The Emerald Handbook of Narrative Criminology
ISBN: 978-1-78769-006-6, eISBN: 978-1-78769-005-9
Publication date: 7 October 2019
(2019), "Index", Fleetwood, J., Presser, L., Sandberg, S. and Ugelvik, T. (Ed.) The Emerald Handbook of Narrative Criminology, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 493-501.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Jennifer Fleetwood, Lois Presser, Sveinung Sandberg and Thomas Ugelvik
Absences, 10, 11–12, 17, 411, 414–416
Active interviewing, 93–96
Actor-network theory, 228
Agency, 239–257
organic agency, 14
personal agency, 70, 345, 361
human agency, 167, 343
political agency, 469
Agonistic interviews, 93
Allegories of environmental harm, 155, 165–167
Allegory, 165–166
Al-Shabaab, 27, 133, 143, 460
Analytical dialogue, 381–384
Andrews, M., 65
Animating interest, 371
Anti-jihadism, 39
Armed conflict and war, 4
Art, 9, 36, 66–68, 121, 180, 197–200, 203, 207, 217
Articulating resistance, 472, 483–486
As-salamu alaykum
, 458
As-told-to autobiography, 135
Attentiveness, 96, 102–103
Attorney stories, 156–160
Australia, 250
Autobiographical resources, 67
Autobiographical writing, 13, 64, 429
archived criminality reform, 434–439
Chinese Literary Tradition, 432–433
ideological reform, 433–434
incarcerated Chinese, 429–432
analysis in practice, 140–145
defining, 134–136
paratexts, 136–140
terrorism, 133–134
Autoethnography, 7, 63, 68–71, 79, 420
Bad apple hypothesis, 323
Bakhtin, M., 78, 136, 368, 370, 383
Becker, H., 2
Belgium, 8, 90, 101
Belgian bureaucratic system, 101
Biography, 9, 73, 135
The Birth of Purgatory
, 218
Bourdieu, Pierre, 3, 369
Canadian treatment programme for men, 280
Capriccio, 212–214
Carceral, 5, 7, 109, 113, 122, 161, 197–216
Character, 29, 36, 52, 54, 79, 100, 178, 181, 184, 283, 296, 329, 371, 419, 462
Chico’s visual narratives
Chico the friend, 189–190
economic and social marginalisation, 181
friend, 189–190
menacing rebel, 184–188
methamphetamine, 180
Children’s stories, 162–164
China, 13, 117, 202, 427–440
Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 431, 433
class status, 114, 143, 265
middle-class values, 4, 49, 79, 413, 415
social class, 410, 415
working-class, 75
Coding, 12, 48, 134, 378
Collective representations, 7, 63, 142, 163, 397, 484
Co-conspirators, 55
Collecting stories, 6
Colonialism. See also ‘Race’, 16, 198, 225, 470
Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, 1986, 433
Confucian ideology, 432
Constitutive perspective, 2, 46–48, 67, 92, 104, 134, 219, 283, 410
Conversation, 34, 35, 37, 51, 93, 95, 102, 114, 193, 282, 317, 391, 449
Convict criminology, 63–80
Corporate offenders, 156–160
Counterinsurgency, 335
Counternarratives, 7, 13, 65, 66, 103
narrative analysis, 446–448
narrative resistance, 450–461
power, 446–448
resistance, 446–448
study and participants, 448–449
team research, 449–450
Court case files, 87, 89, 90
Co-victim narratives, 265, 269, 270
crime narratives, 389
crime-involved populations, 110
criminality, 131
criminological facts, 72
drug crime, 4
environmental crime, 153–172
general theory, 412–414
narrative scripts, 2
personality disorders, 5
proximal antecedents to, 345
serious crimes, 180
types, 13
victims’ narratives, 265–272
Crime Victims’ Rights Week programs, 270
Criminal justice
crafting language, 50
ethnography, 45–47
honesty, 52–54
impartiality, 57–59
making evidence intelligible, 50–52
performance, 54–57
prosecutorial narratives, 47–50
real-time narrative creation, 45–47
The Trial
, 217
Criminal Justice Institutions
courts, 16, 90, 92, 99, 243, 294, 314
police, 5, 11, 31, 35, 39, 90, 92, 191, 131, 184, 189, 296, 321–341
prisons, 9, 16, 65, 72, 76, 115, 197, 204, 211, 212, 297, 431
youth justice, 5, 8, 87–108
Criminal justice professionals, attorney stories, 156–160
Criminal law, 309–314
Critical criminology, 4, 66
Culture, 3, 5, 9, 15, 28, 37, 89, 119, 136, 155, 176, 197, 217–233, 226, 271, 321–341, 346, 414, 416, 438, 463, 468
Cultural criminology, 4, 153–172
Daya’s story, 113–115, 119, 120, 125
Decolonial analysis, 467–491
Deconstruction, 200, 202, 214
Decontextualized images, 179
Defence mechanism, 12, 390, 395, 400, 404
Derogatory counternarratives, 457
Dialogical narrative analysis (DNA), 367–385
analytical dialogue, 381–384
animating interest, 371
apocalyptic stories, 377–381
definition, 370
forms of, 372–374
implications, 384–385
Dictated autobiography, 135
Discipline and Punish, 70
Discourse, 2, 8, 87, 111, 156, 253, 335, 416, 428, 447, 485, 486
Discourse analysis, 8, 156, 199, 253, 410
Documentary analysis, 179, 330
case file documents, 101
forged signature, 57
forgery of bank documents, 53
legal, 296
official documents, 8, 27
photocopied documents, 431
textual analysis, 8
Dominance, 484–486
Double consciousness, 68
Doxastic interviews, 94
Drugs policy war, 383–384
Elastic narratives, 391
Elites, 59, 198, 420
Elite and expert interviews, 47, 59, 93, 96
Emotions, 32, 432, 447, 454, 455, 457
Empathy, 28, 100–102, 178, 267, 272, 285, 288, 297
England, 38, 203, 285, 394
Environmental crime, 153–172
Environmental harm, 8, 154, 155
fictionalised depictions and representations, 160–162
Epiphany, 33, 248, 251
Episodic narratives
offence narrative roles, 346–357
Epistemic and doxastic modes, 97–99
Epistemic interviews, 93, 94, 103
Establishing trust, 36, 449
Ethnicity. See also ‘Race’, 72, 87, 420, 435
Ethnocentrism. See also ‘Race’, 329
Ethnography, 6–7, 27–43, 46, 56, 60, 68, 178, 392, 463
Existential narratives, 35
Extremism, 14, 133, 445–446, 461
Factual counternarratives, 451–454, 457, 462
Faith, 75, 79, 240, 245, 248, 250, 252, 304, 476
Feminism, 198, 282, 468
black and African feminist theory, 474
eco-feminist, 208
intersectional feminism, 473
Feminist research, 88
interviewing, 95–96
practice, 93–96
community, 332
effect, 333
Ferguson Police Department (FPD), 332
Fiction, 8, 59, 109, 111, 142, 155, 160, 161, 162, 166, 327, 419, 429
Figurative devices, 12, 416, 417
First-time offender, 124, 312, 313, 314
Formula stories, 104, 177, 391
Football Hooliganism, 12, 350
Frank, A. W., 220, 229, 367–374, 382, 384, 413
Free Association Narrative Interview (FANI), 390, 392
Frye, N. 343, 344, 353, 354, 355, 357
Galli de Bibiena, Ferdinando, 206
A General Theory of Crime
, 409, 412–414
cultural norms, 225, 329
race. See Race
regimes imposed on women, 65
transgender, 109, 113, 114
women's prison, 46
Genre, 8, 102, 112, 123, 142–143, 146, 201, 204, 359, 376, 381, 383, 432
Germany, 3, 11, 305, 310, 312, 314
German Youth Courts Act, 314
Globalisation, 14, 16, 153, 334, 467
Goffman, E., 2, 229
Godka, 27, 31–36
Green criminology, 8, 153
Green cultural criminology, 4, 153–168
Gubrium, J., 28, 46
Gulliver’s Travels
, 111, 125
Habitus, 3, 104, 369, 370, 449
Hall, S., 303, 305
Haunting, 205, 206, 214, 282, 298
Harm, 1, 2, 8, 240
power and inequality, 15–16
self-harm, 77
penal harm, 87, 91–104, 153–172, 411–412
environmental harm, 156–162
disaster, 157
environmental harm, 160–167
Heart of Darkness
, 70
Hegemonic narratives, 17, 104, 411, 414, 415, 420, 469, 486
Heteroglossia, 368, 381
Homonarrativus, 92
Honesty, 52–54
“How-to” bias,’ 47
Holstein, J., 28, 46
Humility topos, 138
Humour, 29, 37, 185, 190, 193, 457–460, 462
Hegemony, 66, 414
Human Rights, 374, 382
‘Ideal’ victimhood, 267
Ideologies, 322, 446, 448
Ideology, 189, 396, 397, 429, 466
Images, 9, 70, 175–193, 197–214, 398
Imaginative small talk, 34, 35, 46
Impartiality, 57–59
Implicit authority, 267
Implicit psychological content, 360
Imposter syndrome, 75
Individual offenders, 29, 78, 87, 111, 131–132, 281, 156, 283, 286, 343, 345, 347, 390, 405, 428–429
Inference rich, 308
Institutional narratives, 91–104
empathy, 100–102
engagement, 100–102
infusing insights, 95–96
interview, 103–104
judicial-correctional ‘truth discourse’, 280
judicial truth, 4
penal harm, 91–104
police, 92
research context and interaction, 102–103
researching up, 93–95
respect, 100–102
self-narratives, 92, 97
shifts and porous, 97–99
Socratic interviews, 96–97, 99–100
Institutions, 5, 11, 16, 95, 158, 161, 298, 305, 373, 385, 427, 440, 468
Insurgency, 335
Intersectionality, 17, 468
Intersectional narrative criminology, 471
Interviews/interviewing, 7–8, 181
contextualising photographs, 178–180
convict criminology, 72
Dave, 11
document studies, 29
epistemic interviews, 94
ethnographies, 9
individuals accused, 4
narrative inquiry, 40
semi-structured dialogue, 72, 430
Socrates Light, 87–105
texts, 8
ISIS, 27, 37
Italy, 207, 395
Jihadism, 27, 32, 39, 41
Jihadist organisations, 445, 454, 461
criminal justice, 5, 70, 75, 192, 240–241, 259, 283, 289, 298, 321, 327, 385, 418, 432
Immanent Justice, 213
social justice, 13, 104, 467–491
storied Justice, 45–62
youth justice, 5, 8, 87–108
June’s story, 244–251
practising faith, 245–247
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Jurors’ interpretations, 49, 50
Katz, J., 2, 177, 229, 373
Labelling perspectives, 347
Labelling theories, 2
Labov, W., 371
Landscape art, 203, 204
Law enforcement
community members, 324
culture and officer behaviour, 322, 323, 326
narrative methods, 321
visual pictures, 328
witnesses in contact, 57
Law, legal narratives, 5, 47, 45, 46, 59, 65, 68, 73, 78, 79, 80, 92, 110, 122, 156, 159, 198, 213, 271, 309–313, 321, 323, 325, 328, 330, 332, 378, 382, 412, 439
Lawyers, 45, 47–49, 56, 58, 158
Lay decision-makers, 50–52
Lies, 8, 109–113, 125, 200, 252, 403, 455
Life as book, 358
Life As A Film (LAAF) approach, 11
criminal narratives, 358–359
elicitation interview, 359–360
explicit processes, 360
implicit psychological content, 360
Life event calendars (LECs), 113
‘Light’ Socratic dialogues, 96–103
Loseke, D. R., 176
Maruna, S., 2, 242, 249, 279, 345, 347, 359, 390
Marxism, 198, 214
Masculinity, 123, 139, 227, 228, 231, 336, 379
Master plot, 404
Material culture, 9, 217–218
Material objects, 223–224
Matza, D., 2, 390
Mauser 98K, 220–222
McAdams, D., 134, 343, 344, 358–360
Melancholy dilapidation, 197
Membership Categorisation Analysis (MCA), 304, 306–309
categories, 303–304, 306–308
categorisation, 317–318
category-bound construction, 309–316
Dave's story, 309–316
Memoir. See also Autobiography, 134, 135
Metaphors, 8, 11, 39, 213, 334, 416
Migration/migrants, 87, 92, 100, 123, 155, 166
Mills, C. W., 2, 63, 64, 76, 77, 79
Motherwood, Absent Mother Syndrome, 120, 248
Mothers Against Violence, 242, 243, 248
Murder/homicide, 10, 115, 250, 263, 361
Muslims, 13, 39, 119, 144, 445–467
Narrative analysis
material culture studies, 217–218
Mauser 98K, 220–222
narratives, 218–220
objects, 218–220
Narrative convictions, 63–83
Narrative dialogue, 11–12
Narrative ethnography, 7, 47, 60, 264
criminology, 28–31
Godka, 31–36
trust, 36–39
Narrative habitus, 104, 369, 370, 449
Narrative identity, 180
Narrative labour, 5, 71, 438, 439
Narrative resistance, 446–447, 450–461
Narrative Role Questionnaire (NRQ), 11, 348, 358, 362
Narrative strategies, 45–62
Narrative victimology. See also June’s story, 244–246
audience, 271–275
challenges, 256–258
features, 269–276
researching, 267–268
situating, 264–267
speaker, 269–271
storytelling, 263
timing, 275–276
Nations/nationality, 164, 224, 420, 479, 480
Neutralisations. See also Techniques of Neutralisation, 389, 390, 405
News media, 14, 154, 379
Norway, 35, 217, 220, 222, 225, 446, 448, 454, 457
Objective reality, 111
Objects, 6, 9, 175–195, 218–220, 222–231, 304, 416
intended purpose, 224–225
owner/user, 226–228
own story, 228–231
past, 223–224
sociocultural context, 225–226
storytelling prop, 222–223
Observations, 6–7, 46, 93, 95, 157, 178, 192, 263–264, 267–268
Offender Assessment System (OASys) report, 289
Offender’s narratives
cognitive distortions, 279
‘innocent,’ 282
judicial-correctional ‘truth
discourse,’ 280
missing victim, 290–293
offender and victim, 293–297
offenders and victims narratives, 286–297
penitent offender, 286–290
punished offender, 290–293
real victim, 286–290
slipperiness, 279
stories and justice, 297–298
victims in the prison, 283–286
Online research
Google, 282, 375, 375
Organisations, antisociality, 412
Overlexicalization, 418
Paintings, 199, 201, 202, 208
Panini, Giovanni Paolo, 208, 209
Paratexts, 132
covers, 138–140
written introductions, 137–138
Participant observation. See also Ethnography, 30, 45, 46, 48, 49, 60, 262, 274, 281, 295, 374
Penal harm, 12, 91–104, 411–412
Penology, 5
Personal narratives, 5, 7, 79, 156, 343, 345, 471
Phatic talk, 34
Phenomenal testimony, 67
Philippines, 12, 367, 374, 376, 377, 384, 385
Photo-elicitation, 179, 190–192
Photo-elicitation interviews, 190
Photographs, 178–180
Phronetic approach, 97
dark visions, 203–207
fascinating ruins, 207–210
image and narrative, 198–200
landscapes, 200–203
sublime effects, 211–213
visual criminology, 194, 198
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 9, 197, 205, 210, 212
Plot, 35, 115, 166, 189, 229, 230, 293, 359, 403, 404, 446
Plurivocal narrative, 472, 486–487
police culture, 5, 321–341
Police narratives
culture, 321–323
development, 323–327
growth areas, 333–336
methodological challenges, 333–336
popular culture, 327–329
storytelling, 323–327
thin blue line, 329–331
‘truth,’ 331–333
