Name Index
Miriam Mason
(EducAid, Sierra Leone)
David Galloway
(Durham University, UK)
ISBN: 978-1-80117-505-0, eISBN: 978-1-80117-502-9
Publication date: 15 November 2021
This content is currently only available as a PDF
Mason, M. and Galloway, D. (2021), "Name Index", Lessons in School Improvement from Sub-Saharan Africa: Developing Professional Learning Networks and School Communities (Emerald Professional Learning Networks Series), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 199-202.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Miriam Mason and David Galloway
Adams, B.
, 12
Ahumada, L.
, 62, 123, 166
Ainscow, M.
, 49, 62
Akyeampong, K.
, 25
Alexander, R. J.
, 11–12, 167–169
Algraigray, H.
, 96
Andor, J.
, 157
Arkley, A.
, 5
Armstrong, D.
, 54
Armstrong, P. W.
, 49–50, 62
Ball, T.
, 142
Bangura, I. S.
, 14
Banya, K.
, 9
Barber, M.
, 47, 56
Barrett, A.
, 11
Beresford, L.
, 108
Bio, J. M.
, 2
Bisschoff, T.
, 20
Blomfield, D.
, 142
Boddy, J.
, 167–168
Bold, T.
, 10, 17, 44, 80, 96
Boswell, C.
, 17
Bowles, S.
, 41
Boyle, C.
, 96
Bragg, J.
, 49
Brock-Utne, B.
, 84
Brown, C.
, 16, 52, 54, 60–62, 121
Brown, R.
, 167–168
Bruce, I.
, 9
Bu-Buakei Jabbi, S.-M.
, 10, 28, 41
Buckler, N.
, 46–47
Cain, E.
, 41
Chapman, C.
, 2, 16, 48–50, 62
Chijioke, C.
, 47, 56
Coe, R.
, 46, 54, 67, 108, 156, 170
Cohen, L.
, 81, 88
Coleman, B.
, 49
Coles-Jordan, D.
, 46–47
Corbyn, G.
, 52
Cordingley, P.
, 46–47
Corrigan, P.
, 14
Covington, M. V.
, 3
Crisp, B.
, 46–47
Cronen, S.
, 54
Crossley, D.
, 52
Crumpton, B.
, 41
Cullen, M. A.
, 49, 129
Davies, L.
, 40
Davis, H.
, 49, 129
Davis, L.
, 49, 129
Day, C.
, 49
Demaree-Saddler, H.
, 8
Deogratias, E.
, 26, 49
Dillard, M.
, 20
Dufour, R.
, 17
Durrani, N.
, 167–168
Dweck, C. S.
, 96, 125
Eaton, M.
, 54
Ecob, R.
, 41
Eschler, B. H.
, 48
Evans, D. K.
, 83
Filmer, B. D.
, 11
Filmer, D.
, 10, 17, 44, 80, 96
Flood, J.
, 54, 121
Forbes, A.
, 108
Fullan, M.
, 14, 17, 41, 45, 47, 50, 53, 76
Fyfe, C.
, 5
Galloway, D.
, 15–17, 26, 32, 40–41, 43, 49–50, 54, 82, 92, 98, 117, 142
Garet, M. S.
, 54
Gbamanja, S.
, 20, 29, 144
Giannakos, M. N.
, 145
Gintis, H.
, 41
Glass, K.
, 49
Greany, T.
, 46–47
Green, K.
, 17
Greenwood, C.
, 49
Gronn, P.
, 17
Gu, Q.
, 49
Gunter, H.
, 49
Hamre, B. K.
, 34
Hanushek, E. A.
, 166
Harber, C.
, 40, 42–43
Hargreaves, A.
, 45, 47, 50, 53, 76
Hargreaves, D. H.
, 13–14, 16, 52, 96, 111
Harris, A.
, 54
Hasan, A.
, 11
Hattie, J.
, 167–168
Hawkins, J. N.
, 4, 169
Hearne, P.
, 41, 49
Hemming, K.
, 108
Heyneman, S. P.
, 31, 166–167
Higgins, S.
