Legal Protection for Traditional Knowledge
ISBN: 978-1-80043-066-2, eISBN: 978-1-80043-063-1
Publication date: 18 June 2020
Bhukta, A. (2020), "Index", Legal Protection for Traditional Knowledge, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 167-173.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited
Aboriginal communities, 1, 5, 7, 68, 137
Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS)
bio-prospecting, 62
bio-resources, 62
Bonn Guidelines, 64–66
Hoodia, 70–71
INBio-Merck agreement, 72
Jeevani, 69–70
Nagoya Protocol, 66–68
Acupuncture, 23
African Model Law, 122
Agro-climatic conditions, 117
All India Coordinated Research Project on Ethnobiology (AICRPE), 69
Amazon rainforest, 60
Antibiotic-resistant tobacco plant, 31
AstraZeneca, 53
Aventis, 53
Ayahuasca, 59–60
Ayurveda, 57
Berne Convention, 83, 84, 131, 133
Biodiversity, 19, 25–26, 49–50
Biodiversity Act, 2002, 108–111
Biodiversity Convention, 6
Bio insecticides, 24
Biological resources, 5
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 35–40
legislation, 123
traditional knowledge (TK), 10
Bio pesticides, 24
Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Mechanism, 62–68, 62–72
ayahuasca, 59–60
biodiversity, 49–50
definition, 45–46
economic impacts, 46–57
Enola bean, 61
exchequer, 49
food security, 48, 50–54
health security, 48–49, 54–57
incidents, 59
in India, 57–59
livelihood, of indigenous people, 47–48
neem, 58–59
probability, 4
traditional knowledge (TK), 11
turmeric, 57–58
Bio-prospecting, 62, 72, 78
Biotechnology, 3, 8, 21, 46, 112, 127
BioZulua project, Venezuela, 94–95
Bonn Guidelines
mutually agreed terms (MAT), 65–66
prior informed consent (PIC), 64–65
Breeders, 3, 6, 32, 128, 113–115
Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL), 60
Codified traditional knowledge, 87
Community knowledge, 145
Conference of the Parties (COP), 39
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 27
biological resources, 37
Conference of the Parties (COP), 39
indigenous and local communities, 35
mutually agreed terms (MAT), 38
prior informed consent (PIC), 38
Copyright Act, 45, 73, 81–84, 107–108
adaptation, 132
authorship, 130
fixation requirement, 131–132
limited term of protection, 133
originality, 129–130
traditional cultural expression (TCE), 128–129
Council of Scientific Research (CSIR), 58
Cultural heritage, 20
Da Vine, 60
Defensive protection, 75–78, 87
BioZulua project, Venezuela, 94–95
codified traditional knowledge, 87
definition, 87
initiatives, India, 90–92
Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), 94
non-codified traditional knowledge, 94
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 92–93
traditional knowledge databases, 92
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88–90
Ulwazi Programme, Durban, 95
Doha Declaration, 142
Dow Chemical, 53
DuPont, 53
Enola bean, 61
European Patent Office (EPO), 58
Exchequer, 49
Farmers rights, 113–114
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 5, 27, 31–33, 50, 80
Food insecurity, 50
Food security, 25
definition, 50
genetically modified (GM) crops, 52
green revolution, 51
herbicide-resistant plants, 53
high-yielding varieties (HYV) seeds, 51
mono-cropping culture, 51
weed species, 53
Gene Giants, 53
Genetically modified organism (GMO), 31
Genetic resources
bio-resources, 63
Bonn Guidelines, 64
demand for, 8
importance, 19
Nagoya Protocol, 66
plant patent, 79
prior informed consent (PIC), 64
traditional knowledge (TK), 27
Geographical indication (GI), 40, 80–81
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
definition, 106
limitations of, 133–135
Globalization, 25
Green revolution, 51
Health security, 48–49, 54
biodiversity, 56
herbal medicine, 56
medicinal plants, 55
Herbicide-resistant plants, 53
High-yielding varieties (HYV) seeds, 3, 51, 80
Holders rights, 115–116
Hoodia, 70–71
Human civilization, 7
INBio-Merck agreement, 72
Industrial property, 73
Insecticide, 52
Insofar, 62
Intellectual property (IP), 2, 73
copyright, 73
defensive protection, 87
definition, 73
industrial property, 73
intellectual property right (IPR), 73–74
positive protection, 78
traditional knowledge (TK), 74–75
World Trade Organization (WTO), 74
Intellectual property rights (IPR), 8, 12, 73–74, 97
International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources (IUPGR), 32
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), 28
comparison, 29
Distinctiveness criteria, 30
Novelty criteria, 29–30
Stability criteria, 31
Uniformity criteria, 30
Jeevani, 69–70
Kabiraj family, 19
Kerala Kani Samudaya Kshema Trust (KKSKT), 69
Knowledge-holders, 121
Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), 94
Local communities, 124
Medicines, 18–20
Modern medicines, 21
Mono-cropping culture, 51
Monsanto, 53
Multi-national companies (MNC), 9, 45, 46, 87, 100, 112
Mutually agreed terms (MAT), 38, 63, 65–66, 145
Nagoya Protocol, 66–68
National Competent Authority, 124
Natural resources, 5
Neem, 58–59
Non-codified traditional knowledge, 94
Novartis, 53
Paris Convention, 79, 81, 98–99, 103
Patent, 78
European Patent Office (EPO), 58
limitations of, 126–127
non-biological matters, 2
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
turmeric, 9
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Patent Act of India
in 1970, 101–104
amendments, 104–105
The Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911, 98–101
