Peter Shackleford
(UNWTO, World Tourism Organisation, Spain)
A History of the World Tourism Organization
ISBN: 978-1-78769-798-0, eISBN: 978-1-78769-797-3
Publication date: 8 October 2020
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Shackleford, P. (2020), "Index", A History of the World Tourism Organization, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 353-363.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited
Acapulco Document
, 175–176
Accessible Tourism
, 308
‘Accessible Tourism for All’
, 300
‘Achille Lauro’
, 35
‘Achilleion Palace’ in Corfu
, 129
Ad hoc Working Group
, 234
‘Ad hoc’ Committee
, 43, 66
Administrative budget of IUOTO
, 72
Administrative Committee
, 136
Adoption of IUOTO
, 103
Advisory Council of Affiliate Members
, 243
Affiliate Members of UNWTO
, 181, 281, 286, 315
African Travel Commission
, 116, 130
Alger, Chadwick F.
, 1
Algiers Council session
, 287–288
, 111–112
Ankara Assembly
, 114–115
Anniversary year (1992)
, 233
Annual Round Table Conference of World Travel
, 49–50
, 73
, 88
Arab Tourism Organization
, 295–296
Arbitrary basis
, 198
Assembly’s Technical Committee
, 179
Associate Members
, 25, 279, 286
Associate membership
, 271
, 73
Austria’s candidate
, 187
, 197
Balanced partnership
, 263
Beijing Assembly
, 286
Budapest Convention
, 223
Budapest Convention on Tourist Travel, Visits and Stays
, 314
Budget of UNWTO
, 311–312
Cadiz City Council
, 242
Cairo Assembly (1995)
, 243–244
Cancún legacy
administrative structure
, 224
Assembly resolution
, 221
Budapest Convention
, 223
Draft Budapest Convention
, 221
economic and monetary environment
, 228
, 222
human element
, 224
internal budgetary decentralization
, 227
international organizations
, 221
operating costs
, 224
printing and document reproduction
, 224
Regional Commissions
, 225
scarce financial resources
, 224
tourism statistics
, 227
, 222
Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO)
, 295–296, 306
Central African Customs and Economic Union (UDEAC)
, 189
Central Commission for Navigation of Rhine (CCNR)
, 1
Centre international d’études sup´erieures de Tourisme (CIEST)
, 113
Centre of Excellence of Destinations
, 294
Challenges of UNWTO
, 315
, 73, 88–89
Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB)
, 282, 305
CIEST training programme
, 144, 147–148, 157
Cities 2012 Project
, 301
Climate change
, 289
Commission communautaire française’ of the Brussels Capital Region (COCOF)
, 268
Committee for Budget and Finance (CBF)
, 136, 140
Community of Brussels Capital Region (COCOF)
, 254
, 235
Conference of Plenipotentiaries
, 84, 90, 93
Conference on human environment
, 113
Conference Organizing Committee
, 15–16
, 8
Constitutional Service of Austrian Federal Chancellery (1955–1976)
, 195
Consultative status
, 83
Consulting Unit on Tourism and Biodiversity
, 294
Cooperation Agreement
, 254–255
Cooperation with Economic and Social Council of UN
, 15
Costa Rica’s candidate
, 187
Council’s deliberations
, 153
Council’s Spring Session
, 206
Credentials Committee
, 70, 93, 106
Czech delegation
, 5
Darphane Complex (Ottoman Imperial Mint)
, 129
Decade for Tourism Development in Africa 2000–2010
, 254
Decentralization of Organization’s Activities
, 171
Decision-making processes
, 118
Declaration on Facilitation of Tourist Travel
, 294
, 144
Detailed Financial Provisions
, 249
Diplomatic conference
, 206
Dominican Republic
, 191
Draft Agreement on Cooperation and Relations
, 135
Draft Budapest Convention
, 221–222
Draft resolutions
, 168
Draft Tourism Bill of Rights and Tourist Code
, 181
Drafting Committee
, 106
Dutch National Tourist Office
, 2–3
Earth Summit
, 233
, 1
Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE)
, 32–33
Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC)
, 119–120
Economic Committee
, 9
Economic development
, 1
