Auditing Practices in Local Governments: An International Comparison
ISBN: 978-1-80117-086-4, eISBN: 978-1-80117-085-7
Publication date: 15 June 2022
(2022), "Prelims", Ferry, L. and Ruggiero, P. (Ed.) Auditing Practices in Local Governments: An International Comparison (Emerald Studies in Public Service Accounting and Accountability), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xviii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Laurence Ferry and Pasquale Ruggiero
Half Title Page
Auditing Practices in Local Governments
Series Page
Series editors:
Enrico Bracci, University of Ferrara, Italy
Laurence Ferry, University of Durham, UK and, Rutgers University, USA
Alfred Tat-Kei Ho, University of Kansas, USA
Maria Francesca Sicilia, University of Bergamo, Italy
Ileana Steccolini, University of Essex, UK
Recent research has shown that there is a growing gap between academia and practice in public sector accounting, auditing and accountability. This is a particularly important issue in the context of public services and policies, where a number of emerging issues and trends, such as fiscal sustainability, global climate change, demographic changes, equity and inclusive growth, government transparency, citizen participation and engagement, political polarisation and fragmentation, the growth of false information in social media, and new forms of public–private-non-profit partnership, as well as technological advancements, such as big data, block-chain, and digital transformation, bring about new challenges and require innovative, timely, and effective solutions.
To strengthen the debate between academia and practice, Emerald Studies in Public Service Accounting and Accountability aims to provide a forum where academics, practitioners, and policy makers can interact and promote new ideas related to hot topics and emerging trends. Through innovative use of different formats, such as short-form books, in-depth case studies, and debates, this series will foster a dialogue between those in academia and those in practice, both leading to the advancement of research in this field and increasing its impact.
Volumes in this series:
Auditing Practices in Local Governments: An International Comparison
Edited by Laurence Ferry and Pasquale Ruggiero
Measurement of Assets and Liabilities in Public Sector Financial Reporting: Theoretical Basis and Empirical Evidence (Forthcoming)
Edited by Josette Caruana, Marco Bisogno and Mariafrancesca Sicilia
Editorial Page
Pawan Adhikari, University of Essex, UK
Eugenio Anessi-Pessina, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
Massimo Anzalone, The Court of Audit, Italy
Marco Bisogno, University of Salerno, Italy
Katharina Bryan, EU Court of Auditors, Luxembourg
David Caplan, Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, UK
Josette Caruana, University of Malta, Malta
Carolyn Cordery, Aston University, UK
Drew Cullen, Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, UK
Adina Dudau, University of Glasgow, UK
Sheila Ellwood, University of Bristol, UK
Dorothea Greiling, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria
Ron Hodges, University of Birmingham, UK
Zahirul Hoque, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia
Gwenda Jensen, International Federation of Accountants, Canada
Maarten de Jong, The Court of Audit, The Netherlands
John Kamensky, IBM Center for The Business of Government, USA
Gustaf Kastberg, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Shayne Kavanagh, Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), USA
Sanja Korać, University of Speyer, Germany
Mariannunziata Liguori, Durham University, UK
Laura Maran, RMIT University, Australia
Rebecca McCaffry, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), UK
Dean Michael Mead, Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council (GASAC – GASB), USA
Alex Metcalfe, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), UK
Fabrizio Mocavini, State General Accounting Department – Ministry of Finance, Italy
Zachary Mohr, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Tom Overmans, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Gabriel Cid Puron, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Mexico
Iris Saliterer, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany
Johann Seiwald, International Monetary Fund, Austria
Ross Smith, International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB), Canada
Shahzad Uddin, University of Essex, UK
Jarmo Vakkuri, University of Tampere, Finland
Frank, H. M. Verbeeten, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Rob Whiteman, Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), UK
Zaozao Zhao, National Academy of Economic Strategy, China
Title Page
Auditing Practices in Local Governments: An International Comparison
Durham University, UK, and Rutgers University, USA
University of Siena, Italy and University of Brighton, UK
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2022
Editorial matter and selection © 2022 Laurence Ferry and Pasquale Ruggiero.
Individual chapters © 2022 The Authors.
Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-80117-086-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-80117-085-7 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-80117-087-1 (Epub)
Laurence Ferry – Dedicated to my wife Anchalee, daughters Dior and Eloise, mother Hazel and father Laurence
Pasquale Ruggiero – Dedicated to my wife Giuliana
List of Tables and Figures | xv |
List of Contributors | xvii |
Chapter 1: The Why, Who and What of Public Sector Auditing | |
Laurence Ferry, Pasquale Ruggiero and Henry Midgley | 1 |
1.1. Introduction | 1 |
1.2. Why Auditing: Models and Practice Variations, Accountability and Performance | 4 |
1.3. Who Is the Auditor? | 5 |
1.4. The What of Auditing Processes | 7 |
1.5. The Structure of the Book | 9 |
References | 10 |
Chapter 2: Local Government Auditing in Australia | |
Zahirul Hoque and Thiru Thiagarajah | 13 |
2.1. Introduction | 13 |
2.2. The History of Local Governments in Australia | 15 |
2.3. The Development of Government Auditing Practices in Australia | 16 |
2.4. Role of Various Stakeholders in Audit Practices | 17 |
2.5. Auditor Independence | 19 |
2.6. Financial and Performance Statements Audit | 19 |
2.7. Public/Private/Hybrid Audit Regulatory Setting, Audit Scope, and Audit Approach | 22 |
2.8. Final Remarks | 24 |
References | 24 |
Chapter 3: Local Government Auditing in Austria | |
Tobias Polzer, Sebastian Vith and Günter Bauer | 27 |
3.1. Introduction | 27 |
3.2. The Local Government Context Against the Background of Wider Administrative Reforms | 28 |
3.3. Historical Development of Public Auditing | 29 |
3.4. Structures and Responsibilities: New Actors on the Austrian LGA Landscape | 29 |
3.5. Audit(or) Independence | 33 |
3.6. Scope of Audits and Influence of Auditing Organisations | 34 |
3.7. Instruments and Metrics | 35 |
3.8. Conclusion | 36 |
Acknowledgements | 37 |
References | 37 |
Chapter 4: Local Government Auditing in Brazil | |
André Feliciano Lino, Ricardo Rocha de Azevedo, Ismar Viana and André Carlos Busanelli de Aquino | 39 |
4.1. Introduction | 39 |
4.2. Auditing Practices: Contemporary History | 40 |
4.3. Structure | 41 |
4.4. Audit(or) Independence | 42 |
4.5. Inspection as Performance Management (KPIs) | 43 |
4.6. Public/Private/Hybrid Audit Regulatory Setting | 43 |
4.7. Scope | 44 |
4.8. Conclusion | 45 |
References | 46 |
Chapter 5: Local Government Auditing in the People’s Republic of China | |
Zaozao Zhao | 47 |
5.1. Introduction | 47 |
5.2. The Contemporary History of the Chinese Auditing System and Reforms | 48 |
5.3. The Organisational Structure and Management of the Chinese Audit System | 50 |
5.4. Auditor Independence | 52 |
5.4.1. Maintaining Independent Legal Basis | 52 |
5.4.2. Maintaining an Independent Internal Management System and Organisation Culture | 52 |
5.5. Classification and Character of Auditing | 53 |
5.5.1. Audit Types | 53 |
5.5.2. Audit Power | 53 |
5.5.3. Financial Audit and Its Development | 54 |
5.6. Employment of Private Contractors | 55 |
5.7. Conclusion and Discussion | 55 |
References | 56 |
Chapter 6: Local Government Auditing in England | |
Laurence Ferry, Henry Midgley and Aileen Murphie | 57 |
6.1. Introduction | 57 |
6.2. Auditing Practices: Contemporary History | 59 |
6.3. Structure: Fragmented Versus Single Unit | 60 |
6.4. Audit(or) Independence | 61 |
6.5. Inspection as Performance Management (KPIs): Service and Organisation Levels | 62 |
6.6. Public/Private/Hybrid Audit Regulatory Setting | 62 |
6.7. Scope: Financial Audit, Value for Money Auditing and/or Other Public Interest Area | 62 |
6.8. Final Remarks | 63 |
References | 63 |
Chapter 7: Local Government Auditing in France | |
Marcel Guenoun and Robin Degron | 65 |
7.1. Introduction | 65 |
7.2. Auditing Practices: Regional Chambers of Accounts in France: A Progressive Move Towards Performance Auditing | 67 |
7.3. Fragmented Performance Auditing in CRC: A Collegial Quest for Transparency | 68 |
7.4. Auditing Structures: From a French-style Garden to an English Style? | 70 |
7.5. The Independent Financial Judge and its Toolbox | 70 |
7.6. Conclusion | 71 |
References | 72 |
