Contemporary Global Issues in Human Resource Management
ISBN: 978-1-80043-393-9, eISBN: 978-1-80043-392-2
Publication date: 18 November 2020
(2020), "Prelims", Turkmenoglu, M.A. and Cicek, B. (Ed.) Contemporary Global Issues in Human Resource Management, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xix.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title
Contemporary Global Issues in Human Resource Management
Title Page
Contemporary Global Issues in Human Resource Management
Edited by
Dr Mehmet Ali Turkmenoglu
Muş Alparslan University, Turkey
Dr Berat Cicek
Muş Alparslan University, Turkey
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2021
Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited
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ISBN: 978-1-80043-393-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-80043-392-2 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-80043-394-6 (Epub)
Firstly, we would like to thank the authors who have written chapters to this book. This book would not be published without their work. We also would like to thank the reviewers whose feedback and comments were very helpful in developing and structuring the book. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Prof Dr Mehmet Eryılmaz for sparing time to write a foreword for this book. Our utmost gratitude must go to our wives and children for their patience and moral support during our preoccupation with this book.
List of Figures | ix |
List of Tables | xi |
About the Authors | xiii |
Foreword | xix |
Introduction Mehmet Ali Turkmenoglu and Berat Cicek |
1 |
Chapter 1 Contemporary Career Approaches for the Needs of Today’s Individuals and Organizations Berat Cicek |
9 |
Chapter 2 Exploring Appearance-based Discrimination in the Workplace Mehmet Ali Turkmenoglu |
23 |
Chapter 3 Diversity Management: Revealing the Need for a Context-specific Approach Duygu Acar Erdur |
37 |
Chapter 4 Work–Family Life Balance in the Changing Business World Meral Erdirençelebi |
53 |
Chapter 5 Human Resources Information Systems: A Recent Literature Survey Emrah Bilgic |
73 |
Chapter 6 Digital Transformation and Creation of an Agile Workforce: Exploring Company Initiatives and Employee Attitudes Deepanjana Varshney |
89 |
Chapter 7 Human Resource Management in Knowledge Intensive Firms Mustafa Doruk Mutlu |
107 |
Chapter 8 Human Resource Development Requirements in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Mandy Mok Kim Man |
129 |
Chapter 9 Addressing Training and Development Bottlenecks in HRM: Facilitating a Paradigm Shift in Building Human Capital in Global Organizations Ramnath Dixit and Vinita Sinha |
141 |
Chapter 10 Educating the Global-Minded Business Professional and Manager Luis Miguel Bolívar |
163 |
Chapter 11 Dealing with Contemporary Failings of Ethics, Training, and Wellbeing: A Developmental Foundation of Authentic Relations Joseph Crawford and Matthew Knox |
183 |
Chapter 12 A Sociological Perspective for Understanding the Transition to Retirement Pelin Önder Erol |
201 |
Chapter 13 The Future of Seafarers and the Seafarers of the Future from the Perspective of Human Resources Management Aziz Muslu |
219 |
Chapter 14 Understanding Organizational Culture and Managing the Effectiveness of Knowledge Transfer: A Case Study on Japanese Firms and Their Business Affiliates in Malaysia Wong Mei Foong and Shankar Chelliah |
239 |
Chapter 15 Human Resources Management in Non-profit Organizations: An Effective Approach to Manage Volunteers Mohammed Aboramadan |
257 |
Index | 273 |
List of Figures
Chapter 1
Fig. 1. | Dual Ladder Career Pathway. | 16 |
Chapter 6
Fig. 1. | The Role of the Digital HR and Its Components. | 102 |
Fig. 2. | Development of the Model. | 102 |
Chapter 7
Fig. 1. | Three Key Responsibilities of HRM in KIFs. | 111 |
Fig. 2. | Approaches to Retain KWs Within an Organization. | 115 |
Fig. 3. | Ways to Motivate and Satisfy KWs. | 119 |
Fig. 4. | HR Approaches to Address Contemporary Challenges of Knowledge Work. | 124 |
Chapter 10
Fig. 1. | Trends in IB Education. | 174 |
Chapter 13
Fig. 1. | Conventional Ship Organization Chart. | 223 |
Fig. 2. | Stakeholders in the Recruitment and Selection Processes of Seafarers. | 224 |
Fig. 3. | Maritime Legal Regulations and Amendments Stakeholder. | 227 |
List of Tables
Chapter 1
Table 1. | Characteristics of Current Career Models. | 19 |
Chapter 7
Table 1. | HRM Attraction Strategies Based on the Characteristics of KWs. | 114 |
Table 2. | HRM Approaches for Effective Knowledge Work. | 123 |
Chapter 8
Table 1. | Population, GDP and Mean Monthly Income of Various Countries (2017). | 131 |
Table 2. | ASEAN Members Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Performance (1999–2009). | 133 |
Table 3. | Human Capital Index of Various Countries (2018). | 134 |
Chapter 9
Table 1. | Underlying Causes for Training and Development Bottlenecks in Organizations. | 146 |
Table 2. | Recommended Solutions with Their Expected Benefits for Organizations. | 152 |
Chapter 10
Table 1. | IB Theories and Their Implications for IB Practice and Education. | 165 |
Table 2. | Studies of Training Needs in Different Industries. | 171 |
Chapter 11
Table 1. | Authentic Leader Definitions. | 191 |
About the Authors
Mohammed Aboramadan, PhD, is currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Department of Economics, Management and Statistics at the University of Milano-Bicocca. Aboramadan’s research interests are focused on HRM and leadership in service sectors such as non-profits, higher education, hotels and management development.
