
Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Malaysia

ISBN: 978-1-80043-807-1, eISBN: 978-1-80043-806-4

Publication date: 12 February 2021

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(2021), "Index", Sergi, B.S. and Jaaffar, A.R. (Ed.) Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Malaysia (Entrepreneurship and Global Economic Growth), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 307-321.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021 by Emerald Publishing Limited.


Academy of Higher Education Leadership (AKEPT)
, 21

Accelerated capital allowance (ACA)
, 107

Accelerated Programme for Excellence (APEX)
, 224

Administrative arrangement
, 194

Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP)
, 217–218

Aerospace industry
, 62

Africa, MPO exports to
, 87

Agrarian enhancement program
, 82

Agriculture-based economy
, 151–152

Agrofood Facility (AF)
, 301

Air transport
, 282–283

AirAsia Berhad
, 282–283

AirAsia Group Bhd
, 62

All Economic Sector (AES)
, 300

Alliance of FinTech Community (aFINity@SC)
, 241

Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM)
, 179

Americas, MPO exports to
, 87

Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM)
, 155

Anjung Singgah
, 185–186

Anti-money laundering
, 240, 243

, 204

Artificial intelligence (AI)
, 5, 18, 26–27, 171, 237

research framework
, 27

Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM)
, 270

Asia Middle East Dialogue (AMED)
, 270

Asia Pacific, MPO exports to
, 83–84

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
, 270

Asian financial crisis (AFC)
, 132

Association of the Southeast Nations (ASEAN)
, 271–272

, 245

Attrition rate
, 225

, 132

, 3, 4, 215–216

Automation and Digitalization Facility (ADF)
, 301

Balance of payments (BOP)
, 131

Baleh Hydroelectric Dam
, 147

Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad
, 240

Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)
, 147, 239, 296–297

additional measures by
, 300–301

Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN)
, 299

Big data
, 5, 7–8

, 142

, 145–146

Bilateral diplomacy
, 270

, 244

Bioeconomy Transformation Program
, 98–107

Biogas at palm oil mills
, 89

“Born digital” business
, 76

Bottom-up policies
, 132–133

Brundtland Report
, 94

Building Information Modeling technology
, 66

Bumiputera Commercial and Industrial Community (BCIC)
, 260

, 52

, 143

Malaysian initiatives in supporting business sustainability
, 146–147

, 63

, 237–238

Business environment effecting Malaysian entrepreneurs
, 72–76

COVID-19 post environment effect
, 73–74

fast-changing business environment
, 72

government policy and enforcement on entrepreneurs
, 73

nurturing entrepreneurs
, 74–76

Business to consumer (B2C)
, 286–287

Capital and financing issues for SMEs
, 36

Capital Markets and Services (CMS)
, 243

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
, 66

Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM)
, 241

, 137

China, MPO exports to
, 85

Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Malaysia (2018)
, 35

, 240

Circular economy (CE). See also Green economy
, 96–113

, 96–97

situation in Malaysia
, 98–108

, 282

“Click and collect” option
, 8

, 60–61

Cognitive model (COGM)
, 244–245

Communities of practice
, 64

Competency, accountability, and transparency (CAT)
, 128

Competitive advantage
, 138–139

Competitive organizations
, 136

, 136–138

, 137

future uncertainty
, 136–137

increased competition in market
, 138

, 138

recruiting right talent
, 137

, 138–144

technology advancement
, 137–138

, 139–140

, 140

Comprehensive University (CU)
, 19

Concentrated decentralisation
, 194

Conditional movement control order (CMCO)
, 295

in Malaysia
, 294–295

, 282

, 268

Continuous intention to using Fintech services
, 245–246

, 10

Counter financing of terrorism
, 243

, 136, 291–292

, 77

impact on SMEs
, 295–296

mental health problem during
, 207–208

, 71, 76

post environment effect
, 73–74

, 293–294

suggestions for SME recovery of
, 302–303

Cradle-to-cradle economy
, 97

Creative destruction
, 66

, 142–143


, 36

, 236

Credit Guarantee Corporation (CGC)
, 297, 301

Credit Rating Analysis (CRA)
, 133

, 65

Crude palm oil (CPO)
, 86

, 26

Customer relationship management (CRM)
, 13–14

, 10–11

, 143

Department of Commerce
, 288

Department of Skills Development (DSD)
, 163

Developing Eight (D8)
, 270

, 204

Diamond-shaped labor market, preparing for
, 226–227


business practice
, 39

, 77

, 76

identity supervision
, 240

law development in Malaysia
, 243–244

, 226–227

, 4

Digital Free Trade Zone (DFTZ)
, 241, 286

Digital Investment Management framework
, 243

, 12, 39

limitations on implementation
, 39–40

Malaysian employment landscape
, 145–146

Draft Kuala Lumpur City Plan 2020
, 194–195

, 34–35

increasing growth in
, 286–287

Early education programs
, 155

East Coast Economic Region (ECER)
, 195

East Coast Economic Region Development Council (ECERDC)
, 195–196

East Coast Economic Region Development Council Act 2008 (Act 688)
, 195–196

East Coast Rail Link (ECRL)
, 147

East Malaysia
, 280


, 196

, 92–93

, 134

, 195–196

Economic Fund for National Entrepreneurs (TEKUN)
, 179–180

Economic Transformation Program (ETP)
, 3, 87, 184–185

, 153

in human capital development in Malaysia
, 160–162

, 153

, 154

system of Malaysia
, 48–49

Education Act, The (1996)
, 23

, 10

Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulation (EMEER)
, 111–112

Electric train system (ETS)
, 283–284

Electric vehicle (EV)
, 112–113

Electrical and electronic products (E&E products)
, 128

Electronic commerce
, 286–287

Electronic know-your-customer system (e-KYC system)
, 243

Emerging standards
, 64

Employability rate
, 167–170

Employee Provident Fund (EPF)
, 147

, 141

Employer Advisory Services (EAS)
, 297

Empty fruit bunch (EFB)
, 98

Energy Audit Grant for Industrial sector
, 111–112

Energy efficient vehicle (EEV)
, 112–113

Energy Management Gold Standard (EMGS)
, 111–112

Enhance Franchise Development Program (EFDP)
, 256–257

Enhanced Time of Use tariff (EToU)
, 111–112

Enterprise management systems (EMSs)
, 13–14

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
, 13–14

Enterprise Survey for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China (ESIEC)
, 296