Economic review of world tourism
, 112
Education and training
, 222
Eighth International Congress and 19th General Assembly
, 36
Elimination of Travel Barriers
, 54
, 1
, 111–112
Enŕıquez, Antonio
, 247, 264
Environment of UNWTO
, 314
Establishment of IUOTO
, 103
Ethics of UNWTO
, 313
European Single Currency
, 311
European Tourist Organization
, 20
European Travel Commission (ETC)
, 27, 33, 295–296
European Travel Market Survey
, 56–58
Executive Committee
, 30–31, 43, 45, 65, 77, 85, 101–102, 107
Executive Council
, 148–149, 156, 176, 181, 196, 203
Exploratory Committee
, 23
, 251
External entities of UNWTO
, 315–316
Extraordinary Assembly session
, 109
Extraordinary General Assembly of IUOTO
, 105–106
Facilitation Committee
, 222
Facilitation of UNWTO
, 70, 211–212, 314
Federal Republic of Germany
, 95
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
, 237
technical assistance
, 200–201
, 181, 311–312
First International Conference on Climate Change and Tourism
, 267–268
First World War. See Great War
Flemish Community of Belgium
, 250
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
, 304–305
, 84
Framework Agreement
, 238
Frangialli, Francesco
, 247–250, 261, 263, 265, 285, 293
Algiers Council session
, 287–288
international organization
, 286–287
public–private partnership
, 286
UN Specialized Agency
, 285
UNWTO Full Members
, 286
world tourism industry
, 288
Free Movement of Tourists
, 15
French-Hispanic-Portuguese Federation for tourism
, 1
Frontier formalities
, 53
Full members
, 25
Future of the Organization
, 252, 266–267
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
, 200, 278
General Assembly
, 88
in Italy
, 35
, 164
of United Nations
, 277
Geographical distribution
, 286
Global Code of Ethics
, 258, 299, 308
for Tourism
, 253, 255–256, 280
Global Code of Tourism Ethics and Committee
, 177
Global Leaders for Tourism Campaign
, 300
Global Report on Aviation
, 301
Global Report on Food Tourism
, 301
Grant Agreement
, 274
Great War
, 2
, 129
Gulf crisis
, 228
High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM)
, 277
High-Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP)
, 277
Human element
, 224
Human environment
, 114
Indonesia’s tourism industry
, 280
, 1
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
, 119–120
Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Tourism
, 210, 212–213, 215, 242
Intergovernmental Conference on Tourism
, 93, 99
Intergovernmental organization
, 1, 84, 119–120, 164
Intergovernmental status, advantages and disadvantages of
, 83
Internal budgetary decentralization
, 227
International Air Transport Association (IATA)
, 56, 295–296
International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST)
, 60
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
, 105–106
International Centre for Advanced Tourism Studies
, 134
International Centre for Responsible Tourism
, 223
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
, 22, 26, 79, 111, 189, 212
International Civil Service Commission (ICSC)
, 297
International competition
, 47
International Conference of National Tourist Organizations (1947)
, 25
International Conference on Tourism and Air Transport
, 149
International Conference on Tourism Satellite Account
, 282–283
International Conference on Tourism Statistics (1990)
, 215, 222
International Conference on Travel and Tourism Statistics
, 225, 227
International Conference on Youth Tourism
, 204, 215, 222, 226
International Congress of Official Associations of Propaganda
, 3
International Congress of Official Tourist Organizations
, 5–6
International Federation of Tour Operators (IFTO)
, 295–296
International Federation of Travel Agents (IFTA)
, 31–32
International Forum for Parliamentarians and Local Authorities: Tourism Policy
, 267
International governmental organizations growth
, 1