Polkinghorne, D., 134
Polletta, F., 135, 253, 369, 373
Polyphony, 318, 368, 381
Positivism, 35, 52, 74, 109, 138, 180, 244, 251, 260, 264, 273, 313, 327, 335, 361, 416, 418, 429
Postcolonialism. See also ‘Race’, 198
Poststructuralism, 198
harm, 15–16
inequality, 15–16
narrative analysis, 446–448
resistance, 446–448
social inequalities, 12–13
Prisoner autobiography. See also Autobiographical writing, 64–66
individual autobiography, 427
rehabilitation, 428–429
Prisons/prisoners, 3, 5, 9, 16, 64–66, 72, 76, 115, 197, 204, 211, 212, 281, 297, 431
Prisoners’ narratives, 298
Professional role, 355, 358
Prosecutorial narratives, 47–49
Prostitution. See also Sex work, 291, 472, 473
Psychiatry, 11, 309–312
Psychoanalysis, 198
Psychological approach
Agency and Communion, 343
Leary’s personality dimensions, 344
moral justification, 345–346
Psychological complexity, 360–361
Psycho-social criminology
free association narrative interview, 390
Gianluca’s life story, 394–402
methods, 393
Punishment, 15, 67, 72, 155, 159, 162, 197, 217, 285, 292, 312, 314, 316, 361, 412, 431, 477
Quantitative analysis, 5, 68
Rapport, 36, 37, 55, 94, 95, 103, 264, 266, 272, 282
‘Race’. See also Ethnicity
black and African feminist theory, 474
black perspectives, 80
black prisoners, 65
Caucasian youth, 90
colonialism, 16, 198, 225, 470
ethnocentrism, 329
intersectional feminism, 473
marginalized black women, 473, 475, 483, 487, 488, 489, 490
Northern Caucasian migrants, 89
postcolonialism, 198
white narratives, 80
“white pride”, 191, 195
white prisoners, 65
Racism, 14, 470
Redemption, 239–257
Reflexivity, 63, 88, 96, 103, 270
Religion, 13, 32, 35, 38, 248, 253, 266, 334, 446, 448, 452, 456, 479
Religious narratives. See also Redemption; Epiphanies; Faith, 10, 14, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 154, 207, 240, 253, 266, 445, 446, 448, 449, 451
finding a ‘calling,’ 247–249
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Researching up. See Active interviewing
Reissman, C. K., 321
Resistance, 446–448
Respectable femininity, 114
Revengeful mission, 349, 351, 352, 357
Ricoeur, P., 80, 369, 373
Roles, categorisations, 10–11
Self-categorisation, 313, 314, 316
Self-help groups, 262, 266, 267, 269, 270
Sex Offender Treatment Programme facilitators (SOTP), 287
Sexualities, 122, 420, 477, 479, 480
Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), 472, 473
Sex work, 115, 123, 467–491
decolonising/rehumanising research, 467–468
intersectional agenda, 469–471
Shameful identities, 479–482
Side grip, 230
Silences, 11, 16, 35, 414
Silencing, 419–420
Social harm, 105
Socio-narratology, 12, 368–374, 385
Socrates light, 87–105
Socratic dialogues, 88, 96–97
Socratic interviews, 99–100
South Africa, 13, 15, 467, 472, 473, 486, 487
Sri Lanka, 109, 113–115, 117, 119, 121–123
Stigmatised identities, 479–482
The State, 10, 16, 78, 94, 159, 164, 213, 295, 352, 482
Street culture, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 401
Storytelling, 15, 28, 36–39, 177, 222–223, 232, 243
Structures of feeling, 71
Subculture, 11, 32, 119, 334
Sublime effects, 211–213
Subtext, 416–417
Superpredators, 412
Symbolic boundaries, 177
Symbolic interactionism, 2, 261, 347, 412
Symbolic interactionist, 92, 261, 346
Team research, 449–450
Techniques of neutralisation, 2, 390
Television, 283, 328, 329, 416
Terrorism, 133–134
Terrorist autobiographies, 134
Testimony, 49, 54, 57, 60, 67, 253, 295
Thin blue line, 329–331
The Three Little Pigs
, 155, 166, 167
Toch, H., 344, 359
Tragic hero role, 353, 354, 357
Translation, 122, 201, 252
Trauma narratives, 241
Travelling stories, 14–15
Trial narratives, 47, 48, 213
Trust, 36, 41, 52, 100, 266, 333, 439
Truth, 4, 8, 35, 57, 63–64, 109–113, 115–120, 223, 248, 397, 331–333
Truth/lies, 35, 109–113
factural truths, 35
slants on truth, 63–64
Ugelvik family Mauser, 221, 222
UK, 10, 15, 64, 66, 67, 74, 250, 271, 273, 438
Understatement, 58, 417–418
Unsaid, 12, 409–424
USA, 428
US federal prosecutors, 45–61
Validity, 110, 125
Verisimilitude, 112, 120–122
Victim impact statements, 243, 262, 263
Victimhood, 9, 240, 251, 254, 261, 267, 447, 478
Victimology. See Narrative victimology
Victims, 4, 10, 58, 124, 158, 239–257, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265–272, 279–300, 382, 402, 455
Victim stories
June’s story, 240, 244–251
lethal violence, 240, 241, 242–244
Violence, 3, 4, 39, 79, 121, 139, 161, 180, 240, 241, 242–244, 270, 308, 392, 393, 400
atrocity, 4
conceptual violence, 202
finding a ‘Calling’ in the aftermath, 247–249
gun violence, 265
Jihadi organisations, 451
mass violence, 4
mothers against violence, 244
political violence, 142
redemptive suffering, 240, 249–251
visual symbols, 139
Visual criminology, 3, 198, 214
Visual narratives, 9, 180–190
Vocabularies of motive, 2
War/armed conflict, 4, 12, 13, 115, 139, 184, 220, 447–448, 451, 453
War stories, 325, 334, 335, 376
Whimsical fantasises, 208
Youth justice, 89–108, 375
Canadian treatment programme for men, 280
Capriccio, 212–214
Carceral, 5, 7, 109, 113, 122, 161, 197–216
Character, 29, 36, 52, 54, 79, 100, 178, 181, 184, 283, 296, 329, 371, 419, 462
Chico’s visual narratives
Chico the friend, 189–190
economic and social marginalisation, 181
friend, 189–190
menacing rebel, 184–188
methamphetamine, 180
Children’s stories, 162–164
China, 13, 117, 202, 427–440
Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 431, 433
class status, 114, 143, 265
middle-class values, 4, 49, 79, 413, 415
social class, 410, 415
working-class, 75
Coding, 12, 48, 134, 378
Collective representations, 7, 63, 142, 163, 397, 484
Co-conspirators, 55
Collecting stories, 6
Colonialism. See also ‘Race’, 16, 198, 225, 470
Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, 1986, 433
Confucian ideology, 432
Constitutive perspective, 2, 46–48, 67, 92, 104, 134, 219, 283, 410
Conversation, 34, 35, 37, 51, 93, 95, 102, 114, 193, 282, 317, 391, 449
Convict criminology, 63–80
Corporate offenders, 156–160
Counterinsurgency, 335
Counternarratives, 7, 13, 65, 66, 103
narrative analysis, 446–448
narrative resistance, 450–461
power, 446–448
resistance, 446–448
study and participants, 448–449
team research, 449–450
Court case files, 87, 89, 90
Co-victim narratives, 265, 269, 270
crime narratives, 389
crime-involved populations, 110
criminality, 131
criminological facts, 72
drug crime, 4
environmental crime, 153–172
general theory, 412–414
narrative scripts, 2
personality disorders, 5
proximal antecedents to, 345
serious crimes, 180
types, 13
victims’ narratives, 265–272
Crime Victims’ Rights Week programs, 270
Criminal justice
crafting language, 50
ethnography, 45–47
honesty, 52–54
impartiality, 57–59
making evidence intelligible, 50–52
performance, 54–57
prosecutorial narratives, 47–50
real-time narrative creation, 45–47
The Trial
, 217
Criminal Justice Institutions
courts, 16, 90, 92, 99, 243, 294, 314
police, 5, 11, 31, 35, 39, 90, 92, 191, 131, 184, 189, 296, 321–341
prisons, 9, 16, 65, 72, 76, 115, 197, 204, 211, 212, 297, 431
youth justice, 5, 8, 87–108
Criminal justice professionals, attorney stories, 156–160
Criminal law, 309–314
Critical criminology, 4, 66
Culture, 3, 5, 9, 15, 28, 37, 89, 119, 136, 155, 176, 197, 217–233, 226, 271, 321–341, 346, 414, 416, 438, 463, 468
Cultural criminology, 4, 153–172
Daya’s story, 113–115, 119, 120, 125
Decolonial analysis, 467–491
Deconstruction, 200, 202, 214
Decontextualized images, 179
Defence mechanism, 12, 390, 395, 400, 404
Derogatory counternarratives, 457
Dialogical narrative analysis (DNA), 367–385
analytical dialogue, 381–384
animating interest, 371
apocalyptic stories, 377–381
definition, 370
forms of, 372–374
implications, 384–385
Dictated autobiography, 135
Discipline and Punish, 70
Discourse, 2, 8, 87, 111, 156, 253, 335, 416, 428, 447, 485, 486
Discourse analysis, 8, 156, 199, 253, 410
Documentary analysis, 179, 330
case file documents, 101
forged signature, 57
forgery of bank documents, 53
legal, 296
official documents, 8, 27
photocopied documents, 431
textual analysis, 8
Dominance, 484–486
Double consciousness, 68
Doxastic interviews, 94
Drugs policy war, 383–384
Elastic narratives, 391
Elites, 59, 198, 420
Elite and expert interviews, 47, 59, 93, 96
Emotions, 32, 432, 447, 454, 455, 457
Empathy, 28, 100–102, 178, 267, 272, 285, 288, 297
England, 38, 203, 285, 394
Environmental crime, 153–172
Environmental harm, 8, 154, 155
fictionalised depictions and representations, 160–162
Epiphany, 33, 248, 251
Episodic narratives
offence narrative roles, 346–357
Epistemic and doxastic modes, 97–99
Epistemic interviews, 93, 94, 103
Establishing trust, 36, 449
Ethnicity. See also ‘Race’, 72, 87, 420, 435
Ethnocentrism. See also ‘Race’, 329
Ethnography, 6–7, 27–43, 46, 56, 60, 68, 178, 392, 463
Existential narratives, 35
Extremism, 14, 133, 445–446, 461
Factual counternarratives, 451–454, 457, 462
Faith, 75, 79, 240, 245, 248, 250, 252, 304, 476
Feminism, 198, 282, 468
black and African feminist theory, 474
eco-feminist, 208
intersectional feminism, 473
Feminist research, 88
interviewing, 95–96
practice, 93–96
community, 332
effect, 333
Ferguson Police Department (FPD), 332
Fiction, 8, 59, 109, 111, 142, 155, 160, 161, 162, 166, 327, 419, 429
Figurative devices, 12, 416, 417
First-time offender, 124, 312, 313, 314
Formula stories, 104, 177, 391
Football Hooliganism, 12, 350
Frank, A. W., 220, 229, 367–374, 382, 384, 413
Free Association Narrative Interview (FANI), 390, 392
Frye, N. 343, 344, 353, 354, 355, 357
Galli de Bibiena, Ferdinando, 206
A General Theory of Crime
, 409, 412–414
cultural norms, 225, 329
race. See Race
regimes imposed on women, 65
transgender, 109, 113, 114
women's prison, 46
Genre, 8, 102, 112, 123, 142–143, 146, 201, 204, 359, 376, 381, 383, 432
Germany, 3, 11, 305, 310, 312, 314
German Youth Courts Act, 314
Globalisation, 14, 16, 153, 334, 467
Goffman, E., 2, 229
Godka, 27, 31–36
Green criminology, 8, 153
Green cultural criminology, 4, 153–168
Gubrium, J., 28, 46
Gulliver’s Travels
, 111, 125
Habitus, 3, 104, 369, 370, 449
Hall, S., 303, 305
Haunting, 205, 206, 214, 282, 298
Harm, 1, 2, 8, 240
power and inequality, 15–16
self-harm, 77
penal harm, 87, 91–104, 153–172, 411–412
environmental harm, 156–162
disaster, 157
environmental harm, 160–167
Heart of Darkness
, 70
Hegemonic narratives, 17, 104, 411, 414, 415, 420, 469, 486
Heteroglossia, 368, 381
Homonarrativus, 92
Honesty, 52–54
“How-to” bias,’ 47
Holstein, J., 28, 46
Humility topos, 138
Humour, 29, 37, 185, 190, 193, 457–460, 462
Hegemony, 66, 414
Human Rights, 374, 382
‘Ideal’ victimhood, 267
Ideologies, 322, 446, 448
Ideology, 189, 396, 397, 429, 466
Images, 9, 70, 175–193, 197–214, 398
Imaginative small talk, 34, 35, 46
Impartiality, 57–59
Implicit authority, 267
Implicit psychological content, 360
Imposter syndrome, 75
Individual offenders, 29, 78, 87, 111, 131–132, 281, 156, 283, 286, 343, 345, 347, 390, 405, 428–429
Inference rich, 308
Institutional narratives, 91–104
empathy, 100–102
engagement, 100–102
infusing insights, 95–96
interview, 103–104
judicial-correctional ‘truth discourse’, 280
judicial truth, 4
penal harm, 91–104
police, 92
research context and interaction, 102–103
researching up, 93–95
respect, 100–102
self-narratives, 92, 97
shifts and porous, 97–99
Socratic interviews, 96–97, 99–100
Institutions, 5, 11, 16, 95, 158, 161, 298, 305, 373, 385, 427, 440, 468
Insurgency, 335
Intersectionality, 17, 468
Intersectional narrative criminology, 471
Interviews/interviewing, 7–8, 181
contextualising photographs, 178–180
convict criminology, 72
Dave, 11
document studies, 29
epistemic interviews, 94
ethnographies, 9
individuals accused, 4
narrative inquiry, 40
semi-structured dialogue, 72, 430
Socrates Light, 87–105
texts, 8
ISIS, 27, 37
Italy, 207, 395
Jihadism, 27, 32, 39, 41
Jihadist organisations, 445, 454, 461
criminal justice, 5, 70, 75, 192, 240–241, 259, 283, 289, 298, 321, 327, 385, 418, 432
Immanent Justice, 213
social justice, 13, 104, 467–491
storied Justice, 45–62
youth justice, 5, 8, 87–108
June’s story, 244–251
practising faith, 245–247
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Jurors’ interpretations, 49, 50
Katz, J., 2, 177, 229, 373
Labelling perspectives, 347
Labelling theories, 2
Labov, W., 371
Landscape art, 203, 204
Law enforcement
community members, 324
culture and officer behaviour, 322, 323, 326
narrative methods, 321
visual pictures, 328
witnesses in contact, 57
Law, legal narratives, 5, 47, 45, 46, 59, 65, 68, 73, 78, 79, 80, 92, 110, 122, 156, 159, 198, 213, 271, 309–313, 321, 323, 325, 328, 330, 332, 378, 382, 412, 439
Lawyers, 45, 47–49, 56, 58, 158
Lay decision-makers, 50–52
Lies, 8, 109–113, 125, 200, 252, 403, 455
Life as book, 358
Life As A Film (LAAF) approach, 11
criminal narratives, 358–359
elicitation interview, 359–360
explicit processes, 360
implicit psychological content, 360
Life event calendars (LECs), 113
‘Light’ Socratic dialogues, 96–103
Loseke, D. R., 176
Maruna, S., 2, 242, 249, 279, 345, 347, 359, 390
Marxism, 198, 214
Masculinity, 123, 139, 227, 228, 231, 336, 379
Master plot, 404
Material culture, 9, 217–218
Material objects, 223–224
Matza, D., 2, 390
Mauser 98K, 220–222
McAdams, D., 134, 343, 344, 358–360
Melancholy dilapidation, 197
Membership Categorisation Analysis (MCA), 304, 306–309
categories, 303–304, 306–308
categorisation, 317–318
category-bound construction, 309–316
Dave's story, 309–316
Memoir. See also Autobiography, 134, 135
Metaphors, 8, 11, 39, 213, 334, 416
Migration/migrants, 87, 92, 100, 123, 155, 166
Mills, C. W., 2, 63, 64, 76, 77, 79
Motherwood, Absent Mother Syndrome, 120, 248
Mothers Against Violence, 242, 243, 248
Murder/homicide, 10, 115, 250, 263, 361
Muslims, 13, 39, 119, 144, 445–467
Narrative analysis
material culture studies, 217–218
Mauser 98K, 220–222
narratives, 218–220
objects, 218–220
Narrative convictions, 63–83
Narrative dialogue, 11–12
Narrative ethnography, 7, 47, 60, 264
criminology, 28–31
Godka, 31–36
trust, 36–39
Narrative habitus, 104, 369, 370, 449
Narrative identity, 180
Narrative labour, 5, 71, 438, 439
Narrative resistance, 446–447, 450–461
Narrative Role Questionnaire (NRQ), 11, 348, 358, 362
Narrative strategies, 45–62
Narrative victimology. See also June’s story, 244–246
audience, 271–275
challenges, 256–258
features, 269–276
researching, 267–268
situating, 264–267
speaker, 269–271
storytelling, 263
timing, 275–276
Nations/nationality, 164, 224, 420, 479, 480
Neutralisations. See also Techniques of Neutralisation, 389, 390, 405
News media, 14, 154, 379
Norway, 35, 217, 220, 222, 225, 446, 448, 454, 457
Objective reality, 111
Objects, 6, 9, 175–195, 218–220, 222–231, 304, 416
intended purpose, 224–225
owner/user, 226–228
own story, 228–231
past, 223–224
sociocultural context, 225–226
storytelling prop, 222–223
Observations, 6–7, 46, 93, 95, 157, 178, 192, 263–264, 267–268
Offender Assessment System (OASys) report, 289
Offender’s narratives
cognitive distortions, 279
‘innocent,’ 282
judicial-correctional ‘truth
discourse,’ 280
missing victim, 290–293
offender and victim, 293–297
offenders and victims narratives, 286–297
penitent offender, 286–290
punished offender, 290–293
real victim, 286–290
slipperiness, 279
stories and justice, 297–298
victims in the prison, 283–286
Online research
Google, 282, 375, 375
Organisations, antisociality, 412
Overlexicalization, 418
Paintings, 199, 201, 202, 208
Panini, Giovanni Paolo, 208, 209
Paratexts, 132
covers, 138–140
written introductions, 137–138
Participant observation. See also Ethnography, 30, 45, 46, 48, 49, 60, 262, 274, 281, 295, 374
Penal harm, 12, 91–104, 411–412
Penology, 5
Personal narratives, 5, 7, 79, 156, 343, 345, 471
Phatic talk, 34
Phenomenal testimony, 67
Philippines, 12, 367, 374, 376, 377, 384, 385
Photo-elicitation, 179, 190–192
Photo-elicitation interviews, 190
Photographs, 178–180
Phronetic approach, 97
dark visions, 203–207
fascinating ruins, 207–210
image and narrative, 198–200
landscapes, 200–203
sublime effects, 211–213
visual criminology, 194, 198
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 9, 197, 205, 210, 212
Plot, 35, 115, 166, 189, 229, 230, 293, 359, 403, 404, 446
Plurivocal narrative, 472, 486–487
police culture, 5, 321–341
Police narratives
culture, 321–323
development, 323–327
growth areas, 333–336
methodological challenges, 333–336
popular culture, 327–329
storytelling, 323–327
thin blue line, 329–331
‘truth,’ 331–333
Polkinghorne, D., 134
Polletta, F., 135, 253, 369, 373
Polyphony, 318, 368, 381
Positivism, 35, 52, 74, 109, 138, 180, 244, 251, 260, 264, 273, 313, 327, 335, 361, 416, 418, 429
Postcolonialism. See also ‘Race’, 198
Poststructuralism, 198
harm, 15–16
inequality, 15–16
narrative analysis, 446–448
resistance, 446–448
social inequalities, 12–13
Prisoner autobiography. See also Autobiographical writing, 64–66
individual autobiography, 427
rehabilitation, 428–429
Prisons/prisoners, 3, 5, 9, 16, 64–66, 72, 76, 115, 197, 204, 211, 212, 281, 297, 431
Prisoners’ narratives, 298
Professional role, 355, 358
Prosecutorial narratives, 47–49
Prostitution. See also Sex work, 291, 472, 473
Psychiatry, 11, 309–312
Psychoanalysis, 198
Psychological approach
Agency and Communion, 343
Leary’s personality dimensions, 344
moral justification, 345–346
Psychological complexity, 360–361
Psycho-social criminology
free association narrative interview, 390
Gianluca’s life story, 394–402
methods, 393
Punishment, 15, 67, 72, 155, 159, 162, 197, 217, 285, 292, 312, 314, 316, 361, 412, 431, 477
Quantitative analysis, 5, 68
Rapport, 36, 37, 55, 94, 95, 103, 264, 266, 272, 282
‘Race’. See also Ethnicity
black and African feminist theory, 474
black perspectives, 80
black prisoners, 65
Caucasian youth, 90
colonialism, 16, 198, 225, 470
ethnocentrism, 329
intersectional feminism, 473
marginalized black women, 473, 475, 483, 487, 488, 489, 490
Northern Caucasian migrants, 89
postcolonialism, 198
white narratives, 80
“white pride”, 191, 195
white prisoners, 65
Racism, 14, 470
Redemption, 239–257
Reflexivity, 63, 88, 96, 103, 270
Religion, 13, 32, 35, 38, 248, 253, 266, 334, 446, 448, 452, 456, 479
Religious narratives. See also Redemption; Epiphanies; Faith, 10, 14, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 154, 207, 240, 253, 266, 445, 446, 448, 449, 451
finding a ‘calling,’ 247–249
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Researching up. See Active interviewing
Reissman, C. K., 321
Resistance, 446–448
Respectable femininity, 114
Revengeful mission, 349, 351, 352, 357
Ricoeur, P., 80, 369, 373
Roles, categorisations, 10–11
Self-categorisation, 313, 314, 316
Self-help groups, 262, 266, 267, 269, 270
Sex Offender Treatment Programme facilitators (SOTP), 287
Sexualities, 122, 420, 477, 479, 480
Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), 472, 473
Sex work, 115, 123, 467–491
decolonising/rehumanising research, 467–468
intersectional agenda, 469–471
Shameful identities, 479–482
Side grip, 230
Silences, 11, 16, 35, 414
Silencing, 419–420
Social harm, 105
Socio-narratology, 12, 368–374, 385
Socrates light, 87–105
Socratic dialogues, 88, 96–97
Socratic interviews, 99–100
South Africa, 13, 15, 467, 472, 473, 486, 487
Sri Lanka, 109, 113–115, 117, 119, 121–123
Stigmatised identities, 479–482
The State, 10, 16, 78, 94, 159, 164, 213, 295, 352, 482
Street culture, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 401
Storytelling, 15, 28, 36–39, 177, 222–223, 232, 243
Structures of feeling, 71
Subculture, 11, 32, 119, 334
Sublime effects, 211–213
Subtext, 416–417
Superpredators, 412
Symbolic boundaries, 177
Symbolic interactionism, 2, 261, 347, 412
Symbolic interactionist, 92, 261, 346
Team research, 449–450
Techniques of neutralisation, 2, 390
Television, 283, 328, 329, 416
Terrorism, 133–134
Terrorist autobiographies, 134
Testimony, 49, 54, 57, 60, 67, 253, 295
Thin blue line, 329–331
The Three Little Pigs
, 155, 166, 167
Toch, H., 344, 359
Tragic hero role, 353, 354, 357
Translation, 122, 201, 252
Trauma narratives, 241
Travelling stories, 14–15
Trial narratives, 47, 48, 213
Trust, 36, 41, 52, 100, 266, 333, 439
Truth, 4, 8, 35, 57, 63–64, 109–113, 115–120, 223, 248, 397, 331–333
Truth/lies, 35, 109–113
factural truths, 35
slants on truth, 63–64
Ugelvik family Mauser, 221, 222
UK, 10, 15, 64, 66, 67, 74, 250, 271, 273, 438
Understatement, 58, 417–418
Unsaid, 12, 409–424
USA, 428
US federal prosecutors, 45–61
Validity, 110, 125
Verisimilitude, 112, 120–122
Victim impact statements, 243, 262, 263
Victimhood, 9, 240, 251, 254, 261, 267, 447, 478
Victimology. See Narrative victimology
Victims, 4, 10, 58, 124, 158, 239–257, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265–272, 279–300, 382, 402, 455
Victim stories
June’s story, 240, 244–251
lethal violence, 240, 241, 242–244
Violence, 3, 4, 39, 79, 121, 139, 161, 180, 240, 241, 242–244, 270, 308, 392, 393, 400
atrocity, 4
conceptual violence, 202
finding a ‘Calling’ in the aftermath, 247–249
gun violence, 265
Jihadi organisations, 451
mass violence, 4
mothers against violence, 244
political violence, 142
redemptive suffering, 240, 249–251
visual symbols, 139
Visual criminology, 3, 198, 214
Visual narratives, 9, 180–190
Vocabularies of motive, 2
War/armed conflict, 4, 12, 13, 115, 139, 184, 220, 447–448, 451, 453
War stories, 325, 334, 335, 376
Whimsical fantasises, 208
Youth justice, 89–108, 375
Elastic narratives, 391
Elites, 59, 198, 420
Elite and expert interviews, 47, 59, 93, 96
Emotions, 32, 432, 447, 454, 455, 457
Empathy, 28, 100–102, 178, 267, 272, 285, 288, 297
England, 38, 203, 285, 394
Environmental crime, 153–172
Environmental harm, 8, 154, 155
fictionalised depictions and representations, 160–162
Epiphany, 33, 248, 251
Episodic narratives
offence narrative roles, 346–357
Epistemic and doxastic modes, 97–99
Epistemic interviews, 93, 94, 103
Establishing trust, 36, 449
Ethnicity. See also ‘Race’, 72, 87, 420, 435
Ethnocentrism. See also ‘Race’, 329
Ethnography, 6–7, 27–43, 46, 56, 60, 68, 178, 392, 463
Existential narratives, 35
Extremism, 14, 133, 445–446, 461
Factual counternarratives, 451–454, 457, 462
Faith, 75, 79, 240, 245, 248, 250, 252, 304, 476
Feminism, 198, 282, 468
black and African feminist theory, 474
eco-feminist, 208
intersectional feminism, 473
Feminist research, 88
interviewing, 95–96
practice, 93–96
community, 332
effect, 333
Ferguson Police Department (FPD), 332
Fiction, 8, 59, 109, 111, 142, 155, 160, 161, 162, 166, 327, 419, 429
Figurative devices, 12, 416, 417
First-time offender, 124, 312, 313, 314
Formula stories, 104, 177, 391
Football Hooliganism, 12, 350
Frank, A. W., 220, 229, 367–374, 382, 384, 413
Free Association Narrative Interview (FANI), 390, 392
Frye, N. 343, 344, 353, 354, 355, 357
Galli de Bibiena, Ferdinando, 206
A General Theory of Crime
, 409, 412–414
cultural norms, 225, 329
race. See Race
regimes imposed on women, 65
transgender, 109, 113, 114
women's prison, 46
Genre, 8, 102, 112, 123, 142–143, 146, 201, 204, 359, 376, 381, 383, 432
Germany, 3, 11, 305, 310, 312, 314
German Youth Courts Act, 314
Globalisation, 14, 16, 153, 334, 467
Goffman, E., 2, 229
Godka, 27, 31–36
Green criminology, 8, 153
Green cultural criminology, 4, 153–168
Gubrium, J., 28, 46
Gulliver’s Travels
, 111, 125
Habitus, 3, 104, 369, 370, 449
Hall, S., 303, 305
Haunting, 205, 206, 214, 282, 298
Harm, 1, 2, 8, 240
power and inequality, 15–16
self-harm, 77
penal harm, 87, 91–104, 153–172, 411–412
environmental harm, 156–162
disaster, 157
environmental harm, 160–167
Heart of Darkness
, 70
Hegemonic narratives, 17, 104, 411, 414, 415, 420, 469, 486
Heteroglossia, 368, 381
Homonarrativus, 92
Honesty, 52–54
“How-to” bias,’ 47
Holstein, J., 28, 46
Humility topos, 138
Humour, 29, 37, 185, 190, 193, 457–460, 462
Hegemony, 66, 414
Human Rights, 374, 382
‘Ideal’ victimhood, 267
Ideologies, 322, 446, 448
Ideology, 189, 396, 397, 429, 466
Images, 9, 70, 175–193, 197–214, 398
Imaginative small talk, 34, 35, 46
Impartiality, 57–59
Implicit authority, 267
Implicit psychological content, 360
Imposter syndrome, 75
Individual offenders, 29, 78, 87, 111, 131–132, 281, 156, 283, 286, 343, 345, 347, 390, 405, 428–429
Inference rich, 308
Institutional narratives, 91–104
empathy, 100–102
engagement, 100–102
infusing insights, 95–96
interview, 103–104
judicial-correctional ‘truth discourse’, 280
judicial truth, 4
penal harm, 91–104
police, 92
research context and interaction, 102–103
researching up, 93–95
respect, 100–102
self-narratives, 92, 97
shifts and porous, 97–99
Socratic interviews, 96–97, 99–100
Institutions, 5, 11, 16, 95, 158, 161, 298, 305, 373, 385, 427, 440, 468
Insurgency, 335
Intersectionality, 17, 468
Intersectional narrative criminology, 471
Interviews/interviewing, 7–8, 181
contextualising photographs, 178–180
convict criminology, 72
Dave, 11
document studies, 29
epistemic interviews, 94
ethnographies, 9
individuals accused, 4
narrative inquiry, 40
semi-structured dialogue, 72, 430
Socrates Light, 87–105
texts, 8
ISIS, 27, 37
Italy, 207, 395
Jihadism, 27, 32, 39, 41
Jihadist organisations, 445, 454, 461
criminal justice, 5, 70, 75, 192, 240–241, 259, 283, 289, 298, 321, 327, 385, 418, 432
Immanent Justice, 213
social justice, 13, 104, 467–491
storied Justice, 45–62
youth justice, 5, 8, 87–108
June’s story, 244–251
practising faith, 245–247
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Jurors’ interpretations, 49, 50
Katz, J., 2, 177, 229, 373
Labelling perspectives, 347
Labelling theories, 2
Labov, W., 371
Landscape art, 203, 204
Law enforcement
community members, 324
culture and officer behaviour, 322, 323, 326
narrative methods, 321
visual pictures, 328
witnesses in contact, 57
Law, legal narratives, 5, 47, 45, 46, 59, 65, 68, 73, 78, 79, 80, 92, 110, 122, 156, 159, 198, 213, 271, 309–313, 321, 323, 325, 328, 330, 332, 378, 382, 412, 439
Lawyers, 45, 47–49, 56, 58, 158
Lay decision-makers, 50–52
Lies, 8, 109–113, 125, 200, 252, 403, 455
Life as book, 358
Life As A Film (LAAF) approach, 11
criminal narratives, 358–359
elicitation interview, 359–360
explicit processes, 360
implicit psychological content, 360
Life event calendars (LECs), 113
‘Light’ Socratic dialogues, 96–103
Loseke, D. R., 176
Maruna, S., 2, 242, 249, 279, 345, 347, 359, 390
