Comparative Advantage in the Knowledge Economy
ISBN: 978-1-80071-041-2, eISBN: 978-1-80071-040-5
Publication date: 8 June 2021
(2021), "Index", Bhattacharyya, R. (Ed.) Comparative Advantage in the Knowledge Economy, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 261-266.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 by Emerald Publishing Limited
Academia–industry partnership, 48–49
Act East Policy, 214
Agri clinics and Agri Business centers (ACABC), 173
Agricultural knowledge system
consumer gains, 175–176
determinants of producer gains, 175–176
empirical results, 178
and food security, 172–174
PDS, 174
rationing gains to producers and consumers, 176–178
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), 7
Arbitrage process, 69–71
Artificial Intelligence (AI), 53–54, 231–232
Asia-Pacific Economies Cooperation (APEC), 67–68
Attributes-wise analysis of disclosure, 187–189
Autocorrelation, 7
Automobile industry
IIT and, 222–224
Indian, 223–224
Autoregressive distributed lag method (ARDL method), 15
bound test, 17
Baseline model, 56–62
export and import competing sectors, 60–62
skill formation, 57–60
skill generating sector, 57–60
wage inequality, 57–60
Best linear estimator (BLUE), 6
Big Data, 53–56
Bilateral economic engagement, 211–213
Blended learning (BL), 44
institutional support and initiative, 48
LMSs, 46–48
reducing educational disparities, 45–46
reshaping Indian higher education via, 44–48
students’ educational experience with, 44–45
Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 89–90
Bound test, ARDL, 17
Breusch–Pagan test (BP test), 225
Breusch–Pagan–Godfrey test, 7
BRICS nations, 113–114
annual data for, 115–116
model specification, 116
RDP and FDI, 117–118, 120, 122
traditional econometric methods, 116–117
Brownian motion, 77–78
Bubbles, 76–77
Bundesbank model
, 26
Census and Economic Information Center (CEIC), 79
Central bank independence (CBI), 26
backdrop of global financial crisis, 27–29
data envelopment analysis, 31–33
economic foundation, 29
economic mobility, 29, 31, 33
empirical strategy, 33–36
Zealand variant of, 27
statistics, 167
test, 88, 154
Co-efficient of variation (CV), 183, 191
Coefficient of determination (R2), 18
Company-wise analysis of disclosure, 189–190
Competitive advantage, 163–164, 185, 243
Consumer gains, 175–176
Content analysis technique, 186
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 48
Covid-19, 43, 46
Crafts, 161–162
analysis of results, 166–167
competitive advantage, 163–164
geographical location, 162
handcrafts vs., 162
human capital, 164
industry, 162
intellectual capital, 164–165
intellectus model, 165–166
shops in Tonalá, 162–163
Cramer’s V, 156–157
Crisis index (CI), 78
Data envelopment analysis (DEA), 31–33
Deindustrialization process, 219–220
Democracy, 211
Demographic analysis, 90–91
Demonetization, 93–94
Diaspora, 216
Difference-in-difference approach, 142
Digital banking, 231–232
Digital India, 90, 128, 214
analysis of time series data, 233–238
demonetization on digital payments, 231
Indian aspect, 231–232
on Nordic countries, 232–233
Nordic Idea of, 230–231
objective, 232
Diplomacy, 213–215
cultural, 216
public, 216
soft power, 211
Disruptive technology
baseline model, 56–62
Big Data, 53–56
export and import competing sectors, 60–62
skill formation, 57–60
skill generating sector, 57–60
wage inequality, 57–60
E-infrastructure, 255–257
E-learning, 42, 128–129
E-marketing, 86–88
data and methodology, 88
demographic analysis, 90–91
demonetization, 93–94
households’ opinion, 92–93
internet user and in rural India, 89–90
top company, 88
E-participation, 257
E-transactions, 257
Ease of Doing Digital Business (EDDB), 230
Economic and institutional regime, 154
Economic bubbles, 76
Economic development, 2–3, 98, 227
Economic dualism, 142–144
Economic mobility, 29, 31, 33
Educated and skilled population, 154
Education Index (EI), 152
Educational expenditure (EDEX), 244
Educational experience, 44–45
Educational system, 2, 7
Emerging market economies (EMEs), 76–77
Enterprise Social Network system (ESN), 129
Error correction model (ECM), 116–117
FDI Confidence Index (CFDI), 156–157
Food Corporation of India, 171–172
Food security, 171–172
agricultural knowledge system and, 172–174
Foreign direct investment (FDI), 76–77, 114
advantage for, 115
on domestic economies, 152–153
empirical analysis, 156–157
issues and compositions, 153–154
Geographical indicator (GI), 155
Ghana, 2, 4
Gini index, 99, 101–102
Global innovation index (GII), 155
Globalization. See also Digitalization, 211–212, 220
Gross domestic product (GDP), 2–3, 99, 152, 223
Grubel-Lloyd (GL)
index, 222–223
measure, 223–224
Hannan–Quinn Criterion (HQC), 17
Harris–Todaro structure, 140
Higher education
analysis of data, 245–246
investment on, 241–242
knowledge economy, 243
knowledge edge, 244
lockdown on, 43–44
NSDP, 244–245
OECD, 242
online education system, 244
reshaping Indian, 44, 48–50
Higher education (HE), 53–54
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 8, 43
academia–industry partnership, 48–49
information administration in, 128–129
Human capital (HC), 2–5, 12, 15, 163–164
formation, 155
and research, 4
Human development, 98–99
dimensions, 101
growth in, 229–230
Human development index (HDI), 98, 152
determinants, 104
evolution of concept of development and, 153
India, 140, 155
higher education, 43
online education in, 42–43
urbanization of, 253–254
India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), 86
Indian automobile industry, 221, 223–224
Indian HE system, 54–55
Indian Institute of Management (IIMs), 47
Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), 42
Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), 42, 47
Indian pharmaceutical and IT industries, 186–191
attributes-wise analysis of disclosure, 187–189
company-wise analysis of disclosure, 189–190
variability in disclosure, 191
Indian stock market, 77
data description, 79
knowledge economy, 81–83
methodology, 78–79
results and discussions, 79–81
speculative bubbles in, 76
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), 42
Information and communication technology (ICT), 2, 13, 42, 98, 127–129, 152, 220, 231, 252
binary logistic regression model analysis, 131–132, 135
dependent variable, 100–101
empirical investigation, 102–103
framing of model, 100
in higher education, 130, 133
of human development, 99
independent variables, 101–102
regional difference, 133
summary statistics for countries, 106–107
summary statistics for HDI countries, 108–111
unit level data, 130
use of computers and internet, 133–136
variables and source of data, 100–102
Information technology, 87, 255
Information technology enabled services (ITES), 255
Innovation system, 154
Intangibles, 165
capital, 154
knowledge based, 189
Integral Control Chart, 165
Intellectual capital, 164–165, 184, 243
Intellectual property, 184–185
Intellectual Property Right (IPR), 152
knowledge diffusion through, 155
percentage distribution of registered, 156
Intellectus model, 164–166
Intra-industry trade (IIT), 221
and automobile industry, 222–224
and components, 222–223
empirical model, 224
Indian, 223–224
Kisan Call Center (KCC), 173
Knowledge, 12, 15, 127–128, 243
