ISBN: 978-1-80117-723-8, eISBN: 978-1-80117-720-7
Publication date: 6 September 2021
Fuchs, C. (2021), "Index", Communicating COVID-19 (Society Now), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 309-320.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Christian Fuchs. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Academics, 275
Ad hominem attacks, 176–177
Agricultural capitalism, 8–10
Alternative media, 223
Amazon, 266–267
online shopping business, 46
Animalisation, 176
Anti-Semitism, 168–169
Anti-social media’s individualism, 278
Anti-vaccination movement, 93, 146
Apple (information communication platform providers), 266–267
AstraZeneca, 14
Authoritarian capitalism, 93
Autism, 146–147
vaccines and, 210–215
Avian influenza, 119–120
Barbarism, 38–39, 60–61
Bet-David, Patrick, 152–153
, 100
Bezos, Jeff, 46
Big pharma, 104–105
Bill Gates conspiracy theories
COVID-19 conspiracy theories as ideology, 133–139
critique of philanthrocapitalism and critique of conspiracy ideology, 140–144
determinism, 116–130
findings, 98, 130, 133
friend/enemy scheme and violence, 103–108
Global Health, 92–94
methodology, 94–97
personalisation, 101–103
rational irrationality, 108–116
sampling of relevant artefacts, 95–96
secret domination and concealment, 98–101
Biologisation, 176
BioNTech, 14
Bird flu. See Avian influenza
Blackboard Collaborate, 33
Bolsonaro, Jair, 4
Boris Johnson’s social Darwinism, 28–32
Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh and false COVID-19 news, 81–86
Buttar, Rashid A., 99, 101, 105, 108, 120, 122
Capital concentration, 175–176
Capitalism, 68–69, 145–146, 168–169, 272
agricultural, 8–10
class relations in pandemic times, 12–13
communication in pandemic times, 16
COVID-19 and, 7–15
global spread of SARS-COV-2, 10
globalisation and de-globalisation, 12
governance, 10–11
ideology, 11–12
places, 50–51
points of change, 10
vaccine capitalism and nationalism, 14–15
deforestation, 8
entanglements, 143
globalization, 43–44
interests, 142
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 105
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 79
Chef Pete Evans, 154
Cheltenham festival, 28–29
Chief executive officers (CEOs), 12, 92
Children in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
and Joe Biden, 218–221
virus, 215–218
Chloroquine, 227–228
Class relations in pandemic times, 12–13
Class society, 39, 56, 267
Clinton, Hillary, 194
Club 2, 278
Club 2.0, 278
Commodification of health sector, 142
Commodity fetishism, 168–169
Commontopia, 275, 279, 281
Communication. See also Digital communication, 32, 275, 281
of conspiracy theories, 75–76
of coronavirus conspiracy stories and false news, 76–87
COVID-19, 1–2, 16
five types of means, 25
networks, 27
in pandemic times, 16
power, 273–274
technologies, 19–20, 59
Concealment, 155
Conspiracy ideology, critique of, 140–144
Conspiracy theories, 11–12, 63, 65, 76, 155, 158, 168–169, 194, 196, 217–218, 267–268, 271–272
Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh and false COVID-19 news, 81–86
communication of, 75–76
communication of coronavirus conspiracy stories and false news, 76–87
definitions, 65–68
determinism, 74–75
elements of, 68–76
friend/enemy scheme, 69–70
ideology, 63–65
nationalism, fascism, war, 86–87
personalisation, 68–69
rational irrationality, 72–73
secret domination and concealment, 68
types of false COVID-19 news, 78–81
violence, 70–71
Conspiracy thinking, 70
Content analysis, 160–163
Coronavirus capitalism
Boris Johnson’s social Darwinism, 28–32
children, youth and (E-)learning in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
coronavirus, risk society, class society, 39–56
coronavirus crisis as deceleration of everyday life, 27–28
critical infrastructures, 42–45
global cities and rural areas in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
Lefebvre’s distinction between lived and living, 22
most vulnerable, 40
overburdening of individual, 36–38
radical transformation of space-time of everyday life in coronavirus crisis, 33–36
social distancing, 32–33
social distancing of old, weak and ill individuals, 52–53
social murder of workers in coronavirus crisis, 45–52
social space, everyday life and everyday communication in coronavirus crisis, 19–28
socialism or barbarism, 38–39, 60–61
working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), 2, 17, 39, 56, 99, 203, 224–225
and capitalism, 7–15
and class structures, 59–60
communicating, 1–2
conspiracy theories, 63, 130, 146, 268–269
crisis, 34, 37–38, 91, 93
as ideology, 133–139
infection and death statistics, 3
pandemic, 145–146
SARS-COV-2 and, 2–5
testing, 241–244
vaccines, 93
Corr, Jim, 151
Countervailing measures, 5–6
Criminonyms, 113, 176, 233
Crisis, 93
of democracy, 5
Critical discourse analysis (CDA), 204
Critical infrastructures, 42–45
Criticism, 179–186
Crude economism, 167
Cruz, Rafael, 194
Cultural crisis, 5, 7
CureVac, 14
De-globalisation, 12
, 100
Determinism, 74–75, 116, 130, 158, 172, 176
Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act), 202
corporations, 45–46
creativity, 277–278
fascism, 104–105
participation, 277–278
public service, 274
technologies, 52–53
Digital communication
commontopia, 275–281
everyday life and everyday communication in pandemic times, 263–275
Digitalisation, 32–33
Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough [pertussis] (DTaP), 212–213
Discord, 33
Dry cough, 17
(E-)learning in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
Eating meat, 79
Ebola, 9–10
Economic crisis, 5, 7
Econonym, 113
Egalitarians, 265–266
Epidemics, 216, 264
Erdoğan, Recep, 4
European Union (EU), 109, 147, 275–276
Everyday communication
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 23, 26, 28
in pandemic times, 263–275
Everyday life
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 23, 26, 28
coronavirus crisis as deceleration of, 27–28
in pandemic times, 263–275
radical transformation of space-time of, 33–36
Existential crises, 34
Export Comments, 154–155
Extreme tiredness, 17
Face-to-face communication, 24–27
Facebook, 94, 97, 266–267, 272–273
Fake news, 222–223
False COVID-19 news
Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh and, 81–86
types, 78–81
False news, 77–78
stories, 194–196
Fascism, 71, 86–87
Fear of illness, 267
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 68
Fever, 17
5G wireless networks, 79
Flexibilisation, 32–33
Frankfurt School critical theory, 63
Friend/enemy scheme, 69–70, 155, 163, 167, 176
and violence, 103–108
, 100
Gates Foundations, 140
General Temporal Theory, 281
Gini index, 202–203
Global cities in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
Global crisis, 5
Global Health Watch, 140
Globalisation, 12, 32–33
Google, 266–267
Google doc, 228–229
Governance, 10–11
Government measures, 60
Greedy sack, 167
Harvey, David, 8–9, 19
Health crisis, 5, 7
Herd immunity, 30
Hidden sinister plan, 68
Hildmann, Attila, 153–154
Home, 35–36
Houseworkers, 37
Human capital, 123–124
Human Development Index (HDI), 6
Human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), 101–102
Human papillomavirus (HPV), 110–111
Humanist politics, 264–265
Humanitarian refugee crisis, 5
Humans, 32
Humour, 186
Satire and, 179–180
Hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
Ideological Square Model’s strategies, 165–166
Ideological tools, 269
Ideologonym, 113
Ideology, 11–12, 63, 65
COVID-19 conspiracy theories as, 133–139
Illuminati, 169–170
Individual, overburdening of, 36–38
Individualisation, 32–33
Individualism, 278
Information communication platform providers, 266–267
InfoWars, 122–124
Ingraham Angle, The
, 152
Internet, 27, 75–76, 272–273, 275, 281
Internetopia, 277–278
claims, 172–173
reactions, 87
Jebsen, Ken, 103, 105, 124, 130
Jewish disease, 216
Jitsi, 33
Joe Biden, China and, 218–221
Johnson & Johnson, 14
Johnson, Boris, 4
Killer vaccines, 103
Laissez-faire approach, 28–29
Laura Ingraham Show, The
, 152
Lefebvre, Henri, 19
Liberal media, 222, 272–273
Locales, 35
Lockdown, 5–6, 91, 264–266
Trump’s opposition to, 237–241
Logical fallacy of hasty generalisation, 126–127
Mail-in votes, 229–234
Mainstream media, 223
Martin, David E., 118–119
Marxian theory, 68–69
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 115
McCarthyism, 193
Media, 275–281
exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
and Trump Rallies, 234–237
Mediation, 33
Medical progress, 213
MERS-CoV, 119–120
Metaphors of natural disasters, 233
Microsoft Office, 92, 266–267
Militarionym, 113
MMRV vaccine, 210–212
Mobile phone networks, 27
Moderna, 14
Modi, Narendra, 4
Moneyed aristocracy, 104–105
Monopolisation, 175–176
Moral crisis, 5, 7
Moral–political problems, 183
Mysticism, 70
Nationalism, 86–87
Natural disasters, metaphors of, 233
Negative consequences, 183
capitalism, 93
crisis, 37–38
political strategies, 34
privatisation, 141–142
strategies, 42
Neoliberalisation, 32–33
Neoliberalism, 60
9/11 attack, 5
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 163–164
Obama, Barack, 194
Overburdening individuals, danger of, 59
Pandemic times
communicating COVID-19, 1–2
COVID-19 and capitalism, 7–15
everyday life and everyday communication in, 263–275
health crisis, economic crisis, political crisis, cultural crisis, moral crisis, 5–7
SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19, 2–5
