Children in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism
ISBN: 978-1-80117-657-6, eISBN: 978-1-80117-656-9
Publication date: 7 March 2022
(2022), "Prelims", Séraphin, H. (Ed.) Children in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xiii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Hugues Séraphin. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Children in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism
Dr Hugues Séraphin has provided to the readers an updated and must-read book with an international perspective on children in sustainable and responsible tourism. This book includes wide-ranging chapters that investigate current trends and prospects for the future on children in sustainable and responsible tourism and are presented in a comprehensive yet accessible way.
Manuel Alector Ribeiro, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
This new edited book by Hugues Séraphin contains 13 fascinating chapters authored by well-established academics who are investigating thoroughly the role of children as agents of change in tourism. In a nutshell, this edited book successfully connects children with responsible tourism. This book is all the more important considering the difficult times we are currently facing. Big problems need big solutions and of course, this editorial project leads the way.
Maximiliano E. Korstanje, University of Palermo, Argentina
Title Page
Children in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism
Edited by
Hugues Séraphin
University of Winchester Business School, UK
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2022
Editorial matter and selection, Introduction and Conclusion © 2022 Hugues Séraphin. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
The remaining chapters © 2022 by Emerald Publishing Limited.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-80117-657-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-80117-656-9 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-80117-658-3 (Epub)
About the Contributors
María M. Carballo has a PhD from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. She is currently a Researcher of Economics and Tourism at the University Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development-TIDES. Her research interests include destination image, tourist behaviour, safe and security and environment issues in tourism and in analysing tourist preferences. She has spoken at numerous conferences internationally and has published widely on tourism in various academic journals such as Tourism Economic and other journals. She is co-editor of several book chapters with Emerald Publishing and Routledge.
Rita R. Carballo received her PhD from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. She is currently a Professor of Tourism and Business at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and a Researcher at the University Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development-TIDES, Canary Island, Spain. Her recent research interests include cultural, tourism experience, tourist behaviour, image of the destination and safe and security issues in tourism and their management and marketing implications. She has published in many peer-reviewed journals internationally, and is co-editor of several book chapters with Emerald Publishing and Routledge.
Karen Cripps is a Lecturer in Business Management in the Department for Responsible Management and Leadership at the University of Winchester. Karen has over 25 years of experience in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Sustainable Supply Chain Management in tour operations and an MSc in Tourism and Environmental Management. In her role as Champion for the United Nations ‘Principles of Responsible Management Education’ (PRME), she is passionate about embedding sustainability mindsets into future business leaders' thinking. Her current research interests combine expertise in business sustainability management with the transformational power of connections with nature.
Naomi F. Dale is an Associate Professor of Management in the Faculty of Business, Government and Law at the University of Canberra. She was the recipient of an Australian Post Graduate Award scholarship and completed her PhD in 2013 investigating destination choice by school excursion groups in Australia. Naomi's research includes educational tourism, policy impacts of curriculum and visitor research at national capital and cultural attractions. Other emerging research interests include the application of social media, and education strategies for engagement through e-platforms (tourism and events). Other key areas are around sustainability, service channels, consumer behaviour and marketing.
Souad Djedi holds a Magister in Management and a nearly completed PhD in marketing and consumer behaviour. She has over five years' experience in the marketing of FMCG companies working on children as consumers. Souad is working as a Consultant for the British organisation BBC, where she is responsible for the implementation of qualitative (formative and evaluative) market research studies about media consumption, employment and entrepreneurship in Algeria.
Anestis K. Fotiadis is a Professor in the Department of Management, College of Business, at Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE. His research focuses on event management, rural tourism and sustainable development. He serves as the Associate Editor of the Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing. His main area of research is associated with event management, theme park management, rural tourism and sustainable development. He has published more than 40 research papers in international academic journals such as Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Computers in Human Behavior and Journal of Business Research, along with several books and book chapters.
Carmelo J. León has a PhD from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) and Bachelor of Economics from the University of La Laguna, Tenerife. He also has a Master's in Economics from the University of Manchester. He teaches at the Department of Economic Analysis since 1989. He is Director of the Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development-TIDES and the UNESCO Chair in Tourism Planning and Sustainable Development. He has been the Director of several international projects related to Economics and Tourism. He has spoken at numerous conferences internationally and has written more than 70 scholarly articles, books and book chapters.
Patrick J. N. L'Espoir Decosta is an Associate Professor in the College of Business and Economics at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. He completed his PhD in 2011 at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on the legacy of colonialism in the tourism development of former island colonies. His research interests span the areas of curriculum development in higher education, evidence-based management of education, tourism marketing and promotion and critical studies of tourism. Other key areas of research include the sharing economy and the commercial relevance of place and space.
Faouzi Ghidouche is a Professor at EHEC Algiers (Business School – Kolea University Centre) and member of the Thematic Interest Group ‘Retailing in emergent countries’ of the French Association of Marketing (AFM), and he has also served as Head of HEC Algiers. His primary research subject focuses on studying large-scale trade and retailing. He presented his work and his contributions in many international conferences (CIST, IPBA, INTI) related to trade and services in emerging countries.
