Understanding Financial Risk Management, Second Edition
ISBN: 978-1-78973-794-3, eISBN: 978-1-78973-791-2
Publication date: 28 October 2019
Corelli, A. (2019), "Prelims", Understanding Financial Risk Management, Second Edition, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxvii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Understanding Financial Risk Management
Second Edition
Title Page
Understanding Financial Risk Management
Second Edition
Angelo Corelli
Associate Professor of Finance, Center of Excellence for Research in Finance and Accounting, American University in Dubai, UAE
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2019
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
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ISBN: 978-1-78973-794-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-78973-791-2 (E-ISBN)
ISBN: 978-1-78973-793-6 (Epub)
Dedication Page
To the one and only:
List of Tables | xv |
List of Figures | xvii |
About the Author | xxi |
Preface to the First Edition | xxiii |
Preface to the Second Edition | xxvii |
Chapter 1: Risk: An Overview | 1 |
1.1. Introduction | 2 |
1.1.1. Randomness and Uncertainty | 2 |
1.1.2. Rationality and Risk Aversion | 5 |
1.1.3. Types of Risk | 10 |
Snapshot 1.1: Common Forms of Utility Functions | 15 |
1.2. The Process of Risk Management | 16 |
1.2.1. Risk in Corporations and Financial Institutions | 16 |
1.2.2. Identification, Measurement, and Mitigation | 19 |
1.2.3. Risk Response Strategies | 22 |
1.3. Theory of Markets | 23 |
1.3.1. Arbitrage | 23 |
1.3.2. The Efficient Market Hypothesis | 25 |
1.3.3. The Brownian Motion | 29 |
Snapshot 1.2: Sampling of Brownian Motion Paths in Excel | 33 |
Summary | 34 |
References | 34 |
Exercises | 34 |
Appendix: Types of Market Failure | 37 |
Chapter 2: Financial Markets and Volatility | 39 |
2.1. Modern Portfolio Theory | 40 |
2.1.1. The Risk/Return Trade-off | 40 |
2.1.2. Optimal Portfolios of Risky Assets | 44 |
2.1.3. Optimal Portfolios with Risk-free Asset | 48 |
Snapshot 2.1: Portfolio Optimization in Excel | 50 |
2.2. The Capital Asset Pricing Model | 51 |
2.2.1. Model Assumptions | 51 |
2.2.2. The Security Market Line | 55 |
2.2.3. Beyond CAPM | 59 |
2.3. Volatility and Correlation | 62 |
2.3.1. Types of Volatility | 63 |
2.3.2. Correlation versus Covariance | 66 |
2.3.3. Maximum Likelihood Methods | 69 |
Snapshot 2.2: The Covariance Matrix of Financial Returns | 72 |
Summary | 72 |
References | 73 |
Exercises | 73 |
Appendix: The Table of the Standard Normal Distribution | 77 |
Chapter 3: Conditional Dependence and Time Series | 79 |
3.1. Modeling Financial Comovements | 80 |
3.1.1. Conditional Covariance | 80 |
3.1.2. Conditional Correlation | 81 |
3.2. Time Series Analysis | 83 |
3.2.1. ARCH/GARCH Models | 83 |
3.2.2. Autocorrelation of Financial Returns | 87 |
3.2.3. Other Stylized Facts | 91 |
Summary | 93 |
References | 93 |
Chapter 4: Statistical Analysis | 95 |
4.1. Relevant Distributions | 96 |
4.1.1. Pareto Distribution | 96 |
4.1.2. Binomial Distribution | 100 |
4.1.3. Poisson Distribution | 103 |
Snapshot 4.1: Excel Statistical Functions | 108 |
4.2. Probabilistic Approaches | 109 |
4.2.1. Scenario Analysis | 109 |
4.2.2. Decision Trees | 110 |
4.2.3. Simulations | 113 |
Summary | 115 |