Pandemics, 216, 264
Panopto, 33
Pathologonyms, 233
Pediarix, 210–212
Persecutory anxiety, 70–71
Personalisation, 68–69, 101, 103, 155, 167, 172
Pfizer, 14
Philanthrocapitalism, critique of, 140–144
Physical proximity, 37
Pizzagate, 94–97
, 94, 97, 101, 103, 148, 151
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
Points of change, 10
Policy power, 142–143
Political action, calls to, 177–179
Political crisis, 5, 7
PolitiFact, 219
Politionym, 113
Post hoc, 212–213
Privatisation, 39–40
ProQuad, 210–212
Protective measures, 40
Public health measures, 18
Public service Internet platform, 275–276
Public service media (PSM), 272–274, 276–277
PublicServiceTube, 277–278
Putin, Vladimir, 4
conspiracy theory, 79, 268–269
movement, 93–94, 97
Quantum computing, 281
Radical transformation of space-time of everyday life, 33–36
Radically neoliberal society, 30–31
Rational irrationality, 72–73, 108, 113–114, 116, 158, 172, 176
Patrick Bet-David’s interview with Rashid Buttar, 114–116
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
of capital accumulation, 272
of irrationality, 113
Religionyms/moralonyms, 176
Repression, 155–158
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 100
Right-wing conspiracy theories, 168–169
Right-wing ideology, 163–164, 229
Right-wing leaders, 4
Risk society, 39–56
Rosa, Hartmut, 27
Rural areas in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
SARS, 119–120
SARS-CoV-2, 17–18, 87, 101–102, 104–105, 146, 217–218, 263–264, 270–271
and COVID-19, 2–5
global spread of, 10
Sather, Jordan, 98, 116, 118
Satire and humour, 179–180
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), 31–32
Secret domination, 68, 155
Secret world domination, 167–172
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), 99
Shortness of breath, 17
Shutdown, 264–265
Skype, 33
Social Darwinism, 18–19, 28, 32
Social distancing. See also Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), 5–6, 32–33, 37, 58, 91, 264–266
of old, weak and ill individuals, 52–53
Social media, 75–76
attention and visibility, 273–274
Social murder, 50
of workers in coronavirus crisis, 45–52
Social space, 34–35
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 21, 28
Socialism, 38–39, 60–61
Socialist crisis, 37
Society, 275–281
Solidarity, 269–270
Space-time, 35
Spanish flu, 216
State action, 155–158
Swine flu, 119–120
Tabloid media, 222–223
Technocracy and instrumental reason, 143
Telegram, 33
Thatcherism, 30–31
Theory of space, 19
TikTok, 94–97
Tönnies Holding, 48
Trump, Donald, 4, 270–271
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
on Twitter, 192–193
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Twitter, 94, 97, 272–273
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
Donald Trump on, 192–193
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Typology of social space, 19–20
United Nations (UN), 203–204
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 54–55
Universal commodification, 39–40
Urbanisation, 8
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 227–228
Users’ reactions to Covid-19 conspiracy
calls to political action, 177–179
coding scheme utilised in conducted, 156–157
content analysis, 160–163
criticism, 179–186
data analysis, 154–159
demonstration of moral–political problems and negative consequences, 183
determinism and rational irrationality, 172–176
findings, 160–186
friend/enemy scheme, 163–167
immanent critique of logic of argumentation, 183–184
methodology, 148–159
personalisation and secret world domination, 167–172
questioning of underlying ideological motivation, 184–186
references to empirical data and reality, 180–182
Satire and humour, 179–180
verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
and autism, 210–215
capitalism, 14–15
nationalism, 14–15
Value, 168–169
Valuetainment, 152–153
Verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
Video communication software, 33
Vimeo, 94–97
Violence, 70–71, 155, 158
friend/enemy scheme and, 103–108
verbal attacks and calls for, 176–177
Virus, 78, 87, 215–216
War, 86–87
Wearing masks, 5–6, 266
WhatsApp, 33
Work from home, 45
Working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Workplace, 32–33
World Economic Crisis, 5, 93
World Health Organization (WHO), 2, 4, 18, 98, 203–204, 248, 256, 270–271
World society, 264
World Trade Organization, 201
Xenophobia, 219–220
Youth in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
YouTube, 94, 97, 272–273
Zoom, 33, 45–46, 266–267
Capital concentration, 175–176
Capitalism, 68–69, 145–146, 168–169, 272
agricultural, 8–10
class relations in pandemic times, 12–13
communication in pandemic times, 16
COVID-19 and, 7–15
global spread of SARS-COV-2, 10
globalisation and de-globalisation, 12
governance, 10–11
ideology, 11–12
places, 50–51
points of change, 10
vaccine capitalism and nationalism, 14–15
deforestation, 8
entanglements, 143
globalization, 43–44
interests, 142
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 105
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 79
Chef Pete Evans, 154
Cheltenham festival, 28–29
Chief executive officers (CEOs), 12, 92
Children in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
and Joe Biden, 218–221
virus, 215–218
Chloroquine, 227–228
Class relations in pandemic times, 12–13
Class society, 39, 56, 267
Clinton, Hillary, 194
Club 2, 278
Club 2.0, 278
Commodification of health sector, 142
Commodity fetishism, 168–169
Commontopia, 275, 279, 281
Communication. See also Digital communication, 32, 275, 281
of conspiracy theories, 75–76
of coronavirus conspiracy stories and false news, 76–87
COVID-19, 1–2, 16
five types of means, 25
networks, 27
in pandemic times, 16
power, 273–274
technologies, 19–20, 59
Concealment, 155
Conspiracy ideology, critique of, 140–144
Conspiracy theories, 11–12, 63, 65, 76, 155, 158, 168–169, 194, 196, 217–218, 267–268, 271–272
Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh and false COVID-19 news, 81–86
communication of, 75–76
communication of coronavirus conspiracy stories and false news, 76–87
definitions, 65–68
determinism, 74–75
elements of, 68–76
friend/enemy scheme, 69–70
ideology, 63–65
nationalism, fascism, war, 86–87
personalisation, 68–69
rational irrationality, 72–73
secret domination and concealment, 68
types of false COVID-19 news, 78–81
violence, 70–71
Conspiracy thinking, 70
Content analysis, 160–163
Coronavirus capitalism
Boris Johnson’s social Darwinism, 28–32
children, youth and (E-)learning in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
coronavirus, risk society, class society, 39–56
coronavirus crisis as deceleration of everyday life, 27–28
critical infrastructures, 42–45
global cities and rural areas in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
Lefebvre’s distinction between lived and living, 22
most vulnerable, 40
overburdening of individual, 36–38
radical transformation of space-time of everyday life in coronavirus crisis, 33–36
social distancing, 32–33
social distancing of old, weak and ill individuals, 52–53
social murder of workers in coronavirus crisis, 45–52
social space, everyday life and everyday communication in coronavirus crisis, 19–28
socialism or barbarism, 38–39, 60–61
working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), 2, 17, 39, 56, 99, 203, 224–225
and capitalism, 7–15
and class structures, 59–60
communicating, 1–2
conspiracy theories, 63, 130, 146, 268–269
crisis, 34, 37–38, 91, 93
as ideology, 133–139
infection and death statistics, 3
pandemic, 145–146
SARS-COV-2 and, 2–5
testing, 241–244
vaccines, 93
Corr, Jim, 151
Countervailing measures, 5–6
Criminonyms, 113, 176, 233
Crisis, 93
of democracy, 5
Critical discourse analysis (CDA), 204
Critical infrastructures, 42–45
Criticism, 179–186
Crude economism, 167
Cruz, Rafael, 194
Cultural crisis, 5, 7
CureVac, 14
De-globalisation, 12
, 100
Determinism, 74–75, 116, 130, 158, 172, 176
Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act), 202
corporations, 45–46
creativity, 277–278
fascism, 104–105
participation, 277–278
public service, 274
technologies, 52–53
Digital communication
commontopia, 275–281
everyday life and everyday communication in pandemic times, 263–275
Digitalisation, 32–33
Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough [pertussis] (DTaP), 212–213
Discord, 33
Dry cough, 17
(E-)learning in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
Eating meat, 79
Ebola, 9–10
Economic crisis, 5, 7
Econonym, 113
Egalitarians, 265–266
Epidemics, 216, 264
Erdoğan, Recep, 4
European Union (EU), 109, 147, 275–276
Everyday communication
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 23, 26, 28
in pandemic times, 263–275
Everyday life
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 23, 26, 28
coronavirus crisis as deceleration of, 27–28
in pandemic times, 263–275
radical transformation of space-time of, 33–36
Existential crises, 34
Export Comments, 154–155
Extreme tiredness, 17
Face-to-face communication, 24–27
Facebook, 94, 97, 266–267, 272–273
Fake news, 222–223
False COVID-19 news
Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh and, 81–86
types, 78–81
False news, 77–78
stories, 194–196
Fascism, 71, 86–87
Fear of illness, 267
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 68
Fever, 17
5G wireless networks, 79
Flexibilisation, 32–33
Frankfurt School critical theory, 63