Kamila Ghidouche Aït-Yahia is a Professor at EHEC Algiers (Business School – Kolea University Centre). She teaches modules related to marketing, consumer behaviour and territorial marketing. She is currently Deputy Director of research programming at DGRSDT/MESRS (Directorate General for Scientific Research and Technological Development, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research). Her main areas of research are marketing and its fields of application, more specifically: attractiveness and territorial marketing, the image of cities, the impact of events on cities, citizen participation and smart cities. She has moreover published several articles on the subject and has presented her work in numerous international conferences (IPBA, MTO, INTI, CIST…). In addition, she is a member of scientific committees in many conferences on marketing and tourism in North Africa.
Vanessa Gowreesunkar has a PhD which cuts across three disciplines, namely Tourism Management, Communication and Marketing. This was a merit scholarship based on her outstanding academic achievement. She was awarded a second scholarship by the University Grants Commission (India) in order to pursue her doctoral study at the University of Delhi. With over 15 years of teaching experience in teaching and research, Vanessa is serving as Head of Department for Tourism at the University of Africa in Nigeria till June 2021, following which she will be joining the Anant National University (India) as Associate Professor. Vanessa is an editorial board member of several scientific journals and has a number of publications in international peer-refereed journals. Vanessa also assumes the role of National Coordinator for WAELE (Women Advancement for Economic and Leadership Empowerment) an international organisation which caters for the cause of women, widows and young girls. She is the Deputy Chair for the Tourism, Infrastructure and Energy cluster of African Union Economic and Social Council (ECOSOCC). Her research interest is not limited to island tourism, entrepreneurship, sustainable tourism and education.
Ricardo Guerra holds a PhD in Tourism and Leisure awarded by the University of Coimbra (2016), has a Master's in Tourism Management and Development (2009) and a degree in Tourism Management and Planning (2002) both awarded by the University of Aveiro. Currently, he is a Lecturer and Subdirector in the Higher School of Tourism and Hospitality of the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (Portugal), where he also coordinates the BA Degree in Hotel Management. He is also one of the representants of the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda in the Network of Higher Education Institutions for the Safeguarding of the Mediterranean Diet. He is a researcher at CETRAD, CITUR, UDI/IPG and has published several peer-reviewed articles, books, book chapters and participated in investigation projects.
Nichole Hugo is an Associate Professor in the Hospitality and Tourism department and the Graduate Coordinator of the Sustainability program at Eastern Illinois University. She holds a PhD in Community Resources and Development, an MS in Tourism and Recreation Management and a BS in Tourism Development and Management from Arizona State University, USA. Her research and teaching focuses on international tourism management, marketing, sustainable practices, lodging operations and event planning.
Stanislav Ivanov is currently Professor and Vice Rector (Research) at Varna University of Management, Bulgaria, and Director of Zangador Research Institute ( He is the Editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Tourism Research ( and ROBONOMICS: The Journal of the Automated Economy ( Additionally, he serves on the editorial boards of over 30 other journals. His research recent interests include robonomics, robots and automation technologies and revenue management. Prof. Ivanov's publications have appeared in different academic journals, including Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Tourism Management Perspectives, Tourism Economics, Technology in Society and other journals.
Lynda Kelly is a Consultant specialising in quantitative and qualitative research. Prior to this she worked in the cultural sector, focusing on evaluation and pure research. Lynda has a PhD from UTS Sydney which investigated adult museum visitors' learning identities in relation to interactions with exhibitions. She has undertaken research with teachers and students for over 20 years, and is widely published. She has been the recipient of over 15 grants, including a PI on six ARC projects. In 2017 she was an Osher Fellow at the Exploratorium, San Francisco.
Shem Wambugu Maingi is a Lecturer in the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure studies at Kenyatta University in Kenya. He is also an expert member of the International Scientific Committee on Cultural Tourism of ICOMOS (ICTC). Currently, he is pursuing research on cultural ecosystems services and tourism post COVID-19 within heritage sites in Kenya.
Marco Martins began his academic studies with a BA in Marketing and Advertising from the Higher Institute of Business and Tourism (ISCET). In 2012 he was awarded with a PhD in Tourism Sciences by the Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (France). Now he is an Independent Researcher, but he was an Invited Lecturer in several higher education institutions in Portugal, including ESACT of the Polytechnical Institute of Bragança, ESTH of the polytechnic Institute of Guarda; ISCET – Higher Institute of Business and Tourism, among others. He is an editorial board member of the Journal of Advanced Research, a published author and reviewer for several leading journals.
Zohre Mohammadi is a Research Fellow in Tourism at James Cook University, Singapore. She received her PhD in Tourism Management. She is a member of JCU Tropical Futures Institute and JCU's Centre for International Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA). Prior to joining JCU she was a Visiting Lecturer at Allameh Tabataba'i University, Shiraz University, and Yazd University. Zohre is passionate about tourism experience, marketing and new emerging markets.