Knowledge Age enterprise, 185
management, 185–186
Knowledge assets, 182–185
attributes-wise analysis of disclosure, 187–189
company-wise analysis of disclosure, 189–190
evolution of, 183
in Indian pharmaceutical and IT industries, 186–191
knowledge management, 185–186
variability in disclosure, 191
Knowledge economy (KE), 13, 65–68, 98, 127–128, 154, 243
arbitrage model for adoption of, 70–71
characters of, 68–70
Knowledge economy index (KEI), 13
Knowledge-based economies (KBEs), 2, 127–128, 140, 220, 243
literature review, 2–4
methodology and data requirement, 4–6
results and interpretation, 6–8
theoretical and empirical evidence, 2–4
“Korea Plus” event, 212
Learning management systems (LMSs), 42, 46, 48
Logit model, 130
Logit transformation model, 224
“Look East Policy”, 212
“Make in India”, 214
Mankiw, Romer, and Weil model (MRW model), 4–5
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), 54–55, 128–129
Ministry of Human Resource Development, 54
Mobile cellular subscription (MCS), 100
Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE), 189
National Accreditation Board (NAB), 8
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), 172
National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD), 173
National Digital Library of India (NDLI), 43
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), 45
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), 173
National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), 43
New Education Policy, 206
Nordic Idea of digitalization, 230–231
Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT), 237–238
NSSO, 130, 133–134
Online education
in India, 42–43
system, 244
Ordinary lest squares (OLS), 6, 225
Organisation of African Unity/African Union (OAU/AU), 14
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2
Panel co-integration tests, 116
Panel data analysis, 116
Per capita net state domestic product (PCNSDP), 244–245
Phillips–Perron test, 17
Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood method (PPML method), 224
Producer gains, 175–176
Public distribution system (PDS), 174
Public switched telephone network (PSTN), 101
Random effect model, 100
Rationing gains to producers and consumers, 176–178
Research and development (R&D), 3, 114, 220, 241–242
Securities Act, 48
SENSEX, 76–77, 83
Service quality, 196
Skill formation, 57, 60, 144, 146
Skill generating sector, 57–60
“Skill India”, 214
Skilled labor, 56–57
Small open economy, 56–57
Soft power, 210
bilateral economic engagement, 211–213
challenges of bilateral trade and commerce, 213
democracy, 211
diplomacy, 213–215
in India–South Korea relations, 211, 215–216
trade liberalization, 211–213
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), 153
Speculative bubbles, 76–77
Standard Deviation (SD), 183
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 166
Student’s satisfaction, 195–196
empirical findings, 198–206
logistic regression, 200–202
NBU, 200–202
personal factors, 197
University of North Bengal, 198
Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWYAM), 54–55
Sub-Saharan African (SSA), 12
advancement of KE, 13
ARDL bound test, 17
data and methodology, 14–15
descriptive statistics of variables, 16
elements of KE, 14
presentation and analysis, 15–19
regression results, 18–19
unit root tests, 17
Sustainable development goals (SDGs), 152
Technological transition, 58, 61–62
Time series data, analysis of, 233–238
Trade liberalization. See also Urbanization, 140, 211, 213
EPZS in economies, 141
Harris–Todaro migration model, 142
and skill formation, 144–146
trade openness, 142–144
trade policy, 141
welfare consequences of, 146–147
Two-tailed test, 80
Unit root tests, 17
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 153–154
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 98
Universal serial bus (USB), 101
University Grants Commission (UGC), 42
University of North Bengal (NBU), 198, 200, 202
Unskilled labor, 56–59
Urbanization, 252
and development of ICT, 252–253
and development of ICT, 254–257
empirical analysis, 257
growth of ICT, 253
of India, 253–254
Variability in disclosure, 191–192
Wage inequality, 57, 60, 140
Weightless economy, 182
Welfare, 140–141
impact of PDS, 174
World Development Indicators (WDI), 115–116
World Economic Forum, 86
Worldwide Development indicators (WDIs), 15
Census and Economic Information Center (CEIC), 79
Central bank independence (CBI), 26
backdrop of global financial crisis, 27–29
data envelopment analysis, 31–33
economic foundation, 29
economic mobility, 29, 31, 33
empirical strategy, 33–36
Zealand variant of, 27
statistics, 167
test, 88, 154
Co-efficient of variation (CV), 183, 191
Coefficient of determination (R2), 18
Company-wise analysis of disclosure, 189–190
Competitive advantage, 163–164, 185, 243
Consumer gains, 175–176
Content analysis technique, 186
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 48
Covid-19, 43, 46
Crafts, 161–162
analysis of results, 166–167
competitive advantage, 163–164
geographical location, 162
handcrafts vs., 162
human capital, 164
industry, 162
intellectual capital, 164–165
intellectus model, 165–166
shops in Tonalá, 162–163
Cramer’s V, 156–157
Crisis index (CI), 78
Data envelopment analysis (DEA), 31–33
Deindustrialization process, 219–220
Democracy, 211
Demographic analysis, 90–91
Demonetization, 93–94
Diaspora, 216
Difference-in-difference approach, 142
Digital banking, 231–232
Digital India, 90, 128, 214
analysis of time series data, 233–238
demonetization on digital payments, 231
Indian aspect, 231–232
on Nordic countries, 232–233
Nordic Idea of, 230–231
objective, 232
Diplomacy, 213–215
cultural, 216
public, 216
soft power, 211
Disruptive technology
baseline model, 56–62
Big Data, 53–56
export and import competing sectors, 60–62
skill formation, 57–60
skill generating sector, 57–60
wage inequality, 57–60
E-infrastructure, 255–257
E-learning, 42, 128–129
E-marketing, 86–88
data and methodology, 88
demographic analysis, 90–91
demonetization, 93–94
households’ opinion, 92–93
internet user and in rural India, 89–90
top company, 88
E-participation, 257
E-transactions, 257
Ease of Doing Digital Business (EDDB), 230
Economic and institutional regime, 154
Economic bubbles, 76
Economic development, 2–3, 98, 227
Economic dualism, 142–144
Economic mobility, 29, 31, 33
Educated and skilled population, 154
Education Index (EI), 152
Educational expenditure (EDEX), 244
Educational experience, 44–45
Educational system, 2, 7
Emerging market economies (EMEs), 76–77
Enterprise Social Network system (ESN), 129
Error correction model (ECM), 116–117
FDI Confidence Index (CFDI), 156–157
Food Corporation of India, 171–172
Food security, 171–172
agricultural knowledge system and, 172–174
Foreign direct investment (FDI), 76–77, 114
advantage for, 115
on domestic economies, 152–153
empirical analysis, 156–157
issues and compositions, 153–154
Geographical indicator (GI), 155
Ghana, 2, 4
Gini index, 99, 101–102
Global innovation index (GII), 155
Globalization. See also Digitalization, 211–212, 220
Gross domestic product (GDP), 2–3, 99, 152, 223
Grubel-Lloyd (GL)
index, 222–223
measure, 223–224
Hannan–Quinn Criterion (HQC), 17
