Skin, Meaning, and Symbolism in Pet Memorials
ISBN: 978-1-78756-422-0, eISBN: 978-1-78756-419-0
Publication date: 27 June 2019
Harris, R. (2019), "Prelims", Skin, Meaning, and Symbolism in Pet Memorials (Emerald Studies in Death and Culture), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xvi.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Racheal Harris
Front Image
Half Title Page
Series Page
Emerald Studies in Death and Culture
Series Editors: Ruth Penfold-Mounce, University of York, UK; Julie Rugg, University of York, UK; Jack Denham, York St John University, UK
Editorial Advisory Board: Jacque Lynn Foltyn, National University, USA; Lisa McCormick, University of Edinburgh, UK; Ben Poore, University of York, UK; Melissa Schrift, East Tennessee State University, USA; Kate Woodthorpe, University of Bath, UK
Emerald Studies in Death and Culture provides an outlet for cross-disciplinary exploration of aspects of mortality. The series creates a new forum for the publication of interdisciplinary research that approaches death from a cultural perspective. Published texts will be at the forefront of new ideas, new subjects, new theoretical applications, and new explorations of less conventional cultural engagements with death and the dead.
Published titles
Brian Parsons, The Evolution of the British Funeral Industry in the 20th Century: From Undertaker to Funeral Director
Ruth Penfold-Mounce, Death, The Dead and Popular Culture
Matthew Spokes, Death, Memorialization and Deviant Spaces
Title Page
Tattoos, Taxidermy, and Trinkets
Deakin University, Australia
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2019
Copyright © 2019 Racheal Harris. Published under exclusive license.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-78756-422-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-78756-419-0 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-78756-421-3 (Epub)
For Max, my eternal “good boy,” mourned, missed, and commemorated in ink.
I carry you with me, always …
And for Elwood, who sits beside me in this moment,
always (im)patiently waiting for his dinner …
List of Figures and Tables
Figure 1. | Dog to Cat Ratio | 146 |
Table 1. | Tattoo Hashtags | 142 |
Table 2. | Recurrent Tattoo Themes | 146 |
Table 3. | Instagram Influencers | 169 |
List of Images
Front Cover. Animal Skull Surrounded by Creosote Flowers | ||
Image 1. | Woman and Dog on Sofa | 2 |
Image 2. | Woman and Dog at the Piano | 18 |
Image 3. | Partially Concealed Tattoo on Female Thigh | 38 |
Image 4. | Woman Nursing a Kitten | 66 |
Image 5. | Cremated Remains of Companion Animals | 74 |
Image 6. | Taxidermy Mouse Encased in Necklace | 81 |
Image 7. | Preserved Animal Fur, Cut in the Shape of a Love Heart | 83 |
Image 8. | Taxidermy Panda | 86 |
Image 9. | Jackalope | 92 |
Image 10. | Bespoke Taxidermy Wolf with Wings | 93 |
Image 11. | Wedding Cake Topper Featuring Taxidermy Mice | 101 |
Image 12. | Women with Taxidermy Creatures | 108 |
Image 13. | Partially Preserved Chihuahua | 117 |
Image 14. | Completed Chihuahua Mount | 121 |
Image 15. | Preserved Paws (Matching) | 129 |
Image 16. | Single Paw with Lace Adornment | 130 |
Image 17. | Cat Paw | 131 |
Image 18. | Victorian Era Paw Preservation | 132 |
Image 19. | Two-headed Rabbit | 133 |
Image 20. | Ear Preservation | 134 |
Image 21. | Mouse Purse | 135 |
Image 22. | Preserved Cat | 136 |
Image 23. | Preserved Dog | 137 |
Image 24. | Tattoo Machine and Animal Skulls | 138 |
Image 25. | Anthropomorphic Cat Stencil | 150 |
Image 26. | Completed Dog Tattoo | 151 |
Image 27. | Flash Tattoo Design (Love Heart and Paw Print) | 154 |
Image 28. | Flash Tattoo Design (Paw Print with Heart Toes) | 155 |
Image 29. | Cat Tattoo Design | 159 |
Image 30. | Man and Dog Listening to a Transistor Radio | 162 |
Image 31. | Elwood Seeing His Tattooed Likeness | 179 |
Image 32. | Elwood Responding to Tattoo | 180 |
Image 33. | Tattoo and Portrait | 181 |
Image 34. | Woman and Dog Looking Out over the Water | 184 |
Image 35. | Sleeping Child and Collie-mix Dog | 190 |
Back Cover. Treated Animal Skeleton | 209 |
Research, like writing, can be isolating at times. One is frequently haunted by self-doubt, coupled with the lingering question of whether what seemed like a fabulous idea to begin with will ever come to fruition. Certainly, I jumped into this with little thought as to how I was going to make it work, and with equally little consideration as to the long road that stretched out ahead. I might never have had the courage to endure if not for my ignorance, so perhaps that was for the best. I don’t believe that this project would have come together without the intervention and persistent encouragement of the following people. In various forms, they have been my cheer squad since day one and I thank them, humbly, each and every one…
Dr Ruth Penfold-Mounce (University of York), Philippa Grand (Emerald Publications), and the Death and Culture Network (DaCNet), thank you for allowing me to be part of this fantastic group of researchers and to contribute to the Death & Culture series. Your continued guidance, support, and encouragement have given me the confidence to accept death studies as my true calling. I feel at last, as though I have found my kindred spirits!
Roger Hillman (Australian Catholic University), without your impeccably timed interventions, I might never have come across DaCNet to begin with. Your encouragement has been tireless and your feedback invaluable. No matter how much doubt I may have expressed in my abilities, you always met me with complete optimism, and I thank you for that.
Anne Cummins, Professor Bridget Aitchison (Australian Catholic University), Rohan Price, and my army of patient proofreaders. Thank you for painstakingly reading and re-reading my manuscript and for offering personal and professional support throughout this process. Even when I felt things weren’t looking good, you were able to find something to smile about.
Lauren Kane from Precious Creatures, thank you for permission to include images of your various, and always, stunningly beautiful creations and for being so wonderfully open to engaging in this project.
And finally, a heartfelt thank you to Tom Bromwell for reminding me of the importance of setting small goals, so that the larger ones might not seem so insurmountable. Your belief that this would come together in the end helped me to also believe that it would.
- Prelims
- Introduction
- Chapter 1 Humans and Animals Living and Loving since the Birth of the Pet-keeping Era
- Chapter 2 Tattooing as Artwork, Language, and Narrative
- Chapter 3 Memorializing Animals Meaning and Mourning
- Chapter 4 Taxidermy Echoes and Imitations of Life
- Chapter 5 A Union of Forms
- Images
- Chapter 6 In the Skin Memorial Tattoos
- Chapter 7 Animals Online A New Frontier in Animal Studies?
- Conclusion
- References
- Index
- Back Image