Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Decent Work and Economic Growth
ISBN: 978-1-80382-490-1, eISBN: 978-1-80382-487-1
Publication date: 14 June 2022
(2022), "Index", Birdthistle, N. and Hales, R. (Ed.) Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Decent Work and Economic Growth (Family Businesses on a Mission), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 81-84.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Naomi Birdthistle and Rob Hales. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Academics, 11
Action Collaboration Transformation (ACT), 21
in Algeria, 69–70
upstream agricultural development, 76–78
birth of Benamor and early development, 71–73
of family business, 14
rough socio-economic context, 69–71
sustained and inclusive growth, 74–76
timeline of Benamor’s development, 72–73
upstream agricultural development, 76–78
Amor Benamor Group, 6, 70
birth of Benamor and early development, 71–73
Anti-corruption, 5
Apparel Supply Chain Processes, 21
Appropriate compensation, developmental employment with, 58–60
denim for freedom, 56
financing and sustaining viable family enterprise, 62–66
growing start-up, 66–67
manufacturing Denim Jeans in environmentally responsible way, 60–62
OD development timeline, 57–58
providing consistent developmental employment with appropriate compensation, 58–60
starting family-based sustainable social enterprise, 53–66
sustainability goals, 56
vision and mission, 55
Bartle, Erica, 54
Bartle, James, 53–54
Benamor, Laïd, 75
Laïd, 76–77
Benamor. See Amor Benamor Group
background to, 37–39
business and greater good, 49–50
business model and SDG#8, 42–45
challenges of working with SDG#8, 48–49
family firm, 35
family photo, 37
Fany Bombons, 35–36, 38
historical development, 37–39
key milestones, 38, 40–41
organisational chart, 39
sample of Owner’s Library, 40
SDG#8, Fany Bombons and, 50–51
stakeholders and SDG#8, 45–48
vision and background aligned with SDG#8, 41–42
vision and mission, 36
Business, 4
and greater good, 49–50
Business model
of Pentland Brands, 5
and SDG#8, 42–43, 45
Clean Water and Sanitation, 21
Climate Action, 21
Consultants, 11
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 8
COVID-19, 2
financial pressures on family businesses, 4
Decent Work and Economic Growth, 21
Denim for freedom, 56
Development-oriented policies, 2–3
Developmental employment with appropriate compensation, 58–60
Diversity & Inclusion (D&I), 21
Dutch disease, 69
Eighth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG#8), 2, 35
business and greater good, 49–50
business model and, 42–45
challenges of working with, 48–49
entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, 42
Fany Bombons and, 50–51
outcome targets and means of implementation targets for, 3
SDG#8 book series focus, 5–6
SDG#8. 2, 70
SDG#8. 3, 70, 73–74
SDG#8. 5, 73
SDG#8. 6, 70–71, 73, 75
stakeholders and, 45–48
Target 8. 1, 2–3
Target 8. 6, 3–4
vision and background aligned with, 41–42
Ellen MacArthur Jeans Redesign Project (EMJRP), 63
Entrepreneurship, 42
Environment, 5
Equity crowdfunding, 62–63, 65
Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), 21
Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code, 62
Extended family human capital, 46
Family business, 4, 6, 11–12, 54, 62
portrayed, 13–14
around world, 12–13
Family Business Review
, 11
Family capital, 46
Family Constitution, 50
Family enterprise, financing and sustaining viable, 62–66
Family Genogram, 47
Family-based sustainable social enterprise, 53–66
Fany Bombons, 35–36, 38
background to, 37–39
business and greater good, 49–50
business model and SDG#8, 42–45
challenges of working with SDG#8, 48–49
family photo, 37
Fany Bombons and SDG#8, 50–51
historical development, 37–39
key milestones, 38, 40–41
organisational chart, 39
sample of Owner’s Library, 40
stakeholders and SDG#8, 45–48
vision and background aligned with SDG#8, 41–42
vision and mission, 36
Financial capital, 46–48
Financial crisis, 36, 48
Financing, 62–63
‘Freedom Dividend’, 63
Freedom of Association (FOA), 21
Gender equality, 21
Generic crowdfunding, 62–63
Global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17, 21
Good Health and Well-being, 21
Human capital, 46
Human rights, 5
‘Human Rights Due Diligence’ policy, 21
Human trafficking of vulnerable women, 6
Inclusive growth of Benamor, 74–76
Industry, Infrastructure and Innovation, 21
Internal Labour Organization (ILO), 21
International human resource management, 60
International Labor Organization, 58
Four Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 62
Intrapreneurship, 42
Labour, 5
MAEKA Standard™, 63, 67
‘Markle effect’, 65
Modern Slavery, 17
Multi Stakeholder Initiative (MSI), 21
National Agricultural Development Plan (NADP), 70
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), 21