Patita Paban Mohanty is an Academic and Researcher with 18 years of enriched experience in university education, research, training and consultancy. He holds a doctorate degree from Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be University), Odisha, India. He is an Indian professor, with a distinctive array of research papers in national and international peer-reviewed journals indexed in Scopus and other eminent databases. He has been constantly imparting training on food safety (Advanced ad Basic catering) on behalf of the food safety and standards authority of India (FSSAI), being a master trainer. He has attended 22 national and international conferences, symposiums and conclaves in different parts of the country focusing on tourism destination marketing, gastronomy, culinary and cuisine tourism, as well as eco-tourism and sustainability.
Lamia Nechoud completed her PhD in the High School of Commerce (Algeria) in 2019. She teaches courses related to marketing and digital communication. She is particularly interested in tourism economics, digital marketing and consumer behaviour.
Emma Nottingham is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Winchester. She researches the legal and ethical aspects of children's rights within a range of contexts. She has published in leading law journals including the Journal of Media Law, Medical Law Review and the Journal of Professional Negligence and regularly provides expert comment for the media including the BBC News channel, BBC Breakfast, BBC 5Live, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 2, ITV Meridian News and LBC Radio. Emma has a particular interest in bioethics and the rights of children in health care. She is a member of the Institute of Medical Ethics Research Committee and sits on the Clinical Ethics Committee at University Hospitals Southampton. Emma also has expertise in the intersection of law, ethics and digital technologies, particularly in relation to the impact of the digital world on children. She is Co-director of the Centre for Information Rights and is currently researching the protection of children on broadcast and digital media.
Hugues Séraphin is a Senior Lecturer in Event/Tourism Management Studies and Marketing. Hugues Séraphin holds a PhD from the Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (France) and joined the University of Winchester Business School in 2012.
Simon Smith is a Principal Lecturer in Leadership and Management at Oxford Brookes University. He has expertise and interests in leadership and management, responsible management, human resource management, organisational behaviour, organisational analysis and international business. His current research interests encompass organisational ambidexterity, sustainable development goals (SDGs), leadership, overtourism, global talent management, resilience, emerging-market economies, and training and development. He has recently published in Human Resource Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review and Thunderbird International Business Review.
Salaoatchi Hichem Sofian is Professor of Management Sciences at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Director of Technological Development and Innovation at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Algeria as well as author of several publications and directs five doctoral theses in management sciences.
Hayley Stainton is an Independent Tourism Researcher and Founder of the website, Tourism Teacher. She draws on her decade of experience in the classroom to provide education on tourism-related topics to students and industry stakeholders around the world.
Anca Yallop is a Senior Lecturer in Strategy at Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand. She holds a PhD in Marketing (Romania) and has completed her second PhD in Marketing Research Ethics (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand). Dr Anca Yallop specialises in insight management, business strategy and business research methods. Her research has appeared in the International Journal of Market Research, Leisure Studies, Online Information Review, Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, World Leisure Journal, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Journal of Tourism Futures, and Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. She serves on the Editorial Review Board of the International Journal of Market Research.
The emerging topic of children in (sustainable) tourism has been addressed in this book from different national and cultural angles. As editor of this book, I would therefore like to thank all the contributors for the quality of their chapter, and also for the quick turnaround of their chapter after receiving feedback from me. Finally, I would like to thank Emerald Publishing for its support with regard to this project, and its guidance throughout the journey.
- Prelims
- Introduction
- Section 1 Nature Based Strategy: Children as Sustainability Thinkers, Actioners, and Transformers
- Chapter 1 Wildlife Tourism and the Education of Children
- Chapter 2 Children's Experience of Nature Holidays: A Motivation for Environmental Responsible Behaviour
- Chapter 3 Children as Eco-literate Tourists: The Contribution of Outdoor Residential Centres in the United Kingdom
- Chapter 4 Unlocking Changes in Tourism: Children as Future Sustainable Leaders
- Chapter 5 An Analysis of the Strategic Approach Used by Resort Mini-Clubs to Educate Children about Responsible Tourism
- Section 2 Non-nature Based Strategy: Children as Sustainability Thinkers, Actioners and Transformers
- Chapter 6 Transformative Experiences on School Excursions: Students as Catalysts for Sustainable Tourism
- Chapter 7 Empowering Children: A Path toward Sustainable Tourism in Emerging Countries
- Chapter 8 Transformational Education for Sustainable Tourism in Middle-Schools
- Chapter 9 Child Rights and Inclusive Sustainable Tourism Development in East Africa: Case of Kenya
- Chapter 10 Securing Sustainable Tourism: Children's Rights and Adults' Responsibilities
- Chapter 11 Children as Ambassadors in Sustainability Initiatives of ANPRAS, Mauritius
- Chapter 12 Children as Agents of Change for the Future
- Chapter 13 The Principles for Responsible Management Education and Responsible Tourism Strategies: Success, Failure or Trauma for Generation Z?
- Conclusion
- Index