Marxism, 198, 214
Masculinity, 123, 139, 227, 228, 231, 336, 379
Master plot, 404
Material culture, 9, 217–218
Material objects, 223–224
Matza, D., 2, 390
Mauser 98K, 220–222
McAdams, D., 134, 343, 344, 358–360
Melancholy dilapidation, 197
Membership Categorisation Analysis (MCA), 304, 306–309
categories, 303–304, 306–308
categorisation, 317–318
category-bound construction, 309–316
Dave's story, 309–316
Memoir. See also Autobiography, 134, 135
Metaphors, 8, 11, 39, 213, 334, 416
Migration/migrants, 87, 92, 100, 123, 155, 166
Mills, C. W., 2, 63, 64, 76, 77, 79
Motherwood, Absent Mother Syndrome, 120, 248
Mothers Against Violence, 242, 243, 248
Murder/homicide, 10, 115, 250, 263, 361
Muslims, 13, 39, 119, 144, 445–467
Narrative analysis
material culture studies, 217–218
Mauser 98K, 220–222
narratives, 218–220
objects, 218–220
Narrative convictions, 63–83
Narrative dialogue, 11–12
Narrative ethnography, 7, 47, 60, 264
criminology, 28–31
Godka, 31–36
trust, 36–39
Narrative habitus, 104, 369, 370, 449
Narrative identity, 180
Narrative labour, 5, 71, 438, 439
Narrative resistance, 446–447, 450–461
Narrative Role Questionnaire (NRQ), 11, 348, 358, 362
Narrative strategies, 45–62
Narrative victimology. See also June’s story, 244–246
audience, 271–275
challenges, 256–258
features, 269–276
researching, 267–268
situating, 264–267
speaker, 269–271
storytelling, 263
timing, 275–276
Nations/nationality, 164, 224, 420, 479, 480
Neutralisations. See also Techniques of Neutralisation, 389, 390, 405
News media, 14, 154, 379
Norway, 35, 217, 220, 222, 225, 446, 448, 454, 457
Objective reality, 111
Objects, 6, 9, 175–195, 218–220, 222–231, 304, 416
intended purpose, 224–225
owner/user, 226–228
own story, 228–231
past, 223–224
sociocultural context, 225–226
storytelling prop, 222–223
Observations, 6–7, 46, 93, 95, 157, 178, 192, 263–264, 267–268
Offender Assessment System (OASys) report, 289
Offender’s narratives
cognitive distortions, 279
‘innocent,’ 282
judicial-correctional ‘truth
discourse,’ 280
missing victim, 290–293
offender and victim, 293–297
offenders and victims narratives, 286–297
penitent offender, 286–290
punished offender, 290–293
real victim, 286–290
slipperiness, 279
stories and justice, 297–298
victims in the prison, 283–286
Online research
Google, 282, 375, 375
Organisations, antisociality, 412
Overlexicalization, 418
Paintings, 199, 201, 202, 208
Panini, Giovanni Paolo, 208, 209
Paratexts, 132
covers, 138–140
written introductions, 137–138
Participant observation. See also Ethnography, 30, 45, 46, 48, 49, 60, 262, 274, 281, 295, 374
Penal harm, 12, 91–104, 411–412
Penology, 5
Personal narratives, 5, 7, 79, 156, 343, 345, 471
Phatic talk, 34
Phenomenal testimony, 67
Philippines, 12, 367, 374, 376, 377, 384, 385
Photo-elicitation, 179, 190–192
Photo-elicitation interviews, 190
Photographs, 178–180
Phronetic approach, 97
dark visions, 203–207
fascinating ruins, 207–210
image and narrative, 198–200
landscapes, 200–203
sublime effects, 211–213
visual criminology, 194, 198
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 9, 197, 205, 210, 212
Plot, 35, 115, 166, 189, 229, 230, 293, 359, 403, 404, 446
Plurivocal narrative, 472, 486–487
police culture, 5, 321–341
Police narratives
culture, 321–323
development, 323–327
growth areas, 333–336
methodological challenges, 333–336
popular culture, 327–329
storytelling, 323–327
thin blue line, 329–331
‘truth,’ 331–333
Polkinghorne, D., 134
Polletta, F., 135, 253, 369, 373
Polyphony, 318, 368, 381
Positivism, 35, 52, 74, 109, 138, 180, 244, 251, 260, 264, 273, 313, 327, 335, 361, 416, 418, 429
Postcolonialism. See also ‘Race’, 198
Poststructuralism, 198
harm, 15–16
inequality, 15–16
narrative analysis, 446–448
resistance, 446–448
social inequalities, 12–13
Prisoner autobiography. See also Autobiographical writing, 64–66
individual autobiography, 427
rehabilitation, 428–429
Prisons/prisoners, 3, 5, 9, 16, 64–66, 72, 76, 115, 197, 204, 211, 212, 281, 297, 431
Prisoners’ narratives, 298
Professional role, 355, 358
Prosecutorial narratives, 47–49
Prostitution. See also Sex work, 291, 472, 473
Psychiatry, 11, 309–312
Psychoanalysis, 198
Psychological approach
Agency and Communion, 343
Leary’s personality dimensions, 344
moral justification, 345–346
Psychological complexity, 360–361
Psycho-social criminology
free association narrative interview, 390
Gianluca’s life story, 394–402
methods, 393
Punishment, 15, 67, 72, 155, 159, 162, 197, 217, 285, 292, 312, 314, 316, 361, 412, 431, 477
Quantitative analysis, 5, 68
Rapport, 36, 37, 55, 94, 95, 103, 264, 266, 272, 282
‘Race’. See also Ethnicity
black and African feminist theory, 474
black perspectives, 80
black prisoners, 65
Caucasian youth, 90
colonialism, 16, 198, 225, 470
ethnocentrism, 329
intersectional feminism, 473
marginalized black women, 473, 475, 483, 487, 488, 489, 490
Northern Caucasian migrants, 89
postcolonialism, 198
white narratives, 80
“white pride”, 191, 195
white prisoners, 65
Racism, 14, 470
Redemption, 239–257
Reflexivity, 63, 88, 96, 103, 270
Religion, 13, 32, 35, 38, 248, 253, 266, 334, 446, 448, 452, 456, 479
Religious narratives. See also Redemption; Epiphanies; Faith, 10, 14, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 154, 207, 240, 253, 266, 445, 446, 448, 449, 451
finding a ‘calling,’ 247–249
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Researching up. See Active interviewing
Reissman, C. K., 321
Resistance, 446–448
Respectable femininity, 114
Revengeful mission, 349, 351, 352, 357
Ricoeur, P., 80, 369, 373
Roles, categorisations, 10–11
Self-categorisation, 313, 314, 316
Self-help groups, 262, 266, 267, 269, 270
Sex Offender Treatment Programme facilitators (SOTP), 287
Sexualities, 122, 420, 477, 479, 480
Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), 472, 473
Sex work, 115, 123, 467–491
decolonising/rehumanising research, 467–468
intersectional agenda, 469–471
Shameful identities, 479–482
Side grip, 230
Silences, 11, 16, 35, 414
Silencing, 419–420
Social harm, 105
Socio-narratology, 12, 368–374, 385
Socrates light, 87–105
Socratic dialogues, 88, 96–97
Socratic interviews, 99–100
South Africa, 13, 15, 467, 472, 473, 486, 487
Sri Lanka, 109, 113–115, 117, 119, 121–123
Stigmatised identities, 479–482
The State, 10, 16, 78, 94, 159, 164, 213, 295, 352, 482
Street culture, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 401
Storytelling, 15, 28, 36–39, 177, 222–223, 232, 243
Structures of feeling, 71
Subculture, 11, 32, 119, 334
Sublime effects, 211–213
Subtext, 416–417
Superpredators, 412
Symbolic boundaries, 177
Symbolic interactionism, 2, 261, 347, 412
Symbolic interactionist, 92, 261, 346
Team research, 449–450
Techniques of neutralisation, 2, 390
Television, 283, 328, 329, 416
Terrorism, 133–134
Terrorist autobiographies, 134
Testimony, 49, 54, 57, 60, 67, 253, 295
Thin blue line, 329–331
The Three Little Pigs
, 155, 166, 167
Toch, H., 344, 359
Tragic hero role, 353, 354, 357
Translation, 122, 201, 252
Trauma narratives, 241
Travelling stories, 14–15
Trial narratives, 47, 48, 213
Trust, 36, 41, 52, 100, 266, 333, 439
Truth, 4, 8, 35, 57, 63–64, 109–113, 115–120, 223, 248, 397, 331–333
Truth/lies, 35, 109–113
factural truths, 35
slants on truth, 63–64
Ugelvik family Mauser, 221, 222
UK, 10, 15, 64, 66, 67, 74, 250, 271, 273, 438
Understatement, 58, 417–418
Unsaid, 12, 409–424
USA, 428
US federal prosecutors, 45–61
Validity, 110, 125
Verisimilitude, 112, 120–122
Victim impact statements, 243, 262, 263
Victimhood, 9, 240, 251, 254, 261, 267, 447, 478
Victimology. See Narrative victimology
Victims, 4, 10, 58, 124, 158, 239–257, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265–272, 279–300, 382, 402, 455
Victim stories
June’s story, 240, 244–251
lethal violence, 240, 241, 242–244
Violence, 3, 4, 39, 79, 121, 139, 161, 180, 240, 241, 242–244, 270, 308, 392, 393, 400
atrocity, 4
conceptual violence, 202
finding a ‘Calling’ in the aftermath, 247–249
gun violence, 265
Jihadi organisations, 451
mass violence, 4
mothers against violence, 244
political violence, 142
redemptive suffering, 240, 249–251
visual symbols, 139
Visual criminology, 3, 198, 214
Visual narratives, 9, 180–190
Vocabularies of motive, 2
War/armed conflict, 4, 12, 13, 115, 139, 184, 220, 447–448, 451, 453
War stories, 325, 334, 335, 376
Whimsical fantasises, 208
Youth justice, 89–108, 375
Galli de Bibiena, Ferdinando, 206
A General Theory of Crime
, 409, 412–414
cultural norms, 225, 329
race. See Race
regimes imposed on women, 65
transgender, 109, 113, 114
women's prison, 46
Genre, 8, 102, 112, 123, 142–143, 146, 201, 204, 359, 376, 381, 383, 432
Germany, 3, 11, 305, 310, 312, 314
German Youth Courts Act, 314
Globalisation, 14, 16, 153, 334, 467
Goffman, E., 2, 229
Godka, 27, 31–36
Green criminology, 8, 153
Green cultural criminology, 4, 153–168
Gubrium, J., 28, 46
Gulliver’s Travels
, 111, 125
Habitus, 3, 104, 369, 370, 449
Hall, S., 303, 305
Haunting, 205, 206, 214, 282, 298
Harm, 1, 2, 8, 240
power and inequality, 15–16
self-harm, 77
penal harm, 87, 91–104, 153–172, 411–412
environmental harm, 156–162
disaster, 157
environmental harm, 160–167
Heart of Darkness
, 70
Hegemonic narratives, 17, 104, 411, 414, 415, 420, 469, 486
Heteroglossia, 368, 381
Homonarrativus, 92
Honesty, 52–54
“How-to” bias,’ 47
Holstein, J., 28, 46
Humility topos, 138
Humour, 29, 37, 185, 190, 193, 457–460, 462
Hegemony, 66, 414
Human Rights, 374, 382
‘Ideal’ victimhood, 267
Ideologies, 322, 446, 448
Ideology, 189, 396, 397, 429, 466
Images, 9, 70, 175–193, 197–214, 398
Imaginative small talk, 34, 35, 46
Impartiality, 57–59
Implicit authority, 267
Implicit psychological content, 360
Imposter syndrome, 75
Individual offenders, 29, 78, 87, 111, 131–132, 281, 156, 283, 286, 343, 345, 347, 390, 405, 428–429
Inference rich, 308
Institutional narratives, 91–104
empathy, 100–102
engagement, 100–102
infusing insights, 95–96
interview, 103–104
judicial-correctional ‘truth discourse’, 280
judicial truth, 4
penal harm, 91–104
police, 92
research context and interaction, 102–103
researching up, 93–95
respect, 100–102
self-narratives, 92, 97
shifts and porous, 97–99
Socratic interviews, 96–97, 99–100
Institutions, 5, 11, 16, 95, 158, 161, 298, 305, 373, 385, 427, 440, 468
Insurgency, 335
Intersectionality, 17, 468
Intersectional narrative criminology, 471
Interviews/interviewing, 7–8, 181
contextualising photographs, 178–180
convict criminology, 72
Dave, 11
document studies, 29
epistemic interviews, 94
ethnographies, 9
individuals accused, 4
narrative inquiry, 40
semi-structured dialogue, 72, 430
Socrates Light, 87–105
texts, 8
ISIS, 27, 37
Italy, 207, 395
Jihadism, 27, 32, 39, 41
Jihadist organisations, 445, 454, 461
criminal justice, 5, 70, 75, 192, 240–241, 259, 283, 289, 298, 321, 327, 385, 418, 432
Immanent Justice, 213
social justice, 13, 104, 467–491
storied Justice, 45–62
youth justice, 5, 8, 87–108
June’s story, 244–251
practising faith, 245–247
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Jurors’ interpretations, 49, 50
Katz, J., 2, 177, 229, 373
Labelling perspectives, 347
Labelling theories, 2
Labov, W., 371
Landscape art, 203, 204
Law enforcement
community members, 324
culture and officer behaviour, 322, 323, 326
narrative methods, 321
visual pictures, 328
witnesses in contact, 57
Law, legal narratives, 5, 47, 45, 46, 59, 65, 68, 73, 78, 79, 80, 92, 110, 122, 156, 159, 198, 213, 271, 309–313, 321, 323, 325, 328, 330, 332, 378, 382, 412, 439
Lawyers, 45, 47–49, 56, 58, 158
Lay decision-makers, 50–52
Lies, 8, 109–113, 125, 200, 252, 403, 455
Life as book, 358
Life As A Film (LAAF) approach, 11
criminal narratives, 358–359
elicitation interview, 359–360
explicit processes, 360
implicit psychological content, 360
Life event calendars (LECs), 113
‘Light’ Socratic dialogues, 96–103
Loseke, D. R., 176
Maruna, S., 2, 242, 249, 279, 345, 347, 359, 390
Marxism, 198, 214
Masculinity, 123, 139, 227, 228, 231, 336, 379
Master plot, 404
Material culture, 9, 217–218
Material objects, 223–224
Matza, D., 2, 390
Mauser 98K, 220–222
McAdams, D., 134, 343, 344, 358–360
Melancholy dilapidation, 197
Membership Categorisation Analysis (MCA), 304, 306–309
categories, 303–304, 306–308
categorisation, 317–318
category-bound construction, 309–316
Dave's story, 309–316
Memoir. See also Autobiography, 134, 135
Metaphors, 8, 11, 39, 213, 334, 416
Migration/migrants, 87, 92, 100, 123, 155, 166
Mills, C. W., 2, 63, 64, 76, 77, 79
Motherwood, Absent Mother Syndrome, 120, 248
Mothers Against Violence, 242, 243, 248
Murder/homicide, 10, 115, 250, 263, 361
Muslims, 13, 39, 119, 144, 445–467
Narrative analysis
material culture studies, 217–218
Mauser 98K, 220–222
narratives, 218–220
objects, 218–220
Narrative convictions, 63–83
Narrative dialogue, 11–12
Narrative ethnography, 7, 47, 60, 264
criminology, 28–31
Godka, 31–36
trust, 36–39
Narrative habitus, 104, 369, 370, 449
Narrative identity, 180
Narrative labour, 5, 71, 438, 439
Narrative resistance, 446–447, 450–461
Narrative Role Questionnaire (NRQ), 11, 348, 358, 362
Narrative strategies, 45–62