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
Patent Law treaty (PLT), 34
Pharmacia, 53
Phytopharm, 71
Plant patent, 79–80
genetic resources, 47
indigenous communities, 128
limitations of, 127–128
Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act (PPVRA), 140
Positive protection
copyright, 81–84
geographical indication, 80–81
patent, 78
plant patent, 79–80
trademark, 84–85
trade secrets, 85–86
Prior informed consent (PIC), 38, 64–65, 67, 120, 123, 146
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001
breeders rights, 114–115
farmers rights, 113–114
holders rights, 115–116
TRIPS agreement, 112
Recombinant DNA technology, 5
Seeds Bill, 116–118
Sui genesis, 6, 93, 112, 125, 133, 142
Syngenta, 53
Trademark, 84–85, 135–136
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 6, 40–43, 50, 80, 84, 86
Trade secrets, 85–86, 136–138
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 92–93
Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE), 10, 20, 127, 135, 139–140
Traditional knowledge (TK), 7, 74–75
advancement of science, 23–24
Africa, 122–124
agriculture, 18
Biodiversity Act, 2002, 108–111
biological resources, 10
bio-piracy, 1, 11
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 27, 35–40
Copyright Act, 1957, 107–108
cultural identity, 26
defensive protection, 76–78
definition, 1, 15–17
economic importance, 21–22
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 31–33
food security, 25
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, 106
importance, 22
indigenous communities, 22
initiatives, India, 98
intellectual property right (IPR), 97
international milestones, 27–28
international union, 28–31
medicinal benefit, 22–23
misappropriation, 1, 12
Panama, 120–122
Patent Act of India, 98
The Philippines, 118–120
positive protection, 75–76
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001. See Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer's Rights Act, 2001
Seeds Bill, 116–118
traditional cultural expressions (TCE), 20
World Intellectual Protection Organization (WIPO), 33–35
World Trade Organization (WTO), 40–43
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88–90
Traditional medicines, 21, 23
definition, 23
insofar, 62
traditional knowledge (TK), 1
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88
Transgenerational, 1, 140
Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI), 69
Turmeric, 57–58
Ulwazi Programme, Durban, 95
Unani therapy, 62
UNDP, 47, 48
United Nations (UN), 28, 33, 34, 37, 42
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Weed species, 53
World Food Summit (WFS), 50
World Health Organization (WHO), 23, 54, 56
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), 1, 20, 33–35, 75, 85, 132
World Trade Organization (WTO), 27, 45, 74, 97, 127, 142
bio-resources, 41
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 42
Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL), 60
Codified traditional knowledge, 87
Community knowledge, 145
Conference of the Parties (COP), 39
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 27
biological resources, 37
Conference of the Parties (COP), 39
indigenous and local communities, 35
mutually agreed terms (MAT), 38
prior informed consent (PIC), 38
Copyright Act, 45, 73, 81–84, 107–108
adaptation, 132
authorship, 130
fixation requirement, 131–132
limited term of protection, 133
originality, 129–130
traditional cultural expression (TCE), 128–129
Council of Scientific Research (CSIR), 58
Cultural heritage, 20
Da Vine, 60
Defensive protection, 75–78, 87
BioZulua project, Venezuela, 94–95
codified traditional knowledge, 87
definition, 87
initiatives, India, 90–92
Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), 94
non-codified traditional knowledge, 94
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 92–93
traditional knowledge databases, 92
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88–90
Ulwazi Programme, Durban, 95
Doha Declaration, 142
Dow Chemical, 53
DuPont, 53
Enola bean, 61
European Patent Office (EPO), 58
Exchequer, 49
Farmers rights, 113–114
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 5, 27, 31–33, 50, 80
Food insecurity, 50
Food security, 25
definition, 50
genetically modified (GM) crops, 52
green revolution, 51
herbicide-resistant plants, 53
high-yielding varieties (HYV) seeds, 51
mono-cropping culture, 51
weed species, 53
Gene Giants, 53
Genetically modified organism (GMO), 31
Genetic resources
bio-resources, 63
Bonn Guidelines, 64
demand for, 8
importance, 19
Nagoya Protocol, 66
plant patent, 79
prior informed consent (PIC), 64
traditional knowledge (TK), 27
Geographical indication (GI), 40, 80–81
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
definition, 106
limitations of, 133–135
Globalization, 25
Green revolution, 51
Health security, 48–49, 54
biodiversity, 56
herbal medicine, 56
medicinal plants, 55
Herbicide-resistant plants, 53
High-yielding varieties (HYV) seeds, 3, 51, 80
Holders rights, 115–116
Hoodia, 70–71
Human civilization, 7
INBio-Merck agreement, 72
Industrial property, 73
Insecticide, 52
Insofar, 62
Intellectual property (IP), 2, 73
copyright, 73
defensive protection, 87
definition, 73
industrial property, 73
intellectual property right (IPR), 73–74
positive protection, 78
traditional knowledge (TK), 74–75
World Trade Organization (WTO), 74
Intellectual property rights (IPR), 8, 12, 73–74, 97