Friend/enemy scheme, 69–70, 155, 163, 167, 176
and violence, 103–108
, 100
Gates Foundations, 140
General Temporal Theory, 281
Gini index, 202–203
Global cities in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
Global crisis, 5
Global Health Watch, 140
Globalisation, 12, 32–33
Google, 266–267
Google doc, 228–229
Governance, 10–11
Government measures, 60
Greedy sack, 167
Harvey, David, 8–9, 19
Health crisis, 5, 7
Herd immunity, 30
Hidden sinister plan, 68
Hildmann, Attila, 153–154
Home, 35–36
Houseworkers, 37
Human capital, 123–124
Human Development Index (HDI), 6
Human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), 101–102
Human papillomavirus (HPV), 110–111
Humanist politics, 264–265
Humanitarian refugee crisis, 5
Humans, 32
Humour, 186
Satire and, 179–180
Hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
Ideological Square Model’s strategies, 165–166
Ideological tools, 269
Ideologonym, 113
Ideology, 11–12, 63, 65
COVID-19 conspiracy theories as, 133–139
Illuminati, 169–170
Individual, overburdening of, 36–38
Individualisation, 32–33
Individualism, 278
Information communication platform providers, 266–267
InfoWars, 122–124
Ingraham Angle, The
, 152
Internet, 27, 75–76, 272–273, 275, 281
Internetopia, 277–278
claims, 172–173
reactions, 87
Jebsen, Ken, 103, 105, 124, 130
Jewish disease, 216
Jitsi, 33
Joe Biden, China and, 218–221
Johnson & Johnson, 14
Johnson, Boris, 4
Killer vaccines, 103
Laissez-faire approach, 28–29
Laura Ingraham Show, The
, 152
Lefebvre, Henri, 19
Liberal media, 222, 272–273
Locales, 35
Lockdown, 5–6, 91, 264–266
Trump’s opposition to, 237–241
Logical fallacy of hasty generalisation, 126–127
Mail-in votes, 229–234
Mainstream media, 223
Martin, David E., 118–119
Marxian theory, 68–69
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 115
McCarthyism, 193
Media, 275–281
exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
and Trump Rallies, 234–237
Mediation, 33
Medical progress, 213
MERS-CoV, 119–120
Metaphors of natural disasters, 233
Microsoft Office, 92, 266–267
Militarionym, 113
MMRV vaccine, 210–212
Mobile phone networks, 27
Moderna, 14
Modi, Narendra, 4
Moneyed aristocracy, 104–105
Monopolisation, 175–176
Moral crisis, 5, 7
Moral–political problems, 183
Mysticism, 70
Nationalism, 86–87
Natural disasters, metaphors of, 233
Negative consequences, 183
capitalism, 93
crisis, 37–38
political strategies, 34
privatisation, 141–142
strategies, 42
Neoliberalisation, 32–33
Neoliberalism, 60
9/11 attack, 5
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 163–164
Obama, Barack, 194
Overburdening individuals, danger of, 59
Pandemic times
communicating COVID-19, 1–2
COVID-19 and capitalism, 7–15
everyday life and everyday communication in, 263–275
health crisis, economic crisis, political crisis, cultural crisis, moral crisis, 5–7
SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19, 2–5
Pandemics, 216, 264
Panopto, 33
Pathologonyms, 233
Pediarix, 210–212
Persecutory anxiety, 70–71
Personalisation, 68–69, 101, 103, 155, 167, 172
Pfizer, 14
Philanthrocapitalism, critique of, 140–144
Physical proximity, 37
Pizzagate, 94–97
, 94, 97, 101, 103, 148, 151
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
Points of change, 10
Policy power, 142–143
Political action, calls to, 177–179
Political crisis, 5, 7
PolitiFact, 219
Politionym, 113
Post hoc, 212–213
Privatisation, 39–40
ProQuad, 210–212
Protective measures, 40
Public health measures, 18
Public service Internet platform, 275–276
Public service media (PSM), 272–274, 276–277
PublicServiceTube, 277–278
Putin, Vladimir, 4
conspiracy theory, 79, 268–269
movement, 93–94, 97
Quantum computing, 281
Radical transformation of space-time of everyday life, 33–36
Radically neoliberal society, 30–31
Rational irrationality, 72–73, 108, 113–114, 116, 158, 172, 176
Patrick Bet-David’s interview with Rashid Buttar, 114–116
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
of capital accumulation, 272
of irrationality, 113
Religionyms/moralonyms, 176
Repression, 155–158
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 100
Right-wing conspiracy theories, 168–169
Right-wing ideology, 163–164, 229
Right-wing leaders, 4
Risk society, 39–56
Rosa, Hartmut, 27
Rural areas in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
SARS, 119–120
SARS-CoV-2, 17–18, 87, 101–102, 104–105, 146, 217–218, 263–264, 270–271
and COVID-19, 2–5
global spread of, 10
Sather, Jordan, 98, 116, 118
Satire and humour, 179–180
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), 31–32
Secret domination, 68, 155
Secret world domination, 167–172
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), 99
Shortness of breath, 17
Shutdown, 264–265
Skype, 33
Social Darwinism, 18–19, 28, 32
Social distancing. See also Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), 5–6, 32–33, 37, 58, 91, 264–266
of old, weak and ill individuals, 52–53
Social media, 75–76
attention and visibility, 273–274
Social murder, 50
of workers in coronavirus crisis, 45–52
Social space, 34–35
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 21, 28
Socialism, 38–39, 60–61
Socialist crisis, 37
Society, 275–281
Solidarity, 269–270
Space-time, 35
Spanish flu, 216
State action, 155–158
Swine flu, 119–120
Tabloid media, 222–223
Technocracy and instrumental reason, 143
Telegram, 33
Thatcherism, 30–31
Theory of space, 19
TikTok, 94–97
Tönnies Holding, 48
Trump, Donald, 4, 270–271
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
on Twitter, 192–193
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Twitter, 94, 97, 272–273
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
Donald Trump on, 192–193
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Typology of social space, 19–20
United Nations (UN), 203–204
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 54–55
Universal commodification, 39–40
Urbanisation, 8
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 227–228
Users’ reactions to Covid-19 conspiracy
calls to political action, 177–179
coding scheme utilised in conducted, 156–157
content analysis, 160–163
criticism, 179–186
data analysis, 154–159
demonstration of moral–political problems and negative consequences, 183
determinism and rational irrationality, 172–176
findings, 160–186
friend/enemy scheme, 163–167
immanent critique of logic of argumentation, 183–184
methodology, 148–159
personalisation and secret world domination, 167–172
questioning of underlying ideological motivation, 184–186
references to empirical data and reality, 180–182
Satire and humour, 179–180
verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
and autism, 210–215
capitalism, 14–15
nationalism, 14–15
Value, 168–169
Valuetainment, 152–153
Verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
Video communication software, 33
Vimeo, 94–97
Violence, 70–71, 155, 158
friend/enemy scheme and, 103–108
verbal attacks and calls for, 176–177
Virus, 78, 87, 215–216
War, 86–87
Wearing masks, 5–6, 266
WhatsApp, 33
Work from home, 45
Working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Workplace, 32–33
World Economic Crisis, 5, 93
World Health Organization (WHO), 2, 4, 18, 98, 203–204, 248, 256, 270–271
World society, 264
World Trade Organization, 201
Xenophobia, 219–220
Youth in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
YouTube, 94, 97, 272–273
Zoom, 33, 45–46, 266–267
(E-)learning in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
Eating meat, 79
Ebola, 9–10
Economic crisis, 5, 7
Econonym, 113
Egalitarians, 265–266
Epidemics, 216, 264
Erdoğan, Recep, 4
European Union (EU), 109, 147, 275–276
Everyday communication
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 23, 26, 28
in pandemic times, 263–275
Everyday life
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 23, 26, 28
coronavirus crisis as deceleration of, 27–28
in pandemic times, 263–275
radical transformation of space-time of, 33–36
Existential crises, 34
Export Comments, 154–155
Extreme tiredness, 17
Face-to-face communication, 24–27
Facebook, 94, 97, 266–267, 272–273
Fake news, 222–223
False COVID-19 news
Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh and, 81–86
types, 78–81
False news, 77–78
stories, 194–196
Fascism, 71, 86–87
Fear of illness, 267
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 68
Fever, 17
5G wireless networks, 79
Flexibilisation, 32–33
Frankfurt School critical theory, 63
Friend/enemy scheme, 69–70, 155, 163, 167, 176
and violence, 103–108
, 100
Gates Foundations, 140
General Temporal Theory, 281
Gini index, 202–203
Global cities in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
Global crisis, 5
Global Health Watch, 140
Globalisation, 12, 32–33
Google, 266–267
Google doc, 228–229
Governance, 10–11
Government measures, 60
Greedy sack, 167
Harvey, David, 8–9, 19
Health crisis, 5, 7
Herd immunity, 30
Hidden sinister plan, 68
Hildmann, Attila, 153–154
Home, 35–36
Houseworkers, 37
Human capital, 123–124
Human Development Index (HDI), 6
Human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), 101–102
Human papillomavirus (HPV), 110–111
Humanist politics, 264–265
Humanitarian refugee crisis, 5
Humans, 32
Humour, 186
Satire and, 179–180
Hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
Ideological Square Model’s strategies, 165–166
Ideological tools, 269
Ideologonym, 113