Narrative victimology. See also June’s story, 244–246
audience, 271–275
challenges, 256–258
features, 269–276
researching, 267–268
situating, 264–267
speaker, 269–271
storytelling, 263
timing, 275–276
Nations/nationality, 164, 224, 420, 479, 480
Neutralisations. See also Techniques of Neutralisation, 389, 390, 405
News media, 14, 154, 379
Norway, 35, 217, 220, 222, 225, 446, 448, 454, 457
Objective reality, 111
Objects, 6, 9, 175–195, 218–220, 222–231, 304, 416
intended purpose, 224–225
owner/user, 226–228
own story, 228–231
past, 223–224
sociocultural context, 225–226
storytelling prop, 222–223
Observations, 6–7, 46, 93, 95, 157, 178, 192, 263–264, 267–268
Offender Assessment System (OASys) report, 289
Offender’s narratives
cognitive distortions, 279
‘innocent,’ 282
judicial-correctional ‘truth
discourse,’ 280
missing victim, 290–293
offender and victim, 293–297
offenders and victims narratives, 286–297
penitent offender, 286–290
punished offender, 290–293
real victim, 286–290
slipperiness, 279
stories and justice, 297–298
victims in the prison, 283–286
Online research
Google, 282, 375, 375
Organisations, antisociality, 412
Overlexicalization, 418
Paintings, 199, 201, 202, 208
Panini, Giovanni Paolo, 208, 209
Paratexts, 132
covers, 138–140
written introductions, 137–138
Participant observation. See also Ethnography, 30, 45, 46, 48, 49, 60, 262, 274, 281, 295, 374
Penal harm, 12, 91–104, 411–412
Penology, 5
Personal narratives, 5, 7, 79, 156, 343, 345, 471
Phatic talk, 34
Phenomenal testimony, 67
Philippines, 12, 367, 374, 376, 377, 384, 385
Photo-elicitation, 179, 190–192
Photo-elicitation interviews, 190
Photographs, 178–180
Phronetic approach, 97
dark visions, 203–207
fascinating ruins, 207–210
image and narrative, 198–200
landscapes, 200–203
sublime effects, 211–213
visual criminology, 194, 198
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 9, 197, 205, 210, 212
Plot, 35, 115, 166, 189, 229, 230, 293, 359, 403, 404, 446
Plurivocal narrative, 472, 486–487
police culture, 5, 321–341
Police narratives
culture, 321–323
development, 323–327
growth areas, 333–336
methodological challenges, 333–336
popular culture, 327–329
storytelling, 323–327
thin blue line, 329–331
‘truth,’ 331–333
Polkinghorne, D., 134
Polletta, F., 135, 253, 369, 373
Polyphony, 318, 368, 381
Positivism, 35, 52, 74, 109, 138, 180, 244, 251, 260, 264, 273, 313, 327, 335, 361, 416, 418, 429
Postcolonialism. See also ‘Race’, 198
Poststructuralism, 198
harm, 15–16
inequality, 15–16
narrative analysis, 446–448
resistance, 446–448
social inequalities, 12–13
Prisoner autobiography. See also Autobiographical writing, 64–66
individual autobiography, 427
rehabilitation, 428–429
Prisons/prisoners, 3, 5, 9, 16, 64–66, 72, 76, 115, 197, 204, 211, 212, 281, 297, 431
Prisoners’ narratives, 298
Professional role, 355, 358
Prosecutorial narratives, 47–49
Prostitution. See also Sex work, 291, 472, 473
Psychiatry, 11, 309–312
Psychoanalysis, 198
Psychological approach
Agency and Communion, 343
Leary’s personality dimensions, 344
moral justification, 345–346
Psychological complexity, 360–361
Psycho-social criminology
free association narrative interview, 390
Gianluca’s life story, 394–402
methods, 393
Punishment, 15, 67, 72, 155, 159, 162, 197, 217, 285, 292, 312, 314, 316, 361, 412, 431, 477
Quantitative analysis, 5, 68
Rapport, 36, 37, 55, 94, 95, 103, 264, 266, 272, 282
‘Race’. See also Ethnicity
black and African feminist theory, 474
black perspectives, 80
black prisoners, 65
Caucasian youth, 90
colonialism, 16, 198, 225, 470
ethnocentrism, 329
intersectional feminism, 473
marginalized black women, 473, 475, 483, 487, 488, 489, 490
Northern Caucasian migrants, 89
postcolonialism, 198
white narratives, 80
“white pride”, 191, 195
white prisoners, 65
Racism, 14, 470
Redemption, 239–257
Reflexivity, 63, 88, 96, 103, 270
Religion, 13, 32, 35, 38, 248, 253, 266, 334, 446, 448, 452, 456, 479
Religious narratives. See also Redemption; Epiphanies; Faith, 10, 14, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 154, 207, 240, 253, 266, 445, 446, 448, 449, 451
finding a ‘calling,’ 247–249
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Researching up. See Active interviewing
Reissman, C. K., 321
Resistance, 446–448
Respectable femininity, 114
Revengeful mission, 349, 351, 352, 357
Ricoeur, P., 80, 369, 373
Roles, categorisations, 10–11
Self-categorisation, 313, 314, 316
Self-help groups, 262, 266, 267, 269, 270
Sex Offender Treatment Programme facilitators (SOTP), 287
Sexualities, 122, 420, 477, 479, 480
Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), 472, 473
Sex work, 115, 123, 467–491
decolonising/rehumanising research, 467–468
intersectional agenda, 469–471
Shameful identities, 479–482
Side grip, 230
Silences, 11, 16, 35, 414
Silencing, 419–420
Social harm, 105
Socio-narratology, 12, 368–374, 385
Socrates light, 87–105
Socratic dialogues, 88, 96–97
Socratic interviews, 99–100
South Africa, 13, 15, 467, 472, 473, 486, 487
Sri Lanka, 109, 113–115, 117, 119, 121–123
Stigmatised identities, 479–482
The State, 10, 16, 78, 94, 159, 164, 213, 295, 352, 482
Street culture, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 401
Storytelling, 15, 28, 36–39, 177, 222–223, 232, 243
Structures of feeling, 71
Subculture, 11, 32, 119, 334
Sublime effects, 211–213
Subtext, 416–417
Superpredators, 412
Symbolic boundaries, 177
Symbolic interactionism, 2, 261, 347, 412
Symbolic interactionist, 92, 261, 346
Team research, 449–450
Techniques of neutralisation, 2, 390
Television, 283, 328, 329, 416
Terrorism, 133–134
Terrorist autobiographies, 134
Testimony, 49, 54, 57, 60, 67, 253, 295
Thin blue line, 329–331
The Three Little Pigs
, 155, 166, 167
Toch, H., 344, 359
Tragic hero role, 353, 354, 357
Translation, 122, 201, 252
Trauma narratives, 241
Travelling stories, 14–15
Trial narratives, 47, 48, 213
Trust, 36, 41, 52, 100, 266, 333, 439
Truth, 4, 8, 35, 57, 63–64, 109–113, 115–120, 223, 248, 397, 331–333
Truth/lies, 35, 109–113
factural truths, 35
slants on truth, 63–64
Ugelvik family Mauser, 221, 222
UK, 10, 15, 64, 66, 67, 74, 250, 271, 273, 438
Understatement, 58, 417–418
Unsaid, 12, 409–424
USA, 428
US federal prosecutors, 45–61
Validity, 110, 125
Verisimilitude, 112, 120–122
Victim impact statements, 243, 262, 263
Victimhood, 9, 240, 251, 254, 261, 267, 447, 478
Victimology. See Narrative victimology
Victims, 4, 10, 58, 124, 158, 239–257, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265–272, 279–300, 382, 402, 455
Victim stories
June’s story, 240, 244–251
lethal violence, 240, 241, 242–244
Violence, 3, 4, 39, 79, 121, 139, 161, 180, 240, 241, 242–244, 270, 308, 392, 393, 400
atrocity, 4
conceptual violence, 202
finding a ‘Calling’ in the aftermath, 247–249
gun violence, 265
Jihadi organisations, 451
mass violence, 4
mothers against violence, 244
political violence, 142
redemptive suffering, 240, 249–251
visual symbols, 139
Visual criminology, 3, 198, 214
Visual narratives, 9, 180–190
Vocabularies of motive, 2
War/armed conflict, 4, 12, 13, 115, 139, 184, 220, 447–448, 451, 453
War stories, 325, 334, 335, 376
Whimsical fantasises, 208
Youth justice, 89–108, 375
‘Ideal’ victimhood, 267
Ideologies, 322, 446, 448
Ideology, 189, 396, 397, 429, 466
Images, 9, 70, 175–193, 197–214, 398
Imaginative small talk, 34, 35, 46
Impartiality, 57–59
Implicit authority, 267
Implicit psychological content, 360
Imposter syndrome, 75
Individual offenders, 29, 78, 87, 111, 131–132, 281, 156, 283, 286, 343, 345, 347, 390, 405, 428–429
Inference rich, 308
Institutional narratives, 91–104
empathy, 100–102
engagement, 100–102
infusing insights, 95–96
interview, 103–104
judicial-correctional ‘truth discourse’, 280
judicial truth, 4
penal harm, 91–104
police, 92
research context and interaction, 102–103
researching up, 93–95
respect, 100–102
self-narratives, 92, 97
shifts and porous, 97–99
Socratic interviews, 96–97, 99–100
Institutions, 5, 11, 16, 95, 158, 161, 298, 305, 373, 385, 427, 440, 468
Insurgency, 335
Intersectionality, 17, 468
Intersectional narrative criminology, 471
Interviews/interviewing, 7–8, 181
contextualising photographs, 178–180
convict criminology, 72
Dave, 11
document studies, 29
epistemic interviews, 94
ethnographies, 9
individuals accused, 4
narrative inquiry, 40
semi-structured dialogue, 72, 430
Socrates Light, 87–105
texts, 8
ISIS, 27, 37
Italy, 207, 395
Jihadism, 27, 32, 39, 41
Jihadist organisations, 445, 454, 461
criminal justice, 5, 70, 75, 192, 240–241, 259, 283, 289, 298, 321, 327, 385, 418, 432
Immanent Justice, 213
social justice, 13, 104, 467–491
storied Justice, 45–62
youth justice, 5, 8, 87–108
June’s story, 244–251
practising faith, 245–247
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Jurors’ interpretations, 49, 50
Katz, J., 2, 177, 229, 373
Labelling perspectives, 347
Labelling theories, 2
Labov, W., 371
Landscape art, 203, 204
Law enforcement
community members, 324
culture and officer behaviour, 322, 323, 326
narrative methods, 321
visual pictures, 328
witnesses in contact, 57
Law, legal narratives, 5, 47, 45, 46, 59, 65, 68, 73, 78, 79, 80, 92, 110, 122, 156, 159, 198, 213, 271, 309–313, 321, 323, 325, 328, 330, 332, 378, 382, 412, 439
Lawyers, 45, 47–49, 56, 58, 158
Lay decision-makers, 50–52
Lies, 8, 109–113, 125, 200, 252, 403, 455
Life as book, 358
Life As A Film (LAAF) approach, 11
criminal narratives, 358–359
elicitation interview, 359–360
explicit processes, 360
implicit psychological content, 360
Life event calendars (LECs), 113
‘Light’ Socratic dialogues, 96–103
Loseke, D. R., 176
Maruna, S., 2, 242, 249, 279, 345, 347, 359, 390
Marxism, 198, 214
Masculinity, 123, 139, 227, 228, 231, 336, 379
Master plot, 404
Material culture, 9, 217–218
Material objects, 223–224
Matza, D., 2, 390
Mauser 98K, 220–222
McAdams, D., 134, 343, 344, 358–360
Melancholy dilapidation, 197
Membership Categorisation Analysis (MCA), 304, 306–309
categories, 303–304, 306–308
categorisation, 317–318
category-bound construction, 309–316
Dave's story, 309–316
Memoir. See also Autobiography, 134, 135
Metaphors, 8, 11, 39, 213, 334, 416
Migration/migrants, 87, 92, 100, 123, 155, 166
Mills, C. W., 2, 63, 64, 76, 77, 79
Motherwood, Absent Mother Syndrome, 120, 248
Mothers Against Violence, 242, 243, 248
Murder/homicide, 10, 115, 250, 263, 361
Muslims, 13, 39, 119, 144, 445–467
Narrative analysis
material culture studies, 217–218
Mauser 98K, 220–222
narratives, 218–220
objects, 218–220
Narrative convictions, 63–83
Narrative dialogue, 11–12
Narrative ethnography, 7, 47, 60, 264
criminology, 28–31
Godka, 31–36
trust, 36–39
Narrative habitus, 104, 369, 370, 449
Narrative identity, 180
Narrative labour, 5, 71, 438, 439
Narrative resistance, 446–447, 450–461
Narrative Role Questionnaire (NRQ), 11, 348, 358, 362
Narrative strategies, 45–62
Narrative victimology. See also June’s story, 244–246
audience, 271–275
challenges, 256–258
features, 269–276
researching, 267–268
situating, 264–267
speaker, 269–271
storytelling, 263
timing, 275–276
Nations/nationality, 164, 224, 420, 479, 480
Neutralisations. See also Techniques of Neutralisation, 389, 390, 405
News media, 14, 154, 379
Norway, 35, 217, 220, 222, 225, 446, 448, 454, 457
Objective reality, 111
Objects, 6, 9, 175–195, 218–220, 222–231, 304, 416
intended purpose, 224–225
owner/user, 226–228
own story, 228–231
past, 223–224
sociocultural context, 225–226
storytelling prop, 222–223
Observations, 6–7, 46, 93, 95, 157, 178, 192, 263–264, 267–268
Offender Assessment System (OASys) report, 289
Offender’s narratives
cognitive distortions, 279
‘innocent,’ 282
judicial-correctional ‘truth
discourse,’ 280
missing victim, 290–293
offender and victim, 293–297
offenders and victims narratives, 286–297
penitent offender, 286–290
punished offender, 290–293
real victim, 286–290
slipperiness, 279
stories and justice, 297–298
victims in the prison, 283–286
Online research
Google, 282, 375, 375
Organisations, antisociality, 412
Overlexicalization, 418
Paintings, 199, 201, 202, 208
Panini, Giovanni Paolo, 208, 209
Paratexts, 132
covers, 138–140
written introductions, 137–138
Participant observation. See also Ethnography, 30, 45, 46, 48, 49, 60, 262, 274, 281, 295, 374
Penal harm, 12, 91–104, 411–412
Penology, 5
Personal narratives, 5, 7, 79, 156, 343, 345, 471
Phatic talk, 34
Phenomenal testimony, 67
Philippines, 12, 367, 374, 376, 377, 384, 385
Photo-elicitation, 179, 190–192
Photo-elicitation interviews, 190
Photographs, 178–180
Phronetic approach, 97
dark visions, 203–207
fascinating ruins, 207–210
image and narrative, 198–200
landscapes, 200–203
sublime effects, 211–213
visual criminology, 194, 198
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 9, 197, 205, 210, 212
Plot, 35, 115, 166, 189, 229, 230, 293, 359, 403, 404, 446
Plurivocal narrative, 472, 486–487
police culture, 5, 321–341
Police narratives
culture, 321–323
development, 323–327
growth areas, 333–336
methodological challenges, 333–336
popular culture, 327–329
storytelling, 323–327
thin blue line, 329–331
‘truth,’ 331–333
Polkinghorne, D., 134
Polletta, F., 135, 253, 369, 373
Polyphony, 318, 368, 381
