theoretical outline of
, 251
Economic scale change (SC)
, 6, 261
Economic system
, 237
Economies mechanisms
, 42
, 126
, 148
Emerging countries
, 216
, 113–114
, 196
, 144
, 20
relationship between per capita output growth rate, dynamics and emission
, 33
Empirical analysis
, 267
Empirical calibration model
, 119–120
Endogenized green capital
, 3
Endogenous growth theories
, 251
Energy (see also Nuclear energy)
, 72, 115, 126, 345
energy-efficient technologies
, 172
, 72
, 83
Energy consumption (ECON)
, 99, 108, 113
and pollution
, 166–167
Energy intensity (EI)
, 344
and CO2 EI at industry level
, 350–351
database and methodology
, 345–347
method for measuring
, 318
, 347–352
Energy resources
, 67–68
in Jordan
, 85
Energy Statistics
, 159
Energy use (ENGU)
, 130, 175
fossil fuels as source of energy and impact on environment
, 126–127
, 129
lag selection criteria test
, 132–133
literature review
, 127–129
motivation of study
, 129
panel cointegration test
, 134
panel unit root test
, 131–132
source of data
, 129–130
South Asian nations and
, 127
theoretical concept
, 130–131
VECM estimation and Wald test 134–135
, 346–347
, 40
fossil fuels as source of energy and impact on
, 126–127
politics of development and
, 43–45
Environment regulations
, 218
Environmental air pollution
, 332
Environmental degradation of Jordan to sustain industrial and economic growth, preventing
, 84–85
Environmental emission
, 112, 157
baseline model
, 114–120
basic model
, 56–58
literature review
, 112–114
variant of basic model
, 58–61
variant of first variant
, 61–65
Environmental governance
, 251–252
in Bangladesh
, 254
experience of Bangladesh
, 252–255
experience of Maldives
, 255–257
in Maldives
, 256
theoretical outline of
, 251
Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
, 40
Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)
, 127–128, 141, 172, 250
hypothesis for ASEAN countries
, 95
Environmental norms, impact of increase in stringency of
, 118–119
Environmental pollution
, 82, 254
Environmental problems
, 70
Environmental Protection and Preservation Act
, 256
Environmental regulations
, 216–217, 223
Environmental stresses
, 230
Environmental sustainability
, 306
Environmental systems
, 43, 230
Environmentally sound technology (EST)
, 54, 347
Equilibrium analysis
, 55
Estimated Generalised Least Square (EGLS)
, 4
Euler equation
, 28
, 232
Ex situ techniques
, 201
Expanding growth status (EXPG)
, 347
, 224
, 162
Factor accumulation
, 315
Factor endowment hypothesis (FEH)
, 54
Farakka Barrage project
, 43
Fertiliser consumption in agriculture, sustainability in
, 205–208
Financial capital (FC)
, 297
Financial development (FDEV)
, 100, 108
Financial globalisation (FING)
, 174
First generation panel unit-root tests
, 98
Fisher combined test
, 134
Fisher-type test
, 98
Fixed effect model
, 187, 217
, 332
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
, 197
Food security
, 196–197, 201
Foreign capital
, 61
Foreign direct investments (FDI)
, 69, 156, 216
, 218
trend analysis of
, 221–223
Fossil fuels
, 12
fossil fuel-based energy resources
, 68
impact of rise in price of
, 35–36
as source of energy and impact on environment
, 126–127
4-digit manufacturing industries
, 269, 274
Fuel consumption
, 167
Fully modified ordinary least square estimation (FMOLS)
, 103
Gas fuels
, 129–130
GDP efficiency of energy use (GEU)
, 4, 127
General equilibrium
, 55
Generalised Method of Moments (GMM)
, 5, 175
Global warming
, 94, 141, 199, 293
, 54n1, 67, 112, 169–170
data and methodology
, 174–175
empirical findings
, 176–178
, 172
literature survey
, 172–174
, 170
concern about
, 45–46
data sources
, 219
, 218
, 219
Government of India
, 159
Gradient of locus of steady-state conditions
, 38
Granger causality test
, 319–320
, 326–327
Great Depression, The
, 27
Green and sustainable total factor productivity growth
, 12
Green capital
, 3, 54, 61–62
and environment
, 54
Green economy
, 237
Green nuclear energy
, 69
Green technology