Emrah Bilgic, PhD, completed MSc in Statistics (2005) in Turkey. He started his master’s degree in Skovde/Sweden (2006) and got a Master of Finance degree. He worked at retailing companies in Turkey before he started his position as a Research Assistant in Istanbul at the Business School of Marmara University (2011). He was a Visiting Researcher at the University of Louisville in the United States during 2014–2015 at Data Mining Lab. with the supervision of Prof Dr Mehmed Kantardzic. After returning to Turkey, he received his PhD degree in Quantitative Methods in Business Department (2016) from Istanbul Marmara University. His research area is Business Analytics. He is still teaching at Kayseri University in Turkey.
Luis Miguel Bolívar is currently a Lecturer in International Business at the Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar in Cartagena, Colombia. He has more than 12 years of experience in international marketing and foreign trade in multiple industries. He holds a BSc in Industrial Administration, a master’s degree in International Business and Integration and is currently a doctoral candidate in Strategic Management and International Business at the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. He has published in journals such as International Business Review and Economía & Región in international trade and foreign direct investment topics. His research interest covers cross-border alliances, foreign trade and international business strategy.
Shankar Chelliah, PhD, Associate Professor, currently affiliates with Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), based in Penang, Malaysia. Prior becoming academician, he has 15 years of corporate experiences by holding various positions in blue chip companies such as Motorola and Intel. Currently positioned in the section of International Business and teaching subjects relating to cross cultural management, international human resources management, and international business management. Apart from supervising students at postgraduate level, he is actively involved in consultancy services and social responsibility initiatives to key clients from the industry. His current research interests include: (a) Policies and strategies relating to the internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and (b) Management of international operations, including corporate entrepreneurship, and survival strategies in both multinational enterprises, and small and medium enterprises.
Berat Cicek received his Bachelor’s degree in Tourism Management at Akdeniz University in 2007. Then, he completed his MA and PhD in Management and Organization at Inonu University in 2012 and 2016, respectively. With an academic career that spans over 10 years, the author conducted researches, which focuses on leadership, entrepreneurship, ethics, and behaviors at work from comparative, relational, and interdisciplinary perspectives. He has published over 20 papers in prestigious journals and conferences. He is still working as an Assistant Professor of Management and Organization in the Faculty of Administrative and Economics at Muş Alparslan University, Turkey.
Joseph Crawford, PhD, is a Leadership and Higher Education Development Researcher at the University of Tasmania, Australia, who seeks to create empirical solutions for growing unethical behavior in leaders. He has provided conceptualizations for the authentic leader and follower and published on best practice methodology for leadership measurement. He has published in top tier cross-disciplinary journals on leaders and leadership including Leadership Quarterly, Higher Education Research and Development, Australian Journal of Management, and Teaching in Higher Education. He is currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice and the Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching.
Ramnath Dixit is a Research Scholar at Symbiosis International (Deemed University), (SIU), Pune, India. He is also a Behavioral Training Facilitator and Proprietor at Squirrel Interventions, a training and development entity. He has been conducting behavioral training workshops for global organizations on areas of leadership, communication, customer service, team building and various other topics of business relevance. In a career spanning over 15 years, he has delivered trainings at over 125 organizations spanning 25 industry verticals and covering more than 7,000 participants. He has to his credit a research paper related to Training & Development, published in a Scopus Indexed Journal. Some of his noteworthy credentials include the following: Life-member and Diploma in Training & Development (Dip. T & D from ISTD, New Delhi, India), Certified Behavioral Trainer (Dale Carnegie Training, India), Neuro-linguistic Practitioner (School of Excellence, India) and Belbin Team Role Assessor (CERT, India).