References | 116 |
Exercises | 116 |
Appendix: Itô’s Lemma | 120 |
Chapter 5: Beyond Normality and Correlation | 123 |
5.1. Copula Functions | 124 |
5.1.1. Basic Properties | 124 |
5.1.2. Measures of Dependence | 127 |
5.1.3. Application to Risk Management | 130 |
Snapshot 5.1: Monte Carlo Simulation of Copulas | 133 |
5.2. Extreme Value Theory | 133 |
5.2.1. Theoretical Background | 134 |
5.2.2. Data Application | 137 |
5.2.3. Extreme VaR | 138 |
5.3. Beyond VaR | 140 |
5.3.1. Model Back Testing | 140 |
5.3.2. Expected Shortfall | 143 |
5.3.3. Conditional VaR | 145 |
Summary | 147 |
References | 148 |
Exercises | 149 |
Appendix: VaR for Portfolios of Derivatives | 150 |
Chapter 6: Conditional Risk Analysis | 153 |
6.1. Beyond VaR | 154 |
6.1.1. Expected Shortfall | 154 |
6.1.2. Conditional VaR | 156 |
6.2. Multivariate Return Distributions | 158 |
6.2.1. GARCH(p, q) Modeling | 159 |
Summary | 161 |
References | 161 |
Chapter 7: High-frequency Data | 163 |
7.1. High-frequency Trading | 163 |
7.1.1. Data Filtering | 163 |
7.1.2. Basic Stylized Facts | 166 |
7.2. Intraday Risk Analysis | 167 |
7.2.1. Heterogeneous Volatility | 167 |
Summary | 169 |
References | 170 |
Chapter 8: Financial Derivatives | 171 |
8.1. Options and Futures | 172 |
8.1.1. Types of Traders in the Market | 172 |
8.1.2. Option Structure and Payout | 175 |
8.1.3. Forwards and Futures | 177 |
Snapshot 8.1: Volatility Strategy with Strangles | 182 |
8.2. Interest Rate Derivatives | 183 |
8.2.1. Interest Rate Swaps | 183 |
8.2.2. Caps and Floors | 185 |
8.2.3. Swaptions | 188 |
Summary | 192 |
References | 192 |
Exercises | 193 |
Appendix: The Market Price of Risk | 194 |
Chapter 9: Option Pricing and Risk Modeling | 197 |
9.1. Option Pricing Models | 198 |
9.1.1. Binomial Trees | 198 |
9.1.2. BSM Model | 202 |
9.2. Portfolio Hedging | 207 |
9.2.1. Delta Hedging | 207 |
9.2.2. Gamma and Vega Hedging | 210 |
9.2.3. The Cost of Hedging | 212 |
Summary | 214 |
References | 215 |
Exercises | 215 |
Chapter 10: Market Risk | 217 |
10.1. Market Risk Metrics | 218 |
10.1.1. Overview of Market Risk | 218 |
10.1.2. Quantile Metrics and Value-at-Risk | 220 |
10.1.3. VaR Rationale and Definition | 224 |
Snapshot 10.1: The Choice of Parameters for VaR | 227 |
10.2. VaR Calculation Methods | 228 |
10.2.1. Historical Simulation Approach | 228 |
10.2.2. Parametric Method | 229 |
10.2.3. Monte Carlo Simulation | 231 |
Snapshot 10.2: Euler’s Theorem on Homogeneous Functions | 234 |
Summary | 234 |
References | 235 |
Exercises | 236 |
Appendix: Factor Mapping for VaR | 238 |
Chapter 11: Inside Value at Risk | 241 |
11.1. VaR Features | 241 |
11.1.1. Decomposition | 242 |
11.1.2. Limitations | 245 |
11.1.3. Analytic Approximations | 247 |
11.2. VaR Testing | 249 |
11.2.1. Model Back Testing | 249 |
11.2.2. Stress Testing | 251 |
Summary | 253 |
References | 253 |
Appendix: Factor Mapping for VaR | 255 |
Chapter 12: Interest Rate Risk | 257 |
12.1. The Dynamics of Interest Rates | 258 |
12.1.1. Bond Prices and Yields | 258 |
12.1.2. Fixed Income Futures | 263 |
12.1.3. Yield Shifts and Immunization | 267 |
Snapshot 12.1: Compounding Frequencies for Interest Rates | 272 |
12.2. Short Rate Models | 272 |
12.2.1. The Term Structure of Interest Rates | 272 |
12.2.2. Single-factor Models | 276 |