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), 21
Outland Denim (OD), 54
denim for freedom, 56
development timeline, 57–58
financing and sustaining viable family enterprise, 62–66
growing start-up, 66–67
manufacturing Denim Jeans in environmentally responsible way, 60–62
organization chart, 64
providing consistent developmental employment with appropriate compensation, 58–60
Seamstresses Learn Complex Garment Assembly Skills, 65
sustainability goals, 56
vision and mission, 55
Paris Agreement, 5
Pentland Brands Limited, 5, 17
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
SDGs, 21
Practitioners, 11
Process definition of family business, 12
Professionals, 11
Quality control, 44
Reduced Inequalities, 21
Responsible Consumption and Production, 21
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), 14, 57–58
Social capital, 46
Social sustainability, 54
Stakeholders and SDG#8, 45–48
Structural definition of family business, 12
Sustainability goals, 56
Sustained growth of Benamor, 74–76
Taken (fictional film), 53
UN Global Compact, 5
United Kingdom (UK), 13
family businesses in, 13
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
Pentland Brands Limited, 17
SDGs, 21
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1–2, 21, 62
case study template, 7
COVID-19, 2
methodological approach, 7
outcome targets and means of implementation targets for SDG#8, 3
Universal health care system, 42
Upstream agricultural development, 76–78
Clean Water and Sanitation, 21
Climate Action, 21
Consultants, 11
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 8
COVID-19, 2
financial pressures on family businesses, 4
Decent Work and Economic Growth, 21
Denim for freedom, 56
Development-oriented policies, 2–3
Developmental employment with appropriate compensation, 58–60
Diversity & Inclusion (D&I), 21
Dutch disease, 69
Eighth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG#8), 2, 35
business and greater good, 49–50
business model and, 42–45
challenges of working with, 48–49
entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, 42
Fany Bombons and, 50–51
outcome targets and means of implementation targets for, 3
SDG#8 book series focus, 5–6
SDG#8. 2, 70
SDG#8. 3, 70, 73–74
SDG#8. 5, 73
SDG#8. 6, 70–71, 73, 75
stakeholders and, 45–48
Target 8. 1, 2–3
Target 8. 6, 3–4
vision and background aligned with, 41–42
Ellen MacArthur Jeans Redesign Project (EMJRP), 63
Entrepreneurship, 42
Environment, 5
Equity crowdfunding, 62–63, 65
Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), 21
Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code, 62
Extended family human capital, 46
Family business, 4, 6, 11–12, 54, 62
portrayed, 13–14
around world, 12–13
Family Business Review
, 11
Family capital, 46
Family Constitution, 50
Family enterprise, financing and sustaining viable, 62–66
Family Genogram, 47
Family-based sustainable social enterprise, 53–66
Fany Bombons, 35–36, 38
background to, 37–39
business and greater good, 49–50
business model and SDG#8, 42–45
challenges of working with SDG#8, 48–49
family photo, 37
Fany Bombons and SDG#8, 50–51
historical development, 37–39
key milestones, 38, 40–41
organisational chart, 39
sample of Owner’s Library, 40
stakeholders and SDG#8, 45–48
vision and background aligned with SDG#8, 41–42
vision and mission, 36
Financial capital, 46–48
Financial crisis, 36, 48
Financing, 62–63
‘Freedom Dividend’, 63
Freedom of Association (FOA), 21
Gender equality, 21
Generic crowdfunding, 62–63
Global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17, 21
Good Health and Well-being, 21
Human capital, 46
Human rights, 5
‘Human Rights Due Diligence’ policy, 21
Human trafficking of vulnerable women, 6
Inclusive growth of Benamor, 74–76
Industry, Infrastructure and Innovation, 21
Internal Labour Organization (ILO), 21
International human resource management, 60
International Labor Organization, 58
Four Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 62
Intrapreneurship, 42
Labour, 5
MAEKA Standard™, 63, 67
‘Markle effect’, 65
Modern Slavery, 17
Multi Stakeholder Initiative (MSI), 21
National Agricultural Development Plan (NADP), 70
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), 21
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), 21
Outland Denim (OD), 54
denim for freedom, 56
development timeline, 57–58
financing and sustaining viable family enterprise, 62–66
growing start-up, 66–67
manufacturing Denim Jeans in environmentally responsible way, 60–62
organization chart, 64
providing consistent developmental employment with appropriate compensation, 58–60
Seamstresses Learn Complex Garment Assembly Skills, 65
sustainability goals, 56
vision and mission, 55
Paris Agreement, 5
Pentland Brands Limited, 5, 17
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
SDGs, 21
Practitioners, 11