, 3, 54, 143
basic model
, 56–58
variant of basic model
, 58–61
variant of first variant
, 61–65
, 112
Greenhouse gas emission (GHG emission)
, 12, 68, 94, 113, 196, 344–345
Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 129, 250
, 108
per capita
, 99
Gross fixed capital stock (GFCS)
, 160
Gross value added (GVA)
, 160
, 116
of Indian unorganised manufacturing sector
, 347–349
rate of TFP
, 316
Hannan–Quinn information criterion (HQIC)
, 133
Harold Hotelling’s approach
, 29
Hausman’s specification test
, 190
Heavy transportation in metropolitan cities
, 335
Heavy-polluting businesses
, 170
Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV)
, 54
, 148
Human capital (HC)
, 114, 297, 302
Human health
, 68
Hydrogen (H)
, 68
Im, Pesaran, and Shin test (IPS test)
, 98, 131
In situ techniques
, 201
Independent variables
, 99
, 344
basics of
, 197–198
changing climate and agricultural systems
, 199–200
city development plans in
, 294–297
input management in agriculture
, 200
institutions for
, 208–209
sustainability in fertiliser consumption in agriculture
, 205–208
sustainable water management for
, 200–205
Indian agriculture sector
, 196
Indian Boilers Act, The
, 1923, 280
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
, 208
Indian drugs
, 156
Indian Explosive Act, The
, 1884, 280
Indian manufacturing
, 185–186
, 167, 187
Indian Penal Code
, 280
Indian Petroleum Act, The
, 1934, 280
Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
, 156
, 159
energy consumption and pollution
, 166–167
literature review
, 157–159
measurement of output and inputs
, 160–161
measurement of TFPG from trans-log production function
, 161–162
, 159–160
research gap and motivation of study
, 159–161
, 162–166
Indian Subcontinent
, 43
Industrial growth, preventing environmental degradation and solving water scarcity problem of Jordan to sustain
, 84–85
Industrial Revolution (IR)
, 67
Industrial sector
, 84
Industrialisation (INDS)
, 100, 105, 108, 254
in South Asian
, 129
, 253
Industry dummies (ID)
, 347
Infinitesimal changes
, 56
Influence analysis (IA)
, 235
Informal sector
, 55
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
, 85
Informational globalisation (INFG)
, 174
, 20
Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme (IHSDP)
, 294
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC)
, 344
International competitiveness in South Asian
, 129
International Financial Statistics
, 219
International green capital immobility
basic model
, 56–58
, 63–65
variant of basic model
, 58–61
variant of first variant
, 61–65
International Monetary Fund
, 219
International trade
basic model
, 56–58
variant of basic model
, 58–61
variant of first variant
, 61–65
Interpersonal globalisation (INTG)
, 174
Iterative design process
, 16
Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
, 45
Johansen cointegration test
, 321, 326
Johansen Fisher panel cointegration test
, 103
impacts of climate change on
, 81–82
to sustain industrial and economic growth, preventing environmental degradation and solving water scarcity problem of
, 84–85
water resources, political and economic aspects of
, 82–84
Jordan Strategy Forum (JSF)
, 84
Kao ADF-Statistic test
, 134
Kao residual cointegration test
, 102
Kapti Dam
, 43
Kendall Rank Correlation Coefficients
, 242
Keynesian demand-side model
, 251
KOF economic globalisation index
, 172
, 332
air pollution
, 334–335
motor vehicles in
, 335
Kyoto protocol
, 287
, 266
, 160
, 188, 192
Lag selection criteria test
, 132–133
Lagrange Multiplier test
, 351
Large-scale membrane separation
, 13
LEMA Company
, 85
Levin, Lin and Chu’s test (LLC test)
, 98, 131
Life Cycle Cost analysis
, 16
Likelihood ratio test (LR test)
, 132
Line diagram
, 336
Linear programming technique (LP technique)
, 265
, 129–130
Location (LOCN)
, 347
, 287
Lower production cost
, 217
Manufacturing sector
, 156
Market-based strategy
, 230
Matarbari coal-based power plant
, 40
Matarbari power plant
, 40, 47
Maximum-likelihood estimates (MLE)