Positivism, 35, 52, 74, 109, 138, 180, 244, 251, 260, 264, 273, 313, 327, 335, 361, 416, 418, 429
Postcolonialism. See also ‘Race’, 198
Poststructuralism, 198
harm, 15–16
inequality, 15–16
narrative analysis, 446–448
resistance, 446–448
social inequalities, 12–13
Prisoner autobiography. See also Autobiographical writing, 64–66
individual autobiography, 427
rehabilitation, 428–429
Prisons/prisoners, 3, 5, 9, 16, 64–66, 72, 76, 115, 197, 204, 211, 212, 281, 297, 431
Prisoners’ narratives, 298
Professional role, 355, 358
Prosecutorial narratives, 47–49
Prostitution. See also Sex work, 291, 472, 473
Psychiatry, 11, 309–312
Psychoanalysis, 198
Psychological approach
Agency and Communion, 343
Leary’s personality dimensions, 344
moral justification, 345–346
Psychological complexity, 360–361
Psycho-social criminology
free association narrative interview, 390
Gianluca’s life story, 394–402
methods, 393
Punishment, 15, 67, 72, 155, 159, 162, 197, 217, 285, 292, 312, 314, 316, 361, 412, 431, 477
Quantitative analysis, 5, 68
Rapport, 36, 37, 55, 94, 95, 103, 264, 266, 272, 282
‘Race’. See also Ethnicity
black and African feminist theory, 474
black perspectives, 80
black prisoners, 65
Caucasian youth, 90
colonialism, 16, 198, 225, 470
ethnocentrism, 329
intersectional feminism, 473
marginalized black women, 473, 475, 483, 487, 488, 489, 490
Northern Caucasian migrants, 89
postcolonialism, 198
white narratives, 80
“white pride”, 191, 195
white prisoners, 65
Racism, 14, 470
Redemption, 239–257
Reflexivity, 63, 88, 96, 103, 270
Religion, 13, 32, 35, 38, 248, 253, 266, 334, 446, 448, 452, 456, 479
Religious narratives. See also Redemption; Epiphanies; Faith, 10, 14, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 154, 207, 240, 253, 266, 445, 446, 448, 449, 451
finding a ‘calling,’ 247–249
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Researching up. See Active interviewing
Reissman, C. K., 321
Resistance, 446–448
Respectable femininity, 114
Revengeful mission, 349, 351, 352, 357
Ricoeur, P., 80, 369, 373
Roles, categorisations, 10–11
Self-categorisation, 313, 314, 316
Self-help groups, 262, 266, 267, 269, 270
Sex Offender Treatment Programme facilitators (SOTP), 287
Sexualities, 122, 420, 477, 479, 480
Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), 472, 473
Sex work, 115, 123, 467–491
decolonising/rehumanising research, 467–468
intersectional agenda, 469–471
Shameful identities, 479–482
Side grip, 230
Silences, 11, 16, 35, 414
Silencing, 419–420
Social harm, 105
Socio-narratology, 12, 368–374, 385
Socrates light, 87–105
Socratic dialogues, 88, 96–97
Socratic interviews, 99–100
South Africa, 13, 15, 467, 472, 473, 486, 487
Sri Lanka, 109, 113–115, 117, 119, 121–123
Stigmatised identities, 479–482
The State, 10, 16, 78, 94, 159, 164, 213, 295, 352, 482
Street culture, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 401
Storytelling, 15, 28, 36–39, 177, 222–223, 232, 243
Structures of feeling, 71
Subculture, 11, 32, 119, 334
Sublime effects, 211–213
Subtext, 416–417
Superpredators, 412
Symbolic boundaries, 177
Symbolic interactionism, 2, 261, 347, 412
Symbolic interactionist, 92, 261, 346
Team research, 449–450
Techniques of neutralisation, 2, 390
Television, 283, 328, 329, 416
Terrorism, 133–134
Terrorist autobiographies, 134
Testimony, 49, 54, 57, 60, 67, 253, 295
Thin blue line, 329–331
The Three Little Pigs
, 155, 166, 167
Toch, H., 344, 359
Tragic hero role, 353, 354, 357
Translation, 122, 201, 252
Trauma narratives, 241
Travelling stories, 14–15
Trial narratives, 47, 48, 213
Trust, 36, 41, 52, 100, 266, 333, 439
Truth, 4, 8, 35, 57, 63–64, 109–113, 115–120, 223, 248, 397, 331–333
Truth/lies, 35, 109–113
factural truths, 35
slants on truth, 63–64
Ugelvik family Mauser, 221, 222
UK, 10, 15, 64, 66, 67, 74, 250, 271, 273, 438
Understatement, 58, 417–418
Unsaid, 12, 409–424
USA, 428
US federal prosecutors, 45–61
Validity, 110, 125
Verisimilitude, 112, 120–122
Victim impact statements, 243, 262, 263
Victimhood, 9, 240, 251, 254, 261, 267, 447, 478
Victimology. See Narrative victimology
Victims, 4, 10, 58, 124, 158, 239–257, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265–272, 279–300, 382, 402, 455
Victim stories
June’s story, 240, 244–251
lethal violence, 240, 241, 242–244
Violence, 3, 4, 39, 79, 121, 139, 161, 180, 240, 241, 242–244, 270, 308, 392, 393, 400
atrocity, 4
conceptual violence, 202
finding a ‘Calling’ in the aftermath, 247–249
gun violence, 265
Jihadi organisations, 451
mass violence, 4
mothers against violence, 244
political violence, 142
redemptive suffering, 240, 249–251
visual symbols, 139
Visual criminology, 3, 198, 214
Visual narratives, 9, 180–190
Vocabularies of motive, 2
War/armed conflict, 4, 12, 13, 115, 139, 184, 220, 447–448, 451, 453
War stories, 325, 334, 335, 376
Whimsical fantasises, 208
Youth justice, 89–108, 375
Katz, J., 2, 177, 229, 373
Labelling perspectives, 347
Labelling theories, 2
Labov, W., 371
Landscape art, 203, 204
Law enforcement
community members, 324
culture and officer behaviour, 322, 323, 326
narrative methods, 321
visual pictures, 328
witnesses in contact, 57
Law, legal narratives, 5, 47, 45, 46, 59, 65, 68, 73, 78, 79, 80, 92, 110, 122, 156, 159, 198, 213, 271, 309–313, 321, 323, 325, 328, 330, 332, 378, 382, 412, 439
Lawyers, 45, 47–49, 56, 58, 158
Lay decision-makers, 50–52
Lies, 8, 109–113, 125, 200, 252, 403, 455
Life as book, 358
Life As A Film (LAAF) approach, 11
criminal narratives, 358–359
elicitation interview, 359–360
explicit processes, 360
implicit psychological content, 360
Life event calendars (LECs), 113
‘Light’ Socratic dialogues, 96–103
Loseke, D. R., 176
Maruna, S., 2, 242, 249, 279, 345, 347, 359, 390
Marxism, 198, 214
Masculinity, 123, 139, 227, 228, 231, 336, 379
Master plot, 404
Material culture, 9, 217–218
Material objects, 223–224
Matza, D., 2, 390
Mauser 98K, 220–222
McAdams, D., 134, 343, 344, 358–360
Melancholy dilapidation, 197
Membership Categorisation Analysis (MCA), 304, 306–309
categories, 303–304, 306–308
categorisation, 317–318
category-bound construction, 309–316
Dave's story, 309–316
Memoir. See also Autobiography, 134, 135
Metaphors, 8, 11, 39, 213, 334, 416
Migration/migrants, 87, 92, 100, 123, 155, 166
Mills, C. W., 2, 63, 64, 76, 77, 79
Motherwood, Absent Mother Syndrome, 120, 248
Mothers Against Violence, 242, 243, 248
Murder/homicide, 10, 115, 250, 263, 361
Muslims, 13, 39, 119, 144, 445–467
Narrative analysis
material culture studies, 217–218
Mauser 98K, 220–222
narratives, 218–220
objects, 218–220
Narrative convictions, 63–83
Narrative dialogue, 11–12
Narrative ethnography, 7, 47, 60, 264
criminology, 28–31
Godka, 31–36
trust, 36–39
Narrative habitus, 104, 369, 370, 449
Narrative identity, 180
Narrative labour, 5, 71, 438, 439
Narrative resistance, 446–447, 450–461
Narrative Role Questionnaire (NRQ), 11, 348, 358, 362
Narrative strategies, 45–62
Narrative victimology. See also June’s story, 244–246
audience, 271–275
challenges, 256–258
features, 269–276
researching, 267–268
situating, 264–267
speaker, 269–271
storytelling, 263
timing, 275–276
Nations/nationality, 164, 224, 420, 479, 480
Neutralisations. See also Techniques of Neutralisation, 389, 390, 405
News media, 14, 154, 379
Norway, 35, 217, 220, 222, 225, 446, 448, 454, 457
Objective reality, 111
Objects, 6, 9, 175–195, 218–220, 222–231, 304, 416
intended purpose, 224–225
owner/user, 226–228
own story, 228–231
past, 223–224
sociocultural context, 225–226
storytelling prop, 222–223
Observations, 6–7, 46, 93, 95, 157, 178, 192, 263–264, 267–268
Offender Assessment System (OASys) report, 289
Offender’s narratives
cognitive distortions, 279
‘innocent,’ 282
judicial-correctional ‘truth
discourse,’ 280
missing victim, 290–293
offender and victim, 293–297
offenders and victims narratives, 286–297
penitent offender, 286–290
punished offender, 290–293
real victim, 286–290
slipperiness, 279
stories and justice, 297–298
victims in the prison, 283–286
Online research
Google, 282, 375, 375
Organisations, antisociality, 412
Overlexicalization, 418
Paintings, 199, 201, 202, 208
Panini, Giovanni Paolo, 208, 209
Paratexts, 132
covers, 138–140
written introductions, 137–138
Participant observation. See also Ethnography, 30, 45, 46, 48, 49, 60, 262, 274, 281, 295, 374
Penal harm, 12, 91–104, 411–412
Penology, 5
Personal narratives, 5, 7, 79, 156, 343, 345, 471
Phatic talk, 34
Phenomenal testimony, 67
Philippines, 12, 367, 374, 376, 377, 384, 385
Photo-elicitation, 179, 190–192
Photo-elicitation interviews, 190
Photographs, 178–180
Phronetic approach, 97
dark visions, 203–207
fascinating ruins, 207–210
image and narrative, 198–200
landscapes, 200–203
sublime effects, 211–213
visual criminology, 194, 198
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 9, 197, 205, 210, 212
Plot, 35, 115, 166, 189, 229, 230, 293, 359, 403, 404, 446
Plurivocal narrative, 472, 486–487
police culture, 5, 321–341
Police narratives
culture, 321–323
development, 323–327
growth areas, 333–336
methodological challenges, 333–336
popular culture, 327–329
storytelling, 323–327
thin blue line, 329–331
‘truth,’ 331–333
Polkinghorne, D., 134
Polletta, F., 135, 253, 369, 373
Polyphony, 318, 368, 381
Positivism, 35, 52, 74, 109, 138, 180, 244, 251, 260, 264, 273, 313, 327, 335, 361, 416, 418, 429
Postcolonialism. See also ‘Race’, 198
Poststructuralism, 198
harm, 15–16
inequality, 15–16
narrative analysis, 446–448
resistance, 446–448
social inequalities, 12–13
Prisoner autobiography. See also Autobiographical writing, 64–66
individual autobiography, 427
rehabilitation, 428–429
Prisons/prisoners, 3, 5, 9, 16, 64–66, 72, 76, 115, 197, 204, 211, 212, 281, 297, 431
Prisoners’ narratives, 298
Professional role, 355, 358
Prosecutorial narratives, 47–49
Prostitution. See also Sex work, 291, 472, 473
Psychiatry, 11, 309–312
Psychoanalysis, 198
Psychological approach
Agency and Communion, 343
Leary’s personality dimensions, 344
moral justification, 345–346
Psychological complexity, 360–361
Psycho-social criminology
free association narrative interview, 390
Gianluca’s life story, 394–402
methods, 393
Punishment, 15, 67, 72, 155, 159, 162, 197, 217, 285, 292, 312, 314, 316, 361, 412, 431, 477
Quantitative analysis, 5, 68
Rapport, 36, 37, 55, 94, 95, 103, 264, 266, 272, 282
‘Race’. See also Ethnicity
black and African feminist theory, 474
black perspectives, 80
black prisoners, 65
Caucasian youth, 90
colonialism, 16, 198, 225, 470
ethnocentrism, 329
intersectional feminism, 473
marginalized black women, 473, 475, 483, 487, 488, 489, 490
Northern Caucasian migrants, 89
postcolonialism, 198
white narratives, 80
“white pride”, 191, 195
white prisoners, 65
Racism, 14, 470
Redemption, 239–257
Reflexivity, 63, 88, 96, 103, 270
Religion, 13, 32, 35, 38, 248, 253, 266, 334, 446, 448, 452, 456, 479
Religious narratives. See also Redemption; Epiphanies; Faith, 10, 14, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 154, 207, 240, 253, 266, 445, 446, 448, 449, 451
finding a ‘calling,’ 247–249
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Researching up. See Active interviewing
Reissman, C. K., 321
Resistance, 446–448
Respectable femininity, 114
Revengeful mission, 349, 351, 352, 357
Ricoeur, P., 80, 369, 373
Roles, categorisations, 10–11
Self-categorisation, 313, 314, 316
Self-help groups, 262, 266, 267, 269, 270
Sex Offender Treatment Programme facilitators (SOTP), 287
Sexualities, 122, 420, 477, 479, 480
Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), 472, 473
Sex work, 115, 123, 467–491
decolonising/rehumanising research, 467–468
intersectional agenda, 469–471
Shameful identities, 479–482
Side grip, 230
Silences, 11, 16, 35, 414
Silencing, 419–420
Social harm, 105
Socio-narratology, 12, 368–374, 385
Socrates light, 87–105
Socratic dialogues, 88, 96–97
Socratic interviews, 99–100
South Africa, 13, 15, 467, 472, 473, 486, 487
Sri Lanka, 109, 113–115, 117, 119, 121–123
Stigmatised identities, 479–482
The State, 10, 16, 78, 94, 159, 164, 213, 295, 352, 482
Street culture, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 401
Storytelling, 15, 28, 36–39, 177, 222–223, 232, 243
Structures of feeling, 71
Subculture, 11, 32, 119, 334
Sublime effects, 211–213
Subtext, 416–417
Superpredators, 412
Symbolic boundaries, 177
Symbolic interactionism, 2, 261, 347, 412
Symbolic interactionist, 92, 261, 346
Team research, 449–450
Techniques of neutralisation, 2, 390
Television, 283, 328, 329, 416
Terrorism, 133–134
Terrorist autobiographies, 134
Testimony, 49, 54, 57, 60, 67, 253, 295
Thin blue line, 329–331
The Three Little Pigs
, 155, 166, 167
Toch, H., 344, 359
Tragic hero role, 353, 354, 357
Translation, 122, 201, 252
Trauma narratives, 241
Travelling stories, 14–15
Trial narratives, 47, 48, 213
Trust, 36, 41, 52, 100, 266, 333, 439
Truth, 4, 8, 35, 57, 63–64, 109–113, 115–120, 223, 248, 397, 331–333
Truth/lies, 35, 109–113
factural truths, 35
slants on truth, 63–64
Ugelvik family Mauser, 221, 222
UK, 10, 15, 64, 66, 67, 74, 250, 271, 273, 438
Understatement, 58, 417–418
Unsaid, 12, 409–424
USA, 428
US federal prosecutors, 45–61