Entrepreneur Development Ministry
, 73

Entrepreneur Development Programme
, 111–112

Entrepreneur Economic Chamber Malaysia
, 75–76

Entrepreneurial architecture (EA)
, 18, 25–26

, 26

, 26

, 26

, 26

, 26

Entrepreneurial universities (EUs)
, 18

, 24–25, 27

Malaysian Higher Education Systems
, 19

, 21–24

, 20

private universities
, 19

public HEIs
, 19

, 19

World university rankings and Malaysia
, 21


based innovation networks
, 64

government policy and enforcement on
, 73

, 74–76

Entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation in
, 60

Entry point projects (EPP)
, 87

Environment development
, 93–94

Environmental Scan (ES)
, 216

Environmental sustainability in Malaysia
, 109

‘Ernst & Young’s census (EY census)
, 239

Errors and omissions (EOs)
, 131

Europe, MPO exports to
, 86

European settlers and entrepreneurs
, 82

European Union (EU)
, 86, 271–272

Existing customers
, 141

Expectation confirmation model (ECM)
, 244–245

Expectation confirmation theory (ECT)
, 245–246

, 271–272

Far East Asia Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC)
, 270

Federal Land and Development Authority (FELDA)
, 82

Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM)
, 46, 128–129

Fifth Fuel Policy
, 98–107

Financial institution (FI)
, 240

Financial management problems
, 36–37

Financial service
, 237–238

Financial system

key enablers for development of
, 129–130

safeguarding stability of
, 128–129

Financial Technology Enabler Group (FTEG)
, 239, 241

Financing, implication of
, 12

, 236

and banks in Malaysia
, 239–241

conceptual framework
, 248

digital law development in Malaysia
, 243–244

Fintech-friendly industry
, 241–242

, 237

literature review and theoretical background
, 244–248

perceived security protection
, 248

service knowledge
, 247

, 237–244

Fintech Association of Malaysia (“FAOM”)
, 241

“Fintech Hacks” initiative
, 239–240

First industrial revolution
, 4

Fiscal policies
, 147

Focus group discussion
, 220–226

, 220–221

, 221–226

, 222

Focus University (FU)
, 19

, 228–229

, 89

Foreign economic policies and strategies
, 270–271

bilateral diplomacy
, 270

institution and improving human capital
, 271

multilateral diplomacy
, 270–271

public diplomacy
, 271

Foreign economics relationship
, 271–273

Foreign labor
, 223

Foreign policy
, 268

Foundation Studies (FSC)
, 20

Fourth industrial revolution
, 3–5, 66, 139–140, 215–218, 236

benefits of embracing
, 10–11

, 9–10

, 5–13

, 13–14

retailers of Malaysian SMEs respond to
, 11–12

ways of IR4. 0 impact on retailing
, 7–9

Franchise Development Assistance Fund (FDAF)
, 256–257

Franchise Development Program (FDP)
, 256

Franchise International Malaysia (FIM)
, 262

Franchise Malaysia (FM)
, 262–263

Franchise supports in Malaysia
, 260–263

Franchi. See selection
, 264

, 256

, 256

contribution of franchising industry in Malaysia
, 258–259

industry in Malaysia
, 256–257

issues and challenges in
, 264–265

perspective in Malaysia
, 255

, 264

Free Industrial Zones (FIZs)
, 147

Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
, 272