International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources (IUPGR), 32
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), 28
comparison, 29
Distinctiveness criteria, 30
Novelty criteria, 29–30
Stability criteria, 31
Uniformity criteria, 30
Jeevani, 69–70
Kabiraj family, 19
Kerala Kani Samudaya Kshema Trust (KKSKT), 69
Knowledge-holders, 121
Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), 94
Local communities, 124
Medicines, 18–20
Modern medicines, 21
Mono-cropping culture, 51
Monsanto, 53
Multi-national companies (MNC), 9, 45, 46, 87, 100, 112
Mutually agreed terms (MAT), 38, 63, 65–66, 145
Nagoya Protocol, 66–68
National Competent Authority, 124
Natural resources, 5
Neem, 58–59
Non-codified traditional knowledge, 94
Novartis, 53
Paris Convention, 79, 81, 98–99, 103
Patent, 78
European Patent Office (EPO), 58
limitations of, 126–127
non-biological matters, 2
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
turmeric, 9
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Patent Act of India
in 1970, 101–104
amendments, 104–105
The Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911, 98–101
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
Patent Law treaty (PLT), 34
Pharmacia, 53
Phytopharm, 71
Plant patent, 79–80
genetic resources, 47
indigenous communities, 128
limitations of, 127–128
Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act (PPVRA), 140
Positive protection
copyright, 81–84
geographical indication, 80–81
patent, 78
plant patent, 79–80
trademark, 84–85
trade secrets, 85–86
Prior informed consent (PIC), 38, 64–65, 67, 120, 123, 146
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001
breeders rights, 114–115
farmers rights, 113–114
holders rights, 115–116
TRIPS agreement, 112
Recombinant DNA technology, 5
Seeds Bill, 116–118
Sui genesis, 6, 93, 112, 125, 133, 142
Syngenta, 53
Trademark, 84–85, 135–136
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 6, 40–43, 50, 80, 84, 86
Trade secrets, 85–86, 136–138
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 92–93
Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE), 10, 20, 127, 135, 139–140
Traditional knowledge (TK), 7, 74–75
advancement of science, 23–24
Africa, 122–124
agriculture, 18
Biodiversity Act, 2002, 108–111
biological resources, 10
bio-piracy, 1, 11
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 27, 35–40
Copyright Act, 1957, 107–108
cultural identity, 26
defensive protection, 76–78
definition, 1, 15–17
economic importance, 21–22
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 31–33
food security, 25
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, 106
importance, 22
indigenous communities, 22
initiatives, India, 98
intellectual property right (IPR), 97
international milestones, 27–28
international union, 28–31
medicinal benefit, 22–23
misappropriation, 1, 12
Panama, 120–122
Patent Act of India, 98
The Philippines, 118–120
positive protection, 75–76
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001. See Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer's Rights Act, 2001
Seeds Bill, 116–118
traditional cultural expressions (TCE), 20
World Intellectual Protection Organization (WIPO), 33–35
World Trade Organization (WTO), 40–43
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88–90
Traditional medicines, 21, 23
definition, 23
insofar, 62
traditional knowledge (TK), 1
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88
Transgenerational, 1, 140
Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI), 69
Turmeric, 57–58
Ulwazi Programme, Durban, 95
Unani therapy, 62
UNDP, 47, 48
United Nations (UN), 28, 33, 34, 37, 42
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Weed species, 53
World Food Summit (WFS), 50
World Health Organization (WHO), 23, 54, 56
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), 1, 20, 33–35, 75, 85, 132
World Trade Organization (WTO), 27, 45, 74, 97, 127, 142
bio-resources, 41
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 42
Enola bean, 61
European Patent Office (EPO), 58
Exchequer, 49
Farmers rights, 113–114
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 5, 27, 31–33, 50, 80
Food insecurity, 50
Food security, 25
definition, 50
genetically modified (GM) crops, 52
green revolution, 51
herbicide-resistant plants, 53
high-yielding varieties (HYV) seeds, 51
mono-cropping culture, 51
weed species, 53
Gene Giants, 53
Genetically modified organism (GMO), 31
Genetic resources
bio-resources, 63
Bonn Guidelines, 64
demand for, 8
importance, 19
Nagoya Protocol, 66
plant patent, 79
prior informed consent (PIC), 64
traditional knowledge (TK), 27
Geographical indication (GI), 40, 80–81
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
definition, 106
limitations of, 133–135
Globalization, 25
Green revolution, 51
Health security, 48–49, 54
biodiversity, 56
herbal medicine, 56
medicinal plants, 55
Herbicide-resistant plants, 53
High-yielding varieties (HYV) seeds, 3, 51, 80
Holders rights, 115–116
Hoodia, 70–71
Human civilization, 7
INBio-Merck agreement, 72
Industrial property, 73
Insecticide, 52
Insofar, 62
Intellectual property (IP), 2, 73
copyright, 73
defensive protection, 87
definition, 73
industrial property, 73
intellectual property right (IPR), 73–74
positive protection, 78
traditional knowledge (TK), 74–75
World Trade Organization (WTO), 74
Intellectual property rights (IPR), 8, 12, 73–74, 97
