Accredited Loan Providers
, 171
Acontractionary monetary policy
, 8
Actual inflation rate
, 19, 245
African stock markets
, 75–76, 81
Aggregate supply linkage
, 51
Akaike information criterion (AIC)
, 52, 229, 246, 280
All Share Index (ASI)
, 50–51
Annual population growth rate
, 148
Argentina Great Depression (1998–2002)
, 111
Asian economy
developing economies
, 124–125
globalization and inflation in
, 123–124
Asian financial crisis (1997)
, 111–112, 350–351
Asset prices
, 47, 114
booms and bursts
, 177–178
, 51
, 49
impact and credit burst
, 178
speculative bubbles in
, 48
Asset-based reserve management system
, 267
Assisted reproductive treatment (ART)
, 135
Augmented Dickey Fuller test (ADF test)
, 99, 150, 177, 226, 246, 268, 280, 312, 342–343
panel unit root tests
, 125
unit root test
, 295
, 267
, 125
Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL)
, 92, 98
Calibrating sectorial analysis
, 77
financial and credit regulatory landscape in
, 365
insurance regulations and credit insurance landscape in
, 366
Post-GFC 2008 scenario in
, 366
Capital markets
, 324
effects of monetary policy
, 4
interest rate
, 8
literature review
, 5–7
Cash crunch initiative
, 224, 226
Cash reserve ratio (CRR)
, 90, 295, 301–302, 356
“Cash wash” initiative
, 224
Cell phone messaging technology
, 172
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
, 89
Statistical Bulletin
, 93
Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin
, 52
Central banks
, 3, 17, 48–49, 213
monetary policies
, 114
China, India and South East Asian (ASEAN)
, 121
Classical monetary policy
, 213
Classification matrix
, 141
Clinical Establishment Act (CE Act)
, 133
, 317
, 267–268
Coefficient of variance (CoV)
, 80
Commercial Banks
, 65, 197
data source and research methodology
, 255–257
empirical analysis
, 257–259
objective of study
, 255
review of literature
, 253–255
Commercial institution
, 253
Committee on Global Financial System (CGFS)
, 276
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
, 369
Consumer price index (CPI)
, 124, 292, 341, 352
, 69
Contractionary policy
, 349
Corporate financial structure
, 323
Correlation coefficient
, 177, 330
Creative destruction process
, 148
, 164
booms and bursts
, 178
dissemination to SHG
, 315–319
market imperfections
, 267
policies of central banks
, 66
, 352
, 359
, 161
, 323–325
Credit flow
, 313
inter-regional differences in
, 318–319
Credit insurance
, 359
in Canada
, 366
data and methodology
, 363
discussions over regulatory landscape of credit financing and insurance covers
, 363–369
in France
, 368
G7 economies’ trade credit insurance market during GFC 2008
, 361
in Germany
, 366–367
in Italy
, 365
in Japan
, 364
literature review
, 362–363
monetary policy of G7 economies and output loss during GFC 2008
, 360
theoretical framework and hypothesis development
, 363
in UK
, 367
in US
, 369
world’s trade credit insurance market during GFC 2008
, 360
Credit–deposit ratio
, 295–296
Credit–deposit ratio of scheduled commercial banks (CDRCBs)
, 291
Crisis period
, 195
Johensan cointegration
, 193
period closing descriptive statistics
, 189
pre, and post period correlation between Sensex and companies’ return
, 191
Cross country evidences
, 162–165
Cross-border liquidity
, 277
Cross-country data analysis
, 36
Customer service point
, 172
Data envelopment analysis (DEA)
, 198–199
Data generating process (DGP)
, 76
Debt-management considerations
, 340
, 134
, 198–199
Demand Following Approach
, 148
Demographic pressures
, 67
Demonetization in India
, 133, 137, 139, 223
AR root table for models under consideration
, 235
augmented Dickey Fuller test statistics
, 234
black economy
, 223–224
data and econometric model
, 226
, 226
empirical findings and discussion
, 229
estimation strategy
, 227–229
Granger causality
, 229–230, 237–239
impulse response function
, 230–231
lag length selection for models
, 234
macroeconomic and microeconomic theoretical sketch
, 225–226
mitigating problems of
, 294–295
model specification results
, 234
objective of study
, 225
result of VAR estimates
, 235–236
review of literature
, 224
stability analysis for VAR system
, 229
stationarity of variables
, 226
variables definition
, 233–234
Dependent variable
, 136–137
Descriptive statistics
, 336
crisis period closing
, 189
of explanatory variables
, 137
post-crisis period closing
, 190
pre-period closing
, 188
Development aid
effectiveness of
, 35
negative effect
, 43
Directors’ and Officers’ insurance (D&O)
, 369
Discontinuous process
, 148
Discount window operations (DWO)
, 90
Discretionary monetary policy
, 214
Discriminant analysis
, 136
Discriminant function
, 141
Domestic aggregate demand
, 227
Domestic agricultural prices
, 123
Domestic demand (DMD)
, 124
Dominant monetary regime
, 213
Dow Jon Industrial Average (DIJA)
, 176, 184
Dumitrescu Hurlin panel causality
, 9–10, 12
, 4
Dynamic influence of globalization on inflation in developing Asia
, 124–126
Dynamic panel regression model
, 125
E7 economies, application on
, 9–10
Early warning indicators (EWIs)
, 278
ECM-autoregressive distributed lag model (ECM–ARDL model)
, 342, 344
Econometric model
, 226–229
, 289
, 148
, 71, 175–176, 212, 241–242
, 211
, 300
, 198
, 47
Efficiency change (EFFCH)
, 200
Efficient market hypothesis (EMH)
, 75–76
Endogenous variables
, 153
Engle–Granger method
, 268
Enterprise bankruptcies
, 110–111
Error correction (EC)
, 151
Error correction model (ECM)
, 48, 98, 267
Errors and Omissions insurance
, 369
European Central Bank (ECB)
, 265, 368
European financial stabilization mechanism
, 112
Excessive credit rationing
, 167
Exchange rate
, 109, 243, 342
, 219
Expansionary monetary policy
, 349
Expected inflation
over life of asset
, 66
, 19
Expected interest rate on real interest rate in short term
, 66
Explanatory variables
, 327
Exponential smooth transition autoregressive process (ESTAR)
, 76, 78
“Export-led mercantilist” model
, 367
Federal Reserve policy
, 243
Federal Reserve System (FED)
, 265
Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee (FOMC)
, 244
Financial and credit regulatory landscape
in Canada
, 365
in France
, 367–368
in Germany
, 366
in Italy
, 364–365
in Japan
, 363–364
in UK
, 367
in US
, 368–369
Financial development
, 147–148, 151
, 150
and growth
, 157
Johansen cointegration test results
, 153
, 150–152
, 149
results and discussion
, 152
unit roots test results
, 152
VAR for USA and China
, 154
VAR granger causality test results for USA and China
, 155–156
VAR stability test for countries
, 160
Financial markets
, 110–111, 324
, 290
Financial sector
, 148, 253
Financial secor reforms
, 66, 66, 299
, 51
assets and institutions
, 175
, 289
, 66, 66, 66, 267
, 148
, 340
excluded borrowers
, 166
, 276
finance–growth relationship
, 148–149
, 49
, 66, 314
, 66, 147
, 277
intermediation approach
, 201
, 112
liberalization policy
, 164, 170–171
repression models
, 164–165
rescue plans
, 114
served borrowers
, 166
, 66, 277
, 66, 341
, 213
Firm-specific characteristics
, 329
Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act (FRBM Act)
, 338, 340
Five Year Plan (11th)
, 314
Fixed effects
dynamic panel models
, 125
, 330
, 125–126
Fixed exchange rates
, 92, 341
Flexible monetary targeting system
, 212
Flexible price level targeting
, 92
Foreign direct investment (FDI)
, 123, 276
Formal credit market linkage
, 162–165
Formal financial institutions
, 161
Formal financial service providers
, 166
Forward-looking monetary policy rule
, 18
Fragmented duopoly credit market and implications on monetary policy
, 165–169
financial and credit regulatory landscape in
, 367–368
insurance regulations and credit insurance landscape in
