Fergus McNeill
(University of Glasgow, UK)
ISBN: 978-1-78756-466-4, eISBN: 978-1-78756-465-7
Publication date: 14 November 2018
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McNeill, F. (2018), "Index", Pervasive Punishment, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 239-245.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Fergus McNeill
Abbott, L.
, 126, 129
Aggregation, notion of
, 12
Althusser, L.
, 29
Ambulant or mobile punishment
, 5
, 31
Brangan, L.
, 37
Burke, L.
, 144
Carlen, P.
, 144–145, 168
Christie, N.
, 70
, 8
Cognitive legitimacy of supervision
, 81–82
Cohen, S.
, 70
fishing net analogy
, 23
Visions of Social Control
, 23
Cohen, Stanley
, 5
Community-based sentence
, 3
Community corrections
, 5
sanctions and measures
, 6
Community Payback Orders (CPOs) in Scotland
, 61–64, 82–83, 96, 109, 117, 119–120, 163
Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs)
, 144
Community sanctions and measures (CSM)
, 81–82
European statistics on
, 46–47
in Scotland
, 82, 84
Community warehousing
, 12
Confederation of European Probation (CEP)
, 46
, 36
Correctional supervision
, 3
COST Action (IS1106) on Offender Supervision
, 15, 108–109, 117, 147, 168
Counter-visual criminology
, 14, 146–148, 156
Counter-visualising supervision
, 146–149
Cox, A.
, 115
Crewe, B.
, 113–114
Criminal justice supervision
, 3
Custodial sentence
, 3
Depoliticisation of crime and penal policy
, 149–150
Deviance-control system
, 5, 23
Dickinson, E.
, 155
, 30
Drug treatment and testing orders (DTTOs)
, 83
Durkheim, E.
, 31, 78
evolution of punishment
, 24–28
form or style of punishment
, 26
probation in UK
, 28
relationships between culture and political power
, 26
social processes of punishment
, 25–26
social solidarity
, 25
Two Laws of Penal Evolution
, 26
Durnescu, I.
, 110
Dzur, A.
, 152
Economic arrangements in society
, 29–30
Electronic monitoring
, 160–164
as ‘coercive connectivity’
, 162–163
deprivations of liberty and autonomy
, 165–166
in European jurisdictions
, 163–164
gains and limitations of
, 166–167
severity of
, 164–167
Ethnographies of penal supervision
, 113–117
Eurobarometer on Experiencing Supervision (EES)
, 110
European Prison Rules and European Rules for Probation and for ‘Community Sanctions and Measures’
, 46
European statistics on community sanctions and measures
, 46
prison and probation rates (1990–2010)
, 46–47
Experiencing supervision
, 109–112
audio representations of
, 122–130
visual representations of
, 117–122
Fishing net analogy
, 23
Focused supervision
, 173
Foucault, M.
, 31, 78
disciplinary mechanisms in late-modern societies
, 21–22
Discipline and Punish
, 21–22
notion of disciplinary power
, 21–24
rise and proliferation of surveillance technologies
, 24
Gains of supervision
, 166–167
Gargarella, R.
, 154–155
Garland, D.
, 30, 32–33, 35, 37
welfarist criminology
, 33
Glasgow Probation Area Committee
, 85
Goodman, P.
, 38–39, 138
Gramsci, A.
, 29
Hannah-Moffatt, K.
, 79
Hayes, D.
, 110–111, 166
, 29
Hiddleston, V.
, 87–89
Houchin, R.
, 60
Hudson, B.
, 169
Humanistic materialism
, 30
Hutchinson, S.
, 79
Ideal-type criminologists
, 149
Imaginary penalties
, 168
Internal autonomy
, 36
Juvenile probation in UK
, 30
Kelly, C.
, 85–87
Kilbrandon Report
, 90
King, S.
, 111
Lacombe, D.
, 115
Legitimation of supervision
, 81–82
Kilbrandon reforms
, 90–91
, 81
, 81
in Scotland
, 81–82, 84, 90–93
Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968
, 90
Loader, I.
, 149–153
MacAskill, K.
, 99
Mahood, L.
, 30
Managerial adaptation of supervision
, 80
Maruna, S.
, 78
Marx, K.
