ISBN: 978-1-78754-604-2, eISBN: 978-1-78754-603-5
Publication date: 29 November 2019
Killblane, R.E. (2019), "Index", Delivering Victory, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 363-371.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 by Emerald Publishing Limited
Abbeville Agreement, 26
Abrams’ Doctrine, 160
Advanced Section (ADSEC), 42, 87
Advance headquarters (ADSOS), 42
Advise and Assist Brigades (AABs), 278
Afghan National Army (ANA), 223
Afloat preposition stocks, 167–169
Air Defense Artillery, 268
Air Force airlift control elements (ALCE), 157
Air Operations Center (AOC), 157
Airport of embarkation (APOE), 157
Airports of debarkation (APOD), 157, 219, 202, 220
Air Terminal Movement Control Team (ATMCT), 213, 256
Air transportation, 155
Air Transport Command (ATC), 52
Allied Forces Southern Europe (AFSOUTH), 210
Al Qaeda, 220
Altair, 196, 197
Alternate Supply Route (ASR), 257
American Comorant, 196, 197
American Eagle, 162
American military transportation
Great War, 16–28
interwar reforms, 15–16
Spanish–American War, 11–15
American Railway Association, 17
Area Transportation Movement Offices (ATMO)
ATMO I, 165
ATMO II, 165
Armored Division, 214
Army and Aviation Missile Command (AMCOM), 242
Army Appropriations Act, 1916, 17
Army aviation, 167
Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC), 296
Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB), 275
Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN), 283
Army Forces (ARFOR), 194
Army Preposition Stocks (APS), 168, 249
Army Service Command (ASCOM), 44
Army Transport Service (ATS), 15, 27
Army watercraft, 158–159
Arrival airfield control group (AACG), 157
Arrival/Departure Airfield Control Group (A/DACG), 176, 207, 220, 222, 313
Asia Pacific Theater, World War II
China Burma India Theater of Operation, 50–56
Leyte, 44–46
Luzon, 46–48
military transportation before war, 31–36
New Guinea Campaign, 39–44
retrograde, 49
Southwest Pacific Area, 36–38
surrender, 49
Australia Base Section (ABSEC), 47
Automated Manifest System (AMS), 208
Automation, 169–171, 324
“Auto-Zone” concept, 263
Aviation Applied Technology Directorate (AATD), 119
Aviation Corps, 324
Aviation intermediate maintenance (AVIM), 202
Baltimore–Washington International (BWI), 226
Barge Amphibious Resupply Cargo (BARC), 121
Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC), 320
“Block-Operators” training, 113
Brigade combat team (BCT), 224
Brigade Special Troops Battalion (BSTB), 287
Brigade support battalions (BSBs), 225
Camp Able Sentry (CAS), 214
CENTCOM Deployment and Distribution Operations Center (CDDOC), 225–226
CENTCOM Materiel Retrograde Element (CMRE), 243
Central Receiving and Shipping Point (CRSP), 322
Chief of Transportation, 169
Chief regulating officer (CREGO), 43
China Burma India Theater of Operation, 50–56
Chinese Communist Army (CCA), 110
Cigarette Camps, 93
Civic Crusade, 171
Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF), 178, 252
Civil War, 5, 10, 24
Coalition Forces Land Component Command (CFLCC), 250, 254
Cold War, 316
Aerial Tramway, 122–123
armistice, 116
Army watercraft, 120–122
Berlin airlift, 99–101
COMZ, Europe, 101–105
DeLong Pier, 122–123
DEW line, 122
Europe, 155, 316
Korean War, 106–107
Maneuver Campaign, 1950, 107–112
origins, 99
Pentomic Division, 105–106
retrograde, 116–118
stalemate operations, 112–115
TC aviation, 118–120
technological development, 118
Combat sustainment support battalions (CSSBs), 225
Combined Arms Route Clearance Operations (CARCO), 244
Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM), 208, 224, 281, 318
Combined Forces Air Component Command (CFACC), 219
Combined Joint Task Force-180 (CJTF-180), 221
Combined Operations Service Command (COSC), 40
Combined Task Force 48 (CTF-48), 289
Commander’s Emergency Response Program (CERP), 240
Commercial railroad companies, 32
Common User Land Transportation (CULT), 262, 317
Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM), 242
Communication Zone (COMZ), 4, 22, 33, 57
Consequences of Haiti, 296–298
Containers express (CONEX), 8
Contingency Response Group, 219
Corps Support Battalion (CSB), 220
Corps Support Command (COSCOM), 162, 165, 185, 195, 248
headquarters, 202
mission essential tasks, 201
Defense Depot Region East (DDRE), 209
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), 232, 239, 303
Defense Transportation Tracking System (DTTS), 171
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), 116
Department of the Army Movement Management Systems (DAMMS), 170
Department of the Army Movement Management Systems-Redesign (DAMMS-R), 170
Deployment/Redeployment Control Cell (DRCC), 294
Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 177–192, 239
Dingidads, 173
Director General of Transportation (DGT), 21
Distribution Deployment Support Team (DDST), 282
Division Support Command (DISCOM), 161
Doppler Effect, 170
DUKWs, 86
Eagle Express, 213
Eastern Inspection Branch (EIB), 201
Eighth US Army (EUSA), 164
Elaborate Maze, 172
Embarkation Service, 18
Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercises (EDRE), 157
Energy formed projectile (EFP), 268
Engineer Special Brigades (ESBs), 34
European Theater of Operations (ETO), 57–95, 84–93
Expeditionary Railway Center, 238
Explosive Ordnance Demolition (EOD), 9
Express Cargo Service, 44
Field Artillery, 268
Foreign Excess Personal Property (FEPP), 242
Foreign Excess Real Property (FERP), 242
Forward Area Armament and Refuel Points (FAARPs), 176, 202, 261–262
Forward logistical element (FLE), 220
French rail lines, 22
Functional vs. multifunctional logistics, 319–323
General Dynamics Mission System (GDMS), 231
Global Positioning Satellite, 256
Global positioning system (GPS), 171
G-3 Plans, 160
Heavy Equipment Transports (HETs), 159, 210
Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT), 159
High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), 199, 200, 264
Hurricane Maria, 306–309
Hurricane Matthew, 304–306
Improved Navy Lighterage System (INLS), 288
Improvised Explosive Device (IED), 36, 227
Inland Petroleum Distribution System (IPDS), 254
Intermediate Section (INTERSEC), 42
Intermediate staging base (ISB), 200, 218, 300
Internal combustion engine, 6
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), 221, 275
In-transit visibility, 221
Intrinsic Action, 249–251
Iranian Hostage Crisis, 167
Iraqi Railroad (IRR), 261
Iraqi Truck Company (ITC), 274
Iraqi Trucking Network (ITN), 274
Jingle Air, 228
Joint Airlift Control (JALCO), 110
Joint Contracting Command Iraq/Afghanistan (JCCIA), 274
Joint Development System (JDS), 156
Joint High Speed Vessels (JHSVs), 252
Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (JIDO), 269
Joint Logistics Command (JLC), 222
Joint Logistics Over the Shore (JLOTS), 195, 251, 281, 291
Joint Movement Center (JMC), 201, 206, 219, 248
Joint Movement Control Battalion (JMCB), 243
Joint Operating, Planning and Execution System (JOPES), 156, 172, 245, 283
Joint Operations Planning System (JOPS), 156, 160
Joint Task Force, 199, 206
Joint Task Force-Port Opening (JTF-PO), 237
Korean Communication Zone (KCOMZ), 114
Korean War, 124, 166, 316
Kosovo Liberation Army, 214
Kurds, 247
La Comandancia, 175
Landing Craft Mechanized-3 (LCM-3), 41
Landing Craft, Tank (LCT), 67
Landing Craft Utilities (LCUs), 120, 159, 284
Landing craft, vehicle, personnel (LCVP), 41
Landing ship dock (LSD), 41
Landing ship personnel (LSP), 41
Landing Ship, Tank (LST), 41, 67
Laundry-Shower-Vitals, 205
LCU-2000, 159
Leapfrogging, 66, 247, 259
Legacy, 9–10
Leyte, 44–46
Liberty Truck, 24
Light Armored Infantry (LAI), 173
Light Armored Vehicles (LAV), 173
Lighter Air Cushion Vehicle (LACV)-30, 158
Lighter, Amphibious Resupply Cargo (LARC), 7
Lines of communication, 21, 37
Load Handling Systems (LHS), 230
Logistical Support Area (LSA), 290
Logistics Application of Automated Marking and Reading Symbols (LOGMARS), 170
Logistics branches, US army, 9–10
Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), 166, 207, 254, 275
Logistics operation, 3–5, 5
Logistics over the shore (LOTS), 104, 313
Logistic Support Vessels (LSV), 158
Logistic Task Force (LTF), 220
Low Cost, Low Altitude (LCLA), 228
Luzon, 46–48
Luzon Base Section (LUBSEC), 47
Main Supply Route (MSR), 183, 257, 261
Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF), 305
Marine Air Ground Task Force II Deployment Support System II (MDSS II), 207
Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), 194
Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), 195, 218
Maritime Prepositioning Squadrons (MPS)
MPS-1, 168
MPS-2, 168
MPS-3, 168
Maritime Sealift Command, 4, 168, 169
M-1117 Armored Support Vehicle, 273
Materiel handling equipment (MHE), 251
Materiel Redistribution Teams (MRTs), 243
Maximum on the ground (MOG), 289
McKinley, William, 14
Meals-ready-to-eat (MREs), 291
Military Airlift Command (MAC), 155
Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point (MOTSU), 179
Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW)
Kosovo, 214–216
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), 208–209
Military rail, 10
Military Region (MR) I, 165
Military Sealift Command (MSC), 155
Military Standard Requisition and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP), 209
Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP), 209
Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service (MTMTS), 99
Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC), 194, 281
Military transportation
communication, 2–3
Explosive Ordnance Demolition (EOD), 9
legacy vs. function, 9–10
logistics branches, US army, 9–10
technology, 5–8
US Armed Forces, 1
war and logistics operations levels, 3–5
Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP), 273
Mobile Container Assistance Teams (MCATs), 242
Mobile Tracking System (MTS), 236, 256
Monrovian Medical Units (MMU), 299
Monster Garage, 265
Motor Transport Branch, 33
Motor Transport Corps, 25, 27
Motor Transport Service (MTS), 49
Motortruck companies, 24
Mujahidin, 220
Multi-National Corps-Iraq, 265
National Afghan Trucking (NAT) Contract, 243
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB), 196
Naval Overseas Transportation Service (NOTS), 20
Navigation System with Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR), 171
New army, 155–192
New Guinea Base Section (NUBSEC), 47
New Guinea Campaign, 39–44
Nimrod Dancer, 173
North Africa Theater of Operation, 58–66
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 155
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234, 240
Northern Offshore Discharge Exercise (NODEX), 123, 124
North Vietnamese Army, 155
Office of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT), 34
Offshore Discharge of Container Ship Exercise II (OSDOCII), 158
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 177–191
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
Operation Enduring Freedom
CDDOC, 225–226
distribution, 231–233
expansion, 226–231
Expeditionary Railway Center, 238
modularity, 223–225
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
retrograde, 238–242
surge, 234–238
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 217, 312
deployment, 251–257
ground offensive, 257–260
Intrinsic Action, 249–251
modularity, 270–272
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
retrograde, 274–278
surge, 272–274
sustainment matures, 260–269
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Just Cause, 171–177
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Operation Urgent Fury, 160–163
Ordnance Corps, 9, 10
Pakistan Ground Line of Communication (PakGLOC), 226, 233, 244
Palletized Load Handling Systems (PLS), 211, 220, 230, 250
Pearl Harbor, 36
Philippine Base Section (PHIBSEC), 48
Pollux, 196, 197
Portable bar code reader (PBCR), 170
Port of Debarkation (POD), 3
Port of Embarkation (POE), 3
Post-Vietnam Army, 160, 224
Prepositioning of Materiel Configured in Unit Sets (POMCUS), 155
Program Executive Office for Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (PEO-TWV), 199
Provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs), 223
Public Warehousing Company (PWC), 255
Quartermaster Corps, 9, 10, 24, 32, 33, 320
Quartermaster truck regiments, 33
Radio frequency identification (RFID), 208–209, 214
Railway Transportation Corps, 22
Railway Transportation Officer (RTO), 23–24
Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), 155
Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF), 157
Rapid port opening
consequences of Haiti, 296–298
Hurricane Maria, 306–309
Hurricane Matthew, 304–306
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Rapid Port Opening Elements (RPOE), 282, 285, 290, 305, 313
Reception, Staging and Onward movement (RSO), 4, 313
Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSO&I), 4
Red Ball Express, 91
Redeployment, Europe, 93–94
Redistribution Property Accountability Team (RPAT), 240
Reorganization Objective Army Division (ROAD), 106
Republic of Korea Army (ROKA), 117
Republic of Korean (ROK) Army, 107
Retrograde, 49, 93–94
Return of Forces to Germany (REFORGER), 155
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), 181, 205, 254
Rotary-wing aircraft, 119
Rough Terrain Cargo Handler (RTCH), 162, 196
Royal Australian Navy and Air Force, 36
Seaport Operations Company (SOC), 291
Ship Priority and Destination Board (SPDB), 185
Sicily, 66–72
Skunk Werks, 265
Software Development Center-Lee (SDCL), 170
Southern France, 79–84
Southwest Pacific Area, 36–38
Spanish–American War, 4, 11–15
Special Army Observer Group (SPOBS), 57
Special Troops Battalion (STB), 225, 271
Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS), 242
Steam-powered river boats, 6
Strategic Movement Center (SMC), 248
Strategic transportation, 4
Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV), 231
Subsistence Total Ordering and Receipt Electronic System (STORES), 232
Sunnis, 247
Supply over the beach (SOB), 104
Supply Support Activity (SSA), 263
Supply Unit Northeastern Command (SUNEC), 122
Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), 15, 223, 239, 269, 281, 313
Surrender, 49
Sustainment brigades (SBs), 225
Sustainment operations, 5
Table of distribution and allowances (TDA), 164
Tables of organization and equipment (TOE), 164
Tactical Assembly Area (TAA), 211
Taliban, 220, 227, 230
Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM), 242
Task Force Support Command (JTFSC), 195
Technology, 5–8
Temporary truck units, 113
Terminal Supervisory Team (TST), 294
Theater Army Area Command (TAACOM), 210
Theater Army Control Agency (TAMCA), 166
Theater Permanent Equipment (TPE), 226
Theater Support Command (TSC), 247
Theater Support Vessel (TSV)-X1, 252
Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD), 171, 174, 181, 195, 249
Total Army Allocation, 238
Total Army Analysis (TAA), 325
Traffic Control Branch, 33
Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 167, 224, 296
Transportation Battalion, 249
Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 248
Transportation Coordinators Automated Command and Control Information System (TC-ACCIS), 170
Transportation Corps, 9, 10
Transportation Corps Regiment, 169
Transportation Major Port (TMP), 122
Transportation Military Railway Service (TMRS), 108
Transportation Movement Control Agency (TMCA), 165
Transportation movement requests (TMR), 303
Transportation Service, 22, 23, 33, 91
Transportation Terminal Group, Europe (TTGE), 156
Transportation Theater Opening Element (TTOE), 225, 237, 271, 281
Transport Movement Control (TMC), 110
“Trigger pullers,” 14
“Truck Bank.”, 114
United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 210
United Nations Somalia (UNISOM), 194
United States Atlantic Command (USLANTCOM), 200
United States Railway Administration (USRA), 17–18
United Task Force (UNITAF), 194
Unit Movement Officers (UMOs), 207
Unmanned aerial drones, 324
US Armed Forces, 155, 312
US Army Air Corps, 36
US Army Aviation Logistics School (USAALS), 167
US Army Europe (USAREUR), 155, 170
US Army Forces, British Isles (USAFBI), 58
US Army Forces – Far East (USAFFE), 36–37
US Army Services of Supply (USASOS), 37
US Army South (USARSO), 173
US Army Transportation Command Europe (USATCE), 165
US Central Air Force (CENTAF), 248
US Central Command (CENTCOM), 177, 218, 219
US Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), 239
US Forces Command (FORSCOM), 177, 313
US Marine Corps, 41
US Navy to the Army Quartermaster Department, 10
US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), 172, 283
US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 163–164
US Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 163, 178, 285
V Corps, 252, 259, 279
Vietnam, 155, 162, 247, 314
advisor phase, 126–127
convoy security, 145–149
expediting sea cargo, 143–144
Government Operational Experimental Research (GOER), 142–143
JLOTS, 149–150
LAPES, 149–150
lesson, 152–153
onward movement, 133–136
reception, 133–136
retrograde, 151–152
Riverine, 149–150
second increment, 137–142
strategic deployment, 131–133
strategic transportation, 127–131
sustainment, 136–137
third buildup, 144–145
Water Transportation Branch, 33
Wheeled vehicle fleet, 159–160
World Food Program (WFP), 294
World War I, 20, 160, 316
World War II, 8, 160, 312, 324
World Wide Command and Control System (WWMCS), 195
Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS), 171
XVIII Airborne Corps, 174, 175, 179, 190, 287, 295
Camp Able Sentry (CAS), 214
CENTCOM Deployment and Distribution Operations Center (CDDOC), 225–226
CENTCOM Materiel Retrograde Element (CMRE), 243
Central Receiving and Shipping Point (CRSP), 322
Chief of Transportation, 169
Chief regulating officer (CREGO), 43
China Burma India Theater of Operation, 50–56
Chinese Communist Army (CCA), 110
Cigarette Camps, 93
Civic Crusade, 171
Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF), 178, 252
Civil War, 5, 10, 24
Coalition Forces Land Component Command (CFLCC), 250, 254
Cold War, 316
Aerial Tramway, 122–123
armistice, 116
Army watercraft, 120–122
Berlin airlift, 99–101
COMZ, Europe, 101–105
DeLong Pier, 122–123
DEW line, 122
Europe, 155, 316
Korean War, 106–107
Maneuver Campaign, 1950, 107–112
origins, 99
Pentomic Division, 105–106
retrograde, 116–118
stalemate operations, 112–115
TC aviation, 118–120
technological development, 118
Combat sustainment support battalions (CSSBs), 225
Combined Arms Route Clearance Operations (CARCO), 244
Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM), 208, 224, 281, 318
Combined Forces Air Component Command (CFACC), 219
Combined Joint Task Force-180 (CJTF-180), 221
Combined Operations Service Command (COSC), 40
Combined Task Force 48 (CTF-48), 289
Commander’s Emergency Response Program (CERP), 240
Commercial railroad companies, 32
Common User Land Transportation (CULT), 262, 317
Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM), 242
Communication Zone (COMZ), 4, 22, 33, 57
Consequences of Haiti, 296–298
Containers express (CONEX), 8
Contingency Response Group, 219
Corps Support Battalion (CSB), 220
Corps Support Command (COSCOM), 162, 165, 185, 195, 248
headquarters, 202
mission essential tasks, 201
Defense Depot Region East (DDRE), 209
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), 232, 239, 303
Defense Transportation Tracking System (DTTS), 171
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), 116
Department of the Army Movement Management Systems (DAMMS), 170
Department of the Army Movement Management Systems-Redesign (DAMMS-R), 170
Deployment/Redeployment Control Cell (DRCC), 294
Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 177–192, 239
Dingidads, 173
Director General of Transportation (DGT), 21
Distribution Deployment Support Team (DDST), 282
Division Support Command (DISCOM), 161
Doppler Effect, 170
DUKWs, 86
Eagle Express, 213
Eastern Inspection Branch (EIB), 201
Eighth US Army (EUSA), 164
Elaborate Maze, 172
Embarkation Service, 18
Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercises (EDRE), 157
Energy formed projectile (EFP), 268
Engineer Special Brigades (ESBs), 34
European Theater of Operations (ETO), 57–95, 84–93
Expeditionary Railway Center, 238
Explosive Ordnance Demolition (EOD), 9
Express Cargo Service, 44
Field Artillery, 268
Foreign Excess Personal Property (FEPP), 242
Foreign Excess Real Property (FERP), 242
Forward Area Armament and Refuel Points (FAARPs), 176, 202, 261–262
Forward logistical element (FLE), 220
French rail lines, 22
Functional vs. multifunctional logistics, 319–323
General Dynamics Mission System (GDMS), 231
Global Positioning Satellite, 256
Global positioning system (GPS), 171
G-3 Plans, 160
Heavy Equipment Transports (HETs), 159, 210
Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT), 159
High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), 199, 200, 264
Hurricane Maria, 306–309
Hurricane Matthew, 304–306
Improved Navy Lighterage System (INLS), 288
Improvised Explosive Device (IED), 36, 227
Inland Petroleum Distribution System (IPDS), 254
Intermediate Section (INTERSEC), 42
Intermediate staging base (ISB), 200, 218, 300
Internal combustion engine, 6
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), 221, 275
In-transit visibility, 221
Intrinsic Action, 249–251
Iranian Hostage Crisis, 167
Iraqi Railroad (IRR), 261
Iraqi Truck Company (ITC), 274
Iraqi Trucking Network (ITN), 274
Jingle Air, 228
Joint Airlift Control (JALCO), 110
Joint Contracting Command Iraq/Afghanistan (JCCIA), 274
Joint Development System (JDS), 156
Joint High Speed Vessels (JHSVs), 252
Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (JIDO), 269
Joint Logistics Command (JLC), 222
Joint Logistics Over the Shore (JLOTS), 195, 251, 281, 291
Joint Movement Center (JMC), 201, 206, 219, 248
Joint Movement Control Battalion (JMCB), 243
Joint Operating, Planning and Execution System (JOPES), 156, 172, 245, 283
Joint Operations Planning System (JOPS), 156, 160
Joint Task Force, 199, 206
Joint Task Force-Port Opening (JTF-PO), 237
Korean Communication Zone (KCOMZ), 114
Korean War, 124, 166, 316
Kosovo Liberation Army, 214
Kurds, 247
La Comandancia, 175
Landing Craft Mechanized-3 (LCM-3), 41
Landing Craft, Tank (LCT), 67
Landing Craft Utilities (LCUs), 120, 159, 284
Landing craft, vehicle, personnel (LCVP), 41
Landing ship dock (LSD), 41
Landing ship personnel (LSP), 41
Landing Ship, Tank (LST), 41, 67
Laundry-Shower-Vitals, 205
LCU-2000, 159
Leapfrogging, 66, 247, 259
Legacy, 9–10
Leyte, 44–46
Liberty Truck, 24
Light Armored Infantry (LAI), 173
Light Armored Vehicles (LAV), 173
Lighter Air Cushion Vehicle (LACV)-30, 158
Lighter, Amphibious Resupply Cargo (LARC), 7
Lines of communication, 21, 37
Load Handling Systems (LHS), 230
Logistical Support Area (LSA), 290
Logistics Application of Automated Marking and Reading Symbols (LOGMARS), 170
Logistics branches, US army, 9–10
Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), 166, 207, 254, 275
Logistics operation, 3–5, 5
Logistics over the shore (LOTS), 104, 313
Logistic Support Vessels (LSV), 158
Logistic Task Force (LTF), 220
Low Cost, Low Altitude (LCLA), 228
Luzon, 46–48
Luzon Base Section (LUBSEC), 47
Main Supply Route (MSR), 183, 257, 261
Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF), 305
Marine Air Ground Task Force II Deployment Support System II (MDSS II), 207
Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), 194
Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), 195, 218
Maritime Prepositioning Squadrons (MPS)
MPS-1, 168
MPS-2, 168
MPS-3, 168
Maritime Sealift Command, 4, 168, 169
M-1117 Armored Support Vehicle, 273
Materiel handling equipment (MHE), 251
Materiel Redistribution Teams (MRTs), 243
Maximum on the ground (MOG), 289
McKinley, William, 14
Meals-ready-to-eat (MREs), 291
Military Airlift Command (MAC), 155
Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point (MOTSU), 179
Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW)
Kosovo, 214–216
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), 208–209
Military rail, 10
Military Region (MR) I, 165
Military Sealift Command (MSC), 155
Military Standard Requisition and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP), 209
Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP), 209
Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service (MTMTS), 99
Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC), 194, 281
Military transportation
communication, 2–3
Explosive Ordnance Demolition (EOD), 9
legacy vs. function, 9–10
logistics branches, US army, 9–10
technology, 5–8
US Armed Forces, 1
war and logistics operations levels, 3–5
Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP), 273
Mobile Container Assistance Teams (MCATs), 242
Mobile Tracking System (MTS), 236, 256
Monrovian Medical Units (MMU), 299
Monster Garage, 265
Motor Transport Branch, 33
Motor Transport Corps, 25, 27
Motor Transport Service (MTS), 49
Motortruck companies, 24
Mujahidin, 220
Multi-National Corps-Iraq, 265
National Afghan Trucking (NAT) Contract, 243
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB), 196
Naval Overseas Transportation Service (NOTS), 20
Navigation System with Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR), 171
New army, 155–192
New Guinea Base Section (NUBSEC), 47
New Guinea Campaign, 39–44
Nimrod Dancer, 173
North Africa Theater of Operation, 58–66
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 155
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234, 240
Northern Offshore Discharge Exercise (NODEX), 123, 124
North Vietnamese Army, 155
Office of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT), 34
Offshore Discharge of Container Ship Exercise II (OSDOCII), 158
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 177–191
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
Operation Enduring Freedom
CDDOC, 225–226
distribution, 231–233
expansion, 226–231
Expeditionary Railway Center, 238
modularity, 223–225
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
retrograde, 238–242
surge, 234–238
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 217, 312
deployment, 251–257
ground offensive, 257–260
Intrinsic Action, 249–251
modularity, 270–272
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
retrograde, 274–278
surge, 272–274
sustainment matures, 260–269
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Just Cause, 171–177
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Operation Urgent Fury, 160–163
Ordnance Corps, 9, 10
Pakistan Ground Line of Communication (PakGLOC), 226, 233, 244
Palletized Load Handling Systems (PLS), 211, 220, 230, 250
Pearl Harbor, 36
Philippine Base Section (PHIBSEC), 48
Pollux, 196, 197
Portable bar code reader (PBCR), 170
Port of Debarkation (POD), 3
Port of Embarkation (POE), 3
Post-Vietnam Army, 160, 224
Prepositioning of Materiel Configured in Unit Sets (POMCUS), 155
Program Executive Office for Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (PEO-TWV), 199
Provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs), 223
Public Warehousing Company (PWC), 255
Quartermaster Corps, 9, 10, 24, 32, 33, 320
Quartermaster truck regiments, 33
Radio frequency identification (RFID), 208–209, 214
Railway Transportation Corps, 22
Railway Transportation Officer (RTO), 23–24
Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), 155
Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF), 157
Rapid port opening
consequences of Haiti, 296–298
Hurricane Maria, 306–309
Hurricane Matthew, 304–306
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Rapid Port Opening Elements (RPOE), 282, 285, 290, 305, 313
Reception, Staging and Onward movement (RSO), 4, 313
Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSO&I), 4
Red Ball Express, 91
Redeployment, Europe, 93–94
Redistribution Property Accountability Team (RPAT), 240
Reorganization Objective Army Division (ROAD), 106
Republic of Korea Army (ROKA), 117
Republic of Korean (ROK) Army, 107
Retrograde, 49, 93–94
Return of Forces to Germany (REFORGER), 155
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), 181, 205, 254
Rotary-wing aircraft, 119
Rough Terrain Cargo Handler (RTCH), 162, 196
Royal Australian Navy and Air Force, 36
Seaport Operations Company (SOC), 291
Ship Priority and Destination Board (SPDB), 185
Sicily, 66–72
Skunk Werks, 265
Software Development Center-Lee (SDCL), 170
Southern France, 79–84
Southwest Pacific Area, 36–38
Spanish–American War, 4, 11–15
Special Army Observer Group (SPOBS), 57
Special Troops Battalion (STB), 225, 271
Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS), 242
Steam-powered river boats, 6
Strategic Movement Center (SMC), 248
Strategic transportation, 4
Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV), 231
Subsistence Total Ordering and Receipt Electronic System (STORES), 232
Sunnis, 247
Supply over the beach (SOB), 104
Supply Support Activity (SSA), 263
Supply Unit Northeastern Command (SUNEC), 122
Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), 15, 223, 239, 269, 281, 313
Surrender, 49
Sustainment brigades (SBs), 225
Sustainment operations, 5
Table of distribution and allowances (TDA), 164
Tables of organization and equipment (TOE), 164
Tactical Assembly Area (TAA), 211
Taliban, 220, 227, 230
Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM), 242
Task Force Support Command (JTFSC), 195
Technology, 5–8
Temporary truck units, 113
Terminal Supervisory Team (TST), 294
Theater Army Area Command (TAACOM), 210
Theater Army Control Agency (TAMCA), 166
Theater Permanent Equipment (TPE), 226
Theater Support Command (TSC), 247
Theater Support Vessel (TSV)-X1, 252
Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD), 171, 174, 181, 195, 249
Total Army Allocation, 238
Total Army Analysis (TAA), 325
Traffic Control Branch, 33
Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 167, 224, 296
Transportation Battalion, 249
Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 248
Transportation Coordinators Automated Command and Control Information System (TC-ACCIS), 170
Transportation Corps, 9, 10
Transportation Corps Regiment, 169
Transportation Major Port (TMP), 122
Transportation Military Railway Service (TMRS), 108
Transportation Movement Control Agency (TMCA), 165
Transportation movement requests (TMR), 303
Transportation Service, 22, 23, 33, 91
Transportation Terminal Group, Europe (TTGE), 156
Transportation Theater Opening Element (TTOE), 225, 237, 271, 281
Transport Movement Control (TMC), 110
“Trigger pullers,” 14
“Truck Bank.”, 114
United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 210
United Nations Somalia (UNISOM), 194
United States Atlantic Command (USLANTCOM), 200
United States Railway Administration (USRA), 17–18
United Task Force (UNITAF), 194
Unit Movement Officers (UMOs), 207
Unmanned aerial drones, 324
US Armed Forces, 155, 312
US Army Air Corps, 36
US Army Aviation Logistics School (USAALS), 167
US Army Europe (USAREUR), 155, 170
US Army Forces, British Isles (USAFBI), 58
US Army Forces – Far East (USAFFE), 36–37
US Army Services of Supply (USASOS), 37
US Army South (USARSO), 173
US Army Transportation Command Europe (USATCE), 165
US Central Air Force (CENTAF), 248
US Central Command (CENTCOM), 177, 218, 219
US Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), 239
US Forces Command (FORSCOM), 177, 313
US Marine Corps, 41
US Navy to the Army Quartermaster Department, 10
US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), 172, 283
US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 163–164
US Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 163, 178, 285
V Corps, 252, 259, 279
Vietnam, 155, 162, 247, 314
advisor phase, 126–127
convoy security, 145–149
expediting sea cargo, 143–144
Government Operational Experimental Research (GOER), 142–143
JLOTS, 149–150
LAPES, 149–150
lesson, 152–153
onward movement, 133–136
reception, 133–136
retrograde, 151–152
Riverine, 149–150
second increment, 137–142
strategic deployment, 131–133
strategic transportation, 127–131
sustainment, 136–137
third buildup, 144–145
Water Transportation Branch, 33
Wheeled vehicle fleet, 159–160
World Food Program (WFP), 294
World War I, 20, 160, 316
World War II, 8, 160, 312, 324
World Wide Command and Control System (WWMCS), 195
Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS), 171
XVIII Airborne Corps, 174, 175, 179, 190, 287, 295
Eagle Express, 213
Eastern Inspection Branch (EIB), 201
Eighth US Army (EUSA), 164
Elaborate Maze, 172
Embarkation Service, 18
Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercises (EDRE), 157
Energy formed projectile (EFP), 268
Engineer Special Brigades (ESBs), 34
European Theater of Operations (ETO), 57–95, 84–93
Expeditionary Railway Center, 238
Explosive Ordnance Demolition (EOD), 9
Express Cargo Service, 44
Field Artillery, 268
Foreign Excess Personal Property (FEPP), 242
Foreign Excess Real Property (FERP), 242
Forward Area Armament and Refuel Points (FAARPs), 176, 202, 261–262
Forward logistical element (FLE), 220
French rail lines, 22
Functional vs. multifunctional logistics, 319–323
General Dynamics Mission System (GDMS), 231
Global Positioning Satellite, 256
Global positioning system (GPS), 171
G-3 Plans, 160
Heavy Equipment Transports (HETs), 159, 210
Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT), 159
High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), 199, 200, 264
Hurricane Maria, 306–309
Hurricane Matthew, 304–306
Improved Navy Lighterage System (INLS), 288
Improvised Explosive Device (IED), 36, 227
Inland Petroleum Distribution System (IPDS), 254
Intermediate Section (INTERSEC), 42
Intermediate staging base (ISB), 200, 218, 300
Internal combustion engine, 6
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), 221, 275
In-transit visibility, 221
Intrinsic Action, 249–251
Iranian Hostage Crisis, 167
Iraqi Railroad (IRR), 261
Iraqi Truck Company (ITC), 274
Iraqi Trucking Network (ITN), 274
Jingle Air, 228
Joint Airlift Control (JALCO), 110
Joint Contracting Command Iraq/Afghanistan (JCCIA), 274
Joint Development System (JDS), 156
Joint High Speed Vessels (JHSVs), 252
Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (JIDO), 269
Joint Logistics Command (JLC), 222
Joint Logistics Over the Shore (JLOTS), 195, 251, 281, 291
Joint Movement Center (JMC), 201, 206, 219, 248
Joint Movement Control Battalion (JMCB), 243
Joint Operating, Planning and Execution System (JOPES), 156, 172, 245, 283
Joint Operations Planning System (JOPS), 156, 160
Joint Task Force, 199, 206
Joint Task Force-Port Opening (JTF-PO), 237
Korean Communication Zone (KCOMZ), 114
Korean War, 124, 166, 316
Kosovo Liberation Army, 214
Kurds, 247
La Comandancia, 175
Landing Craft Mechanized-3 (LCM-3), 41
Landing Craft, Tank (LCT), 67
Landing Craft Utilities (LCUs), 120, 159, 284
Landing craft, vehicle, personnel (LCVP), 41
Landing ship dock (LSD), 41
Landing ship personnel (LSP), 41
Landing Ship, Tank (LST), 41, 67
Laundry-Shower-Vitals, 205
LCU-2000, 159
Leapfrogging, 66, 247, 259
Legacy, 9–10
Leyte, 44–46
Liberty Truck, 24
Light Armored Infantry (LAI), 173
Light Armored Vehicles (LAV), 173
Lighter Air Cushion Vehicle (LACV)-30, 158
Lighter, Amphibious Resupply Cargo (LARC), 7
Lines of communication, 21, 37
Load Handling Systems (LHS), 230
Logistical Support Area (LSA), 290
Logistics Application of Automated Marking and Reading Symbols (LOGMARS), 170
Logistics branches, US army, 9–10
Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), 166, 207, 254, 275
Logistics operation, 3–5, 5
Logistics over the shore (LOTS), 104, 313
Logistic Support Vessels (LSV), 158
Logistic Task Force (LTF), 220
Low Cost, Low Altitude (LCLA), 228
Luzon, 46–48
Luzon Base Section (LUBSEC), 47
Main Supply Route (MSR), 183, 257, 261
Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF), 305
Marine Air Ground Task Force II Deployment Support System II (MDSS II), 207
Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), 194
Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), 195, 218
Maritime Prepositioning Squadrons (MPS)
MPS-1, 168
MPS-2, 168
MPS-3, 168
Maritime Sealift Command, 4, 168, 169
M-1117 Armored Support Vehicle, 273
Materiel handling equipment (MHE), 251
Materiel Redistribution Teams (MRTs), 243
Maximum on the ground (MOG), 289
McKinley, William, 14
Meals-ready-to-eat (MREs), 291
Military Airlift Command (MAC), 155
Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point (MOTSU), 179
Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW)
Kosovo, 214–216
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), 208–209
Military rail, 10
Military Region (MR) I, 165
Military Sealift Command (MSC), 155
Military Standard Requisition and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP), 209
Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP), 209
Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service (MTMTS), 99
Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC), 194, 281
Military transportation
communication, 2–3
Explosive Ordnance Demolition (EOD), 9
legacy vs. function, 9–10
logistics branches, US army, 9–10
technology, 5–8
US Armed Forces, 1
war and logistics operations levels, 3–5
Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP), 273
Mobile Container Assistance Teams (MCATs), 242
Mobile Tracking System (MTS), 236, 256
Monrovian Medical Units (MMU), 299
Monster Garage, 265
Motor Transport Branch, 33
Motor Transport Corps, 25, 27
Motor Transport Service (MTS), 49
Motortruck companies, 24
Mujahidin, 220
Multi-National Corps-Iraq, 265
National Afghan Trucking (NAT) Contract, 243
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB), 196
Naval Overseas Transportation Service (NOTS), 20
Navigation System with Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR), 171
New army, 155–192
New Guinea Base Section (NUBSEC), 47
New Guinea Campaign, 39–44
Nimrod Dancer, 173
North Africa Theater of Operation, 58–66
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 155
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234, 240
Northern Offshore Discharge Exercise (NODEX), 123, 124
North Vietnamese Army, 155
Office of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT), 34
Offshore Discharge of Container Ship Exercise II (OSDOCII), 158
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 177–191
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
Operation Enduring Freedom
CDDOC, 225–226
distribution, 231–233
expansion, 226–231
Expeditionary Railway Center, 238
modularity, 223–225
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
retrograde, 238–242
surge, 234–238
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 217, 312
deployment, 251–257
ground offensive, 257–260
Intrinsic Action, 249–251
modularity, 270–272
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
retrograde, 274–278
surge, 272–274
sustainment matures, 260–269
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Just Cause, 171–177
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Operation Urgent Fury, 160–163
Ordnance Corps, 9, 10
Pakistan Ground Line of Communication (PakGLOC), 226, 233, 244
Palletized Load Handling Systems (PLS), 211, 220, 230, 250
Pearl Harbor, 36
Philippine Base Section (PHIBSEC), 48
Pollux, 196, 197
Portable bar code reader (PBCR), 170
Port of Debarkation (POD), 3
Port of Embarkation (POE), 3
Post-Vietnam Army, 160, 224
Prepositioning of Materiel Configured in Unit Sets (POMCUS), 155