Harris–Todaro structure, 140
Higher education
analysis of data, 245–246
investment on, 241–242
knowledge economy, 243
knowledge edge, 244
lockdown on, 43–44
NSDP, 244–245
OECD, 242
online education system, 244
reshaping Indian, 44, 48–50
Higher education (HE), 53–54
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 8, 43
academia–industry partnership, 48–49
information administration in, 128–129
Human capital (HC), 2–5, 12, 15, 163–164
formation, 155
and research, 4
Human development, 98–99
dimensions, 101
growth in, 229–230
Human development index (HDI), 98, 152
determinants, 104
evolution of concept of development and, 153
India, 140, 155
higher education, 43
online education in, 42–43
urbanization of, 253–254
India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), 86
Indian automobile industry, 221, 223–224
Indian HE system, 54–55
Indian Institute of Management (IIMs), 47
Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), 42
Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), 42, 47
Indian pharmaceutical and IT industries, 186–191
attributes-wise analysis of disclosure, 187–189
company-wise analysis of disclosure, 189–190
variability in disclosure, 191
Indian stock market, 77
data description, 79
knowledge economy, 81–83
methodology, 78–79
results and discussions, 79–81
speculative bubbles in, 76
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), 42
Information and communication technology (ICT), 2, 13, 42, 98, 127–129, 152, 220, 231, 252
binary logistic regression model analysis, 131–132, 135
dependent variable, 100–101
empirical investigation, 102–103
framing of model, 100
in higher education, 130, 133
of human development, 99
independent variables, 101–102
regional difference, 133
summary statistics for countries, 106–107
summary statistics for HDI countries, 108–111
unit level data, 130
use of computers and internet, 133–136
variables and source of data, 100–102
Information technology, 87, 255
Information technology enabled services (ITES), 255
Innovation system, 154
Intangibles, 165
capital, 154
knowledge based, 189
Integral Control Chart, 165
Intellectual capital, 164–165, 184, 243
Intellectual property, 184–185
Intellectual Property Right (IPR), 152
knowledge diffusion through, 155
percentage distribution of registered, 156
Intellectus model, 164–166
Intra-industry trade (IIT), 221
and automobile industry, 222–224
and components, 222–223
empirical model, 224
Indian, 223–224
Kisan Call Center (KCC), 173
Knowledge, 12, 15, 127–128, 243
Knowledge Age enterprise, 185
management, 185–186
Knowledge assets, 182–185
attributes-wise analysis of disclosure, 187–189
company-wise analysis of disclosure, 189–190
evolution of, 183
in Indian pharmaceutical and IT industries, 186–191
knowledge management, 185–186
variability in disclosure, 191
Knowledge economy (KE), 13, 65–68, 98, 127–128, 154, 243
arbitrage model for adoption of, 70–71
characters of, 68–70
Knowledge economy index (KEI), 13
Knowledge-based economies (KBEs), 2, 127–128, 140, 220, 243
literature review, 2–4
methodology and data requirement, 4–6
results and interpretation, 6–8
theoretical and empirical evidence, 2–4
“Korea Plus” event, 212
Learning management systems (LMSs), 42, 46, 48
Logit model, 130
Logit transformation model, 224
“Look East Policy”, 212
“Make in India”, 214
Mankiw, Romer, and Weil model (MRW model), 4–5
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), 54–55, 128–129
Ministry of Human Resource Development, 54
Mobile cellular subscription (MCS), 100
Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE), 189
National Accreditation Board (NAB), 8
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), 172
National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD), 173
National Digital Library of India (NDLI), 43
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), 45
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), 173
National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), 43
New Education Policy, 206
Nordic Idea of digitalization, 230–231
Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT), 237–238
NSSO, 130, 133–134
Online education
in India, 42–43
system, 244
Ordinary lest squares (OLS), 6, 225
Organisation of African Unity/African Union (OAU/AU), 14
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2
Panel co-integration tests, 116
Panel data analysis, 116
Per capita net state domestic product (PCNSDP), 244–245
Phillips–Perron test, 17
Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood method (PPML method), 224
Producer gains, 175–176
Public distribution system (PDS), 174
Public switched telephone network (PSTN), 101
Random effect model, 100
Rationing gains to producers and consumers, 176–178
Research and development (R&D), 3, 114, 220, 241–242
Securities Act, 48
SENSEX, 76–77, 83
Service quality, 196
Skill formation, 57, 60, 144, 146
Skill generating sector, 57–60
“Skill India”, 214
Skilled labor, 56–57
Small open economy, 56–57
Soft power, 210
bilateral economic engagement, 211–213
challenges of bilateral trade and commerce, 213
democracy, 211
diplomacy, 213–215
in India–South Korea relations, 211, 215–216
trade liberalization, 211–213
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), 153
Speculative bubbles, 76–77
Standard Deviation (SD), 183
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 166
Student’s satisfaction, 195–196
empirical findings, 198–206
logistic regression, 200–202
NBU, 200–202
personal factors, 197
University of North Bengal, 198
Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWYAM), 54–55
Sub-Saharan African (SSA), 12
advancement of KE, 13
ARDL bound test, 17
data and methodology, 14–15
descriptive statistics of variables, 16
elements of KE, 14
presentation and analysis, 15–19
regression results, 18–19
unit root tests, 17
Sustainable development goals (SDGs), 152
Technological transition, 58, 61–62
Time series data, analysis of, 233–238
Trade liberalization. See also Urbanization, 140, 211, 213
EPZS in economies, 141
Harris–Todaro migration model, 142
and skill formation, 144–146
trade openness, 142–144
trade policy, 141
welfare consequences of, 146–147
Two-tailed test, 80
Unit root tests, 17
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 153–154
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 98
Universal serial bus (USB), 101
University Grants Commission (UGC), 42
University of North Bengal (NBU), 198, 200, 202
Unskilled labor, 56–59
Urbanization, 252
and development of ICT, 252–253
and development of ICT, 254–257
empirical analysis, 257
growth of ICT, 253
of India, 253–254
Variability in disclosure, 191–192
Wage inequality, 57, 60, 140
Weightless economy, 182
Welfare, 140–141
impact of PDS, 174
World Development Indicators (WDI), 115–116
World Economic Forum, 86
Worldwide Development indicators (WDIs), 15
E-infrastructure, 255–257
E-learning, 42, 128–129
E-marketing, 86–88
data and methodology, 88
demographic analysis, 90–91
demonetization, 93–94
households’ opinion, 92–93
internet user and in rural India, 89–90
top company, 88
E-participation, 257
E-transactions, 257
Ease of Doing Digital Business (EDDB), 230
Economic and institutional regime, 154