, 31
defence of capital
, 28–29
perspectives on punishment and supervision
, 28–31
probation’s development
, 31
Mass incarceration
, 44
Mass supervision
, 11–14, 44, 150
, 57–70
, 48–57
See also Supervision
Mathieson, T.
, 5
McAra, L.
, 94
McWilliams, B.
, 30
Mechanical solidarity
, 25
Mill, M.
, 44–45, 173–174
Miller, R.
, 115
Moral legitimation of supervision
, 81
Morton, Sir G.
, 85
, 86
Murray, J. B.
, 86
Nellis, M.
, 162
Offender supervision
, 83
Organic solidarity
, 26
Page, J.
, 38–39
, 3, 7, 14, 22, 24, 27, 113, 116, 124, 130, 141, 162, 165, 167, 173
parole and non-parole licences
, 64, 68–69, 84
US parole population
, 48–49, 56–57, 64, 66
Penal changes
, 138
Durkheim’s account of penal evolution
, 24–28
Foucault’s notion of disciplinary power
, 21–24
indices of
, 32–33
institutional dynamics of penal states and systems
, 35–37
late modern
, 31–35
Marxist perspectives
, 28–31
role of capitalist system of economic production
, 29
in UK and USA
, 35
uses of slavery and servitude
, 29
Penal character of contemporary imprisonment, in England and Wales
, 113–114
Penal fields
, 20, 35–39, 78–79, 138–139
Penal imaginaries
, 144–145, 147, 155, 157, 187
Penal power, modes of
, 36
Penal reductionism
, 85, 95, 99, 101–102, 139–141, 143
Penal state
, 35–37
dimensions of
, 36
Penal welfarism
, 33, 78
Phelps, M.
, 38–39, 49–55, 68, 71, 108, 138–139, 143, 164, 173
Picturing Probation project
, 4
Power resources
, 36
Pragmatic legitimation of supervision
, 81
Prison-based sex offender programme
, 115
Probation, practice of
, 3, 19, 31
in England
, 110–111
role of charity
, 31
Probation legitimacy paradox
, 79–82
Probation officer
, 19
Probation of Offenders Act 1907
, 19
Probation overcrowding
, 12
‘P’s–parsimony, proportionality and productiveness in supervision
, 169–172
Public criminology
, 149–156, 174
, 139
Durkheim’s account of penal evolution
, 24–28
Foucault’s notion of disciplinary power
, 21–24
late modern penal changes
, 31–35
Marxist perspectives
, 28–31
Punitive adaptation of supervision
, 80, 110
Re-entry organisations
, 116
Rehabilitating supervision
, 172–176
, 22, 24, 34, 51–52, 80, 84, 91, 94–99, 101, 110–111, 114–116, 139–140, 143, 161–162, 165, 169, 183, 188
Rehabilitative adaption of supervision
, 14, 80, 110
Reparative adaption of supervision
, 80–81
Repressive state apparatus
, 30
Restriction of liberty orders (RLOs)
, 83
Robinson, G.
, 6, 78–81
Ruggiero, V.
, 151–152
, 78
average length of community payback order
, 66
community sanctions in
, 82, 84, 102
community sentences in
, 66
constitutional change and penal reform
, 97
constitutional position and supervision
, 93–97
Criminal Justice and Licensing Act 2010
, 82, 98
criminal justice in
, 93–97
Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1949
, 89
‘currently supervised’ statutory throughcare cases
, 64
custodial sentences in
, 99
dissolution of probation services
, 91–93
distribution of Community Payback Orders (CPOs) in
, 61–64, 82–83, 96, 109, 163
ethnicity of prison population in
, 58
Glasgow police-probation arrangement
, 86–87
imprisonment rate for men in
, 60
institutionalisation of ‘social work with offenders’
, 89–100
legitimation of social work supervision
, 90–93
Management of Offenders Act 2005
, 95
mass supervision in
, 57–70
monetary penalties
, 68
notion of Community Payback
, 98
penal reductionism
, 85, 139–143
penal welfarism
, 78
post-release supervision rates in
, 67–69
Prisoners and Criminal Proceeding Act 1993
, 83–84, 93
Prisoners (Control of Release) Act 2015
, 84
prison population and imprisonment rate
, 65
probation disposals
, 90
The Probation Service in Scotland: Its Objects and its Organisation
, 89–90
provision of prisoner aftercare and probation services
, 82, 85–89
Reducing Reoffending Programme
, 99
religious sectarianism in
, 58–59
‘R’s–reparation, rehabilitation, restriction and reintegration
, 98–99
scale of supervision and imprisonment in
, 65–70
Scotland’s Choice
, 96, 98
Scottish Children’s Hearings system
, 90
Scottish research on experiencing supervision
, 111–112
social concentration of deprivation and supervision
, 62
Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968
, 89
socio-economic distribution of punishment in
, 57–64
standard terms of parole and non-parole licences
, 84
The Tough Option
, 93
use of probation with juveniles
, 89
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation
, 60
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey
, 58
Scull, A.
