Redesigning Standardised Education in the Totally Pedagogised Society
Educational Standardisation in a Complex World
ISBN: 978-1-80071-590-5, eISBN: 978-1-80071-589-9
Publication date: 20 April 2022
In this chapter we open up questions about educational standardisation by thinking through the possibilities of the theoretical work on Totally Pedagogised Societies (TPSs) initially developed by Basil Bernstein (2001). In relation to new modes of teacher professionalism, including the introduction of standardisation measures, researchers have drawn on Bernstein's sociological concepts, including the concept of the TPS (Robertson & Sorenson, 2018). Studies, drawing on the concept of the TPS, have tended to focus on the power scape or power reach of international organisations into pedagogic acts across time space – from cradle to grave, in and out of schools. We seek here to move the analytical possibilities for TPS where the focus on the ‘total’ part of the concept is often read and understood as ‘totalising’ (see, for example, Gewirtz, Mahony & Hextall, 2009; Ball, 2009) and deterministic. Instead, we extend work on the TPS and theorise the redesign of standardisation.
The Australian Research Council Discovery Grant (DP190100518) supported the research work for this chapter.
Singh, P. and Heimans, S. (2022), "Redesigning Standardised Education in the Totally Pedagogised Society", Riese, H., Hilt, L.T. and Søreide, G.E. (Ed.) Educational Standardisation in a Complex World, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 217-231.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Parlo Singh and Stephen Heimans. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited