Productivity Growth in the Manufacturing Sector
ISBN: 978-1-80071-095-5, eISBN: 978-1-80071-094-8
Publication date: 3 June 2021
(2021), "Index", Pal, M.K. (Ed.) Productivity Growth in the Manufacturing Sector, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 269-274.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited
Akaike information criterion (AIC), 37–38, 49
Akaike’s final prediction error (FPE), 49
Allied contributing sectors, 55–57, 59
Allocation efficiency effect (AEC), 138–139, 146–147, 149–150
Asian Contagion, 4
Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF), 21, 34–35, 38, 41, 49, 159–162
Automobile industry, 254–255, 266
Capital Employed (CE), 110
Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE), 109
Causality analysis, 48–50
food and beverage industry (FBI), 231–235
Granger causality test, 234
one-time endogenous structural break, 233–234
productivity of labor, 235–237
relative wage rate, 235–237
structural break analysis, 235–237
total factor productivity (TFP), 232, 236–237
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 232–233, 235–237
Central Statistics Office (CSO), 98
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), 98–99
China, 4–5, 8, 160, 205–206, 228, 242
empirical findings, 36–41
environmental policies, 78–79
generalized method of moments (GMM), 22–23
methodology, 33–36
US-China trade conflict, 83–85, 88–92
Circular manufacturing industry (MI)
economy, 74–76
environmental policies, 78–79
policies, 77–78
social policies, 79–80
total factor productivity (TFP), 76
transformation, 76–77
Cluster Sampling, 210
Co-integration, 35, 37–38, 48, 159–160, 162
Contagion, 4, 98–99, 103–104
Crisis index, 99
Cuddy-Della Valle Index, 222–223, 226
Dynamic Olley-Pakes Decomposition technique, 46
East Asia, South East Asia and Pacific (EASEANP), 57
Econometric analysis, 11
Economic crisis, 4, 46–47, 72–73, 115, 157, 169, 254
Economic development, 18, 206, 211–212
causality analysis, Turkey, 48–50
data set, 48
environmental policies, 78–79
scope, 48
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 48
variables, 48
Economic growth
depression, 156
export intensity (EX), 190
finance, 209
job creation, 266
labor productivity, 51
productivity growth, 4–5
recession, 156
research, 157
Turkey, 43–45
Economic reforms, 123–124, 141, 150, 168–169, 232
Economic structure, 32, 84–85
Efficiency, 8, 19–20, 46–47, 75, 77–80, 157, 168–169, 185, 188, 190–191, 194, 208–209
analysis, 111–113
data sources, 109
inefficiency Effects, 113–115
measurement, 110–111
research methodology, 109–110
Emoluments, 124–125, 128–129, 142
economy, 208
exports, 220
food and beverage industry (FBI), 231–232
gross value added (GVA), 169–170
labor productivity, 168
manufacturing industries, 163
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168
Entrepreneurship, 44, 47, 168–169
Europe and Central Asia (ENCA), 57
agricultural export, 37–38, 41
automobile sector, 254–255
commodity, 87
Export Intensity (EX), 190
food and beverage industry (FBI), 232
India, 160
manufacturing industries, 164
readymade garments, 220–221, 223, 225–226
textile policy, 185
Fixed effects models (FEMs), 6
Food and beverage industry (FBI)
manufacturing industries, 232
Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI), 231–232
productivity of labor, 235–237
relative wage rate, 235–237
total factor pro ductivity growth (TFPG), 233, 235–237
variables, 234–235
Food processing industry (FPI)
data, 243
foreign direct investment (FDI), 242–243
gross domestic product (GDP), 242
Indian economy, 244
methodology, 243
prospects of, 244–247
Foreign direct investment (FDI), 20–21, 46–47, 98–99, 206, 211, 214–215, 242–244, 246
Garment Export, 220–221, 223–227
Generalized method of moments (GMM), 20–28
Global economic crisis, 4–5, 72–73, 168–169, 174–175, 184, 254
Global Moran index, 258, 264
Global recession, 5, 73, 98, 221–222, 242
Global textile, 220
Goods segments, 91–92
Granger causality test, 103
Graphical analysis, 8–10
Gross domestic product (GDP)
automobile sector, 254
data, 57
East Asia, South East Asia and Pacific (EASEANP), 57
exports, 207–208
food processing industries (FPI), 242
Indian manufacturing sector, 158
Indian textile industry, 185
labor, 18, 20–21, 28
methods, 57
productivity, 4, 7–8
tariff, 36
trade measurement, 223
economic growth. See Economic growth
food and beverage industry (FBI), 231–232
productivity, 156–159, 161, 163
rate, 225–226
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170
Growth rate, 60, 147, 149, 194, 236
agriculture, 59–61
Asian financial crisis, 10
car selling, 258
Central Statistics Office (CSO), 98
China, 8
gross domestic product (See Gross domestic product (GDP))
industry, 59–61
labor productivity, 7
manufacturing, 59–61
multifactor productivity growth (MFPG), 186
Hannan–Quinn Criterion (HQC), 49
Hausman test, 7, 12
fixed effects, 11–13
random effects, 11–13
High Income (HI), 57
Human Capital (HC), 108
Human Capital Efficiency (HCE), 109
Human resource management, 121–125, 130–132
case studies, 156–157
co-integration test, 162
intellectual capital (IC), 107, 109–110, 115
interindustry wage disparity, 19–20
methodology, 159–161
productivity, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
recession, 156
sources of data, 158
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 163
US subprime crisis, 98–99, 102, 104
unit root test, 162
workforce compensation, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
variables, 158–159
Innovative manufacturing industry, 74, 76–77, 80
Intellectual capital (IC), 107–109, 115
Intellectual Capital Efficiency (ICE), 109
International Labour Organization (ILO), 20
Knowledge-based capital (KBC), 5
Labor productivity (LP)
annual average growth rate (AAGR), 176
causality analysis, 50
cross-country, 9
defined, 44
economic growth, 51
factors, 44
gross domestic product (GDP), 7–8
gross value added (GVA), 169–170
growth rate, 7
industrialization, 18
International Labour Organization (ILO), 20
manufacturing, 19
national economy, 44
performance, 19–20
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 233
Turkey, 45, 51
wage rate, 123
Labor productivity growth (LPG), 8
Leverage, 110, 113–114, 131
Low Middle Income (LMI), 57
circular, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
competitive, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
domestic tariff and, 31–33, 36, 41
Eastern India, 205–206, 210–212, 215
food processing industry (FPI), 244
global economy, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
gross domestic product (GDP) growth, 55, 57, 62–63
intellectual capital (IC), 107, 109–110, 115
labor productivity and growth, 17, 19–21, 28
productivity growth, 4–5, 8, 13–14, 156–159, 161, 163–164
smart, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 138–139, 142, 150–151
trade, 31–33, 36, 41
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170, 175–176, 180–181
US subprime crisis, India, 98–99, 102, 104
workforce compensation/productivity, India, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
Manufacturing industry (MI)
circular, 74–76
competitive, 74–76
economic policies, 77–78
environmental policies, 78–79
innovative, 74–76
smart, 74–76
social policies, 79–80
transformation, 76–77
Middle East and North Africa (MENNA), 57
Moran's Index, 256–258, 264
Multinomial logistic regression, 211
Neighborhood impact, 254–256, 258, 264, 266
Nominal effective exchange rate (NEER), 100
North America, Latin America and Caribbean (NALANC), 57
Optimal wages, 46–47, 49–50
enterprises, 170–174
entrepreneurs, 170–174
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
manufacturing industries, 138–139, 142, 150–151
technology-intensive, 19–20
Panel data
1990–2018, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), 142
Indian manufacturing industries, 164
labor productivity and growth, 17, 19–21, 28
National Accounts Statistics (NAS), 142
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 110
technological progress (TP), 138
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
Phillips–Perron (PP), 34
Poirier’s spline function approach, 222
Political economy, 79–80
Probit, 99
Granger causality test, 103
normality, 101
regression, 103
assets, 109
competition, 121–123
economic development, Turkey, 43, 45, 48, 50–51
foreign direct investment (FDI), 103–104
global recession, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
Indian food and beverage industry (FBI), 231, 233, 235, 237–238
Indian manufacturing sector, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132, 156–159, 161, 163–164
Indian textile industry, 184, 186, 193, 198–199
intellectual capital (IC), 115
labor productivity (LP), 17, 19–21, 28
manufacturing sector, 4–5, 8, 13–14
productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
sustainable development (SD), 75–76
total factor, 138–139, 142, 150–151
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170, 175–176, 180–181
workforce compensation and, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
Productivity-driven development (PDD), 75–76
manufacturing industry (MI), 76
sustainable development (SD), 76
Productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
Random effects models (REMs), 6–7
Real effective exchange rate (REER), 102
Recession, 14
COVID-19, 156
deep, 98–99
global, 98, 156
India, 156
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 184
Regression model, 7
Relational Capital (RC), 108
Relative wage rate, 233, 235–237
Resilient economy, 73–74, 76, 80
Scale effect (SC), 138, 147, 149, 198
Schwarz criterion (SC), 49
Simultaneous equations, 19–20
economic policies, 77
logistics, 77
manufacturing industry (MI), 74, 76–77, 80
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
total factor productivity (TFP), 76
Spillover effect, 31–32, 84–85, 191–192, 264
augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test, 159–160
economic growth, 49
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 48
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 159–160
trend stationary (TS), 234
unit root test, 223
vector autoregression (VAR), 37–38
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 109–111, 113
Stochastic frontier approach, 138–139
Structural break, 224–225
CUSUM test, 225
one-time endogenous, 233–234
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 233
unit root tests, 142
Structural Capital (SC), 108
Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE), 109
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), 57
Sustainable development (SD), 72–73
economic policies, 78
manufacturing industry (MI), 74
total resilience, 73
Sustainable energy system, 78–79
China, 84–85
domestic, 33
foreign direct investment (FDI), 214–215
gross domestic product (GDP), 38
impositions, 33–34
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
trade and, 33
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Technical efficiency, 76, 108–110, 138
Technological progress (TP), 80, 123, 138, 169–170
Time series econometrics, 32, 41, 55–56
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 45, 48
Total factor productivity (TFP), 19–20, 76, 122
defined, 140, 159
growth rate, 194
Gujarat’s manufacturing industries, 138–139
labor productivity and, 232
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
smart technologies, 76
Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
data and variables, 142
hypotheses testing, 144–146
methodology, 139–142
model specification, 140–142
Stochastic Frontier model, 142–144
Total resilience, 73
Trade, 4
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
international, 45–46
liberalization, 157
manufacturing, 31–33, 36, 41
openness, 101–102, 221, 226–227
policy, 123
restrictions, 31–32
US-China, 83–85, 91–92
Trade orientation ratio (TOR), 98–99
Turkey, 160
causality analysis, 48–50
economic growth, 45
labor productivity, 45
Unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–169
employment, 169–170, 174–175
enterprise, 170–174
fixed assets, 175
gross value added (GVA), 169–170, 175
labor productivity, 169–170
productivity, India, 175–176
Upper Middle Income (UMI), 57
USA, 8, 22–23, 227
vs. China, 4–5, 33, 83–85, 91–92
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
manufacturing trade, 31–33, 36, 41
productivity growth, 8
Value Added Intellectual Coefficient™ Model (VAIC™), 108–109, 113
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 102
Vector error correction model (VECM), 37–38
Water policies, 79
World Bank Institutional Survey (WBES), 47
World Development Indicators (WDI), 7, 34
World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS), 34
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Dynamic Olley-Pakes Decomposition technique, 46
East Asia, South East Asia and Pacific (EASEANP), 57
Econometric analysis, 11
Economic crisis, 4, 46–47, 72–73, 115, 157, 169, 254
Economic development, 18, 206, 211–212
causality analysis, Turkey, 48–50
data set, 48
environmental policies, 78–79
scope, 48
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 48
variables, 48
Economic growth
depression, 156
export intensity (EX), 190
finance, 209
job creation, 266
labor productivity, 51
productivity growth, 4–5
recession, 156
research, 157
Turkey, 43–45
Economic reforms, 123–124, 141, 150, 168–169, 232
Economic structure, 32, 84–85
Efficiency, 8, 19–20, 46–47, 75, 77–80, 157, 168–169, 185, 188, 190–191, 194, 208–209
analysis, 111–113
data sources, 109
inefficiency Effects, 113–115
measurement, 110–111
research methodology, 109–110
Emoluments, 124–125, 128–129, 142
economy, 208
exports, 220
food and beverage industry (FBI), 231–232
gross value added (GVA), 169–170
labor productivity, 168
manufacturing industries, 163
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168
Entrepreneurship, 44, 47, 168–169
Europe and Central Asia (ENCA), 57
agricultural export, 37–38, 41
automobile sector, 254–255
commodity, 87
Export Intensity (EX), 190
food and beverage industry (FBI), 232
India, 160
manufacturing industries, 164
readymade garments, 220–221, 223, 225–226
textile policy, 185
Fixed effects models (FEMs), 6
Food and beverage industry (FBI)
manufacturing industries, 232
Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI), 231–232
productivity of labor, 235–237
relative wage rate, 235–237
total factor pro ductivity growth (TFPG), 233, 235–237
variables, 234–235
Food processing industry (FPI)
data, 243
foreign direct investment (FDI), 242–243
gross domestic product (GDP), 242
Indian economy, 244
methodology, 243
prospects of, 244–247
Foreign direct investment (FDI), 20–21, 46–47, 98–99, 206, 211, 214–215, 242–244, 246
Garment Export, 220–221, 223–227
Generalized method of moments (GMM), 20–28
Global economic crisis, 4–5, 72–73, 168–169, 174–175, 184, 254
Global Moran index, 258, 264
Global recession, 5, 73, 98, 221–222, 242
Global textile, 220
Goods segments, 91–92
Granger causality test, 103
Graphical analysis, 8–10
Gross domestic product (GDP)
automobile sector, 254
data, 57
East Asia, South East Asia and Pacific (EASEANP), 57
exports, 207–208
food processing industries (FPI), 242
Indian manufacturing sector, 158
Indian textile industry, 185
labor, 18, 20–21, 28
methods, 57
productivity, 4, 7–8
tariff, 36
trade measurement, 223
economic growth. See Economic growth
food and beverage industry (FBI), 231–232
productivity, 156–159, 161, 163
rate, 225–226
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170
Growth rate, 60, 147, 149, 194, 236
agriculture, 59–61
Asian financial crisis, 10
car selling, 258
Central Statistics Office (CSO), 98
China, 8
gross domestic product (See Gross domestic product (GDP))
industry, 59–61
labor productivity, 7
manufacturing, 59–61
multifactor productivity growth (MFPG), 186
Hannan–Quinn Criterion (HQC), 49
Hausman test, 7, 12
fixed effects, 11–13
random effects, 11–13
High Income (HI), 57
Human Capital (HC), 108
Human Capital Efficiency (HCE), 109
Human resource management, 121–125, 130–132
case studies, 156–157
co-integration test, 162
intellectual capital (IC), 107, 109–110, 115
interindustry wage disparity, 19–20
methodology, 159–161
productivity, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
recession, 156
sources of data, 158
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 163
US subprime crisis, 98–99, 102, 104
unit root test, 162
workforce compensation, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
variables, 158–159
Innovative manufacturing industry, 74, 76–77, 80
Intellectual capital (IC), 107–109, 115
Intellectual Capital Efficiency (ICE), 109
International Labour Organization (ILO), 20
Knowledge-based capital (KBC), 5
Labor productivity (LP)
annual average growth rate (AAGR), 176
causality analysis, 50
cross-country, 9
defined, 44
economic growth, 51
factors, 44
gross domestic product (GDP), 7–8
gross value added (GVA), 169–170
growth rate, 7
industrialization, 18
International Labour Organization (ILO), 20
manufacturing, 19
national economy, 44
performance, 19–20
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 233
Turkey, 45, 51
wage rate, 123
Labor productivity growth (LPG), 8
Leverage, 110, 113–114, 131
Low Middle Income (LMI), 57
circular, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
competitive, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
domestic tariff and, 31–33, 36, 41
Eastern India, 205–206, 210–212, 215
food processing industry (FPI), 244
global economy, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
gross domestic product (GDP) growth, 55, 57, 62–63
intellectual capital (IC), 107, 109–110, 115
labor productivity and growth, 17, 19–21, 28
productivity growth, 4–5, 8, 13–14, 156–159, 161, 163–164
smart, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 138–139, 142, 150–151
trade, 31–33, 36, 41
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170, 175–176, 180–181
US subprime crisis, India, 98–99, 102, 104
workforce compensation/productivity, India, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
Manufacturing industry (MI)
circular, 74–76
competitive, 74–76
economic policies, 77–78
environmental policies, 78–79
innovative, 74–76
smart, 74–76
social policies, 79–80
transformation, 76–77
Middle East and North Africa (MENNA), 57
Moran's Index, 256–258, 264
Multinomial logistic regression, 211
Neighborhood impact, 254–256, 258, 264, 266
Nominal effective exchange rate (NEER), 100
North America, Latin America and Caribbean (NALANC), 57
Optimal wages, 46–47, 49–50
enterprises, 170–174
entrepreneurs, 170–174
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
manufacturing industries, 138–139, 142, 150–151
technology-intensive, 19–20
Panel data
1990–2018, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), 142
Indian manufacturing industries, 164
labor productivity and growth, 17, 19–21, 28
National Accounts Statistics (NAS), 142
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 110
technological progress (TP), 138
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
Phillips–Perron (PP), 34
Poirier’s spline function approach, 222
Political economy, 79–80
Probit, 99
Granger causality test, 103
normality, 101
regression, 103
assets, 109
competition, 121–123
economic development, Turkey, 43, 45, 48, 50–51
foreign direct investment (FDI), 103–104
global recession, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
Indian food and beverage industry (FBI), 231, 233, 235, 237–238
Indian manufacturing sector, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132, 156–159, 161, 163–164
Indian textile industry, 184, 186, 193, 198–199
intellectual capital (IC), 115
labor productivity (LP), 17, 19–21, 28
manufacturing sector, 4–5, 8, 13–14
productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
sustainable development (SD), 75–76
total factor, 138–139, 142, 150–151
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170, 175–176, 180–181
workforce compensation and, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
Productivity-driven development (PDD), 75–76
manufacturing industry (MI), 76
sustainable development (SD), 76
Productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
Random effects models (REMs), 6–7
Real effective exchange rate (REER), 102
Recession, 14
COVID-19, 156
deep, 98–99
global, 98, 156
India, 156
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 184
Regression model, 7
Relational Capital (RC), 108
Relative wage rate, 233, 235–237
Resilient economy, 73–74, 76, 80
Scale effect (SC), 138, 147, 149, 198
Schwarz criterion (SC), 49
Simultaneous equations, 19–20
economic policies, 77
logistics, 77
manufacturing industry (MI), 74, 76–77, 80
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
total factor productivity (TFP), 76
Spillover effect, 31–32, 84–85, 191–192, 264
augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test, 159–160
economic growth, 49
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 48
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 159–160
trend stationary (TS), 234
unit root test, 223
vector autoregression (VAR), 37–38
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 109–111, 113
Stochastic frontier approach, 138–139
Structural break, 224–225
CUSUM test, 225
one-time endogenous, 233–234
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 233
unit root tests, 142
Structural Capital (SC), 108
Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE), 109
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), 57
Sustainable development (SD), 72–73
economic policies, 78
manufacturing industry (MI), 74
total resilience, 73
Sustainable energy system, 78–79
China, 84–85
domestic, 33
foreign direct investment (FDI), 214–215
gross domestic product (GDP), 38
impositions, 33–34
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
trade and, 33
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Technical efficiency, 76, 108–110, 138
Technological progress (TP), 80, 123, 138, 169–170
Time series econometrics, 32, 41, 55–56
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 45, 48
Total factor productivity (TFP), 19–20, 76, 122
defined, 140, 159
growth rate, 194
Gujarat’s manufacturing industries, 138–139
labor productivity and, 232
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
smart technologies, 76
Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
data and variables, 142
hypotheses testing, 144–146
methodology, 139–142
model specification, 140–142
Stochastic Frontier model, 142–144
Total resilience, 73
Trade, 4
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
international, 45–46
liberalization, 157
manufacturing, 31–33, 36, 41
openness, 101–102, 221, 226–227
policy, 123
restrictions, 31–32
US-China, 83–85, 91–92
Trade orientation ratio (TOR), 98–99
Turkey, 160
causality analysis, 48–50
economic growth, 45
labor productivity, 45
Unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–169
employment, 169–170, 174–175
enterprise, 170–174
fixed assets, 175
gross value added (GVA), 169–170, 175
labor productivity, 169–170
productivity, India, 175–176
Upper Middle Income (UMI), 57
USA, 8, 22–23, 227
vs. China, 4–5, 33, 83–85, 91–92
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
manufacturing trade, 31–33, 36, 41
productivity growth, 8
Value Added Intellectual Coefficient™ Model (VAIC™), 108–109, 113
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 102
Vector error correction model (VECM), 37–38
Water policies, 79
World Bank Institutional Survey (WBES), 47
World Development Indicators (WDI), 7, 34
World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS), 34
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Fixed effects models (FEMs), 6
Food and beverage industry (FBI)
manufacturing industries, 232
Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI), 231–232
productivity of labor, 235–237
relative wage rate, 235–237
total factor pro ductivity growth (TFPG), 233, 235–237
variables, 234–235
Food processing industry (FPI)
data, 243
foreign direct investment (FDI), 242–243
gross domestic product (GDP), 242
Indian economy, 244
methodology, 243
prospects of, 244–247
Foreign direct investment (FDI), 20–21, 46–47, 98–99, 206, 211, 214–215, 242–244, 246
Garment Export, 220–221, 223–227
Generalized method of moments (GMM), 20–28
Global economic crisis, 4–5, 72–73, 168–169, 174–175, 184, 254
Global Moran index, 258, 264
Global recession, 5, 73, 98, 221–222, 242
Global textile, 220
Goods segments, 91–92
Granger causality test, 103
Graphical analysis, 8–10
Gross domestic product (GDP)
automobile sector, 254
data, 57
East Asia, South East Asia and Pacific (EASEANP), 57
exports, 207–208
food processing industries (FPI), 242
Indian manufacturing sector, 158
Indian textile industry, 185
labor, 18, 20–21, 28
methods, 57
productivity, 4, 7–8
tariff, 36
trade measurement, 223
economic growth. See Economic growth
food and beverage industry (FBI), 231–232
productivity, 156–159, 161, 163
rate, 225–226
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170
Growth rate, 60, 147, 149, 194, 236
agriculture, 59–61
Asian financial crisis, 10
car selling, 258
Central Statistics Office (CSO), 98
China, 8
gross domestic product (See Gross domestic product (GDP))
industry, 59–61
labor productivity, 7
manufacturing, 59–61
multifactor productivity growth (MFPG), 186
Hannan–Quinn Criterion (HQC), 49
Hausman test, 7, 12
fixed effects, 11–13
random effects, 11–13
High Income (HI), 57
Human Capital (HC), 108
Human Capital Efficiency (HCE), 109
Human resource management, 121–125, 130–132
case studies, 156–157
co-integration test, 162
intellectual capital (IC), 107, 109–110, 115
interindustry wage disparity, 19–20
methodology, 159–161
productivity, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
recession, 156
sources of data, 158
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 163
US subprime crisis, 98–99, 102, 104
unit root test, 162
workforce compensation, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
variables, 158–159
Innovative manufacturing industry, 74, 76–77, 80
Intellectual capital (IC), 107–109, 115
Intellectual Capital Efficiency (ICE), 109
International Labour Organization (ILO), 20
Knowledge-based capital (KBC), 5
Labor productivity (LP)
annual average growth rate (AAGR), 176
causality analysis, 50
cross-country, 9
defined, 44
economic growth, 51
factors, 44
gross domestic product (GDP), 7–8
gross value added (GVA), 169–170
growth rate, 7
industrialization, 18
International Labour Organization (ILO), 20
manufacturing, 19
national economy, 44
performance, 19–20
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 233
Turkey, 45, 51
wage rate, 123
Labor productivity growth (LPG), 8
Leverage, 110, 113–114, 131
Low Middle Income (LMI), 57
circular, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
competitive, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
domestic tariff and, 31–33, 36, 41
Eastern India, 205–206, 210–212, 215
food processing industry (FPI), 244
global economy, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
gross domestic product (GDP) growth, 55, 57, 62–63
intellectual capital (IC), 107, 109–110, 115
labor productivity and growth, 17, 19–21, 28
productivity growth, 4–5, 8, 13–14, 156–159, 161, 163–164
smart, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 138–139, 142, 150–151
trade, 31–33, 36, 41
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170, 175–176, 180–181
US subprime crisis, India, 98–99, 102, 104
workforce compensation/productivity, India, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
Manufacturing industry (MI)
circular, 74–76
competitive, 74–76
economic policies, 77–78
environmental policies, 78–79
innovative, 74–76
smart, 74–76
social policies, 79–80
transformation, 76–77
Middle East and North Africa (MENNA), 57
Moran's Index, 256–258, 264
Multinomial logistic regression, 211
Neighborhood impact, 254–256, 258, 264, 266
Nominal effective exchange rate (NEER), 100
North America, Latin America and Caribbean (NALANC), 57
Optimal wages, 46–47, 49–50
enterprises, 170–174
entrepreneurs, 170–174
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
manufacturing industries, 138–139, 142, 150–151
technology-intensive, 19–20
Panel data
1990–2018, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), 142
Indian manufacturing industries, 164
labor productivity and growth, 17, 19–21, 28
National Accounts Statistics (NAS), 142
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 110
technological progress (TP), 138
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
Phillips–Perron (PP), 34
Poirier’s spline function approach, 222
Political economy, 79–80
Probit, 99
Granger causality test, 103
normality, 101
regression, 103
assets, 109
competition, 121–123
economic development, Turkey, 43, 45, 48, 50–51
foreign direct investment (FDI), 103–104
global recession, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
Indian food and beverage industry (FBI), 231, 233, 235, 237–238
Indian manufacturing sector, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132, 156–159, 161, 163–164
Indian textile industry, 184, 186, 193, 198–199
intellectual capital (IC), 115
labor productivity (LP), 17, 19–21, 28
manufacturing sector, 4–5, 8, 13–14
productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
sustainable development (SD), 75–76
total factor, 138–139, 142, 150–151
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170, 175–176, 180–181
workforce compensation and, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
Productivity-driven development (PDD), 75–76
manufacturing industry (MI), 76
sustainable development (SD), 76
Productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
Random effects models (REMs), 6–7
Real effective exchange rate (REER), 102
Recession, 14
COVID-19, 156
deep, 98–99
global, 98, 156
India, 156
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 184
Regression model, 7
Relational Capital (RC), 108
Relative wage rate, 233, 235–237
Resilient economy, 73–74, 76, 80
Scale effect (SC), 138, 147, 149, 198
Schwarz criterion (SC), 49
Simultaneous equations, 19–20
economic policies, 77
logistics, 77
manufacturing industry (MI), 74, 76–77, 80
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
total factor productivity (TFP), 76
Spillover effect, 31–32, 84–85, 191–192, 264
augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test, 159–160
economic growth, 49
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 48
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 159–160
trend stationary (TS), 234
unit root test, 223
vector autoregression (VAR), 37–38
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 109–111, 113
Stochastic frontier approach, 138–139
Structural break, 224–225
CUSUM test, 225
one-time endogenous, 233–234
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 233
unit root tests, 142
Structural Capital (SC), 108
Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE), 109
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), 57
Sustainable development (SD), 72–73
economic policies, 78
manufacturing industry (MI), 74
total resilience, 73
Sustainable energy system, 78–79
China, 84–85
domestic, 33
foreign direct investment (FDI), 214–215
gross domestic product (GDP), 38
impositions, 33–34
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
trade and, 33
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Technical efficiency, 76, 108–110, 138
Technological progress (TP), 80, 123, 138, 169–170
Time series econometrics, 32, 41, 55–56
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 45, 48
Total factor productivity (TFP), 19–20, 76, 122
defined, 140, 159
growth rate, 194
Gujarat’s manufacturing industries, 138–139
labor productivity and, 232
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
smart technologies, 76
Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
data and variables, 142
hypotheses testing, 144–146
methodology, 139–142
model specification, 140–142
Stochastic Frontier model, 142–144
Total resilience, 73
Trade, 4
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
international, 45–46
liberalization, 157
manufacturing, 31–33, 36, 41
openness, 101–102, 221, 226–227
policy, 123
restrictions, 31–32
US-China, 83–85, 91–92
Trade orientation ratio (TOR), 98–99
Turkey, 160
causality analysis, 48–50
economic growth, 45
labor productivity, 45
Unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–169
employment, 169–170, 174–175
enterprise, 170–174
fixed assets, 175
gross value added (GVA), 169–170, 175
labor productivity, 169–170
productivity, India, 175–176
Upper Middle Income (UMI), 57
USA, 8, 22–23, 227
vs. China, 4–5, 33, 83–85, 91–92
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
manufacturing trade, 31–33, 36, 41
productivity growth, 8
Value Added Intellectual Coefficient™ Model (VAIC™), 108–109, 113
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 102
Vector error correction model (VECM), 37–38
Water policies, 79
World Bank Institutional Survey (WBES), 47
World Development Indicators (WDI), 7, 34
World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS), 34
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Hannan–Quinn Criterion (HQC), 49
Hausman test, 7, 12
fixed effects, 11–13
random effects, 11–13
High Income (HI), 57
Human Capital (HC), 108
Human Capital Efficiency (HCE), 109
Human resource management, 121–125, 130–132
case studies, 156–157
co-integration test, 162
intellectual capital (IC), 107, 109–110, 115
interindustry wage disparity, 19–20
methodology, 159–161
productivity, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
recession, 156
sources of data, 158
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 163
US subprime crisis, 98–99, 102, 104
unit root test, 162
workforce compensation, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
variables, 158–159
Innovative manufacturing industry, 74, 76–77, 80
Intellectual capital (IC), 107–109, 115
Intellectual Capital Efficiency (ICE), 109
International Labour Organization (ILO), 20
Knowledge-based capital (KBC), 5
Labor productivity (LP)
annual average growth rate (AAGR), 176
causality analysis, 50
cross-country, 9
defined, 44
economic growth, 51
factors, 44
gross domestic product (GDP), 7–8
gross value added (GVA), 169–170
growth rate, 7
industrialization, 18
International Labour Organization (ILO), 20
manufacturing, 19
national economy, 44
performance, 19–20
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 233
Turkey, 45, 51
wage rate, 123
Labor productivity growth (LPG), 8
Leverage, 110, 113–114, 131
Low Middle Income (LMI), 57
circular, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
competitive, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
domestic tariff and, 31–33, 36, 41
Eastern India, 205–206, 210–212, 215
food processing industry (FPI), 244
global economy, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
gross domestic product (GDP) growth, 55, 57, 62–63
intellectual capital (IC), 107, 109–110, 115
labor productivity and growth, 17, 19–21, 28
productivity growth, 4–5, 8, 13–14, 156–159, 161, 163–164
smart, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 138–139, 142, 150–151
trade, 31–33, 36, 41
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170, 175–176, 180–181
US subprime crisis, India, 98–99, 102, 104
workforce compensation/productivity, India, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
Manufacturing industry (MI)
circular, 74–76
competitive, 74–76
economic policies, 77–78
environmental policies, 78–79
innovative, 74–76
smart, 74–76
social policies, 79–80
transformation, 76–77
Middle East and North Africa (MENNA), 57
Moran's Index, 256–258, 264
Multinomial logistic regression, 211
Neighborhood impact, 254–256, 258, 264, 266
Nominal effective exchange rate (NEER), 100
North America, Latin America and Caribbean (NALANC), 57
Optimal wages, 46–47, 49–50
enterprises, 170–174
entrepreneurs, 170–174
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
manufacturing industries, 138–139, 142, 150–151
technology-intensive, 19–20
Panel data
1990–2018, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), 142
Indian manufacturing industries, 164
labor productivity and growth, 17, 19–21, 28
National Accounts Statistics (NAS), 142
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 110
technological progress (TP), 138
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
Phillips–Perron (PP), 34
Poirier’s spline function approach, 222
Political economy, 79–80
Probit, 99
Granger causality test, 103
normality, 101
regression, 103
assets, 109
competition, 121–123
economic development, Turkey, 43, 45, 48, 50–51
foreign direct investment (FDI), 103–104
global recession, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
Indian food and beverage industry (FBI), 231, 233, 235, 237–238
Indian manufacturing sector, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132, 156–159, 161, 163–164
Indian textile industry, 184, 186, 193, 198–199
intellectual capital (IC), 115
labor productivity (LP), 17, 19–21, 28
manufacturing sector, 4–5, 8, 13–14
productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
sustainable development (SD), 75–76
total factor, 138–139, 142, 150–151
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170, 175–176, 180–181
workforce compensation and, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
Productivity-driven development (PDD), 75–76
manufacturing industry (MI), 76
sustainable development (SD), 76
Productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
Random effects models (REMs), 6–7
Real effective exchange rate (REER), 102
Recession, 14
COVID-19, 156
deep, 98–99
global, 98, 156
India, 156
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 184
Regression model, 7
Relational Capital (RC), 108
Relative wage rate, 233, 235–237
Resilient economy, 73–74, 76, 80
Scale effect (SC), 138, 147, 149, 198
Schwarz criterion (SC), 49
Simultaneous equations, 19–20
economic policies, 77
logistics, 77
manufacturing industry (MI), 74, 76–77, 80
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
total factor productivity (TFP), 76
Spillover effect, 31–32, 84–85, 191–192, 264
augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test, 159–160
economic growth, 49
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 48
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 159–160
trend stationary (TS), 234
unit root test, 223
vector autoregression (VAR), 37–38
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 109–111, 113
Stochastic frontier approach, 138–139
Structural break, 224–225
CUSUM test, 225
one-time endogenous, 233–234
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 233
unit root tests, 142
Structural Capital (SC), 108
Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE), 109
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), 57
Sustainable development (SD), 72–73
economic policies, 78
manufacturing industry (MI), 74
total resilience, 73
Sustainable energy system, 78–79
China, 84–85
domestic, 33
foreign direct investment (FDI), 214–215
gross domestic product (GDP), 38
impositions, 33–34
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
trade and, 33
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Technical efficiency, 76, 108–110, 138
Technological progress (TP), 80, 123, 138, 169–170
Time series econometrics, 32, 41, 55–56
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 45, 48
Total factor productivity (TFP), 19–20, 76, 122
defined, 140, 159
growth rate, 194
Gujarat’s manufacturing industries, 138–139
labor productivity and, 232
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
smart technologies, 76
Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
data and variables, 142
hypotheses testing, 144–146
methodology, 139–142
model specification, 140–142
Stochastic Frontier model, 142–144
Total resilience, 73
Trade, 4
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
international, 45–46
liberalization, 157
manufacturing, 31–33, 36, 41
openness, 101–102, 221, 226–227
policy, 123
restrictions, 31–32
US-China, 83–85, 91–92
Trade orientation ratio (TOR), 98–99
Turkey, 160
causality analysis, 48–50
economic growth, 45
labor productivity, 45
Unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–169
employment, 169–170, 174–175
enterprise, 170–174
fixed assets, 175
gross value added (GVA), 169–170, 175
labor productivity, 169–170
productivity, India, 175–176
Upper Middle Income (UMI), 57
USA, 8, 22–23, 227
vs. China, 4–5, 33, 83–85, 91–92
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
manufacturing trade, 31–33, 36, 41
productivity growth, 8
Value Added Intellectual Coefficient™ Model (VAIC™), 108–109, 113
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 102
Vector error correction model (VECM), 37–38
Water policies, 79
World Bank Institutional Survey (WBES), 47
World Development Indicators (WDI), 7, 34
World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS), 34
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Knowledge-based capital (KBC), 5
Labor productivity (LP)
annual average growth rate (AAGR), 176
causality analysis, 50
cross-country, 9
defined, 44
economic growth, 51
factors, 44
gross domestic product (GDP), 7–8
gross value added (GVA), 169–170
growth rate, 7
industrialization, 18
International Labour Organization (ILO), 20
manufacturing, 19
national economy, 44
performance, 19–20
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 233
Turkey, 45, 51
wage rate, 123
Labor productivity growth (LPG), 8
Leverage, 110, 113–114, 131
Low Middle Income (LMI), 57
circular, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
competitive, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
domestic tariff and, 31–33, 36, 41
Eastern India, 205–206, 210–212, 215
food processing industry (FPI), 244
global economy, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
gross domestic product (GDP) growth, 55, 57, 62–63
intellectual capital (IC), 107, 109–110, 115
labor productivity and growth, 17, 19–21, 28
productivity growth, 4–5, 8, 13–14, 156–159, 161, 163–164
smart, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 138–139, 142, 150–151
trade, 31–33, 36, 41
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170, 175–176, 180–181
US subprime crisis, India, 98–99, 102, 104
workforce compensation/productivity, India, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
Manufacturing industry (MI)
circular, 74–76
competitive, 74–76
economic policies, 77–78
environmental policies, 78–79
innovative, 74–76
smart, 74–76
social policies, 79–80
