Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Russia
ISBN: 978-1-78973-266-5, eISBN: 978-1-78973-265-8
Publication date: 23 May 2019
(2019), "Index", Sergi, B.S. (Ed.) Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Russia, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 297-305.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
Advanced Research Foundation, 148–159
Agro-industrial complex (AIC)
future growth, 238–241, 243
methodology, 235–236
initial statistical data, 237
for optimization of future growth, regulation of, 241–244
tendencies of growth, 236–238
AIC. See Agro-industrial complex
AIC 4.0, 241–243, 245
Bank for International Settlements (BIS), 69
Bank of Russia, role in maintaining monetary steadiness and financial stability, 29
background, 31–34
empirical evidence, 53–57
method, 34–51
central bank, natural function of, 35–37
central banks’ performance, 34–35
money emission, as public goods, 34–35
monetary policy, properties of, 37–40
monetary policy implementation, 40–42
sustainability, 47–51
transmission mechanism channels, 42–47
results, 51–53
Basic skills, 170, 171
BATs. See Best available technologies
Best available technologies (BATs), 276
municipal solid waste, utilization of, 291
BIS. See Bank for International Settlements
Bonduelle Group, The, 104, 106–107, 112–115
description, 106–107
management expertise development in retail market, 113–114
profile and financial data, 108
relationships with retailers, developing, 114–115
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
Borrower risk, 33
BRIICS countries, ranks’ dynamics of (2007–2017)
by financial market development series, 4
by Global Competitiveness Index, 3
br-SCMM (Brazilian smart city maturity model), 251
Budget consolidation policy, 91–92
Budget deficit, 204, 206, 210, 212, 219–220, 222, 230
Budget expenditure for education and the educational achievements of Russia, non-linear relationship between, 192–193
Budget expenditures, 67, 68–69, 81, 86–90
Budget revenues, 67, 68–69, 81, 86–90
Business environment, 100
ByTerg, 105, 118–121
customer orientation, 120–121
description, 106–107
engaged team of highly professional employees, 121
high level of service, 119–120
innovative technologies, 119
local market knowledge, 120
profile and financial data, 108
reliability of the equipment, 119–120
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
Capability development in Russia, theoretical framework of, 102–103
Center for Strategic Research
“Global Human Capital – 2017”, 191
Central banks
natural function of, 35–37
performance, 34–35
Certificates of deposit, 32–33
Classical learning paradigm versus modern learning paradigms, 177
“Clean Air” project, 277
“Clean Water” project, 277
Cognitive skills, 183–184
Communal service projects, regulatory framework for, 284–285
Communication policy, 39–40
Consolidating innovation policy model, 146
Consumer price index (CPI), 114
CPI. See Consumer price index
De-dollarization of deposits, 40
Digital modernization, 241–243, 245
EAEU. See Eurasian Economic Union
EBRD. See European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Ecolab Inc., 104–111
description, 106–107
localization and M&A projects, 110–111
profile and financial data, 108
research and development, 110
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
sustainability, 109
unique technologies and business diversification, 109
Economic development, 8
Educational and economic failures, 195
Education and inclusive development
background of, 170–171
empirical evidence, 194–199
human capital transformation into endogenous economic growth factor, necessary conditions for, 171–185
crisis in learning, manifestations of, 171–173
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, applications of, 175–185, 178–182
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, conceptual foundations of, 173–175
results, 191, 193–194
sufficient conditions to increase return on well-educated human capital, formation of, 185–193
budget expenditure for education and the educational achievements of Russia, non-linear relationship between, 192–193
human capital quality, 190–192
international educational ratings, Russian education in, 185–190
knowledge economy, 190–192
Equal opportunities, 170
Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), 249–250
Eurobond borrowings, 38
Euro-dollar loans, 32–33
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), 205
Evolutionary of innovation-based growth, 129–131
conventional innovation policy framework, 131
FCPF. See Federal Center for Project Financing
FDI. See Foreign direct investment
Federal Center for Project Financing (FCPF), 290
Finance category, essence of, 69–71
Financial depth, 52
Financial Market Development indicator, 2
Financial stability
background of, 67–69
elasticity of GDP by fiscal policy instruments, 76–80
empirical evidence, 81–90
finance category, essence of, 69–71
fiscal policy of state, instruments of, 74–75
gradual instability reintroduction, 71–72
institutions, as means of uncertainty, 72–73
as kind of public good, 73–74
results, 80–81
risks minimization, 72–73
safeguarding, 67, 69, 76–78, 80–81
in scientific research, 69
Financial sustainability, maintenance of, 39
Financial systems, 3–4, 5, 6–7, 24
Fiscal consolidation, 204, 210–211, 212, 213–214, 219–220, 227–228, 229–230
Fiscal multipliers’ models, 67, 68, 80, 91
Fiscal policy, 66, 67–68, 81, 90, 91
instruments, elasticity of GDP by, 76–80
of state, instruments of, 74–75
Floating exchange rate regime, 38
Foreign direct investment (FDI)
inward, 100–102
outward, 100–102
Foreign exchange channel, of transmission mechanism, 44–46
Formal institutions, 204, 206–209, 214–215
Formula Edy, 104–105, 117–118
customer orientation, 118
description, 106–107
profile and financial data, 108
relationships with suppliers, 118
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
strong team of professionals, 117
Foundational skills, 183–184
GCI. See Global Competitiveness Index
Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), 2
ranks’ dynamics of BRIICS countries (2007–2017) by, 3
Gradual instability reintroduction, 71–72
Green agribusiness, 291–292
Green Climate Fund, 275
Green construction, 291
Green investment
as driver of economic growth, 278–279
environmental safety, investment projects for ensuring, 288–292
municipal solid waste, utilization of, 289–292
renewable energy, 287, 288–289
green economy, national policies in, 274–288
PPP mechanism in green economy development, regulatory framework for, 285–288
renewable energy projects, regulatory framework for, 282–285
housing and communal service projects, regulatory framework for, 284–285
state agenda, 274–279
green investment, as driver of economic growth, 278–279
transition to a green economy, transformations necessary for, 280–281
HCI. See Human Capital Index
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, 50
Higher-order skills, 183–184
Housing projects, regulatory framework for, 284–285
Human Capital Index (HCI), 190
Human capital quality, 190–192
Human capital transformation into endogenous economic growth factor, necessary conditions for, 171–185
crisis in learning, manifestations of, 171–173
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, applications of, 175–185, 178–182
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, conceptual foundations of, 173–175
IDI. See Inclusive Development Index
IFDI. See Inward foreign direct investment
IMF. See International Monetary Fund
Inclusive Development Index (IDI), 205–206, 207–208
Industrial Development Fund, 148–159
Inflation expectations channel, of transmission mechanism, 46–47
Inflation targeting strategy, 38, 39–40, 42–47, 51
InfraONE, 219
“Infrastructure for Waste Management of I and II Hazard Classes” project, 277
Innovation-based economic growth
basic indicators, dynamics of, 134
factors impeding, 135
lessons for the future, 162–165
limitations of, 136
modern role of the state in, 129–133
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
primary indicators, 135
research and development, 133–137
state policy to fostering, 138–162
instruments. See Instruments of Russian innovation policy
stages and features, 138–147, 142–145
Innovation culture, 135
Innovation development, features of modern stage of, 131–133
Innovation policy development, 132
Innovative Science and Technology Centers, 148–159
Institutions, as means of uncertainty, 72–73
Instruments of Russian innovation policy, 147–162
advantages and disadvantages of, 160–161
consolidating model, 146
period, types, and goals and accents, 148–159
search-oriented model, 146
Interbank loans (IBL)
interest rates, 42–44
Interest rate and credit channels, of transmission mechanism, 42–44
International educational ratings, Russian education in, 185–190
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 68–69
Internet Initiatives Development Fund, 148–159
Inward foreign direct investment (IFDI), 100–102
Kaspersky Lab, 101–102
Key rate, 38–39, 42–43, 44, 46–47, 51
Knowledge economy, 190–192
Kurchatov Institute, 148–159
Learning failures, 130
Lender risk, 33
Liquidity management, 38–39
Liquidity risk, 6–7
Ministry of Finance, 39
Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, 291
Minsky’ financial instability hypothesis, 32, 33, 51
Modern learning paradigms versus classical learning paradigm, 177