Fresh fruit bunches (FFBs)
, 88

Frog Virtual Learning Environment (FROG VLE)
, 161

14th General Election (GE14)
, 268

George Town Conurbation
, 194

, 132

Global Competitive Index (GCI)
, 286

2nd pillar in GCI Index
, 286

Global Competitiveness Index 4. 0
, 139

Global halal authority
, 118

Global Innovation and Creativity Center Social Entrepreneurship (MaGIC SE)
, 182

Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index
, 217–218

Global ratings

effective intermediation for high value-added and high-income economy
, 133

enhancing regional and international financial linkages
, 131–133

key enablers for development of financial system
, 129–130

Malaysia’s economy outlook
, 128–129

Globalization. See also Digitalization
, 139

, 287

Golden Triangle
, 194


business supports and assistances
, 296–301

of Malaysia
, 256–257

, 301–302

policy and enforcement on entrepreneurs
, 73

Government Transformation Plan (GTP)
, 185–186

Government-linked corporations (GLCs)
, 130, 299

, 287

, 287

Graduate employee requirements
, 54

, 54

, 54

, 54

Grassroots innovation
, 183–185

Greater Kuala Lumpur
, 195

Green economy. see also Circular economy (CE)
, 108–113

environmental sustainability in Malaysia
, 109

green technology in Malaysia for sustainable business development
, 109–111

Malaysia green technology initiatives
, 111–113

Green manufacturing
, 111–112

Green technology
, 96

Green Technology Master Plan
, 109

Greenhouse gas emission (GHG emission)
, 109

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 5, 21, 33, 109, 118, 128, 140, 258, 274, 285

Gross national income (GNI)
, 82, 98, 128

Group of Seventy Seven (G77)
, 270

, 87

Habluminallah, improving mental health through fulfilling deeds of
, 210

Habluminannas, improving mental health through fulfilling deeds of
, 211–212

Halal Development Corporation (HDC)
, 122

Halal industry
, 118

lessons learning
, 124–125

outlook, constraints, and needs
, 119–124

Halal logistics
, 120–122

, 121

market outlook
, 120–121

, 122

Halal marketing and sales
, 122–123

, 122–123

market outlook
, 122

, 123

Halal operation
, 123–124

“Hard to Fill” occupations
, 219–220

High value-added economy, effective intermediation for
, 133

High-income economy, effective intermediation for
, 133

Higher education. See also Education
, 157–159

in Malaysia
, 49

Higher education institutions (HEIs)
, 18

Higher learning institutions (HLIs)
, 21

Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS)
, 48

Hong Leong Bank
, 240

Human capital
, 152–153

Human capital development (HCD)
, 147, 152

education in
, 160–162

issues and challenges
, 167–171

in Malaysia
, 153–159, 162–167

Human Capital Index (HCI)
, 145

Human Resource Development (HRD)
, 171

Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF)
, 147, 163, 297

Human Resources Development Act
, 163

, 271–272

IMSME. com. my (portal)
, 301

Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)
, 270

, 282

Industrial building allowance (IBA)
, 107

Industrial Energy Efficiency for Malaysian Manufacturing Sector (IEEMS)
, 111–112

