Mad Muse: The Mental Illness Memoir in a Writer's Life and Work
ISBN: 978-1-78973-810-0, eISBN: 978-1-78973-807-0
Publication date: 3 September 2019
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Berman, J. (2019), "Index", Mad Muse: The Mental Illness Memoir in a Writer's Life and Work, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 361-374.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019, Jeffrey Berman
“Absolute panic”
, 41
Accident of Hope: The Therapy Tapes of Anne Sexton, An (Skorczewski)
, 173–174
Affective illness
, 113
Agitated depression
, 49
, 141
Alice in Wonderland (Carroll)
, 251
All My Pretty Ones (Sexton, Anne)
, 195
All the Finest Girls (Styron, Alexandra)
, 74–76
Alternatives Beyond Psychiatry (Millett)
, 117
Alto Rhapsody (Brahms)
, 66–67
, 114
Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-Year-Old Boy (Freud)
, 30
Anarchic disconnections
, 34
Anatomy of an Epidemic (Whitaker)
, 247
Andreasen, Nancy
, 8
Antagonistic biological interaction
, 182
“Anti-suicide pact”
, 134
, 249
“Anxiety of influence”
, 94
Archaic Torso of Apollo (Rilke)
, 31
Are depression
, 29
Art therapy
, 49
Artistic creativity
, 9
Assisted suicide
, 260–263
“Assumptive world,”
, 196
At the Will of the Body: Reflections on Illness (Frank)
, 19
Attachment theory
, 55
Auerbach, Daniel
, 140, 155
, 30
, 11
Autodidact in medicine
, 37
, 11
Aveling, Eleanor Marx
, 328–329
Avrahami, Einat
, 6
Axis I disorders
, 214
Axis II disorders
, 214
Baldwin, Marjorie L.
, 112
Balkan intensity
, 278
Ballinger, Barbara
, 200, 323
Banville, John
, 23, 156
Barnes, Julian
, 237
Basement: Meditations on a Human Sacrifice, The (Millett)
, 91–92
Bateson, Gregory
, 289
Bath, The (Cassatt)
, 176
Beckett, Samuel
, 176
Beers, Clifford
, 4, 12
Behnke, Stephen
, 285–286
Beilke, Debra
, 107–108
Bell Jar, The (Plath)
, 35, 63
“Berry, Anna,”
, 285
Berzon, Betty
, 207, 270
Bespotted (Sexton)
, 203
Between Two Worlds: Young Women in Crisis (Sexton)
, 26, 165–166, 190
“Bewildering sorrow”
, 39
Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche)
, 260
Beyond Schizophrenia: Living and Working with a Serious Mental Illness (Baldwin)
, 112
Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Freud)
, 84
Beyond Words: Illness and the Limits of Expression (Conway)
, 20
“Bible of Women’s Liberation”
, (see Sexual Politics (Millett))
Bibliography of First-Person Narratives of Madness in English (Hornstein)
, 6
, 23, 50, 62
Bipolar disorder
, 10
bipolar I disorder
, 103
bipolar II disorder
, 103
in Jamison
, 123–126
Bipolar Express: Manic Depression and the Movies, The (Coleman)
, 9, 49
Blackburn, William
, 45, 71
Blaming the Brain (Valenstein)
, 247
Bloom, Harold
, 94
Blue Dreams (Slater)
, 247–251
Blue Genes (Lukas, Christopher)
, 201–202
Bly, Robert
, 336
Body, Illness, and Ethics (Frank)
, 18
Borderline Conditions and Pathological Narcissism (Kernberg)
, 227
Borderline personality disorder
, 27, 29, 200, 207–209, 213, 221, 228, 233, 248
Borges, Jorge Luis
, 176
Bourdain, Anthony
, 326
“Breach of narrative promise,”
, 30, 237
Breggin, Peter
, 247
Briquet’s syndrome
, (see Hysteria)
Brooks, Peter
, 236
Browne, Ivor
, 105–106
Buchwald, Art
, 68, 264
Burroughs, Augusten
, 12
Burt, Robert A.
, 285, 318, 320
Camus, Albert
, 65–66
Capgras syndrome
, 308
Care of the Psyche: A History of Psychological Healing (Jackson)
, 300–301
Carey, Benedict
, 250, 285, 321
Carlat, Daniel
, 247
Carroll, Lewis
, 250–251
Caruth, Cathy
, 19
Cassell, Eric J.