Program Executive Office for Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (PEO-TWV), 199
Provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs), 223
Public Warehousing Company (PWC), 255
Quartermaster Corps, 9, 10, 24, 32, 33, 320
Quartermaster truck regiments, 33
Radio frequency identification (RFID), 208–209, 214
Railway Transportation Corps, 22
Railway Transportation Officer (RTO), 23–24
Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), 155
Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF), 157
Rapid port opening
consequences of Haiti, 296–298
Hurricane Maria, 306–309
Hurricane Matthew, 304–306
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Rapid Port Opening Elements (RPOE), 282, 285, 290, 305, 313
Reception, Staging and Onward movement (RSO), 4, 313
Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSO&I), 4
Red Ball Express, 91
Redeployment, Europe, 93–94
Redistribution Property Accountability Team (RPAT), 240
Reorganization Objective Army Division (ROAD), 106
Republic of Korea Army (ROKA), 117
Republic of Korean (ROK) Army, 107
Retrograde, 49, 93–94
Return of Forces to Germany (REFORGER), 155
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), 181, 205, 254
Rotary-wing aircraft, 119
Rough Terrain Cargo Handler (RTCH), 162, 196
Royal Australian Navy and Air Force, 36
Seaport Operations Company (SOC), 291
Ship Priority and Destination Board (SPDB), 185
Sicily, 66–72
Skunk Werks, 265
Software Development Center-Lee (SDCL), 170
Southern France, 79–84
Southwest Pacific Area, 36–38
Spanish–American War, 4, 11–15
Special Army Observer Group (SPOBS), 57
Special Troops Battalion (STB), 225, 271
Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS), 242
Steam-powered river boats, 6
Strategic Movement Center (SMC), 248
Strategic transportation, 4
Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV), 231
Subsistence Total Ordering and Receipt Electronic System (STORES), 232
Sunnis, 247
Supply over the beach (SOB), 104
Supply Support Activity (SSA), 263
Supply Unit Northeastern Command (SUNEC), 122
Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), 15, 223, 239, 269, 281, 313
Surrender, 49
Sustainment brigades (SBs), 225
Sustainment operations, 5
Table of distribution and allowances (TDA), 164
Tables of organization and equipment (TOE), 164
Tactical Assembly Area (TAA), 211
Taliban, 220, 227, 230
Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM), 242
Task Force Support Command (JTFSC), 195
Technology, 5–8
Temporary truck units, 113
Terminal Supervisory Team (TST), 294
Theater Army Area Command (TAACOM), 210
Theater Army Control Agency (TAMCA), 166
Theater Permanent Equipment (TPE), 226
Theater Support Command (TSC), 247
Theater Support Vessel (TSV)-X1, 252
Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD), 171, 174, 181, 195, 249
Total Army Allocation, 238
Total Army Analysis (TAA), 325
Traffic Control Branch, 33
Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 167, 224, 296
Transportation Battalion, 249
Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 248
Transportation Coordinators Automated Command and Control Information System (TC-ACCIS), 170
Transportation Corps, 9, 10
Transportation Corps Regiment, 169
Transportation Major Port (TMP), 122
Transportation Military Railway Service (TMRS), 108
Transportation Movement Control Agency (TMCA), 165
Transportation movement requests (TMR), 303
Transportation Service, 22, 23, 33, 91
Transportation Terminal Group, Europe (TTGE), 156
Transportation Theater Opening Element (TTOE), 225, 237, 271, 281
Transport Movement Control (TMC), 110
“Trigger pullers,” 14
“Truck Bank.”, 114
United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 210
United Nations Somalia (UNISOM), 194
United States Atlantic Command (USLANTCOM), 200
United States Railway Administration (USRA), 17–18
United Task Force (UNITAF), 194
Unit Movement Officers (UMOs), 207
Unmanned aerial drones, 324
US Armed Forces, 155, 312
US Army Air Corps, 36
US Army Aviation Logistics School (USAALS), 167
US Army Europe (USAREUR), 155, 170
US Army Forces, British Isles (USAFBI), 58
US Army Forces – Far East (USAFFE), 36–37
US Army Services of Supply (USASOS), 37
US Army South (USARSO), 173
US Army Transportation Command Europe (USATCE), 165
US Central Air Force (CENTAF), 248
US Central Command (CENTCOM), 177, 218, 219
US Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), 239
US Forces Command (FORSCOM), 177, 313
US Marine Corps, 41
US Navy to the Army Quartermaster Department, 10
US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), 172, 283
US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 163–164
US Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 163, 178, 285
V Corps, 252, 259, 279
Vietnam, 155, 162, 247, 314
advisor phase, 126–127
convoy security, 145–149
expediting sea cargo, 143–144
Government Operational Experimental Research (GOER), 142–143
JLOTS, 149–150
LAPES, 149–150
lesson, 152–153
onward movement, 133–136
reception, 133–136
retrograde, 151–152
Riverine, 149–150
second increment, 137–142
strategic deployment, 131–133
strategic transportation, 127–131
sustainment, 136–137
third buildup, 144–145
Water Transportation Branch, 33
Wheeled vehicle fleet, 159–160
World Food Program (WFP), 294
World War I, 20, 160, 316
World War II, 8, 160, 312, 324
World Wide Command and Control System (WWMCS), 195
Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS), 171
XVIII Airborne Corps, 174, 175, 179, 190, 287, 295
General Dynamics Mission System (GDMS), 231
Global Positioning Satellite, 256
Global positioning system (GPS), 171
G-3 Plans, 160
Heavy Equipment Transports (HETs), 159, 210
Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT), 159
High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), 199, 200, 264
Hurricane Maria, 306–309
Hurricane Matthew, 304–306
Improved Navy Lighterage System (INLS), 288
Improvised Explosive Device (IED), 36, 227
Inland Petroleum Distribution System (IPDS), 254
Intermediate Section (INTERSEC), 42
Intermediate staging base (ISB), 200, 218, 300
Internal combustion engine, 6
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), 221, 275
In-transit visibility, 221
Intrinsic Action, 249–251
Iranian Hostage Crisis, 167
Iraqi Railroad (IRR), 261
Iraqi Truck Company (ITC), 274
Iraqi Trucking Network (ITN), 274
Jingle Air, 228
Joint Airlift Control (JALCO), 110
Joint Contracting Command Iraq/Afghanistan (JCCIA), 274
Joint Development System (JDS), 156
Joint High Speed Vessels (JHSVs), 252
Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (JIDO), 269
Joint Logistics Command (JLC), 222
Joint Logistics Over the Shore (JLOTS), 195, 251, 281, 291
Joint Movement Center (JMC), 201, 206, 219, 248
Joint Movement Control Battalion (JMCB), 243
Joint Operating, Planning and Execution System (JOPES), 156, 172, 245, 283
Joint Operations Planning System (JOPS), 156, 160
Joint Task Force, 199, 206
Joint Task Force-Port Opening (JTF-PO), 237
Korean Communication Zone (KCOMZ), 114
Korean War, 124, 166, 316
Kosovo Liberation Army, 214
Kurds, 247
La Comandancia, 175
Landing Craft Mechanized-3 (LCM-3), 41
Landing Craft, Tank (LCT), 67
Landing Craft Utilities (LCUs), 120, 159, 284
Landing craft, vehicle, personnel (LCVP), 41
Landing ship dock (LSD), 41
Landing ship personnel (LSP), 41
Landing Ship, Tank (LST), 41, 67
Laundry-Shower-Vitals, 205
LCU-2000, 159
Leapfrogging, 66, 247, 259
Legacy, 9–10
Leyte, 44–46
Liberty Truck, 24
Light Armored Infantry (LAI), 173
Light Armored Vehicles (LAV), 173
Lighter Air Cushion Vehicle (LACV)-30, 158
Lighter, Amphibious Resupply Cargo (LARC), 7
Lines of communication, 21, 37
Load Handling Systems (LHS), 230
Logistical Support Area (LSA), 290
Logistics Application of Automated Marking and Reading Symbols (LOGMARS), 170
Logistics branches, US army, 9–10
Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), 166, 207, 254, 275
Logistics operation, 3–5, 5
Logistics over the shore (LOTS), 104, 313
Logistic Support Vessels (LSV), 158
Logistic Task Force (LTF), 220
Low Cost, Low Altitude (LCLA), 228
Luzon, 46–48
Luzon Base Section (LUBSEC), 47
Main Supply Route (MSR), 183, 257, 261
Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF), 305
Marine Air Ground Task Force II Deployment Support System II (MDSS II), 207
Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), 194
Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), 195, 218
Maritime Prepositioning Squadrons (MPS)
MPS-1, 168
MPS-2, 168
MPS-3, 168
Maritime Sealift Command, 4, 168, 169
M-1117 Armored Support Vehicle, 273
Materiel handling equipment (MHE), 251
Materiel Redistribution Teams (MRTs), 243
Maximum on the ground (MOG), 289
McKinley, William, 14
Meals-ready-to-eat (MREs), 291
Military Airlift Command (MAC), 155
Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point (MOTSU), 179
Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW)
Kosovo, 214–216
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), 208–209
Military rail, 10
Military Region (MR) I, 165
Military Sealift Command (MSC), 155
Military Standard Requisition and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP), 209
Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP), 209
Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service (MTMTS), 99
Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC), 194, 281
Military transportation
communication, 2–3
Explosive Ordnance Demolition (EOD), 9
legacy vs. function, 9–10
logistics branches, US army, 9–10
technology, 5–8
US Armed Forces, 1
war and logistics operations levels, 3–5
Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP), 273
Mobile Container Assistance Teams (MCATs), 242
Mobile Tracking System (MTS), 236, 256
Monrovian Medical Units (MMU), 299
Monster Garage, 265
Motor Transport Branch, 33
Motor Transport Corps, 25, 27
Motor Transport Service (MTS), 49
Motortruck companies, 24
Mujahidin, 220
Multi-National Corps-Iraq, 265
National Afghan Trucking (NAT) Contract, 243
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB), 196
Naval Overseas Transportation Service (NOTS), 20
Navigation System with Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR), 171
New army, 155–192
New Guinea Base Section (NUBSEC), 47
New Guinea Campaign, 39–44
Nimrod Dancer, 173
North Africa Theater of Operation, 58–66
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 155
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234, 240
Northern Offshore Discharge Exercise (NODEX), 123, 124
North Vietnamese Army, 155
Office of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT), 34
Offshore Discharge of Container Ship Exercise II (OSDOCII), 158
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 177–191
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
Operation Enduring Freedom
CDDOC, 225–226
distribution, 231–233
expansion, 226–231
Expeditionary Railway Center, 238
modularity, 223–225
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
retrograde, 238–242
surge, 234–238
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 217, 312
deployment, 251–257
ground offensive, 257–260
Intrinsic Action, 249–251
modularity, 270–272
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
retrograde, 274–278
surge, 272–274
sustainment matures, 260–269
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Just Cause, 171–177
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Operation Urgent Fury, 160–163
Ordnance Corps, 9, 10
Pakistan Ground Line of Communication (PakGLOC), 226, 233, 244
Palletized Load Handling Systems (PLS), 211, 220, 230, 250
Pearl Harbor, 36
Philippine Base Section (PHIBSEC), 48
Pollux, 196, 197
Portable bar code reader (PBCR), 170
Port of Debarkation (POD), 3
Port of Embarkation (POE), 3
Post-Vietnam Army, 160, 224
Prepositioning of Materiel Configured in Unit Sets (POMCUS), 155
Program Executive Office for Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (PEO-TWV), 199
Provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs), 223
Public Warehousing Company (PWC), 255
Quartermaster Corps, 9, 10, 24, 32, 33, 320
Quartermaster truck regiments, 33
Radio frequency identification (RFID), 208–209, 214
Railway Transportation Corps, 22
Railway Transportation Officer (RTO), 23–24
Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), 155
Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF), 157
Rapid port opening
consequences of Haiti, 296–298
Hurricane Maria, 306–309
Hurricane Matthew, 304–306
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Rapid Port Opening Elements (RPOE), 282, 285, 290, 305, 313
Reception, Staging and Onward movement (RSO), 4, 313
Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSO&I), 4
Red Ball Express, 91
Redeployment, Europe, 93–94
Redistribution Property Accountability Team (RPAT), 240
Reorganization Objective Army Division (ROAD), 106
Republic of Korea Army (ROKA), 117
Republic of Korean (ROK) Army, 107
Retrograde, 49, 93–94
Return of Forces to Germany (REFORGER), 155
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), 181, 205, 254
Rotary-wing aircraft, 119
Rough Terrain Cargo Handler (RTCH), 162, 196
Royal Australian Navy and Air Force, 36