Economic bubbles, 76
Economic development, 2–3, 98, 227
Economic dualism, 142–144
Economic mobility, 29, 31, 33
Educated and skilled population, 154
Education Index (EI), 152
Educational expenditure (EDEX), 244
Educational experience, 44–45
Educational system, 2, 7
Emerging market economies (EMEs), 76–77
Enterprise Social Network system (ESN), 129
Error correction model (ECM), 116–117
FDI Confidence Index (CFDI), 156–157
Food Corporation of India, 171–172
Food security, 171–172
agricultural knowledge system and, 172–174
Foreign direct investment (FDI), 76–77, 114
advantage for, 115
on domestic economies, 152–153
empirical analysis, 156–157
issues and compositions, 153–154
Geographical indicator (GI), 155
Ghana, 2, 4
Gini index, 99, 101–102
Global innovation index (GII), 155
Globalization. See also Digitalization, 211–212, 220
Gross domestic product (GDP), 2–3, 99, 152, 223
Grubel-Lloyd (GL)
index, 222–223
measure, 223–224
Hannan–Quinn Criterion (HQC), 17
Harris–Todaro structure, 140
Higher education
analysis of data, 245–246
investment on, 241–242
knowledge economy, 243
knowledge edge, 244
lockdown on, 43–44
NSDP, 244–245
OECD, 242
online education system, 244
reshaping Indian, 44, 48–50
Higher education (HE), 53–54
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 8, 43
academia–industry partnership, 48–49
information administration in, 128–129
Human capital (HC), 2–5, 12, 15, 163–164
formation, 155
and research, 4
Human development, 98–99
dimensions, 101
growth in, 229–230
Human development index (HDI), 98, 152
determinants, 104
evolution of concept of development and, 153
India, 140, 155
higher education, 43
online education in, 42–43
urbanization of, 253–254
India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), 86
Indian automobile industry, 221, 223–224
Indian HE system, 54–55
Indian Institute of Management (IIMs), 47
Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), 42
Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), 42, 47
Indian pharmaceutical and IT industries, 186–191
attributes-wise analysis of disclosure, 187–189
company-wise analysis of disclosure, 189–190
variability in disclosure, 191
Indian stock market, 77
data description, 79
knowledge economy, 81–83
methodology, 78–79
results and discussions, 79–81
speculative bubbles in, 76
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), 42
Information and communication technology (ICT), 2, 13, 42, 98, 127–129, 152, 220, 231, 252
binary logistic regression model analysis, 131–132, 135
dependent variable, 100–101
empirical investigation, 102–103
framing of model, 100
in higher education, 130, 133
of human development, 99
independent variables, 101–102
regional difference, 133
summary statistics for countries, 106–107
summary statistics for HDI countries, 108–111
unit level data, 130
use of computers and internet, 133–136
variables and source of data, 100–102
Information technology, 87, 255
Information technology enabled services (ITES), 255
Innovation system, 154
Intangibles, 165
capital, 154
knowledge based, 189
Integral Control Chart, 165
Intellectual capital, 164–165, 184, 243
Intellectual property, 184–185
Intellectual Property Right (IPR), 152
knowledge diffusion through, 155
percentage distribution of registered, 156
Intellectus model, 164–166
Intra-industry trade (IIT), 221
and automobile industry, 222–224
and components, 222–223
empirical model, 224
Indian, 223–224
Kisan Call Center (KCC), 173
Knowledge, 12, 15, 127–128, 243
Knowledge Age enterprise, 185
management, 185–186
Knowledge assets, 182–185
attributes-wise analysis of disclosure, 187–189
company-wise analysis of disclosure, 189–190
evolution of, 183
in Indian pharmaceutical and IT industries, 186–191
knowledge management, 185–186
variability in disclosure, 191
Knowledge economy (KE), 13, 65–68, 98, 127–128, 154, 243
arbitrage model for adoption of, 70–71
characters of, 68–70
Knowledge economy index (KEI), 13
Knowledge-based economies (KBEs), 2, 127–128, 140, 220, 243
literature review, 2–4
methodology and data requirement, 4–6
results and interpretation, 6–8
theoretical and empirical evidence, 2–4
“Korea Plus” event, 212
Learning management systems (LMSs), 42, 46, 48
Logit model, 130
Logit transformation model, 224
“Look East Policy”, 212
“Make in India”, 214
Mankiw, Romer, and Weil model (MRW model), 4–5
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), 54–55, 128–129
Ministry of Human Resource Development, 54
Mobile cellular subscription (MCS), 100
Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE), 189
National Accreditation Board (NAB), 8
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), 172
National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD), 173
National Digital Library of India (NDLI), 43
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), 45
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), 173
National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), 43
New Education Policy, 206
Nordic Idea of digitalization, 230–231
Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT), 237–238
NSSO, 130, 133–134
Online education
in India, 42–43
system, 244
Ordinary lest squares (OLS), 6, 225
Organisation of African Unity/African Union (OAU/AU), 14
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2
Panel co-integration tests, 116
Panel data analysis, 116
Per capita net state domestic product (PCNSDP), 244–245
Phillips–Perron test, 17
Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood method (PPML method), 224
Producer gains, 175–176
Public distribution system (PDS), 174
Public switched telephone network (PSTN), 101
Random effect model, 100
Rationing gains to producers and consumers, 176–178
Research and development (R&D), 3, 114, 220, 241–242
Securities Act, 48
SENSEX, 76–77, 83
Service quality, 196
Skill formation, 57, 60, 144, 146
Skill generating sector, 57–60
“Skill India”, 214
Skilled labor, 56–57
Small open economy, 56–57
Soft power, 210
bilateral economic engagement, 211–213
challenges of bilateral trade and commerce, 213
democracy, 211
diplomacy, 213–215
in India–South Korea relations, 211, 215–216
trade liberalization, 211–213
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), 153
Speculative bubbles, 76–77
Standard Deviation (SD), 183
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 166
Student’s satisfaction, 195–196
empirical findings, 198–206
logistic regression, 200–202
NBU, 200–202
personal factors, 197
University of North Bengal, 198
Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWYAM), 54–55
Sub-Saharan African (SSA), 12
advancement of KE, 13
ARDL bound test, 17
data and methodology, 14–15
descriptive statistics of variables, 16
elements of KE, 14
presentation and analysis, 15–19
regression results, 18–19
unit root tests, 17
Sustainable development goals (SDGs), 152
Technological transition, 58, 61–62
Time series data, analysis of, 233–238
Trade liberalization. See also Urbanization, 140, 211, 213
EPZS in economies, 141
Harris–Todaro migration model, 142
and skill formation, 144–146
trade openness, 142–144
trade policy, 141
welfare consequences of, 146–147
Two-tailed test, 80
Unit root tests, 17