, 6
Catch (Heller)
, 55
Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness, The (Saks)
, 28–29, 283–322
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
, 135–136
Chesler, Phyllis
, 117
“Cherry Tree, The” (Slater)
, 234–236
Chiasson, Dan
, 156
Childhood sexual abuse
, 224
Churchill, Winston
, 144, 265
Churchill’s Black Dog, Kafka’s Mice, and Other Phenomena of the Human Mind (Storr)
, 9
Clark, Hilary
, 7
Coercion as Cure: A Critical History of Psychiatry (Szasz)
, 110
Coetzee, J.M.
, 323–324
Coleman, David
, 9, 49
Coles, Robert
, 186
Cologne-Brookes, Gavin
, 38, 68, 73, 76
“Coming out”
, 18
“Commitment hearings”
, 117
Community Mental Health Journal (Borkin)
, 115–116
“Complicated grief,”
, 47, 270
Compulsive memoirism of mentally ill
, 1–4
Confessions of Nat Turner, The (Styron)
, 37–38, 42, 50, 52
Conjectured madness
, 24
Conrad, Joseph
, 22, 36, 38, 220, 332
, 94–95
Contagion effect
, 136–137
“Continuing bonds”
, 149–150
Continuing Bonds: New Understandings of Grief (Klass, Silverman & Nickman)
, 150
Conway, Kathlyn
, 20, 64, 67, 231
Corpus Callostomy
, 233–234
Countershame techniques
, 21, 114–115, 271
Couser, G. Thomas
, 11, 221, 249
Crack-Up, The (Fitzgerald)
, 13–15
“Creative malady,”
, 7–8, 19, 28, 333, 335–336
Creative Malady (Pickering)
, 7–9
Creativity, madness and
, 154–157
“Curing” homosexuality
, 271–273
, 122–123
Dailey, Anne C.
, 319–320
Danaher, Mallory Millett
, 82, 95–97, 100–102, 105, 116, 141, 333
“Dark Lady of American Letters”
, (see Illness as Metaphor (Sontag))
Darkness Visible (Styron)
, 4, 23–24, 29–30, 33–80, 141, 265
“Dean of American Letters”
, 8
Death’s Door: Modern Dying and the Ways We Grieve (Gilbert)
, 21
Deferred adolescence
, 260
, 250
, 4, 102, 113
Depression and Narrative: Telling the Dark (Clark)
, 7
“Destructive symbiosis,”
, 199, 242
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
, 103
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III)
, 316
Dialectical behavior therapy (D. B. T)
, 208
Diaries to an English Professor: Pain and Growth in the Classroom (Berman)
, 22
Dickens, Charles
, 210, 251
Dickey James
, 195
Didion, Joan
, 208
Dinesen, Isak (Karen Blixen)
, 337
, (see Shame)
, 287
Divided Self, The (Laing)
, 105
Divine Comedy (Dante)
, 207
“Doctors Freed/Fried”
, 315–316
“Dodo bird effect”
, 250–251
Dolphin, The (Lowell)
, 151, 156
Donaldson, Scott
, 15, 335
“Double bind,”
, 289
Double Image, The (Sexton, Anne)
, 182–184
Down syndrome (DS)
, 277–278
Dr King
, 319
“Dr. Joseph White”
, 297–301
Duhl, Frederick
, 197
Duras, Marguerite
, 329
Dying to Teach: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Learning (Berman)
, 22
Eakin, Paul John
, 186
Eddy, Mary Baker
, 8
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
, 17, 76
Eliot, George
, 9
Eliot, T. S.
, 265, 279
Elms, Alan C.
, 103
, (see Shame)
, 6, 12, 25, 31, 59, 101, 136, 142, 155, 308, 335
Emperor’s New Drugs, The (Kirsch)
, 247
Enabling and Inspiring: A Tribute to Martha Harris
, 295
, 27, 210, 218–226, 230–236, 238, 243–244, 249
, 231
Essential softness
, 260
Etkind, Marc
, 77
, 222
Experiments in Life-Writing (Novak)
, 30
Exuberance (Jamison)
, 120, 140, 142–145
Fake memoirs
, 11–13
Falling illness
, 226
Far and Away: Reporting from the Brink of Change: How Travel Can Change the World (Solomon)
, 280–281
Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity (Solomon)
, 28, 275–280
Feldman, Marc D.
, 232–233
Female masochism
, 87
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan)
, 165
, 167
, 243
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
, 13–15
Flaherty, Alice W.
, 1–3, 8, 17, 48–49, 80, 143
Flying (Millett)
, 87–89
Fog of Paranoia: A Sister’s Journey Through Her Brother’s Schizophrenia, The (Rae)
, 285
45 Mercy Street (Sexton, Anne)
, 192–194
Four-point restraints
, 110, 139, 284, 314
Frank, Arthur W.