Ideology, 11–12, 63, 65
COVID-19 conspiracy theories as, 133–139
Illuminati, 169–170
Individual, overburdening of, 36–38
Individualisation, 32–33
Individualism, 278
Information communication platform providers, 266–267
InfoWars, 122–124
Ingraham Angle, The
, 152
Internet, 27, 75–76, 272–273, 275, 281
Internetopia, 277–278
claims, 172–173
reactions, 87
Jebsen, Ken, 103, 105, 124, 130
Jewish disease, 216
Jitsi, 33
Joe Biden, China and, 218–221
Johnson & Johnson, 14
Johnson, Boris, 4
Killer vaccines, 103
Laissez-faire approach, 28–29
Laura Ingraham Show, The
, 152
Lefebvre, Henri, 19
Liberal media, 222, 272–273
Locales, 35
Lockdown, 5–6, 91, 264–266
Trump’s opposition to, 237–241
Logical fallacy of hasty generalisation, 126–127
Mail-in votes, 229–234
Mainstream media, 223
Martin, David E., 118–119
Marxian theory, 68–69
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 115
McCarthyism, 193
Media, 275–281
exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
and Trump Rallies, 234–237
Mediation, 33
Medical progress, 213
MERS-CoV, 119–120
Metaphors of natural disasters, 233
Microsoft Office, 92, 266–267
Militarionym, 113
MMRV vaccine, 210–212
Mobile phone networks, 27
Moderna, 14
Modi, Narendra, 4
Moneyed aristocracy, 104–105
Monopolisation, 175–176
Moral crisis, 5, 7
Moral–political problems, 183
Mysticism, 70
Nationalism, 86–87
Natural disasters, metaphors of, 233
Negative consequences, 183
capitalism, 93
crisis, 37–38
political strategies, 34
privatisation, 141–142
strategies, 42
Neoliberalisation, 32–33
Neoliberalism, 60
9/11 attack, 5
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 163–164
Obama, Barack, 194
Overburdening individuals, danger of, 59
Pandemic times
communicating COVID-19, 1–2
COVID-19 and capitalism, 7–15
everyday life and everyday communication in, 263–275
health crisis, economic crisis, political crisis, cultural crisis, moral crisis, 5–7
SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19, 2–5
Pandemics, 216, 264
Panopto, 33
Pathologonyms, 233
Pediarix, 210–212
Persecutory anxiety, 70–71
Personalisation, 68–69, 101, 103, 155, 167, 172
Pfizer, 14
Philanthrocapitalism, critique of, 140–144
Physical proximity, 37
Pizzagate, 94–97
, 94, 97, 101, 103, 148, 151
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
Points of change, 10
Policy power, 142–143
Political action, calls to, 177–179
Political crisis, 5, 7
PolitiFact, 219
Politionym, 113
Post hoc, 212–213
Privatisation, 39–40
ProQuad, 210–212
Protective measures, 40
Public health measures, 18
Public service Internet platform, 275–276
Public service media (PSM), 272–274, 276–277
PublicServiceTube, 277–278
Putin, Vladimir, 4
conspiracy theory, 79, 268–269
movement, 93–94, 97
Quantum computing, 281
Radical transformation of space-time of everyday life, 33–36
Radically neoliberal society, 30–31
Rational irrationality, 72–73, 108, 113–114, 116, 158, 172, 176
Patrick Bet-David’s interview with Rashid Buttar, 114–116
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
of capital accumulation, 272
of irrationality, 113
Religionyms/moralonyms, 176
Repression, 155–158
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 100
Right-wing conspiracy theories, 168–169
Right-wing ideology, 163–164, 229
Right-wing leaders, 4
Risk society, 39–56
Rosa, Hartmut, 27
Rural areas in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
SARS, 119–120
SARS-CoV-2, 17–18, 87, 101–102, 104–105, 146, 217–218, 263–264, 270–271
and COVID-19, 2–5
global spread of, 10
Sather, Jordan, 98, 116, 118
Satire and humour, 179–180
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), 31–32
Secret domination, 68, 155
Secret world domination, 167–172
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), 99
Shortness of breath, 17
Shutdown, 264–265
Skype, 33
Social Darwinism, 18–19, 28, 32
Social distancing. See also Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), 5–6, 32–33, 37, 58, 91, 264–266
of old, weak and ill individuals, 52–53
Social media, 75–76
attention and visibility, 273–274
Social murder, 50
of workers in coronavirus crisis, 45–52
Social space, 34–35
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 21, 28
Socialism, 38–39, 60–61
Socialist crisis, 37
Society, 275–281
Solidarity, 269–270
Space-time, 35
Spanish flu, 216
State action, 155–158
Swine flu, 119–120
Tabloid media, 222–223
Technocracy and instrumental reason, 143
Telegram, 33
Thatcherism, 30–31
Theory of space, 19
TikTok, 94–97
Tönnies Holding, 48
Trump, Donald, 4, 270–271
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
on Twitter, 192–193
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Twitter, 94, 97, 272–273
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
Donald Trump on, 192–193
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Typology of social space, 19–20
United Nations (UN), 203–204
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 54–55
Universal commodification, 39–40
Urbanisation, 8
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 227–228
Users’ reactions to Covid-19 conspiracy
calls to political action, 177–179
coding scheme utilised in conducted, 156–157
content analysis, 160–163
criticism, 179–186
data analysis, 154–159
demonstration of moral–political problems and negative consequences, 183
determinism and rational irrationality, 172–176
findings, 160–186
friend/enemy scheme, 163–167
immanent critique of logic of argumentation, 183–184
methodology, 148–159
personalisation and secret world domination, 167–172
questioning of underlying ideological motivation, 184–186
references to empirical data and reality, 180–182
Satire and humour, 179–180
verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
and autism, 210–215
capitalism, 14–15
nationalism, 14–15
Value, 168–169
Valuetainment, 152–153
Verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
Video communication software, 33
Vimeo, 94–97
Violence, 70–71, 155, 158
friend/enemy scheme and, 103–108
verbal attacks and calls for, 176–177
Virus, 78, 87, 215–216
War, 86–87
Wearing masks, 5–6, 266
WhatsApp, 33
Work from home, 45
Working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Workplace, 32–33
World Economic Crisis, 5, 93
World Health Organization (WHO), 2, 4, 18, 98, 203–204, 248, 256, 270–271
World society, 264
World Trade Organization, 201
Xenophobia, 219–220
Youth in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
YouTube, 94, 97, 272–273
Zoom, 33, 45–46, 266–267
, 100
Gates Foundations, 140
General Temporal Theory, 281
Gini index, 202–203
Global cities in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
Global crisis, 5
Global Health Watch, 140
Globalisation, 12, 32–33
Google, 266–267
Google doc, 228–229
Governance, 10–11
Government measures, 60
Greedy sack, 167
Harvey, David, 8–9, 19
Health crisis, 5, 7
Herd immunity, 30
Hidden sinister plan, 68
Hildmann, Attila, 153–154
Home, 35–36
Houseworkers, 37
Human capital, 123–124
Human Development Index (HDI), 6
Human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), 101–102
Human papillomavirus (HPV), 110–111
Humanist politics, 264–265
Humanitarian refugee crisis, 5
Humans, 32
Humour, 186
Satire and, 179–180
Hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
Ideological Square Model’s strategies, 165–166
Ideological tools, 269
Ideologonym, 113
Ideology, 11–12, 63, 65
COVID-19 conspiracy theories as, 133–139
Illuminati, 169–170
Individual, overburdening of, 36–38
Individualisation, 32–33
Individualism, 278
Information communication platform providers, 266–267
InfoWars, 122–124
Ingraham Angle, The
, 152
Internet, 27, 75–76, 272–273, 275, 281
Internetopia, 277–278
claims, 172–173
reactions, 87
Jebsen, Ken, 103, 105, 124, 130
Jewish disease, 216
Jitsi, 33
Joe Biden, China and, 218–221
Johnson & Johnson, 14
Johnson, Boris, 4
Killer vaccines, 103
Laissez-faire approach, 28–29
Laura Ingraham Show, The
, 152
Lefebvre, Henri, 19
Liberal media, 222, 272–273
Locales, 35
Lockdown, 5–6, 91, 264–266
Trump’s opposition to, 237–241
Logical fallacy of hasty generalisation, 126–127
Mail-in votes, 229–234
Mainstream media, 223
Martin, David E., 118–119
Marxian theory, 68–69
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 115
McCarthyism, 193
Media, 275–281
exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
and Trump Rallies, 234–237
Mediation, 33
Medical progress, 213
MERS-CoV, 119–120
Metaphors of natural disasters, 233
Microsoft Office, 92, 266–267
Militarionym, 113
MMRV vaccine, 210–212
Mobile phone networks, 27
Moderna, 14
Modi, Narendra, 4
Moneyed aristocracy, 104–105
Monopolisation, 175–176
Moral crisis, 5, 7
Moral–political problems, 183
Mysticism, 70
Nationalism, 86–87
Natural disasters, metaphors of, 233
Negative consequences, 183
capitalism, 93
crisis, 37–38
political strategies, 34
privatisation, 141–142
strategies, 42
Neoliberalisation, 32–33
Neoliberalism, 60
9/11 attack, 5
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 163–164
Obama, Barack, 194
Overburdening individuals, danger of, 59
Pandemic times
communicating COVID-19, 1–2
COVID-19 and capitalism, 7–15
everyday life and everyday communication in, 263–275
health crisis, economic crisis, political crisis, cultural crisis, moral crisis, 5–7
SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19, 2–5
Pandemics, 216, 264
Panopto, 33
Pathologonyms, 233
Pediarix, 210–212