, 46–47
Higham, R.
, 50
Hill, H. C.
, 54
Hohepa, M.
, 3
Hollingworth, S.
, 49
Hooper, R.
, 108
Hopkins, D.
, 50
Hubers, M. D.
, 16
Hutchings, M.
, 49
Jah, R.
, 33
Jones, W.
, 54
Joyce-Gibbons, A.
, 26, 49–50
Judd, K.
, 12
Katta, M.
, 8
Kington, A.
, 49
Knight, J.
, 5
Kurki, A.
, 54
La Paro, K. M.
, 34
Lang, M.
, 49
Leo, E.
, 41, 46, 49, 54
Lim, L. K.
, 46
Lindsay, G.
, 49, 129
Lloyd, C.
, 3
Lotz-Sisitka, H.
, 11
Loxley, W.
, 166
Ludwig, M.
, 54
Lupele, J.
, 11
Lussier, K.
, 25
Mambo, M.
, 2
Manion, L.
, 81, 86
Mansaray, A.
, 10, 41, 49
Manson, K.
, 5
Marshak, A.
, 83
Martin, G.
, 10, 17, 44, 80, 96
Mason, M.
, 1, 15, 27, 49–50, 69, 74–75, 90, 115, 154
Maughan, B.
, 25, 41, 139, 142
McClanahan, P.
, 5
Merrell, C.
, 157
Mgoma, S.
, 26, 49
Mikkola, A.
, 23
Miles, C. A.
, 23
Miller, D.
, 157
Molina, E.
, 10, 17, 44, 82, 96
Mollel, A.
, 26, 49
Molteno, M.
, 41
Morrison, K.
, 81, 86
Mortimore, P.
, 25, 41, 139, 142
Mourshed, M.
, 47, 56
Muijs, D.
, 2, 49
Najjuma, R.
, 42
, 4
Ngegba, M. P.
, 10, 41
Nishimuko, M.
, 25, 48
Ogadhoh, E. C.
, 41
Orr, D.
, 167–168
Ouston, J.
, 25, 41, 139, 142
Panckhurst, F.
, 17
Parvez, N.
, 9
Paulson, J.
, 42
Pearson, D.
, 49
Pianta, R. C.
, 34
Pima, M.
, 26, 49
Pino-Yancovic, M.
, 62, 123, 166
Poortman, C. L.
, 16, 52, 60–62
Pritchett, L.
, 11
Pryor, J.
, 25, 168
Rhodes, C.
, 20
Riddell, A.
, 166
Robinson, V. M.
, 3
Rogers, C.
, 54
Rose, A.
, 49
Rutter, M.
, 25, 41, 139, 142
Sabarwal, S.
, 83
Sahlberg, P.
, 48
Salvi, F.
, 167–168
Sammons, P.
, 41, 49–50
Sayed, Y.
, 11
Schleicher, A.
, 48
Schön, D. A.
, 48, 76
Schweisfurth, M.
, 11
Seyd, R.
, 142
Shweisfurth, M.
, 40
Simon, K.
, 6
Sisay, O. B.
, 22, 48
Smees, R.
, 49
Stacy, B.
, 10, 17, 44, 80, 98
Stobart, G.
, 49
Stoll, L.
, 41, 50
Sutherland-Addy, E.
, 23
Svensson, J.
, 10, 17, 44, 80, 96
Sztejnberg, L.
, 54
Takeda, A.
, 108
Thulla, Y.
, 10, 41
Thurston, A.
, 157
Tikly, L.
, 11
Topping, K.
, 157
Tymms, P.
, 52, 157
Walford, G.
, 89
Wane, W.
, 10, 17, 44, 80, 96
Weiner, B.
, 3
Welch, J.
, 3
Westbrook, J.
, 25, 167–168
Willis, P.
, 14, 96
Woods, C.
, 49
Woods, G. J.
, 49
Woods, P. A.
, 49
Wössmann, L.
, 166
Wright, E. O.
, 41
Yancovic, M. P.
, 16
Zhao, Y.
, 11, 29