Jerome Bruner, Meaning Making and Education for Conflict Resolution
ISBN: 978-1-80071-075-7, eISBN: 978-1-80071-074-0
Publication date: 19 February 2021
Myers, S. (2021), "References", Jerome Bruner, Meaning Making and Education for Conflict Resolution, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 81-90.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Sally Myers. Published under exclusive license by Emerald Publishing Limited
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- Prelims
- 1 Jerome Bruner: An Overview of Key Ideas
- 2 Constructing Knowing: Paradigmatic and Narrative Modes of Representation and the Social Context of Meaning-Making
- 3 Minding Challenge: Stances towards New Information and Openness to Change
- 4 Changing Minds: Narrative Mechanisms of Adaptation
- 5 A Brunerian Toolkit
- 6 Dialogues
- Conclusion
- References
- Index