International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources (IUPGR), 32
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), 28
comparison, 29
Distinctiveness criteria, 30
Novelty criteria, 29–30
Stability criteria, 31
Uniformity criteria, 30
Jeevani, 69–70
Kabiraj family, 19
Kerala Kani Samudaya Kshema Trust (KKSKT), 69
Knowledge-holders, 121
Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), 94
Local communities, 124
Medicines, 18–20
Modern medicines, 21
Mono-cropping culture, 51
Monsanto, 53
Multi-national companies (MNC), 9, 45, 46, 87, 100, 112
Mutually agreed terms (MAT), 38, 63, 65–66, 145
Nagoya Protocol, 66–68
National Competent Authority, 124
Natural resources, 5
Neem, 58–59
Non-codified traditional knowledge, 94
Novartis, 53
Paris Convention, 79, 81, 98–99, 103
Patent, 78
European Patent Office (EPO), 58
limitations of, 126–127
non-biological matters, 2
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
turmeric, 9
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Patent Act of India
in 1970, 101–104
amendments, 104–105
The Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911, 98–101
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
Patent Law treaty (PLT), 34
Pharmacia, 53
Phytopharm, 71
Plant patent, 79–80
genetic resources, 47
indigenous communities, 128
limitations of, 127–128
Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act (PPVRA), 140
Positive protection
copyright, 81–84
geographical indication, 80–81
patent, 78
plant patent, 79–80
trademark, 84–85
trade secrets, 85–86
Prior informed consent (PIC), 38, 64–65, 67, 120, 123, 146
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001
breeders rights, 114–115
farmers rights, 113–114
holders rights, 115–116
TRIPS agreement, 112
Recombinant DNA technology, 5
Seeds Bill, 116–118
Sui genesis, 6, 93, 112, 125, 133, 142
Syngenta, 53
Trademark, 84–85, 135–136
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 6, 40–43, 50, 80, 84, 86
Trade secrets, 85–86, 136–138
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 92–93
Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE), 10, 20, 127, 135, 139–140
Traditional knowledge (TK), 7, 74–75
advancement of science, 23–24
Africa, 122–124
agriculture, 18
Biodiversity Act, 2002, 108–111
biological resources, 10
bio-piracy, 1, 11
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 27, 35–40
Copyright Act, 1957, 107–108
cultural identity, 26
defensive protection, 76–78
definition, 1, 15–17
economic importance, 21–22
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 31–33
food security, 25
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, 106
importance, 22
indigenous communities, 22
initiatives, India, 98
intellectual property right (IPR), 97
international milestones, 27–28
international union, 28–31
medicinal benefit, 22–23
misappropriation, 1, 12
Panama, 120–122
Patent Act of India, 98
The Philippines, 118–120
positive protection, 75–76
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001. See Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer's Rights Act, 2001
Seeds Bill, 116–118
traditional cultural expressions (TCE), 20
World Intellectual Protection Organization (WIPO), 33–35
World Trade Organization (WTO), 40–43
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88–90
Traditional medicines, 21, 23
definition, 23
insofar, 62
traditional knowledge (TK), 1
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88
Transgenerational, 1, 140
Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI), 69
Turmeric, 57–58
Ulwazi Programme, Durban, 95
Unani therapy, 62
UNDP, 47, 48
United Nations (UN), 28, 33, 34, 37, 42
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Weed species, 53
World Food Summit (WFS), 50
World Health Organization (WHO), 23, 54, 56
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), 1, 20, 33–35, 75, 85, 132
World Trade Organization (WTO), 27, 45, 74, 97, 127, 142
bio-resources, 41
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 42
Gene Giants, 53
Genetically modified organism (GMO), 31
Genetic resources
bio-resources, 63
Bonn Guidelines, 64
demand for, 8
importance, 19
Nagoya Protocol, 66
plant patent, 79
prior informed consent (PIC), 64
traditional knowledge (TK), 27
Geographical indication (GI), 40, 80–81
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
definition, 106
limitations of, 133–135
Globalization, 25
Green revolution, 51
Health security, 48–49, 54
biodiversity, 56
herbal medicine, 56
medicinal plants, 55
Herbicide-resistant plants, 53
High-yielding varieties (HYV) seeds, 3, 51, 80
Holders rights, 115–116
Hoodia, 70–71
Human civilization, 7
INBio-Merck agreement, 72
Industrial property, 73
Insecticide, 52
Insofar, 62
Intellectual property (IP), 2, 73
copyright, 73
defensive protection, 87
definition, 73
industrial property, 73
intellectual property right (IPR), 73–74
positive protection, 78
traditional knowledge (TK), 74–75
World Trade Organization (WTO), 74
Intellectual property rights (IPR), 8, 12, 73–74, 97
International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources (IUPGR), 32
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), 28
comparison, 29
Distinctiveness criteria, 30
Novelty criteria, 29–30
Stability criteria, 31
Uniformity criteria, 30
Jeevani, 69–70
Kabiraj family, 19
Kerala Kani Samudaya Kshema Trust (KKSKT), 69
Knowledge-holders, 121
Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), 94
Local communities, 124
Medicines, 18–20
Modern medicines, 21
Mono-cropping culture, 51
Monsanto, 53
Multi-national companies (MNC), 9, 45, 46, 87, 100, 112
Mutually agreed terms (MAT), 38, 63, 65–66, 145
Nagoya Protocol, 66–68
National Competent Authority, 124
Natural resources, 5
Neem, 58–59
Non-codified traditional knowledge, 94
Novartis, 53
Paris Convention, 79, 81, 98–99, 103
Patent, 78
European Patent Office (EPO), 58
limitations of, 126–127
non-biological matters, 2
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
turmeric, 9
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Patent Act of India
in 1970, 101–104
amendments, 104–105
The Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911, 98–101
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
Patent Law treaty (PLT), 34
Pharmacia, 53
Phytopharm, 71
Plant patent, 79–80
genetic resources, 47
indigenous communities, 128
limitations of, 127–128
Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act (PPVRA), 140
Positive protection
copyright, 81–84
geographical indication, 80–81
patent, 78
plant patent, 79–80
trademark, 84–85
trade secrets, 85–86
Prior informed consent (PIC), 38, 64–65, 67, 120, 123, 146
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001
breeders rights, 114–115
farmers rights, 113–114
holders rights, 115–116
TRIPS agreement, 112
Recombinant DNA technology, 5
Seeds Bill, 116–118
Sui genesis, 6, 93, 112, 125, 133, 142
Syngenta, 53
Trademark, 84–85, 135–136
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 6, 40–43, 50, 80, 84, 86
Trade secrets, 85–86, 136–138
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 92–93
Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE), 10, 20, 127, 135, 139–140
Traditional knowledge (TK), 7, 74–75
advancement of science, 23–24
Africa, 122–124
agriculture, 18
Biodiversity Act, 2002, 108–111
biological resources, 10
bio-piracy, 1, 11
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 27, 35–40
Copyright Act, 1957, 107–108
cultural identity, 26
defensive protection, 76–78
definition, 1, 15–17
economic importance, 21–22
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 31–33
food security, 25
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, 106
importance, 22
indigenous communities, 22
initiatives, India, 98
intellectual property right (IPR), 97
international milestones, 27–28
international union, 28–31
medicinal benefit, 22–23
misappropriation, 1, 12
Panama, 120–122
Patent Act of India, 98
The Philippines, 118–120
positive protection, 75–76
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001. See Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer's Rights Act, 2001
Seeds Bill, 116–118
traditional cultural expressions (TCE), 20
World Intellectual Protection Organization (WIPO), 33–35
World Trade Organization (WTO), 40–43
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88–90
Traditional medicines, 21, 23
definition, 23
insofar, 62
traditional knowledge (TK), 1
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88
Transgenerational, 1, 140
Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI), 69
Turmeric, 57–58
Ulwazi Programme, Durban, 95
Unani therapy, 62
UNDP, 47, 48
United Nations (UN), 28, 33, 34, 37, 42
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Weed species, 53
World Food Summit (WFS), 50
World Health Organization (WHO), 23, 54, 56
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), 1, 20, 33–35, 75, 85, 132
World Trade Organization (WTO), 27, 45, 74, 97, 127, 142
bio-resources, 41
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 42
INBio-Merck agreement, 72
Industrial property, 73
Insecticide, 52
Insofar, 62
Intellectual property (IP), 2, 73
copyright, 73
defensive protection, 87
definition, 73
industrial property, 73
intellectual property right (IPR), 73–74
positive protection, 78
traditional knowledge (TK), 74–75
World Trade Organization (WTO), 74
Intellectual property rights (IPR), 8, 12, 73–74, 97
International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources (IUPGR), 32
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), 28
comparison, 29
Distinctiveness criteria, 30
Novelty criteria, 29–30
Stability criteria, 31
Uniformity criteria, 30
Jeevani, 69–70
Kabiraj family, 19
Kerala Kani Samudaya Kshema Trust (KKSKT), 69
Knowledge-holders, 121
Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), 94
Local communities, 124
Medicines, 18–20
Modern medicines, 21
Mono-cropping culture, 51
Monsanto, 53
Multi-national companies (MNC), 9, 45, 46, 87, 100, 112
Mutually agreed terms (MAT), 38, 63, 65–66, 145
Nagoya Protocol, 66–68
National Competent Authority, 124
Natural resources, 5
Neem, 58–59
Non-codified traditional knowledge, 94
Novartis, 53
Paris Convention, 79, 81, 98–99, 103
Patent, 78
European Patent Office (EPO), 58
limitations of, 126–127
non-biological matters, 2
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
turmeric, 9
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Patent Act of India
in 1970, 101–104
amendments, 104–105
The Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911, 98–101
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
Patent Law treaty (PLT), 34
Pharmacia, 53
Phytopharm, 71
Plant patent, 79–80
genetic resources, 47
indigenous communities, 128
limitations of, 127–128
Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act (PPVRA), 140