12.2.3. Multi-factor Models | 280 |
12.3. IRR Management | 282 |
12.3.1. Sources and Identification | 282 |
12.3.2. Measurement Techniques | 284 |
12.3.3. Duration and Convexity Hedging | 286 |
Summary | 290 |
References | 291 |
Exercises | 292 |
Appendix: Principal Component Analysis of the Term Structure | 295 |
Chapter 13: Credit Risk | 297 |
13.1. Basic Concepts | 298 |
13.1.1. Default Probabilities | 298 |
13.1.2. Loss Given Default | 302 |
13.1.3. Credit Ratings | 305 |
13.2. Structural Models | 308 |
13.2.1. The KMV-Merton Approach | 308 |
13.2.2. First Passage Models | 313 |
13.2.3. CreditMetrics™ | 315 |
13.3. Reduced-form Models | 317 |
13.3.1. The Jarrow-Turnbull Model | 317 |
13.3.2. The Duffie-Singleton Model | 320 |
13.3.3. CreditRisk+™ | 321 |
Summary | 324 |
References | 325 |
Exercises | 326 |
Appendix: Markov Process for Transition Matrices | 328 |
Chapter 14: Liquidity Risk | 331 |
14.1. Market Prices | 332 |
14.1.1. Market Microstructure | 332 |
14.1.2. Price Formation | 336 |
14.1.3. Funding versus Market Liquidity | 338 |
Snapshot 14.1: Liquidity Black Holes | 343 |
14.2. Models of Liquidity | 344 |
14.2.1. Theoretical Models | 344 |
14.2.2. Traceable Models | 348 |
14.2.3. The Diamond-Dybvig Model | 352 |
14.3. Liquidity Risk and Regulation | 355 |
14.3.1. Liquidity Coverage Ratio | 355 |
14.3.2. Net Stable Funding Ratio | 358 |
14.3.3. Monitoring Tools | 359 |
Summary | 362 |
References | 363 |
Exercises | 364 |
Appendix: Liquidity CAPM | 366 |
Chapter 15: Enterprise Risk | 369 |
15.1. The Fundamentals | 370 |
15.1.1. Identification and Assessment | 370 |
15.1.2. The ERM Framework | 373 |
15.1.3. The COSO ERM | 374 |
15.2. Building and Enhancing | 377 |
15.2.1 Improving the Process View | 377 |
15.2.2 Technological Capabilities | 380 |
15.3. Practical Implementation | 382 |
15.3.1. The Role of the Management | 382 |
15.3.2. Implementation and Models | 385 |
Summary | 386 |
References | 386 |
Chapter 16: Other Risks | 387 |
16.1. Operational Risk | 388 |
16.1.1. Identification and Assessment | 388 |
16.1.2. Treatment and Control | 391 |
16.1.3. Basel II Approach | 393 |
16.2. Currency Risk | 397 |
16.2.1. Types of Currency Risk | 397 |
16.2.2. Foreign Exchange Derivatives | 399 |
16.2.3. Risk Hedging in FX Markets | 404 |
16.3. Volatility Risk | 405 |
16.3.1. Implied Volatility | 406 |
16.3.2. Callable Bonds | 407 |
16.3.3. Variance Swaps | 410 |
Snapshot 16.1: Gamma Swaps | 413 |
Summary | 414 |
References | 415 |
Exercises | 415 |
Appendix: Risk-adjusted Return on Capital | 417 |
Chapter 17: Financial Crisis and Securitization | 419 |
17.1. Crisis and Regulation | 420 |
17.1.1. The Lack in Regulatory Framework | 420 |
17.1.2. The Crisis in Europe | 424 |
17.1.3. The Impact on the Financial Industry | 428 |
17.2. Credit Derivatives | 430 |
17.2.1. Asset Swaps | 430 |
17.2.2. Credit Default Swaps | 435 |
17.2.3. CDS Spreads with Counterparty Credit Risk | 438 |
Snapshot 17.1: The Newton–Raphson Method | 441 |
17.3. Securitization | 442 |
17.3.1. Structure and Participants | 442 |
17.3.2. Collateralized Debt Obligations | 444 |
17.3.3. Advantages and Disadvantages | 448 |
Summary | 450 |
References | 451 |
Exercises | 452 |
Appendix: A Model of SPVs | 453 |
Chapter 18: Hedging Techniques | 455 |