, 267
Mazziotta & Pareto Index
, 232
Membrane separation
, 13
Mercantilism model
, 251
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
, 353
Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
, 80, 218
Million cubic meter (MCM)
, 83
Minamata disease
, 44
, 237
Model, definition of
, 98–100
Modelling pollution
, 1
Motor Vehicles Act, The
, 1939, 280
Motor vehicles in Kolkata
, 335
MPI index
, 5, 234–236
Multinational corporations (MNCs)
, 253
National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change (NAFCC)
, 197
National and international platform, relevancy of air pollution in
, 333–334
National Annual Statistics (NAS)
, 159
National Environment Engineering Research Institute (NEERI)
, 279
National Industrial Classification (NIC)
, 345
National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)
, 208
National political system
, 40
National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO)
, 345
Natural capital (NC)
, 297
Natural gas
, 68, 126
Natural resources
, 309
Nature of operation (NOPN)
, 346–347
Nitrogen (N)
, 205
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
, 184, 186
variation in
, 338–339
Non-renewable energy resource
, 115
Non-renewable energy sources
, 126
Non-stationary time series
, 131
Non-stationary variables
, 319
, 232
Nuclear energy
, 68
, 69
role of nuclear energy to reduce carbon emission problem
, 72
theoretical background
, 69–71
Nuclear energy power plants (NPP)
, 69
OECD countries
, 69
, 68
Optimal growth-theoretic analysis
literature review
, 26–29
, 29–33
relationship between per capita output growth rate and emission and dynamics
, 33
impact of rise in price of fossil fuel
, 35–36
impact of rise in η
, 33–35
Ordinary least squares (OLS)
, 161–162
, 295
Organised manufacturing enterprises
, 344–345
Oriental Gas Company Act, The
, 1857
Own account enterprises (OAEs)
, 347
Padma Multipurpose Bridge
, 47
Panel cointegration test
, 134
Panel data
estimation method
, 187
regression model
, 346
, 223–225
Panel model
, 190
Panel regression estimation
, 190
Panel unit root test
, 131–132
Particulate matter (PM)
, 184, 186–187
Patent (Amendment) Act (2005)
, 156
Payra Deep Sea Port
, 47
Pedroni residual cointegration test
, 102
Pedroni test
, 134
Per capita capital stock
, 116
Per capita GDP (PCGD)
, 175
Per capita output growth rate, relationship between emission, dynamics and
, 33
Perennial enterprises
, 346–347
Perpetual inventory method (PIM)
, 160
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
, 280, 284
Personal discounting
, 28
, 126
Pharmaceutical industry
, 156
Phillips–Perron test (PP)
, 162, 279, 318–319
Phosphorous (P)
, 205
Photochemical products
, 269
Photovoltaic power plant (PVPP)
, 85
Physical capital (PC)
, 295, 297
Poirier’s Spline function approach
, 6, 285
, 295
, 294
Political globalisation (POLG)
, 174
Political strategy
, 45
Politics of development and environment
, 43–45
, 188, 332
, 1, 28, 184, 249, 293
, 219
energy consumption and
, 166–167
free technology
, 3
policy recommendations
, 258
research questions, data, and methodology
, 251
result of study
, 257–258
theoretical outline of economic growth and environmental governance
, 251–252
Pollution Haven Hypothesis (PHH)
, 53, 170
Pooling proxy equation
, 131
Potassium (K)
, 205
Principle of Optimality
, 28
Private good
, 30
Private sector
, 85
Product Patent Act
, 157
, 314
, 315
Protest bidders
, 146
Public bad
, 30
Quantitative analysis
, 5
Quantitative data
, 95
Rainwater harvesting techniques
, 200
Rampal power plant project
, 47
Ramsey equation
, 29
Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans Framework (R-C-K Framework)
, 3
Random effect model
, 187, 190
Random utility model (RUM)
, 147
Rapid population growth in South Asian
, 129
Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojona (RKVY)
, 203
RBI Bulletin
, 159
Real gross value added (RGVA)
, 160
Real wage (RW)
, 186–188
, 239
Reduce, reuse, recycle and upcycle (3R+U)
, 13
of CO2 emissions
, 14