, 63, 114
Frankenstein (Shelley)
, 125
Freud, Sigmund
, 4, 8, 14, 28, 30, 42, 50, 84, 115, 138, 149, 150, 200, 216–217, 225, 242, 269, 293, 295, 298–302, 315, 320, 332
Freund, John
, 190, 198
, 60
Frey, James
, 11–12
Friday, Nancy
, 227
Fromm-Reichmann, Frieda
, 289, 315–316, 320
Furedi, Frank
, 326
Gabbard, Glen O.
, 296
Gary, Romain
, 65
Genet, Jean
, 85
Gilbert, Sandra M.
, 21
Girl, Interrupted (Kaysen)
, 5, 208, 244
Glenmullen, Joseph
, 247
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von.
, 31, 67, 112, 325–326, 333
Goffman, Erving
, 18, 63, 208
Going to Iran (Millett)
, 91–92
Golden Notebook, The (Lessing)
, 89, 109
Good Shufu, The (Slater, Tracy)
, 27, 246–247
Good Soldier, The (Ford)
, 220
Goodwin, Frederick J.
, 25, 120, 127–128, 138–139, 200
Graf, Max
, 84
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald)
, 14
Greenberg, Joanne
, 28, 63, 315–316
, 148–150
Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy (Worden)
, 150
Gullette, Margaret Morganroth
, 325
Gynicide (Hadaller)
, 44
Hacking, Ian
, 330
Hadaller, David
, 44
Half in Love: Surviving the Legacy of Suicide (Sexton)
, 26, 29, 159–203
Halsted, William
, 147
Hamilton, Ian
, 153–154
Hampl, Patricia
, 14–14
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
, 265
Hardwick, Elizabeth
, 153, 155–156
Hardy, Barbara
, 83
Hardy, Thomas
, 54–55
Harris, Martha
, 290–297, 302, 304–305, 308
Harrison, Kathryn
, 186
Hastings, Chris
, 167
Hawkins, Anne Hunsaker
, 4, 6
Heaney, Seamus
, 23
Heller, Joseph
, 55
Hemingway, Ernest
, 15, 38, 45, 64–65, 125, 195
Hemlock Society
, 324
Henke, Suzette
, 23
Hermeneutic psychoanalysis
, 287, 300–311, 320
“Hermeneutics of suspicion,”
, 31
History of English Autobiography, A (Vickers)
, 4
History of Psychiatry, A (Shorter)
, 247
“Hoax memoir”
, 12
, 257–260
Hornstein, Gail
, 6
Horrific depression
, 244
Hostile introject
, 43
Hotchner, A. E.
, 45, 195
House at Pooh Corner, The (Milne)
, 144
How Our Lives Become Stories: Making Selves (Eakin)
, 186
“How to Market this Book”
, 236–237
How We Die: Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter (Nuland)
, 15, 18
Hughes, Nicholas
, 160, 195
Hughes, Ted
, 160, 328
Humanistic psychological model
, 118
, (see Shame)
Hypatia (Steinbuch)
, 115
, 3, 210
, 148
, 102–105
, 316
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (Greenberg)
, 28, 63, 315–316
Illness as Metaphor (Sontag)
, 215–216
Illness as Narrative (Jurecic)
, 4
“Illusion of Mental Illness, The”
, 117
Incest Diary, The
, 186–187
, 169
Interpreting Interpretation: The Limits of Hermeneutic Psychoanalysis (Saks)
, 287, 310
Invading Body: Reading Illness Autobiographies, The (Avrahami)
, 6
Irony Tower: Soviet Artists in a Time of Glasnost, The (Solomon)
, 255
Is It Me or My Meds: Living with Antidepressants (Karp)
, 114
Jackson, Stanley W.
, 297–301
Jacob’s Room (Woolf)
, 264
Jamison, Kay Redfield
, 119
, 121–122
An Unquiet Mind
, 126–127
, 120
bipolar disorder
, 123–126
contagion effect
, 136–137
, 120, 140, 142–145
, 148–150
Manic-Depressive Illness
, 120, 127–132
Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide
, 120, 134–136
Nothing Was the Same
, 120, 145–148, 150, 155
using psychiatric records
, 151–153
psychiatrist for
, 137–140
Robert Lowell: Setting the River on Fire
, 120, 122, 150–151, 154–157
“Severely Depressed. Very Quiet”
, 131–134
study of madness and creativity
, 154–157
textbook diagnosis
, 153
as therapist
, 148
Touched with Fire
, 120, 122–123
writing about family
, 140–143
“Jargon of authenticity”
, 232
Jarrell, Randall
, 65
Jekyll on Trial: Multiple Personality Disorder and Criminal Law (Behnke and Saks)
, 286, 308–309
Jekyll-Hyde duality
, 133
Jones, Anne Hudson
, 118
Jones, Elizabeth
, 291–293
Joseph Conrad: Writing as Rescue (Berman)
, 22
Jude the Obscure (Hardy)
, 54
Jurecic, Ann
, 4, 6
Kafka, Franz
, 49, 176, 320, 330–331
Kantrowitz, Judy Leopold
, 296, 311–312
, 302–303, 305
terminating analysis with
, 311–312
Karp, David A.