, 368
post-GFC 2008 scenario in
, 368
, 161
fund-based operating performance
, 198
politics in India
, 65
G7 economies
discussions over regulatory landscape of credit financing and insurance covers in
, 363–369
monetary policy and output loss during GFC 2008
, 360
trade credit insurance market during GFC 2008
, 361
GARCH (1,1) unit root test
, 79, 81, 83
Generalized method of moments approach (GMM approach)
, 124–125, 127
German insurance industry
, 366
financial and credit regulatory landscape in
, 366
insurance regulations and credit insurance landscape in
, 366–367
post-GFC 2008 scenario in
, 367
Global crisis period
, 277–278
Global cross-border credit
, 280, 282
Global economic crisis
, 111, 289
Argentina (1998–2002)
, 111
Asian Crisis (1997)
, 112
Greece (2009)
, 112
Ireland (2008–2011)
, 112
Portugal (2010–2014)
, 112
Russian Federation
, 111
Spain (2008–2015)
, 111
United State of America (2009–2010)
, 111
Global economy
, 111, 113, 122
Global environment, monetary policy in
, 338–339
Global financial crisis (GFC)
, 110, 112, 175, 275, 290, 324, 354–357, 197, 213
crisis period
, 195
crisis period closing descriptive statistics
, 189
database and methodology
, 176–177
empirical findings
, 179–185
G7 economies’ trade credit insurance market during
, 361
, 177–178
impact on foreign participation and gross premium growth rate
, 362
, 178–179
monetary policy of G7 economies and output loss during
, 360
monetary policy phases and targets around
, 291–293
post period
, 196
post-crisis period closing descriptive statistics
, 190
pre, crisis, and post period correlation between Sensex and companies’ return
, 191
pre, crisis, and post-period Johensan cointegration
, 193
pre period
, 194
pre-period closing descriptive statistics
, 188
pre-period stationarity test result
, 192
world’s trade credit insurance market during
, 360
Global financial crisis
, 177–178
Global financial markets
, 113–114
Global financial system
, 115
Global inflation rates
, 123
Global liquidity
, 275
central bankers
, 275–276
concepts, measurement, and effects
, 276–278
effect on BSE Sensex
, 281
global liquidity and Indian Stock Market
, 278–280
, 280–282
trends in growth of US cross-border credit and BSE
, 287
trends in stock of global credit and BSE
, 285–286
Global monetary aggregates
, 278
Global private liquidity
, 277
Global recession effect
, 176
Global trade
, 114–115, 121
, 115
, 121, 147, 265
data and methodology
, 124
dynamic influence
, 124–126
empirical results
, 126–127
globalization-fueled growth alters consumption pattern
, 121–122
of monetary policy
, 337–339
, 147
review of literature
, 122–123
scenario of globalization and inflation in Asian economy
, 123–124
“Good policy” variable
, 36
Governance dummy variables
, 331, 333
Government fiscal policies
, 115
Granger causality
, 229–230, 245
among variables indifferent groups
, 237–239
, 269
Granger causality method
, 157
Granger representation theorem
, 98
“Great inflation” (1970s)
, 214
Greece crisis (2009)
, 112
Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 28, 111, 121, 224, 266, 292, 311, 342
growth rate
, 175
growth rate in India
, 355
per capita
, 37–38, 148
Gross fixed capital formation
, 148–149
, 39
Gross value added (GVA)
, 224
Group ADF-Statistic test
, 9
Group PP-Statistic test
, 9
Group rho-Statistic test
, 9
Growth of per capita income (GRTH)
, 151
Growth rate
, 147
, 150
Johansen cointegration test results
, 153
, 150–152
, 149
results and discussion
, 152
unit roots test results
, 152
VAR for USA and China
, 154
VAR granger causality test results for USA and China
, 155–156
VAR stability test for countries
, 160
Growth-oriented adjustment programmers
, 110
IBM SPSS V.23.0, statistical analysis with
, 303
Im, Pesaran, and Shin panel unit root tests (IPS panel unit root tests)
, 125
Implicit interest rate