Validity, 110, 125
Verisimilitude, 112, 120–122
Victim impact statements, 243, 262, 263
Victimhood, 9, 240, 251, 254, 261, 267, 447, 478
Victimology. See Narrative victimology
Victims, 4, 10, 58, 124, 158, 239–257, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265–272, 279–300, 382, 402, 455
Victim stories
June’s story, 240, 244–251
lethal violence, 240, 241, 242–244
Violence, 3, 4, 39, 79, 121, 139, 161, 180, 240, 241, 242–244, 270, 308, 392, 393, 400
atrocity, 4
conceptual violence, 202
finding a ‘Calling’ in the aftermath, 247–249
gun violence, 265
Jihadi organisations, 451
mass violence, 4
mothers against violence, 244
political violence, 142
redemptive suffering, 240, 249–251
visual symbols, 139
Visual criminology, 3, 198, 214
Visual narratives, 9, 180–190
Vocabularies of motive, 2
War/armed conflict, 4, 12, 13, 115, 139, 184, 220, 447–448, 451, 453
War stories, 325, 334, 335, 376
Whimsical fantasises, 208
Youth justice, 89–108, 375
Maruna, S., 2, 242, 249, 279, 345, 347, 359, 390
Marxism, 198, 214
Masculinity, 123, 139, 227, 228, 231, 336, 379
Master plot, 404
Material culture, 9, 217–218
Material objects, 223–224
Matza, D., 2, 390
Mauser 98K, 220–222
McAdams, D., 134, 343, 344, 358–360
Melancholy dilapidation, 197
Membership Categorisation Analysis (MCA), 304, 306–309
categories, 303–304, 306–308
categorisation, 317–318
category-bound construction, 309–316
Dave's story, 309–316
Memoir. See also Autobiography, 134, 135
Metaphors, 8, 11, 39, 213, 334, 416
Migration/migrants, 87, 92, 100, 123, 155, 166
Mills, C. W., 2, 63, 64, 76, 77, 79
Motherwood, Absent Mother Syndrome, 120, 248
Mothers Against Violence, 242, 243, 248
Murder/homicide, 10, 115, 250, 263, 361
Muslims, 13, 39, 119, 144, 445–467
Narrative analysis
material culture studies, 217–218
Mauser 98K, 220–222
narratives, 218–220
objects, 218–220
Narrative convictions, 63–83
Narrative dialogue, 11–12
Narrative ethnography, 7, 47, 60, 264
criminology, 28–31
Godka, 31–36
trust, 36–39
Narrative habitus, 104, 369, 370, 449
Narrative identity, 180
Narrative labour, 5, 71, 438, 439
Narrative resistance, 446–447, 450–461
Narrative Role Questionnaire (NRQ), 11, 348, 358, 362
Narrative strategies, 45–62
Narrative victimology. See also June’s story, 244–246
audience, 271–275
challenges, 256–258
features, 269–276
researching, 267–268
situating, 264–267
speaker, 269–271
storytelling, 263
timing, 275–276
Nations/nationality, 164, 224, 420, 479, 480
Neutralisations. See also Techniques of Neutralisation, 389, 390, 405
News media, 14, 154, 379
Norway, 35, 217, 220, 222, 225, 446, 448, 454, 457
Objective reality, 111
Objects, 6, 9, 175–195, 218–220, 222–231, 304, 416
intended purpose, 224–225
owner/user, 226–228
own story, 228–231
past, 223–224
sociocultural context, 225–226
storytelling prop, 222–223
Observations, 6–7, 46, 93, 95, 157, 178, 192, 263–264, 267–268
Offender Assessment System (OASys) report, 289
Offender’s narratives
cognitive distortions, 279
‘innocent,’ 282
judicial-correctional ‘truth
discourse,’ 280
missing victim, 290–293
offender and victim, 293–297
offenders and victims narratives, 286–297
penitent offender, 286–290
punished offender, 290–293
real victim, 286–290
slipperiness, 279
stories and justice, 297–298
victims in the prison, 283–286
Online research
Google, 282, 375, 375
Organisations, antisociality, 412
Overlexicalization, 418
Paintings, 199, 201, 202, 208
Panini, Giovanni Paolo, 208, 209
Paratexts, 132
covers, 138–140
written introductions, 137–138
Participant observation. See also Ethnography, 30, 45, 46, 48, 49, 60, 262, 274, 281, 295, 374
Penal harm, 12, 91–104, 411–412
Penology, 5
Personal narratives, 5, 7, 79, 156, 343, 345, 471
Phatic talk, 34
Phenomenal testimony, 67
Philippines, 12, 367, 374, 376, 377, 384, 385
Photo-elicitation, 179, 190–192
Photo-elicitation interviews, 190
Photographs, 178–180
Phronetic approach, 97
dark visions, 203–207
fascinating ruins, 207–210
image and narrative, 198–200
landscapes, 200–203
sublime effects, 211–213
visual criminology, 194, 198
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 9, 197, 205, 210, 212
Plot, 35, 115, 166, 189, 229, 230, 293, 359, 403, 404, 446
Plurivocal narrative, 472, 486–487
police culture, 5, 321–341
Police narratives
culture, 321–323
development, 323–327
growth areas, 333–336
methodological challenges, 333–336
popular culture, 327–329
storytelling, 323–327
thin blue line, 329–331
‘truth,’ 331–333
Polkinghorne, D., 134
Polletta, F., 135, 253, 369, 373
Polyphony, 318, 368, 381
Positivism, 35, 52, 74, 109, 138, 180, 244, 251, 260, 264, 273, 313, 327, 335, 361, 416, 418, 429
Postcolonialism. See also ‘Race’, 198
Poststructuralism, 198
harm, 15–16
inequality, 15–16
narrative analysis, 446–448
resistance, 446–448
social inequalities, 12–13
Prisoner autobiography. See also Autobiographical writing, 64–66
individual autobiography, 427
rehabilitation, 428–429
Prisons/prisoners, 3, 5, 9, 16, 64–66, 72, 76, 115, 197, 204, 211, 212, 281, 297, 431
Prisoners’ narratives, 298
Professional role, 355, 358
Prosecutorial narratives, 47–49
Prostitution. See also Sex work, 291, 472, 473
Psychiatry, 11, 309–312
Psychoanalysis, 198
Psychological approach
Agency and Communion, 343
Leary’s personality dimensions, 344
moral justification, 345–346
Psychological complexity, 360–361
Psycho-social criminology
free association narrative interview, 390
Gianluca’s life story, 394–402
methods, 393
Punishment, 15, 67, 72, 155, 159, 162, 197, 217, 285, 292, 312, 314, 316, 361, 412, 431, 477
Quantitative analysis, 5, 68
Rapport, 36, 37, 55, 94, 95, 103, 264, 266, 272, 282
‘Race’. See also Ethnicity
black and African feminist theory, 474
black perspectives, 80
black prisoners, 65
Caucasian youth, 90
colonialism, 16, 198, 225, 470
ethnocentrism, 329
intersectional feminism, 473
marginalized black women, 473, 475, 483, 487, 488, 489, 490
Northern Caucasian migrants, 89
postcolonialism, 198
white narratives, 80
“white pride”, 191, 195
white prisoners, 65
Racism, 14, 470
Redemption, 239–257
Reflexivity, 63, 88, 96, 103, 270
Religion, 13, 32, 35, 38, 248, 253, 266, 334, 446, 448, 452, 456, 479
Religious narratives. See also Redemption; Epiphanies; Faith, 10, 14, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 154, 207, 240, 253, 266, 445, 446, 448, 449, 451
finding a ‘calling,’ 247–249
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Researching up. See Active interviewing
Reissman, C. K., 321
Resistance, 446–448
Respectable femininity, 114
Revengeful mission, 349, 351, 352, 357
Ricoeur, P., 80, 369, 373
Roles, categorisations, 10–11
Self-categorisation, 313, 314, 316
Self-help groups, 262, 266, 267, 269, 270
Sex Offender Treatment Programme facilitators (SOTP), 287
Sexualities, 122, 420, 477, 479, 480
Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), 472, 473
Sex work, 115, 123, 467–491
decolonising/rehumanising research, 467–468
intersectional agenda, 469–471
Shameful identities, 479–482
Side grip, 230
Silences, 11, 16, 35, 414
Silencing, 419–420
Social harm, 105
Socio-narratology, 12, 368–374, 385
Socrates light, 87–105
Socratic dialogues, 88, 96–97
Socratic interviews, 99–100
South Africa, 13, 15, 467, 472, 473, 486, 487
Sri Lanka, 109, 113–115, 117, 119, 121–123
Stigmatised identities, 479–482
The State, 10, 16, 78, 94, 159, 164, 213, 295, 352, 482
Street culture, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 401
Storytelling, 15, 28, 36–39, 177, 222–223, 232, 243
Structures of feeling, 71
Subculture, 11, 32, 119, 334
Sublime effects, 211–213
Subtext, 416–417
Superpredators, 412
Symbolic boundaries, 177
Symbolic interactionism, 2, 261, 347, 412
Symbolic interactionist, 92, 261, 346
Team research, 449–450
Techniques of neutralisation, 2, 390
Television, 283, 328, 329, 416
Terrorism, 133–134
Terrorist autobiographies, 134
Testimony, 49, 54, 57, 60, 67, 253, 295
Thin blue line, 329–331
The Three Little Pigs
, 155, 166, 167
Toch, H., 344, 359
Tragic hero role, 353, 354, 357
Translation, 122, 201, 252
Trauma narratives, 241
Travelling stories, 14–15
Trial narratives, 47, 48, 213
Trust, 36, 41, 52, 100, 266, 333, 439
Truth, 4, 8, 35, 57, 63–64, 109–113, 115–120, 223, 248, 397, 331–333
Truth/lies, 35, 109–113
factural truths, 35
slants on truth, 63–64
Ugelvik family Mauser, 221, 222
UK, 10, 15, 64, 66, 67, 74, 250, 271, 273, 438
Understatement, 58, 417–418
Unsaid, 12, 409–424
USA, 428
US federal prosecutors, 45–61
Validity, 110, 125
Verisimilitude, 112, 120–122
Victim impact statements, 243, 262, 263
Victimhood, 9, 240, 251, 254, 261, 267, 447, 478
Victimology. See Narrative victimology
Victims, 4, 10, 58, 124, 158, 239–257, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265–272, 279–300, 382, 402, 455
Victim stories
June’s story, 240, 244–251
lethal violence, 240, 241, 242–244
Violence, 3, 4, 39, 79, 121, 139, 161, 180, 240, 241, 242–244, 270, 308, 392, 393, 400
atrocity, 4
conceptual violence, 202
finding a ‘Calling’ in the aftermath, 247–249
gun violence, 265
Jihadi organisations, 451
mass violence, 4
mothers against violence, 244
political violence, 142
redemptive suffering, 240, 249–251
visual symbols, 139
Visual criminology, 3, 198, 214
Visual narratives, 9, 180–190
Vocabularies of motive, 2
War/armed conflict, 4, 12, 13, 115, 139, 184, 220, 447–448, 451, 453
War stories, 325, 334, 335, 376
Whimsical fantasises, 208
Youth justice, 89–108, 375
Objective reality, 111
Objects, 6, 9, 175–195, 218–220, 222–231, 304, 416
intended purpose, 224–225
owner/user, 226–228
own story, 228–231
past, 223–224
sociocultural context, 225–226
storytelling prop, 222–223
Observations, 6–7, 46, 93, 95, 157, 178, 192, 263–264, 267–268
Offender Assessment System (OASys) report, 289
Offender’s narratives
cognitive distortions, 279
‘innocent,’ 282
judicial-correctional ‘truth
discourse,’ 280
missing victim, 290–293
offender and victim, 293–297
offenders and victims narratives, 286–297
penitent offender, 286–290
punished offender, 290–293
real victim, 286–290
slipperiness, 279
stories and justice, 297–298
victims in the prison, 283–286
Online research
Google, 282, 375, 375
Organisations, antisociality, 412
Overlexicalization, 418
Paintings, 199, 201, 202, 208
Panini, Giovanni Paolo, 208, 209
Paratexts, 132
covers, 138–140
written introductions, 137–138
Participant observation. See also Ethnography, 30, 45, 46, 48, 49, 60, 262, 274, 281, 295, 374
Penal harm, 12, 91–104, 411–412
Penology, 5
Personal narratives, 5, 7, 79, 156, 343, 345, 471
Phatic talk, 34
Phenomenal testimony, 67
Philippines, 12, 367, 374, 376, 377, 384, 385
Photo-elicitation, 179, 190–192
Photo-elicitation interviews, 190
Photographs, 178–180
Phronetic approach, 97
dark visions, 203–207
fascinating ruins, 207–210
image and narrative, 198–200
landscapes, 200–203
sublime effects, 211–213
visual criminology, 194, 198
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 9, 197, 205, 210, 212
Plot, 35, 115, 166, 189, 229, 230, 293, 359, 403, 404, 446
Plurivocal narrative, 472, 486–487
police culture, 5, 321–341
Police narratives
culture, 321–323
development, 323–327
growth areas, 333–336
methodological challenges, 333–336
popular culture, 327–329
storytelling, 323–327
thin blue line, 329–331
‘truth,’ 331–333
Polkinghorne, D., 134
Polletta, F., 135, 253, 369, 373
Polyphony, 318, 368, 381
Positivism, 35, 52, 74, 109, 138, 180, 244, 251, 260, 264, 273, 313, 327, 335, 361, 416, 418, 429
Postcolonialism. See also ‘Race’, 198
Poststructuralism, 198
harm, 15–16
inequality, 15–16
narrative analysis, 446–448
resistance, 446–448
social inequalities, 12–13
Prisoner autobiography. See also Autobiographical writing, 64–66
individual autobiography, 427
rehabilitation, 428–429
Prisons/prisoners, 3, 5, 9, 16, 64–66, 72, 76, 115, 197, 204, 211, 212, 281, 297, 431
Prisoners’ narratives, 298
Professional role, 355, 358
Prosecutorial narratives, 47–49
Prostitution. See also Sex work, 291, 472, 473
Psychiatry, 11, 309–312
Psychoanalysis, 198
Psychological approach
Agency and Communion, 343
Leary’s personality dimensions, 344
moral justification, 345–346
Psychological complexity, 360–361
Psycho-social criminology
free association narrative interview, 390
Gianluca’s life story, 394–402
methods, 393
Punishment, 15, 67, 72, 155, 159, 162, 197, 217, 285, 292, 312, 314, 316, 361, 412, 431, 477
Quantitative analysis, 5, 68
Rapport, 36, 37, 55, 94, 95, 103, 264, 266, 272, 282
‘Race’. See also Ethnicity
black and African feminist theory, 474
black perspectives, 80
black prisoners, 65
Caucasian youth, 90
colonialism, 16, 198, 225, 470
ethnocentrism, 329
intersectional feminism, 473
marginalized black women, 473, 475, 483, 487, 488, 489, 490
Northern Caucasian migrants, 89
postcolonialism, 198
white narratives, 80
“white pride”, 191, 195
white prisoners, 65
Racism, 14, 470
Redemption, 239–257
Reflexivity, 63, 88, 96, 103, 270
Religion, 13, 32, 35, 38, 248, 253, 266, 334, 446, 448, 452, 456, 479
Religious narratives. See also Redemption; Epiphanies; Faith, 10, 14, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 154, 207, 240, 253, 266, 445, 446, 448, 449, 451
finding a ‘calling,’ 247–249