Seaport Operations Company (SOC), 291
Ship Priority and Destination Board (SPDB), 185
Sicily, 66–72
Skunk Werks, 265
Software Development Center-Lee (SDCL), 170
Southern France, 79–84
Southwest Pacific Area, 36–38
Spanish–American War, 4, 11–15
Special Army Observer Group (SPOBS), 57
Special Troops Battalion (STB), 225, 271
Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS), 242
Steam-powered river boats, 6
Strategic Movement Center (SMC), 248
Strategic transportation, 4
Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV), 231
Subsistence Total Ordering and Receipt Electronic System (STORES), 232
Sunnis, 247
Supply over the beach (SOB), 104
Supply Support Activity (SSA), 263
Supply Unit Northeastern Command (SUNEC), 122
Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), 15, 223, 239, 269, 281, 313
Surrender, 49
Sustainment brigades (SBs), 225
Sustainment operations, 5
Table of distribution and allowances (TDA), 164
Tables of organization and equipment (TOE), 164
Tactical Assembly Area (TAA), 211
Taliban, 220, 227, 230
Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM), 242
Task Force Support Command (JTFSC), 195
Technology, 5–8
Temporary truck units, 113
Terminal Supervisory Team (TST), 294
Theater Army Area Command (TAACOM), 210
Theater Army Control Agency (TAMCA), 166
Theater Permanent Equipment (TPE), 226
Theater Support Command (TSC), 247
Theater Support Vessel (TSV)-X1, 252
Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD), 171, 174, 181, 195, 249
Total Army Allocation, 238
Total Army Analysis (TAA), 325
Traffic Control Branch, 33
Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 167, 224, 296
Transportation Battalion, 249
Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 248
Transportation Coordinators Automated Command and Control Information System (TC-ACCIS), 170
Transportation Corps, 9, 10
Transportation Corps Regiment, 169
Transportation Major Port (TMP), 122
Transportation Military Railway Service (TMRS), 108
Transportation Movement Control Agency (TMCA), 165
Transportation movement requests (TMR), 303
Transportation Service, 22, 23, 33, 91
Transportation Terminal Group, Europe (TTGE), 156
Transportation Theater Opening Element (TTOE), 225, 237, 271, 281
Transport Movement Control (TMC), 110
“Trigger pullers,” 14
“Truck Bank.”, 114
United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 210
United Nations Somalia (UNISOM), 194
United States Atlantic Command (USLANTCOM), 200
United States Railway Administration (USRA), 17–18
United Task Force (UNITAF), 194
Unit Movement Officers (UMOs), 207
Unmanned aerial drones, 324
US Armed Forces, 155, 312
US Army Air Corps, 36
US Army Aviation Logistics School (USAALS), 167
US Army Europe (USAREUR), 155, 170
US Army Forces, British Isles (USAFBI), 58
US Army Forces – Far East (USAFFE), 36–37
US Army Services of Supply (USASOS), 37
US Army South (USARSO), 173
US Army Transportation Command Europe (USATCE), 165
US Central Air Force (CENTAF), 248
US Central Command (CENTCOM), 177, 218, 219
US Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), 239
US Forces Command (FORSCOM), 177, 313
US Marine Corps, 41
US Navy to the Army Quartermaster Department, 10
US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), 172, 283
US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 163–164
US Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 163, 178, 285
V Corps, 252, 259, 279
Vietnam, 155, 162, 247, 314
advisor phase, 126–127
convoy security, 145–149
expediting sea cargo, 143–144
Government Operational Experimental Research (GOER), 142–143
JLOTS, 149–150
LAPES, 149–150
lesson, 152–153
onward movement, 133–136
reception, 133–136
retrograde, 151–152
Riverine, 149–150
second increment, 137–142
strategic deployment, 131–133
strategic transportation, 127–131
sustainment, 136–137
third buildup, 144–145
Water Transportation Branch, 33
Wheeled vehicle fleet, 159–160
World Food Program (WFP), 294
World War I, 20, 160, 316
World War II, 8, 160, 312, 324
World Wide Command and Control System (WWMCS), 195
Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS), 171
XVIII Airborne Corps, 174, 175, 179, 190, 287, 295
Improved Navy Lighterage System (INLS), 288
Improvised Explosive Device (IED), 36, 227
Inland Petroleum Distribution System (IPDS), 254
Intermediate Section (INTERSEC), 42
Intermediate staging base (ISB), 200, 218, 300
Internal combustion engine, 6
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), 221, 275
In-transit visibility, 221
Intrinsic Action, 249–251
Iranian Hostage Crisis, 167
Iraqi Railroad (IRR), 261
Iraqi Truck Company (ITC), 274
Iraqi Trucking Network (ITN), 274
Jingle Air, 228
Joint Airlift Control (JALCO), 110
Joint Contracting Command Iraq/Afghanistan (JCCIA), 274
Joint Development System (JDS), 156
Joint High Speed Vessels (JHSVs), 252
Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (JIDO), 269
Joint Logistics Command (JLC), 222
Joint Logistics Over the Shore (JLOTS), 195, 251, 281, 291
Joint Movement Center (JMC), 201, 206, 219, 248
Joint Movement Control Battalion (JMCB), 243
Joint Operating, Planning and Execution System (JOPES), 156, 172, 245, 283
Joint Operations Planning System (JOPS), 156, 160
Joint Task Force, 199, 206
Joint Task Force-Port Opening (JTF-PO), 237
Korean Communication Zone (KCOMZ), 114
Korean War, 124, 166, 316
Kosovo Liberation Army, 214
Kurds, 247
La Comandancia, 175
Landing Craft Mechanized-3 (LCM-3), 41
Landing Craft, Tank (LCT), 67
Landing Craft Utilities (LCUs), 120, 159, 284
Landing craft, vehicle, personnel (LCVP), 41
Landing ship dock (LSD), 41
Landing ship personnel (LSP), 41
Landing Ship, Tank (LST), 41, 67
Laundry-Shower-Vitals, 205
LCU-2000, 159
Leapfrogging, 66, 247, 259
Legacy, 9–10
Leyte, 44–46
Liberty Truck, 24
Light Armored Infantry (LAI), 173
Light Armored Vehicles (LAV), 173
Lighter Air Cushion Vehicle (LACV)-30, 158
Lighter, Amphibious Resupply Cargo (LARC), 7
Lines of communication, 21, 37
Load Handling Systems (LHS), 230
Logistical Support Area (LSA), 290
Logistics Application of Automated Marking and Reading Symbols (LOGMARS), 170
Logistics branches, US army, 9–10
Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), 166, 207, 254, 275
Logistics operation, 3–5, 5
Logistics over the shore (LOTS), 104, 313
Logistic Support Vessels (LSV), 158
Logistic Task Force (LTF), 220
Low Cost, Low Altitude (LCLA), 228
Luzon, 46–48
Luzon Base Section (LUBSEC), 47
Main Supply Route (MSR), 183, 257, 261
Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF), 305
Marine Air Ground Task Force II Deployment Support System II (MDSS II), 207
Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), 194
Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), 195, 218
Maritime Prepositioning Squadrons (MPS)
MPS-1, 168
MPS-2, 168
MPS-3, 168
Maritime Sealift Command, 4, 168, 169
M-1117 Armored Support Vehicle, 273
Materiel handling equipment (MHE), 251
Materiel Redistribution Teams (MRTs), 243
Maximum on the ground (MOG), 289
McKinley, William, 14
Meals-ready-to-eat (MREs), 291
Military Airlift Command (MAC), 155
Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point (MOTSU), 179
Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW)
Kosovo, 214–216
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), 208–209
Military rail, 10
Military Region (MR) I, 165
Military Sealift Command (MSC), 155
Military Standard Requisition and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP), 209
Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP), 209
Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service (MTMTS), 99
Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC), 194, 281
Military transportation
communication, 2–3
Explosive Ordnance Demolition (EOD), 9
legacy vs. function, 9–10
logistics branches, US army, 9–10
technology, 5–8
US Armed Forces, 1
war and logistics operations levels, 3–5
Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP), 273
Mobile Container Assistance Teams (MCATs), 242
Mobile Tracking System (MTS), 236, 256
Monrovian Medical Units (MMU), 299
Monster Garage, 265
Motor Transport Branch, 33
Motor Transport Corps, 25, 27
Motor Transport Service (MTS), 49
Motortruck companies, 24
Mujahidin, 220
Multi-National Corps-Iraq, 265
National Afghan Trucking (NAT) Contract, 243
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB), 196
Naval Overseas Transportation Service (NOTS), 20
Navigation System with Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR), 171
New army, 155–192
New Guinea Base Section (NUBSEC), 47
New Guinea Campaign, 39–44
Nimrod Dancer, 173
North Africa Theater of Operation, 58–66
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 155
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234, 240
Northern Offshore Discharge Exercise (NODEX), 123, 124
North Vietnamese Army, 155
Office of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT), 34
Offshore Discharge of Container Ship Exercise II (OSDOCII), 158
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 177–191
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
Operation Enduring Freedom
CDDOC, 225–226
distribution, 231–233
expansion, 226–231
Expeditionary Railway Center, 238
modularity, 223–225
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
retrograde, 238–242
surge, 234–238
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 217, 312
deployment, 251–257
ground offensive, 257–260
Intrinsic Action, 249–251
modularity, 270–272
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
retrograde, 274–278
surge, 272–274
sustainment matures, 260–269
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Just Cause, 171–177
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Operation Urgent Fury, 160–163
Ordnance Corps, 9, 10
Pakistan Ground Line of Communication (PakGLOC), 226, 233, 244
Palletized Load Handling Systems (PLS), 211, 220, 230, 250
Pearl Harbor, 36
Philippine Base Section (PHIBSEC), 48
Pollux, 196, 197
Portable bar code reader (PBCR), 170
Port of Debarkation (POD), 3
Port of Embarkation (POE), 3
Post-Vietnam Army, 160, 224
Prepositioning of Materiel Configured in Unit Sets (POMCUS), 155
Program Executive Office for Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (PEO-TWV), 199
Provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs), 223
Public Warehousing Company (PWC), 255
Quartermaster Corps, 9, 10, 24, 32, 33, 320
Quartermaster truck regiments, 33
Radio frequency identification (RFID), 208–209, 214
Railway Transportation Corps, 22
Railway Transportation Officer (RTO), 23–24
Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), 155
Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF), 157
Rapid port opening
consequences of Haiti, 296–298
Hurricane Maria, 306–309
Hurricane Matthew, 304–306
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Rapid Port Opening Elements (RPOE), 282, 285, 290, 305, 313
Reception, Staging and Onward movement (RSO), 4, 313
Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSO&I), 4
Red Ball Express, 91
Redeployment, Europe, 93–94
Redistribution Property Accountability Team (RPAT), 240
Reorganization Objective Army Division (ROAD), 106
Republic of Korea Army (ROKA), 117
Republic of Korean (ROK) Army, 107
Retrograde, 49, 93–94
Return of Forces to Germany (REFORGER), 155
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), 181, 205, 254
Rotary-wing aircraft, 119
Rough Terrain Cargo Handler (RTCH), 162, 196
Royal Australian Navy and Air Force, 36
Seaport Operations Company (SOC), 291
Ship Priority and Destination Board (SPDB), 185
Sicily, 66–72
Skunk Werks, 265
Software Development Center-Lee (SDCL), 170
Southern France, 79–84
Southwest Pacific Area, 36–38
Spanish–American War, 4, 11–15
Special Army Observer Group (SPOBS), 57
Special Troops Battalion (STB), 225, 271
Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS), 242
Steam-powered river boats, 6
Strategic Movement Center (SMC), 248
Strategic transportation, 4
Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV), 231
Subsistence Total Ordering and Receipt Electronic System (STORES), 232
Sunnis, 247
Supply over the beach (SOB), 104
Supply Support Activity (SSA), 263
Supply Unit Northeastern Command (SUNEC), 122
Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), 15, 223, 239, 269, 281, 313
Surrender, 49
Sustainment brigades (SBs), 225
Sustainment operations, 5
Table of distribution and allowances (TDA), 164
Tables of organization and equipment (TOE), 164
Tactical Assembly Area (TAA), 211
Taliban, 220, 227, 230
Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM), 242
Task Force Support Command (JTFSC), 195
Technology, 5–8
Temporary truck units, 113
Terminal Supervisory Team (TST), 294
Theater Army Area Command (TAACOM), 210
Theater Army Control Agency (TAMCA), 166
Theater Permanent Equipment (TPE), 226
Theater Support Command (TSC), 247
Theater Support Vessel (TSV)-X1, 252
Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD), 171, 174, 181, 195, 249
Total Army Allocation, 238
Total Army Analysis (TAA), 325
Traffic Control Branch, 33
Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 167, 224, 296