18.1. Market Risk Hedging | 456 |
18.1.1. Delta Hedging | 456 |
18.1.2. Gamma and Vega Hedging | 458 |
18.1.3. The Cost of Hedging | 460 |
18.2. Credit Risk Hedging | 463 |
18.2.1. Modeling Exposure | 463 |
18.2.2. Credit Value Adjustment | 467 |
18.2.3. Monte Carlo Methods | 472 |
18.3. Advanced IRR Hedging | 475 |
18.3.1. M-Absolute and M-Squared Models | 475 |
18.3.2. Duration Vectors | 477 |
18.3.3. Hedging with Fixed Income Derivatives | 480 |
Snapshot 18.1: Convexity Adjustment for Interest Rate Derivatives | 483 |
Summary | 484 |
References | 485 |
Exercises | 486 |
Chapter 19: Advanced Topics | 489 |
19.1. VaR Advances | 490 |
19.1.1. Modified Delta VaR | 490 |
19.1.2. Historical Simulation Revisited | 493 |
19.1.3. Modified Monte-Carlo and Scenario Analysis | 495 |
19.2. Alternative Risk Transfer | 496 |
19.2.1. The ART Market | 496 |
19.2.2. Primary Contracts | 498 |
19.2.3. Insurance Derivatives | 501 |
19.3. High-frequency Trading | 504 |
19.3.1. Data Filtering | 504 |
19.3.2. Basic Stylized Facts | 506 |
19.3.3. Heterogeneous Volatility | 508 |
Summary | 510 |
References | 511 |
Exercises | 512 |
Appendix: Power Laws for Intraday Data | 513 |
Chapter 20: The Future of Financial Risk Management | 515 |
20.1. The Role of Corporate Governance | 516 |
20.1.1. Management Failures | 516 |
20.1.2. Remuneration and Incentive Systems | 519 |
20.1.3. Post-crisis Perspectives | 522 |
20.2. The Banking Sector | 522 |
20.2.1. Bank Risk and Business Models | 522 |
20.2.2. Risk Management Systems | 524 |
20.2.3. Areas of Future Improvements | 528 |
20.3. Challenges for Research | 531 |
20.3.1. Interbank Risk | 531 |
20.3.2. Energy Derivatives | 532 |
20.3.3. Sovereign Risk Dynamics | 535 |
20.4. Digitalization and Risk Management | 537 |
20.4.1. The Impact of Fintech | 538 |
20.4.2. Big Data and Risk | 538 |
Summary | 539 |
References | 540 |
Exercises | 540 |
Index | 543 |
List of Tables
Table 1.1 | Risk Likelihood. | 21 |
Table 1.2 | Risk Impact. | 21 |
Table 1.3 | Risk Priority. | 21 |
EXtable 2.1 | 50 | |
EXtable 2.2 | 50 | |
EXtable 2.3 | 51 | |
EXtable 2.4 | 68 | |
EXtable 2.5 | 68 | |
EXtable 2.6 | 74 | |
EXtable 2.7 | 75 | |
EXtable 2.8 | 75 | |
EXtable 2.9 | 76 | |
EXtable 2.10 | 76 | |
EXtable 2.11 | 77 | |
EXtable 2.12 | 78 | |
EXtable 4.1 | 108 | |
EXtable 4.2 | 108 | |
EXtable 4.3 | 109 | |
EXtable 4.4 | 110 | |
EXtable 4.5 | 118 | |
EXtable 4.6 | 119 | |
Table 8.1 | Replication of a Forward Contract by Using the Underlying Asset. | 179 |
EXtable 8.1 | 193 | |
Table 12.1 | Effective Annual Rate Calculation for Different Compounding Frequencies. | 259 |
Table 12.2 | Compounding Frequencies. | 259 |
EXTable 12.1 | 265 | |
EXTable 12.2 | 265 | |
EXTable 12.3 | 266 | |
EXTable 12.4 | 292 | |
EXTable 12.5 | 292 | |
EXTable 12.6 | 293 | |
EXTable 12.7 | 293 | |
Table 13.1 | Credit Conversion Factors for PFE Calculation. | 302 |
EXTable 13.1 | 303 | |
Table 13.2 | Credit Ratings Assigned by the Major Credit Agencies. | 306 |
Table 13.3 | Credit Ratings on Sovereign Countries. | 307 |
Table 13.4 | Altman’s z-Score Factors and Weights. | 307 |
EXTable 13.2 | 308 | |
Table 13.5 | A Typical Example of a Credit Ratings Transition Matrix. | 316 |
EXTable 13.3 | 326 | |
EXTable 13.4 | 326 | |
EXTable 13.5 | 327 | |