Chapter 8: Local Government Auditing in Germany | |
René Geissler | 73 |
8.1. Introduction | 73 |
8.2. Local Level Framework Conditions | 74 |
8.3. Structure of Auditing | 75 |
8.4. Scope | 77 |
8.5. Auditor Independence | 78 |
8.6. Performance Management | 80 |
8.7. Regulatory setting | 81 |
8.8. Conclusion | 81 |
References | 82 |
Chapter 9: Local Government Auditing in Italy | |
Pasquale Ruggiero, Andrea Mazzillo and Patrizio Monfardini | 83 |
9.1. Introduction | 83 |
9.2. The Context to the Local Government System | 84 |
9.3. Auditing and the Control Framework | 85 |
9.4. Scope | 86 |
9.5. Independence of the Auditor | 88 |
9.6. Performance Management | 89 |
9.7. Auditing Regulation and Practice | 90 |
9.8. Conclusion | 91 |
References | 91 |
Chapter 10: Local Government Auditing in the Netherlands | |
Tjerk Budding, Herman van Brenk, Remko Renes and Rein-Aart van Vugt | 93 |
10.1. Introduction | 93 |
10.2. Auditing Practices: Contemporary History | 96 |
10.3. Structure: Fragmented Versus Single Unit | 97 |
10.4. Audit(or) Independence | 98 |
10.5. Inspection as Performance Management (KPIs): Service and Organisation Levels | 99 |
10.6. Public/Private/Hybrid Audit Regulatory Setting | 99 |
10.7. Scope: Financial, VFM Auditing and/or Other Public Interest Area | 99 |
10.8. Conclusion | 100 |
References | 100 |
Chapter 11: Local Government Auditing in New Zealand | |
Carolyn Cordery, David Hay and Robert Cox | 103 |
11.1. Introduction | 103 |
11.1.1. Local Government in New Zealand | 103 |
11.2. Auditing Practices: Contemporary History | 106 |
11.3. Structure | 106 |
11.4. Audit(or) Independence | 107 |
11.5. Inspection as Performance Management (KPIs): Service and Organisation Levels | 108 |
11.6. Public/Private/Hybrid Audit Regulatory Setting | 108 |
11.7. Scope: Financial, Value for Money (VFM) Auditing and/or Other Public Interest Area | 108 |
11.8. Conclusion | 109 |
References | 109 |
Chapter 12: Local Government Auditing in Portugal | |
Susana Jorge, Sónia Nogueira and Ana Calado Pinto | 111 |
12.1. Introduction | 111 |
12.2. Auditing Practices: Contemporary History | 113 |
12.3. Structure: Fragmented Versus Single Unit | 115 |
12.4. Audit(or) Independence | 116 |
12.5. Inspection as Performance Management (KPIs): Service and Organisation Levels | 117 |
12.6. Public/Private/Hybrid Audit Regulatory Setting | 118 |
12.7. Scope: Financial, VFM Auditing and/or Other Public Interest Area | 118 |
12.8. Conclusion | 119 |
References | 119 |
Chapter 13: Local Government Auditing in Spain | |
Lourdes Torres and Ignacio Cabeza | 121 |
13.1. Auditing Practices: Contemporary History | 121 |
13.2. Structure: Fragmented Versus Single Unit | 123 |
13.3. Audit(or) Independence | 125 |
13.4. Inspection as Performance Management (KPIs): Service and Organisation Levels | 125 |
13.5. Public/Private/Hybrid Audit Regulatory Setting | 126 |
13.6. Scope: Financial, Value for Money (VFM) Auditing and/or Other Public Interest Area | 127 |
13.7. The Impact of New Technologies on Auditing in Spain | 128 |
References | 129 |
Chapter 14: Local Government Auditing in Sweden | |
Torbjörn Tagesson and Per-Åke Brunström | 131 |
14.1. Introduction | 131 |
14.2. Professional and Politically Appointed Auditors | 132 |
14.3. Structure | 132 |
14.4. Audit(or) Independence | 133 |
14.5. Inspection as Performance Management (KPIs): Service and Organisation Levels | 133 |
14.6. Public/Private/Hybrid Audit Regulatory Settings | 134 |
14.7. Scope: Financial, Value for Money Auditing and/or Other Public Interest Areas | 135 |
14.8. Conclusion | 136 |
Acknowledgements | 136 |
References | 136 |
Chapter 15: Local Government Auditing in Switzerland | |
Pascal Horni and Martin Köhli | 139 |
15.1. Introduction | 139 |
15.2. Auditing Practices: Contemporary History | 140 |
15.3. Structure | 140 |
15.4. Audit(or) Independence | 143 |
15.5. Inspection as Performance Management (KPIs) | 144 |
15.6. Regulatory Setting | 144 |
15.7. Scope | 145 |
15.8. Conclusion | 146 |
References | 146 |
Chapter 16: Where is Public Sector Auditing: A Comparative Analysis | |
Laurence Ferry, Pasquale Ruggiero and Henry Midgley | 149 |