transformation, 76–77
Middle East and North Africa (MENNA), 57
Moran's Index, 256–258, 264
Multinomial logistic regression, 211
Neighborhood impact, 254–256, 258, 264, 266
Nominal effective exchange rate (NEER), 100
North America, Latin America and Caribbean (NALANC), 57
Optimal wages, 46–47, 49–50
enterprises, 170–174
entrepreneurs, 170–174
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
manufacturing industries, 138–139, 142, 150–151
technology-intensive, 19–20
Panel data
1990–2018, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), 142
Indian manufacturing industries, 164
labor productivity and growth, 17, 19–21, 28
National Accounts Statistics (NAS), 142
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 110
technological progress (TP), 138
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
Phillips–Perron (PP), 34
Poirier’s spline function approach, 222
Political economy, 79–80
Probit, 99
Granger causality test, 103
normality, 101
regression, 103
assets, 109
competition, 121–123
economic development, Turkey, 43, 45, 48, 50–51
foreign direct investment (FDI), 103–104
global recession, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
Indian food and beverage industry (FBI), 231, 233, 235, 237–238
Indian manufacturing sector, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132, 156–159, 161, 163–164
Indian textile industry, 184, 186, 193, 198–199
intellectual capital (IC), 115
labor productivity (LP), 17, 19–21, 28
manufacturing sector, 4–5, 8, 13–14
productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
sustainable development (SD), 75–76
total factor, 138–139, 142, 150–151
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170, 175–176, 180–181
workforce compensation and, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
Productivity-driven development (PDD), 75–76
manufacturing industry (MI), 76
sustainable development (SD), 76
Productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
Random effects models (REMs), 6–7
Real effective exchange rate (REER), 102
Recession, 14
COVID-19, 156
deep, 98–99
global, 98, 156
India, 156
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 184
Regression model, 7
Relational Capital (RC), 108
Relative wage rate, 233, 235–237
Resilient economy, 73–74, 76, 80
Scale effect (SC), 138, 147, 149, 198
Schwarz criterion (SC), 49
Simultaneous equations, 19–20
economic policies, 77
logistics, 77
manufacturing industry (MI), 74, 76–77, 80
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
total factor productivity (TFP), 76
Spillover effect, 31–32, 84–85, 191–192, 264
augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test, 159–160
economic growth, 49
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 48
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 159–160
trend stationary (TS), 234
unit root test, 223
vector autoregression (VAR), 37–38
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 109–111, 113
Stochastic frontier approach, 138–139
Structural break, 224–225
CUSUM test, 225
one-time endogenous, 233–234
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 233
unit root tests, 142
Structural Capital (SC), 108
Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE), 109
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), 57
Sustainable development (SD), 72–73
economic policies, 78
manufacturing industry (MI), 74
total resilience, 73
Sustainable energy system, 78–79
China, 84–85
domestic, 33
foreign direct investment (FDI), 214–215
gross domestic product (GDP), 38
impositions, 33–34
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
trade and, 33
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Technical efficiency, 76, 108–110, 138
Technological progress (TP), 80, 123, 138, 169–170
Time series econometrics, 32, 41, 55–56
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 45, 48
Total factor productivity (TFP), 19–20, 76, 122
defined, 140, 159
growth rate, 194
Gujarat’s manufacturing industries, 138–139
labor productivity and, 232
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
smart technologies, 76
Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
data and variables, 142
hypotheses testing, 144–146
methodology, 139–142
model specification, 140–142
Stochastic Frontier model, 142–144
Total resilience, 73
Trade, 4
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
international, 45–46
liberalization, 157
manufacturing, 31–33, 36, 41
openness, 101–102, 221, 226–227
policy, 123
restrictions, 31–32
US-China, 83–85, 91–92
Trade orientation ratio (TOR), 98–99
Turkey, 160
causality analysis, 48–50
economic growth, 45
labor productivity, 45
Unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–169
employment, 169–170, 174–175
enterprise, 170–174
fixed assets, 175
gross value added (GVA), 169–170, 175
labor productivity, 169–170
productivity, India, 175–176
Upper Middle Income (UMI), 57
USA, 8, 22–23, 227
vs. China, 4–5, 33, 83–85, 91–92
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
manufacturing trade, 31–33, 36, 41
productivity growth, 8
Value Added Intellectual Coefficient™ Model (VAIC™), 108–109, 113
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 102
Vector error correction model (VECM), 37–38
Water policies, 79
World Bank Institutional Survey (WBES), 47
World Development Indicators (WDI), 7, 34
World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS), 34
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
circular, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
competitive, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
domestic tariff and, 31–33, 36, 41
Eastern India, 205–206, 210–212, 215
food processing industry (FPI), 244
global economy, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
gross domestic product (GDP) growth, 55, 57, 62–63
intellectual capital (IC), 107, 109–110, 115
labor productivity and growth, 17, 19–21, 28
productivity growth, 4–5, 8, 13–14, 156–159, 161, 163–164
smart, 72, 74, 76–77, 80–81
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 138–139, 142, 150–151
trade, 31–33, 36, 41
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170, 175–176, 180–181
US subprime crisis, India, 98–99, 102, 104
workforce compensation/productivity, India, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
Manufacturing industry (MI)
circular, 74–76
competitive, 74–76
economic policies, 77–78
environmental policies, 78–79
innovative, 74–76
smart, 74–76
social policies, 79–80
transformation, 76–77
Middle East and North Africa (MENNA), 57
Moran's Index, 256–258, 264
Multinomial logistic regression, 211
Neighborhood impact, 254–256, 258, 264, 266
Nominal effective exchange rate (NEER), 100
North America, Latin America and Caribbean (NALANC), 57
Optimal wages, 46–47, 49–50
enterprises, 170–174
entrepreneurs, 170–174
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
manufacturing industries, 138–139, 142, 150–151
technology-intensive, 19–20
Panel data
1990–2018, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), 142
Indian manufacturing industries, 164
labor productivity and growth, 17, 19–21, 28
National Accounts Statistics (NAS), 142
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 110
technological progress (TP), 138
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
Phillips–Perron (PP), 34
Poirier’s spline function approach, 222
Political economy, 79–80
Probit, 99
Granger causality test, 103
normality, 101
regression, 103
assets, 109
competition, 121–123
economic development, Turkey, 43, 45, 48, 50–51
foreign direct investment (FDI), 103–104
global recession, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
Indian food and beverage industry (FBI), 231, 233, 235, 237–238
Indian manufacturing sector, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132, 156–159, 161, 163–164
Indian textile industry, 184, 186, 193, 198–199
intellectual capital (IC), 115
labor productivity (LP), 17, 19–21, 28
manufacturing sector, 4–5, 8, 13–14
productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
sustainable development (SD), 75–76
total factor, 138–139, 142, 150–151
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170, 175–176, 180–181
workforce compensation and, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
Productivity-driven development (PDD), 75–76
manufacturing industry (MI), 76
sustainable development (SD), 76
Productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
Random effects models (REMs), 6–7
Real effective exchange rate (REER), 102
