Social Media Influencing in The City of Likes
ISBN: 978-1-80262-756-5, eISBN: 978-1-80262-755-8
Publication date: 27 January 2023
Hurley, Z. (2023), "Appendices", Social Media Influencing in The City of Likes, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 133-135.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Zoe Hurley. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Appendix I: List of Influencers
@Tracey (pseudonym)
@justin (pseudonym)
Appendix II: Case Studies
#Hashtag and Starfish Influencer Agency
Dubai's case of British Influence
Case of Global Media Insight
Case of Mobile Migrant Women's use of TikTok
Case of #notaspace
Appendix III: Glossary
Affordances: uses of an application and/or platform
City-branding: strategic promotion of a city's identity
Cityscape: visual conception and imaginaries of a city
Cultural sensibilities: cultural value system
Diegesis: narrative world
Decolonial: disruption of colonial values and ways of thinking
Deterritorialisation: forces bringing labouring populations into working-class sectors and spaces of wealthy societies
Fantastical authenticity: glamourised portrayal of the everyday or authentic
Gamification: adding game mechanics into nongame environments
Genealogy: family tree of relationships
Global South: theoretical concern with geographical locations, cultures and social actors beyond the west
Hegemony: dominance
Ideology: belief system
Imagined communities: conceptual communities
Influencer: person of influence who impacts the living, buying and political beliefs of others
Like economy: affective metrics collected by platforms via users' emoji response tabs.
Mediatisation: multiple forms of content calibrated in numerous formats
Platformisation: domination of the Internet by a few large companies whose products work as markets between users and other sellers.
Platform capitalism: profit-driven logics of big tech
Playbour: hybrid form of play and labour, specifically in social media and the digital games industry.
Pentimento/i: a visible trace of earlier painting beneath a layer or layers of paint on a canvas. The term is refashioned in this study to explore postdigital visual layers of people, places and cityscapes.
Postdigital: critical term indicating the merging of the offline/online sphere due to ubiquitous Wi-Fi.
Postcolonial: cultural, political and economic legacy of colonialism and imperialism
Scopic regimes: complex sets of aesthetic cultural codes and visual practices
Self-branding: an individual's public image that demonstrates his or her values and overall reputation.
Self-(re)presentation: display of the self via icons, symbols or indexical signs
Semiosis: how signs come together to create meaning via interpretation
Semiosphere: fluid, interactive aspects of culture
Superdiversity: new patterns of social, cultural, political and economic migration
Appendix IV: List of Acronyms
Global Media Insight (GMI)
Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Mobile migrant women (MMW)
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
United Kingdom (UK)
Word of mouth (WOM)
- Prelims
- Part One Signs of Influence
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Influencer-Genealogy
- Part Two Postdigital Spectacle
- 3 Postdigital Visualities
- 4 Postdigital Cityscape
- Part Three Cases of Influence
- 5 Picture Dubai
- 6 Mediatising-Self
- 7 Heuristics of Influence
- 8 Orientalist Influence
- 9 Mobile Migrant Labour
- 10 Conclusion
- Appendices
- References
- Index