Positive protection
copyright, 81–84
geographical indication, 80–81
patent, 78
plant patent, 79–80
trademark, 84–85
trade secrets, 85–86
Prior informed consent (PIC), 38, 64–65, 67, 120, 123, 146
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001
breeders rights, 114–115
farmers rights, 113–114
holders rights, 115–116
TRIPS agreement, 112
Recombinant DNA technology, 5
Seeds Bill, 116–118
Sui genesis, 6, 93, 112, 125, 133, 142
Syngenta, 53
Trademark, 84–85, 135–136
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 6, 40–43, 50, 80, 84, 86
Trade secrets, 85–86, 136–138
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 92–93
Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE), 10, 20, 127, 135, 139–140
Traditional knowledge (TK), 7, 74–75
advancement of science, 23–24
Africa, 122–124
agriculture, 18
Biodiversity Act, 2002, 108–111
biological resources, 10
bio-piracy, 1, 11
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 27, 35–40
Copyright Act, 1957, 107–108
cultural identity, 26
defensive protection, 76–78
definition, 1, 15–17
economic importance, 21–22
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 31–33
food security, 25
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, 106
importance, 22
indigenous communities, 22
initiatives, India, 98
intellectual property right (IPR), 97
international milestones, 27–28
international union, 28–31
medicinal benefit, 22–23
misappropriation, 1, 12
Panama, 120–122
Patent Act of India, 98
The Philippines, 118–120
positive protection, 75–76
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001. See Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer's Rights Act, 2001
Seeds Bill, 116–118
traditional cultural expressions (TCE), 20
World Intellectual Protection Organization (WIPO), 33–35
World Trade Organization (WTO), 40–43
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88–90
Traditional medicines, 21, 23
definition, 23
insofar, 62
traditional knowledge (TK), 1
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88
Transgenerational, 1, 140
Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI), 69
Turmeric, 57–58
Ulwazi Programme, Durban, 95
Unani therapy, 62
UNDP, 47, 48
United Nations (UN), 28, 33, 34, 37, 42
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Weed species, 53
World Food Summit (WFS), 50
World Health Organization (WHO), 23, 54, 56
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), 1, 20, 33–35, 75, 85, 132
World Trade Organization (WTO), 27, 45, 74, 97, 127, 142
bio-resources, 41
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 42
Kabiraj family, 19
Kerala Kani Samudaya Kshema Trust (KKSKT), 69
Knowledge-holders, 121
Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), 94
Local communities, 124
Medicines, 18–20
Modern medicines, 21
Mono-cropping culture, 51
Monsanto, 53
Multi-national companies (MNC), 9, 45, 46, 87, 100, 112
Mutually agreed terms (MAT), 38, 63, 65–66, 145
Nagoya Protocol, 66–68
National Competent Authority, 124
Natural resources, 5
Neem, 58–59
Non-codified traditional knowledge, 94
Novartis, 53
Paris Convention, 79, 81, 98–99, 103
Patent, 78
European Patent Office (EPO), 58
limitations of, 126–127
non-biological matters, 2
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
turmeric, 9
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Patent Act of India
in 1970, 101–104
amendments, 104–105
The Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911, 98–101
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
Patent Law treaty (PLT), 34
Pharmacia, 53
Phytopharm, 71
Plant patent, 79–80
genetic resources, 47
indigenous communities, 128
limitations of, 127–128
Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act (PPVRA), 140
Positive protection
copyright, 81–84
geographical indication, 80–81
patent, 78
plant patent, 79–80
trademark, 84–85
trade secrets, 85–86
Prior informed consent (PIC), 38, 64–65, 67, 120, 123, 146
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001
breeders rights, 114–115
farmers rights, 113–114
holders rights, 115–116
TRIPS agreement, 112
Recombinant DNA technology, 5
Seeds Bill, 116–118
Sui genesis, 6, 93, 112, 125, 133, 142
Syngenta, 53
Trademark, 84–85, 135–136
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 6, 40–43, 50, 80, 84, 86
Trade secrets, 85–86, 136–138
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 92–93
Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE), 10, 20, 127, 135, 139–140
Traditional knowledge (TK), 7, 74–75
advancement of science, 23–24
Africa, 122–124
agriculture, 18
Biodiversity Act, 2002, 108–111
biological resources, 10
bio-piracy, 1, 11
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 27, 35–40
Copyright Act, 1957, 107–108
cultural identity, 26
defensive protection, 76–78
definition, 1, 15–17
economic importance, 21–22
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 31–33
food security, 25
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, 106
importance, 22
indigenous communities, 22
initiatives, India, 98
intellectual property right (IPR), 97
international milestones, 27–28
international union, 28–31
medicinal benefit, 22–23
misappropriation, 1, 12
Panama, 120–122
Patent Act of India, 98
The Philippines, 118–120
positive protection, 75–76
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001. See Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer's Rights Act, 2001