Industrial mutation
, 66

Industrial revolution
, 3–5

, 4–5

Industrialization. See also Digitalization
, 215–216

of Malaysia
, 52–53


, 225–226

, 97

Industry 4. 0 (IR4. 0). See Fourth industrial revolution

Industry value chain (IVC)
, 119

Information and communication technology (ICT)
, 34–35

, 60–61

limitations on implementation
, 39–40

, 45

Initial Coin Offerings (ICO)
, 244

Inland ports
, 281–282

Inland Revenue Board (IRB)
, 302

, 60, 142–143, 178

, 65

, 63–65

, 170–171

Innovative industrial cluster
, 61–63

Innovative sectors, expected transformation of
, 65–68

Institute of Labor Market Information and Analysis (ILMIA)
, 219

, 138

Intermodal freight transport
, 283

Internal entrepreneur networks
, 64

Internal project teams
, 64

International Data Corporation (IDC)
, 13

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 128

International predegree certifications
, 157

International Trade Administration
, 288

Internet commerce
, 286–287

Internet of Things (IoT)
, 3, 7–8, 122, 171

Investment tax allowance (ITA)
, 107

Iskandar Malaysia (IM)
, 195

Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA)
, 195–196

Iskandar Regional Development Authority Act 2007 (Act 664)
, 195–196

Islamic finance
, 238

Islamic mental health model
, 209–210

JAKIM (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia)
, 120–122

Job attractiveness
, 225

Johor Bahru Conurbation
, 194

, 204

Kedah state
, 198

Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M)
, 185–186

KEMAS preschools
, 155

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)
, 256

Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB)
, 284

Keretapi Tanah Melayu Intercity (KTM Intercity)
, 283–284

Key performance indicators (KPIs)
, 186, 271

Klang Valley
, 181

KLIA Air Cargo Terminal 1 (KACT 1)
, 283

Klinik 1Malaysia (K1M)
, 185–186

Know-your-customer procedures (KYC procedures)
, 240

KTM Komuter
, 284

Kuala Lumpur

, 194

internet city
, 241

structure plan
, 194

Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA)
, 179, 195, 282

, 282–283

Kuantan Conurbation
, 194

Kulim Hightech Park (KHTP)
, 287

Kyoto Protocol
, 98–107

Labor intensiveness
, 223

Labuan FSA
, 244

Labuan International Business and Financial Center (“Labuan IBFC”)
, 238

, 287

Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA)
, 62

Last mile logistics
, 287

, 229

, 52

, 228

, 26

Learning networks
, 65

Light Rail Transit (LRT)
, 179

, 147

Light Rapid Transit (LRT)
, 284

Local context
, 142

Local governments
, 192

, 120, 279–280

Department of Commerce
, 288

economic growth
, 285–286

increasing growth in e-commerce
, 286–287

International Trade Administration
, 288

new international airport
, 287

regional supply chain linkages
, 286

, 285–286

strategic geographical location
, 285

strength of transportation services
, 286

STS transfer
, 288

United States of America
, 288

Machinery and equipment sector (M&E sector)
, 215–216

analyzing challenges facing by M&E sector of Malaysia
, 219–220

, 219–220

, 219

Madrid Protocol
, 244

MaGRIs project
, 183

Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)
, 146

Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank)
, 240–241

, 151–152, 191–192, 280–281

CE situation in
, 98–108

economy outlook
, 128–129

education system of
, 48–49

environmental sustainability in
, 109

Fintech services in
, 239

foreign policy
, 268–270

franchise supports in
, 260–263

franchising in
, 255–257

HCD in
, 153–159, 162–167

, 52–53

public universities
, 20, 22

retail sector in
, 2–3

safeguarding stability of financial system
, 128–129

scenario of mental health in world and
, 202–204

SD in
, 95–96

SMEs in
, 292

STEM components in
, 47, 50–51

trade performance
, 274–278

value proposition to Fintech players
, 238

World university rankings and
, 21

Malaysia Airlines (MAS)
, 283

Malaysia Airport Holdings Berhad (MAHB)
, 282

1Malaysia Biomass Elective Procedure (1MBAS)
, 82

Malaysia Digital Economic Corporation (MDEC)
, 286, 302

Malaysia Digital Hub
, 242

Malaysia Education Blueprint (2015–2025)
, 18, 49–50, 162–163

Malaysia Energy Efficiency and Solar Thermal Application Project (MAEESTA Project)
, 111–112

