Education. See also Social and emotional education
, 25–26, 49, 51–52, 55, 168, 182, 184, 218–219
critical studies of standards in education policy
, 26–30
, 65–67
as growth
, 189–190
and present
, 190–191
, 65
Educational experience
, 186–191
Educational policy
, 5, 203
landscape of educational policy developments
, 5–10
Educational standardisation
, 49
Educational standards
, 6, 44, 107–108
influence of PISA on
, 183–184
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
, 53
Embodied subjectivation
, 156
Emotional abilities
, 127–128, 203
Emotional competence
, 127
Emotional intelligence
, 198–199
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)
, 56
European Education
, 55–57
European Educational Space
, 134–135
European Union (EU)
, 32, 52
Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA)
, 54
Evidence-based practices
, 185
Excellence in education
, 86
Health and life skills (HLS)
, 143–144, 198–199
and discourses of health promotion
, 149–151
and discourses of twenty-first-century skills
, 147–149
governing through technologies of the self
, 146
methodological reflection
, 147
risk prevention through standards of the self
, 154–155
risks and standards
, 145–146
standardising subjectivation
, 155–157
standards of the self
, 151–154
standards underpinning risks
, 157–159
Health promotion
, 149–151
High-risk narrative
, 116–117
Human capital index (HCI)
, 35
Narrative control
, 105, 107–108, 114, 117
Narrow pupil identity
, 114–116
Nation-state building
, 30–31
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
, 33, 53
National Defence Education Act
, 52–53
National education policy reforms trajectory framing Greek language curriculum enactments
, 69–71
scope and methods of research
, 71
National educational systems
, 6
, 26, 29
Neo-liberal governmentality
, 202–204
Neoliberal rationalities, influence of
, 5–7
, 5, 154–155
No Child Left Behind education act (NCLB education act)
, 53–54
Non-cognitive skills
, 198
‘Normal pupil’ as standard
, 117–119
Normative indeterminacy
, 132–134
Normative specifications
, 107–108
Norwegian LK-20 educational reform
, 105
narrative control
, 114–117
narrative control and educational standards
, 107–108
narrative plots and public narrative
, 109–113
‘normal pupil’ as standard
, 117–119
Norwegian educational context and core LK-20 reform documents
, 108
public narratives, policymaking and identity
, 106–107
public narratives and identity resources
, 113–114
Pedagogic discourse
, 67–68
silence of
, 219–221
Pedagogic practices in inner-city schools
, 72–76
Pedagogic Recontextualising Field (PRF)
, 68, 76–77
Pedagogical relationship
, 209–212
Pedagogising knowledge
, 221–222
Performance standards
, 45, 163–164
in assessment
, 165–166
, 166–168
, 8, 10, 68–69
Political scenarios
, 25–27, 30
Preschool emotional competence
, 127
Professional knowledge areas
, 168–172
Professional practice
, 67–69
Professional standards
, 164–165
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
, 12, 34–35, 91, 181–182
, 186
influence of PISA on educational standards
, 183–184
, 201
, 182
, 6, 165
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)
, 32–33
Prospective identity position (P.I.)
, 222
Psycho-economic governance
, 200
Psycho-economic management
, 201
Public narratives
, 106–107, 109, 113–114
School autonomy
, 65–66, 70
Science and technology studies (STS)
, 11
Scientific knowledge
, 165
SEAL educational programme
, 125–126
Secondary education
global agenda on governing schools and curricular knowledge
, 65–67
language curriculum enactments in Athens inner-city schools
, 71–77
national education policy reforms trajectory framing Greek language curriculum enactments
, 69–71
regulative discourse, school context and professional practice
, 67–69
Self-affirming assessment system
, 167
Semantic construction of world society
, 136
Sistema de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación (SIMCE)
, 167–168
Social, emotional and metacognitive competencies (SEMCs)
, 109, 115–117
Social and emotional competences (SEC)
, 200, 212
Social and emotional education
, 199–200, 212, 214
governmental standards
, 205–207
as neo-liberal governmentality
, 202–204
pedagogical relationship and parrhesia
, 209–212
standards-based reforms and
, 200–202
subjection vs. subjectivation
, 204–205
Social and emotional learning (SEL) programmes
, 198, 201, 207, 209
power and emotions in
, 201–202
, 201
Social and emotional skills, abilities and competences (SESACs)
, 125–126, 198
, 135
standardisation of
, 128–130
Social competences
, 126–127, 129–130, 133–134
in Italian case study
, 130–132
social skills, social competences, emotional abilities
, 127–128
standardisation of social and emotional abilities, skills and competences
, 128–130
standardising elusive educational aspects
, 132–136
Socialisation processes
, 132–134
Sociomaterial perspective
, 26
Standard-based reforms
, 198, 200, 202
Standard-based school reforms
, 167
Standardisation. See also Waves of standardisation
, 6, 44, 145, 181–182, 202, 218
, 44
, 44–46
dialectic of
, 184–186
of education
, 25–26, 164
in European Education
, 55–57
as part of institutionalisation
, 46–48
power of state
, 48–50
and reality
, 57–58
of social and emotional abilities, skills and competences
, 128–130
between system and lifeworld
, 50–52
, 10–14
in US Education
, 52–55
, 3–4, 9, 25, 44, 107–108, 134–135, 145–146, 164
, 44–46
history of
, 4
and landscape of educational policy developments
, 5–10
standard-based education
, 5–6
, 10–14
underpinning risks
, 157–159
Standards of the self
, 146–147, 151, 154
State power in education
, 48–49
Subject positions
, 113–114
, 155, 157, 204–205
Subjective reality
, 46–47
Symbolic capital, concentration and monopolisation of
, 49
Talent Academy
, 87–88, 92
accounts of external constraints and local conditions
, 71–72
conceptions of social competences
, 126
, 9
Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)
, 68
Technicisation of teaching
, 10
Technologies of power
, 144–145
Technologies of the self
, 144–146
Test-based accountability
, 54–55
Tests of legitimacy
, 26, 29
Theorising standards
in educational research
, 11–14
and standardisation
, 10–14
Theory of governmentality
, 48–49
Totally pedagogising society (TPS)
, 18, 218
design activism and redesigning standards
, 223–226
pedagogising knowledge
, 221–222
, 222–227
redesigning pedagogic work
, 226
silence of pedagogic discourse
, 219–221
, 227
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
, 32–33
Twenty-first-century skills
, 147–149