Process definition of family business, 12
Professionals, 11
Quality control, 44
Reduced Inequalities, 21
Responsible Consumption and Production, 21
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), 14, 57–58
Social capital, 46
Social sustainability, 54
Stakeholders and SDG#8, 45–48
Structural definition of family business, 12
Sustainability goals, 56
Sustained growth of Benamor, 74–76
Taken (fictional film), 53
UN Global Compact, 5
United Kingdom (UK), 13
family businesses in, 13
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
Pentland Brands Limited, 17
SDGs, 21
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1–2, 21, 62
case study template, 7
COVID-19, 2
methodological approach, 7
outcome targets and means of implementation targets for SDG#8, 3
Universal health care system, 42
Upstream agricultural development, 76–78
Eighth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG#8), 2, 35
business and greater good, 49–50
business model and, 42–45
challenges of working with, 48–49
entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, 42
Fany Bombons and, 50–51
outcome targets and means of implementation targets for, 3
SDG#8 book series focus, 5–6
SDG#8. 2, 70
SDG#8. 3, 70, 73–74
SDG#8. 5, 73
SDG#8. 6, 70–71, 73, 75
stakeholders and, 45–48
Target 8. 1, 2–3
Target 8. 6, 3–4
vision and background aligned with, 41–42
Ellen MacArthur Jeans Redesign Project (EMJRP), 63
Entrepreneurship, 42
Environment, 5
Equity crowdfunding, 62–63, 65
Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), 21
Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code, 62
Extended family human capital, 46
Family business, 4, 6, 11–12, 54, 62
portrayed, 13–14
around world, 12–13
Family Business Review
, 11
Family capital, 46
Family Constitution, 50
Family enterprise, financing and sustaining viable, 62–66
Family Genogram, 47
Family-based sustainable social enterprise, 53–66
Fany Bombons, 35–36, 38
background to, 37–39
business and greater good, 49–50
business model and SDG#8, 42–45
challenges of working with SDG#8, 48–49
family photo, 37
Fany Bombons and SDG#8, 50–51
historical development, 37–39
key milestones, 38, 40–41
organisational chart, 39
sample of Owner’s Library, 40
stakeholders and SDG#8, 45–48
vision and background aligned with SDG#8, 41–42
vision and mission, 36
Financial capital, 46–48
Financial crisis, 36, 48
Financing, 62–63
‘Freedom Dividend’, 63
Freedom of Association (FOA), 21
Gender equality, 21
Generic crowdfunding, 62–63
Global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17, 21
Good Health and Well-being, 21
Human capital, 46
Human rights, 5
‘Human Rights Due Diligence’ policy, 21
Human trafficking of vulnerable women, 6
Inclusive growth of Benamor, 74–76
Industry, Infrastructure and Innovation, 21
Internal Labour Organization (ILO), 21
International human resource management, 60
International Labor Organization, 58
Four Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 62
Intrapreneurship, 42
Labour, 5
MAEKA Standard™, 63, 67
‘Markle effect’, 65
Modern Slavery, 17
Multi Stakeholder Initiative (MSI), 21
National Agricultural Development Plan (NADP), 70
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), 21
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), 21
Outland Denim (OD), 54
denim for freedom, 56
development timeline, 57–58
financing and sustaining viable family enterprise, 62–66
growing start-up, 66–67
manufacturing Denim Jeans in environmentally responsible way, 60–62
organization chart, 64
providing consistent developmental employment with appropriate compensation, 58–60
Seamstresses Learn Complex Garment Assembly Skills, 65
sustainability goals, 56
vision and mission, 55
Paris Agreement, 5
Pentland Brands Limited, 5, 17
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
SDGs, 21
Practitioners, 11
Process definition of family business, 12
Professionals, 11
Quality control, 44
Reduced Inequalities, 21
Responsible Consumption and Production, 21
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), 14, 57–58
Social capital, 46
Social sustainability, 54
Stakeholders and SDG#8, 45–48
Structural definition of family business, 12
Sustainability goals, 56
Sustained growth of Benamor, 74–76
Taken (fictional film), 53
UN Global Compact, 5
United Kingdom (UK), 13
family businesses in, 13
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
Pentland Brands Limited, 17
SDGs, 21
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1–2, 21, 62
case study template, 7
COVID-19, 2
methodological approach, 7
outcome targets and means of implementation targets for SDG#8, 3
Universal health care system, 42
Upstream agricultural development, 76–78
Gender equality, 21
Generic crowdfunding, 62–63
Global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17, 21
Good Health and Well-being, 21
Human capital, 46