, 114
Kaysen, Susanna
, 2, 5, 208, 244
Keats, John
, 14
Keir, Sophie
, 92
Keitel, Evelyne
, 317–318
Kernberg, Otto
, 227
Kesey, Ken
, 298
Kierkegaard, Soren
, 5, 7, 237
Kirsch, Irving
, 247
Kiss, The (Harrison)
, 185–188
Klass, Dennis
, 150
Klein, Melanie
, 291–292, 295, 307
Kleinian analysis
, 291
, 244
Kramer, Peter
, 212
Kriegel, Leonard
, 230
Kristeva, Julia
, 265, 329
Lack of willpower
, 169
Laing, R.D.
, 105–106
Lancet, The (Jones)
, 118
Landscape of depression
, 37–38
Larry King Live (Buchwald)
, 68
Lawrence, D.H.
, 60, 84–85, 178, 262–263
Lear, Jonathan
, 335
Learning to Fall (Kriegel)
, 226–229, 230
“Leave of abstinence”
, 14
Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher
, 186
Lessing, Doris
, 89, 109
Levi, Primo
, 62, 80
Lie Down in Darkness (Styron)
, 37–46, 49, 54, 60
Life Studies (Lowell)
, 150, 154
, 11
Linehan, Marsha
, 208
, 62, 81–83, 91, 93, 96, 100, 106–107, 111, 113–115, 118, 131–135, 137–138, 141–143, 149, 155, 162, 249, 318, 334
Loewald, Hans W.
, 203
Loony-Bin Trip, The (Millett)
, 5, 10, 24, 29–30, 81–118, 133, 141, 284–286
Lopate, Philip
, 12
Lord Weary’s Castle (Lowell)
, 151
Lost Puritan: A Life of Robert Lowell (Mariani)
, 151
Love, Guilt and Reparation (Klein)
, 291
Love Works Like This (Slater)
, 206, 239–240
Lowell, Robert
, 150–151
, 34–35
, 189
Lukas, Christopher
, 201–202
Lukas, J. Anthony
, 202
Lying: A Metaphorical Memoir (Slater)
, 26–27, 29, 205–206, 217–218
“Amazing Grace”
, 238–239
breach of narrative promise
, 237
Corpus Callostomy
, 233–234
, 221–222
, 222
“How to Market this Book”
, 236–237
“Learning to Fall”
, 226–229
philosophy professor without ontological existence
, 218–221
“Sincerely, Yours”
, 231–233
supermarket incident
, 229–231
“The Cherry Tree”
, 234–236
“Three Blind Mice”
, 222–226
, 9–10
, 4, 9–11
, 8–11, 24
, 115, 127
and creativity
, 154–157
Madness and Modernism: Insanity in the Light of Modern Art, Literature, and Thought (Sass)
, 123
Mahl, George
, 301
Mailer, Norman
, 85–86, 115, 272
Mairs, Nancy
, 61
Malignant depression
, 54–57
Malignant Sadness: The Anatomy of Depression (Wolpert)
, 78
Maltsberger, John
, 43
, 102–105
Manic depression
, 4, 29, 83, 102
language of
, 107–108
Manic depressive disorder
, 10, 123–125
Manic-depressive illness
, 141
in Sexton
, 161–163
Manic-Depressive Illness (Goodwin & Jamison)
, 25, 120, 127–132
“Manic-depressive overtones”
, 48
Manning, Martha
, 148, 265
Mariani, Paul
, 153–154
Marionette (Slater)
, 226
Marketplace confessions
, 206
, 85
Masking skills
, 288
Maslin, Janet
, 219–220
Mazor, Miriam
, 248
McHugh, Paul
, 147
Mead, Rebecca
, 218–219
Medina, Kate
, 236
Melancholia and Depression (Jackson)
, 300
Meltzer, Donald
, 291
Memoir (Couser)
, 11
Memoir: A History (Yagoda)
, 12
Memoirs of My Nervous Illness (Schreber)
, 301
Menninger, Karl
, 89
Mental disease
, 110
Mental illness
, 3, 10, 169, 244
Mental illness memoirs
, 3–4
, 5
difference between survival stories and triumph narratives
, 20
, 6
ethical and emotional engagement
, 6
fake memoirs
, 11–13
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
, 13–15
mad memoirs
, 9–11
mad muse
, 8–11
Nuland, Sherwin
, 15–18
, 4
reason for growth of illness narratives
, 6–7
writing/righting wrong
, 21–23
Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare)
, 265
Merkin, Daphne
, 228, 244, 329–330
Middlebrook, Diane Wood
, 152, 160, 175, 177–178, 180, 192, 197
Middlemarch (Eliot)
, 9
Midnight Disease, The (Flaherty)
, 2–3, 8, 48, 80
Millett, Kate
, 81–83, 119
The Basement: Meditations on a Human Sacrifice
, 91–92
, 94–95
crisis to die
, 110–111
, 87–89
Going to Iran
, 91–92
interpreting tape-recorded conversations
, 95–98
and Ivor Browne
, 105–106
language of manic depression
, 107–108
life after The Loony-Bin Trip
, 117–118
Loony-Bin Trip, The
, 92–93, 99–100
, 102–105
The Prostitution Papers: A Candid Dialogue
, 85–87
reading of other accounts of mood disorders
, 93–94
Sexual Politics
, 83–85
, 111–112
, 90–91
, 98–99
small prophylactic dose
, 113–115
talk therapy
, 108–109
and Thomas Szasz
, 109–110
Million Little Pieces, A (Frey)
, 11–12
Mind that Found Itself, A (Beers)
, 4
Mind-numbing drugs
, 162
Mirror Images (Sexton)
, 175, 184
A Signature Daughter
, 176–178
Domestic Violence
, 179–180
Mother–Daughter Incest
, 180–182
Twinning and Playing Nine
, 178–179
, 10
, 233
Moral failure
, 169
Moral Intelligence of Children, The (Coles)
, 186
Mother–daughter confrontation
, 229
Mother–daughter relationship
, 26, 29, 163, 175, 177, 199, 209, 227–228, 230
Moveable Feast, A (Hemingway)
, 15
Munch, Edvard
, 17
Munchausen syndrome
, 217, 213–233, 236
Muses in Greek and Roman mythology
, 10
Music and Madness (Dwyer)
, 106
My Mother/My Self (Friday)
, 227
Myth of Sisyphus, The (Camus)
, 65–66
Myths of Termination: What Patients Can Teach Psychoanalysts about Endings (Kantrowitz)
, 296
Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer)
, 86
Narcissism and the Novel (Berman)
, 6
Narrative Truth and Historical Truth: Meaning and Interpretation in Psychoanalysis (Spence)
, 27, 193, 210, 222, 224, 236, 310–311
Narrative medicine
, 311
Nasar, Sylvia
, 320
Nash, John
, 52
Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine, The (Cassell)
, 6
, 274–275
“Negative Capability” concept
, 14
Nervous breakdown
, 88
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
, 118, 146
Nietzsche, Friedrich
, 154, 260, 335
Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide (Jamison)
, 110, 120, 134–136
“No Gun Ever Killed”
, 100–101
Nocebo effect
, 250
Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression, The (Solomon)
, 27–29, 253–254
“curing” homosexuality
, 271–273
internalized mother
, 269–270
, 274–275
poetic prose
, 266–267
, 273–274
seeking insights from literature and philosophy
, 264–265
North, Carol
, 316
Nothing Was the Same (Jamison)
, 120, 145–148, 150, 155
Novak, Julia
, 30–31
Nuland, Sherwin
, 15–18
Oates, Joyce Carol
, 125, 237
Occupational therapy
, 9
Official MBA Handbook, The (Barron)
, 189–190
“Omnipotence of thought” (Freud’s theory)
, 298–299
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (film)
, 17, 81, 99, 297
Opening Skinner’s Box: Great Psychological Experiments of the Twentieth Century (Slater)
, 245–246
Operation Re-Entry
, 288
Orne, Martin
, 152, 159, 163, 173
Orr, Gregory
, 337
Paglia, Camille
, 115
Paradoxical loneliness
, 294–295
Parkes, Colin Murray
, 196
, 4, 11
Pathological or complicated grief
, 270
Pavese, Cesare
, 65
Perring, Christian
, 116, 251
Phillips, David P.