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 153–154
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 98
Universal serial bus (USB), 101
University Grants Commission (UGC), 42
University of North Bengal (NBU), 198, 200, 202
Unskilled labor, 56–59
Urbanization, 252
and development of ICT, 252–253
and development of ICT, 254–257
empirical analysis, 257
growth of ICT, 253
of India, 253–254
Variability in disclosure, 191–192
Wage inequality, 57, 60, 140
Weightless economy, 182
Welfare, 140–141
impact of PDS, 174
World Development Indicators (WDI), 115–116
World Economic Forum, 86
Worldwide Development indicators (WDIs), 15
Geographical indicator (GI), 155
Ghana, 2, 4
Gini index, 99, 101–102
Global innovation index (GII), 155
Globalization. See also Digitalization, 211–212, 220
Gross domestic product (GDP), 2–3, 99, 152, 223
Grubel-Lloyd (GL)
index, 222–223
measure, 223–224
Hannan–Quinn Criterion (HQC), 17
Harris–Todaro structure, 140
Higher education
analysis of data, 245–246
investment on, 241–242
knowledge economy, 243
knowledge edge, 244
lockdown on, 43–44
NSDP, 244–245
OECD, 242
online education system, 244
reshaping Indian, 44, 48–50
Higher education (HE), 53–54
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 8, 43
academia–industry partnership, 48–49
information administration in, 128–129
Human capital (HC), 2–5, 12, 15, 163–164
formation, 155
and research, 4
Human development, 98–99
dimensions, 101
growth in, 229–230
Human development index (HDI), 98, 152
determinants, 104
evolution of concept of development and, 153
India, 140, 155
higher education, 43
online education in, 42–43
urbanization of, 253–254
India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), 86
Indian automobile industry, 221, 223–224
Indian HE system, 54–55
Indian Institute of Management (IIMs), 47
Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), 42
Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), 42, 47
Indian pharmaceutical and IT industries, 186–191
attributes-wise analysis of disclosure, 187–189
company-wise analysis of disclosure, 189–190
variability in disclosure, 191
Indian stock market, 77
data description, 79
knowledge economy, 81–83
methodology, 78–79
results and discussions, 79–81
speculative bubbles in, 76
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), 42
Information and communication technology (ICT), 2, 13, 42, 98, 127–129, 152, 220, 231, 252
binary logistic regression model analysis, 131–132, 135
dependent variable, 100–101
empirical investigation, 102–103
framing of model, 100
in higher education, 130, 133
of human development, 99
independent variables, 101–102
regional difference, 133
summary statistics for countries, 106–107
summary statistics for HDI countries, 108–111
unit level data, 130
use of computers and internet, 133–136
variables and source of data, 100–102
Information technology, 87, 255
Information technology enabled services (ITES), 255
Innovation system, 154
Intangibles, 165
capital, 154
knowledge based, 189
Integral Control Chart, 165
Intellectual capital, 164–165, 184, 243
Intellectual property, 184–185
Intellectual Property Right (IPR), 152
knowledge diffusion through, 155
percentage distribution of registered, 156
Intellectus model, 164–166
Intra-industry trade (IIT), 221
and automobile industry, 222–224
and components, 222–223
empirical model, 224
Indian, 223–224
Kisan Call Center (KCC), 173
Knowledge, 12, 15, 127–128, 243
Knowledge Age enterprise, 185
management, 185–186
Knowledge assets, 182–185
attributes-wise analysis of disclosure, 187–189
company-wise analysis of disclosure, 189–190
evolution of, 183
in Indian pharmaceutical and IT industries, 186–191
knowledge management, 185–186
variability in disclosure, 191
Knowledge economy (KE), 13, 65–68, 98, 127–128, 154, 243
arbitrage model for adoption of, 70–71
characters of, 68–70
Knowledge economy index (KEI), 13
Knowledge-based economies (KBEs), 2, 127–128, 140, 220, 243
literature review, 2–4
methodology and data requirement, 4–6
results and interpretation, 6–8
theoretical and empirical evidence, 2–4
“Korea Plus” event, 212
Learning management systems (LMSs), 42, 46, 48
Logit model, 130
Logit transformation model, 224
“Look East Policy”, 212
“Make in India”, 214
Mankiw, Romer, and Weil model (MRW model), 4–5
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), 54–55, 128–129
Ministry of Human Resource Development, 54
Mobile cellular subscription (MCS), 100
Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE), 189
National Accreditation Board (NAB), 8
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), 172
National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD), 173
National Digital Library of India (NDLI), 43
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), 45
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), 173
National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), 43
New Education Policy, 206
Nordic Idea of digitalization, 230–231
Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT), 237–238
NSSO, 130, 133–134
Online education
in India, 42–43
system, 244
Ordinary lest squares (OLS), 6, 225
Organisation of African Unity/African Union (OAU/AU), 14
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2
Panel co-integration tests, 116
Panel data analysis, 116
Per capita net state domestic product (PCNSDP), 244–245
Phillips–Perron test, 17
Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood method (PPML method), 224
Producer gains, 175–176
Public distribution system (PDS), 174
Public switched telephone network (PSTN), 101
Random effect model, 100
Rationing gains to producers and consumers, 176–178
Research and development (R&D), 3, 114, 220, 241–242
Securities Act, 48
SENSEX, 76–77, 83
Service quality, 196
Skill formation, 57, 60, 144, 146
Skill generating sector, 57–60
“Skill India”, 214
Skilled labor, 56–57
Small open economy, 56–57
Soft power, 210
bilateral economic engagement, 211–213
challenges of bilateral trade and commerce, 213
democracy, 211
diplomacy, 213–215
in India–South Korea relations, 211, 215–216
trade liberalization, 211–213
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), 153
Speculative bubbles, 76–77
Standard Deviation (SD), 183
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 166
Student’s satisfaction, 195–196
empirical findings, 198–206
logistic regression, 200–202
NBU, 200–202
personal factors, 197
University of North Bengal, 198
Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWYAM), 54–55
Sub-Saharan African (SSA), 12
advancement of KE, 13
ARDL bound test, 17
data and methodology, 14–15
descriptive statistics of variables, 16
elements of KE, 14
presentation and analysis, 15–19
regression results, 18–19
unit root tests, 17
Sustainable development goals (SDGs), 152
Technological transition, 58, 61–62
Time series data, analysis of, 233–238
Trade liberalization. See also Urbanization, 140, 211, 213
EPZS in economies, 141
Harris–Todaro migration model, 142
and skill formation, 144–146
trade openness, 142–144
trade policy, 141
welfare consequences of, 146–147
Two-tailed test, 80
Unit root tests, 17
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 153–154