Transportation Battalion, 249
Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 248
Transportation Coordinators Automated Command and Control Information System (TC-ACCIS), 170
Transportation Corps, 9, 10
Transportation Corps Regiment, 169
Transportation Major Port (TMP), 122
Transportation Military Railway Service (TMRS), 108
Transportation Movement Control Agency (TMCA), 165
Transportation movement requests (TMR), 303
Transportation Service, 22, 23, 33, 91
Transportation Terminal Group, Europe (TTGE), 156
Transportation Theater Opening Element (TTOE), 225, 237, 271, 281
Transport Movement Control (TMC), 110
“Trigger pullers,” 14
“Truck Bank.”, 114
United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 210
United Nations Somalia (UNISOM), 194
United States Atlantic Command (USLANTCOM), 200
United States Railway Administration (USRA), 17–18
United Task Force (UNITAF), 194
Unit Movement Officers (UMOs), 207
Unmanned aerial drones, 324
US Armed Forces, 155, 312
US Army Air Corps, 36
US Army Aviation Logistics School (USAALS), 167
US Army Europe (USAREUR), 155, 170
US Army Forces, British Isles (USAFBI), 58
US Army Forces – Far East (USAFFE), 36–37
US Army Services of Supply (USASOS), 37
US Army South (USARSO), 173
US Army Transportation Command Europe (USATCE), 165
US Central Air Force (CENTAF), 248
US Central Command (CENTCOM), 177, 218, 219
US Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), 239
US Forces Command (FORSCOM), 177, 313
US Marine Corps, 41
US Navy to the Army Quartermaster Department, 10
US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), 172, 283
US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 163–164
US Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 163, 178, 285
V Corps, 252, 259, 279
Vietnam, 155, 162, 247, 314
advisor phase, 126–127
convoy security, 145–149
expediting sea cargo, 143–144
Government Operational Experimental Research (GOER), 142–143
JLOTS, 149–150
LAPES, 149–150
lesson, 152–153
onward movement, 133–136
reception, 133–136
retrograde, 151–152
Riverine, 149–150
second increment, 137–142
strategic deployment, 131–133
strategic transportation, 127–131
sustainment, 136–137
third buildup, 144–145
Water Transportation Branch, 33
Wheeled vehicle fleet, 159–160
World Food Program (WFP), 294
World War I, 20, 160, 316
World War II, 8, 160, 312, 324
World Wide Command and Control System (WWMCS), 195
Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS), 171
XVIII Airborne Corps, 174, 175, 179, 190, 287, 295
Korean Communication Zone (KCOMZ), 114
Korean War, 124, 166, 316
Kosovo Liberation Army, 214
Kurds, 247
La Comandancia, 175
Landing Craft Mechanized-3 (LCM-3), 41
Landing Craft, Tank (LCT), 67
Landing Craft Utilities (LCUs), 120, 159, 284
Landing craft, vehicle, personnel (LCVP), 41
Landing ship dock (LSD), 41
Landing ship personnel (LSP), 41
Landing Ship, Tank (LST), 41, 67
Laundry-Shower-Vitals, 205
LCU-2000, 159
Leapfrogging, 66, 247, 259
Legacy, 9–10
Leyte, 44–46
Liberty Truck, 24
Light Armored Infantry (LAI), 173
Light Armored Vehicles (LAV), 173
Lighter Air Cushion Vehicle (LACV)-30, 158
Lighter, Amphibious Resupply Cargo (LARC), 7
Lines of communication, 21, 37
Load Handling Systems (LHS), 230
Logistical Support Area (LSA), 290
Logistics Application of Automated Marking and Reading Symbols (LOGMARS), 170
Logistics branches, US army, 9–10
Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), 166, 207, 254, 275
Logistics operation, 3–5, 5
Logistics over the shore (LOTS), 104, 313
Logistic Support Vessels (LSV), 158
Logistic Task Force (LTF), 220
Low Cost, Low Altitude (LCLA), 228
Luzon, 46–48
Luzon Base Section (LUBSEC), 47
Main Supply Route (MSR), 183, 257, 261
Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF), 305
Marine Air Ground Task Force II Deployment Support System II (MDSS II), 207
Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), 194
Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), 195, 218
Maritime Prepositioning Squadrons (MPS)
MPS-1, 168
MPS-2, 168
MPS-3, 168
Maritime Sealift Command, 4, 168, 169
M-1117 Armored Support Vehicle, 273
Materiel handling equipment (MHE), 251
Materiel Redistribution Teams (MRTs), 243
Maximum on the ground (MOG), 289
McKinley, William, 14
Meals-ready-to-eat (MREs), 291
Military Airlift Command (MAC), 155
Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point (MOTSU), 179
Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW)
Kosovo, 214–216
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), 208–209
Military rail, 10
Military Region (MR) I, 165
Military Sealift Command (MSC), 155
Military Standard Requisition and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP), 209
Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP), 209
Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service (MTMTS), 99
Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC), 194, 281
Military transportation
communication, 2–3
Explosive Ordnance Demolition (EOD), 9
legacy vs. function, 9–10
logistics branches, US army, 9–10
technology, 5–8
US Armed Forces, 1
war and logistics operations levels, 3–5
Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP), 273
Mobile Container Assistance Teams (MCATs), 242
Mobile Tracking System (MTS), 236, 256
Monrovian Medical Units (MMU), 299
Monster Garage, 265
Motor Transport Branch, 33
Motor Transport Corps, 25, 27
Motor Transport Service (MTS), 49
Motortruck companies, 24
Mujahidin, 220
Multi-National Corps-Iraq, 265
National Afghan Trucking (NAT) Contract, 243
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB), 196
Naval Overseas Transportation Service (NOTS), 20
Navigation System with Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR), 171
New army, 155–192
New Guinea Base Section (NUBSEC), 47
New Guinea Campaign, 39–44
Nimrod Dancer, 173
North Africa Theater of Operation, 58–66
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 155
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234, 240
Northern Offshore Discharge Exercise (NODEX), 123, 124
North Vietnamese Army, 155
Office of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT), 34
Offshore Discharge of Container Ship Exercise II (OSDOCII), 158
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 177–191
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
Operation Enduring Freedom
CDDOC, 225–226
distribution, 231–233
expansion, 226–231
Expeditionary Railway Center, 238
modularity, 223–225
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
retrograde, 238–242
surge, 234–238
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 217, 312
deployment, 251–257
ground offensive, 257–260
Intrinsic Action, 249–251
modularity, 270–272
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
retrograde, 274–278
surge, 272–274
sustainment matures, 260–269
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Just Cause, 171–177
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Operation Urgent Fury, 160–163
Ordnance Corps, 9, 10
Pakistan Ground Line of Communication (PakGLOC), 226, 233, 244
Palletized Load Handling Systems (PLS), 211, 220, 230, 250
Pearl Harbor, 36
Philippine Base Section (PHIBSEC), 48
Pollux, 196, 197
Portable bar code reader (PBCR), 170
Port of Debarkation (POD), 3
Port of Embarkation (POE), 3
Post-Vietnam Army, 160, 224
Prepositioning of Materiel Configured in Unit Sets (POMCUS), 155
Program Executive Office for Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (PEO-TWV), 199
Provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs), 223
Public Warehousing Company (PWC), 255
Quartermaster Corps, 9, 10, 24, 32, 33, 320
Quartermaster truck regiments, 33
Radio frequency identification (RFID), 208–209, 214
Railway Transportation Corps, 22
Railway Transportation Officer (RTO), 23–24
Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), 155
Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF), 157
Rapid port opening
consequences of Haiti, 296–298
Hurricane Maria, 306–309
Hurricane Matthew, 304–306
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Rapid Port Opening Elements (RPOE), 282, 285, 290, 305, 313
Reception, Staging and Onward movement (RSO), 4, 313
Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSO&I), 4
Red Ball Express, 91
Redeployment, Europe, 93–94
Redistribution Property Accountability Team (RPAT), 240
Reorganization Objective Army Division (ROAD), 106
Republic of Korea Army (ROKA), 117
Republic of Korean (ROK) Army, 107
Retrograde, 49, 93–94
Return of Forces to Germany (REFORGER), 155
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), 181, 205, 254
Rotary-wing aircraft, 119
Rough Terrain Cargo Handler (RTCH), 162, 196
Royal Australian Navy and Air Force, 36
Seaport Operations Company (SOC), 291
Ship Priority and Destination Board (SPDB), 185
Sicily, 66–72
Skunk Werks, 265
Software Development Center-Lee (SDCL), 170
Southern France, 79–84
Southwest Pacific Area, 36–38
Spanish–American War, 4, 11–15
Special Army Observer Group (SPOBS), 57
Special Troops Battalion (STB), 225, 271
Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS), 242
Steam-powered river boats, 6
Strategic Movement Center (SMC), 248
Strategic transportation, 4
Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV), 231
Subsistence Total Ordering and Receipt Electronic System (STORES), 232
Sunnis, 247
Supply over the beach (SOB), 104
Supply Support Activity (SSA), 263
Supply Unit Northeastern Command (SUNEC), 122
Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), 15, 223, 239, 269, 281, 313
Surrender, 49
Sustainment brigades (SBs), 225
Sustainment operations, 5
Table of distribution and allowances (TDA), 164
Tables of organization and equipment (TOE), 164
Tactical Assembly Area (TAA), 211
Taliban, 220, 227, 230
Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM), 242
Task Force Support Command (JTFSC), 195
Technology, 5–8
Temporary truck units, 113
Terminal Supervisory Team (TST), 294
Theater Army Area Command (TAACOM), 210
Theater Army Control Agency (TAMCA), 166
Theater Permanent Equipment (TPE), 226
Theater Support Command (TSC), 247
Theater Support Vessel (TSV)-X1, 252
Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD), 171, 174, 181, 195, 249
Total Army Allocation, 238
Total Army Analysis (TAA), 325
Traffic Control Branch, 33
Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 167, 224, 296
Transportation Battalion, 249
Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 248
Transportation Coordinators Automated Command and Control Information System (TC-ACCIS), 170
Transportation Corps, 9, 10
Transportation Corps Regiment, 169
Transportation Major Port (TMP), 122
Transportation Military Railway Service (TMRS), 108
Transportation Movement Control Agency (TMCA), 165
Transportation movement requests (TMR), 303
Transportation Service, 22, 23, 33, 91
Transportation Terminal Group, Europe (TTGE), 156
Transportation Theater Opening Element (TTOE), 225, 237, 271, 281
Transport Movement Control (TMC), 110
“Trigger pullers,” 14
“Truck Bank.”, 114
United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 210
United Nations Somalia (UNISOM), 194
United States Atlantic Command (USLANTCOM), 200
United States Railway Administration (USRA), 17–18
United Task Force (UNITAF), 194
Unit Movement Officers (UMOs), 207
Unmanned aerial drones, 324
US Armed Forces, 155, 312
US Army Air Corps, 36
US Army Aviation Logistics School (USAALS), 167
US Army Europe (USAREUR), 155, 170
US Army Forces, British Isles (USAFBI), 58
US Army Forces – Far East (USAFFE), 36–37
US Army Services of Supply (USASOS), 37
US Army South (USARSO), 173
US Army Transportation Command Europe (USATCE), 165
US Central Air Force (CENTAF), 248
US Central Command (CENTCOM), 177, 218, 219
US Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), 239
US Forces Command (FORSCOM), 177, 313
US Marine Corps, 41
US Navy to the Army Quartermaster Department, 10
US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), 172, 283
US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 163–164
US Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 163, 178, 285
V Corps, 252, 259, 279
Vietnam, 155, 162, 247, 314
advisor phase, 126–127
convoy security, 145–149
expediting sea cargo, 143–144
Government Operational Experimental Research (GOER), 142–143
JLOTS, 149–150
LAPES, 149–150
lesson, 152–153
onward movement, 133–136
reception, 133–136
retrograde, 151–152
Riverine, 149–150
second increment, 137–142
strategic deployment, 131–133
strategic transportation, 127–131
sustainment, 136–137
third buildup, 144–145
Water Transportation Branch, 33
Wheeled vehicle fleet, 159–160
World Food Program (WFP), 294
World War I, 20, 160, 316
World War II, 8, 160, 312, 324
World Wide Command and Control System (WWMCS), 195
Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS), 171
XVIII Airborne Corps, 174, 175, 179, 190, 287, 295
Main Supply Route (MSR), 183, 257, 261
Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF), 305
Marine Air Ground Task Force II Deployment Support System II (MDSS II), 207
Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), 194
Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), 195, 218
Maritime Prepositioning Squadrons (MPS)
MPS-1, 168
MPS-2, 168
MPS-3, 168
Maritime Sealift Command, 4, 168, 169
M-1117 Armored Support Vehicle, 273
Materiel handling equipment (MHE), 251
Materiel Redistribution Teams (MRTs), 243
Maximum on the ground (MOG), 289
McKinley, William, 14
Meals-ready-to-eat (MREs), 291
Military Airlift Command (MAC), 155
Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point (MOTSU), 179
Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW)
Kosovo, 214–216
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), 208–209
Military rail, 10
Military Region (MR) I, 165
Military Sealift Command (MSC), 155
Military Standard Requisition and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP), 209
Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP), 209
Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service (MTMTS), 99
Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC), 194, 281
Military transportation
communication, 2–3
Explosive Ordnance Demolition (EOD), 9
legacy vs. function, 9–10
logistics branches, US army, 9–10
technology, 5–8
US Armed Forces, 1
war and logistics operations levels, 3–5
Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP), 273
Mobile Container Assistance Teams (MCATs), 242
Mobile Tracking System (MTS), 236, 256
Monrovian Medical Units (MMU), 299
Monster Garage, 265
Motor Transport Branch, 33
Motor Transport Corps, 25, 27
Motor Transport Service (MTS), 49
Motortruck companies, 24
Mujahidin, 220
Multi-National Corps-Iraq, 265
National Afghan Trucking (NAT) Contract, 243
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB), 196
Naval Overseas Transportation Service (NOTS), 20
Navigation System with Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR), 171
New army, 155–192
New Guinea Base Section (NUBSEC), 47
New Guinea Campaign, 39–44
Nimrod Dancer, 173
North Africa Theater of Operation, 58–66
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 155
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234, 240
Northern Offshore Discharge Exercise (NODEX), 123, 124
North Vietnamese Army, 155
Office of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT), 34
Offshore Discharge of Container Ship Exercise II (OSDOCII), 158
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 177–191
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
Operation Enduring Freedom
CDDOC, 225–226
distribution, 231–233
expansion, 226–231
Expeditionary Railway Center, 238
modularity, 223–225
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
retrograde, 238–242
surge, 234–238
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 217, 312
deployment, 251–257
ground offensive, 257–260
Intrinsic Action, 249–251
modularity, 270–272
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
retrograde, 274–278
surge, 272–274
sustainment matures, 260–269
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Just Cause, 171–177
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Operation Urgent Fury, 160–163
Ordnance Corps, 9, 10
Pakistan Ground Line of Communication (PakGLOC), 226, 233, 244
Palletized Load Handling Systems (PLS), 211, 220, 230, 250
Pearl Harbor, 36
Philippine Base Section (PHIBSEC), 48
Pollux, 196, 197
Portable bar code reader (PBCR), 170
Port of Debarkation (POD), 3
Port of Embarkation (POE), 3
Post-Vietnam Army, 160, 224
Prepositioning of Materiel Configured in Unit Sets (POMCUS), 155
Program Executive Office for Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (PEO-TWV), 199
Provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs), 223
Public Warehousing Company (PWC), 255
Quartermaster Corps, 9, 10, 24, 32, 33, 320
Quartermaster truck regiments, 33
Radio frequency identification (RFID), 208–209, 214
Railway Transportation Corps, 22
Railway Transportation Officer (RTO), 23–24
Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), 155
Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF), 157
Rapid port opening
consequences of Haiti, 296–298
Hurricane Maria, 306–309
Hurricane Matthew, 304–306
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Rapid Port Opening Elements (RPOE), 282, 285, 290, 305, 313
Reception, Staging and Onward movement (RSO), 4, 313
Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSO&I), 4
Red Ball Express, 91
Redeployment, Europe, 93–94
Redistribution Property Accountability Team (RPAT), 240
Reorganization Objective Army Division (ROAD), 106
Republic of Korea Army (ROKA), 117
Republic of Korean (ROK) Army, 107
Retrograde, 49, 93–94
Return of Forces to Germany (REFORGER), 155
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), 181, 205, 254
Rotary-wing aircraft, 119
Rough Terrain Cargo Handler (RTCH), 162, 196
Royal Australian Navy and Air Force, 36
Seaport Operations Company (SOC), 291
Ship Priority and Destination Board (SPDB), 185
Sicily, 66–72
Skunk Werks, 265
Software Development Center-Lee (SDCL), 170
Southern France, 79–84
Southwest Pacific Area, 36–38
Spanish–American War, 4, 11–15
Special Army Observer Group (SPOBS), 57
Special Troops Battalion (STB), 225, 271
Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS), 242
Steam-powered river boats, 6
Strategic Movement Center (SMC), 248
Strategic transportation, 4
Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV), 231
Subsistence Total Ordering and Receipt Electronic System (STORES), 232
Sunnis, 247
Supply over the beach (SOB), 104
Supply Support Activity (SSA), 263
Supply Unit Northeastern Command (SUNEC), 122
Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), 15, 223, 239, 269, 281, 313
Surrender, 49
Sustainment brigades (SBs), 225
Sustainment operations, 5
Table of distribution and allowances (TDA), 164
Tables of organization and equipment (TOE), 164
Tactical Assembly Area (TAA), 211
Taliban, 220, 227, 230
Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM), 242
Task Force Support Command (JTFSC), 195
Technology, 5–8
Temporary truck units, 113
Terminal Supervisory Team (TST), 294
Theater Army Area Command (TAACOM), 210
Theater Army Control Agency (TAMCA), 166
Theater Permanent Equipment (TPE), 226
Theater Support Command (TSC), 247
Theater Support Vessel (TSV)-X1, 252
Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD), 171, 174, 181, 195, 249
Total Army Allocation, 238
Total Army Analysis (TAA), 325
Traffic Control Branch, 33
Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 167, 224, 296
Transportation Battalion, 249
Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 248
Transportation Coordinators Automated Command and Control Information System (TC-ACCIS), 170
Transportation Corps, 9, 10
Transportation Corps Regiment, 169
Transportation Major Port (TMP), 122
Transportation Military Railway Service (TMRS), 108
Transportation Movement Control Agency (TMCA), 165
Transportation movement requests (TMR), 303
Transportation Service, 22, 23, 33, 91
Transportation Terminal Group, Europe (TTGE), 156
Transportation Theater Opening Element (TTOE), 225, 237, 271, 281
Transport Movement Control (TMC), 110
“Trigger pullers,” 14
“Truck Bank.”, 114
United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 210
United Nations Somalia (UNISOM), 194
United States Atlantic Command (USLANTCOM), 200
United States Railway Administration (USRA), 17–18
United Task Force (UNITAF), 194
Unit Movement Officers (UMOs), 207
Unmanned aerial drones, 324
US Armed Forces, 155, 312
US Army Air Corps, 36
US Army Aviation Logistics School (USAALS), 167
US Army Europe (USAREUR), 155, 170
US Army Forces, British Isles (USAFBI), 58
US Army Forces – Far East (USAFFE), 36–37
US Army Services of Supply (USASOS), 37
US Army South (USARSO), 173
US Army Transportation Command Europe (USATCE), 165
US Central Air Force (CENTAF), 248
US Central Command (CENTCOM), 177, 218, 219
US Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), 239
US Forces Command (FORSCOM), 177, 313
US Marine Corps, 41
US Navy to the Army Quartermaster Department, 10
US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), 172, 283
US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 163–164
US Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 163, 178, 285
V Corps, 252, 259, 279
Vietnam, 155, 162, 247, 314
advisor phase, 126–127
convoy security, 145–149
expediting sea cargo, 143–144
Government Operational Experimental Research (GOER), 142–143
JLOTS, 149–150
LAPES, 149–150
lesson, 152–153
onward movement, 133–136
reception, 133–136
retrograde, 151–152
Riverine, 149–150
second increment, 137–142
strategic deployment, 131–133
strategic transportation, 127–131
sustainment, 136–137
third buildup, 144–145
Water Transportation Branch, 33
Wheeled vehicle fleet, 159–160
World Food Program (WFP), 294
World War I, 20, 160, 316
World War II, 8, 160, 312, 324
World Wide Command and Control System (WWMCS), 195
Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS), 171
XVIII Airborne Corps, 174, 175, 179, 190, 287, 295
Office of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT), 34
Offshore Discharge of Container Ship Exercise II (OSDOCII), 158
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 177–191
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
Operation Enduring Freedom
CDDOC, 225–226
distribution, 231–233
expansion, 226–231
Expeditionary Railway Center, 238
modularity, 223–225
Northern Distribution Network (NDN), 233–234
Operation Drumbeat, 242–245
retrograde, 238–242
surge, 234–238
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 217, 312
deployment, 251–257
ground offensive, 257–260
Intrinsic Action, 249–251
modularity, 270–272
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
retrograde, 274–278
surge, 272–274
sustainment matures, 260–269
Operation Joint Endeavor, 209–214
Operation Just Cause, 171–177
Operation Restore Hope, 194–200
Operation Scatter, 248–249
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 1003V, 248–249
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Operation Uphold Democracy, 200–208
Operation Urgent Fury, 160–163
Ordnance Corps, 9, 10
Pakistan Ground Line of Communication (PakGLOC), 226, 233, 244
Palletized Load Handling Systems (PLS), 211, 220, 230, 250
Pearl Harbor, 36
Philippine Base Section (PHIBSEC), 48
Pollux, 196, 197
Portable bar code reader (PBCR), 170
Port of Debarkation (POD), 3
Port of Embarkation (POE), 3
Post-Vietnam Army, 160, 224
Prepositioning of Materiel Configured in Unit Sets (POMCUS), 155
Program Executive Office for Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (PEO-TWV), 199
Provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs), 223
Public Warehousing Company (PWC), 255
Quartermaster Corps, 9, 10, 24, 32, 33, 320
Quartermaster truck regiments, 33
Radio frequency identification (RFID), 208–209, 214
Railway Transportation Corps, 22
Railway Transportation Officer (RTO), 23–24
Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), 155
Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF), 157
Rapid port opening
consequences of Haiti, 296–298
Hurricane Maria, 306–309
Hurricane Matthew, 304–306
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Rapid Port Opening Elements (RPOE), 282, 285, 290, 305, 313
Reception, Staging and Onward movement (RSO), 4, 313
Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSO&I), 4
Red Ball Express, 91
Redeployment, Europe, 93–94
Redistribution Property Accountability Team (RPAT), 240
Reorganization Objective Army Division (ROAD), 106
Republic of Korea Army (ROKA), 117
Republic of Korean (ROK) Army, 107
Retrograde, 49, 93–94
Return of Forces to Germany (REFORGER), 155
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), 181, 205, 254
Rotary-wing aircraft, 119
Rough Terrain Cargo Handler (RTCH), 162, 196
Royal Australian Navy and Air Force, 36
Seaport Operations Company (SOC), 291
Ship Priority and Destination Board (SPDB), 185
Sicily, 66–72
Skunk Werks, 265
Software Development Center-Lee (SDCL), 170
Southern France, 79–84
Southwest Pacific Area, 36–38
Spanish–American War, 4, 11–15
Special Army Observer Group (SPOBS), 57
Special Troops Battalion (STB), 225, 271
Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS), 242
Steam-powered river boats, 6
Strategic Movement Center (SMC), 248
Strategic transportation, 4
Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV), 231
Subsistence Total Ordering and Receipt Electronic System (STORES), 232
Sunnis, 247
Supply over the beach (SOB), 104
Supply Support Activity (SSA), 263
Supply Unit Northeastern Command (SUNEC), 122
Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), 15, 223, 239, 269, 281, 313
Surrender, 49
Sustainment brigades (SBs), 225
Sustainment operations, 5
Table of distribution and allowances (TDA), 164
Tables of organization and equipment (TOE), 164
Tactical Assembly Area (TAA), 211
Taliban, 220, 227, 230
Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM), 242
Task Force Support Command (JTFSC), 195
Technology, 5–8
Temporary truck units, 113
Terminal Supervisory Team (TST), 294
Theater Army Area Command (TAACOM), 210
Theater Army Control Agency (TAMCA), 166
Theater Permanent Equipment (TPE), 226
Theater Support Command (TSC), 247