Monetary aggregates, 31–32, 34, 36, 52, 54
Monetary policy implementation, 40–42
Money emission, as public goods, 34–35
Money multiplier, 36
Multinational companies, 104
Municipal solid waste, investment projects in utilization of, 289–292
best available technologies, 291
green construction, 291
organic farming, 291–292
Neoclassical models of innovation-based growth, 129–131
conventional innovation policy framework, 131
Non-competitiveness of the product, 35
Non-excludability, 73–74
Non-exclusivity of the good, 35
Non-rivalry, 73–74
OECD, 188, 189
OFDI. See Outward foreign direct investment
Off-balance sheet activities, 32–33
Opportunities equality, 170
Organic farming, 291–292
Organizational capabilities, 97–98
Outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), 100–102
Paris Climate Agreement (2015), 276
PCBs. See Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers
Physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
Pinsky triad, 168–169
PIRLS. See Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
PISA. See Program for International Student Assessment
Poincaré hypothesis, 169
Policy mix, 163
“Preservation of Lake Baikal, The” project, 277–278
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), 185, 189–190, 195
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), 185, 189–190
Public goods, 66, 67–69, 74, 80–81, 91
financial stability as kind of, 73–74
Public infrastructure projects, 225, 228
Public–private partnerships (PPP)
in green economy development, regulatory framework for, 285–288
green economy in, 275
projects, in infrastructure
background of, 205–207
budget consolidation and hybrid forms, 210–215
empirical evidence, 220–228
government expenditures’ efficiency, means of, 215–217
institutional attitude, 208–209
results, 217–220
in scientific research, 207–208
state, as a governor, 210
state, as an economic agent, 210
smart projects, implementation of, 256–263
Quality of human capital, 195
RB. See Reckitt Benckiser
Reckitt Benckiser (RB), 104, 106–107, 111–112
business development, 112
description, 106–107
innovations, new product development, 111–112
managing brand portfolio, 111
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
strong marketing support, 112
Reckless lending, 53
Renewable energy projects, regulatory framework for, 282–285
Renewable energy source (RES), 279
Repurchase agreements, 32–33
Research and development, 133–137
Reserve Fund, 39
Risk management, 6–7
Risks minimization, 72–73
ROSATOM, 148–159
ROSCOSMOS, 148–159
Rostec, 148–159
RosTec Global Resources, 101–102
RUSNANO, 148–159
Russia, 99–102
business environment and transparency, 100
inward FDI, 100–102
outward FDI, 100–102
profile of, 99
See also individual entries
Russia, financial development and economic growth in, 1
channels, 2–8
physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
total factor productivity growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
data, methodology, and model specification, 8–19, 9–15
results, 19–25
Russian National Rating of the Investment Climate, 100
Russian Science Foundation, 148–159
Russian Venture Company (RVC), 148–159
RVC. See Russian Venture Company
Sberbank, 49
Search-oriented innovation policy model, 146
Securitization, 32–33
Skolkovo Innovation Center, 148–159
Smart cities, and economic growth
effective management, modelling, 252–256
implementation in PPP, 256–263
Russian experience, 251–252
sustainable economic development, 263–269
Socioemotional skills, 184
Special Investment Contracts, 148–159
agenda, green economy on, 274–279
as an economic agent, 210
as a governor, 210
State support of innovation
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
Strategic capabilities of Russian emerging economy, 103–105
comparison of, 121–127, 123–126
development of, 105–121
multinational companies, 104
sample description, 104
Russian companies, 104–105, 106–107
Structural liquidity deficit/surplus, 50
Supplier orientation, 102–103
banking system, 47–51
Sustainable economic development, through smart city projects, 263–269
SWILAR, 104, 106–107, 115–116
description, 106–107
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
Taper Tantrum, 38
Technical skills, 184
TFP. See Total factor productivity
Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers (PCBs), 172–175
applications of, 175–185, 178–182
conceptual foundations of, 173–175
TIMSS. See Trends in Mathematics and Science Study
Total factor productivity (TFP)
growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
Transaction costs’ minimization, 210
Transmission mechanism channels, 31–32, 33–34, 35, 42–47
Transparency, 100
Transparency International, 100
Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 185, 189–190
Twenty-first-century skills, 185–186, 187–188
United Nations Organization Development Program (UNODP)
Combined Indicator, 189–190
VEB. See Vneshekonombank
Vneshekonombank (VEB), 148–159, 215
Volatility management, 38–39
Wealth maximization, 210
WEF. See World Economic Forum
World Bank, 69
“Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All” report, 100
World Development Report, 171, 183
World Economic Forum (WEF), 2, 185–186, 205–206, 207–208
Zhukovsky Institute, 148–159
Capability development in Russia, theoretical framework of, 102–103
Center for Strategic Research
“Global Human Capital – 2017”, 191
Central banks
natural function of, 35–37
performance, 34–35
Certificates of deposit, 32–33
Classical learning paradigm versus modern learning paradigms, 177
“Clean Air” project, 277
“Clean Water” project, 277
Cognitive skills, 183–184
Communal service projects, regulatory framework for, 284–285
Communication policy, 39–40
Consolidating innovation policy model, 146
Consumer price index (CPI), 114
CPI. See Consumer price index
De-dollarization of deposits, 40
Digital modernization, 241–243, 245
EAEU. See Eurasian Economic Union
EBRD. See European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Ecolab Inc., 104–111
description, 106–107
localization and M&A projects, 110–111
profile and financial data, 108
research and development, 110
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
sustainability, 109
unique technologies and business diversification, 109
Economic development, 8
Educational and economic failures, 195
Education and inclusive development
background of, 170–171
empirical evidence, 194–199
human capital transformation into endogenous economic growth factor, necessary conditions for, 171–185
crisis in learning, manifestations of, 171–173
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, applications of, 175–185, 178–182
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, conceptual foundations of, 173–175
results, 191, 193–194
sufficient conditions to increase return on well-educated human capital, formation of, 185–193
budget expenditure for education and the educational achievements of Russia, non-linear relationship between, 192–193
human capital quality, 190–192
international educational ratings, Russian education in, 185–190
knowledge economy, 190–192
Equal opportunities, 170
Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), 249–250
Eurobond borrowings, 38
Euro-dollar loans, 32–33
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), 205
Evolutionary of innovation-based growth, 129–131
conventional innovation policy framework, 131
FCPF. See Federal Center for Project Financing
FDI. See Foreign direct investment
Federal Center for Project Financing (FCPF), 290
Finance category, essence of, 69–71
Financial depth, 52
Financial Market Development indicator, 2
Financial stability
background of, 67–69
elasticity of GDP by fiscal policy instruments, 76–80
empirical evidence, 81–90
finance category, essence of, 69–71
fiscal policy of state, instruments of, 74–75
gradual instability reintroduction, 71–72
institutions, as means of uncertainty, 72–73
as kind of public good, 73–74
results, 80–81
risks minimization, 72–73
safeguarding, 67, 69, 76–78, 80–81
in scientific research, 69
Financial sustainability, maintenance of, 39
Financial systems, 3–4, 5, 6–7, 24
Fiscal consolidation, 204, 210–211, 212, 213–214, 219–220, 227–228, 229–230
Fiscal multipliers’ models, 67, 68, 80, 91
Fiscal policy, 66, 67–68, 81, 90, 91
instruments, elasticity of GDP by, 76–80
of state, instruments of, 74–75
Floating exchange rate regime, 38
Foreign direct investment (FDI)
inward, 100–102
outward, 100–102
Foreign exchange channel, of transmission mechanism, 44–46
Formal institutions, 204, 206–209, 214–215
Formula Edy, 104–105, 117–118
customer orientation, 118
description, 106–107
profile and financial data, 108
relationships with suppliers, 118
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
strong team of professionals, 117
Foundational skills, 183–184
GCI. See Global Competitiveness Index
Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), 2
ranks’ dynamics of BRIICS countries (2007–2017) by, 3
Gradual instability reintroduction, 71–72
Green agribusiness, 291–292
Green Climate Fund, 275
Green construction, 291
Green investment
as driver of economic growth, 278–279
environmental safety, investment projects for ensuring, 288–292
municipal solid waste, utilization of, 289–292
renewable energy, 287, 288–289
green economy, national policies in, 274–288
PPP mechanism in green economy development, regulatory framework for, 285–288
renewable energy projects, regulatory framework for, 282–285
housing and communal service projects, regulatory framework for, 284–285
state agenda, 274–279
green investment, as driver of economic growth, 278–279
transition to a green economy, transformations necessary for, 280–281
HCI. See Human Capital Index
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, 50
Higher-order skills, 183–184
Housing projects, regulatory framework for, 284–285
Human Capital Index (HCI), 190
Human capital quality, 190–192
Human capital transformation into endogenous economic growth factor, necessary conditions for, 171–185
crisis in learning, manifestations of, 171–173
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, applications of, 175–185, 178–182
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, conceptual foundations of, 173–175
IDI. See Inclusive Development Index
IFDI. See Inward foreign direct investment
IMF. See International Monetary Fund
Inclusive Development Index (IDI), 205–206, 207–208
Industrial Development Fund, 148–159
Inflation expectations channel, of transmission mechanism, 46–47
Inflation targeting strategy, 38, 39–40, 42–47, 51
InfraONE, 219
“Infrastructure for Waste Management of I and II Hazard Classes” project, 277
Innovation-based economic growth
basic indicators, dynamics of, 134
factors impeding, 135
lessons for the future, 162–165
limitations of, 136
modern role of the state in, 129–133
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
primary indicators, 135
research and development, 133–137
state policy to fostering, 138–162
instruments. See Instruments of Russian innovation policy
stages and features, 138–147, 142–145
Innovation culture, 135
Innovation development, features of modern stage of, 131–133
Innovation policy development, 132
Innovative Science and Technology Centers, 148–159
Institutions, as means of uncertainty, 72–73
Instruments of Russian innovation policy, 147–162
advantages and disadvantages of, 160–161
consolidating model, 146
period, types, and goals and accents, 148–159
search-oriented model, 146
Interbank loans (IBL)
interest rates, 42–44
Interest rate and credit channels, of transmission mechanism, 42–44
International educational ratings, Russian education in, 185–190
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 68–69
Internet Initiatives Development Fund, 148–159
Inward foreign direct investment (IFDI), 100–102
Kaspersky Lab, 101–102
Key rate, 38–39, 42–43, 44, 46–47, 51
Knowledge economy, 190–192
Kurchatov Institute, 148–159
Learning failures, 130
Lender risk, 33
Liquidity management, 38–39
Liquidity risk, 6–7
Ministry of Finance, 39
Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, 291
Minsky’ financial instability hypothesis, 32, 33, 51
Modern learning paradigms versus classical learning paradigm, 177
Monetary aggregates, 31–32, 34, 36, 52, 54
Monetary policy implementation, 40–42
Money emission, as public goods, 34–35
Money multiplier, 36
Multinational companies, 104
Municipal solid waste, investment projects in utilization of, 289–292
best available technologies, 291
green construction, 291
organic farming, 291–292
Neoclassical models of innovation-based growth, 129–131
conventional innovation policy framework, 131
Non-competitiveness of the product, 35
Non-excludability, 73–74
Non-exclusivity of the good, 35
Non-rivalry, 73–74
OECD, 188, 189
OFDI. See Outward foreign direct investment
Off-balance sheet activities, 32–33
Opportunities equality, 170
Organic farming, 291–292
Organizational capabilities, 97–98
Outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), 100–102
Paris Climate Agreement (2015), 276
PCBs. See Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers
Physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
Pinsky triad, 168–169
PIRLS. See Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
PISA. See Program for International Student Assessment
Poincaré hypothesis, 169
Policy mix, 163
“Preservation of Lake Baikal, The” project, 277–278
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), 185, 189–190, 195
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), 185, 189–190
Public goods, 66, 67–69, 74, 80–81, 91
financial stability as kind of, 73–74
Public infrastructure projects, 225, 228
Public–private partnerships (PPP)
in green economy development, regulatory framework for, 285–288
green economy in, 275
projects, in infrastructure
background of, 205–207
budget consolidation and hybrid forms, 210–215
empirical evidence, 220–228
government expenditures’ efficiency, means of, 215–217
institutional attitude, 208–209
results, 217–220
in scientific research, 207–208
state, as a governor, 210
state, as an economic agent, 210
smart projects, implementation of, 256–263
Quality of human capital, 195
RB. See Reckitt Benckiser
Reckitt Benckiser (RB), 104, 106–107, 111–112
business development, 112
description, 106–107
innovations, new product development, 111–112
managing brand portfolio, 111
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
strong marketing support, 112
Reckless lending, 53
Renewable energy projects, regulatory framework for, 282–285
Renewable energy source (RES), 279
Repurchase agreements, 32–33
Research and development, 133–137
Reserve Fund, 39
Risk management, 6–7
Risks minimization, 72–73
ROSATOM, 148–159
ROSCOSMOS, 148–159
Rostec, 148–159
RosTec Global Resources, 101–102
RUSNANO, 148–159
Russia, 99–102
business environment and transparency, 100
inward FDI, 100–102
outward FDI, 100–102
profile of, 99
See also individual entries
Russia, financial development and economic growth in, 1
channels, 2–8
physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
total factor productivity growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
data, methodology, and model specification, 8–19, 9–15
results, 19–25
Russian National Rating of the Investment Climate, 100
Russian Science Foundation, 148–159
Russian Venture Company (RVC), 148–159
RVC. See Russian Venture Company
Sberbank, 49
Search-oriented innovation policy model, 146
Securitization, 32–33
Skolkovo Innovation Center, 148–159
Smart cities, and economic growth
effective management, modelling, 252–256
implementation in PPP, 256–263
Russian experience, 251–252
sustainable economic development, 263–269
Socioemotional skills, 184
Special Investment Contracts, 148–159
agenda, green economy on, 274–279
as an economic agent, 210
as a governor, 210
State support of innovation
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
Strategic capabilities of Russian emerging economy, 103–105
comparison of, 121–127, 123–126
development of, 105–121
multinational companies, 104
sample description, 104
Russian companies, 104–105, 106–107
Structural liquidity deficit/surplus, 50
Supplier orientation, 102–103
banking system, 47–51
Sustainable economic development, through smart city projects, 263–269
SWILAR, 104, 106–107, 115–116
description, 106–107
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
Taper Tantrum, 38
Technical skills, 184
TFP. See Total factor productivity
Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers (PCBs), 172–175
applications of, 175–185, 178–182
conceptual foundations of, 173–175
TIMSS. See Trends in Mathematics and Science Study
Total factor productivity (TFP)
growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
Transaction costs’ minimization, 210
Transmission mechanism channels, 31–32, 33–34, 35, 42–47
Transparency, 100
Transparency International, 100
Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 185, 189–190
Twenty-first-century skills, 185–186, 187–188
United Nations Organization Development Program (UNODP)
Combined Indicator, 189–190
VEB. See Vneshekonombank
Vneshekonombank (VEB), 148–159, 215
Volatility management, 38–39
Wealth maximization, 210
WEF. See World Economic Forum
World Bank, 69
“Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All” report, 100
World Development Report, 171, 183
World Economic Forum (WEF), 2, 185–186, 205–206, 207–208
Zhukovsky Institute, 148–159
EAEU. See Eurasian Economic Union
EBRD. See European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Ecolab Inc., 104–111
description, 106–107
localization and M&A projects, 110–111
profile and financial data, 108
research and development, 110
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
sustainability, 109
unique technologies and business diversification, 109
Economic development, 8
Educational and economic failures, 195
Education and inclusive development
background of, 170–171
empirical evidence, 194–199
human capital transformation into endogenous economic growth factor, necessary conditions for, 171–185
crisis in learning, manifestations of, 171–173
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, applications of, 175–185, 178–182
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, conceptual foundations of, 173–175
results, 191, 193–194
sufficient conditions to increase return on well-educated human capital, formation of, 185–193
budget expenditure for education and the educational achievements of Russia, non-linear relationship between, 192–193
human capital quality, 190–192
international educational ratings, Russian education in, 185–190
knowledge economy, 190–192
Equal opportunities, 170
Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), 249–250
Eurobond borrowings, 38
Euro-dollar loans, 32–33
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), 205
Evolutionary of innovation-based growth, 129–131
conventional innovation policy framework, 131
FCPF. See Federal Center for Project Financing
FDI. See Foreign direct investment
Federal Center for Project Financing (FCPF), 290
Finance category, essence of, 69–71
Financial depth, 52
Financial Market Development indicator, 2
Financial stability
background of, 67–69
elasticity of GDP by fiscal policy instruments, 76–80
empirical evidence, 81–90
finance category, essence of, 69–71
fiscal policy of state, instruments of, 74–75
gradual instability reintroduction, 71–72
institutions, as means of uncertainty, 72–73
as kind of public good, 73–74
results, 80–81
risks minimization, 72–73
safeguarding, 67, 69, 76–78, 80–81
in scientific research, 69
Financial sustainability, maintenance of, 39
Financial systems, 3–4, 5, 6–7, 24
Fiscal consolidation, 204, 210–211, 212, 213–214, 219–220, 227–228, 229–230
Fiscal multipliers’ models, 67, 68, 80, 91
Fiscal policy, 66, 67–68, 81, 90, 91
instruments, elasticity of GDP by, 76–80
of state, instruments of, 74–75
Floating exchange rate regime, 38
Foreign direct investment (FDI)
inward, 100–102
outward, 100–102
Foreign exchange channel, of transmission mechanism, 44–46
Formal institutions, 204, 206–209, 214–215
Formula Edy, 104–105, 117–118
customer orientation, 118
description, 106–107
profile and financial data, 108
relationships with suppliers, 118
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
strong team of professionals, 117
Foundational skills, 183–184
GCI. See Global Competitiveness Index
Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), 2
ranks’ dynamics of BRIICS countries (2007–2017) by, 3
Gradual instability reintroduction, 71–72
Green agribusiness, 291–292
Green Climate Fund, 275
Green construction, 291
Green investment
as driver of economic growth, 278–279
environmental safety, investment projects for ensuring, 288–292
municipal solid waste, utilization of, 289–292
renewable energy, 287, 288–289
green economy, national policies in, 274–288
PPP mechanism in green economy development, regulatory framework for, 285–288
renewable energy projects, regulatory framework for, 282–285
housing and communal service projects, regulatory framework for, 284–285
state agenda, 274–279
green investment, as driver of economic growth, 278–279
transition to a green economy, transformations necessary for, 280–281
HCI. See Human Capital Index
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, 50
Higher-order skills, 183–184
Housing projects, regulatory framework for, 284–285
Human Capital Index (HCI), 190
Human capital quality, 190–192
Human capital transformation into endogenous economic growth factor, necessary conditions for, 171–185
crisis in learning, manifestations of, 171–173
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, applications of, 175–185, 178–182
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, conceptual foundations of, 173–175
IDI. See Inclusive Development Index
IFDI. See Inward foreign direct investment
IMF. See International Monetary Fund
Inclusive Development Index (IDI), 205–206, 207–208
Industrial Development Fund, 148–159
Inflation expectations channel, of transmission mechanism, 46–47
Inflation targeting strategy, 38, 39–40, 42–47, 51
InfraONE, 219
“Infrastructure for Waste Management of I and II Hazard Classes” project, 277
Innovation-based economic growth
basic indicators, dynamics of, 134
factors impeding, 135
lessons for the future, 162–165
limitations of, 136
modern role of the state in, 129–133
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
primary indicators, 135
research and development, 133–137
state policy to fostering, 138–162
instruments. See Instruments of Russian innovation policy
stages and features, 138–147, 142–145
Innovation culture, 135
Innovation development, features of modern stage of, 131–133
Innovation policy development, 132
Innovative Science and Technology Centers, 148–159
Institutions, as means of uncertainty, 72–73
Instruments of Russian innovation policy, 147–162
advantages and disadvantages of, 160–161
consolidating model, 146
period, types, and goals and accents, 148–159
search-oriented model, 146
Interbank loans (IBL)
interest rates, 42–44
Interest rate and credit channels, of transmission mechanism, 42–44
International educational ratings, Russian education in, 185–190
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 68–69
Internet Initiatives Development Fund, 148–159
Inward foreign direct investment (IFDI), 100–102
Kaspersky Lab, 101–102
Key rate, 38–39, 42–43, 44, 46–47, 51
Knowledge economy, 190–192
Kurchatov Institute, 148–159
Learning failures, 130
Lender risk, 33
Liquidity management, 38–39
Liquidity risk, 6–7
Ministry of Finance, 39
Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, 291
Minsky’ financial instability hypothesis, 32, 33, 51
Modern learning paradigms versus classical learning paradigm, 177
Monetary aggregates, 31–32, 34, 36, 52, 54
Monetary policy implementation, 40–42
Money emission, as public goods, 34–35
Money multiplier, 36
Multinational companies, 104
Municipal solid waste, investment projects in utilization of, 289–292
best available technologies, 291
green construction, 291
organic farming, 291–292
Neoclassical models of innovation-based growth, 129–131
conventional innovation policy framework, 131
Non-competitiveness of the product, 35
Non-excludability, 73–74
Non-exclusivity of the good, 35
Non-rivalry, 73–74
OECD, 188, 189
OFDI. See Outward foreign direct investment
Off-balance sheet activities, 32–33
Opportunities equality, 170
Organic farming, 291–292
Organizational capabilities, 97–98
Outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), 100–102
Paris Climate Agreement (2015), 276
PCBs. See Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers
Physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
Pinsky triad, 168–169
PIRLS. See Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
PISA. See Program for International Student Assessment
Poincaré hypothesis, 169
Policy mix, 163
“Preservation of Lake Baikal, The” project, 277–278
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), 185, 189–190, 195
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), 185, 189–190
Public goods, 66, 67–69, 74, 80–81, 91
financial stability as kind of, 73–74
Public infrastructure projects, 225, 228
Public–private partnerships (PPP)
in green economy development, regulatory framework for, 285–288
green economy in, 275
projects, in infrastructure
background of, 205–207
budget consolidation and hybrid forms, 210–215
empirical evidence, 220–228
government expenditures’ efficiency, means of, 215–217
institutional attitude, 208–209
results, 217–220
in scientific research, 207–208
state, as a governor, 210
state, as an economic agent, 210
smart projects, implementation of, 256–263
Quality of human capital, 195
RB. See Reckitt Benckiser
Reckitt Benckiser (RB), 104, 106–107, 111–112
business development, 112
description, 106–107
innovations, new product development, 111–112
managing brand portfolio, 111
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
strong marketing support, 112
Reckless lending, 53
Renewable energy projects, regulatory framework for, 282–285
Renewable energy source (RES), 279
Repurchase agreements, 32–33
Research and development, 133–137
Reserve Fund, 39
Risk management, 6–7
Risks minimization, 72–73
ROSATOM, 148–159
ROSCOSMOS, 148–159
Rostec, 148–159
RosTec Global Resources, 101–102
RUSNANO, 148–159
Russia, 99–102
business environment and transparency, 100
inward FDI, 100–102
outward FDI, 100–102
profile of, 99
See also individual entries
Russia, financial development and economic growth in, 1
channels, 2–8
physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
total factor productivity growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
data, methodology, and model specification, 8–19, 9–15
results, 19–25
Russian National Rating of the Investment Climate, 100
Russian Science Foundation, 148–159
Russian Venture Company (RVC), 148–159
RVC. See Russian Venture Company
Sberbank, 49
Search-oriented innovation policy model, 146
Securitization, 32–33
Skolkovo Innovation Center, 148–159
Smart cities, and economic growth
effective management, modelling, 252–256
implementation in PPP, 256–263
Russian experience, 251–252
sustainable economic development, 263–269
Socioemotional skills, 184
Special Investment Contracts, 148–159
agenda, green economy on, 274–279
as an economic agent, 210
as a governor, 210
State support of innovation
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
Strategic capabilities of Russian emerging economy, 103–105
comparison of, 121–127, 123–126
development of, 105–121
multinational companies, 104
sample description, 104
Russian companies, 104–105, 106–107
Structural liquidity deficit/surplus, 50
Supplier orientation, 102–103
banking system, 47–51
Sustainable economic development, through smart city projects, 263–269
SWILAR, 104, 106–107, 115–116
description, 106–107
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
Taper Tantrum, 38
Technical skills, 184
TFP. See Total factor productivity
Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers (PCBs), 172–175
applications of, 175–185, 178–182
conceptual foundations of, 173–175
TIMSS. See Trends in Mathematics and Science Study
Total factor productivity (TFP)
growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
Transaction costs’ minimization, 210
Transmission mechanism channels, 31–32, 33–34, 35, 42–47
Transparency, 100
Transparency International, 100
Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 185, 189–190
Twenty-first-century skills, 185–186, 187–188
United Nations Organization Development Program (UNODP)
Combined Indicator, 189–190
VEB. See Vneshekonombank
Vneshekonombank (VEB), 148–159, 215
Volatility management, 38–39
Wealth maximization, 210
WEF. See World Economic Forum
World Bank, 69
“Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All” report, 100
World Development Report, 171, 183
World Economic Forum (WEF), 2, 185–186, 205–206, 207–208
Zhukovsky Institute, 148–159
GCI. See Global Competitiveness Index
Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), 2
ranks’ dynamics of BRIICS countries (2007–2017) by, 3
Gradual instability reintroduction, 71–72
Green agribusiness, 291–292
Green Climate Fund, 275
Green construction, 291
Green investment
as driver of economic growth, 278–279
environmental safety, investment projects for ensuring, 288–292
municipal solid waste, utilization of, 289–292
renewable energy, 287, 288–289
green economy, national policies in, 274–288
PPP mechanism in green economy development, regulatory framework for, 285–288
renewable energy projects, regulatory framework for, 282–285
housing and communal service projects, regulatory framework for, 284–285
state agenda, 274–279
green investment, as driver of economic growth, 278–279
transition to a green economy, transformations necessary for, 280–281
HCI. See Human Capital Index
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, 50
Higher-order skills, 183–184
Housing projects, regulatory framework for, 284–285
Human Capital Index (HCI), 190
Human capital quality, 190–192
Human capital transformation into endogenous economic growth factor, necessary conditions for, 171–185
crisis in learning, manifestations of, 171–173
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, applications of, 175–185, 178–182
theory of psychological and cognitive barriers, conceptual foundations of, 173–175
IDI. See Inclusive Development Index
IFDI. See Inward foreign direct investment
IMF. See International Monetary Fund
Inclusive Development Index (IDI), 205–206, 207–208
Industrial Development Fund, 148–159
Inflation expectations channel, of transmission mechanism, 46–47
Inflation targeting strategy, 38, 39–40, 42–47, 51
InfraONE, 219
“Infrastructure for Waste Management of I and II Hazard Classes” project, 277
Innovation-based economic growth
basic indicators, dynamics of, 134
factors impeding, 135
lessons for the future, 162–165
limitations of, 136
modern role of the state in, 129–133
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
primary indicators, 135
research and development, 133–137
state policy to fostering, 138–162
instruments. See Instruments of Russian innovation policy
stages and features, 138–147, 142–145
Innovation culture, 135
Innovation development, features of modern stage of, 131–133
Innovation policy development, 132
Innovative Science and Technology Centers, 148–159
Institutions, as means of uncertainty, 72–73
Instruments of Russian innovation policy, 147–162
advantages and disadvantages of, 160–161
consolidating model, 146
period, types, and goals and accents, 148–159
search-oriented model, 146
Interbank loans (IBL)
interest rates, 42–44
Interest rate and credit channels, of transmission mechanism, 42–44
International educational ratings, Russian education in, 185–190
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 68–69
Internet Initiatives Development Fund, 148–159
Inward foreign direct investment (IFDI), 100–102
Kaspersky Lab, 101–102
Key rate, 38–39, 42–43, 44, 46–47, 51
Knowledge economy, 190–192
Kurchatov Institute, 148–159
Learning failures, 130
Lender risk, 33
Liquidity management, 38–39
Liquidity risk, 6–7
Ministry of Finance, 39
Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, 291
Minsky’ financial instability hypothesis, 32, 33, 51
Modern learning paradigms versus classical learning paradigm, 177
Monetary aggregates, 31–32, 34, 36, 52, 54
Monetary policy implementation, 40–42
Money emission, as public goods, 34–35
Money multiplier, 36
Multinational companies, 104
Municipal solid waste, investment projects in utilization of, 289–292
best available technologies, 291
green construction, 291
organic farming, 291–292
Neoclassical models of innovation-based growth, 129–131
conventional innovation policy framework, 131
Non-competitiveness of the product, 35
Non-excludability, 73–74
Non-exclusivity of the good, 35
Non-rivalry, 73–74
OECD, 188, 189
OFDI. See Outward foreign direct investment
Off-balance sheet activities, 32–33
Opportunities equality, 170
Organic farming, 291–292
Organizational capabilities, 97–98
Outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), 100–102
Paris Climate Agreement (2015), 276
PCBs. See Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers
Physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
Pinsky triad, 168–169
PIRLS. See Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
PISA. See Program for International Student Assessment
Poincaré hypothesis, 169
Policy mix, 163
“Preservation of Lake Baikal, The” project, 277–278
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), 185, 189–190, 195
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), 185, 189–190
Public goods, 66, 67–69, 74, 80–81, 91
financial stability as kind of, 73–74
Public infrastructure projects, 225, 228
Public–private partnerships (PPP)
in green economy development, regulatory framework for, 285–288
green economy in, 275
projects, in infrastructure
background of, 205–207
budget consolidation and hybrid forms, 210–215
empirical evidence, 220–228
government expenditures’ efficiency, means of, 215–217
institutional attitude, 208–209
results, 217–220
in scientific research, 207–208
state, as a governor, 210
state, as an economic agent, 210
smart projects, implementation of, 256–263
Quality of human capital, 195
RB. See Reckitt Benckiser
Reckitt Benckiser (RB), 104, 106–107, 111–112
business development, 112
description, 106–107
innovations, new product development, 111–112
managing brand portfolio, 111
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
strong marketing support, 112
Reckless lending, 53
Renewable energy projects, regulatory framework for, 282–285
Renewable energy source (RES), 279
Repurchase agreements, 32–33
Research and development, 133–137
Reserve Fund, 39
Risk management, 6–7
Risks minimization, 72–73
ROSATOM, 148–159
ROSCOSMOS, 148–159
Rostec, 148–159
RosTec Global Resources, 101–102
RUSNANO, 148–159
Russia, 99–102
business environment and transparency, 100
inward FDI, 100–102
outward FDI, 100–102
profile of, 99
See also individual entries
Russia, financial development and economic growth in, 1
channels, 2–8
physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
total factor productivity growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
data, methodology, and model specification, 8–19, 9–15
results, 19–25
Russian National Rating of the Investment Climate, 100
Russian Science Foundation, 148–159
Russian Venture Company (RVC), 148–159
RVC. See Russian Venture Company
Sberbank, 49
Search-oriented innovation policy model, 146
Securitization, 32–33
Skolkovo Innovation Center, 148–159
Smart cities, and economic growth
effective management, modelling, 252–256
implementation in PPP, 256–263
Russian experience, 251–252
sustainable economic development, 263–269
Socioemotional skills, 184
Special Investment Contracts, 148–159
agenda, green economy on, 274–279
as an economic agent, 210
as a governor, 210
State support of innovation
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
Strategic capabilities of Russian emerging economy, 103–105
comparison of, 121–127, 123–126
development of, 105–121
multinational companies, 104
sample description, 104
Russian companies, 104–105, 106–107
Structural liquidity deficit/surplus, 50
Supplier orientation, 102–103
banking system, 47–51
Sustainable economic development, through smart city projects, 263–269
SWILAR, 104, 106–107, 115–116
description, 106–107
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
Taper Tantrum, 38
Technical skills, 184
TFP. See Total factor productivity
Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers (PCBs), 172–175
applications of, 175–185, 178–182
conceptual foundations of, 173–175
TIMSS. See Trends in Mathematics and Science Study
Total factor productivity (TFP)
growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
Transaction costs’ minimization, 210
Transmission mechanism channels, 31–32, 33–34, 35, 42–47
Transparency, 100
Transparency International, 100
Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 185, 189–190
Twenty-first-century skills, 185–186, 187–188
United Nations Organization Development Program (UNODP)
Combined Indicator, 189–190
VEB. See Vneshekonombank
Vneshekonombank (VEB), 148–159, 215
Volatility management, 38–39
Wealth maximization, 210
WEF. See World Economic Forum
World Bank, 69
“Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All” report, 100
World Development Report, 171, 183
World Economic Forum (WEF), 2, 185–186, 205–206, 207–208
Zhukovsky Institute, 148–159
IDI. See Inclusive Development Index
IFDI. See Inward foreign direct investment
IMF. See International Monetary Fund
Inclusive Development Index (IDI), 205–206, 207–208
Industrial Development Fund, 148–159
Inflation expectations channel, of transmission mechanism, 46–47
Inflation targeting strategy, 38, 39–40, 42–47, 51
InfraONE, 219
“Infrastructure for Waste Management of I and II Hazard Classes” project, 277
Innovation-based economic growth
basic indicators, dynamics of, 134
factors impeding, 135
lessons for the future, 162–165
limitations of, 136
modern role of the state in, 129–133
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
primary indicators, 135
research and development, 133–137
state policy to fostering, 138–162
instruments. See Instruments of Russian innovation policy
stages and features, 138–147, 142–145
Innovation culture, 135
Innovation development, features of modern stage of, 131–133
Innovation policy development, 132
Innovative Science and Technology Centers, 148–159
Institutions, as means of uncertainty, 72–73
Instruments of Russian innovation policy, 147–162
advantages and disadvantages of, 160–161
consolidating model, 146
period, types, and goals and accents, 148–159
search-oriented model, 146
Interbank loans (IBL)
interest rates, 42–44
Interest rate and credit channels, of transmission mechanism, 42–44
International educational ratings, Russian education in, 185–190
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 68–69
Internet Initiatives Development Fund, 148–159
Inward foreign direct investment (IFDI), 100–102
Kaspersky Lab, 101–102
Key rate, 38–39, 42–43, 44, 46–47, 51
Knowledge economy, 190–192
Kurchatov Institute, 148–159
Learning failures, 130
Lender risk, 33
Liquidity management, 38–39
Liquidity risk, 6–7
Ministry of Finance, 39
Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, 291
Minsky’ financial instability hypothesis, 32, 33, 51
Modern learning paradigms versus classical learning paradigm, 177
Monetary aggregates, 31–32, 34, 36, 52, 54
Monetary policy implementation, 40–42
Money emission, as public goods, 34–35
Money multiplier, 36
Multinational companies, 104
Municipal solid waste, investment projects in utilization of, 289–292
best available technologies, 291
green construction, 291
organic farming, 291–292
Neoclassical models of innovation-based growth, 129–131
conventional innovation policy framework, 131
Non-competitiveness of the product, 35
Non-excludability, 73–74
Non-exclusivity of the good, 35
Non-rivalry, 73–74
OECD, 188, 189
OFDI. See Outward foreign direct investment
Off-balance sheet activities, 32–33
Opportunities equality, 170
Organic farming, 291–292
Organizational capabilities, 97–98
Outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), 100–102
Paris Climate Agreement (2015), 276
PCBs. See Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers
Physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
Pinsky triad, 168–169
PIRLS. See Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
PISA. See Program for International Student Assessment
Poincaré hypothesis, 169
Policy mix, 163
“Preservation of Lake Baikal, The” project, 277–278
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), 185, 189–190, 195
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), 185, 189–190
Public goods, 66, 67–69, 74, 80–81, 91
financial stability as kind of, 73–74
Public infrastructure projects, 225, 228
Public–private partnerships (PPP)
in green economy development, regulatory framework for, 285–288
green economy in, 275
projects, in infrastructure
background of, 205–207
budget consolidation and hybrid forms, 210–215
empirical evidence, 220–228
government expenditures’ efficiency, means of, 215–217
institutional attitude, 208–209
results, 217–220
in scientific research, 207–208
state, as a governor, 210
state, as an economic agent, 210
smart projects, implementation of, 256–263
Quality of human capital, 195
RB. See Reckitt Benckiser
Reckitt Benckiser (RB), 104, 106–107, 111–112
business development, 112
description, 106–107
innovations, new product development, 111–112
managing brand portfolio, 111
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
strong marketing support, 112
Reckless lending, 53
Renewable energy projects, regulatory framework for, 282–285
Renewable energy source (RES), 279
Repurchase agreements, 32–33
Research and development, 133–137
Reserve Fund, 39
Risk management, 6–7
Risks minimization, 72–73
ROSATOM, 148–159
ROSCOSMOS, 148–159
Rostec, 148–159
RosTec Global Resources, 101–102
RUSNANO, 148–159
Russia, 99–102
business environment and transparency, 100
inward FDI, 100–102
outward FDI, 100–102
profile of, 99
See also individual entries
Russia, financial development and economic growth in, 1
channels, 2–8
physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
total factor productivity growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
data, methodology, and model specification, 8–19, 9–15
results, 19–25
Russian National Rating of the Investment Climate, 100
Russian Science Foundation, 148–159
Russian Venture Company (RVC), 148–159
RVC. See Russian Venture Company
Sberbank, 49
Search-oriented innovation policy model, 146
Securitization, 32–33
Skolkovo Innovation Center, 148–159
Smart cities, and economic growth
effective management, modelling, 252–256
implementation in PPP, 256–263
Russian experience, 251–252
sustainable economic development, 263–269
Socioemotional skills, 184
Special Investment Contracts, 148–159
agenda, green economy on, 274–279
as an economic agent, 210
as a governor, 210
State support of innovation
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
Strategic capabilities of Russian emerging economy, 103–105
comparison of, 121–127, 123–126
development of, 105–121
multinational companies, 104
sample description, 104
Russian companies, 104–105, 106–107
Structural liquidity deficit/surplus, 50
Supplier orientation, 102–103
banking system, 47–51
Sustainable economic development, through smart city projects, 263–269
SWILAR, 104, 106–107, 115–116
description, 106–107
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
Taper Tantrum, 38
Technical skills, 184
TFP. See Total factor productivity
Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers (PCBs), 172–175
applications of, 175–185, 178–182
conceptual foundations of, 173–175
TIMSS. See Trends in Mathematics and Science Study
Total factor productivity (TFP)
growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
Transaction costs’ minimization, 210
Transmission mechanism channels, 31–32, 33–34, 35, 42–47
Transparency, 100
Transparency International, 100
Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 185, 189–190
Twenty-first-century skills, 185–186, 187–188
United Nations Organization Development Program (UNODP)
Combined Indicator, 189–190
VEB. See Vneshekonombank
Vneshekonombank (VEB), 148–159, 215
Volatility management, 38–39
Wealth maximization, 210
WEF. See World Economic Forum
World Bank, 69
“Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All” report, 100
World Development Report, 171, 183
World Economic Forum (WEF), 2, 185–186, 205–206, 207–208
Zhukovsky Institute, 148–159
Learning failures, 130
Lender risk, 33
Liquidity management, 38–39
Liquidity risk, 6–7
Ministry of Finance, 39
Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, 291
Minsky’ financial instability hypothesis, 32, 33, 51
Modern learning paradigms versus classical learning paradigm, 177
Monetary aggregates, 31–32, 34, 36, 52, 54
Monetary policy implementation, 40–42
Money emission, as public goods, 34–35
Money multiplier, 36
Multinational companies, 104
Municipal solid waste, investment projects in utilization of, 289–292
best available technologies, 291
green construction, 291
organic farming, 291–292
Neoclassical models of innovation-based growth, 129–131
conventional innovation policy framework, 131
Non-competitiveness of the product, 35
Non-excludability, 73–74
Non-exclusivity of the good, 35
Non-rivalry, 73–74
OECD, 188, 189
OFDI. See Outward foreign direct investment
Off-balance sheet activities, 32–33
Opportunities equality, 170
Organic farming, 291–292
Organizational capabilities, 97–98
Outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), 100–102
Paris Climate Agreement (2015), 276
PCBs. See Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers
Physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
Pinsky triad, 168–169
PIRLS. See Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
PISA. See Program for International Student Assessment
Poincaré hypothesis, 169
Policy mix, 163
“Preservation of Lake Baikal, The” project, 277–278
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), 185, 189–190, 195
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), 185, 189–190
Public goods, 66, 67–69, 74, 80–81, 91
financial stability as kind of, 73–74
Public infrastructure projects, 225, 228
Public–private partnerships (PPP)
in green economy development, regulatory framework for, 285–288
green economy in, 275
projects, in infrastructure
background of, 205–207
budget consolidation and hybrid forms, 210–215
empirical evidence, 220–228
government expenditures’ efficiency, means of, 215–217
institutional attitude, 208–209
results, 217–220
in scientific research, 207–208
state, as a governor, 210
state, as an economic agent, 210
smart projects, implementation of, 256–263
Quality of human capital, 195
RB. See Reckitt Benckiser
Reckitt Benckiser (RB), 104, 106–107, 111–112
business development, 112
description, 106–107
innovations, new product development, 111–112
managing brand portfolio, 111
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
strong marketing support, 112
Reckless lending, 53
Renewable energy projects, regulatory framework for, 282–285
Renewable energy source (RES), 279
Repurchase agreements, 32–33
Research and development, 133–137
Reserve Fund, 39
Risk management, 6–7
Risks minimization, 72–73
ROSATOM, 148–159
ROSCOSMOS, 148–159
Rostec, 148–159
RosTec Global Resources, 101–102
RUSNANO, 148–159
Russia, 99–102
business environment and transparency, 100
inward FDI, 100–102
outward FDI, 100–102
profile of, 99
See also individual entries
Russia, financial development and economic growth in, 1
channels, 2–8
physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
total factor productivity growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
data, methodology, and model specification, 8–19, 9–15
results, 19–25
Russian National Rating of the Investment Climate, 100
Russian Science Foundation, 148–159
Russian Venture Company (RVC), 148–159
RVC. See Russian Venture Company
Sberbank, 49
Search-oriented innovation policy model, 146
Securitization, 32–33
Skolkovo Innovation Center, 148–159
Smart cities, and economic growth
effective management, modelling, 252–256
implementation in PPP, 256–263
Russian experience, 251–252
sustainable economic development, 263–269
Socioemotional skills, 184
Special Investment Contracts, 148–159
agenda, green economy on, 274–279
as an economic agent, 210
as a governor, 210
State support of innovation
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
Strategic capabilities of Russian emerging economy, 103–105
comparison of, 121–127, 123–126
development of, 105–121
multinational companies, 104
sample description, 104
Russian companies, 104–105, 106–107
Structural liquidity deficit/surplus, 50
Supplier orientation, 102–103
banking system, 47–51
Sustainable economic development, through smart city projects, 263–269
SWILAR, 104, 106–107, 115–116
description, 106–107
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
Taper Tantrum, 38
Technical skills, 184
TFP. See Total factor productivity
Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers (PCBs), 172–175
applications of, 175–185, 178–182
conceptual foundations of, 173–175
TIMSS. See Trends in Mathematics and Science Study
Total factor productivity (TFP)
growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
Transaction costs’ minimization, 210
Transmission mechanism channels, 31–32, 33–34, 35, 42–47
Transparency, 100
Transparency International, 100
Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 185, 189–190
Twenty-first-century skills, 185–186, 187–188
United Nations Organization Development Program (UNODP)
Combined Indicator, 189–190
VEB. See Vneshekonombank
Vneshekonombank (VEB), 148–159, 215
Volatility management, 38–39
Wealth maximization, 210
WEF. See World Economic Forum
World Bank, 69
“Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All” report, 100
World Development Report, 171, 183
World Economic Forum (WEF), 2, 185–186, 205–206, 207–208
Zhukovsky Institute, 148–159
Neoclassical models of innovation-based growth, 129–131
conventional innovation policy framework, 131
Non-competitiveness of the product, 35
Non-excludability, 73–74
Non-exclusivity of the good, 35
Non-rivalry, 73–74
OECD, 188, 189
OFDI. See Outward foreign direct investment
Off-balance sheet activities, 32–33
Opportunities equality, 170
Organic farming, 291–292
Organizational capabilities, 97–98
Outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), 100–102
Paris Climate Agreement (2015), 276
PCBs. See Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers
Physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
Pinsky triad, 168–169
PIRLS. See Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
PISA. See Program for International Student Assessment
Poincaré hypothesis, 169
Policy mix, 163
“Preservation of Lake Baikal, The” project, 277–278
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), 185, 189–190, 195
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), 185, 189–190
Public goods, 66, 67–69, 74, 80–81, 91
financial stability as kind of, 73–74
Public infrastructure projects, 225, 228
Public–private partnerships (PPP)
in green economy development, regulatory framework for, 285–288
green economy in, 275
projects, in infrastructure
background of, 205–207
budget consolidation and hybrid forms, 210–215
empirical evidence, 220–228
government expenditures’ efficiency, means of, 215–217
institutional attitude, 208–209
results, 217–220
in scientific research, 207–208
state, as a governor, 210
state, as an economic agent, 210
smart projects, implementation of, 256–263
Quality of human capital, 195
RB. See Reckitt Benckiser
Reckitt Benckiser (RB), 104, 106–107, 111–112
business development, 112
description, 106–107
innovations, new product development, 111–112
managing brand portfolio, 111
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
strong marketing support, 112
Reckless lending, 53
Renewable energy projects, regulatory framework for, 282–285
Renewable energy source (RES), 279
Repurchase agreements, 32–33
Research and development, 133–137
Reserve Fund, 39
Risk management, 6–7
Risks minimization, 72–73
ROSATOM, 148–159
ROSCOSMOS, 148–159
Rostec, 148–159
RosTec Global Resources, 101–102
RUSNANO, 148–159
Russia, 99–102
business environment and transparency, 100
inward FDI, 100–102
outward FDI, 100–102
profile of, 99
See also individual entries
Russia, financial development and economic growth in, 1
channels, 2–8
physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
total factor productivity growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
data, methodology, and model specification, 8–19, 9–15
results, 19–25
Russian National Rating of the Investment Climate, 100
Russian Science Foundation, 148–159
Russian Venture Company (RVC), 148–159
RVC. See Russian Venture Company
Sberbank, 49
Search-oriented innovation policy model, 146
Securitization, 32–33
Skolkovo Innovation Center, 148–159
Smart cities, and economic growth
effective management, modelling, 252–256
implementation in PPP, 256–263
Russian experience, 251–252
sustainable economic development, 263–269
Socioemotional skills, 184
Special Investment Contracts, 148–159
agenda, green economy on, 274–279
as an economic agent, 210
as a governor, 210
State support of innovation
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
Strategic capabilities of Russian emerging economy, 103–105
comparison of, 121–127, 123–126
development of, 105–121
multinational companies, 104
sample description, 104
Russian companies, 104–105, 106–107
Structural liquidity deficit/surplus, 50
Supplier orientation, 102–103
banking system, 47–51
Sustainable economic development, through smart city projects, 263–269
SWILAR, 104, 106–107, 115–116
description, 106–107
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
Taper Tantrum, 38
Technical skills, 184
TFP. See Total factor productivity
Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers (PCBs), 172–175
applications of, 175–185, 178–182
conceptual foundations of, 173–175
TIMSS. See Trends in Mathematics and Science Study
Total factor productivity (TFP)
growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
Transaction costs’ minimization, 210
Transmission mechanism channels, 31–32, 33–34, 35, 42–47
Transparency, 100
Transparency International, 100
Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 185, 189–190
Twenty-first-century skills, 185–186, 187–188
United Nations Organization Development Program (UNODP)
Combined Indicator, 189–190
VEB. See Vneshekonombank
Vneshekonombank (VEB), 148–159, 215
Volatility management, 38–39
Wealth maximization, 210
WEF. See World Economic Forum
World Bank, 69
“Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All” report, 100
World Development Report, 171, 183
World Economic Forum (WEF), 2, 185–186, 205–206, 207–208
Zhukovsky Institute, 148–159
Paris Climate Agreement (2015), 276
PCBs. See Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers
Physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
Pinsky triad, 168–169
PIRLS. See Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
PISA. See Program for International Student Assessment
Poincaré hypothesis, 169
Policy mix, 163
“Preservation of Lake Baikal, The” project, 277–278
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), 185, 189–190, 195
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), 185, 189–190
Public goods, 66, 67–69, 74, 80–81, 91
financial stability as kind of, 73–74
Public infrastructure projects, 225, 228
Public–private partnerships (PPP)
in green economy development, regulatory framework for, 285–288
green economy in, 275
projects, in infrastructure
background of, 205–207
budget consolidation and hybrid forms, 210–215
empirical evidence, 220–228
government expenditures’ efficiency, means of, 215–217
institutional attitude, 208–209
results, 217–220
in scientific research, 207–208
state, as a governor, 210
state, as an economic agent, 210
smart projects, implementation of, 256–263
Quality of human capital, 195
RB. See Reckitt Benckiser
Reckitt Benckiser (RB), 104, 106–107, 111–112
business development, 112
description, 106–107
innovations, new product development, 111–112
managing brand portfolio, 111
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
strong marketing support, 112
Reckless lending, 53
Renewable energy projects, regulatory framework for, 282–285
Renewable energy source (RES), 279
Repurchase agreements, 32–33
Research and development, 133–137
Reserve Fund, 39
Risk management, 6–7
Risks minimization, 72–73
ROSATOM, 148–159
ROSCOSMOS, 148–159
Rostec, 148–159
RosTec Global Resources, 101–102
RUSNANO, 148–159
Russia, 99–102
business environment and transparency, 100
inward FDI, 100–102
outward FDI, 100–102
profile of, 99
See also individual entries
Russia, financial development and economic growth in, 1
channels, 2–8
physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
total factor productivity growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
data, methodology, and model specification, 8–19, 9–15
results, 19–25
Russian National Rating of the Investment Climate, 100
Russian Science Foundation, 148–159
Russian Venture Company (RVC), 148–159
RVC. See Russian Venture Company
Sberbank, 49
Search-oriented innovation policy model, 146
Securitization, 32–33
Skolkovo Innovation Center, 148–159
Smart cities, and economic growth
effective management, modelling, 252–256
implementation in PPP, 256–263
Russian experience, 251–252
sustainable economic development, 263–269
Socioemotional skills, 184
Special Investment Contracts, 148–159
agenda, green economy on, 274–279
as an economic agent, 210
as a governor, 210
State support of innovation
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
Strategic capabilities of Russian emerging economy, 103–105
comparison of, 121–127, 123–126
development of, 105–121
multinational companies, 104
sample description, 104
Russian companies, 104–105, 106–107
Structural liquidity deficit/surplus, 50
Supplier orientation, 102–103
banking system, 47–51
Sustainable economic development, through smart city projects, 263–269
SWILAR, 104, 106–107, 115–116
description, 106–107
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
Taper Tantrum, 38
Technical skills, 184
TFP. See Total factor productivity
Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers (PCBs), 172–175
applications of, 175–185, 178–182
conceptual foundations of, 173–175
TIMSS. See Trends in Mathematics and Science Study
Total factor productivity (TFP)
growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
Transaction costs’ minimization, 210
Transmission mechanism channels, 31–32, 33–34, 35, 42–47
Transparency, 100
Transparency International, 100
Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 185, 189–190
Twenty-first-century skills, 185–186, 187–188
United Nations Organization Development Program (UNODP)
Combined Indicator, 189–190
VEB. See Vneshekonombank
Vneshekonombank (VEB), 148–159, 215
Volatility management, 38–39
Wealth maximization, 210
WEF. See World Economic Forum
World Bank, 69
“Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All” report, 100
World Development Report, 171, 183
World Economic Forum (WEF), 2, 185–186, 205–206, 207–208
Zhukovsky Institute, 148–159
RB. See Reckitt Benckiser
Reckitt Benckiser (RB), 104, 106–107, 111–112
business development, 112
description, 106–107
innovations, new product development, 111–112
managing brand portfolio, 111
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
strong marketing support, 112
Reckless lending, 53
Renewable energy projects, regulatory framework for, 282–285
Renewable energy source (RES), 279
Repurchase agreements, 32–33
Research and development, 133–137
Reserve Fund, 39
Risk management, 6–7
Risks minimization, 72–73
ROSATOM, 148–159
ROSCOSMOS, 148–159
Rostec, 148–159
RosTec Global Resources, 101–102
RUSNANO, 148–159
Russia, 99–102
business environment and transparency, 100
inward FDI, 100–102
outward FDI, 100–102
profile of, 99
See also individual entries
Russia, financial development and economic growth in, 1
channels, 2–8
physical capital accumulation channel, 3–4
total factor productivity growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
data, methodology, and model specification, 8–19, 9–15
results, 19–25
Russian National Rating of the Investment Climate, 100
Russian Science Foundation, 148–159
Russian Venture Company (RVC), 148–159
RVC. See Russian Venture Company
Sberbank, 49
Search-oriented innovation policy model, 146
Securitization, 32–33
Skolkovo Innovation Center, 148–159
Smart cities, and economic growth
effective management, modelling, 252–256
implementation in PPP, 256–263
Russian experience, 251–252
sustainable economic development, 263–269
Socioemotional skills, 184
Special Investment Contracts, 148–159
agenda, green economy on, 274–279
as an economic agent, 210
as a governor, 210
State support of innovation
evolutionary and neoclassical models, 129–131
innovation development, 131–133
Strategic capabilities of Russian emerging economy, 103–105
comparison of, 121–127, 123–126
development of, 105–121
multinational companies, 104
sample description, 104
Russian companies, 104–105, 106–107
Structural liquidity deficit/surplus, 50
Supplier orientation, 102–103
banking system, 47–51
Sustainable economic development, through smart city projects, 263–269
SWILAR, 104, 106–107, 115–116
description, 106–107
profile and financial data, 108
strategic capabilities of, 123–126
Taper Tantrum, 38
Technical skills, 184
TFP. See Total factor productivity
Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers (PCBs), 172–175
applications of, 175–185, 178–182
conceptual foundations of, 173–175
TIMSS. See Trends in Mathematics and Science Study
Total factor productivity (TFP)
growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
Transaction costs’ minimization, 210
Transmission mechanism channels, 31–32, 33–34, 35, 42–47
Transparency, 100
Transparency International, 100
Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 185, 189–190
Twenty-first-century skills, 185–186, 187–188
United Nations Organization Development Program (UNODP)
Combined Indicator, 189–190
VEB. See Vneshekonombank
Vneshekonombank (VEB), 148–159, 215
Volatility management, 38–39
Wealth maximization, 210
WEF. See World Economic Forum
World Bank, 69
“Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All” report, 100
World Development Report, 171, 183
World Economic Forum (WEF), 2, 185–186, 205–206, 207–208
Zhukovsky Institute, 148–159
Taper Tantrum, 38
Technical skills, 184
TFP. See Total factor productivity
Theory of psychological and cognitive barriers (PCBs), 172–175
applications of, 175–185, 178–182
conceptual foundations of, 173–175
TIMSS. See Trends in Mathematics and Science Study
Total factor productivity (TFP)
growth channel, 4–8, 19, 20–21, 24, 25
Transaction costs’ minimization, 210
Transmission mechanism channels, 31–32, 33–34, 35, 42–47
Transparency, 100
Transparency International, 100
Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 185, 189–190
Twenty-first-century skills, 185–186, 187–188
United Nations Organization Development Program (UNODP)
Combined Indicator, 189–190
VEB. See Vneshekonombank
Vneshekonombank (VEB), 148–159, 215
Volatility management, 38–39
Wealth maximization, 210
WEF. See World Economic Forum
World Bank, 69
“Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All” report, 100
World Development Report, 171, 183
World Economic Forum (WEF), 2, 185–186, 205–206, 207–208
Zhukovsky Institute, 148–159
VEB. See Vneshekonombank
Vneshekonombank (VEB), 148–159, 215
Volatility management, 38–39
Wealth maximization, 210
WEF. See World Economic Forum
World Bank, 69
“Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All” report, 100
World Development Report, 171, 183
World Economic Forum (WEF), 2, 185–186, 205–206, 207–208
Zhukovsky Institute, 148–159
Zhukovsky Institute, 148–159
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Financial Development and Economic Growth in Russia
- Chapter 2 The Bank of Russia: Modeling Parameters of Financial Sustainability in Low-growth and High-volatility Environment
- Chapter 3 Financial Stability: Modeling the Russian Budgetary and Tax Policy with Fiscal Multipliers’ Attraction
- Chapter 4 How to Create Competitive Organization: Leveraging Strategic Capabilities in Russia
- Chapter 5 Russia’s Transition to an Innovation-based Growth: Problems and Opportunities
- Chapter 6 Education and Inclusive Development: Puzzle of Low-learning Equilibrium
- Chapter 7 Infrastructure Public–Private Partnership Projects: Budget Consolidation Policy in Russia and Government Expenditures’ Efficiency Increase
- Chapter 8 The Agro-industrial Complex: Tendencies, Scenarios, and Regulation
- Chapter 9 Smart Cities and Economic Growth in Russia
- Chapter 10 Green Investment in Russia as a New Economic Stimulus
- Index