Cardiff European Council
, 147–148
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
, 20–21, 39
Climate Bonds Initiative
, 165
Climate Change
, 146, 148, 150
2020 Climate & Energy Package
, 149–150
Cold War
, 183–184, 198–199, 264–265
Common Agricultural Policy
, 20
Common Fisheries Policy
, 20
Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)
, 173
Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)
, 33, 174–176
Communiqué on International Role of Europe
, 138–139
Concentric circles model
, 9
Conference on the Future of Europe
, 4
current problems affecting European integration
, 4–8
new quests in EU
, 9–12
scenarios for future of European Union
, 8–9
Cooperation with non-EU countries
, 114–115
Cooperative security
, 185
Copenhagen Climate Change Conference
, 160
Copenhagen Criteria
, 5, 237–238
Cotonou Partnership Agreement (CPA)
, 262, 265
historical background
, 262–266
1980 Coup D’état in Turkey
, 6
, 226
in Europe
, 228–231
and financial problems in European Union
, 37–39
as global health crisis
, 35–37
, 7, 37, 39, 152
Critical analysis of antiimmigration discourses in European Union
, 101–106
Critical discourse analysis (CDA)
, 98, 100–101
CUFE-CNI Green Bond Index Series
, 163
Early Warning and Response System
, 37
Eastern Partnership (EaP)
, 120, 201
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
, 131
Economic developments
, 136–138
Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs)
, 265–266
Emission Trading System (ETS)
, 149–150
ENVIREG initiative
, 148–149
Environmental Liability Directive
, 147–148
EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
, 116
EU Health Security Committee (HSC)
, 37
Communicators’ Network
, 37
Euromaidan Crises
, 217–220
Euromaidan Revolution in 2014
, 196
Euronext Low Carbon 100 Europe Indices FTSE Environmental Markets Index Series
, 163
Europa A la Charte model
, 8
European Asylum Support Office
, 6
European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR)
, 86
European Central Bank (ECB)
, 132
European Commission
, 47–48, 138–139, 151
European Community (EC)
, 198–199, 262–263
European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR)
, 98
European Council
, 147–148, 174
European debt crisis
, 129–132
European Deposit Insurance Scheme
, 135–136
European Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN)
, 133
European Economic and Financial System, new strategy for
, 138–140
European Economic Area (EEA)
, 7
European Economic Community (EEC)
, 8, 17–18, 235–236, 251
European Environment Agency
, 148–149
European Financial Stability and Integration Report (EFSIR)
, 136
European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF)
, 133–134
European Financial Stabilization Mechanism (EFSM)
, 133
European Fingerprint Data Bank (EURODAC)
, 86
European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
, 7, 18–19
European Green Deal
, 146–148, 150, 154
Investment Plan
, 151
European Integrated Border Management
, 114–115
European integration
, 4, 226
current problems affecting
, 4–8
European Monetary System
, 20–21
European Neighborhood Policy (ENP)
, 199–200, 213
EU–Ukraine relations before Orange Revolution
, 216–217
historical development
, 214–216
Strategy Document
, 214
European Parliament (EP)
, 98, 238
European Police Organization (EUROPOL)
, 86
European Rapid Reaction Force
, 33
European Security and Defense Identity (ESDI)
, 173–174
European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP)
, 172–174
European security as indispensable issue for American grand strategy
, 187–190
European Single Market
, 46
European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
, 133–134
European Union (EU)
, 4, 17–19, 32, 46, 65–66, 85–86, 97–98, 113–114, 129, 146, 148, 150, 172, 186, 196, 213, 226, 235–236, 261–262
attitude of European Union during international crises
, 32–33
border control mechanisms of
, 86–87
, 65–66
COVID-19 pandemic and financial problems in
, 37–39
critical analysis of antiimmigration discourses in
, 101–106
current issues on EU–Turkey relations
, 240–241
, 4–5
, 66–67, 69
EU–Russia–Ukraine Relations
, 198–203
EU–Turkey relations in light of the strategic compass
, 241–243
EU–Ukraine Summit
, 217
in face of financial crises
, 34–35
in face of security challenges
, 33–34
new quests in
, 9–12
Presidency and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
, 4–5
scenarios for future of
, 8–9
Ukraine Strategy Within Framework of European Neighborhood Policy
, 217–220
European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust)
, 6
European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol)
, 6
European Union Relations
, 19–21
European Union’s enlargement
, 236
current issues on EU–Turkey relations
, 240–241
EU–Turkey relations in light of the strategic compass
, 241–243
Turkey’s membership process as well-fluctuated history
, 236–240
European Union–Turkey Refugee Deal
, 248
EU–Turkey relations and Turkey’s migration policy
, 250–251
international cooperation in asylum movements and issue linkage as theoretical framework
, 248–250
migration policy of EU states
, 250
and outcomes
, 252–254
Syrian Refugee Crisis
, 251–252
European Volatility index (VSTOXX)
, 136
, 19–20, 239
Externalization of migration policies
, 115–117
Schengen Agreement
, 87–88, 250
Schengen Area
, 86–87, 90, 116
Schengen Implementation Action Plan
, 89
Schengen Implementation Agreement
, 87–89
Schengen Information System (SIS)
, 87
Sectoral reallocation
, 75
Security in relations between European Union and United States
, 174–176
Selective engagement
, 185
Selective Europeanization
, 239
Single European Act of 1987
, 4, 87, 147–148
Single Market Programme
, 47
Single resolution mechanism (SRM)
, 135–136
Single supervisory mechanism (SSM)
, 135–136
Sleeping Beauty of the Lisbon Treaty
, 176–177
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
, 51
opportunities for
, 51
South African Customs Union (SACU)
, 268
Sovereign democracy
, 200–201
St. Malo Declaration
, 173–174
Stockholm Declaration
, 147
Strategic Compass (SC)
, 236
Supranational Unification
, 18–19
Sustainable development
, 159
Sustainable finance
, 161
, 161
, 161–166
Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative
, 163
Syrian Refugee Crisis
, 251–252
System of Stabilization of Export Earnings from Mining Products (SYSMIN)
, 263–264