Scandal and Corruption in Congress
ISBN: 978-1-80117-120-5, eISBN: 978-1-80117-119-9
Publication date: 7 November 2022
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(2022), "Index", Pomante, M.J. (Ed.) Scandal and Corruption in Congress, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 281-286.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Michael J. Pomante II. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Abramoff lobbying scandal of 2005
, 32
Accountability measures
, 92–94
, 64
Actual and perceived corruption
, 118
Affordable Care Act
, 59
Alleged misconduct
, 106–108
American Dream Restoration Act, The
, 37
American Federation of Teachers
, 64
American Founding
, 14–15
American National Election Study (ANES)
, 118–120
American political system
, 56, 104
American political thought
, 15–16
Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)
, 254
Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce (1990)
, 66–67
Bad behavior
, 222
Black Lives Matters protests
, 58
Boston Tea Party
, 56
“Bottom-up” corruption
, 20–21
Bribery and corruption
, 177
British tax policy
, 56
Buckley v. Valeo (1976)
, 63–64
“Build the Wall” chants
, 60
Burmese Way to Socialism
, 252
Cambodia, clientelism in
, 243–246
Cambodian People’s Party (CPP)
, 245
“Campaign and elections” misconduct
, 106–107, 177
Campaign finance
, 56
laws in United States
, 61–62
, 62–63
Career trajectories
, 220–225
, 38–39
, 174
Citizens United v FEC Supreme Court case
, 6–7
Citizens United v. FEC (2010) court decision
, 56, 61, 66–67, 115
Citizens’ perceptions of corruption
, 265–266
Classical “cycle of regimes” theory
, 16
, 240–241, 243
in Cambodia
, 243–246
, 197–198
Committee staff
, 155
Common Sense Legal Reform Act, The
, 37
Comparative data
, 264–265
Conflict of interest
, 137
, 1, 37, 81–82, 87, 104, 152, 171–172
contemporary investigation of congressional corruption and scandal
, 6–7
horrible bosses in
, 156–159
scandals in
, 4–6
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
, 62
Congress Too group
, 92–93, 97
Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 (CAA)
, 87, 91, 94–95
Congressional Budget Office
, 36, 163–164
Congressional corruption
, 14–15, 32–33, 105, 239–240
, 33, 142, 147
ethics reforms
, 130–133
, 106–110
, 37–39
and public
, 117–121
public perceptions of
, 110–117
and reforms
, 33–37
, 40–42
, 128–130
unintended consequences
, 42–45
updating dataset
, 133–141
Congressional elections, impact of Super PACs on
, 67–68
Congressional Intern Protection Act of 2017
, 94–95
Congressional misconduct
, 172
Congressional offices
, 153–156
Congressional Post Office Scandal
, 6
Congressional punishments
analysis and findings
, 179–185
case selection and operationalization
, 175–179
history of
, 173–175
Congressional reform
, 163–164
Congressional Research Service
, 163–164
Congressional scandals
, 128
, 129
Congressional sexual harassment and assault, scandal of
, 88–92
Congressional staff
, 155
, 194–195
Consequences of congressional corruption
, 33
Constitutional corruption
, 16
Contract with America
, 36
Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES)
, 198
Corrupt Electoral Practices
, 250–256
, 1–3, 14, 105, 175–176, 194–196, 222
citizens’ perceptions of
, 265–266
in democracies
, 214–215
expert evaluations
, 263–265
in history of political thought
, 15–19
in Madison’s notes and Federalist, The
, 19–26
, 263–266
and problems
, 1–4
, 33, 39, 116
, 266–273
, 32
, 273–276
in United States
, 3
Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)
, 113, 239–240, 250, 262–264
CQ Roll Call
, 91
Crédit Mobilier Scandal
, 4
Daniel Shays led Shays’ Rebellion (1786–1787)
, 56
Dating violence
, 82
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committees (DCCC)
, 136
Democratic governance, detrimental effects for
, 117–121
Democratic Kampuchea (DK)
, 244
Democratic National Committee (DNC)
, 34
, 36–37, 39, 117
, 32
, 82
Disloyalty to the union
, 177
Domestic violence
, 82
“Drain the Swamp” campaign
, 1, 262
Economic inequality
, 57–58
Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)
, 263–264
Election outcomes in scandal
, 229–231
, 146
Electoral punishment
, 194–195
EMILY’s List
, 64
Endogenous behaviors
, 37
, 130
in Government Act of 1978
, 34–35, 41
, 130–133
, 177, 179–180
Ethics Committee
, 131–133, 163, 172–173
European Union “plus” (EU+)
, 262