16.1. Introduction | 149 |
16.2. Audit Space and Structure | 150 |
16.3. Audit Independence and Competition | 151 |
16.4. Audit Scope and Coverage | 154 |
16.5. Inspection | 155 |
16.6. Further Thoughts | 157 |
References | 158 |
Index | 161 |
List of Tables and Figures
Table 3.1. | Differences in Terms of Responsibilities and Autonomy of RAIs Regarding LGA. | 32 |
Table 15.1. | Cantonal Stipulations for Audit of Local Governments and the Involvement of Private Audit Firms. | 142 |
Table 16.1. | Audit Space and Structure. | 150 |
Table 16.2. | Different Approaches to Independence. | 152 |
Table 16.3. | Audit Scope. | 154 |
Table 16.4. | Inspection and Performance Reporting. | 156 |
Fig. 3.1. | Control and Audit of Local Governments in Austria. | 31 |
Fig. 5.1. | The Organisational Structure of the National Audit System. | 51 |
List of Contributors
Günter Bauer | Court of Audit of Carinthia, Austria |
Per-Åke Brunström | EY, Sweden |
Tjerk Budding | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
Ignacio Cabeza | Foundation for Public Sector Auditing, Spain |
Carolyn Cordery | Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand |
Robert Cox | Audit New Zealand, New Zealand |
André Carlos Busanelli de Aquino | University of São Paulo, Brazil |
Ricardo Rocha de Azevedo | Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil |
Robin Degron | University Paris 1, France |
Laurence Ferry | Durham University, UK, and Rutgers University, USA |
René Geissler | Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau, Germany |
Marcel Guenoun | Institute for Public Management and Economic Development, Ministry of Finance; Aix Marseille Université, CERGAM, IMPGT, France Institut de Management Public et Gouvernance Territoriale, France |
David Hay | University of Auckland, New Zealand |
Zahirul Hoque | Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia |
Pascal Horni | Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland |
Susana Jorge | University of Coimbra and Research Centre in Political Science, Portugal |
Martin Köhli | Swiss Federal Audit Office, Switzerland |
André Feliciano Lino | University of Essex, UK |
Andrea Mazzillo | Corte dei Conti, Italy |
Henry Midgley | Durham University, UK |
Patrizio Monfardini | University of Cagliari, Italy |
Aileen Murphie | Durham University, UK |
Sónia Nogueira | Instituto Politécnico de Bragança and Research Centre in Political Science, Portugal |
Ana Calado Pinto | APPM SROC, Lda., Portugal |
Tobias Polzer | WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria |
Remko Renes | Nyenrode Business Universiteit, the Netherlands |
Pasquale Ruggiero | University of Siena, Italy and University of Brighton, UK |
Torbjörn Tagesson | Linköping University, Sweden |
Thiru Thiagarajah | La Trobe University, Australia |
Lourdes Torres | University of Zaragoza, Spain |
Herman van Brenk | Nyenrode Business Universiteit, the Netherlands |
Rein-Aart van Vugt | Deloitte, the Netherlands |
Ismar Viana | National Association of Courts of Accounts’ Auditors, Brazil |
Sebastian Vith | WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria |
Zaozao Zhao | Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), People’s Republic of China |
- Prelims
- Chapter 1: The Why, Who and What of Public Sector Auditing
- Chapter 2: Local Government Auditing in Australia
- Chapter 3: Local Government Auditing in Austria
- Chapter 4: Local Government Auditing in Brazil
- Chapter 5: Local Government Auditing in the People's Republic of China
- Chapter 6: Local Government Auditing in England
- Chapter 7: Local Government Auditing in France
- Chapter 8: Local Government Auditing in Germany
- Chapter 9: Local Government Auditing in Italy
- Chapter 10: Local Government Auditing in the Netherlands
- Chapter 11: Local Government Auditing in New Zealand
- Chapter 12: Local Government Auditing in Portugal
- Chapter 13: Local Government Auditing in Spain
- Chapter 14: Local Government Auditing in Sweden
- Chapter 15: Local Government Auditing in Switzerland
- Chapter 16: Where is Public Sector Auditing: A Comparative Analysis
- Index