International Hotel and Restaurant Association (IHRA)
, 295–296
International Hotel Association (IHA)
, 31–33
International Institute for Human Rights
, 195
International Institute of Tourist Research
, 32
International Labour Office (ILO)
, 113, 189, 200
International Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO)
, 61
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
, 189, 304–305
International organizations
, 30
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)
, 297, 311–312
International Touring Alliance (AIT)
, 60
International Tourism Organization
, 94, 97–98
International tourist traffic
, 10
International Tourist Year (ITY)
, 82, 85
International Travel Research Institute (ITRI)
, 36, 42
International Travel Statistics
, 27, 34, 39, 67
International Travel Union
, 56–57
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
, 62, 81
International Union of Official Tourism Organizations (IUOTO)
, 2, 15–16, 24, 36, 71, 75, 83, 185–186, 254, 256–257, 264, 271–272, 295
12th International Congress and General Assembly
, 49
13th International Conference and General Assembly
, 53–54
14th General Assembly
, 57
16th General Assembly
, 62
19th General Assembly
, 79
22nd General Assembly
, 111
, 117
Administrative Budget
, 47
African Travel Commission
, 116
Ankara Assembly
, 114
, 1
, 113
decision-making processes
, 118
, 119–120
Economic Committee
, 9
Eighth International Congress and 19th General Assembly
, 36
Extraordinary General Assembly of IUOTO
, 105–106
financial situation
, 77
French-Hispanic-Portuguese Federation for tourism
, 1
General Assembly
, 107
intergovernmental organizations
, 119–120
International Congress of Official Tourist Organizations
, 5–6
international tourist boom
, 2
, 113
, 13
Ninth International Congress and 20th General Assembly
, 38
, 59
review of activities of
, 12
semi-official organizations of touristic propaganda
, 8
Seventh International Congress and 18th General Assembly
, 35
Sixth International Congress and 17th General Assembly
, 32–33
, 113
, 117
Technical Commissions
, 102–103
travel and tourism
, 1
, 112
, 117
World Tourism Organization
, 4, 114, 116
International Year of Ecotourism
, 258–259
, 40
, 89
Irish Tourist Board
, 127
Italian Association for Tourist Medicine
, 221–222
Italian Government
, 142
Italian National Tourism Administration
, 18
Italian National Tourism Office. See Italian Official Tourism Administration (ENIT)
Italian Official Tourism Administration (ENIT)
, 8, 236
Joint Headquarters Committee
, 299
Kenya’s Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife
, 128
League’s committee of statistical experts
, 11
Least developed countries (LDCs)
, 264, 265
Legal Committee
, 106
, 13
Liquidation Unit
, 136–137
Lively public–private partnership
, 250
Lonati, Robert C. (IUOTO Secretary-General)
, 47–48, 50, 61–62, 65
London Conference
, 15
London County Council (1922)
, 15
, 139
organization’s arrival in
, 152
Mainz Convention
, 1
Manila World Tourism Conference (1980)
, 168–169, 175
Medium-sized enterprises
, 163
Membership of the World Tourism Organization
, 134
, 83–84, 86
Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation
, 254
Mexican delegation
, 154
Middle East Regional Travel Commission
, 131
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
, 288
Minister of Education of the Philippines
, 57
Montréal Council session
, 236
Morin, François (Office of Secretary-general)
, 29
assembly confirmation
, 30
, 42
Moroccan Ministry of Tourism
, 248–249
Morocco’s candidate
, 187
Munich General Assembly
, 66
Mutatis mutandis
, 273–274
National pension scheme
, 197
National tourism administrations
, 178
National Tourist Offices. See Semi-official organizations of touristic propaganda
National Travel Association of Norway
, 17–18
New International Economic Order (NIEO)
, 147
Nigeria’s candidate