Exogenous behaviors
, 37
Expectancy violation
, 195–196
Expert surveys
, 270–272
, 173–174
Fair Labor Standards Act
, 87
Family Reinforcement Act, The
, 37
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
, 106–107
Federal Campaign Act Amendments of 1974 and 1976
, 34–35, 41
Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA)
, 39, 62–65
Federal Election Commission (FEC)
, 56, 62–63, 75
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
, 222
Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB)
, 5
Federal-level scandals
, 214
Federalist, The
, 19–26
Financial scandals
, 127–128, 138, 141
Fiscal Responsibility Act, The
, 36–37
Formal reporting
, 82
Gallup poll
, 114
Gender stereotypes
, 195
General Social Survey (GSS)
, 119
Generic “sex scandals”
, 196–197
Gingrich reforms
, 44–45
Global Corruption Barometer (GCB)
, 262, 266
GovTrack. us
, 106
Graft scandals
, 135–137
Great Depression
, 61
Greenburg Quinlan Rosner 2018 poll
, 115
Grift scandals
, 134–135
History of political thought
, 15–19
Hold Accountable and Lend Transparency on Campus Sexual Violence Act
, 84
Honest Graft
, 136
Hostile sexists
, 195–196
House Bank scandal
, 130
House Committee on Ethics
, 109
House Resolution 632
, 84–85
House’s Committee of the Whole (COTW)
, 43
Identity politics
, 58
Incivility measure
, 38
Institutional corruption
, 16–18
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
, 56, 64, 75
International Social Survey Program (ISSP)
, 262, 266
Interpersonal violence. See Power-based violence
Investigative Subcommittee (ISC)
, 107
Job Creation and Wage Enhancement Act
, 36–37
“Judiciary Accountability Act of 2021”
, 86
Kaiser Health Tracking poll
, 114–115
Keating Five in 1989
, 32, 156–157
Left-wing populism
, 60
Left-wing populist groups
, 59
Legislative corruption
, 17–18, 262–263
Legislative Reorganization Act (LRA)
, 43
Legislator Misconduct Database
, 39
Lexis Nexis
, 224
“Make America Great Again” campaign theme
, 60
McCain-Feingold Act of 2002
, 65–66
McConnell v. Federal Election Commission (2003)
, 65–66
Me Too Congress Act
, 83
Measurement of political corruption
, 105
Measuring corruption
, 263–266
Mechanical Turk platform (MTurk platform)
, 201
Medicare Prescription Drug plan
, 131–132
Members of Congress (MCs)
, 198, 215, 223
Members’ Representational Allowance (MRA)
, 154
#MeToo movement
, 7, 81–82, 97–98, 196–197
national momentum
, 82–84
scandal of congressional sexual harassment and assault
, 88–92
scandal’s consequences
, 94–98
survivor networks and accountability measures
, 92–94
#MeTooCongress movement
, 87, 92–93
Military Coup in Myanmar
, 250–256
, 106–107, 172
Misuse of office
, 138
Modern sexism
, 195–196, 200
Moral corruption
, 18
Moral scandals
, 129–130
, 250–256
Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC)
, 254
Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited (MEHL)
, 254
National Commission to Combat Workplace Sexual Harassment Act
, 84
National Emergencies Act of 1976
, 35
National League for Democracy (NLD)
, 253–254
National Organization of Women (NOW)
, 75
National Rifle Association (NRA)
, 75
National Security Restoration Act, The
, 37
National unity in age of political tribalism
, 57–58
, 240
in Thailand
, 246–249
Newt Gingrich Era
, 35–37
Obamacare. See Affordable Care Act
Occupational Health and Safety Act
, 87
Occupy Wall Street Movement
, 59–61
Office of Compliance (OOC)
, 91
Other crimes
, 107, 177
, 157–158
, 241–242
Patron–client relations. See Clientelism
Pendleton Act
, 104–105
Perception markers
, 110–113
Personal Responsibility Act, The
, 37
Personal scandals
, 223
Pew Research Center poll (2006)
, 116
Political Action Committees (PACs)
, 32, 62–63, 65, 136
in 2020 election
, 68–69
corrupting influence of leadership PACs and dark money
, 74–75
Political clientelism
, 241–242
Political conservatism
, 200
Political corruption
, 104–105, 240
, 63–64
Political ideology, heterogeneous effects by
, 199–201
Political officials
, 220–225
Political parties
, 214
Political scandals
, 128, 194
, 205
argument and hypotheses
, 197–201
experimental design
, 201–204
, 205–207
and women’s “double bind”
, 195–197
Political tribalism
, 57–58
Politicians careers after scandal
, 219
Post-Watergate reforms
, 34
Power-based violence
, 82
President Obama’s ethics reform
, 104–105
Privacy Act of 1974
, 35
Professional scandals
, 223
Public corruption