Meral Erdirençelebi received her PhD in 2012 in the Department of Business Administration. Currently, she is an Academician with Applied Sciences Faculty, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey. She is specialized on organizational behavior. Her studies are on entrepreneurship, woman entrepreneurship, sustainability in family businesses and current issues at organizational behavior (presenteeism, burnout, intention to leave, nepotism, organizational loneliness, workaholism, work–family life balance, emotional labor).
Duygu Acar Erdur, Assistant Professor, held her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Business Administration from Uludag University. She received her PhD in 2010 with her thesis “Diffusion of Management Knowledge by Multinational Companies: A Research on Diversity Management Practices in the Turkish Context” from the department of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of the same university. Her research interests and expertise include the institutional theory, dissemination of management knowledge, diversity management. She works at the Business Administration Department (EN) of Beykent University since 2017 and gives lectures on Management, Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour. She is a Member of the Academy of Management and European Group of Organization Studies.
Pelin Önder Erol, Associate Professor, who has been affiliated with Sociology Department, Ege University, Turkey since 2005, received her undergraduate degree from Middle East Technical University, Sociology Department in 2004; and her PhD degree from Ege University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Sociology in 2011. She has been to Oxford University as a research fellow in 2010 as a part of her PhD study. She authored a book entitled İzmir’de Aile ve Doğurganlık (Family and Fertility in Izmir) and many book chapters and manuscripts in various subfields of sociology; also she has edited a book on sociology of education.
Mehmet Eryılmaz received his PhD from Bursa Uludağ University in 2005. He has been a Full-tenure Professor at the same university. His main interests include organization theory, strategic management, and research methodology. His articles were published in several scientific journals such as Management Research Review, Social Responsibility Journal, and METU Studies in Development. He is also one of the editors of the book entitled Business: Theory and Practice published in 2019.
Wong Mei Foong is a master’s degree graduate with research thrust area in internationalization and cross-border knowledge transfer. Foong is with Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia.
Matthew Knox is an Researcher at the University of Tasmania, Australia with a passion for understanding how to create a better world. His current work is focused on understanding authentic followers and their role in enabling ethical leader behaviors. Within this context, he focuses on human resource constructs including wellbeing, identity, and human resource development. He is currently completing his honours program focusing on understanding the effects of authenticity and sincerity during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Mandy Mok Kim Man, PhD, is a Lecturer at the University of Reading, Malaysia. She was a scholar of Kobe Gakuin University, Japan, and collaborated in a prestigious research project with the Faculty of Business and Administration, Kobe Gakuin University, Japan. Her research interests are in the areas of human resource management and development, entrepreneurship, strategic management and innovation and digital marketing. Her works have been published in established journals. She has also contributed chapters in books published in Malaysia and the United States. She has supervised students for their theses and also been involved in consultancy works.
Aziz Muslu received his Bachelor’s degree in Economics at Muğla University in 2001. Then, he completed his MA from Marmara University Management and Labor Psychology in 2008 and PhD in Maritime Business Administration from Istanbul University in 2015, respectively. Before the academic carrier, there are private-sector experiences as ship operation managers and yacht managers. With an academic career that spans over four years, the author conducted researches, which focuses on Marin Tourism Management, Maritime Management, Labor Relationship, Quality Management, Human Resources Management, and interdisciplinary perspectives. Muslu has published over 31 papers in relevant journals and conferences. The author is still working as an Assistant Professor of Maritime Business Management and Organization in the Faculty of Marin Sciences at Ordu University.
Mustafa Doruk Mutlu, PhD, was born in Ankara in 1984. He completed his primary, secondary and undergraduate education in Ankara. In 2009, he earned a scholarship from the Ministry National of Education in Turkey and completed his master’s degree at Warwick Business School, and his doctorate at the Institute of Business Psychology at the Sheffield School of Management. He continues to serve as a Faculty Member with the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Yozgat Bozok University, Turkey. His research outputs mainly revolve around management and knowledge sharing in knowledge intensive firms.
Vinita Sinha is an Associate Professor (OB & HR) at the Symbiosis Center of Management & Human Resource Development (SCMHRD), a constituent of Symbiosis International University, Pune, India. She is a Doctorate in Psychology and Masters in Psychology with specialization in OB. She also holds Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management, Post Graduate Diploma in Health Psychology & Behavior Modification and Master’s Diploma in Higher Education and Andragogy. She has over 14 years of work experience in core teaching and research and is a recognized research supervisor at Symbiosis International University. Her areas of interest include Psychology, OB & HR, evolving trends in management and education, social media, accreditation, psychological issues at work, quality aspects of work, psychological well-being, work stress, role stress, attrition trends, etc. She has presented several papers in international conferences and published more than 30 research papers in refereed international and national journals of repute.