, 5
Severity of supervision
, 164–167
Shapland, J.
, 111
Simon, J.
, 24
Social insecurity
, 34
Social work supervision
, 84
Song development from supervision
, 188–190
‘depth,’ ‘weight,’ ‘tightness’ and ‘suspension’
, 192
, 190–192
, 186–188
, 192–194
Sparks, R.
, 149–153
State autonomy
, 36
Story development from supervision
Administering Shocks and Sickness
, 158–160, 204–206
Any Chance of a Refill?’
, 105–107, 200–202
, 180–181
characters and contexts
, 181–183
17 Minutes and 14 Seconds Wasted
, 41–43, 197–199
Rehabilitating Norm(s)
, 174–176, 206–208
Screen-Weary Eyes
, 17–19, 196–197
settings and plotlines
, 183–184
A Strangely Appealing Assembly
, 135–137, 203–204
substance and style
, 184–186
Waiting Room
, 1–2, 181–182, 195–196
We’re Not Here To Build The Community, We’re Here To Protect It
, 75–77
Supervisible project
, 4, 122–123, 131, 145, 182
conjunctural approach
, 32–33
creative representations of
, 147
, 109–112
invisibility as punishment
, 167–169
managerial adaptation of
, 80
neglect of
, 7
penal character of
, 108
professionalisation of
, 31
‘P’s–parsimony, proportionality and productiveness in
, 169–172
punitive adaptation of
, 80
rehabilitative adaption of
, 80
reparative adaption of
, 80–81
See also Song development from supervision; Story development from supervision
Supervisory sanctions and measures
, 7–8, 10, 49, 55, 62, 68, 80–81, 102, 110
reparative adaption of
, 80–81
Woodward case
, 9
Surveillance technologies
, 24
Suspended Sentence Order (SSO)
, 9, 13
Techno-corrections in mass supervision
, 160–164
Thompson, E. P.
, 30
, 6
Turner, E.
, 151–153
Unger, R.
, 153–154
Unjustified moral superiority
, 151–152
Unlawful wounding
, 8
, 139
carceral citizenship
, 55
character of mass incarceration in
, 54
distinction between jails and prisons
, 72
estimated correctional population
, 48–49
expansions of probation and imprisonment
, 52–54
forms of community-based supervision
, 49
index crimes
, 49–50
mass supervision in
, 48–57
probation supervision rates, disparities in
, 51–52, 54–56
racialised character of mass incarceration
, 54–56, 60
regime of ‘incapacitative control’
, 52–53
sentencing and probation reform efforts
, 51–52, 173
socio-economic distribution of supervision
, 54–57
supervision and imprisonment rates
, 49, 65–67
Vanstone, M.
, 30–31
‘Visible’ supervision
, 13–14
Wacquant, L.
, 34–35, 37, 150
Walker, N.
, 31
Weaver, B.
, 88
Weber, M.
, 31
Welfarist criminology
, 33
Werth, R.
, 116
Young, P.
, 31
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Punishment Pervades
- Chapter 2 Punishment Changes
- Chapter 3 Counting Mass Supervision
- Chapter 4 Legitimating Mass Supervision
- Chapter 5 Experiencing Mass Supervision
- Chapter 6 Seeing Mass Supervision
- Chapter 7 Supervision: Unleashed or Restrained?
- Postscript: Making Stories and Songs from Supervision
- Appendix: The Invisible Collar (A Story About Supervision)
- Bibliography
- Index