, 167
Impossible trinity
, 294, 341
Impulse response function
, 52–53, 230–231
Independence monetary policy
, 341
Independent variables
, 40, 136–137, 139–140
India (see also Demonetization in India; Monetary policy in India)
, 178–179
global liquidity and Indian stock market
, 278–280
Indian banking sector
, 198
Indian financial sector
, 290
Indian rural economy
, 313
long-term risk-free interest rates in
, 67
Indian Central Banking Enquiry Committee (1931)
, 169
Indian commercial banking industry
, 199
financial intermediation approach
, 201
literature review
, 198
Malmquist index summary of annual means, time series results
, 201–208
, 198–200
results and discussion
, 200
service oriented production approach
, 202
Indian economy
, 161, 178
formal and informal credit market linkages
, 162–165
fragmented duopoly credit market and implications
, 165–169
rural credit policy approaches toward establishing linkages
, 169–172
Indian monetary policy (see Monetary policy in India)
Individual capital assessment
, 367
, 121, 212, 233, 292
in developing Asia
, 121–127
gap over time
, 24
inflation–output dynamics
, 26–28
multiple regression analysis
, 356–357
, 66
threshold level of
, 218
Inflation rate (Inf)
, 91, 122, 268
dynamics and change in policy regime
, 30
Inflation targeting (IT)
, 92, 212, 291
Inflation targeting monetary policy (see also Monetary policy in India)
base line model
, 19–26
empirical analysis
, 28–31
, 17
inflation rate dynamics and change in policy regime
, 30
inflation–output dynamics
, 26–28
objective of study
, 19
review of literature
, 18–19
supply shock
, 26–28
unit root and order of integration
, 29
Informal credit market
, 161
, 162–165
Information and telecommunication (ICT)
, 80
Information regarding market efficiency
, 253
Instrumental variable panel data estimator
, 330
Insurance (see also Credit insurance)
, 359
Errors and Omissions
, 369
quasi regulatory status of
, 361
, 359–360
Insurance regulations
in Canada
, 366
in France
, 368
in Germany
, 366–367
in Italy
, 365
in Japan
, 364
in UK
, 367
in US
, 369
Inter-regional differences in credit flow
, 318–319
Interest rates
, 66, 89, 243
on capital markets
, 8
, 324
Interest subvention scheme for SHGs
, 311
Intermediation approach
, 199
International community
, 33
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 110, 121
International tourism
, 134–135
Investments and GDP (INV/GDP)
, 38–39
Investors, low interest rates affecting
, 68–70
Ireland crisis (2008–2011)
, 112
financial and credit regulatory landscape in
, 364–365
insurance regulations and credit insurance landscape in
, 365
post-GFC 2008 scenario in
, 365
Macroeconomic factors
, 276–277
Macroeconomic stability
, 292
Macroprudential financial supervision
, 339
Malmquist index
, 198
combined table of production vis-á-vis intermediation approach
, 204–207
intermediation approach
, 203
private sector banks
, 208
summary of annual means, time series results
, 201
, 202
Malmquist Productivity Index
, 199–200
Marginal cost of fund-based lending rate (MCLR)
, 299
comparison of different banks
, 305
evolution and computation
, 301–302
findings of study
, 302
limitations of study
, 307
, 300–301
objectives of study
, 300
paired samples statistics
, 309
paired t-test results
, 310
rates of HDFC and Axis bank
, 304
rates of UBI and SBI
, 303
regression results
, 305–307
review of literature
, 299–300
statistical analysis
, 303
Marginal cost of funds
, 301
Marginal standing facility (MSF)
, 244
driven adverse selection problem
, 361
, 109
, 165
, 76
market-based systems
, 326
market-determined exchange rate system
, 219
Market share dummy (MSDUM)
, 256
Market stabilization scheme (MSS)
, 291
Marshall–Lerner condition
, 147
Maturity transformation
, 277
Maximum likelihood (ML)
, 79
McKinnon one-sided p-value
, 317
Mean reverting processes