, 262
Public officials
, 214
Public perceptions of congressional corruption
, 110–117
Public trust
, 21, 119
Purple Campaign
, 94
Reactions to scandals
, 224–227
, 242
Regime’s legitimacy
, 103–104
Regression coefficients
, 161
, 174–175
Republican Congressional Campaign Committees (RCCC)
, 136
Republican Revolution
, 36
, 16, 21–23, 27
, 224
Right-wing populist groups
, 59
Saffron Revolution
, 253
Savings and loan (S&L)
, 136
, 127–128, 130, 156, 198–199, 213–214, 220, 225, 227, 229
advancing study of scandals and members of congress’s careers
, 219–220
, 225–229
, 142–147
in democracies
, 214–215
election outcomes in
, 229–231
individual level characteristics
, 223–224
politicians careers after
, 219
reactions to
, 224–227
effect of scandals on staffing
, 159–163
shape politicians career prospects
, 215–219
type matters
, 218–219
, 222–223
Senate Committee on Standards and Conduct
, 173
Senate Select Committee on Ethics
, 109
Senatorial staff
, 155
Senior Citizens Fairness Act, The
, 37
Separation of powers
, 17
Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
, 64
, 222
, 197, 222–223
Sexual assault
, 81–82
Sexual harassment
, 82, 88, 92, 197
and abuse
, 177
Sexual scandals
, 7
Sexual violence
, 81–82, 91–92
congressional oversight
, 84–88
, 84–88
Sexual violence
, 82
Smith-Connally Act (1943)
, 61–62
Social contract theory
, 57
Soft money
, 65–66
Sons of Liberty
, 56
Southeast Asia, corruption in
, 240
SpeechNow. org v. FEC (2010) court decision
, 56, 61
Staff experience
, 163–165
, 82
State Harassment and Assault Prevention and Eradication Act (SHAPE)
, 85, 94
State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC)
, 252–253
State Peace and Development Council (SPDC)
, 253
“Stop the steal” rioters
, 56
Sunshine Act
, 44
Sunshine laws
, 43–44
Super PACs
, 56–57, 66–67
in 2020 election
, 68–69
Buckley v. Valeo (1976)
, 63–64
campaign finance laws in United States
, 61–62
campaign finance reform and Watergate scandal
, 62–63
Citizen’s United
, 66–67
on congressional elections
, 67–68
national unity in age of political tribalism
, 57–58
political corruption standard
, 63–64
roots of modern populism
, 59–61
soft money and McCain-Feingold Act of 2002
, 65–66
Survey experiment
, 194–195
Survivor networks
, 92–94
Taking Back Our Streets Act, The
, 37
Tax Reform Act of 1976
, 35
Tea Party Movement
, 59–61
Thailand, nepotism in
, 246–249
Tillman Act (1907)
, 62
TimesUp movement
, 81–82
, 129
Transparency International
, 2, 4, 262
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
, 61
Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP)
, 253
United States, issues of corruption in
, 256
US Capitol rebellion
, 56
US justice system
, 179
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem)
, 262–264
Vietnam War
, 172
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
, 86–87
Voter backlash
, 195
War Powers Act of 1973
, 35
, 33–35
, 42–44
, 1, 62–63, 172
Whiskey Rebellion (1794)
, 56
Women in politics
, 193–194
Women’s “double bind”
, 195–197
Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI)
, 262–264
- Prelims
- Introduction
- Part I Thoughts on and Action Against Corruption
- Chapter 1 Corruption and Congressional Design: The Federalist's Dual Fear of the Abuse of Power and Abuse of Liberty
- Chapter 2 Congressional Corruption and Reform Efforts: A Tale of Two Efforts Gone Awry
- Part II Preventing Punishment: Skirting Unethical Behavior
- Chapter 3 Super Legal Corruption: Political Money in the Era of Super PACs
- Chapter 4 When #MeToo Met Congress
- Part III Getting Caught
- Chapter 5 Congressional Corruption by the Numbers
- Chapter 6 Follow the Money: Modern Cases of Congressional Corruption
- Part IV Punishment and Repercussions
- Chapter 7 Bosses Behaving Badly: Congressional Scandals and Office Staff
- Chapter 8 If They Do the “Crime,” Will They Do the “Time?”: Punishment of Misconduct by Congress
- Part V Scandal and Corruption: How Voters React
- Chapter 9 Sex and Corruption in Congress: How the Nature of the Scandal Shapes Backlash from Voters
- Chapter 10 Federal Political Scandals and Public Officials' Careers
- Part VI Contrasting Corruption
- Chapter 11 Corruption in Comparison: Clientelism, Nepotism, and Coups D'état in Southeast Asian Politics
- Chapter 12 Measuring Corruption in Europe and the USA: Toward an Integrated Approach?
- Index