Seeds Bill, 116–118
traditional cultural expressions (TCE), 20
World Intellectual Protection Organization (WIPO), 33–35
World Trade Organization (WTO), 40–43
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88–90
Traditional medicines, 21, 23
definition, 23
insofar, 62
traditional knowledge (TK), 1
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88
Transgenerational, 1, 140
Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI), 69
Turmeric, 57–58
Ulwazi Programme, Durban, 95
Unani therapy, 62
UNDP, 47, 48
United Nations (UN), 28, 33, 34, 37, 42
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Weed species, 53
World Food Summit (WFS), 50
World Health Organization (WHO), 23, 54, 56
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), 1, 20, 33–35, 75, 85, 132
World Trade Organization (WTO), 27, 45, 74, 97, 127, 142
bio-resources, 41
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 42
Medicines, 18–20
Modern medicines, 21
Mono-cropping culture, 51
Monsanto, 53
Multi-national companies (MNC), 9, 45, 46, 87, 100, 112
Mutually agreed terms (MAT), 38, 63, 65–66, 145
Nagoya Protocol, 66–68
National Competent Authority, 124
Natural resources, 5
Neem, 58–59
Non-codified traditional knowledge, 94
Novartis, 53
Paris Convention, 79, 81, 98–99, 103
Patent, 78
European Patent Office (EPO), 58
limitations of, 126–127
non-biological matters, 2
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
turmeric, 9
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Patent Act of India
in 1970, 101–104
amendments, 104–105
The Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911, 98–101
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
Patent Law treaty (PLT), 34
Pharmacia, 53
Phytopharm, 71
Plant patent, 79–80
genetic resources, 47
indigenous communities, 128
limitations of, 127–128
Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act (PPVRA), 140
Positive protection
copyright, 81–84
geographical indication, 80–81
patent, 78
plant patent, 79–80
trademark, 84–85
trade secrets, 85–86
Prior informed consent (PIC), 38, 64–65, 67, 120, 123, 146
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001
breeders rights, 114–115
farmers rights, 113–114
holders rights, 115–116
TRIPS agreement, 112
Recombinant DNA technology, 5
Seeds Bill, 116–118
Sui genesis, 6, 93, 112, 125, 133, 142
Syngenta, 53
Trademark, 84–85, 135–136
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 6, 40–43, 50, 80, 84, 86
Trade secrets, 85–86, 136–138
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 92–93
Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE), 10, 20, 127, 135, 139–140
Traditional knowledge (TK), 7, 74–75
advancement of science, 23–24
Africa, 122–124
agriculture, 18
Biodiversity Act, 2002, 108–111
biological resources, 10
bio-piracy, 1, 11
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 27, 35–40
Copyright Act, 1957, 107–108
cultural identity, 26
defensive protection, 76–78
definition, 1, 15–17
economic importance, 21–22
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 31–33
food security, 25
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, 106
importance, 22
indigenous communities, 22
initiatives, India, 98
intellectual property right (IPR), 97
international milestones, 27–28
international union, 28–31
medicinal benefit, 22–23
misappropriation, 1, 12
Panama, 120–122
Patent Act of India, 98
The Philippines, 118–120
positive protection, 75–76
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001. See Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer's Rights Act, 2001
Seeds Bill, 116–118
traditional cultural expressions (TCE), 20
World Intellectual Protection Organization (WIPO), 33–35
World Trade Organization (WTO), 40–43
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88–90
Traditional medicines, 21, 23
definition, 23
insofar, 62
traditional knowledge (TK), 1
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88
Transgenerational, 1, 140
Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI), 69
Turmeric, 57–58
Ulwazi Programme, Durban, 95
Unani therapy, 62
UNDP, 47, 48
United Nations (UN), 28, 33, 34, 37, 42
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Weed species, 53
World Food Summit (WFS), 50
World Health Organization (WHO), 23, 54, 56
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), 1, 20, 33–35, 75, 85, 132
World Trade Organization (WTO), 27, 45, 74, 97, 127, 142
bio-resources, 41
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 42
Paris Convention, 79, 81, 98–99, 103
Patent, 78
European Patent Office (EPO), 58
limitations of, 126–127
non-biological matters, 2
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
turmeric, 9
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Patent Act of India
in 1970, 101–104
amendments, 104–105
The Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911, 98–101
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 34
Patent Law treaty (PLT), 34
Pharmacia, 53
Phytopharm, 71
Plant patent, 79–80
genetic resources, 47
indigenous communities, 128
limitations of, 127–128
Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act (PPVRA), 140
Positive protection
copyright, 81–84
geographical indication, 80–81
patent, 78
plant patent, 79–80
trademark, 84–85
trade secrets, 85–86
Prior informed consent (PIC), 38, 64–65, 67, 120, 123, 146
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001