, 187
Ninth International Congress and 20th General Assembly
, 38
Observer status
, 83
Official Development Assistance (ODA)
, 302, 304
, 278
, 278
One Assessment, Nine Major Challenges
, 261
Open Letter on Travel and Tourism
, 300, 304
Open Letter’ initiative
, 303
Operational Programmes
, 296
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 79, 189
Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC)
, 33, 49
, 251, 253–254, 256–258, 261, 269
Affiliate membership
, 295–296
financial resources
, 180
influence with private and associative sector
, 261
, 235
technical cooperation
, 235
, 261
Organization of American States (OAS)
, 105–106
Oslo Conference
, 30
Pacific Area Travel Association. See Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
, 41, 58, 67, 76–77, 82, 128, 295–296, 306
PATA-IUOTO Liaison Committee
, 68
Pacific-Asia region
, 168
Pahr, Willibald
, 195
Assembly resolution
, 204
average contributions
, 205
committee on budget and finance
, 200
dissatisfaction with staff health insurance
, 197
education and training
, 212
, 211–212
, 200
, 200
Organization Chart
, 201
organization’s permanent representatives
, 195–196
personnel management in international organizations
, 196
phantom budget
, 208
, 202
staff health and pension schemes
, 201
statistics, documentation and finance
, 198
technical cooperation
, 211
tourism sector
, 195
, 203
, 214
World Tourism Organization
, 196
, 207
Palacio de Congresos
, 150
‘Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones’
, 128
Palazzo dei Congressi
, 69
, 221
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
, 161, 202
Panamanian Institute of Tourism
, 124
Paris Assembly
, 226
Parliamentary conference on tourism
, 206
Patronato Municipal de Turismo de Madrid
, 221
Permanent Secretariat of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics
, 294
Phantom budget
, 208
, 129
Phuket Action Plan
, 280
, 224
Pope John Paul II
, 176–177
Portugal’s candidate
, 187
‘Poslovni Toranj’ (Business Tower)
, 129
Post-war reconstruction
, 15
Prado Museum
, 195
Printing and document reproduction
, 224
Private Sector Commitment to Global Code of Ethics
, 303
Private-sector tour operators
, 2
Programme and Budget Committee
, 299
Public–private partnership
, 261, 263, 286
Quebec World Ecotourism Summit
, 267
, 89
Regional Commissions
, 29–30, 143–144
for Tourism in Europe
, 130–131
Regional Distribution
, 130–131
Regional Programmes
, 296
Regional Secretariat of Affiliate Members
, 242
Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific
, 294
Regional Travel Commission for Americas
, 130–131
Report on the European Tourist Industry and European Recovery 1948–1951
, 28
, 73
Research Officer. See Technical Assistant
Resolution IUOTO
, 21–22
, 244–245
Rifai, Taleb
, 293–294
Rio+20 Conference
, 304
Roadmap for Recovery
, 298–299
Rome Assembly
, 170
Rome Conference
, 68, 71, 76–77
follow-up to
, 75
Satellite Account
, 272–273
Savignac, Antonio Enŕıquez
, 245, 270–271
Scarce financial resources
, 224
Second International Conference of National Travel Organizations
, 25
Second World War
, 5
Secretary of Tourism Action Committee of Latin American Economic System (SELA)
, 187
, 141–142, 145, 149, 186, 189, 241, 250, 255, 257, 297
, 199
Security and protection
, 202, 211
Semi-official organizations of touristic propaganda
, 8
Senior Management Team (SMT)
, 297
Seventh International Congress and 18th General Assembly
, 35
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
, 270–271
Seville Expo’92
, 234
Silk Road Secretariat
, 294
Sixth International Congress and 17th General Assembly
, 32–33
Sizeable surplus
, 253
Small-sized enterprises
, 163
Social and economic framework
, 162
Social legislation
, 162
, 147
Société Immobiliére et Touristique des D´epartements d’Outre-Mer (SITO)
, 71–72
Socio-economic phenomenon