Persecutory anxiety, 70–71
Personalisation, 68–69, 101, 103, 155, 167, 172
Pfizer, 14
Philanthrocapitalism, critique of, 140–144
Physical proximity, 37
Pizzagate, 94–97
, 94, 97, 101, 103, 148, 151
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
Points of change, 10
Policy power, 142–143
Political action, calls to, 177–179
Political crisis, 5, 7
PolitiFact, 219
Politionym, 113
Post hoc, 212–213
Privatisation, 39–40
ProQuad, 210–212
Protective measures, 40
Public health measures, 18
Public service Internet platform, 275–276
Public service media (PSM), 272–274, 276–277
PublicServiceTube, 277–278
Putin, Vladimir, 4
conspiracy theory, 79, 268–269
movement, 93–94, 97
Quantum computing, 281
Radical transformation of space-time of everyday life, 33–36
Radically neoliberal society, 30–31
Rational irrationality, 72–73, 108, 113–114, 116, 158, 172, 176
Patrick Bet-David’s interview with Rashid Buttar, 114–116
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
of capital accumulation, 272
of irrationality, 113
Religionyms/moralonyms, 176
Repression, 155–158
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 100
Right-wing conspiracy theories, 168–169
Right-wing ideology, 163–164, 229
Right-wing leaders, 4
Risk society, 39–56
Rosa, Hartmut, 27
Rural areas in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
SARS, 119–120
SARS-CoV-2, 17–18, 87, 101–102, 104–105, 146, 217–218, 263–264, 270–271
and COVID-19, 2–5
global spread of, 10
Sather, Jordan, 98, 116, 118
Satire and humour, 179–180
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), 31–32
Secret domination, 68, 155
Secret world domination, 167–172
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), 99
Shortness of breath, 17
Shutdown, 264–265
Skype, 33
Social Darwinism, 18–19, 28, 32
Social distancing. See also Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), 5–6, 32–33, 37, 58, 91, 264–266
of old, weak and ill individuals, 52–53
Social media, 75–76
attention and visibility, 273–274
Social murder, 50
of workers in coronavirus crisis, 45–52
Social space, 34–35
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 21, 28
Socialism, 38–39, 60–61
Socialist crisis, 37
Society, 275–281
Solidarity, 269–270
Space-time, 35
Spanish flu, 216
State action, 155–158
Swine flu, 119–120
Tabloid media, 222–223
Technocracy and instrumental reason, 143
Telegram, 33
Thatcherism, 30–31
Theory of space, 19
TikTok, 94–97
Tönnies Holding, 48
Trump, Donald, 4, 270–271
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
on Twitter, 192–193
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Twitter, 94, 97, 272–273
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
Donald Trump on, 192–193
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Typology of social space, 19–20
United Nations (UN), 203–204
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 54–55
Universal commodification, 39–40
Urbanisation, 8
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 227–228
Users’ reactions to Covid-19 conspiracy
calls to political action, 177–179
coding scheme utilised in conducted, 156–157
content analysis, 160–163
criticism, 179–186
data analysis, 154–159
demonstration of moral–political problems and negative consequences, 183
determinism and rational irrationality, 172–176
findings, 160–186
friend/enemy scheme, 163–167
immanent critique of logic of argumentation, 183–184
methodology, 148–159
personalisation and secret world domination, 167–172
questioning of underlying ideological motivation, 184–186
references to empirical data and reality, 180–182
Satire and humour, 179–180
verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
and autism, 210–215
capitalism, 14–15
nationalism, 14–15
Value, 168–169
Valuetainment, 152–153
Verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
Video communication software, 33
Vimeo, 94–97
Violence, 70–71, 155, 158
friend/enemy scheme and, 103–108
verbal attacks and calls for, 176–177
Virus, 78, 87, 215–216
War, 86–87
Wearing masks, 5–6, 266
WhatsApp, 33
Work from home, 45
Working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Workplace, 32–33
World Economic Crisis, 5, 93
World Health Organization (WHO), 2, 4, 18, 98, 203–204, 248, 256, 270–271
World society, 264
World Trade Organization, 201
Xenophobia, 219–220
Youth in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
YouTube, 94, 97, 272–273
Zoom, 33, 45–46, 266–267
Ideological Square Model’s strategies, 165–166
Ideological tools, 269
Ideologonym, 113
Ideology, 11–12, 63, 65
COVID-19 conspiracy theories as, 133–139
Illuminati, 169–170
Individual, overburdening of, 36–38
Individualisation, 32–33
Individualism, 278
Information communication platform providers, 266–267
InfoWars, 122–124
Ingraham Angle, The
, 152
Internet, 27, 75–76, 272–273, 275, 281
Internetopia, 277–278
claims, 172–173
reactions, 87
Jebsen, Ken, 103, 105, 124, 130
Jewish disease, 216
Jitsi, 33
Joe Biden, China and, 218–221
Johnson & Johnson, 14
Johnson, Boris, 4
Killer vaccines, 103
Laissez-faire approach, 28–29
Laura Ingraham Show, The
, 152
Lefebvre, Henri, 19
Liberal media, 222, 272–273
Locales, 35
Lockdown, 5–6, 91, 264–266
Trump’s opposition to, 237–241
Logical fallacy of hasty generalisation, 126–127
Mail-in votes, 229–234
Mainstream media, 223
Martin, David E., 118–119
Marxian theory, 68–69
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 115
McCarthyism, 193
Media, 275–281
exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
and Trump Rallies, 234–237
Mediation, 33
Medical progress, 213
MERS-CoV, 119–120
Metaphors of natural disasters, 233
Microsoft Office, 92, 266–267
Militarionym, 113
MMRV vaccine, 210–212
Mobile phone networks, 27
Moderna, 14
Modi, Narendra, 4
Moneyed aristocracy, 104–105
Monopolisation, 175–176
Moral crisis, 5, 7
Moral–political problems, 183
Mysticism, 70
Nationalism, 86–87
Natural disasters, metaphors of, 233
Negative consequences, 183
capitalism, 93
crisis, 37–38
political strategies, 34
privatisation, 141–142
strategies, 42
Neoliberalisation, 32–33
Neoliberalism, 60
9/11 attack, 5
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 163–164
Obama, Barack, 194
Overburdening individuals, danger of, 59
Pandemic times
communicating COVID-19, 1–2
COVID-19 and capitalism, 7–15
everyday life and everyday communication in, 263–275
health crisis, economic crisis, political crisis, cultural crisis, moral crisis, 5–7
SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19, 2–5
Pandemics, 216, 264
Panopto, 33
Pathologonyms, 233
Pediarix, 210–212
Persecutory anxiety, 70–71
Personalisation, 68–69, 101, 103, 155, 167, 172
Pfizer, 14
Philanthrocapitalism, critique of, 140–144
Physical proximity, 37
Pizzagate, 94–97
, 94, 97, 101, 103, 148, 151
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
Points of change, 10
Policy power, 142–143
Political action, calls to, 177–179
Political crisis, 5, 7
PolitiFact, 219
Politionym, 113
Post hoc, 212–213
Privatisation, 39–40
ProQuad, 210–212
Protective measures, 40
Public health measures, 18
Public service Internet platform, 275–276
Public service media (PSM), 272–274, 276–277
PublicServiceTube, 277–278
Putin, Vladimir, 4
conspiracy theory, 79, 268–269
movement, 93–94, 97
Quantum computing, 281
Radical transformation of space-time of everyday life, 33–36
Radically neoliberal society, 30–31
Rational irrationality, 72–73, 108, 113–114, 116, 158, 172, 176
Patrick Bet-David’s interview with Rashid Buttar, 114–116
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
of capital accumulation, 272
of irrationality, 113
Religionyms/moralonyms, 176
Repression, 155–158
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 100
Right-wing conspiracy theories, 168–169
Right-wing ideology, 163–164, 229
Right-wing leaders, 4
Risk society, 39–56
Rosa, Hartmut, 27
Rural areas in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
SARS, 119–120
SARS-CoV-2, 17–18, 87, 101–102, 104–105, 146, 217–218, 263–264, 270–271
and COVID-19, 2–5
global spread of, 10
Sather, Jordan, 98, 116, 118
Satire and humour, 179–180
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), 31–32
Secret domination, 68, 155
Secret world domination, 167–172
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), 99
Shortness of breath, 17
Shutdown, 264–265
Skype, 33
Social Darwinism, 18–19, 28, 32
Social distancing. See also Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), 5–6, 32–33, 37, 58, 91, 264–266
of old, weak and ill individuals, 52–53
Social media, 75–76
attention and visibility, 273–274
Social murder, 50
of workers in coronavirus crisis, 45–52
Social space, 34–35
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 21, 28
Socialism, 38–39, 60–61
Socialist crisis, 37
Society, 275–281
Solidarity, 269–270
Space-time, 35
Spanish flu, 216
State action, 155–158
Swine flu, 119–120
Tabloid media, 222–223
Technocracy and instrumental reason, 143
Telegram, 33
Thatcherism, 30–31
Theory of space, 19
TikTok, 94–97
Tönnies Holding, 48
Trump, Donald, 4, 270–271
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
on Twitter, 192–193
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Twitter, 94, 97, 272–273
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
Donald Trump on, 192–193
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Typology of social space, 19–20
United Nations (UN), 203–204