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 98
Universal serial bus (USB), 101
University Grants Commission (UGC), 42
University of North Bengal (NBU), 198, 200, 202
Unskilled labor, 56–59
Urbanization, 252
and development of ICT, 252–253
and development of ICT, 254–257
empirical analysis, 257
growth of ICT, 253
of India, 253–254
Variability in disclosure, 191–192
Wage inequality, 57, 60, 140
Weightless economy, 182
Welfare, 140–141
impact of PDS, 174
World Development Indicators (WDI), 115–116
World Economic Forum, 86
Worldwide Development indicators (WDIs), 15
India, 140, 155
higher education, 43
online education in, 42–43
urbanization of, 253–254
India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), 86
Indian automobile industry, 221, 223–224
Indian HE system, 54–55
Indian Institute of Management (IIMs), 47
Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), 42
Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), 42, 47
Indian pharmaceutical and IT industries, 186–191
attributes-wise analysis of disclosure, 187–189
company-wise analysis of disclosure, 189–190
variability in disclosure, 191
Indian stock market, 77
data description, 79
knowledge economy, 81–83
methodology, 78–79
results and discussions, 79–81
speculative bubbles in, 76
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), 42
Information and communication technology (ICT), 2, 13, 42, 98, 127–129, 152, 220, 231, 252
binary logistic regression model analysis, 131–132, 135
dependent variable, 100–101
empirical investigation, 102–103
framing of model, 100
in higher education, 130, 133
of human development, 99
independent variables, 101–102
regional difference, 133
summary statistics for countries, 106–107
summary statistics for HDI countries, 108–111
unit level data, 130
use of computers and internet, 133–136
variables and source of data, 100–102
Information technology, 87, 255
Information technology enabled services (ITES), 255
Innovation system, 154
Intangibles, 165
capital, 154
knowledge based, 189
Integral Control Chart, 165
Intellectual capital, 164–165, 184, 243
Intellectual property, 184–185
Intellectual Property Right (IPR), 152
knowledge diffusion through, 155
percentage distribution of registered, 156
Intellectus model, 164–166
Intra-industry trade (IIT), 221
and automobile industry, 222–224
and components, 222–223
empirical model, 224
Indian, 223–224
Kisan Call Center (KCC), 173
Knowledge, 12, 15, 127–128, 243
Knowledge Age enterprise, 185
management, 185–186
Knowledge assets, 182–185
attributes-wise analysis of disclosure, 187–189
company-wise analysis of disclosure, 189–190
evolution of, 183
in Indian pharmaceutical and IT industries, 186–191
knowledge management, 185–186
variability in disclosure, 191
Knowledge economy (KE), 13, 65–68, 98, 127–128, 154, 243
arbitrage model for adoption of, 70–71
characters of, 68–70
Knowledge economy index (KEI), 13
Knowledge-based economies (KBEs), 2, 127–128, 140, 220, 243
literature review, 2–4
methodology and data requirement, 4–6
results and interpretation, 6–8
theoretical and empirical evidence, 2–4
“Korea Plus” event, 212
Learning management systems (LMSs), 42, 46, 48
Logit model, 130
Logit transformation model, 224
“Look East Policy”, 212
“Make in India”, 214
Mankiw, Romer, and Weil model (MRW model), 4–5
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), 54–55, 128–129
Ministry of Human Resource Development, 54
Mobile cellular subscription (MCS), 100
Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE), 189
National Accreditation Board (NAB), 8
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), 172
National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD), 173
National Digital Library of India (NDLI), 43
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), 45
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), 173
National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), 43
New Education Policy, 206
Nordic Idea of digitalization, 230–231
Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT), 237–238
NSSO, 130, 133–134
Online education
in India, 42–43
system, 244
Ordinary lest squares (OLS), 6, 225
Organisation of African Unity/African Union (OAU/AU), 14
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2
Panel co-integration tests, 116
Panel data analysis, 116
Per capita net state domestic product (PCNSDP), 244–245
Phillips–Perron test, 17
Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood method (PPML method), 224
Producer gains, 175–176
Public distribution system (PDS), 174
Public switched telephone network (PSTN), 101
Random effect model, 100
Rationing gains to producers and consumers, 176–178
Research and development (R&D), 3, 114, 220, 241–242
Securities Act, 48
SENSEX, 76–77, 83
Service quality, 196
Skill formation, 57, 60, 144, 146
Skill generating sector, 57–60
“Skill India”, 214
Skilled labor, 56–57
Small open economy, 56–57
Soft power, 210
bilateral economic engagement, 211–213
challenges of bilateral trade and commerce, 213
democracy, 211
diplomacy, 213–215
in India–South Korea relations, 211, 215–216
trade liberalization, 211–213
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), 153
Speculative bubbles, 76–77
Standard Deviation (SD), 183
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 166
Student’s satisfaction, 195–196
empirical findings, 198–206
logistic regression, 200–202
NBU, 200–202
personal factors, 197
University of North Bengal, 198
Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWYAM), 54–55
Sub-Saharan African (SSA), 12
advancement of KE, 13
ARDL bound test, 17
data and methodology, 14–15
descriptive statistics of variables, 16
elements of KE, 14
presentation and analysis, 15–19
regression results, 18–19
unit root tests, 17
Sustainable development goals (SDGs), 152
Technological transition, 58, 61–62
Time series data, analysis of, 233–238
Trade liberalization. See also Urbanization, 140, 211, 213
EPZS in economies, 141
Harris–Todaro migration model, 142
and skill formation, 144–146
trade openness, 142–144
trade policy, 141
welfare consequences of, 146–147
Two-tailed test, 80
Unit root tests, 17
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 153–154
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 98
Universal serial bus (USB), 101
University Grants Commission (UGC), 42
University of North Bengal (NBU), 198, 200, 202
Unskilled labor, 56–59
Urbanization, 252
and development of ICT, 252–253
and development of ICT, 254–257
empirical analysis, 257
growth of ICT, 253
of India, 253–254
Variability in disclosure, 191–192
Wage inequality, 57, 60, 140
Weightless economy, 182
Welfare, 140–141
impact of PDS, 174
World Development Indicators (WDI), 115–116
World Economic Forum, 86
Worldwide Development indicators (WDIs), 15
Learning management systems (LMSs), 42, 46, 48
Logit model, 130
Logit transformation model, 224
“Look East Policy”, 212
“Make in India”, 214
Mankiw, Romer, and Weil model (MRW model), 4–5
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), 54–55, 128–129
Ministry of Human Resource Development, 54
Mobile cellular subscription (MCS), 100
Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE), 189
National Accreditation Board (NAB), 8