, 162
Sofia conclusions
, 101
Sofia Conference
, 91
Sofia Intergovernmental Conference
, 107
South Asian Regional Travel Commission
, 130
Soviet republics
, 237
, 128
privileged Member’
, 170–171
Spanish delegate
, 179
Spanish delegation
, 281
Spanish Government
, 151–152
Spanish National Tourism Association (1929)
, 7
Special Committee
, 106
Special relationship between UNWTO and WTTC
, 299
Staff health and pension schemes
, 201
Staff of UNWTO
, 314–315
Study Commission on Currency Problems
, 26
Study Commission on European Post-War Recovery
, 26
Study Commission on International Travel Statistics
, 26
Study Commission on Passports, Visas and Frontier Formalities
, 26
Study Commission on Social Tourism
, 26
Study Commission on Transport USA-Europe
, 26
Support Programmes
, 296
Sustainability of UNWTO
, 113, 314
Sustainable Development Goals
, 305
Sustainable Tourism Development-Poverty Alleviation
, 303
Sustainable Tourism–Elimination of Poverty (ST-EP)
, 295–296, 313
, 279, 294, 303
Swiss Bank Corporation (SBS)
, 45
Swiss Federal Council
, 18
Syrian Arab Republic
, 192
Technical Assistant
, 60
Technical Commission on Development
, 81
Technical Commission on Facilitation
, 81
Technical Commission on Promotion
, 81
Technical Commission on Research
, 80–81
Technical Committee for Programme and Coordination (TCPC)
, 102–103, 117, 136, 140, 142–144, 253
Technical Cooperation of UNWTO
, 313–314
Technical Study Commissions
, 29–30
Technical Substantive Commissions
, 34
Tenth anniversary and winds of change
, 185
Termination of IUOTO
, 103
, 290
Themis Foundation
, 294
Third United Nations Conference
, 264–265
Tokyo General Assembly
, 106
, 145
, 4, 16, 30, 54, 84, 87, 116, 130, 175, 316
decisive and central role in
, 277
, 7
promotional budgets
, 112
, 162
, 227
‘Tourism, Passport to Peace’
, 82
Tourism Bill of Rights and Tourist Code
, 157, 252
‘Tourism Passport to Peace’
, 87
Tourism Recovery Committee
, 267
Tourism Satellite Account
, 262
, 113
propaganda material
, 17–18
for statistical purposes
, 70
, 9
‘Tourist Documentation Centre’
, 59
, 1
, 278
Travel Abroad-Frontier Formalities
, 44
Travel and tourism
, 1
Travel Research Seminar
, 67
Tunisia’s candidate
, 187
, 129
UN Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC)
, 117
UN Conference on International Travel and Tourism
, 75, 80
, 304–305
, 189, 314
, 243
Union internationale des Organismes officiels de Propagande touristique
, 21
United Arab Republic
, 96
United Nations
, 17
UNWTO relations with
, 313
United Nations Conference on International Travel and Tourism
, 70–71, 166
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
, 75–76, 79, 112
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
, 97–98, 101, 117, 147, 179, 185, 189, 190, 200–201
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP)
, 181
United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
, 26–27, 53–54, 73, 90, 96, 99, 104, 122, 268–270, 272–273, 282
committee for programme and coordination
, 115
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
, 222, 314
United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF)
, 4, 197, 203, 241, 278
United Nations Specialized Agency
, 197, 282, 285, 311
United Nations Statistical Commission
, 236
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
, 4, 53, 109, 114, 118, 147, 149, 153, 196, 242, 249, 251, 256, 263, 265, 270, 272–273, 281, 286, 293, 294, 297, 301, 304, 311
Affiliate Members
, 251
affiliate members
, 315
Bill of Rights and Tourist Code
, 243
budget and finance
, 311–312
Business Council
, 251
, 315
contingent of professional staff
, 302
, 282
environment and sustainability
, 314
, 313
external entities
, 315–316
, 314
, 278
, 146
Indonesia’s tourism industry
, 280
international organizations
, 279
new thinking, new outcomes
, 313
relations with united nations
, 313