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 54–55
Universal commodification, 39–40
Urbanisation, 8
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 227–228
Users’ reactions to Covid-19 conspiracy
calls to political action, 177–179
coding scheme utilised in conducted, 156–157
content analysis, 160–163
criticism, 179–186
data analysis, 154–159
demonstration of moral–political problems and negative consequences, 183
determinism and rational irrationality, 172–176
findings, 160–186
friend/enemy scheme, 163–167
immanent critique of logic of argumentation, 183–184
methodology, 148–159
personalisation and secret world domination, 167–172
questioning of underlying ideological motivation, 184–186
references to empirical data and reality, 180–182
Satire and humour, 179–180
verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
and autism, 210–215
capitalism, 14–15
nationalism, 14–15
Value, 168–169
Valuetainment, 152–153
Verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
Video communication software, 33
Vimeo, 94–97
Violence, 70–71, 155, 158
friend/enemy scheme and, 103–108
verbal attacks and calls for, 176–177
Virus, 78, 87, 215–216
War, 86–87
Wearing masks, 5–6, 266
WhatsApp, 33
Work from home, 45
Working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Workplace, 32–33
World Economic Crisis, 5, 93
World Health Organization (WHO), 2, 4, 18, 98, 203–204, 248, 256, 270–271
World society, 264
World Trade Organization, 201
Xenophobia, 219–220
Youth in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
YouTube, 94, 97, 272–273
Zoom, 33, 45–46, 266–267
Killer vaccines, 103
Laissez-faire approach, 28–29
Laura Ingraham Show, The
, 152
Lefebvre, Henri, 19
Liberal media, 222, 272–273
Locales, 35
Lockdown, 5–6, 91, 264–266
Trump’s opposition to, 237–241
Logical fallacy of hasty generalisation, 126–127
Mail-in votes, 229–234
Mainstream media, 223
Martin, David E., 118–119
Marxian theory, 68–69
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 115
McCarthyism, 193
Media, 275–281
exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
and Trump Rallies, 234–237
Mediation, 33
Medical progress, 213
MERS-CoV, 119–120
Metaphors of natural disasters, 233
Microsoft Office, 92, 266–267
Militarionym, 113
MMRV vaccine, 210–212
Mobile phone networks, 27
Moderna, 14
Modi, Narendra, 4
Moneyed aristocracy, 104–105
Monopolisation, 175–176
Moral crisis, 5, 7
Moral–political problems, 183
Mysticism, 70
Nationalism, 86–87
Natural disasters, metaphors of, 233
Negative consequences, 183
capitalism, 93
crisis, 37–38
political strategies, 34
privatisation, 141–142
strategies, 42
Neoliberalisation, 32–33
Neoliberalism, 60
9/11 attack, 5
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 163–164
Obama, Barack, 194
Overburdening individuals, danger of, 59
Pandemic times
communicating COVID-19, 1–2
COVID-19 and capitalism, 7–15
everyday life and everyday communication in, 263–275
health crisis, economic crisis, political crisis, cultural crisis, moral crisis, 5–7
SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19, 2–5
Pandemics, 216, 264
Panopto, 33
Pathologonyms, 233
Pediarix, 210–212
Persecutory anxiety, 70–71
Personalisation, 68–69, 101, 103, 155, 167, 172
Pfizer, 14
Philanthrocapitalism, critique of, 140–144
Physical proximity, 37
Pizzagate, 94–97
, 94, 97, 101, 103, 148, 151
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
Points of change, 10
Policy power, 142–143
Political action, calls to, 177–179
Political crisis, 5, 7
PolitiFact, 219
Politionym, 113
Post hoc, 212–213
Privatisation, 39–40
ProQuad, 210–212
Protective measures, 40
Public health measures, 18
Public service Internet platform, 275–276
Public service media (PSM), 272–274, 276–277
PublicServiceTube, 277–278
Putin, Vladimir, 4
conspiracy theory, 79, 268–269
movement, 93–94, 97
Quantum computing, 281
Radical transformation of space-time of everyday life, 33–36
Radically neoliberal society, 30–31
Rational irrationality, 72–73, 108, 113–114, 116, 158, 172, 176
Patrick Bet-David’s interview with Rashid Buttar, 114–116
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
of capital accumulation, 272
of irrationality, 113
Religionyms/moralonyms, 176
Repression, 155–158
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 100
Right-wing conspiracy theories, 168–169
Right-wing ideology, 163–164, 229
Right-wing leaders, 4
Risk society, 39–56
Rosa, Hartmut, 27
Rural areas in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
SARS, 119–120
SARS-CoV-2, 17–18, 87, 101–102, 104–105, 146, 217–218, 263–264, 270–271
and COVID-19, 2–5
global spread of, 10
Sather, Jordan, 98, 116, 118
Satire and humour, 179–180
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), 31–32
Secret domination, 68, 155
Secret world domination, 167–172
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), 99
Shortness of breath, 17
Shutdown, 264–265
Skype, 33
Social Darwinism, 18–19, 28, 32
Social distancing. See also Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), 5–6, 32–33, 37, 58, 91, 264–266
of old, weak and ill individuals, 52–53
Social media, 75–76
attention and visibility, 273–274
Social murder, 50
of workers in coronavirus crisis, 45–52
Social space, 34–35
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 21, 28
Socialism, 38–39, 60–61
Socialist crisis, 37
Society, 275–281
Solidarity, 269–270
Space-time, 35
Spanish flu, 216
State action, 155–158
Swine flu, 119–120
Tabloid media, 222–223
Technocracy and instrumental reason, 143
Telegram, 33
Thatcherism, 30–31
Theory of space, 19
TikTok, 94–97
Tönnies Holding, 48
Trump, Donald, 4, 270–271
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
on Twitter, 192–193
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Twitter, 94, 97, 272–273
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
Donald Trump on, 192–193
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Typology of social space, 19–20
United Nations (UN), 203–204
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 54–55
Universal commodification, 39–40
Urbanisation, 8
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 227–228
Users’ reactions to Covid-19 conspiracy
calls to political action, 177–179
coding scheme utilised in conducted, 156–157
content analysis, 160–163
criticism, 179–186
data analysis, 154–159
demonstration of moral–political problems and negative consequences, 183
determinism and rational irrationality, 172–176
findings, 160–186
friend/enemy scheme, 163–167
immanent critique of logic of argumentation, 183–184
methodology, 148–159
personalisation and secret world domination, 167–172
questioning of underlying ideological motivation, 184–186
references to empirical data and reality, 180–182
Satire and humour, 179–180
verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
and autism, 210–215
capitalism, 14–15
nationalism, 14–15
Value, 168–169
Valuetainment, 152–153
Verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
Video communication software, 33
Vimeo, 94–97
Violence, 70–71, 155, 158
friend/enemy scheme and, 103–108
verbal attacks and calls for, 176–177
Virus, 78, 87, 215–216
War, 86–87
Wearing masks, 5–6, 266
WhatsApp, 33
Work from home, 45
Working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Workplace, 32–33
World Economic Crisis, 5, 93
World Health Organization (WHO), 2, 4, 18, 98, 203–204, 248, 256, 270–271
World society, 264
World Trade Organization, 201
Xenophobia, 219–220
Youth in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
YouTube, 94, 97, 272–273
Zoom, 33, 45–46, 266–267
Mail-in votes, 229–234
Mainstream media, 223
Martin, David E., 118–119
Marxian theory, 68–69
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 115
McCarthyism, 193
Media, 275–281
exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
and Trump Rallies, 234–237
Mediation, 33
Medical progress, 213
MERS-CoV, 119–120
Metaphors of natural disasters, 233
Microsoft Office, 92, 266–267
Militarionym, 113
MMRV vaccine, 210–212
Mobile phone networks, 27
Moderna, 14
Modi, Narendra, 4
Moneyed aristocracy, 104–105
Monopolisation, 175–176
Moral crisis, 5, 7
Moral–political problems, 183
Mysticism, 70
Nationalism, 86–87
Natural disasters, metaphors of, 233
Negative consequences, 183
capitalism, 93
crisis, 37–38
political strategies, 34
privatisation, 141–142
strategies, 42
Neoliberalisation, 32–33
Neoliberalism, 60
9/11 attack, 5
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 163–164
Obama, Barack, 194
Overburdening individuals, danger of, 59
Pandemic times
communicating COVID-19, 1–2
COVID-19 and capitalism, 7–15
everyday life and everyday communication in, 263–275
health crisis, economic crisis, political crisis, cultural crisis, moral crisis, 5–7
SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19, 2–5
Pandemics, 216, 264
Panopto, 33
Pathologonyms, 233
Pediarix, 210–212
Persecutory anxiety, 70–71
Personalisation, 68–69, 101, 103, 155, 167, 172
Pfizer, 14
Philanthrocapitalism, critique of, 140–144
Physical proximity, 37
Pizzagate, 94–97
, 94, 97, 101, 103, 148, 151
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
Points of change, 10
Policy power, 142–143
Political action, calls to, 177–179
Political crisis, 5, 7
PolitiFact, 219
Politionym, 113
Post hoc, 212–213
Privatisation, 39–40
ProQuad, 210–212
Protective measures, 40
Public health measures, 18