Malaysia Franchise Act (1998)
, 262–263

Malaysia Franchise Association (MFA)
, 257, 262

Malaysia green technology initiatives
, 111–113

Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS)
, 122

Malaysia National Cancer Institute
, 66

Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB)
, 86

Malaysia Plan
, 193

10th Malaysia Plan
, 193

11th Malaysia Plan
, 178–179, 215–216

Malaysia Quality Agency (MQA)
, 23

2020 Malaysia Roadmap toward Zero Single-use Plastics (2018–2030)
, 98

1Malaysia Training Scheme (SL1M)
, 166

Malaysian British Institute (BMI)
, 146

Malaysian central bank
, 239

Malaysian Certificate of Education
, 225

Malaysian context
, 178–186

grassroots innovation
, 183–185

, 179–181

public service delivery
, 183–186

social entrepreneurship
, 181–182

Malaysian Employer Federation (MEF)
, 205

Malaysian entrepreneurial behavior and attitudes
, 75

Malaysian equity market
, 68

Malaysian France Institute (MFI)
, 146

Malaysian German Institute (GMI)
, 146

Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Center (MaGIC)
, 180–181

Malaysian government
, 60

Malaysian Higher Education Certificate (STPM)
, 157

Malaysian Higher Education Systems
, 19

Malaysian Highway Authority
, 281

Malaysian industries
, 62

Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
, 62

Malaysian palm oil industry (MPO industry)
, 82–87

regional market performance
, 83–87

Malaysian professional service sector
, 68

Malaysian public and private universities
, 19

Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)
, 20, 158

Malaysian Qualifications Agency Act (2007)
, 23

Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF)
, 158–159

Malaysian Skills award
, 163

Malaysian SMEs
, 31–32, 44

capital and financing issues for smes
, 36

, 32–33

financial management problems
, 36–37

issues and challenges
, 34–40

lack of facilities and infrastructure
, 38

limitations on implementation of ICT or digitalization
, 39–40

limited market
, 37

low networking with large firms
, 38–39

obstacles obtaining raw material
, 37–38

reluctant to attend training
, 38

rising cost of running business
, 37

unskilled labor
, 38

Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program (MTCP)
, 270

Malaysian Technical University Network (MTUN)
, 159


, 215–216

, 67

MARA Japan Industrial Institute (MJII)
, 146

, 283

Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)
, 284

Mass Rapid Transit Line 2 (MRT2)
, 147

McDonalds (McD)
, 256

Mental disorder

, 205

, 206

Mental health

challenges and issues
, 205–207

through fulfilling deeds of Habluminallah
, 210

through fulfilling deeds of Habluminannas
, 211–212

Islamic mental health model
, 209–210

problem during COVID-19 pandemic
, 207–208

scenario of mental health in world and Malaysia
, 202–204

Mental illness
, 203–204

Metropolitan planning system
, 194–195

Micro Enterprises Facility (MEF)
, 301

, 179–181

Middle East, MPO exports to
, 85

Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism (MDTCC)
, 260–261

Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (MDTCA)
, 258, 259

Ministry of Education (MoE)
, 155, 166

building in Putrajaya
, 22

Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC)
, 60

Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development (MECD)
, 260–261

Ministry of Entrepreneur Development (MED)
, 182

Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperative (MEDAC)
, 261

Ministry of Finance Incorporated (MOF Inc)
, 261

Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)
, 19, 21–24, 153–154, 158

Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI)
, 286

Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)
, 183

Mobile broadband
, 39–40

Modes of transport
, 280

, 204

Monetary policies
, 147

Money service businesses
, 243

, 284

, 212

Movement control order (MCO)
, 208, 295

in Malaysia
, 294–295

Multichannel offerings
, 8

Multilateral diplomacy
, 270–271

Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC)
, 107, 242

, 111–112

National Accreditation Board Act (1996). See Malaysian Qualifications Agency Act (2007)