ST-EP Foundation
, 279
, 314–315
Staff Association
, 299
, 105, 107–108
technical cooperation
, 313–314
travel advisories
, 277
United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund
, 278
, 311
United States Travel and Tourism Administration (USTTA)
, 244
Universal Exposition of Seville
, 233
, 107–108
principle of
, 98
Varna meeting
, 78
Visibility of UNWTO
, 311
‘Visitor’ for statistical purposes
, 70
Washington D. C. Assembly (1957)
, 51
White Paper
, 247–248, 250, 295, 298, 306
White Paper Implementation
, 306
Working agreements
, 238, 239
Working Capital Fund
, 165, 205
Working Group
, 255
World Bank
, 111
World Committee on Tourism Ethics
, 255, 278–279, 303, 308
World Conference of National Tourist Organizations
, 15, 22
Free Movement of Tourists
, 15
, 15–16
London County Council (1922)
, 15
tourist propaganda material
, 17–18
World Conference on Tourism
, 145
World Ecotourism Summit
, 258–259
World Employment Programme
, 113
World Health Organization (WHO)
, 304–305
World Health Passport
, 50
World Intellectual Property Organization
, 299
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
, 85–86, 239
World Summit on Sustainable Development
, 269, 275
World tourism
, 262
World Tourism Conference (WTC)
, 145, 148, 151, 154, 161, 195–196
contemporary tourism
, 165
draft resolutions
, 168
General Assembly resolution
, 164
intergovernmental organization
, 166
, 161
Spain’s ‘privileged Member’
, 170–171
statistical information
, 171
Working Capital Fund
, 165
World Tourism Day
, 116, 122, 155
World tourism industry
, 288
World Tourism Information Exchange Centre (WTIEC)
, 207, 212
World Tourism Meeting
, 175–176
Acapulco Document
, 175
Assembly resolution
, 178–179
, 181
organization role of arbiter
, 177
social conditions and legislative framework
, 175
, 175
travel facilitation
, 176
, 179
World Tourism Organization (WTO). See United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)
, 251, 269, 295–296, 301, 306, 311
World Travel Market in London (2007)
, 287–288
World Travel Review
, 37
World Travel-Tourisme Mondiale
, 56, 202
Young & Rubicam Inc. (US-based advertising agency)
, 68
, 129
Zürich agenda
, 11
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 The International Union of Official Tourist Propaganda Organizations (IUOTPO) 1925 to 1940
- Chapter 2 The World Conference of National Tourist Organizations, London, October 1946
- Chapter 3 Developments in 1947 and 1948
- Chapter 4 The Term of Office of Secretary-General François Morin, 1948 to 1957
- Chapter 5 Enter Robert C. Lonati, IUOTO Secretary-General
- Chapter 6 Strengthening the IUOTO Secretariat, the Rome Conference of 1963
- Chapter 7 Follow-up to the Rome Conference
- Chapter 8 ‘Factors Which May Call for a Change in IUOTO's Status’
- Chapter 9 The Conference of Plenipotentiaries, Sofia 1969
- Chapter 10 The Road to Mexico City, 1970
- Chapter 11 Adoption of the (UN)WTO* Statutes
- Chapter 12 IUOTO in Transition
- Chapter 13 The Search for a Headquarters
- Chapter 14 The Move to Madrid
- Chapter 15 The World Tourism Conference
- Chapter 16 The World Tourism Meeting and the Visit to Headquarters of Pope John Paul II
- Chapter 17 The Tenth Anniversary and Winds of Change
- Chapter 18 The Good Intentions of Willibald Pahr
- Chapter 19 The Legacy of Cancún
- Chapter 20 1992, An Anniversary Year
- Chapter 21 The Second Term of Antonio Enríquez Savignac
- Chapter 22 Francesco Frangialli Becomes Secretary-General Ad Interim
- Chapter 23 One Assessment, Nine Major Challenges
- Chapter 24 The World Tourism Organization Becomes a UN-Specialized Agency
- Chapter 25 Francesco Frangialli’s Third Term
- Chapter 26 Turning a New Page – Dr Taleb Rifai Takes Charge 2009–2017
- Chapter 27 The Challenges Ahead
- Afterword: ‘In the Beginning Was the Election’
- References
- Index of Persons
- Index