Table 14.1 | Runoff Rates for the Major Asset Categories. | 357 |
Table 14.2 | RSF Factors for the Major Category Components. | 360 |
EXTable 14.1 | 364 | |
EXTable 14.2 | 365 | |
EXTable 14.3 | 365 | |
Table 16.1 | Operational Income Factors and Indicators for the Different Business Lines in the Bank. | 394 |
Table 18.1 | Volatility Spread Approximations. | 469 |
Table 18.2 | Add-on Percentages of the Underlying Amount for Different Types of Contract. | 470 |
EXTable 18.1 | 486 | |
EXTable 18.2 | 487 |
List of Figures
Fig. 1.1 | Graph Concave Utility Function. | 9 |
Fig. 1.2 | Diversification. | 11 |
Fig. 1.3 | Risk Process. | 17 |
Fig. 1.4 | Information Subsets. | 28 |
Fig. 2.1 | Normal Distribution 1. | 41 |
Fig. 2.2 | Normal Distribution 2. | 41 |
Fig. 2.3 | Normal Distribution 3. | 42 |
Fig. 2.4 | Efficient Frontier for Portfolio or Risky Assets. | 45 |
Fig. 2.5 | CML. | 49 |
Fig. 2.6 | Leverage. | 50 |
Fig. 2.7 | SML. | 58 |
Fig. 2.8 | SML Alpha. | 59 |
Fig. 3.1 | Autocorrelation. | 88 |
Fig. 3.2 | ACF. | 89 |
Fig. 4.1 | Pareto Distribution. | 98 |
Fig. 4.2 | Binomial Distribution. | 102 |
Fig. 4.3 | Poisson Distribution. | 106 |
Fig. 4.4 | Tree Nodes. | 111 |
Fig. 4.5 | Tree Example 1. | 112 |
Fig. 4.6 | Tree Example 2. | 113 |
Fig. 5.1 | Copula Gauss Student. | 126 |
Fig. 5.2 | Copula Clayton Frank. | 127 |
Fig. 5.3 | Copula Gumbel. | 127 |
Fig. 5.4 | Frechet Weibull Distribution. | 136 |
Fig. 5.5 | Gumbel Distribution. | 136 |
Fig. 8.1 | Long Call. | 176 |
Fig. 8.2 | Short Call. | 176 |
Fig. 8.3 | Long Put. | 177 |
Fig. 8.4 | Short Put. | 177 |
Fig. 8.5 | Forward. | 178 |
Fig. 8.6 | Strangles. | 182 |
Fig. 9.1 | Binomial Tree. | 198 |
Fig. 9.2 | Price Tree. | 200 |
Fig. 10.1 | Normal Distribution VaR. | 221 |
Fig. 10.2 | VaR. | 223 |
Fig. 12.1 | Yield Shift 1. | 267 |
Fig. 12.2 | Yield Shift 2. | 267 |
Fig. 12.3 | Yield Shift 3. | 268 |
Fig. 12.4 | The Yield Curve, As Resulting from Most Common Models of the Interest Rates, and Observed Empirically, Can Take Different Forms. | 273 |
Fig. 13.1 | The KMV Modeling of Expected Default. | 312 |
Fig. 13.2 | CreditMetrics™. | 315 |
Fig. 13.3 | CreditMetrics™ Thresholds. | 317 |
Fig. 14.1 | Liquidity. | 340 |
Fig. 16.1 | Structure of Internal Controls. | 392 |
Fig. 16.2 | Loss Frequency and Severity. | 394 |
Fig. 16.3 | Callable Duration. | 409 |
Fig. 16.4 | Convexity. | 410 |
Fig. 17.1 | Asset Swap. | 431 |
Fig. 17.2 | Market Asset Swap. | 432 |
Fig. 17.3 | CDS. | 435 |
Fig. 17.4 | Securitization. | 443 |
Fig. 17.5 | Tranches. | 445 |
Fig. 17.6 | CDO. | 446 |
Fig. 17.7 | ABS CDO. | 446 |
Fig. 19.1 | Captives. | 499 |
Fig. 19.2 | Multi-risk. | 500 |
Fig. 19.3 | Cat Swap Before. | 502 |
Fig. 19.4 | Cat Swap After. | 503 |
Fig. 19.5 | Stylized Facts. | 507 |
Fig. 20.1 | Board of Directors. | 517 |
Fig. 20.2 | Remuneration. | 520 |
Fig. 20.3 | Banking. | 525 |
Fig. 20.4 | Diagram of a Crude Oil Swap. | 534 |
About the Author
Angelo Corelli is Associate Professor of Finance at the American University in Dubai. His field of expertise is financial risk management with a focus on credit risk. Angelo’s research topics span from quantitative risk management to term structure analysis and valuation/risk of financial derivatives. The main focus of his teaching lies on corporate finance, with a special emphasis on corporate valuation mechanisms.