, 75
, 137, 141
, 137
Medical tourism
, 133
classification results
, 145
descriptive statistics of explanatory variables
, 137
, 134
literature review
, 134–135
managerial implications
, 142
, 135
, 137–141
, 135–137
standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients
, 145
study area
, 135
Microfinance institutions (MFIs)
, 166, 311
Minimum Capital Test
, 366
Mitigating problems of demonetization
, 294–295
Moderately credit rationing
, 167
Modigliani–Miller proposition (MM proposition)
, 323
Monetary policy (see also Inflation targeting monetary policy)
, 3–4, 48, 89, 91, 112, 164, 211–212, 241, 265, 289, 292, 337, 349
analysis results
, 10–12
application on E7 economies
, 9–10
changes in
, 47
changing role of bank rate
, 269
co-integration test
, 270–271
components of crisis
, 112–114
corrective measures
, 114
data of study
, 350
data source
, 268
in developing nations like India
, 350
effect on Nigerian stock market returns
, 50
effects on capital markets
, 4
empirical results and findings
, 343–345
fragmented duopoly credit market and implications on
, 165–169
frequency of changes in monetary instruments
, 348
in global environment
, 338–339
Granger causality test
, 66, 272
, 110
Indian experience
, 339–341
, 351–354
key monetary indicators
, 353
literature review
, 4–9, 266–267
literature survey
, 338
, 268
movements in bank rate
, 270–271
nexus between money supply growth and inflation
, 341–342
, 337–338, 350
recommendations and measures
, 115
, 269
on stock market
, 8
, 147
transmission mechanism
, 324–326
trends of global economic crisis
, 111–112
in 21st Century’s World
, 109
unit roots test results
, 272
Monetary Policy Framework Agreement (MPFA)
, 290–291, 293
Monetary policy in India (see also Inflation targeting monetary policy)
, 212–213, 244, 290, 291–293, 311, 354–357
basic analysis
, 330–331
breakdown of sample firms by ownership group and legal form
, 336
challenges in recent times
, 294–295
co-integration results
, 249
data sources
, 327
descriptive statistics
, 336
econometric methodology
, 245–246
economic crisis
, 289–290
empirical analysis
, 295–296
empirical investigation, data, and methodology
, 244–245
enunciation of objectives
, 218
estimated equation results
, 298
estimation results
, 331–333
exchange rate stability
, 219
financial stability
, 219
, 331
after liberalization to present year
, 350–351
literature survey
, 212–213, 290–291
, 329–330
modified impossible trinity
, 241–242
objective of study and methodology
, 291
operating framework evolution
, 213–215
policy implications
, 333
reforms in monetary policy
, 211–212
, 246–248, 298
review of selected literature
, 242–244
, 265–266, 339–341
threshold level of inflation and policy of inflation targeting
, 218
transmission mechanism
, 218–219, 324–326
trends in
, 215–217
variables in study
, 327–329
Monetary policy rate (MPR)
, 50, 52
marginal increase in
, 53
variance decomposition analysis of changes in
, 54
Monetary transmission
, 65, 267
, 110
, 96
Money supply (MS)
, 92, 104, 124, 243, 268, 342
, 97
growth and inflation
, 341–342
MSCI Emerging Markets Index
, 277
Multidimension credit channels
, 161
Mundell–Flemming Model
, 294
Myers–Majluf proposition
, 323
Narasimham Committee Report–II
, 198
Narrow credit channel (see also Bank-lending channel)
Narrow credit view (see Bank-lending channel)
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
, 91
Annual Abstract of Statistics
, 93
National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)
, 311
Negative interest rates
, 65–66
and bank customers
, 71
future trends
, 71–72
review of literature
, 66
Negative rates
, 70
, 70–71
and economic growth
, 71
rationale behind negative interest rates
, 70
, 70
Neoliberal coherence
, 110
Neostructuralist models
, 164–165
Net interest margin (NIM)
, 259