Public service Internet platform, 275–276
Public service media (PSM), 272–274, 276–277
PublicServiceTube, 277–278
Putin, Vladimir, 4
conspiracy theory, 79, 268–269
movement, 93–94, 97
Quantum computing, 281
Radical transformation of space-time of everyday life, 33–36
Radically neoliberal society, 30–31
Rational irrationality, 72–73, 108, 113–114, 116, 158, 172, 176
Patrick Bet-David’s interview with Rashid Buttar, 114–116
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
of capital accumulation, 272
of irrationality, 113
Religionyms/moralonyms, 176
Repression, 155–158
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 100
Right-wing conspiracy theories, 168–169
Right-wing ideology, 163–164, 229
Right-wing leaders, 4
Risk society, 39–56
Rosa, Hartmut, 27
Rural areas in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
SARS, 119–120
SARS-CoV-2, 17–18, 87, 101–102, 104–105, 146, 217–218, 263–264, 270–271
and COVID-19, 2–5
global spread of, 10
Sather, Jordan, 98, 116, 118
Satire and humour, 179–180
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), 31–32
Secret domination, 68, 155
Secret world domination, 167–172
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), 99
Shortness of breath, 17
Shutdown, 264–265
Skype, 33
Social Darwinism, 18–19, 28, 32
Social distancing. See also Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), 5–6, 32–33, 37, 58, 91, 264–266
of old, weak and ill individuals, 52–53
Social media, 75–76
attention and visibility, 273–274
Social murder, 50
of workers in coronavirus crisis, 45–52
Social space, 34–35
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 21, 28
Socialism, 38–39, 60–61
Socialist crisis, 37
Society, 275–281
Solidarity, 269–270
Space-time, 35
Spanish flu, 216
State action, 155–158
Swine flu, 119–120
Tabloid media, 222–223
Technocracy and instrumental reason, 143
Telegram, 33
Thatcherism, 30–31
Theory of space, 19
TikTok, 94–97
Tönnies Holding, 48
Trump, Donald, 4, 270–271
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
on Twitter, 192–193
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Twitter, 94, 97, 272–273
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
Donald Trump on, 192–193
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Typology of social space, 19–20
United Nations (UN), 203–204
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 54–55
Universal commodification, 39–40
Urbanisation, 8
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 227–228
Users’ reactions to Covid-19 conspiracy
calls to political action, 177–179
coding scheme utilised in conducted, 156–157
content analysis, 160–163
criticism, 179–186
data analysis, 154–159
demonstration of moral–political problems and negative consequences, 183
determinism and rational irrationality, 172–176
findings, 160–186
friend/enemy scheme, 163–167
immanent critique of logic of argumentation, 183–184
methodology, 148–159
personalisation and secret world domination, 167–172
questioning of underlying ideological motivation, 184–186
references to empirical data and reality, 180–182
Satire and humour, 179–180
verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
and autism, 210–215
capitalism, 14–15
nationalism, 14–15
Value, 168–169
Valuetainment, 152–153
Verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
Video communication software, 33
Vimeo, 94–97
Violence, 70–71, 155, 158
friend/enemy scheme and, 103–108
verbal attacks and calls for, 176–177
Virus, 78, 87, 215–216
War, 86–87
Wearing masks, 5–6, 266
WhatsApp, 33
Work from home, 45
Working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Workplace, 32–33
World Economic Crisis, 5, 93
World Health Organization (WHO), 2, 4, 18, 98, 203–204, 248, 256, 270–271
World society, 264
World Trade Organization, 201
Xenophobia, 219–220
Youth in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
YouTube, 94, 97, 272–273
Zoom, 33, 45–46, 266–267
Obama, Barack, 194
Overburdening individuals, danger of, 59
Pandemic times
communicating COVID-19, 1–2
COVID-19 and capitalism, 7–15
everyday life and everyday communication in, 263–275
health crisis, economic crisis, political crisis, cultural crisis, moral crisis, 5–7
SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19, 2–5
Pandemics, 216, 264
Panopto, 33
Pathologonyms, 233
Pediarix, 210–212
Persecutory anxiety, 70–71
Personalisation, 68–69, 101, 103, 155, 167, 172
Pfizer, 14
Philanthrocapitalism, critique of, 140–144
Physical proximity, 37
Pizzagate, 94–97
, 94, 97, 101, 103, 148, 151
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
Points of change, 10
Policy power, 142–143
Political action, calls to, 177–179
Political crisis, 5, 7
PolitiFact, 219
Politionym, 113
Post hoc, 212–213
Privatisation, 39–40
ProQuad, 210–212
Protective measures, 40
Public health measures, 18
Public service Internet platform, 275–276
Public service media (PSM), 272–274, 276–277
PublicServiceTube, 277–278
Putin, Vladimir, 4
conspiracy theory, 79, 268–269
movement, 93–94, 97
Quantum computing, 281
Radical transformation of space-time of everyday life, 33–36
Radically neoliberal society, 30–31
Rational irrationality, 72–73, 108, 113–114, 116, 158, 172, 176
Patrick Bet-David’s interview with Rashid Buttar, 114–116
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
of capital accumulation, 272
of irrationality, 113
Religionyms/moralonyms, 176
Repression, 155–158
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 100
Right-wing conspiracy theories, 168–169
Right-wing ideology, 163–164, 229
Right-wing leaders, 4
Risk society, 39–56
Rosa, Hartmut, 27
Rural areas in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
SARS, 119–120
SARS-CoV-2, 17–18, 87, 101–102, 104–105, 146, 217–218, 263–264, 270–271
and COVID-19, 2–5
global spread of, 10
Sather, Jordan, 98, 116, 118
Satire and humour, 179–180
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), 31–32
Secret domination, 68, 155
Secret world domination, 167–172
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), 99
Shortness of breath, 17
Shutdown, 264–265
Skype, 33
Social Darwinism, 18–19, 28, 32
Social distancing. See also Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), 5–6, 32–33, 37, 58, 91, 264–266
of old, weak and ill individuals, 52–53
Social media, 75–76
attention and visibility, 273–274
Social murder, 50
of workers in coronavirus crisis, 45–52
Social space, 34–35
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 21, 28
Socialism, 38–39, 60–61
Socialist crisis, 37
Society, 275–281
Solidarity, 269–270
Space-time, 35
Spanish flu, 216
State action, 155–158
Swine flu, 119–120
Tabloid media, 222–223
Technocracy and instrumental reason, 143
Telegram, 33
Thatcherism, 30–31
Theory of space, 19
TikTok, 94–97
Tönnies Holding, 48
Trump, Donald, 4, 270–271
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
on Twitter, 192–193
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Twitter, 94, 97, 272–273
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
Donald Trump on, 192–193
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Typology of social space, 19–20
United Nations (UN), 203–204
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 54–55
Universal commodification, 39–40
Urbanisation, 8
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 227–228
Users’ reactions to Covid-19 conspiracy
calls to political action, 177–179
coding scheme utilised in conducted, 156–157
content analysis, 160–163
criticism, 179–186
data analysis, 154–159
demonstration of moral–political problems and negative consequences, 183
determinism and rational irrationality, 172–176
findings, 160–186
friend/enemy scheme, 163–167
immanent critique of logic of argumentation, 183–184
methodology, 148–159
personalisation and secret world domination, 167–172
questioning of underlying ideological motivation, 184–186
references to empirical data and reality, 180–182
Satire and humour, 179–180
verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
and autism, 210–215
capitalism, 14–15
nationalism, 14–15
Value, 168–169
Valuetainment, 152–153
Verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
Video communication software, 33
Vimeo, 94–97
Violence, 70–71, 155, 158
friend/enemy scheme and, 103–108
verbal attacks and calls for, 176–177
Virus, 78, 87, 215–216
War, 86–87
Wearing masks, 5–6, 266
WhatsApp, 33
Work from home, 45
Working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Workplace, 32–33
World Economic Crisis, 5, 93
World Health Organization (WHO), 2, 4, 18, 98, 203–204, 248, 256, 270–271
World society, 264
World Trade Organization, 201
Xenophobia, 219–220
Youth in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
YouTube, 94, 97, 272–273
Zoom, 33, 45–46, 266–267
conspiracy theory, 79, 268–269
movement, 93–94, 97
Quantum computing, 281
Radical transformation of space-time of everyday life, 33–36
Radically neoliberal society, 30–31
Rational irrationality, 72–73, 108, 113–114, 116, 158, 172, 176
Patrick Bet-David’s interview with Rashid Buttar, 114–116
Plandemic 2 (Indoctrination), 108, 114, 118, 120
of capital accumulation, 272
of irrationality, 113
Religionyms/moralonyms, 176
Repression, 155–158
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 100
Right-wing conspiracy theories, 168–169
Right-wing ideology, 163–164, 229
Right-wing leaders, 4
Risk society, 39–56
Rosa, Hartmut, 27