Preface to the First Edition
A Modern Approach
Understanding Financial Risk Management offers an innovative approach to financial risk management. With a broad view of theory and the industry, it aims at being a friendly, but serious, starting point for those who encounter risk management for the first time, as well as for more advanced users.
The focus is no longer on the mere measurement, but on the whole package. Risk is also opportunity, and when managing it, one should reach the right balance between opportunity and loss. That is why we propose a new approach that starts from the basic knowledge of classic theory and methodologies and moves to the latest findings in measurement and hedging.
Many books are more exhaustive in covering some of the topics that are treated in this book, but most of them do not offer the wholesome coverage on the horizon of financial risk management as the present book does.
There is no doubt that a deeper analysis of many concepts is possible, but no book in the actual market is able to collect all risks and the managing of them in one single essay. This book is definitely an all-included piece or work that guides the reader from the beginning to the end without ever losing focus on what is more important for good risk-management knowledge.
An Innovative Pedagogy
The foundations of the book rely on three main blocks: theory, analytics, and computational. They all merge in a way that makes it easy for students to understand the exact meaning of the concepts and their representation and applicability in real world contexts. Examples are given throughout the chapters in order to clarify the most intricate aspects; where needed, there are appendices at the end of chapters that give more mathematical insights about specific topics.
Learning comes from the correct combination of the three pillar elements, none of which should be excluded. The trinity stands as the foundation of the whole project.
Preferably, students have a solid background in financial mathematics, statistics, and basic econometrics. Indeed, students facing financial topics for the first time may benefit from using the book as a medium-level introduction to some aspects of financial theory and practice.
In this sense, practitioners represent a possible share of the users of the book. In recent years, due to the global financial crisis, the demand for links between academics and private industry has increased substantially. For this reason, practitioners nowadays like to explore the work done in academic research, and this book provides useful information for managers who want to increase their knowledge about risk management and understand what may have been the lacking in their own systems.
A Selected Audience
The book is meant for third- or fourth-year undergraduate students of business finance, quantitative finance, and financial mathematics. Most of the universities that the book would target offer the kind of training in mathematics and statistics that would be prerequisites for the successful completion of a course using Understanding Financial Risk Management. Potential users include students of universities, technical schools, and business schools offering courses in financial risk management.