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), 172
National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD), 173
National Digital Library of India (NDLI), 43
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), 45
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), 173
National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), 43
New Education Policy, 206
Nordic Idea of digitalization, 230–231
Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT), 237–238
NSSO, 130, 133–134
Online education
in India, 42–43
system, 244
Ordinary lest squares (OLS), 6, 225
Organisation of African Unity/African Union (OAU/AU), 14
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2
Panel co-integration tests, 116
Panel data analysis, 116
Per capita net state domestic product (PCNSDP), 244–245
Phillips–Perron test, 17
Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood method (PPML method), 224
Producer gains, 175–176
Public distribution system (PDS), 174
Public switched telephone network (PSTN), 101
Random effect model, 100
Rationing gains to producers and consumers, 176–178
Research and development (R&D), 3, 114, 220, 241–242
Securities Act, 48
SENSEX, 76–77, 83
Service quality, 196
Skill formation, 57, 60, 144, 146
Skill generating sector, 57–60
“Skill India”, 214
Skilled labor, 56–57
Small open economy, 56–57
Soft power, 210
bilateral economic engagement, 211–213
challenges of bilateral trade and commerce, 213
democracy, 211
diplomacy, 213–215
in India–South Korea relations, 211, 215–216
trade liberalization, 211–213
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), 153
Speculative bubbles, 76–77
Standard Deviation (SD), 183
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 166
Student’s satisfaction, 195–196
empirical findings, 198–206
logistic regression, 200–202
NBU, 200–202
personal factors, 197
University of North Bengal, 198
Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWYAM), 54–55
Sub-Saharan African (SSA), 12
advancement of KE, 13
ARDL bound test, 17
data and methodology, 14–15
descriptive statistics of variables, 16
elements of KE, 14
presentation and analysis, 15–19
regression results, 18–19
unit root tests, 17
Sustainable development goals (SDGs), 152
Technological transition, 58, 61–62
Time series data, analysis of, 233–238
Trade liberalization. See also Urbanization, 140, 211, 213
EPZS in economies, 141
Harris–Todaro migration model, 142
and skill formation, 144–146
trade openness, 142–144
trade policy, 141
welfare consequences of, 146–147
Two-tailed test, 80
Unit root tests, 17
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 153–154
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 98
Universal serial bus (USB), 101
University Grants Commission (UGC), 42
University of North Bengal (NBU), 198, 200, 202
Unskilled labor, 56–59
Urbanization, 252
and development of ICT, 252–253
and development of ICT, 254–257
empirical analysis, 257
growth of ICT, 253
of India, 253–254
Variability in disclosure, 191–192
Wage inequality, 57, 60, 140
Weightless economy, 182
Welfare, 140–141
impact of PDS, 174
World Development Indicators (WDI), 115–116
World Economic Forum, 86
Worldwide Development indicators (WDIs), 15
National Accreditation Board (NAB), 8
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), 172
National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD), 173
National Digital Library of India (NDLI), 43
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), 45
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), 173
National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), 43
New Education Policy, 206
Nordic Idea of digitalization, 230–231
Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT), 237–238
NSSO, 130, 133–134
Online education
in India, 42–43
system, 244
Ordinary lest squares (OLS), 6, 225
Organisation of African Unity/African Union (OAU/AU), 14
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2
Panel co-integration tests, 116
Panel data analysis, 116
Per capita net state domestic product (PCNSDP), 244–245
Phillips–Perron test, 17
Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood method (PPML method), 224
Producer gains, 175–176
Public distribution system (PDS), 174
Public switched telephone network (PSTN), 101
Random effect model, 100
Rationing gains to producers and consumers, 176–178
Research and development (R&D), 3, 114, 220, 241–242
Securities Act, 48
SENSEX, 76–77, 83
Service quality, 196
Skill formation, 57, 60, 144, 146
Skill generating sector, 57–60
“Skill India”, 214
Skilled labor, 56–57
Small open economy, 56–57
Soft power, 210
bilateral economic engagement, 211–213
challenges of bilateral trade and commerce, 213
democracy, 211
diplomacy, 213–215
in India–South Korea relations, 211, 215–216
trade liberalization, 211–213
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), 153
Speculative bubbles, 76–77
Standard Deviation (SD), 183
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 166
Student’s satisfaction, 195–196
empirical findings, 198–206
logistic regression, 200–202
NBU, 200–202
personal factors, 197
University of North Bengal, 198
Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWYAM), 54–55
Sub-Saharan African (SSA), 12
advancement of KE, 13
ARDL bound test, 17
data and methodology, 14–15
descriptive statistics of variables, 16
elements of KE, 14
presentation and analysis, 15–19
regression results, 18–19
unit root tests, 17
Sustainable development goals (SDGs), 152
Technological transition, 58, 61–62
Time series data, analysis of, 233–238
Trade liberalization. See also Urbanization, 140, 211, 213
EPZS in economies, 141
Harris–Todaro migration model, 142
and skill formation, 144–146
trade openness, 142–144
trade policy, 141
welfare consequences of, 146–147
Two-tailed test, 80
Unit root tests, 17
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 153–154
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 98
Universal serial bus (USB), 101
University Grants Commission (UGC), 42
University of North Bengal (NBU), 198, 200, 202
Unskilled labor, 56–59
Urbanization, 252
and development of ICT, 252–253
and development of ICT, 254–257
empirical analysis, 257
growth of ICT, 253
of India, 253–254
Variability in disclosure, 191–192
Wage inequality, 57, 60, 140
Weightless economy, 182
Welfare, 140–141
impact of PDS, 174
World Development Indicators (WDI), 115–116
World Economic Forum, 86
Worldwide Development indicators (WDIs), 15
Panel co-integration tests, 116
Panel data analysis, 116
Per capita net state domestic product (PCNSDP), 244–245
Phillips–Perron test, 17
Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood method (PPML method), 224
Producer gains, 175–176
Public distribution system (PDS), 174
Public switched telephone network (PSTN), 101
Random effect model, 100
Rationing gains to producers and consumers, 176–178
Research and development (R&D), 3, 114, 220, 241–242
Securities Act, 48
SENSEX, 76–77, 83
Service quality, 196
Skill formation, 57, 60, 144, 146
Skill generating sector, 57–60
“Skill India”, 214
Skilled labor, 56–57
Small open economy, 56–57
Soft power, 210
bilateral economic engagement, 211–213