, 326
, 8, 18
Pickering, George
, 7–8, 19
Placebo effect
, 250
Plath, Sylvia
, 2, 35, 61, 63–64, 65, 150, 160, 203, 222, 328–329
Playing House: Notes of a Reluctant Mother (Slater)
, 241–245
Playing Sick?: Untangling the Web of Munchausen Syndrome, Munchausen by Proxy, Malingering & Factitious Disorder (Feldman)
, 232
Points of Life (Sexton)
, 184–185, 186–187, 189
, 244
Portnoy’s Complaint (Roth)
, 220–221
Positive psychology movement
, 143
Post-traumatic stress disorder
, 43, 245
Postpartum mood disorder
, 2
Principles of Intensive Psychotherapy (Fromm-Reichmann)
, 316
Prisoner of Sex, The (Mailer)
, 115
Private Acts (Sexton)
, 189–190
Proclaimed sanity
, 24
Projective identification
, 307
Prostitution Papers: A Candid Dialogue, The (Millett)
, 85–87
Prozac Backlash (Glenmullen)
, 247
Prozac Diary (Slater)
, 26, 206, 212–213, 242
traumatizing mother
, 213–217
Pseudologia fantastica
, 233
Psycho-Analytic Notes on an Autobiographical Account of a Case of Paranoia (Dementia Paranoides) (Freud)
, 301
, 60, 130, 267–268, 314
fundamental rule of
, 138, 293–296
Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (Fromm-Reichmann)
, 316
, 8
, 273–274
, 8
, 130
Psychotic transferences
, 293
Rak, Julie
, 236
“Rare torture”
, 35
Rau, Sally Millett
, 82, 95, 116
“Reader’s block,”
, 330
Reading Autobiography: A Guide for Interpreting Life Narratives
, 5, 12
Reading My Father (Styron, Alexandra)
, 68–69, 141
, 69–71
writing madness
, 71–73
“Reading oppositionally,”
, 331–332
Recommendations to Physicians Practising Psycho-Analysis
, 295
Reconstructing Illness: Studies in Pathography (Hawkins)
, 4
Refusing Care: Forced Treatment and the Rights of the Mentally Ill (Saks)
, 287, 312–315
Reich, Wilhelm
, 88
Remission society
, 19
, 31, 291–292
Requiem for a Nun (Faulkner)
, 31
Rereading William Styron (Cologne-Brookes)
, 38
Rescue fantasy
, 47, 57, 80
Rilke’s statement
, 1, 1n1
Rituals (Sexton)
, 167–168, 170–171, 174, 177
A Father’s War Story
, 172–174
Lily Sinclair
, 168–170
Oedipal and Pre-Oedipal Desire
, 170–171
, 171–172
Rivers, W. H. R.
, 155
Robert Lowell: A Biography (Hamilton)
, 151
Robert Lowell: Setting the River on Fire (Jamison)
, 25, 120, 122, 150–151, 154–155
Ross, Dan
, 58
Roth, Philip
, 220
Rudnytsky, Peter L.
, 295
Running with Scissors (Burroughs)
, 12
Ryan, Jack
, 134
Sacks, Oliver
, 134, 283
Saks, Elyn R.
, 283–284
Capgras Syndrome
, 308
“Doctors Freed/Fried”
, 315–316
Dr King
, 319
Elizabeth Jones and Martha Harris
, 291–293
failing fathers
, 306–308
“few little quirks”
, 287–290
fundamental rule of psychoanalysis
, 293–296
hidden personal element behind scholarship
, 286–287
hope for future
, 322
Interpreting Interpretation
, 310
Jekyll on Trial
, 308–309
“Joseph White”/Stanley W. Jackson
, 297–301
, 302–303, 305
“Lady of the Charts”
, 303–306
life with and without regulator
, 317–319
and Millett
, 284–286
Psychoanalytic Researcher
, 301–302
question of confidentiality
, 290
Refusing Care
, 312–315
Terminating Analysis with Kaplan
, 311–312
, 296–297
, 105
Sass, Louis A.
, 123
Sassoon, Siegfried
, 155
Saunders, Max
, 30
Savage God: A Study of Suicide, The (Alvarez)
, 61
, 4, 29, 287, 305, 317
Schizophrenic outbursts
, 308
“Schizophrenogenic mother,”
, 289
Schreber, Daniel Paul
, 301–302
Scream, The (Munch)
, 17
, 23
Searching for Mercy Street: My Journey Back to My Mother, Anne Sexton (Sexton)
, 25–26, 29, 159–203
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky
, 292
Seductiveness of literary theory
, 3
Selected Letters (Styron)
, 34, 69
, 35
Self-Portrait in Letters, A (Sexton, Anne)
, 162, 194
, 44
Seligman, Martin
, 143
Set This House on Fire (Styron)
, 37, 47–52
Sex, Art, and American Culture (Paglia)
, 115
Sexton, Linda Gray
, 159
and Chris Hastings
, 167
critical reviews
, 203
45 Mercy Street
, 192–194
ghosts and ancestors
, 203
Half in Love (Surviving the Legacy of Suicide)
, 159–161, 196–199
legacy of suicide
, 201–202
manic-depressive illness
, 161–163
Mirror Images
, 175–182, 184
Points of Life
, 184–185, 186–187, 189
Private Acts
, 189–190
psychiatrists for
, 199–201
reunion with dead
, 188–189
, 167–168, 170–174, 177
Searching for Mercy Street
, 159–161, 191–192
self-portrait in letters
, 161
The Kiss
, 185–188
Between Two Worlds: Young Women in Crisis
, 165–166, 190
writing as rescue
, 194–196
Sexual Politics (Millett)
, 83–85, 115, 165
, 111–112
Shattered Subjects: Trauma and Testimony in Women’s Life-Writing (Henke)
, 23
“Sheer dirgelike solemnity”
, 35
Shelley, Mary
, 125
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
, 124
Sita (Millett)
, 90–91
Skorczewski, Dawn
, 173–174, 179
Slater, Lauren
, 205–206
Blue Dreams
, 247–251
leaving readers with question marks
, 251
Love Works Like this
, 239–240
Lying: A Metaphorical Memoir
, 217–239
Opening Skinner’s Box
, 245–246
Playing House: Notes of a Reluctant Mother
, 241–245
Prozac Diary
, 206, 212–213, 242
The $60, 000 Dog
, 240–241
Welcome to My Country
, 206–212
Slater, Tracy
, 27, 246–247
Sleep disturbances
, 98
Small Personal Voice, A (Lessing)
, 109, 294
Smith, Sidonie
, 5, 12, 222
, 178, 262
Snake Pit, The (Ward)
, 298
Snodgrass, W. D.
, 183
Snow, C. P.
, 123
Solomon, Andrew
, 253
A Stone Boat
, 255–263
acknowledging father
, 275
Far and Away
, 280–281
Far from the Tree
, 275–278
The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression
, 264–275
timing of Solomon’s depression
, 267–269
training in English and psychology
, 254–255
, 281
Sontag, Susan
, 215–216
“Somewhat reductive” analysis
, 270
Sons and Lovers (Lawrence)
, 84–85, 178, 188, 262–263
Sophie’s Choice (Styron)
, 37, 52–54, 60–61, 72, 80
malignant depression
, 54–57
Stingo’s rescue fantasies
, 57–59
Spade, Kate
, 326
Speak, Memory (Nabokov)
, 10
Speaking of Sadness (Karp)
, 114
Spence, Donald B.
, 27
“Spoiled identity”
, 18
Spousal loss memoir
, 22, 25, 120, 145, 149–150
Sprengnether, Madelon
, 11
Stafford, Jean
, 153
, 18, 37, 285
Stigma (Goffman)
, 18
Stone Boat, A (Solomon)
, 27–28, 255–256, 267–268, 276, 280
assisted suicide
, 260–263
, 257–260
Storr, Anthony
, 9, 122
Strupp, Hans H.