Human rights, 5
‘Human Rights Due Diligence’ policy, 21
Human trafficking of vulnerable women, 6
Inclusive growth of Benamor, 74–76
Industry, Infrastructure and Innovation, 21
Internal Labour Organization (ILO), 21
International human resource management, 60
International Labor Organization, 58
Four Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 62
Intrapreneurship, 42
Labour, 5
MAEKA Standard™, 63, 67
‘Markle effect’, 65
Modern Slavery, 17
Multi Stakeholder Initiative (MSI), 21
National Agricultural Development Plan (NADP), 70
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), 21
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), 21
Outland Denim (OD), 54
denim for freedom, 56
development timeline, 57–58
financing and sustaining viable family enterprise, 62–66
growing start-up, 66–67
manufacturing Denim Jeans in environmentally responsible way, 60–62
organization chart, 64
providing consistent developmental employment with appropriate compensation, 58–60
Seamstresses Learn Complex Garment Assembly Skills, 65
sustainability goals, 56
vision and mission, 55
Paris Agreement, 5
Pentland Brands Limited, 5, 17
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
SDGs, 21
Practitioners, 11
Process definition of family business, 12
Professionals, 11
Quality control, 44
Reduced Inequalities, 21
Responsible Consumption and Production, 21
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), 14, 57–58
Social capital, 46
Social sustainability, 54
Stakeholders and SDG#8, 45–48
Structural definition of family business, 12
Sustainability goals, 56
Sustained growth of Benamor, 74–76
Taken (fictional film), 53
UN Global Compact, 5
United Kingdom (UK), 13
family businesses in, 13
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
Pentland Brands Limited, 17
SDGs, 21
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1–2, 21, 62
case study template, 7
COVID-19, 2
methodological approach, 7
outcome targets and means of implementation targets for SDG#8, 3
Universal health care system, 42
Upstream agricultural development, 76–78
Inclusive growth of Benamor, 74–76
Industry, Infrastructure and Innovation, 21
Internal Labour Organization (ILO), 21
International human resource management, 60
International Labor Organization, 58
Four Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 62
Intrapreneurship, 42
Labour, 5
MAEKA Standard™, 63, 67
‘Markle effect’, 65
Modern Slavery, 17
Multi Stakeholder Initiative (MSI), 21
National Agricultural Development Plan (NADP), 70
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), 21
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), 21
Outland Denim (OD), 54
denim for freedom, 56
development timeline, 57–58
financing and sustaining viable family enterprise, 62–66
growing start-up, 66–67
manufacturing Denim Jeans in environmentally responsible way, 60–62
organization chart, 64
providing consistent developmental employment with appropriate compensation, 58–60
Seamstresses Learn Complex Garment Assembly Skills, 65
sustainability goals, 56
vision and mission, 55
Paris Agreement, 5
Pentland Brands Limited, 5, 17
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
SDGs, 21
Practitioners, 11
Process definition of family business, 12
Professionals, 11
Quality control, 44
Reduced Inequalities, 21
Responsible Consumption and Production, 21
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), 14, 57–58
Social capital, 46
Social sustainability, 54
Stakeholders and SDG#8, 45–48
Structural definition of family business, 12
Sustainability goals, 56
Sustained growth of Benamor, 74–76
Taken (fictional film), 53
UN Global Compact, 5
United Kingdom (UK), 13
family businesses in, 13
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
Pentland Brands Limited, 17
SDGs, 21
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1–2, 21, 62
case study template, 7
COVID-19, 2
methodological approach, 7
outcome targets and means of implementation targets for SDG#8, 3
Universal health care system, 42
Upstream agricultural development, 76–78
MAEKA Standard™, 63, 67
‘Markle effect’, 65
Modern Slavery, 17
Multi Stakeholder Initiative (MSI), 21
National Agricultural Development Plan (NADP), 70
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), 21
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), 21
Outland Denim (OD), 54
denim for freedom, 56
development timeline, 57–58
financing and sustaining viable family enterprise, 62–66
growing start-up, 66–67
manufacturing Denim Jeans in environmentally responsible way, 60–62
organization chart, 64
providing consistent developmental employment with appropriate compensation, 58–60
Seamstresses Learn Complex Garment Assembly Skills, 65
sustainability goals, 56
vision and mission, 55
Paris Agreement, 5
Pentland Brands Limited, 5, 17
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
SDGs, 21
Practitioners, 11
Process definition of family business, 12
Professionals, 11
Quality control, 44
Reduced Inequalities, 21
Responsible Consumption and Production, 21
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), 14, 57–58
Social capital, 46
Social sustainability, 54
Stakeholders and SDG#8, 45–48
Structural definition of family business, 12
Sustainability goals, 56
Sustained growth of Benamor, 74–76
Taken (fictional film), 53
UN Global Compact, 5
United Kingdom (UK), 13
family businesses in, 13
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
Pentland Brands Limited, 17
SDGs, 21
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1–2, 21, 62
case study template, 7
COVID-19, 2
methodological approach, 7
outcome targets and means of implementation targets for SDG#8, 3
Universal health care system, 42
Upstream agricultural development, 76–78
Outland Denim (OD), 54
denim for freedom, 56
development timeline, 57–58
financing and sustaining viable family enterprise, 62–66
growing start-up, 66–67
manufacturing Denim Jeans in environmentally responsible way, 60–62
organization chart, 64
providing consistent developmental employment with appropriate compensation, 58–60
Seamstresses Learn Complex Garment Assembly Skills, 65
sustainability goals, 56
vision and mission, 55
Paris Agreement, 5
Pentland Brands Limited, 5, 17
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
SDGs, 21
Practitioners, 11
Process definition of family business, 12
Professionals, 11
Quality control, 44
Reduced Inequalities, 21
Responsible Consumption and Production, 21
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), 14, 57–58
Social capital, 46
Social sustainability, 54
Stakeholders and SDG#8, 45–48
Structural definition of family business, 12
Sustainability goals, 56
Sustained growth of Benamor, 74–76
Taken (fictional film), 53
UN Global Compact, 5
United Kingdom (UK), 13
family businesses in, 13
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
Pentland Brands Limited, 17
SDGs, 21
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1–2, 21, 62
case study template, 7
COVID-19, 2
methodological approach, 7
outcome targets and means of implementation targets for SDG#8, 3
Universal health care system, 42
Upstream agricultural development, 76–78
Quality control, 44
Reduced Inequalities, 21
Responsible Consumption and Production, 21
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), 14, 57–58
Social capital, 46
Social sustainability, 54
Stakeholders and SDG#8, 45–48
Structural definition of family business, 12
Sustainability goals, 56
Sustained growth of Benamor, 74–76
Taken (fictional film), 53
UN Global Compact, 5
United Kingdom (UK), 13
family businesses in, 13
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
Pentland Brands Limited, 17
SDGs, 21
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1–2, 21, 62
case study template, 7
COVID-19, 2
methodological approach, 7
outcome targets and means of implementation targets for SDG#8, 3
Universal health care system, 42
Upstream agricultural development, 76–78
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), 14, 57–58
Social capital, 46
Social sustainability, 54
Stakeholders and SDG#8, 45–48
Structural definition of family business, 12
Sustainability goals, 56
Sustained growth of Benamor, 74–76
Taken (fictional film), 53
UN Global Compact, 5
United Kingdom (UK), 13
family businesses in, 13
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
Pentland Brands Limited, 17
SDGs, 21
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1–2, 21, 62
case study template, 7
COVID-19, 2
methodological approach, 7
outcome targets and means of implementation targets for SDG#8, 3
Universal health care system, 42
Upstream agricultural development, 76–78
UN Global Compact, 5
United Kingdom (UK), 13
family businesses in, 13
global family business, 17
Global Slavery Index, 17
modern slavery, 17
Pentland Brands Limited, 17
SDGs, 21
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 1–2, 21, 62
case study template, 7
COVID-19, 2
methodological approach, 7
outcome targets and means of implementation targets for SDG#8, 3
Universal health care system, 42
Upstream agricultural development, 76–78
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 The Sustainable Development Goals – SDG#8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
- Chapter 2 What Is a Family Business and Their Contribution to the Global Economy?
- Chapter 3 UK: Pentland Brands Limited
- Chapter 4 Brazil: Family Firm's Culture and Values Promote Sustainable Economic Growth
- Chapter 5 Australia: Family Business and Sustainability: The Case of Outland Denim
- Chapter 6 Algeria – Social Innovation to Foster Inclusive Growth and Development: The Experience of Benamor
- Index