Regime change concept
, 3, 56
Respiratory particulate matters (RPM)
, 332
variation in
, 338
Restricted F test
, 351
Reuse, Recycle + Upcycle (2R+U)
, 15
Rice intensification system
, 201
Road vehicles
, 332
Saddle point
, 31
Scale effects (SC)
, 274
Schwarz information criterion (SIC)
, 133
Sea creatures
, 44
Seasonal enterprises
, 346–347
Seasonal trend
, 336
Sector specificity of green capital
, 57
Seemingly unrelated regression (SUR)
, 187
Self-helf Group (SHGs)
, 202
Single-bounded DC bidding process
, 147
Single-equation methods
, 98
Single-factor productivity
, 314
Smart city
, 301, 306
, 295
, 309
Smart City Mission
calculation and descriptive analysis
, 301–306
city development plans in India
, 294–297
environmental sustainability
, 306
evaluation of
, 297
holistic framework
, 306–310
, 297–301
Smart technologies
, 13
integration of
, 15
Social capital (SC)
, 297
Social Cost of Carbon Dioxide (SC-CO2)
, 29
Social discounting
, 28
Social globalisation
, 174
Society–economy–ecology–food relationships
, 199
Socio-economic indicators
, 148
Socio-economic phenomena
, 232
, 129–130
Solid wastes
, 293
South Asia
, 43
South Asian nations and energy used
, 127
Stacked chart
, 186
Staggered trenches
benefits of
, 201–203
for Sustainable Soil Water Conservation Structure
, 201
Static panel approach
, 217
Static panel data approach
data and methodology
, 219–220
literature review
, 218–219
panel data results
, 223–225
, 220–221
trend analysis of FDI inflows
, 221–223
Stationarity test
, 318–319
Statistical analysis
, 241
Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA)
, 6, 263
Structural shift
, 288
Sulphur dioxide
, 186
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) 184
variation in
, 338
Supply chain
, 15, 18–19
Suspected particulate matters (SPM)
, 332
variation in
, 337–338
, 41, 129, 196, 231, 306
in fertiliser consumption in agriculture
, 205–208
, 41–43
Sustainable agricultural intensification
, 199
Sustainable development
, 5, 26, 41, 112, 229, 250
, 231–236
, 236–241
Sustainable energy systems
, 238
Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLA)
, 293
Sustainable water management for CSA
, 200
benefits of staggered trenches
, 201–203
changes in agri-hydroscape
, 203–205
other changes in socioeconomic conditions
, 205
staggered trenches for
, 201
Technical efficiency change (TEC)
, 6, 262–269, 274
Technical inefficiency function
, 266
Technological progress (TP)
, 6, 262–275
towards fuel efficiency, impact of
, 119
, 314
Thermal power plants
, 221
Time dummies (TD)
, 347
Time-series econometric methods
, 174
Time-series econometric tests to assess nature of variables
, 318–320
Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
, 2, 157, 262
data and variables
, 266–267
empirical results
, 267–275
measurement of TFPG from trans-log production function
, 161–162
method for measuring
, 316–317
, 264–267
Trade globalisation (TRDG)
, 174
Trade policies
, 55
Trans-log form
, 316
Trans-log production function, measurement of TFPG from
, 161–162
Trend of major vehicular emission
, 336–337
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
, 42, 293–294
Unified growth theory
, 251
Unit root test
, 98, 318–319
United Nations (UN)
, 292
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
, 219
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
, 254
United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
, 44
Unorganised industries
, 354
Unorganised Manufacturing Enterprises (UME)
, 7, 344
analysis of CO2 emission
, 345
Urban air pollution
, 334
Urban Environmental Sustainability
city development plans in India
, 294–297
evaluation of SCM
, 297–306
holistic framework
, 306–310
Urban infrastructure development
, 293
Urban Population
, 99
Urbanisation (UPOP)
, 108
in South Asian
, 129
Value chain
, 15, 18–19
, 320
definition of
, 98–100
description of dependent and independent variables and Asian economies surveyed
, 99
Variance inflationary factor (VIF)
, 148
Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)