National Agency of Innovation Malaysia (AIM)
, 183

National Biofuel Policy
, 98–107

National Biomass Strategy (NBS)
, 98

, 98

National Biotechnology policy
, 98–107

National Blue Ocean Strategy (NBOS)
, 185–186

National Council of Higher Education Act, The (1996)
, 23

National eCommerce Council (NeCC)
, 286

National Entrepreneur and SME Development Council (NESDC)
, 301

National Entrepreneurship Framework (NEF)
, 182

National Franchise Development Blueprint (NFDB)
, 256–257

National Franchise Development Plan (NFDP)
, 256–257

National Green Technology Policy (NGTP)
, 98–107, 109

National Health Morbidity Survey (NHMS)
, 206

National Key Economics Areas (NKEA)
, 3, 87

National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS)
, 163

National Philosophy of Education
, 153–154

National Physical Plan (NPP)
, 192

National Policy on Industry 4. 0
, 60

National Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation (NPSTI)
, 184–185

National schools
, 155

National Urbanisation Policy (NUP)
, 194

National Vocational Training Council (NVTC). See Department of Skills Development (DSD)

Networking and collaboration with other countries
, 146

New Economic Model (NEM)
, 52–53, 184–185, 292

New Economic Policy (NEP)
, 292

New international airport
, 287

New markets
, 141

New products or process development consortium
, 64

New resource approaches
, 65

New Straits Times
, 296

New technology development consortium
, 64

Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)
, 270

Nonfinancial public corporations (NFPCs)
, 131

North Africa, MPO exports to
, 85

North Borneo Railway
, 284

Northern corridor economic region (NCER)
, 195–198

Northern Corridor Implementation Authority (NCIA)
, 195–197

Northern Corridor Implementation Authority Act 2008 (Act 687)
, 195–196

Oil extraction rate (OER)
, 88–89

Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis)
, 81–82

, 82

Oleo derivatives
, 89

On Competition (Porter)
, 61

Online entrepreneurial startups
, 77

Open Application Programming Interface (Open API)
, 243

Open innovation. See also Innovation
, 63

network management
, 65

, 242

Organization competitive challenges
, 140

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 60

Organization of Islamic Corporation (OIC)
, 270

Organization sustainability, Malaysian strategies and initiatives in supporting
, 144–147

Organization’s image
, 140

, 229

Padang Besar Inland Port
, 281–282

Palm oil
, 82

accelerating replanting
, 88

biogas at palm oil mills
, 89

expediting growth in food and health-based downstream segments
, 89–90

future of
, 87–90

improving fresh fruit bunch yield
, 88

improving worker productivity
, 88

increasing oil extraction rate
, 88–89

oleo derivatives
, 89

second-generation biofuels
, 89

Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME)
, 89, 98

Pan Borne Highway
, 281

Partnership opportunities
, 144

“Pay-for-impact” exchange
, 183

Payment express (PEX)
, 240

Peer-to-peer lending (P2P lending)
, 242

Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad Act (PSMB Act)
, 147, 163–165