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Researching up. See Active interviewing
Reissman, C. K., 321
Resistance, 446–448
Respectable femininity, 114
Revengeful mission, 349, 351, 352, 357
Ricoeur, P., 80, 369, 373
Roles, categorisations, 10–11
Self-categorisation, 313, 314, 316
Self-help groups, 262, 266, 267, 269, 270
Sex Offender Treatment Programme facilitators (SOTP), 287
Sexualities, 122, 420, 477, 479, 480
Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), 472, 473
Sex work, 115, 123, 467–491
decolonising/rehumanising research, 467–468
intersectional agenda, 469–471
Shameful identities, 479–482
Side grip, 230
Silences, 11, 16, 35, 414
Silencing, 419–420
Social harm, 105
Socio-narratology, 12, 368–374, 385
Socrates light, 87–105
Socratic dialogues, 88, 96–97
Socratic interviews, 99–100
South Africa, 13, 15, 467, 472, 473, 486, 487
Sri Lanka, 109, 113–115, 117, 119, 121–123
Stigmatised identities, 479–482
The State, 10, 16, 78, 94, 159, 164, 213, 295, 352, 482
Street culture, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 401
Storytelling, 15, 28, 36–39, 177, 222–223, 232, 243
Structures of feeling, 71
Subculture, 11, 32, 119, 334
Sublime effects, 211–213
Subtext, 416–417
Superpredators, 412
Symbolic boundaries, 177
Symbolic interactionism, 2, 261, 347, 412
Symbolic interactionist, 92, 261, 346
Team research, 449–450
Techniques of neutralisation, 2, 390
Television, 283, 328, 329, 416
Terrorism, 133–134
Terrorist autobiographies, 134
Testimony, 49, 54, 57, 60, 67, 253, 295
Thin blue line, 329–331
The Three Little Pigs
, 155, 166, 167
Toch, H., 344, 359
Tragic hero role, 353, 354, 357
Translation, 122, 201, 252
Trauma narratives, 241
Travelling stories, 14–15
Trial narratives, 47, 48, 213
Trust, 36, 41, 52, 100, 266, 333, 439
Truth, 4, 8, 35, 57, 63–64, 109–113, 115–120, 223, 248, 397, 331–333
Truth/lies, 35, 109–113
factural truths, 35
slants on truth, 63–64
Ugelvik family Mauser, 221, 222
UK, 10, 15, 64, 66, 67, 74, 250, 271, 273, 438
Understatement, 58, 417–418
Unsaid, 12, 409–424
USA, 428
US federal prosecutors, 45–61
Validity, 110, 125
Verisimilitude, 112, 120–122
Victim impact statements, 243, 262, 263
Victimhood, 9, 240, 251, 254, 261, 267, 447, 478
Victimology. See Narrative victimology
Victims, 4, 10, 58, 124, 158, 239–257, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265–272, 279–300, 382, 402, 455
Victim stories
June’s story, 240, 244–251
lethal violence, 240, 241, 242–244
Violence, 3, 4, 39, 79, 121, 139, 161, 180, 240, 241, 242–244, 270, 308, 392, 393, 400
atrocity, 4
conceptual violence, 202
finding a ‘Calling’ in the aftermath, 247–249
gun violence, 265
Jihadi organisations, 451
mass violence, 4
mothers against violence, 244
political violence, 142
redemptive suffering, 240, 249–251
visual symbols, 139
Visual criminology, 3, 198, 214
Visual narratives, 9, 180–190
Vocabularies of motive, 2
War/armed conflict, 4, 12, 13, 115, 139, 184, 220, 447–448, 451, 453
War stories, 325, 334, 335, 376
Whimsical fantasises, 208
Youth justice, 89–108, 375
Quantitative analysis, 5, 68
Rapport, 36, 37, 55, 94, 95, 103, 264, 266, 272, 282
‘Race’. See also Ethnicity
black and African feminist theory, 474
black perspectives, 80
black prisoners, 65
Caucasian youth, 90
colonialism, 16, 198, 225, 470
ethnocentrism, 329
intersectional feminism, 473
marginalized black women, 473, 475, 483, 487, 488, 489, 490
Northern Caucasian migrants, 89
postcolonialism, 198
white narratives, 80
“white pride”, 191, 195
white prisoners, 65
Racism, 14, 470
Redemption, 239–257
Reflexivity, 63, 88, 96, 103, 270
Religion, 13, 32, 35, 38, 248, 253, 266, 334, 446, 448, 452, 456, 479
Religious narratives. See also Redemption; Epiphanies; Faith, 10, 14, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 154, 207, 240, 253, 266, 445, 446, 448, 449, 451
finding a ‘calling,’ 247–249
redemptive suffering, 249–251
Researching up. See Active interviewing
Reissman, C. K., 321
Resistance, 446–448
Respectable femininity, 114
Revengeful mission, 349, 351, 352, 357
Ricoeur, P., 80, 369, 373
Roles, categorisations, 10–11
Self-categorisation, 313, 314, 316
Self-help groups, 262, 266, 267, 269, 270
Sex Offender Treatment Programme facilitators (SOTP), 287
Sexualities, 122, 420, 477, 479, 480
Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), 472, 473
Sex work, 115, 123, 467–491
decolonising/rehumanising research, 467–468
intersectional agenda, 469–471
Shameful identities, 479–482
Side grip, 230
Silences, 11, 16, 35, 414
Silencing, 419–420
Social harm, 105
Socio-narratology, 12, 368–374, 385
Socrates light, 87–105
Socratic dialogues, 88, 96–97
Socratic interviews, 99–100
South Africa, 13, 15, 467, 472, 473, 486, 487
Sri Lanka, 109, 113–115, 117, 119, 121–123
Stigmatised identities, 479–482
The State, 10, 16, 78, 94, 159, 164, 213, 295, 352, 482
Street culture, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 401
Storytelling, 15, 28, 36–39, 177, 222–223, 232, 243
Structures of feeling, 71
Subculture, 11, 32, 119, 334
Sublime effects, 211–213
Subtext, 416–417
Superpredators, 412
Symbolic boundaries, 177
Symbolic interactionism, 2, 261, 347, 412
Symbolic interactionist, 92, 261, 346
Team research, 449–450
Techniques of neutralisation, 2, 390
Television, 283, 328, 329, 416
Terrorism, 133–134
Terrorist autobiographies, 134
Testimony, 49, 54, 57, 60, 67, 253, 295
Thin blue line, 329–331
The Three Little Pigs
, 155, 166, 167
Toch, H., 344, 359
Tragic hero role, 353, 354, 357
Translation, 122, 201, 252
Trauma narratives, 241
Travelling stories, 14–15
Trial narratives, 47, 48, 213
Trust, 36, 41, 52, 100, 266, 333, 439
Truth, 4, 8, 35, 57, 63–64, 109–113, 115–120, 223, 248, 397, 331–333
Truth/lies, 35, 109–113
factural truths, 35
slants on truth, 63–64
Ugelvik family Mauser, 221, 222
UK, 10, 15, 64, 66, 67, 74, 250, 271, 273, 438
Understatement, 58, 417–418
Unsaid, 12, 409–424
USA, 428
US federal prosecutors, 45–61
Validity, 110, 125
Verisimilitude, 112, 120–122
Victim impact statements, 243, 262, 263
Victimhood, 9, 240, 251, 254, 261, 267, 447, 478
Victimology. See Narrative victimology
Victims, 4, 10, 58, 124, 158, 239–257, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265–272, 279–300, 382, 402, 455
Victim stories
June’s story, 240, 244–251
lethal violence, 240, 241, 242–244
Violence, 3, 4, 39, 79, 121, 139, 161, 180, 240, 241, 242–244, 270, 308, 392, 393, 400
atrocity, 4
conceptual violence, 202
finding a ‘Calling’ in the aftermath, 247–249
gun violence, 265
Jihadi organisations, 451
mass violence, 4
mothers against violence, 244
political violence, 142
redemptive suffering, 240, 249–251
visual symbols, 139
Visual criminology, 3, 198, 214
Visual narratives, 9, 180–190
Vocabularies of motive, 2
War/armed conflict, 4, 12, 13, 115, 139, 184, 220, 447–448, 451, 453
War stories, 325, 334, 335, 376
Whimsical fantasises, 208
Youth justice, 89–108, 375
Self-categorisation, 313, 314, 316
Self-help groups, 262, 266, 267, 269, 270
Sex Offender Treatment Programme facilitators (SOTP), 287
Sexualities, 122, 420, 477, 479, 480
Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), 472, 473
Sex work, 115, 123, 467–491
decolonising/rehumanising research, 467–468
intersectional agenda, 469–471
Shameful identities, 479–482
Side grip, 230
Silences, 11, 16, 35, 414
Silencing, 419–420
Social harm, 105
Socio-narratology, 12, 368–374, 385
Socrates light, 87–105
Socratic dialogues, 88, 96–97
Socratic interviews, 99–100
South Africa, 13, 15, 467, 472, 473, 486, 487
Sri Lanka, 109, 113–115, 117, 119, 121–123
Stigmatised identities, 479–482
The State, 10, 16, 78, 94, 159, 164, 213, 295, 352, 482
Street culture, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 401
Storytelling, 15, 28, 36–39, 177, 222–223, 232, 243
Structures of feeling, 71
Subculture, 11, 32, 119, 334
Sublime effects, 211–213
Subtext, 416–417
Superpredators, 412
Symbolic boundaries, 177
Symbolic interactionism, 2, 261, 347, 412
Symbolic interactionist, 92, 261, 346
Team research, 449–450
Techniques of neutralisation, 2, 390
Television, 283, 328, 329, 416
Terrorism, 133–134
Terrorist autobiographies, 134
Testimony, 49, 54, 57, 60, 67, 253, 295
Thin blue line, 329–331
The Three Little Pigs
, 155, 166, 167
Toch, H., 344, 359
Tragic hero role, 353, 354, 357
Translation, 122, 201, 252
Trauma narratives, 241
Travelling stories, 14–15
Trial narratives, 47, 48, 213
Trust, 36, 41, 52, 100, 266, 333, 439
Truth, 4, 8, 35, 57, 63–64, 109–113, 115–120, 223, 248, 397, 331–333
Truth/lies, 35, 109–113
factural truths, 35
slants on truth, 63–64
Ugelvik family Mauser, 221, 222
UK, 10, 15, 64, 66, 67, 74, 250, 271, 273, 438
Understatement, 58, 417–418
Unsaid, 12, 409–424
USA, 428
US federal prosecutors, 45–61
Validity, 110, 125
Verisimilitude, 112, 120–122
Victim impact statements, 243, 262, 263
Victimhood, 9, 240, 251, 254, 261, 267, 447, 478
Victimology. See Narrative victimology
Victims, 4, 10, 58, 124, 158, 239–257, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265–272, 279–300, 382, 402, 455
Victim stories
June’s story, 240, 244–251
lethal violence, 240, 241, 242–244
Violence, 3, 4, 39, 79, 121, 139, 161, 180, 240, 241, 242–244, 270, 308, 392, 393, 400
atrocity, 4
conceptual violence, 202
finding a ‘Calling’ in the aftermath, 247–249
gun violence, 265
Jihadi organisations, 451
mass violence, 4
mothers against violence, 244
political violence, 142
redemptive suffering, 240, 249–251
visual symbols, 139
Visual criminology, 3, 198, 214
Visual narratives, 9, 180–190
Vocabularies of motive, 2
War/armed conflict, 4, 12, 13, 115, 139, 184, 220, 447–448, 451, 453
War stories, 325, 334, 335, 376
Whimsical fantasises, 208
Youth justice, 89–108, 375
Ugelvik family Mauser, 221, 222
UK, 10, 15, 64, 66, 67, 74, 250, 271, 273, 438
Understatement, 58, 417–418
Unsaid, 12, 409–424
USA, 428
US federal prosecutors, 45–61
Validity, 110, 125
Verisimilitude, 112, 120–122
Victim impact statements, 243, 262, 263
Victimhood, 9, 240, 251, 254, 261, 267, 447, 478
Victimology. See Narrative victimology
Victims, 4, 10, 58, 124, 158, 239–257, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265–272, 279–300, 382, 402, 455
Victim stories
June’s story, 240, 244–251
lethal violence, 240, 241, 242–244
Violence, 3, 4, 39, 79, 121, 139, 161, 180, 240, 241, 242–244, 270, 308, 392, 393, 400
atrocity, 4
conceptual violence, 202
finding a ‘Calling’ in the aftermath, 247–249
gun violence, 265
Jihadi organisations, 451
mass violence, 4
mothers against violence, 244
political violence, 142
redemptive suffering, 240, 249–251
visual symbols, 139
Visual criminology, 3, 198, 214
Visual narratives, 9, 180–190
Vocabularies of motive, 2
War/armed conflict, 4, 12, 13, 115, 139, 184, 220, 447–448, 451, 453
War stories, 325, 334, 335, 376
Whimsical fantasises, 208
Youth justice, 89–108, 375
War/armed conflict, 4, 12, 13, 115, 139, 184, 220, 447–448, 451, 453
War stories, 325, 334, 335, 376
Whimsical fantasises, 208
Youth justice, 89–108, 375
- Prelims
- 1 Introduction
- Part I: Collecting Stories
- Observations and Fieldwork
- 2 Narrative Ethnography under Pressure: Researching Storytelling on the Street
- 3 Storied Justice: The Narrative Strategies of US Federal Prosecutors
- 4 Narrative Convictions, Conviction Narratives: the prospects of convict criminology
- Interviews
- 5 Reflections after ‘Socrates Light’: Eliciting and Countering Narratives of Youth Justice Officials
- 6 Stories that Are Skyscraper Tall: The Place of ‘Tall Tales’ in Narrative Criminology
- Texts
- 7 By Terrorists' Own Telling: Using Autobiography for Narrative Criminological Research
- 8 Stories of Environmental Crime, Harm and Protection: Narrative Criminology and Green Cultural Criminology
- Beyond ‘Texts’: Images and Objects
- 9 The Stories in Images: The Value of the Visual for Narrative Criminology
- 10 Reading Pictures: Piranesi and Carceral Landscapes
- 11 The Tales Things Tell: Narrative Analysis, Materiality and my Wife's Old Nazi Rifle
- Part II: Analysing Stories
- Studying the Victim
- 12 Excavating Victim Stories: Making Sense of Agency, Suffering and Redemption
- 13 Narrative Victimology: Speaker, Audience, Timing
- 14 Finding Victims in the Narratives of Men Imprisoned for Sex Offences
- Categorisations, Plots and Roles
- 15 Narratives of Conviction and the Re-storying of ‘Offenders’
- 16 Police Narratives as Allegories that Shape Police Culture and Behaviour
- 17 Revealing Criminal Narratives: The Narrative Roles Questionnaire and the Life as a Film Procedure
- Narrative Dialogue, The Unconscious and Absences
- 18 Doing Dialogical Narrative Analysis: Implications for Narrative Criminology
- 19 ‘Protecting and Defending Mummy’: Narrative Criminology and Psychosocial Criminology
- 20 The Story of Antisociality: Determining What Goes Unsaid in Dominant Narratives
- Connecting Stories, Power and Social Inequalities
- 21 The Archived Criminal: Mandatory Prisoner Autobiography in China
- 22 Opposing Violent Extremism through Counternarratives: Four Forms of Narrative Resistance
- 23 Researching Sex Work: Doing Decolonial, Intersectional Narrative Analysis
- Index