challenges of bilateral trade and commerce, 213
democracy, 211
diplomacy, 213–215
in India–South Korea relations, 211, 215–216
trade liberalization, 211–213
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), 153
Speculative bubbles, 76–77
Standard Deviation (SD), 183
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 166
Student’s satisfaction, 195–196
empirical findings, 198–206
logistic regression, 200–202
NBU, 200–202
personal factors, 197
University of North Bengal, 198
Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWYAM), 54–55
Sub-Saharan African (SSA), 12
advancement of KE, 13
ARDL bound test, 17
data and methodology, 14–15
descriptive statistics of variables, 16
elements of KE, 14
presentation and analysis, 15–19
regression results, 18–19
unit root tests, 17
Sustainable development goals (SDGs), 152
Technological transition, 58, 61–62
Time series data, analysis of, 233–238
Trade liberalization. See also Urbanization, 140, 211, 213
EPZS in economies, 141
Harris–Todaro migration model, 142
and skill formation, 144–146
trade openness, 142–144
trade policy, 141
welfare consequences of, 146–147
Two-tailed test, 80
Unit root tests, 17
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 153–154
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 98
Universal serial bus (USB), 101
University Grants Commission (UGC), 42
University of North Bengal (NBU), 198, 200, 202
Unskilled labor, 56–59
Urbanization, 252
and development of ICT, 252–253
and development of ICT, 254–257
empirical analysis, 257
growth of ICT, 253
of India, 253–254
Variability in disclosure, 191–192
Wage inequality, 57, 60, 140
Weightless economy, 182
Welfare, 140–141
impact of PDS, 174
World Development Indicators (WDI), 115–116
World Economic Forum, 86
Worldwide Development indicators (WDIs), 15
Securities Act, 48
SENSEX, 76–77, 83
Service quality, 196
Skill formation, 57, 60, 144, 146
Skill generating sector, 57–60
“Skill India”, 214
Skilled labor, 56–57
Small open economy, 56–57
Soft power, 210
bilateral economic engagement, 211–213
challenges of bilateral trade and commerce, 213
democracy, 211
diplomacy, 213–215
in India–South Korea relations, 211, 215–216
trade liberalization, 211–213
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), 153
Speculative bubbles, 76–77
Standard Deviation (SD), 183
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 166
Student’s satisfaction, 195–196
empirical findings, 198–206
logistic regression, 200–202
NBU, 200–202
personal factors, 197
University of North Bengal, 198
Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWYAM), 54–55
Sub-Saharan African (SSA), 12
advancement of KE, 13
ARDL bound test, 17
data and methodology, 14–15
descriptive statistics of variables, 16
elements of KE, 14
presentation and analysis, 15–19
regression results, 18–19
unit root tests, 17
Sustainable development goals (SDGs), 152
Technological transition, 58, 61–62
Time series data, analysis of, 233–238
Trade liberalization. See also Urbanization, 140, 211, 213
EPZS in economies, 141
Harris–Todaro migration model, 142
and skill formation, 144–146
trade openness, 142–144
trade policy, 141
welfare consequences of, 146–147
Two-tailed test, 80
Unit root tests, 17
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 153–154
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 98
Universal serial bus (USB), 101
University Grants Commission (UGC), 42
University of North Bengal (NBU), 198, 200, 202
Unskilled labor, 56–59
Urbanization, 252
and development of ICT, 252–253
and development of ICT, 254–257
empirical analysis, 257
growth of ICT, 253
of India, 253–254
Variability in disclosure, 191–192
Wage inequality, 57, 60, 140
Weightless economy, 182
Welfare, 140–141
impact of PDS, 174
World Development Indicators (WDI), 115–116
World Economic Forum, 86
Worldwide Development indicators (WDIs), 15
Unit root tests, 17
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 153–154
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 98
Universal serial bus (USB), 101
University Grants Commission (UGC), 42
University of North Bengal (NBU), 198, 200, 202
Unskilled labor, 56–59
Urbanization, 252
and development of ICT, 252–253
and development of ICT, 254–257
empirical analysis, 257
growth of ICT, 253
of India, 253–254
Variability in disclosure, 191–192
Wage inequality, 57, 60, 140
Weightless economy, 182
Welfare, 140–141
impact of PDS, 174
World Development Indicators (WDI), 115–116
World Economic Forum, 86
Worldwide Development indicators (WDIs), 15
Wage inequality, 57, 60, 140
Weightless economy, 182
Welfare, 140–141
impact of PDS, 174
World Development Indicators (WDI), 115–116
World Economic Forum, 86
Worldwide Development indicators (WDIs), 15
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Knowledge-Based Economy: Enhancing Economic Growth and Development of Human Capital Through Information and Communications Technology Education
- Chapter 2 Sub-Saharan African (SSA) Growth Trajectory: How Far has Knowledge Contributed?
- Chapter 3 Central Bank Independence and Economic Efficiency: Historical Analysis Based on Knowledge Economy
- Chapter 4 Reshaping Indian Higher Education Post COVID-19: A Case for Blended Learning and Widespread Adoption of Learning Management Systems
- Chapter 5 Disruptive Technology and Development Dynamics: Case of Knowledge Economy with Reference to India
- Chapter 6 A Theoretical Approach of Understanding the Impact of Arbitrage Process by Implementing Knowledge Economy by a Country
- Chapter 7 Existence of Speculative Bubbles in the Indian Stock Market: Knowledge Gained During the US Subprime Crisis
- Chapter 8 E-knowledge of Indian Rural Consumers: A Field Survey Result Based on Durable Goods
- Chapter 9 Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Human Development: A Cross-Country Analysis
- Chapter 10 Role of FDI in Developing the Base of Knowledge – An Analysis of the BRICS Nations
- Chapter 11 ICT as Enabler of Knowledge-Based Economy: An Empirical Investigation in India Based on NSSO Unit-Level Data
- Chapter 12 Trade Openness and Skill Formation: Some Theoretical Issues in Relation to Less Developed Economy
- Chapter 13 FDI and Transition to Knowledge Economy With Special Reference to India
- Chapter 14 Innovation in Utility Craftsmanship: Analysis Based on Human Capital
- Chapter 15 Agricultural Knowledge System in Ensuring Food Security in India
- Chapter 16 Managing and Leveraging Knowledge Assets of the Firm: The Call of the Day
- Chapter 17 Measuring Student Satisfaction of Master Level Students: Evidence from University of North Bengal
- Chapter 18 The Role of Trade Liberalization and Knowledge Exchange Programs in India and South Korea Relations: In Search of Soft Power Connectivity
- Chapter 19 Impact of Knowledge Flows and FDI on Intra-industry Trade in Asian Region
- Chapter 20 A Study on the Digital Economy and Recent Trends of Digitalization in India with Respect to the Nordic Region
- Chapter 21 Investment on Higher Education: A Source of Knowledge Creation and Income Generation
- Chapter 22 Application of Information and Communication Technology and Its Relation With Urbanization in India
- Index