, 273
Styron, Alexandra
All the Finest Girls
, 74–76
Reading My Father
, 68–73
Styron, William
, 119
Confessions of Nat Turner, The
, 50, 52
Darkness Visible
, 33–34, 38, 41, 46, 50, 56, 60–64, 68–69, 78–79
beyond expression
, 34–37
fundamental question
, 65–68
heart of darkness
, 61–62
landscape of depression
, 37–38
Lie Down in Darkness
, 38–46, 49, 54
, 78–80
mirror of Styron’s childhood life
, 46–47
purpose of memoir
, 62–65
Set This House on Fire
, 47–52
Sophie’s Choice
, 52–59
“Study in the Conquest of Grief”
, 59
suicide letter to his readers
, 76–78
“Tidewater Morning, A,”
, 46–47, 58, 62, 74
wraithlike observer
, 43–46
about writing
, 60–61
, 45
, 37, 42
, 75
, 22
Survival stories
, 20
Surviving Madness: A Therapist’s Own Story (Berzon)
, 207, 270
Szasz, Thomas
, 109–110
Talk therapy
, 108–109
Talking Back to Prozac (Berman)
, 247
Talking Cure, The (Berman)
, 109
Tardive dyskinesia
, 285, 305
Tender Is the Night (Fitzgerald)
, 14
, 296–297
analysis with Kaplan
, 311–312
Textbook diagnosis
, 153
The $60, 000 Dog (Slater)
, 240–241
“Therapeutic alliance,”
, 138, 250, 273
“Therapeutic culture,”
, 12
“Therapeutic jurisprudence,”
, 313, 334
“Therapeutic writing,”
, 15, 21, 23, 61, 194, 281, 318, 325
This Close to Happy: A Reckoning with Depression (Merkin)
, 228
, 162
Three Lives (film)
, 100
“Tidewater Mourning, A”
, 46–47, 62, 74
Tillich, Paul
, 238
To the Lighthouse (Briscoe)
, 194
Tolstoy, Leo
, 257
Too Soon to Say Goodbye (Buchwald)
, 68
Totem and Taboo (Freud)
, 299
Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament (Jamison)
, 25, 120, 122–123
“Tragic knots”
, 296–297
Traill, Thomas
, 150
Trickster memoir
, 221–222
Triumph narratives
, 20
Truth Revolt
, 100
Turn of the Screw, The (Henry James)
, 81, 188
Turner, Christopher
, 88
UCLA Affective Disorders Clinic
, 136
Uncovering Lives: The Uneasy Alliance of Biography and Psychology (Elms)
, 103
Undercurrents: A Life Beneath the Surface (Manning)
, 148, 265
Unhinged (Carlat)
, 247
Unholy Ghost: Writers on Depression (Styron, Rose)
, 76
Unipolar depression
, 35–36
“Unlikely bard of depression”
, 33
Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness, An (Jamison)
, 10, 25, 29, 94, 113, 119–157, 249
Valenstein, Elliot
, 247
van Gogh, Vincent
, 65, 125, 225
Vendler, Helen
, 156
Vickers, Neil
, 4
Voice Lessons: On Becoming a (Woman) Writer (Mairs)
, 61
, 244
Wald, Priscilla,
Wallace, Mike
, 68, 264
Ward, Mary Jane
, 298
Warren, Robert Penn
, 168
Watson, James D.
, 122
Watson, Julia
, 5, 12, 222
Waves, The (Woolf)
, 264
Way of the Warrior, The (Styron)
, 36, 73, 78
Weevil, Assia
, 328
Welcome to My Country (Slater)
, 26, 206–212
“Werther effect,”
, 326
West, James L. W.
, 34, 47, 53, 62–63, 69, 72, 75–76
Whitaker, Robert
, 246
Whybrow, Peter
, 265
Williams, Meg Harris
, 296
William Styron Revisited (Coale)
, 44
Wilson, Edmund
, 8, 14–15
Wind in the Willows, The (Grahame)
, 144–145
Winter’s Tale, The (Shakespeare)
, 265
Wolpert, Louis
, 78, 300
Women and Madness (Chesler)
, 117
Woolf, Virginia
, 64, 125, 188, 209–210, 264
Worden, J. William
, 150
Wordsworth, William
, 124
Wound and the Bow, The (Wilson)
, 8
Wounded Storyteller, The (Frank)
, 18–20, 63, 272, 336
Writer’s block
, 3, 10, 36, 49, 72, 89, 115, 195
Writing madness
, 10
Writing Widowhood (Berman)
, 149
“Writing/righting wrong,”
, 21–22, 63, 118, 175, 285, 326
Wrongful Death (Gilbert)
, 21
Wurmser, Leon
, 111
Wurtzel, Elizabeth
, 212, 258, 328
Wyatt, Richard
, 120, 142, 145–147
Yagoda, Ben
, 12
Yalom, Irvin
, 211
Yalom, Marilyn
, 116
Yeats, William Butler
, 10, 287, 296, 334
, 238
, 244, 249
- Prelims
- Introduction: Out of the Closet to Bear Witness
- 1. “The Landscape of Depression”: William Styron and Darkness Visible
- 2. “My Proclaimed Sanity and My Conjectured Madness”: Kate Millett and The Loony-Bin Trip
- 3. “A Strange and Driving Force, a Destroyer, a Fire in the Blood”: Kay Redfield Jamison and An Unquiet Mind
- 4. “For Better or Worse You Inherit Me”: Linda Gray Sexton and Searching for Mercy Street and Half in Love
- 5. “Truth Is Bendable”: Lauren Slater and Lying
- 6. “I Cannot Separate Her Homophobia from My Own”: Andrew Solomon and The Noonday Demon
- 7. “Someone Acts Through My Brain”: Elyn R. Saks and The Center Cannot Hold
- Conclusion: The Challenges of Reading Mad Memoirs
- Bibliography
- Index