Pembiayaan Mikro
, 180

Peninsular Malaysia. See East Malaysia

Perak state
, 198

Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PNS)
, 257, 260–262

Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN)
, 21

Perceived ease of use (PEU)
, 244–246

Perceived security protection
, 248

Perceived usefulness (PU)
, 244–246

Perlis state
, 198

Perpaduan preschool
, 155

Plastic pollution
, 107

, 88

Port Bintulu
, 283

Port Johor
, 283

Port Kemaman
, 283

Port Klang
, 283

Port Kuantan
, 283

Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP)
, 281–282

Port Penang
, 283

Port Tanjung Pelepas
, 283

Postsecondary education. See Preuniversity education

Preschool education
, 154–155

Preuniversity education
, 156–157

, 298–301

Prihatin Rakyat (PRIHATIN)
, 296–298

Primary education
, 155, 156

Primary School Achievement Test
, 155

Private colleges (PCs)
, 19–20

Private higher educational institutions
, 157–158

Private Higher Educational Institutions Act, The (1996)
, 23

Private schools
, 155

Private universities
, 19

Process skills
, 47

Productivity improvement
, 10

Public debt
, 132

Public diplomacy
, 271

Public HEIs
, 19

Public higher educational institutions
, 157–158

Public organizations
, 208

Public servants
, 208

Public service delivery
, 183–186

Public–private partnerships (PPPs)
, 195–196

issues and challenges
, 186–187

, 178–179

Quadrelli Symonds (QS)
, 21

Quantitative easing (QE)
, 132

QUEST System (Malaysian Quality Assessment System for Private Colleges)
, 24

Rail transport
, 283–284

Readiness of SMEs retail
, 9

Recombinant innovation networks
, 65

Regional plan
, 195

Regional Planning Committee (RPC)
, 195

Regional policy
, 196–197

Register of Franchise
, 262

, 241

Renewable energy
, 98–107

Renewable Energy Act 2011
, 98–107

Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan
, 98–107

Renewable Energy Transition Roadmap (RETR)
, 98

Research and Development (R&D)
, 23, 163

Research Universities (RUs)
, 19

, 1

sector in Malaysia
, 2–3

ways of IR4. 0 impact on
, 7–9

, 8

benefits for
, 11

issues facing by SMEs and
, 12–13

of Malaysian SMEs respond to IR 4. 0
, 11–12

Return on Sales (ROS)
, 223

RHB Bank Berhad
, 241

Road transport
, 281–282

, 8–9

, 8

Sabah Development Corridor (SDC)
, 196

Sabah ports
, 283, 284

Sabah State Railway
, 284

Sandbox Framework
, 243

Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE)
, 196

Sarawak ports
, 283

Sarawak Water Supply Grid Program
, 147

, 245

“Scan and deliver” features
, 8

Schenker Logistics
, 120–121

Schizophrenia (SCZ)
, 205

Schools’ system transformation
, 145

Science & technology (S&T)

, 183

skilled employment
, 46

Science, technology, and Innovation (STI)
, 183

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education (STEM education)
, 46–47, 145

components in Malaysia
, 47

education system of Malaysia
, 48–49

gap between STEM demands and offerings
, 51–52

graduate employee requirements
, 54

industrialization of Malaysia
, 52–53

literature review
, 48

in Malaysia
, 50–51

student performance in science and mathematics
, 48

Second industrial revolution
, 4

Second-generation biofuels
, 89

Secondary education
, 156, 157

Sectoral networks
, 64

Securities Commission (SC)
, 241

, 247

Service industry
, 67

SETARA (Rating System for Malaysia HEIs)
, 24

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
, 293–294

, 212

Ship-to-ship transfer (STS transfer)
, 288

Short and landing take-off ports (STOLport)
, 282

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
, 31–32, 44, 60, 73, 107, 219–220, 291–292

benefits for
, 10–11

impact of COVID-19 on
, 295–296

in Malaysia
, 292

, 9

, 1–3

SME Corp
, 302

SME Corp. Malaysia
, 34–35

Small Renewable Energy Program
, 98–107

Social development
, 93

Social Enterprise Accreditation (SEA)
, 182

Social entrepreneurship
, 181–182

Social Impact Exchange (SIX)
, 183

Social innovation
, 178, 186

Social Outcome Fund (SOF)
, 181

Social Public–Private Partnership (Social PPP)
, 182

Social purpose organizations (SPOs)
, 182

Social sciences
, 52

Social Security Organization (SOCSO)
, 299


, 163

planning systems at national level
, 192–194

Spatial clusters
, 64

Spatial development
, 195

Spatial planning system
, 192

Special Relief Facility (SRF)
, 297, 300

Steady-state economy
, 97

, 206

Strategic capabilities
, 136

Strategic digital entrepreneurship
, 76–77

Strategic roadmap
, 216

analyzing challenges facing by M&E sector of Malaysia
, 219–220

, 226–230

focus group discussion
, 220–226

reacting to Industry 4. 0
, 216–218

, 39–40

Strengths of business
, 142

Strong industry body
, 221–223

Subcontinent region, MPO exports to
, 85–86

Supply chain

, 65

, 279–280

, 96–97

Sustainable competitive advantage (SCA)
, 268

Sustainable development (SD)
, 92–95

, 96–108

green economy
, 108–113

in Malaysia
, 95–96

, 93

Sustainable Development Financing Fund
, 98

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 95, 96

Syarikat Jaminan Pembiayaan Perniagaan (SJPP)
, 297

Targeted incentives, transitioning through
, 227–229

Tax holiday effect
, 130

Tebedu Inland Port
, 281–282

Technical and Vocational Education and Training programs (TVET programs)
, 54, 159, 221–223