Mehmet Ali Turkmenoglu received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the Faculty of Administrative and Economics, Uludag University, Turkey, in 2009. He began his academic career by studying MSc in Human Resources Management at the University of Surrey in the UK. After receiving his MSc degree at the University of Surrey in 2012, he pursued his PhD degree at the Business School of Brunel University London. He received his PhD degree by successfully defending his thesis in 2016. His research interests range from organisational behavior subjects and social issues of organisations through to crisis, digitization, and social movements studies. He has a number of publications in prestigious outlets. In 2017, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor of Management and Organization to Faculty of Administrative and Economics at Muş Alparslan University, Turkey, where he was appointed as the Head of the business administration department in 2018.
Deepanjana Varshney, PhD, is a Professor with CMS Business School, Jain University, India and has around 20 years of academic experience in India and overseas universities. She has been publishing her research in Web of Science and Scopus-indexed international journals. She has been extensively involved in research focusing on employee minorities, dysfunctional employee behavior, gender issues, and employee migration. She is a reviewer to some of these indexed journals too. She has recently published her research in the areas of Social loafing, Perceived Organizational politics and Self Concept; Learning Organization, Job involvement and Satisfaction. Her recent publication has been on workforce agility, emotional intelligence, and performance of employees in small business firms.
As is known, today, humans are among the most vital resources for all types of organizations that endeavor to survive in a hyper-competitive environment. However, effective management of humans and other valuable resources in an organization is also significant. In the literature, there are precious scholarly resources on Human Resources Management (HRM) issues from a more classical perspective. However, as is known, we are living in an age described by various names such as the “age of computers,” “digital age,” “digital era,” “knowledge era,” “technological age,” etc. Therefore, understanding the requirements of this new era and adapting HRM processes to these new requirements seem crucial. However, majority of the literature that recognized the significance of the digital age seems to be based on interactions between requirements of the new era and organizational structures, organizational leadership, etc., neglecting the issues associated with HRM in this new age to a great extent.
Therefore, without completely ignoring traditional issues, this book provides valuable insight into HRM in this new era. In addition to including certain relatively traditional issues on HRM such as “discrimination,” “diversity management,” “ethics,” and “work–family balance”; the book also includes certain contemporary and timely issues such as “agile workforce,” “digital transformation,” “globalization,” “human resource information systems,” “industry 4.0,” “knowledge-intensive firms,” “knowledge transfer,” etc. within the context of HRM. Thus, the current book has a big potential for bridging an important gap in the field. Furthermore, contributors to the book are from entirely different countries such as Australia, Colombia, India, Italy, Malaysia, and Turkey, which would help the acquisition of a global perspective by the readers on these current developments in the field.
No wonder there will be other books and articles in journals in the future that would endeavor to link HRM and the requirements of the digital age. However, it is inevitable that this book will be among the most beneficial initial steps in a long and arduous period of time. Finally, I also hope that the current book will create various benefits for HRM practitioners as well as individuals on the scholar circles.
Mehmet Eryılmaz
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Bursa Uludağ University, Turkey
- Prelims
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Contemporary Career Approaches for the Needs of Today’s Individuals and Organizations
- Education Situation of Roma in Selected Central and Eastern European Countries
- Chapter 2: Exploring Appearance-based Discrimination in the Workplace
- Chapter 3: Diversity Management: Revealing the Need for a Context-specific Approach
- Chapter 4: Work–Family Life Balance in the Changing Business World
- Chapter 5: Human Resources Information Systems: A Recent Literature Survey
- Chapter 6: Digital Transformation and Creation of an Agile Workforce: Exploring Company Initiatives and Employee Attitudes
- Chapter 7: Human Resource Management in Knowledge Intensive Firms
- Chapter 8: Human Resource Development Requirements in Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Chapter 9: Addressing Training and Development Bottlenecks in HRM: Facilitating a Paradigm Shift in Building Human Capital in Global Organizations
- Chapter 10: Educating the Global-Minded Business Professional and Manager
- Chapter 11: Dealing with Contemporary Failings of Ethics, Training, and Wellbeing: A Developmental Foundation of Authentic Relations
- Chapter 12: A Sociological Perspective for Understanding the Transition to Retirement
- Chapter 13: The Future of Seafarers and the Seafarers of the Future from the Perspective of Human Resources Management
- Chapter 14: Understanding Organizational Culture and Managing the Effectiveness of Knowledge Transfer: A Case Study on Japanese Firms and their Business Affiliates in Malaysia
- Chapter 15: Human Resources Management in Non-profit Organizations: An Effective Approach to Manage Volunteers
- Index