This book offers a unique approach and represents a clear improvement on existing textbooks in the field of finance. Most textbooks on financial risk management focus on measurement or on some specific kind of risk. There is no challenge or criticism in them, and there is no drive for understanding risk management in the critical sense. That is exactly what this book will offer.
Quantitative approaches now incorporate a more critical view and contribute to a vision that does not blindly rely on numbers, but takes into account the variety of (sometimes unpredictable) situations that characterize financial markets.
Certainly, it is not an easy book, but it is a book that never abandons the reader. Even in the most complicated parts, the student is guided through the processes and given the tools he needs; nothing is cryptic.
A Reliable Partner for Instructors
Understanding Risk Management is tailored mostly for in-class lectures, and it has the best effect if combined with good quality lecture slides from the instructor. Secondarily, given its overall flexibility (a result of its simple structure), it can also be used for online learning. However, the medium-high level of difficulty of the book suggests the need for a closer relation with the instructor and the possibility of in-person explanations.
The structure of Understanding Financial Risk Management lends itself to a typical Swedish course of approximately six ECTS. The 10 chapters, of at most 60 pages each, can fit a course design of about 14–16 lectures of 1.5 hours effective teaching. That would also fit an overall international standard of a course with two lectures per week spanned over a two-month teaching term. The overall contents in the book can fill approximately 40–60 hours of teaching.
Richness in Content
This book is the ultimate tool for understanding the many aspects of financial risk management, and it comes with a solid theoretical set.
This first edition has been edited to help educators around the world, suiting users dealing with financial risk for the first time, as well as more advanced users looking for an innovative approach.
As a textbook, the richness in content, exercises, and applications makes the book the perfect partner for the students of all areas in the world, all shaped in a book featuring:
- (a)
14 chapters,
- (b)
70 major and 126 detailed learning outcomes,
- (c)
numerous tasks (questions and exercises),
- (d)
snapshots and appendices wherever relevant, and
- (e)
numerous selected references.
Every chapter follows the same structure, where the full text is complemented by snapshots relating to cutting-edge research and up-to-date news. At the end of each chapter, there is an exercise section with targeted tasks.
Preface to the Second Edition
The second edition of Understanding Financial Risk Management aims to improve the first edition by introducing a more structured approach to the sources of risk in the organization, and the methods used to manage it.
From identification to assessment and management, all types of financial risks a company faces daily are analyzed, together with the tools and techniques that can be used to limit their impact and manage their connected risk events.
Built on the solid pedagogical approach used in the first edition, the second edition improves it by extending the narrative to modern and innovative topics like enterprise risk.
The result is a 20-chapter textbook that takes the student into a full-immersion experience. After an introductory part where distributional issues, statistical tools, and other foundation topics are analyzed, the chapters start digging deep into all types of financial risk that are normally presented to the organization on a daily basis.
An improved coverage of major risks, together with ample narrative on how to use financial derivatives to hedge risk, offer a complete view on past, current, and future trends in financial risk management.
- Prelims
- Chapter 1: Risk: An Overview
- Chapter 2: Financial Markets and Volatility
- Chapter 3: Conditional Dependence and Time Series
- Chapter 4: Statistical Analysis
- Chapter 5: Beyond Normality and Correlation
- Chapter 6: Conditional Risk Analysis
- Chapter 7: High-frequency Data
- Chapter 8: Financial Derivatives
- Chapter 9: Option Pricing and Risk Modeling
- Chapter 10: Market Risk
- Chapter 11: Inside Value at Risk
- Chapter 12: Interest Rate Risk
- Chapter 13: Credit Risk
- Chapter 14: Liquidity Risk
- Chapter 15: Enterprise Risk
- Chapter 16: Other Risks
- Chapter 17: Financial Crisis and Securitization
- Chapter 18: Hedging Techniques
- Chapter 19: Advanced Topics
- Chapter 20: The Future of Financial Risk Management
- Index