, 4
estimation test
, 134–135
, 332–333
, 126
Vehicular emission
, 334
trend of major
, 336–337
Vehicular pollutants, status of
, 339–340
Vehicular pollution
, 335
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
, 280
Wald test 134–135
Waste CO2
, 12
Waste generation
, 293
Water resources
impacts of climate change on Jordan
, 81–82
political and economic aspects of Jordan’s water resources
, 82–84
preventing environmental degradation and solving water scarcity problem of Jordan to sustain industrial and economic growth
, 84–85
Water scarcity problem of Jordan to sustain industrial and economic growth, preventing
, 84–85
Water sector
, 83
Water security
, 201
Water supply
, 83
Water–energy–food nexus
, 208
West Bengal pollution control board
, 332
Wholesale Price Index (WPI)
, 346
Willingness to pay
, 143
Within-dimension test
, 134
World Bank (WB)
, 46
World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED)
, 41
World Health Organization (WHO)
, 46, 185
Wu Housman specification test
, 220
- Prelims
- Introduction
- Section I: Theoretical Perspectives
- Chapter 1: Carbon Capturing Smart Construction Industry Model to Foster Green and Sustainable Total Factor Productivity Growth of Industries
- Chapter 2: Trade-Off Between Environmental Emission and Consumption and Some Related Issues: An Optimal Growth-Theoretic Analysis
- Chapter 3: Politics, Development and Environment: Question of Sustainability
- Chapter 4: Environmental Emission, Green Technology and International Trade
- Chapter 5: The Role of Nuclear Energy to Reduce Carbon Emission
- Chapter 6: Politic, Economic and Environmental Dimensions of Water Resources: The Jordan Perspective
- Section II: Empirical Perspectives
- Chapter 7: The Influence of Energy Consumption, Economic Growth, Industrialisation and Corruption on Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Evidence from Selected Asian Economies
- Chapter 8: Economics of Environmental Emission: A Theoretical Appraisal on Solovian Line and an Empirical Overhaul
- Chapter 9: Long-run and Short-run Linkages Between Efficiency of Energy Use in National Output and Carbon Emission: Analysis for the Panel of South Asian Nations
- Chapter 10: People’s Awareness on Improvement in Environmental Quality in the Industrial Belts of West Bengal: An Assessment Through Contingent Valuation Method
- Chapter 11: A Time Series Analysis of Productivity Growth and Environmental Emission in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
- Chapter 12: Globalisation and Carbon Emission: Lessons from the Developing Economies
- Chapter 13: Does Air Pollution Affect Labour Productivity in Indian Manufacturing? Evidence from State-level Data
- Chapter 14: Promoting Climate-Smart Agriculture in India: Emerging Pathways for Growth and Sustainability
- Chapter 15: Impact of Environmental Regulations on Inward FDI in Emerging Countries: A Static Panel Data Approach
- Chapter 16: Economic, Environmental and Social: Three Components to Measure the Perception of Sustainable Development
- Chapter 17: Impact of Pollution and Economic Growth on the Maldives and Bangladesh: Interrogative Economic Development and Environmental Governance
- Chapter 18: Measuring TFPG and Its Components Using Frontier Approaches: A Study of 4-Digit Manufacturing Industries of Chemical and Chemical Products in India
- Chapter 19: The Implication of Pollution Control Acts & Protocols and COVID-19 on Air Quality: A Case Study of Mumbai, India
- Chapter 20: Smart City Mission and Urban Environmental Sustainability in India
- Chapter 21: Energy Intensity, Capacity Utilisation and Total Factor Productivity Growth of Indian Iron and Steel Industry: A Cost Function Approach: 1980–1981 to 2016–2017
- Chapter 22: A Joyless City: Long-Run Trend of Air Pollution Levels of Kolkata, India
- Chapter 23: Emission Intensity of Indian Unorganised Manufacturing Enterprises: Effect of Firm Characteristics and Capital Intensity
- Index