Recession, 14
COVID-19, 156
deep, 98–99
global, 98, 156
India, 156
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 184
Regression model, 7
Relational Capital (RC), 108
Relative wage rate, 233, 235–237
Resilient economy, 73–74, 76, 80
Scale effect (SC), 138, 147, 149, 198
Schwarz criterion (SC), 49
Simultaneous equations, 19–20
economic policies, 77
logistics, 77
manufacturing industry (MI), 74, 76–77, 80
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
total factor productivity (TFP), 76
Spillover effect, 31–32, 84–85, 191–192, 264
augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test, 159–160
economic growth, 49
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 48
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 159–160
trend stationary (TS), 234
unit root test, 223
vector autoregression (VAR), 37–38
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 109–111, 113
Stochastic frontier approach, 138–139
Structural break, 224–225
CUSUM test, 225
one-time endogenous, 233–234
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 233
unit root tests, 142
Structural Capital (SC), 108
Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE), 109
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), 57
Sustainable development (SD), 72–73
economic policies, 78
manufacturing industry (MI), 74
total resilience, 73
Sustainable energy system, 78–79
China, 84–85
domestic, 33
foreign direct investment (FDI), 214–215
gross domestic product (GDP), 38
impositions, 33–34
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
trade and, 33
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Technical efficiency, 76, 108–110, 138
Technological progress (TP), 80, 123, 138, 169–170
Time series econometrics, 32, 41, 55–56
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 45, 48
Total factor productivity (TFP), 19–20, 76, 122
defined, 140, 159
growth rate, 194
Gujarat’s manufacturing industries, 138–139
labor productivity and, 232
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
smart technologies, 76
Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
data and variables, 142
hypotheses testing, 144–146
methodology, 139–142
model specification, 140–142
Stochastic Frontier model, 142–144
Total resilience, 73
Trade, 4
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
international, 45–46
liberalization, 157
manufacturing, 31–33, 36, 41
openness, 101–102, 221, 226–227
policy, 123
restrictions, 31–32
US-China, 83–85, 91–92
Trade orientation ratio (TOR), 98–99
Turkey, 160
causality analysis, 48–50
economic growth, 45
labor productivity, 45
Unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–169
employment, 169–170, 174–175
enterprise, 170–174
fixed assets, 175
gross value added (GVA), 169–170, 175
labor productivity, 169–170
productivity, India, 175–176
Upper Middle Income (UMI), 57
USA, 8, 22–23, 227
vs. China, 4–5, 33, 83–85, 91–92
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
manufacturing trade, 31–33, 36, 41
productivity growth, 8
Value Added Intellectual Coefficient™ Model (VAIC™), 108–109, 113
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 102
Vector error correction model (VECM), 37–38
Water policies, 79
World Bank Institutional Survey (WBES), 47
World Development Indicators (WDI), 7, 34
World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS), 34
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Optimal wages, 46–47, 49–50
enterprises, 170–174
entrepreneurs, 170–174
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
manufacturing industries, 138–139, 142, 150–151
technology-intensive, 19–20
Panel data
1990–2018, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), 142
Indian manufacturing industries, 164
labor productivity and growth, 17, 19–21, 28
National Accounts Statistics (NAS), 142
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 110
technological progress (TP), 138
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
Phillips–Perron (PP), 34
Poirier’s spline function approach, 222
Political economy, 79–80
Probit, 99
Granger causality test, 103
normality, 101
regression, 103
assets, 109
competition, 121–123
economic development, Turkey, 43, 45, 48, 50–51
foreign direct investment (FDI), 103–104
global recession, 4–5, 8, 13–14
Gujarat, India, 138–139, 142, 150–151
Indian food and beverage industry (FBI), 231, 233, 235, 237–238
Indian manufacturing sector, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132, 156–159, 161, 163–164
Indian textile industry, 184, 186, 193, 198–199
intellectual capital (IC), 115
labor productivity (LP), 17, 19–21, 28
manufacturing sector, 4–5, 8, 13–14
productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
sustainable development (SD), 75–76
total factor, 138–139, 142, 150–151
unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–170, 175–176, 180–181
workforce compensation and, 121–122, 124–125, 130–132
Productivity-driven development (PDD), 75–76
manufacturing industry (MI), 76
sustainable development (SD), 76
Productivity loss index (PLI), 98–99
Random effects models (REMs), 6–7
Real effective exchange rate (REER), 102
Recession, 14
COVID-19, 156
deep, 98–99
global, 98, 156
India, 156
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 184
Regression model, 7
Relational Capital (RC), 108
Relative wage rate, 233, 235–237
Resilient economy, 73–74, 76, 80
Scale effect (SC), 138, 147, 149, 198
Schwarz criterion (SC), 49
Simultaneous equations, 19–20
economic policies, 77
logistics, 77
manufacturing industry (MI), 74, 76–77, 80
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
total factor productivity (TFP), 76
Spillover effect, 31–32, 84–85, 191–192, 264
augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test, 159–160
economic growth, 49
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 48
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 159–160
trend stationary (TS), 234
unit root test, 223
vector autoregression (VAR), 37–38
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 109–111, 113
Stochastic frontier approach, 138–139
Structural break, 224–225
CUSUM test, 225
one-time endogenous, 233–234
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 233
unit root tests, 142
Structural Capital (SC), 108
Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE), 109
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), 57
Sustainable development (SD), 72–73
economic policies, 78
manufacturing industry (MI), 74
total resilience, 73
Sustainable energy system, 78–79
China, 84–85
domestic, 33
foreign direct investment (FDI), 214–215
gross domestic product (GDP), 38
impositions, 33–34
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
trade and, 33
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Technical efficiency, 76, 108–110, 138
Technological progress (TP), 80, 123, 138, 169–170
Time series econometrics, 32, 41, 55–56
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 45, 48
Total factor productivity (TFP), 19–20, 76, 122
defined, 140, 159
growth rate, 194
Gujarat’s manufacturing industries, 138–139
labor productivity and, 232
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
smart technologies, 76
Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
data and variables, 142
hypotheses testing, 144–146
methodology, 139–142
model specification, 140–142
Stochastic Frontier model, 142–144
Total resilience, 73
Trade, 4
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
international, 45–46
liberalization, 157
manufacturing, 31–33, 36, 41
openness, 101–102, 221, 226–227
policy, 123
restrictions, 31–32
US-China, 83–85, 91–92
Trade orientation ratio (TOR), 98–99
Turkey, 160
causality analysis, 48–50
economic growth, 45
labor productivity, 45
Unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–169
employment, 169–170, 174–175
enterprise, 170–174
fixed assets, 175
gross value added (GVA), 169–170, 175
labor productivity, 169–170
productivity, India, 175–176
Upper Middle Income (UMI), 57
USA, 8, 22–23, 227
vs. China, 4–5, 33, 83–85, 91–92
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
manufacturing trade, 31–33, 36, 41
productivity growth, 8
Value Added Intellectual Coefficient™ Model (VAIC™), 108–109, 113
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 102
Vector error correction model (VECM), 37–38
Water policies, 79
World Bank Institutional Survey (WBES), 47
World Development Indicators (WDI), 7, 34
World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS), 34
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Random effects models (REMs), 6–7
Real effective exchange rate (REER), 102
Recession, 14
COVID-19, 156
deep, 98–99
global, 98, 156
India, 156
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 184
Regression model, 7
Relational Capital (RC), 108
Relative wage rate, 233, 235–237
Resilient economy, 73–74, 76, 80
Scale effect (SC), 138, 147, 149, 198
Schwarz criterion (SC), 49
Simultaneous equations, 19–20
economic policies, 77
logistics, 77
manufacturing industry (MI), 74, 76–77, 80
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
total factor productivity (TFP), 76
Spillover effect, 31–32, 84–85, 191–192, 264
augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test, 159–160
economic growth, 49
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 48
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 159–160
trend stationary (TS), 234
unit root test, 223
vector autoregression (VAR), 37–38
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), 109–111, 113
Stochastic frontier approach, 138–139
Structural break, 224–225
CUSUM test, 225
one-time endogenous, 233–234
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 233
unit root tests, 142
Structural Capital (SC), 108
Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE), 109
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), 57
Sustainable development (SD), 72–73
economic policies, 78
manufacturing industry (MI), 74
total resilience, 73
Sustainable energy system, 78–79
China, 84–85
domestic, 33
foreign direct investment (FDI), 214–215
gross domestic product (GDP), 38
impositions, 33–34
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
trade and, 33
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Technical efficiency, 76, 108–110, 138
Technological progress (TP), 80, 123, 138, 169–170
Time series econometrics, 32, 41, 55–56
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 45, 48
Total factor productivity (TFP), 19–20, 76, 122
defined, 140, 159
growth rate, 194
Gujarat’s manufacturing industries, 138–139
labor productivity and, 232
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
smart technologies, 76
Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
data and variables, 142
hypotheses testing, 144–146
methodology, 139–142
model specification, 140–142
Stochastic Frontier model, 142–144
Total resilience, 73
Trade, 4
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
international, 45–46
liberalization, 157
manufacturing, 31–33, 36, 41
openness, 101–102, 221, 226–227
policy, 123
restrictions, 31–32
US-China, 83–85, 91–92
Trade orientation ratio (TOR), 98–99
Turkey, 160
causality analysis, 48–50
economic growth, 45
labor productivity, 45
Unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–169
employment, 169–170, 174–175
enterprise, 170–174
fixed assets, 175
gross value added (GVA), 169–170, 175
labor productivity, 169–170
productivity, India, 175–176
Upper Middle Income (UMI), 57
USA, 8, 22–23, 227
vs. China, 4–5, 33, 83–85, 91–92
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
manufacturing trade, 31–33, 36, 41
productivity growth, 8
Value Added Intellectual Coefficient™ Model (VAIC™), 108–109, 113
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 102
Vector error correction model (VECM), 37–38
Water policies, 79
World Bank Institutional Survey (WBES), 47
World Development Indicators (WDI), 7, 34
World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS), 34
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
China, 84–85
domestic, 33
foreign direct investment (FDI), 214–215
gross domestic product (GDP), 38
impositions, 33–34
total factor productivity growth (TFPG), 157
trade and, 33
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Technical efficiency, 76, 108–110, 138
Technological progress (TP), 80, 123, 138, 169–170
Time series econometrics, 32, 41, 55–56
Toda Yamamoto causality analysis, 45, 48
Total factor productivity (TFP), 19–20, 76, 122
defined, 140, 159
growth rate, 194
Gujarat’s manufacturing industries, 138–139
labor productivity and, 232
productivity-driven development (PDD), 76
smart technologies, 76
Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
data and variables, 142
hypotheses testing, 144–146
methodology, 139–142
model specification, 140–142
Stochastic Frontier model, 142–144
Total resilience, 73
Trade, 4
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
international, 45–46
liberalization, 157
manufacturing, 31–33, 36, 41
openness, 101–102, 221, 226–227
policy, 123
restrictions, 31–32
US-China, 83–85, 91–92
Trade orientation ratio (TOR), 98–99
Turkey, 160
causality analysis, 48–50
economic growth, 45
labor productivity, 45
Unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs), 168–169
employment, 169–170, 174–175
enterprise, 170–174
fixed assets, 175
gross value added (GVA), 169–170, 175
labor productivity, 169–170
productivity, India, 175–176
Upper Middle Income (UMI), 57
USA, 8, 22–23, 227
vs. China, 4–5, 33, 83–85, 91–92
domestic tariff, 31–33, 36, 41
manufacturing trade, 31–33, 36, 41
productivity growth, 8
Value Added Intellectual Coefficient™ Model (VAIC™), 108–109, 113
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 102
Vector error correction model (VECM), 37–38
Water policies, 79
World Bank Institutional Survey (WBES), 47
World Development Indicators (WDI), 7, 34
World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS), 34
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
Value Added Intellectual Coefficient™ Model (VAIC™), 108–109, 113
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 102
Vector error correction model (VECM), 37–38
Water policies, 79
World Bank Institutional Survey (WBES), 47
World Development Indicators (WDI), 7, 34
World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS), 34
World Trade Organization (WTO), 32
- Prelims
- Section I Manufacturing Productivity at the Global Perspectives
- Chapter 1 Is Productivity Growth in Manufacturing Sector a Driving Force Toward Mitigating Global Recession? A Cross-Country Explanation from Panel Data: 1990–2018
- Chapter 2 Effects of Labor Productivity and Growth of Manufacturing Sector on Overall Growth of the Nation – A Panel Data Analysis of the Major Economies
- Chapter 3 Domestic Tariff and Manufacturing Trade: A Comparative Study on the United States and China
- Chapter 4 Identifying the Relationship between Labor Productivity and Economic Development for Turkey
- Chapter 5 The Current Setting of Contribution of Manufacturing Sector Relative to Other Allied Sectors Over GDP Growth: An Analysis in Regional and Income Class Classifications of Countries
- Chapter 6 Smart, Circular, and Competitive Manufacturing Industry as a Key for Enhancing Resilience of the Global Economy
- Chapter 7 The US-China Trade Conflict and Dynamics of International Trade in Three Commodity Segments
- Chapter 8 “Up in the Downturn”: Was There Any Role of the US Subprime Crisis on the Slump in Growth of India's Manufacturing Sector Between 2007 and 2010?
- Chapter 9 Relationship between Efficiency and Intellectual Capital of Select Indian Manufacturing Firms: Is There Any Implication of Global Financial Crisis?
- Section II Manufacturing Productivity at the Indian Perspectives
- Chapter 10 Workforce Compensation and Productivity Growth in the Indian Manufacturing Sector: Lessons for Human Resource Management
- Chapter 11 Sources of Total Factor Productivity Growth of the Organized Manufacturing Industries in Gujarat, India: A Stochastic Frontier Approach
- Chapter 12 Productivity Growth in the Indian Manufacturing Sector: A Way of Mitigating Recession
- Chapter 13 Growth and Productivity of Unorganized Manufacturing Enterprises: An Analysis across States/UTs in India
- Chapter 14 Scope of Mitigating Recession in Output of Indian Textile Industry through Productivity Growth: Evidence Using Nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis
- Chapter 15 Key Aspects Related to Manufacturing Industries: A Study in Eastern India
- Chapter 16 India's Readymade Garments Export in the Scenario of Trade Openness: An Analysis of Trend and Structural Break
- Chapter 17 Analysis of Causality between Wage and Productivity in Food and Beverage Industry in India
- Chapter 18 Role and Prospects of Food Processing Industries in Indian Economy – An Analysis
- Chapter 19 A Threadbare Analysis on the State of Affairs of Indian Automobile Sector in the Aftermath of Present Recessional Trend and Its Remedy
- Index