New Keynesian model with spending equation
, 51
data and methodology
, 51–52
decomposition of fluctuations
, 53
literature review
, 48–51
model specification
, 51–52
monetary policy and assets prices in
, 47
stock market
, 76
Nigerian Stock Exchange
, 52
Non-Bank Financial Corporation (NBFC)
, 351, 355
Non-financial firm-level data
, 324
Non-financial manufacturing firms
, 324
“Non-fundamental” factors
, 48
Non-institutional credit agency
, 171
Non-linear relationship
, 148–149
Non-parametric slack-based measure model
, 199
Non-performing asset (NPA)
, 313
Non-performing loans (NPL)
, 294
Nonlinear unit root rest estimates
, 78–79
in stock prices
, 76
, 81
Nonstationary time series
, 78
North Atlantic Financial Crisis
, 290
Norwegian banking system
, 198
Null hypothesis
, 137, 139, 184
Official Development Assistance (ODA)
, 34
cross-country data analysis
, 36
economic policy
, 37
effectiveness of development aid
, 35
empirical analysis and results
, 37–43
ODA/GDP variable
, 41
OLS estimates model
, 40–41
Open capital account
, 341
Open economy IS–LM framework
, 224
Open market operations (OMO)
, 90, 291, 340
Optimal monetary policy instruments for Nigeria
, 89, 91
data and methodology
, 93–99
error correction estimates of short-run and long-run ARDL model
, 101
flexible price level targeting
, 92
, 99–105
short-run parameters
, 102
Ordinary least square method (OLS method)
, 40–41, 50, 255, 267
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries
, 123
“Originate and distribute” model
, 112
Output-gap inflation rate
, 30
Ownership dummy variable
, 333
Ownership group and legal form, breakdown of sample firms by
, 336
Paired sample t-test
, 303
Pan-Asian supply chain
, 121
Panchenkocasulity analysis
, 8
Panel ADF-Statistic test
, 9
Panel PP-Statistic test
, 9
Panel regression model
, 255, 257–258
Panel rho-Statistic test
, 9
Panel unit root tests
, 126
Panel v-Statistic test
, 9
Partial Adjustment Model
, 255
Pedroni panel cointegration test
, 4, 9, 11
People’s Bank of China (PBOC)
, 265
Phillip–Peron test (P–P test)
, 99, 177, 184, 268, 342–343
errors in EMEs
, 338
of inflation targeting
, 218
, 51
, 48, 161, 266, 338
Portugal crises (2010–2014)
, 112
Post-crisis period
, 196, 213
Johensan cointegration
, 193
post-crisis period closing descriptive statistics
, 190
pre, crisis, and post period correlation between Sensex and companies’ return
, 191
Post-financial sector reforms period
, 197
Post-GFC 2008 scenario
in Canada
, 366
in France
, 368
in Germany
, 367
in Italy
, 365
in Japan
, 364
in UK
, 367
in US
, 369
Power sector, IT sector
, 184
Prais–Winsten regression
, 305
Pre period
, 194
closing descriptive statistics
, 188
crisis, and post period correlation between Sensex and companies’ return
, 191
Johensan cointegration
, 193
stationarity test result
, 192
, 242–243
level expectations
, 90
, 66, 66, 66, 219, 241–243
Prime lending rate (PLR)
, 301
“Priority sector lending” scheme
, 311
“Priority Sector” lending policy
, 313
Private sector
, 302
, 314
Production oriented approach
, 199
Productive incoherence
, 110
Public private partnership model
, 172
Public sector banks
, 299–300
Public stimulus packages
, 114
Punishment of Organized Crime and Control of Criminal Proceeds (APOCCCP)
, 364
Pure efficiency change (PECH)
, 200–201, 208
Random effect models
, 125–126
Random sampling process
, 135
Reaction function of monetary policy
, 52
Real aggregate output
, 19
Real effective exchange rate (REER)
, 245
Real estate sector of US market
, 176
Real negative deposit rates
, 66
Regional rural banks (RRBs)
, 313
, 66, 66, 319
, 78
, 315
Relationship lending channel
, 324–325
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
, 65, 162, 197, 225, 241–242, 255, 265, 291, 299, 311, 339, 341, 352, 357
, 68
co-integration test results
, 317–318
inter-regional differences in credit flow to SHGs
, 318–319
literature review
, 313–314
monetary policy and credit dissemination to SHG
, 315
objectives and methodology
, 312–313
, 293
, 311–312
structural breaks in credit flow to SHGs
, 315
unit root test results
, 316
Residential mortgage underwriting policy (RMUP)
, 366
Return on equity (ROE)
, 256
Revised Banking Directive
, 366
Revised Capital Adequacy Directive
, 366
Risk management strategies
, 134–135
Royal Bank of Scotland Group
, 367
Rupee/US dollar exchange rate
, 341
Rural credit policy approaches toward establishing linkages in India
, 169–172
Russian Federation, crisis in
, 111
Scale efficiency change (SECH)
, 200
Schwarz information criterion
, 52
Schwarz’s Bayesian information criterion
, 280
Self-help group (SHG)
, 166, 311–312
monetary policy and credit dissemination to
, 315–319
SHG-Bank Linkage Program
, 312, 314–315
structural breaks in credit flow to
, 315
Serial correlation LM test
, 157
Service oriented production
, 66, 202
vis-á-vis financial intermediation approach
, 197
Sex change procedure
, 135
Short-term borrowing to total assets (STDEBT)
, 327
Short-term debt ratio
, 331, 333
Smart card with chip
, 172n, 6
Social welfare programs
, 213
Spain crisis (2008–2015)
, 111
Speculative bubbles in asset prices
, 48
Spill-over excess demand
, 161, 166–167
Stability analysis for VAR system
, 229
Standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients
, 145
STATA (statistical software package)
, 301
Stationarity of variables
, 226
Stationary time series
, 78, 226
Statistical analysis
, 303
Statutory liquidity ratio (SLR)
, 291, 356
Stepwise forward regression
, 41–42
Stock market
, 178
monetary policies on
, 8
, 152–153
Stock market efficiency
, 75
data and methodology
, 77–79
descriptive statistics
, 80
linearity and univariate nonlinear unit root tests
, 82
literature review
, 76–77
policy implication
, 84
Stock of global credit
, 280
Stock prices
, 47
nonlinearity in
, 76
Stressed asset management
, 294
Structural breaks in credit flow to SHGs
, 315
Structural shift
, 312–313
Structural vector autoregressive model (SVAR model)
, 51–52, 227, 266–267
, 8
, 58–59
Subprime crisis
, 176
originating in United States
, 175
of money stock
, 89
, 26–28
Supply Leading Approach
, 148
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
, 223
Target inflation rate
, 248
Taylor rule
, 214, 218, 243–248, 289
Technological change (TECHCH)
, 200, 202
Theories of monetary policies
, 214–215
Time path of inflation rate
, 22
Time-invariant error term
, 330
Time-varying correlation
, 50
Toda-Yamomoto analysis
, 8
Total borrowing to total assets (DEBT)
, 327
Total factor productivity growth
, 198
, 147
, 362
, 317
Trade openness (TRO)
, 123, 147, 151
, 150
and growth
, 149
Johansen cointegration test results
, 153
, 150–152
, 149
results and discussion
, 152
unit roots test results
, 152
VAR for USA and China
, 154
VAR granger causality test results for USA and China
, 155–156
VAR stability test for countries
, 160
Transformation of equations
, 94
Transmission mechanism
, 218–219
Treasury bill rate (TBR)
, 50
Trilemma of monetary policy
, 341
Two-stage least squares method (2SLS method)
, 50, 330
Two-tailed Pearson’s correlation tests
, 303
Unit root
for panel data
, 125
property of DGP
, 77
, 79
United Kingdom (UK)
financial and credit regulatory landscape in
, 367
insurance regulations and credit insurance landscape in
, 367
post-GFC 2008 scenario in
, 367
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
, 33
United State (US)
crisis (2009–2010)
, 110–111
cross-border credit
, 280
Federal Reserve
, 66, 113
financial and credit regulatory landscape in
, 368–369
insurance regulations and credit insurance landscape in
, 369
monetary policy
, 289
post-GFC 2008 scenario in
, 369
stock market
, 177
Univariate nonlinear unit root tests
, 82