Rural areas in coronavirus crisis, 56–57
SARS, 119–120
SARS-CoV-2, 17–18, 87, 101–102, 104–105, 146, 217–218, 263–264, 270–271
and COVID-19, 2–5
global spread of, 10
Sather, Jordan, 98, 116, 118
Satire and humour, 179–180
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), 31–32
Secret domination, 68, 155
Secret world domination, 167–172
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), 99
Shortness of breath, 17
Shutdown, 264–265
Skype, 33
Social Darwinism, 18–19, 28, 32
Social distancing. See also Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), 5–6, 32–33, 37, 58, 91, 264–266
of old, weak and ill individuals, 52–53
Social media, 75–76
attention and visibility, 273–274
Social murder, 50
of workers in coronavirus crisis, 45–52
Social space, 34–35
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 21, 28
Socialism, 38–39, 60–61
Socialist crisis, 37
Society, 275–281
Solidarity, 269–270
Space-time, 35
Spanish flu, 216
State action, 155–158
Swine flu, 119–120
Tabloid media, 222–223
Technocracy and instrumental reason, 143
Telegram, 33
Thatcherism, 30–31
Theory of space, 19
TikTok, 94–97
Tönnies Holding, 48
Trump, Donald, 4, 270–271
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
on Twitter, 192–193
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Twitter, 94, 97, 272–273
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
Donald Trump on, 192–193
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Typology of social space, 19–20
United Nations (UN), 203–204
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 54–55
Universal commodification, 39–40
Urbanisation, 8
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 227–228
Users’ reactions to Covid-19 conspiracy
calls to political action, 177–179
coding scheme utilised in conducted, 156–157
content analysis, 160–163
criticism, 179–186
data analysis, 154–159
demonstration of moral–political problems and negative consequences, 183
determinism and rational irrationality, 172–176
findings, 160–186
friend/enemy scheme, 163–167
immanent critique of logic of argumentation, 183–184
methodology, 148–159
personalisation and secret world domination, 167–172
questioning of underlying ideological motivation, 184–186
references to empirical data and reality, 180–182
Satire and humour, 179–180
verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
and autism, 210–215
capitalism, 14–15
nationalism, 14–15
Value, 168–169
Valuetainment, 152–153
Verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
Video communication software, 33
Vimeo, 94–97
Violence, 70–71, 155, 158
friend/enemy scheme and, 103–108
verbal attacks and calls for, 176–177
Virus, 78, 87, 215–216
War, 86–87
Wearing masks, 5–6, 266
WhatsApp, 33
Work from home, 45
Working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Workplace, 32–33
World Economic Crisis, 5, 93
World Health Organization (WHO), 2, 4, 18, 98, 203–204, 248, 256, 270–271
World society, 264
World Trade Organization, 201
Xenophobia, 219–220
Youth in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
YouTube, 94, 97, 272–273
Zoom, 33, 45–46, 266–267
SARS, 119–120
SARS-CoV-2, 17–18, 87, 101–102, 104–105, 146, 217–218, 263–264, 270–271
and COVID-19, 2–5
global spread of, 10
Sather, Jordan, 98, 116, 118
Satire and humour, 179–180
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), 31–32
Secret domination, 68, 155
Secret world domination, 167–172
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), 99
Shortness of breath, 17
Shutdown, 264–265
Skype, 33
Social Darwinism, 18–19, 28, 32
Social distancing. See also Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), 5–6, 32–33, 37, 58, 91, 264–266
of old, weak and ill individuals, 52–53
Social media, 75–76
attention and visibility, 273–274
Social murder, 50
of workers in coronavirus crisis, 45–52
Social space, 34–35
in coronavirus crisis, 19, 21, 28
Socialism, 38–39, 60–61
Socialist crisis, 37
Society, 275–281
Solidarity, 269–270
Space-time, 35
Spanish flu, 216
State action, 155–158
Swine flu, 119–120
Tabloid media, 222–223
Technocracy and instrumental reason, 143
Telegram, 33
Thatcherism, 30–31
Theory of space, 19
TikTok, 94–97
Tönnies Holding, 48
Trump, Donald, 4, 270–271
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
on Twitter, 192–193
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Twitter, 94, 97, 272–273
China and Joe Biden, 218–221
China virus, 215–218
COVID-19 testing, 241–244
and COVID-19, 191, 224–225
Donald Trump on, 192–193
election fraud conspiracy theory tweets, 197
hydroxychloroquine, 225–229
legacy, 198–203
mail-in votes, 229–234
media and Trump Rallies, 234–237
media exaggerate as part of anti-Trump conspiracy, 221–223
methodology, 203–204
sample of 19 Trump Tweets, 205–209
Trump’s opposition to lockdowns, 237–241
Trump’s policies, 201–203
Trump’s reaction to and management of COVID-19 pandemic, 244–248
tweet by Donald Trump containing fabricated, 195
vaccines and autism, 210–215
voted for Trump, 198
World Health Organization, 248–256
Typology of social space, 19–20
United Nations (UN), 203–204
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 54–55
Universal commodification, 39–40
Urbanisation, 8
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 227–228
Users’ reactions to Covid-19 conspiracy
calls to political action, 177–179
coding scheme utilised in conducted, 156–157
content analysis, 160–163
criticism, 179–186
data analysis, 154–159
demonstration of moral–political problems and negative consequences, 183
determinism and rational irrationality, 172–176
findings, 160–186
friend/enemy scheme, 163–167
immanent critique of logic of argumentation, 183–184
methodology, 148–159
personalisation and secret world domination, 167–172
questioning of underlying ideological motivation, 184–186
references to empirical data and reality, 180–182
Satire and humour, 179–180
verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
and autism, 210–215
capitalism, 14–15
nationalism, 14–15
Value, 168–169
Valuetainment, 152–153
Verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
Video communication software, 33
Vimeo, 94–97
Violence, 70–71, 155, 158
friend/enemy scheme and, 103–108
verbal attacks and calls for, 176–177
Virus, 78, 87, 215–216
War, 86–87
Wearing masks, 5–6, 266
WhatsApp, 33
Work from home, 45
Working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Workplace, 32–33
World Economic Crisis, 5, 93
World Health Organization (WHO), 2, 4, 18, 98, 203–204, 248, 256, 270–271
World society, 264
World Trade Organization, 201
Xenophobia, 219–220
Youth in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
YouTube, 94, 97, 272–273
Zoom, 33, 45–46, 266–267
United Nations (UN), 203–204
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 54–55
Universal commodification, 39–40
Urbanisation, 8
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 227–228
Users’ reactions to Covid-19 conspiracy
calls to political action, 177–179
coding scheme utilised in conducted, 156–157
content analysis, 160–163
criticism, 179–186
data analysis, 154–159
demonstration of moral–political problems and negative consequences, 183
determinism and rational irrationality, 172–176
findings, 160–186
friend/enemy scheme, 163–167
immanent critique of logic of argumentation, 183–184
methodology, 148–159
personalisation and secret world domination, 167–172
questioning of underlying ideological motivation, 184–186
references to empirical data and reality, 180–182
Satire and humour, 179–180
verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
and autism, 210–215
capitalism, 14–15
nationalism, 14–15
Value, 168–169
Valuetainment, 152–153
Verbal attacks and calls for violence, 176–177
Video communication software, 33
Vimeo, 94–97
Violence, 70–71, 155, 158
friend/enemy scheme and, 103–108
verbal attacks and calls for, 176–177
Virus, 78, 87, 215–216
War, 86–87
Wearing masks, 5–6, 266
WhatsApp, 33
Work from home, 45
Working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Workplace, 32–33
World Economic Crisis, 5, 93
World Health Organization (WHO), 2, 4, 18, 98, 203–204, 248, 256, 270–271
World society, 264
World Trade Organization, 201
Xenophobia, 219–220
Youth in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
YouTube, 94, 97, 272–273
Zoom, 33, 45–46, 266–267
War, 86–87
Wearing masks, 5–6, 266
WhatsApp, 33
Work from home, 45
Working class in coronavirus crisis, 40–42
Workplace, 32–33
World Economic Crisis, 5, 93
World Health Organization (WHO), 2, 4, 18, 98, 203–204, 248, 256, 270–271
World society, 264
World Trade Organization, 201
Xenophobia, 219–220
Youth in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
YouTube, 94, 97, 272–273
Zoom, 33, 45–46, 266–267
Youth in coronavirus crisis, 53–56
YouTube, 94, 97, 272–273
Zoom, 33, 45–46, 266–267
- Prelims
- 1 Introduction: Pandemic Times
- 2 Everyday Life and Everyday Communication in Coronavirus Capitalism
- 3 Conspiracy Theories as Ideology
- 4 Bill Gates Conspiracy Theories as Ideology in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis
- 5 Users' Reactions to COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories on Social Media
- 6 Donald Trump and COVID-19 on Twitter
- 7 Conclusion: Digital Communication in Pandemic Times and Commontopia as the Potential Future of Communication and Society
- Bibliography
- Index