breeders rights, 114–115
farmers rights, 113–114
holders rights, 115–116
TRIPS agreement, 112
Recombinant DNA technology, 5
Seeds Bill, 116–118
Sui genesis, 6, 93, 112, 125, 133, 142
Syngenta, 53
Trademark, 84–85, 135–136
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 6, 40–43, 50, 80, 84, 86
Trade secrets, 85–86, 136–138
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 92–93
Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE), 10, 20, 127, 135, 139–140
Traditional knowledge (TK), 7, 74–75
advancement of science, 23–24
Africa, 122–124
agriculture, 18
Biodiversity Act, 2002, 108–111
biological resources, 10
bio-piracy, 1, 11
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 27, 35–40
Copyright Act, 1957, 107–108
cultural identity, 26
defensive protection, 76–78
definition, 1, 15–17
economic importance, 21–22
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 31–33
food security, 25
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, 106
importance, 22
indigenous communities, 22
initiatives, India, 98
intellectual property right (IPR), 97
international milestones, 27–28
international union, 28–31
medicinal benefit, 22–23
misappropriation, 1, 12
Panama, 120–122
Patent Act of India, 98
The Philippines, 118–120
positive protection, 75–76
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001. See Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer's Rights Act, 2001
Seeds Bill, 116–118
traditional cultural expressions (TCE), 20
World Intellectual Protection Organization (WIPO), 33–35
World Trade Organization (WTO), 40–43
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88–90
Traditional medicines, 21, 23
definition, 23
insofar, 62
traditional knowledge (TK), 1
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88
Transgenerational, 1, 140
Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI), 69
Turmeric, 57–58
Ulwazi Programme, Durban, 95
Unani therapy, 62
UNDP, 47, 48
United Nations (UN), 28, 33, 34, 37, 42
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Weed species, 53
World Food Summit (WFS), 50
World Health Organization (WHO), 23, 54, 56
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), 1, 20, 33–35, 75, 85, 132
World Trade Organization (WTO), 27, 45, 74, 97, 127, 142
bio-resources, 41
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 42
Seeds Bill, 116–118
Sui genesis, 6, 93, 112, 125, 133, 142
Syngenta, 53
Trademark, 84–85, 135–136
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 6, 40–43, 50, 80, 84, 86
Trade secrets, 85–86, 136–138
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 92–93
Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE), 10, 20, 127, 135, 139–140
Traditional knowledge (TK), 7, 74–75
advancement of science, 23–24
Africa, 122–124
agriculture, 18
Biodiversity Act, 2002, 108–111
biological resources, 10
bio-piracy, 1, 11
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 27, 35–40
Copyright Act, 1957, 107–108
cultural identity, 26
defensive protection, 76–78
definition, 1, 15–17
economic importance, 21–22
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 31–33
food security, 25
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, 106
importance, 22
indigenous communities, 22
initiatives, India, 98
intellectual property right (IPR), 97
international milestones, 27–28
international union, 28–31
medicinal benefit, 22–23
misappropriation, 1, 12
Panama, 120–122
Patent Act of India, 98
The Philippines, 118–120
positive protection, 75–76
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001. See Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer's Rights Act, 2001
Seeds Bill, 116–118
traditional cultural expressions (TCE), 20
World Intellectual Protection Organization (WIPO), 33–35
World Trade Organization (WTO), 40–43
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88–90
Traditional medicines, 21, 23
definition, 23
insofar, 62
traditional knowledge (TK), 1
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), 88
Transgenerational, 1, 140
Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI), 69
Turmeric, 57–58
Ulwazi Programme, Durban, 95
Unani therapy, 62
UNDP, 47, 48
United Nations (UN), 28, 33, 34, 37, 42
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Weed species, 53
World Food Summit (WFS), 50
World Health Organization (WHO), 23, 54, 56
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), 1, 20, 33–35, 75, 85, 132
World Trade Organization (WTO), 27, 45, 74, 97, 127, 142
bio-resources, 41
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 42
Ulwazi Programme, Durban, 95
Unani therapy, 62
UNDP, 47, 48
United Nations (UN), 28, 33, 34, 37, 42
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 61
Weed species, 53
World Food Summit (WFS), 50
World Health Organization (WHO), 23, 54, 56
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), 1, 20, 33–35, 75, 85, 132
World Trade Organization (WTO), 27, 45, 74, 97, 127, 142
bio-resources, 41
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 42
- Prelims
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Traditional Knowledge: An Overview
- 3 Bio-piracy
- 4 Protecting Traditional Knowledge: Ways and Means
- 5 Initiatives to Protect Traditional Knowledge
- 6 How Fit Are the Existing Intellectual Property Rights Laws in Protecting Traditional Knowledge?
- 7 Towards a New Law
- Notes
- References
- Index