Responsible Management and Taoism, Volume 1
ISBN: 978-1-80262-790-9, eISBN: 978-1-80262-789-3
Publication date: 14 December 2023
Zu, L. (2023), "References", Responsible Management and Taoism, Volume 1, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 195-202.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Liangrong Zu. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
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- Prelims
- Introduction
- Part I The Trilogy of 3C Model of Taoism for Sustainability and Excellence: An Introduction
- Chapter 1 Why a Trilogy of Responsible Business, Responsible Management and Responsible Leadership?
- Chapter 2 The 3C Model of Taoism: The Foundation of the Trilogy of Responsible Business, Responsible Management and Responsible Leadership
- Chapter 3 Tao of Business, Management and Leadership: An Integrated Framework for Sustainability & Excellence
- Chapter 4 The Tao of the Reverse ‘U’ Model for Sustainability & Excellence
- Part II Why Responsible Management? The Adaptive Challenges and Wicked Problems in the VUCA Era
- Chapter 5 The Challenges in the 21st Century: Context for Designing New Model of Management
- Chapter 6 Management Shift in Complex Organizations
- Chapter 7 Overcoming Sustainability Challenges: The Role of Responsible Management and Leadership
- Part III The 3C Model of Taoism and Responsible Management
- Chapter 8 3C Model of Taoism vs 3P Model of Sustainability
- Chapter 9 Managing People With Compassion: Social Responsibility
- Chapter 10 Managing Organizations With Conservation: Ecological Sustainability
- Chapter 11 Managing Business With Compliance: Business Ethics
- Epilogue: Embracing the Tao in Responsible Management – Guidelines for Success
- References
- Index