Technical skills
, 47

Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
, 145

Technological parks
, 60–61, 67

Technology acceptance model (TAM)
, 244–245

Technology advancement
, 137–138

Technology continuance theory (TCT)
, 244–245

Technology Park Malaysia (TPM)
, 60–61

Technology-driven innovation
, 61

, 60–61

Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP)
, 292

Tertiary education
, 157–159

, 229–230

Theory of Reasoned Action
, 244–245

Third industrial revolution
, 4–5

3D printing
, 8

, 39–40

, 242

, 60–61

Transition process
, 229–230

Transport infrastructure
, 280

, 280

, 136–137

, 39–40

Unique selling point (USP)
, 140

United Kingdom (UK)
, 118

United Nations (UN)
, 96–97, 268

United Nations Decade of Sustainable Development (DESD)
, 92–94

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
, 109

United Nations Sustainable Development Summit
, 95

United States of America
, 288

, 18–19

University College of Dublin (UCD)
, 23

University colleges (UCs)
, 19

Unskilled labor
, 38

Upper middle income country (UM income country)
, 128

Urban areas
, 195

Urban Transformation Centers (UTC)
, 185–186

User networks
, 65

Value chain
, 223–224

Value chain analysis (VCA)
, 118–119

Water transport
, 283

West Malaysia
, 280


gaps and challenges
, 224–225

, 12

Working silos
, 143

World and Asian University Rankings (WUR/AUR)
, 21

World Economic Forum (WEF)
, 166

World Health Organization (WHO)
, 202

World university rankings
, 21

Yayasan Usaha Maju (YUM)
, 179–180

YIM (Malaysia Innovation Foundation)
, 183

“Your Success Begins Here” (TPM motto)
, 60

Chapter 1 SMEs Retailing in Malaysia: Challenges for Industrial Revolution 4.0 Implementation
Chapter 2 Education and Innovation Growth: Establishing Entrepreneurial University Framework in Malaysia
Chapter 3 An Overview of Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises: Contributions, Issues, and Challenges
Chapter 4 STEM Education in Malaysia: Fulfilling SMEs’ Expectation
Chapter 5 Technological Parks, Clusters, and Innovation Networks: Expected Transformation of Innovative Sectors
Chapter 6 Post COVID-19: Strategic Digital Entrepreneurship in Malaysia
Chapter 7 Agrarian Sector: Past, Present, and Future Directions toward Sustainable Palm Oil Plantations based on World Demand
Chapter 8 Malaysia on the Way to Sustainable Development: Circular Economy and Green Technologies
Chapter 9 The Importance of Industry Value Chain for Development of Malaysian Halal Industry
Chapter 10 Malaysia in Global Ratings: Position and Dynamics
Chapter 11 How to Create a Competitive Organization, Leveraging Strategic Capabilities in Malaysia
Chapter 12 Human Capital Development in Malaysia: Issues and Challenges
Chapter 13 Public–Private Partnership and Social Innovation in Malaysia
Chapter 14 Administrative Arrangement, Spatial Development, and Regional Policy in Malaysia
Chapter 15 Keeping Public Servants' Mental Health Intact During and Post COVID-19 Pandemic through the Islamic Mental Health Model
Chapter 16 Easing Up Transition: A Strategic Roadmap Toward Industry 4.0
Chapter 17 Fintech and Commercial Banks Development in Malaysia: Continuous Intention to Use Fintech Services in IR 4.0 Environment
Chapter 18 Franchising Perspective in Malaysia: Development, Supports, Issues, and Challenges
Chapter 19 Malaysia's Foreign Economic Policy and Trade Performance
Chapter 20 Current and Future Prospect of Logistics and Transportation Sector in Malaysia
Chapter 21 Malaysian Government Business Support and Assistance for Small and Medium Enterprises: A Case of COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis