
Diana Kelly

The Red Taylorist: The Life and Times of Walter Nicholas Polakov

ISBN: 978-1-78769-986-1, eISBN: 978-1-78769-985-4

Publication date: 15 June 2020

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Kelly, D. (2020), "Index", The Red Taylorist: The Life and Times of Walter Nicholas Polakov (Frontiers of Management History), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 171-174.



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, 70, 74–75

Accidents (coal mining)
, 120–123

, 136–139

, 119, 136–138

Alford, LP
, 18–19, 23, 54, 74, 76

American Federation of Labor (AFL)
, 34, 115, 117

American Labor Monthly
, 78

American Locomotive Company (ALCo)
, 22

American Machinist
, 74, 96

American Relief Administration (ARA)
, 8, 61–62

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
, 7, 39

, 29, 34

, 89, 92, 113, 142

Bacon, F
, 28, 86

Barth, C
, 6, 16, 42, 47

Bebel, A
, 46, 65

Bedeian, A
, 9

Biography (historical)
, 4–7, 145–146, 147–149, 152–153

Bolsheviks, perceptions of
, 102

Brandeis, LD
, 36

Braverman, H
, 3, 36–37

Bruce, K
, 4, 38, 48

Brussilova, Barbara
, 93–94

Bulletin of the Taylor Society
, 7, 33, 107

Bureau of Investigation – see FBI

Bureau of Municipal Research 3
, 36

Civil Works Administration (CWA)
, 106, 107

Clark, W
, 62, 76, 141


, 14, 22

, 69, 108

, 24, 67

Coburn, F
, 40

Cole, GDH
, 108

Commons, JR
, 29, 34, 38, 117

Conference of Industrial Organisations – see Congress

Congress of Industrial Organisations (CIO)
, 117, 118, 120, 127–128, 132, 143

Cooke, ML
, 20–21, 51, 87, 90, 103–104

Copley, FB
, 6, 18

Coughlin, C (Father)
, 106

Covici Friede
, 109

Day, C
, 16, 21

Day and Zimmerman
, 8, 21

Depression – see Great Depression

Dies committee
, 123, 125, 127, 129, 143

Dies, M
, 117, 124

Dilling, E
, 129, 143

Donner, R
, 128–129

, 2, 12

Drury, HB
, 39–45

Dzerzhinsky, F
, 88

Eastern Rates case
, 36


, 15

Efficiency Society
, 17

Eighteenth Brumaire of Napoleon III (Marx)
, 1

Einstein, A
, 58, 77

Ellis Island
, 1, 30, 59

Emerson, H
, 6, 16, 17–18, 90, 93–94

death of
, 95

Fairfax Station, VA
, 129, 131

, 13, 63, 71, 122

FDR – see Roosevelt, FD

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
, 8, 86, 123–125

and Board of Economic Warfare
, 135

on Polakov’s books
, 132–133

on Polakov’s income and tax
, 133

Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA)
, 117

Ferguson, C
, 48, 49, 51

Fisher, HH
, 91–92

Gantt Charts
, 47, 63, 89–90, 92, 96–97, 111

Gantt Medal
, 87

Gantt, HL
, 7, 16, 18–20, 41–42

and New Machine
, 48–52

, 53–54

Gastev, A
, 89

Geyer Bill
, 119–120

Gilbreth, F
, 6, 28

Gilbreth, L
, 6

Gitlow, B
, 129

Goldman, E
, 59

Gorky, M
, 61

Gramsci, A
, 3, 36

Great Depression
, 84–86, 123–124

unemployment for engineers
, 102–103

Grundrisse (Marx)
, 71

Habits of industry
, 99

Haig, R
, 43

Harper’s Magazine
, 97–98

Harvard Business Review
, 101–102

Hathaway, HK
, 6, 42

Hoover, H
, 60–61

Hoover, JE
, 124, 127, 131–132, 135

Hoover Institution
, 8, 91

Hopkins, H
, 105, 125

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
, 115

Dies Committee
, 124–125

Hoxie, R
, 16

Hyphenated Americans
, 34

, 149–150

Immigration, US
, 14, 69

Keyser, C
, 76, 80

Kipling, R
, 45

Königlich-Sächsisches Polytechnikum
, 12

Korzybski, A
, 58, 60, 76, 107, 107–108, 123, 139, 141

Kuvin, C, see Polakov, Catherine

Kuvin, L
, 60

Labor process
, 37

Labor theory of value
, 73, 75

Leverhulme, Lord
, 71, 73

Lewis, JLL
, 117–118, 119–120, 123, 141

Lilienthal, DE
, 105–106

Lincoln Memorial
, 86

Lincoln, A
, 73, 79, 84

, 76, 101

Little Steel Strike
, 116

Lowman, MG
, 8, 106–107, 143

Lusk Committee
, 52–53

Luxemburg, R
, 12

Macintyre, S
, 153

Mail cover
, 128

Maintenance management
, 24, 69–70

Management, history of 6
, 152

Man and His Affairs from an Engineering Point of View (MAHA)
, 76–81, 82

Marx, and theory of money
, 75

Marx, K
, 1, 71, 78–79

Mastering Power Production
, 64–75

Maintenance management
, 69–70

Mayne, DD
, 125–126, 127

Meaning of Meaning, The
, 77

, 114, 117, 118–119, 121, 141

Morgan, AE
, 104–105

, 2, 12–13, 90, 94–95

Murray, J (Senator)
, 120–121

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
, 8, 95

Polakov’s OPF
, 22, 107

National Safety Council (NSC)
, 122, 136

, 53, 54

New Deal
, 84–85, 106–107

and anti-New Dealers
, 128

planning in
, 85

New Machine, The
, 48–52, 60, 146

New York City

, 13–14, 28–29

, 34–35

Nyland, C
, 4, 59, 68, 71, 108

Occupational hygiene, see occupational safety

Occupational safety
, 68–69, 119–123

employers and
, 122–123, 137

in unorganised mines
, 134

Palmer Raids 1919
, 32, 53

Parke, C
, 152

Pearson, Drew
, 125–126

Pelley, WD
, 116, 125

Pennsylvania Light and Power Company
, 157

Perkins, F
, 120, 121

Person, HS
, 6, 35

Planning Power Plant Work
, 46–47

Polakov, Antoinette
, 30–31, 59

Polakov, Barbara
, 87, 93, 141

death of
, 139

Polakov, Catherine
, 30–31, 60, 76, 87

Polakov, WN,

and statistics
, 138

arrives in US
, 11–13

as Marxist
, 45, 67–68, 71, 73, 109

as consultant
, 53, 59, 62

as Red Taylorist
, 151–152

at UMW
, 117–123, 134–139, 146

divorce from Antoinette
, 7, 31, 59

early work in US
, 22ff

engineering studies in Dresden
, 12

FBI file
, 126–34, 139–143

Foremanship (1921)
, 62–63

health 1940s
, 123

joins Taylor Society
, 39

, 12

Making Work Fascinating
, 63–64

marriage to Barbara
, 62, 87, 90

marriage to Yvonne (Savon)
, 142

, 13

on capitalism
, 66

on FW Taylor
, 63, 111

on Machine Age
, 109–112

on man as animal
, 78

on engineers
, 80

on scientific management
, 27–28, 67–68

on Wall Street Crash
, 90

on waste
, 25, 74, 81

Organized Sabotage
, 54

retired by UMW
, 140, 141

Taylor Society
, 44–46

unemployment 1931–3
, 102–104

work in USSR
, 90–95, 99–100

writings on USSR
, 96–102

Polakov, Yvonne (Savon) see Riggles, Yvonne

Polyakova-Khvostova, Aline (Anna)
, 12

Power Age, The
, 84, 109–112

Power Plant Betterment
, 23–25

Power Plant Management
, 2, 84, 133, 151

Prevention of Industrial Conditions Hazardous to the Health of Employees subcommittee
, 120

Professional societies
, 27–28, 39

, 14–15

Rand School
, 29, 52–53, 146

Recession 1920–21
, 33

Record keeping
, 74

Recovery Through Revolution
, 108, 113

Red Scare 1919–1920
, 32, 53, 72

Reserve army of labor
, 70

Richman, IB
, 139–140

Riggles, Yvonne (Savon)
, 141

Roe, J
, 105

Roosevelt, FD
, 84–85, 124

Rural electrification
, 103

Russell, W
, 1, 22, 30–31


19th century
, 12

, 55–59

Russia – famine
, 60

, 54

Sacco-Vanzetti trials
, 58

Schachter, HL
, 4, 36, 38, 68

Scientific management 3–4
, 27, 38–39, 141–151

and planning
, 111, 119

and socialism
, 65

ideology of
, 149–150

, 89, 98–99

negative views of
, 36–38

Second New Deal
, 115

, 102

Shenhav, Y
, 39, 96

Shock Brigades (USSR)
, 92

Silver Shirts
, 116, 124, 125

Smith Act
, 124

Society of Industrial Engineers 93
, 103, 105, 108

Society to Promote the Science of Management, See Taylor Society

Stalin, J
, 92

Sunlike Illuminating Company
, 86–87

Sunlike Lamp
, 139

, 85, 115, 125, 141, 143, 146–147

Swanson, T
, 97–101, 105

Task and Bonus pay, see Two rate wages

Task Setting for Firemen
, 26–28

Taylorism, see scientific management

Taylor Society
, 35–39, 150–151

Discussions in
, 44

Taylor, FW
, 1, 3–4, 7, 15–20, 28, 35–39, 41–42, 65, 111

Tchaikovsky, PI
, 12

Technical Alliance
, 50, 51, 60, 146

, 48, 51, 80, 84, 103, 105, 107

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
, 104–106, 117, 146

Thompson, S
, 43

, 76, 78–80, 109

Time-Binding Club
, 31, 60, 77

Tugwell, R
, 85

Tula (Russia)
, 13, 92

Two-rate wages
, 63, 72–3, 99–100

UMW – Engineering Department
, 118

United Mine Workers of America (UMW)
, 115, 118

District #28
, 134–135

United States

Coal mining
, 121–123

economy 1920s
, 57–59, 83

perceptions of USSR
, 101–102

Poll Tax proposed
, 119

suspicions in 1930s
, 117

trade with USSR
, 101

US Fuel Administration
, 64–65


foreign engineers in
, 87–89

party faithful rewards
, 92

USSR, Five year Plan
, 92

Valentine, R
, 45–46

Van Kleeck, M
, 6, 108, 150

Veblen, T
, 48, 50–51, 111–112

Vesenhka (VSKHa, USSR)
, 83, 88, 113

Wagner Act
, 115, 117

Washington Merry-Go-Round
, 125–126

Waste in Industry inquiry
, 1921, 60

Works Progress Administration (WPA)
, 106, 116, 117

Willits, J
, 41

Webb, S
, 71

What is to Be Done?
, 126

Winstead, R
, 8, 135

Witkin, Z
, 80–81

Wolf, RB
, 43, 76

Wood, C
, 50, 76

Works Progress Administration (WPA)
, 84, 107, 114, 116, 125–126

World War I
, 28–30

World War II
, 115–116

Wren, D
, 9, 113

Zinn, H
, 3, 9, 33, 37