Theater Support Vessel (TSV)-X1, 252
Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD), 171, 174, 181, 195, 249
Total Army Allocation, 238
Total Army Analysis (TAA), 325
Traffic Control Branch, 33
Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 167, 224, 296
Transportation Battalion, 249
Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 248
Transportation Coordinators Automated Command and Control Information System (TC-ACCIS), 170
Transportation Corps, 9, 10
Transportation Corps Regiment, 169
Transportation Major Port (TMP), 122
Transportation Military Railway Service (TMRS), 108
Transportation Movement Control Agency (TMCA), 165
Transportation movement requests (TMR), 303
Transportation Service, 22, 23, 33, 91
Transportation Terminal Group, Europe (TTGE), 156
Transportation Theater Opening Element (TTOE), 225, 237, 271, 281
Transport Movement Control (TMC), 110
“Trigger pullers,” 14
“Truck Bank.”, 114
United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 210
United Nations Somalia (UNISOM), 194
United States Atlantic Command (USLANTCOM), 200
United States Railway Administration (USRA), 17–18
United Task Force (UNITAF), 194
Unit Movement Officers (UMOs), 207
Unmanned aerial drones, 324
US Armed Forces, 155, 312
US Army Air Corps, 36
US Army Aviation Logistics School (USAALS), 167
US Army Europe (USAREUR), 155, 170
US Army Forces, British Isles (USAFBI), 58
US Army Forces – Far East (USAFFE), 36–37
US Army Services of Supply (USASOS), 37
US Army South (USARSO), 173
US Army Transportation Command Europe (USATCE), 165
US Central Air Force (CENTAF), 248
US Central Command (CENTCOM), 177, 218, 219
US Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), 239
US Forces Command (FORSCOM), 177, 313
US Marine Corps, 41
US Navy to the Army Quartermaster Department, 10
US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), 172, 283
US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 163–164
US Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 163, 178, 285
V Corps, 252, 259, 279
Vietnam, 155, 162, 247, 314
advisor phase, 126–127
convoy security, 145–149
expediting sea cargo, 143–144
Government Operational Experimental Research (GOER), 142–143
JLOTS, 149–150
LAPES, 149–150
lesson, 152–153
onward movement, 133–136
reception, 133–136
retrograde, 151–152
Riverine, 149–150
second increment, 137–142
strategic deployment, 131–133
strategic transportation, 127–131
sustainment, 136–137
third buildup, 144–145
Water Transportation Branch, 33
Wheeled vehicle fleet, 159–160
World Food Program (WFP), 294
World War I, 20, 160, 316
World War II, 8, 160, 312, 324
World Wide Command and Control System (WWMCS), 195
Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS), 171
XVIII Airborne Corps, 174, 175, 179, 190, 287, 295
Quartermaster Corps, 9, 10, 24, 32, 33, 320
Quartermaster truck regiments, 33
Radio frequency identification (RFID), 208–209, 214
Railway Transportation Corps, 22
Railway Transportation Officer (RTO), 23–24
Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), 155
Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF), 157
Rapid port opening
consequences of Haiti, 296–298
Hurricane Maria, 306–309
Hurricane Matthew, 304–306
Operation Unified Response, 282–296
Operation United Assistance, 298–304
Rapid Port Opening Elements (RPOE), 282, 285, 290, 305, 313
Reception, Staging and Onward movement (RSO), 4, 313
Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSO&I), 4
Red Ball Express, 91
Redeployment, Europe, 93–94
Redistribution Property Accountability Team (RPAT), 240
Reorganization Objective Army Division (ROAD), 106
Republic of Korea Army (ROKA), 117
Republic of Korean (ROK) Army, 107
Retrograde, 49, 93–94
Return of Forces to Germany (REFORGER), 155
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), 181, 205, 254
Rotary-wing aircraft, 119
Rough Terrain Cargo Handler (RTCH), 162, 196
Royal Australian Navy and Air Force, 36
Seaport Operations Company (SOC), 291
Ship Priority and Destination Board (SPDB), 185
Sicily, 66–72
Skunk Werks, 265
Software Development Center-Lee (SDCL), 170
Southern France, 79–84
Southwest Pacific Area, 36–38
Spanish–American War, 4, 11–15
Special Army Observer Group (SPOBS), 57
Special Troops Battalion (STB), 225, 271
Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS), 242
Steam-powered river boats, 6
Strategic Movement Center (SMC), 248
Strategic transportation, 4
Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV), 231
Subsistence Total Ordering and Receipt Electronic System (STORES), 232
Sunnis, 247
Supply over the beach (SOB), 104
Supply Support Activity (SSA), 263
Supply Unit Northeastern Command (SUNEC), 122
Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), 15, 223, 239, 269, 281, 313
Surrender, 49
Sustainment brigades (SBs), 225
Sustainment operations, 5
Table of distribution and allowances (TDA), 164
Tables of organization and equipment (TOE), 164
Tactical Assembly Area (TAA), 211
Taliban, 220, 227, 230
Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM), 242
Task Force Support Command (JTFSC), 195
Technology, 5–8
Temporary truck units, 113
Terminal Supervisory Team (TST), 294
Theater Army Area Command (TAACOM), 210
Theater Army Control Agency (TAMCA), 166
Theater Permanent Equipment (TPE), 226
Theater Support Command (TSC), 247
Theater Support Vessel (TSV)-X1, 252
Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD), 171, 174, 181, 195, 249
Total Army Allocation, 238
Total Army Analysis (TAA), 325
Traffic Control Branch, 33
Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 167, 224, 296
Transportation Battalion, 249
Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 248
Transportation Coordinators Automated Command and Control Information System (TC-ACCIS), 170
Transportation Corps, 9, 10
Transportation Corps Regiment, 169
Transportation Major Port (TMP), 122
Transportation Military Railway Service (TMRS), 108
Transportation Movement Control Agency (TMCA), 165
Transportation movement requests (TMR), 303
Transportation Service, 22, 23, 33, 91
Transportation Terminal Group, Europe (TTGE), 156
Transportation Theater Opening Element (TTOE), 225, 237, 271, 281
Transport Movement Control (TMC), 110
“Trigger pullers,” 14
“Truck Bank.”, 114
United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 210
United Nations Somalia (UNISOM), 194
United States Atlantic Command (USLANTCOM), 200
United States Railway Administration (USRA), 17–18
United Task Force (UNITAF), 194
Unit Movement Officers (UMOs), 207
Unmanned aerial drones, 324
US Armed Forces, 155, 312
US Army Air Corps, 36
US Army Aviation Logistics School (USAALS), 167
US Army Europe (USAREUR), 155, 170
US Army Forces, British Isles (USAFBI), 58
US Army Forces – Far East (USAFFE), 36–37
US Army Services of Supply (USASOS), 37
US Army South (USARSO), 173
US Army Transportation Command Europe (USATCE), 165
US Central Air Force (CENTAF), 248
US Central Command (CENTCOM), 177, 218, 219
US Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), 239
US Forces Command (FORSCOM), 177, 313
US Marine Corps, 41
US Navy to the Army Quartermaster Department, 10
US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), 172, 283
US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 163–164
US Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 163, 178, 285
V Corps, 252, 259, 279
Vietnam, 155, 162, 247, 314
advisor phase, 126–127
convoy security, 145–149
expediting sea cargo, 143–144
Government Operational Experimental Research (GOER), 142–143
JLOTS, 149–150
LAPES, 149–150
lesson, 152–153
onward movement, 133–136
reception, 133–136
retrograde, 151–152
Riverine, 149–150
second increment, 137–142
strategic deployment, 131–133
strategic transportation, 127–131
sustainment, 136–137
third buildup, 144–145
Water Transportation Branch, 33
Wheeled vehicle fleet, 159–160
World Food Program (WFP), 294
World War I, 20, 160, 316
World War II, 8, 160, 312, 324
World Wide Command and Control System (WWMCS), 195
Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS), 171
XVIII Airborne Corps, 174, 175, 179, 190, 287, 295
Seaport Operations Company (SOC), 291
Ship Priority and Destination Board (SPDB), 185
Sicily, 66–72
Skunk Werks, 265
Software Development Center-Lee (SDCL), 170
Southern France, 79–84
Southwest Pacific Area, 36–38
Spanish–American War, 4, 11–15
Special Army Observer Group (SPOBS), 57
Special Troops Battalion (STB), 225, 271
Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS), 242
Steam-powered river boats, 6
Strategic Movement Center (SMC), 248
Strategic transportation, 4
Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV), 231
Subsistence Total Ordering and Receipt Electronic System (STORES), 232
Sunnis, 247
Supply over the beach (SOB), 104
Supply Support Activity (SSA), 263
Supply Unit Northeastern Command (SUNEC), 122
Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), 15, 223, 239, 269, 281, 313
Surrender, 49
Sustainment brigades (SBs), 225
Sustainment operations, 5
Table of distribution and allowances (TDA), 164
Tables of organization and equipment (TOE), 164
Tactical Assembly Area (TAA), 211
Taliban, 220, 227, 230
Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM), 242
Task Force Support Command (JTFSC), 195
Technology, 5–8
Temporary truck units, 113
Terminal Supervisory Team (TST), 294
Theater Army Area Command (TAACOM), 210
Theater Army Control Agency (TAMCA), 166
Theater Permanent Equipment (TPE), 226
Theater Support Command (TSC), 247
Theater Support Vessel (TSV)-X1, 252
Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD), 171, 174, 181, 195, 249
Total Army Allocation, 238
Total Army Analysis (TAA), 325
Traffic Control Branch, 33
Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 167, 224, 296
Transportation Battalion, 249
Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 248
Transportation Coordinators Automated Command and Control Information System (TC-ACCIS), 170
Transportation Corps, 9, 10
Transportation Corps Regiment, 169
Transportation Major Port (TMP), 122
Transportation Military Railway Service (TMRS), 108
Transportation Movement Control Agency (TMCA), 165
Transportation movement requests (TMR), 303
Transportation Service, 22, 23, 33, 91
Transportation Terminal Group, Europe (TTGE), 156
Transportation Theater Opening Element (TTOE), 225, 237, 271, 281
Transport Movement Control (TMC), 110
“Trigger pullers,” 14
“Truck Bank.”, 114
United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 210
United Nations Somalia (UNISOM), 194
United States Atlantic Command (USLANTCOM), 200
United States Railway Administration (USRA), 17–18
United Task Force (UNITAF), 194
Unit Movement Officers (UMOs), 207
Unmanned aerial drones, 324
US Armed Forces, 155, 312
US Army Air Corps, 36
US Army Aviation Logistics School (USAALS), 167
US Army Europe (USAREUR), 155, 170
US Army Forces, British Isles (USAFBI), 58
US Army Forces – Far East (USAFFE), 36–37
US Army Services of Supply (USASOS), 37
US Army South (USARSO), 173
US Army Transportation Command Europe (USATCE), 165
US Central Air Force (CENTAF), 248
US Central Command (CENTCOM), 177, 218, 219
US Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), 239
US Forces Command (FORSCOM), 177, 313
US Marine Corps, 41
US Navy to the Army Quartermaster Department, 10
US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), 172, 283
US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 163–164
US Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 163, 178, 285
V Corps, 252, 259, 279
Vietnam, 155, 162, 247, 314
advisor phase, 126–127
convoy security, 145–149
expediting sea cargo, 143–144
Government Operational Experimental Research (GOER), 142–143
JLOTS, 149–150
LAPES, 149–150
lesson, 152–153
onward movement, 133–136
reception, 133–136
retrograde, 151–152
Riverine, 149–150
second increment, 137–142
strategic deployment, 131–133
strategic transportation, 127–131
sustainment, 136–137
third buildup, 144–145
Water Transportation Branch, 33
Wheeled vehicle fleet, 159–160
World Food Program (WFP), 294
World War I, 20, 160, 316
World War II, 8, 160, 312, 324
World Wide Command and Control System (WWMCS), 195
Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS), 171
XVIII Airborne Corps, 174, 175, 179, 190, 287, 295
United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 210
United Nations Somalia (UNISOM), 194
United States Atlantic Command (USLANTCOM), 200
United States Railway Administration (USRA), 17–18
United Task Force (UNITAF), 194
Unit Movement Officers (UMOs), 207
Unmanned aerial drones, 324
US Armed Forces, 155, 312
US Army Air Corps, 36
US Army Aviation Logistics School (USAALS), 167
US Army Europe (USAREUR), 155, 170
US Army Forces, British Isles (USAFBI), 58
US Army Forces – Far East (USAFFE), 36–37
US Army Services of Supply (USASOS), 37
US Army South (USARSO), 173
US Army Transportation Command Europe (USATCE), 165
US Central Air Force (CENTAF), 248
US Central Command (CENTCOM), 177, 218, 219
US Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), 239
US Forces Command (FORSCOM), 177, 313
US Marine Corps, 41
US Navy to the Army Quartermaster Department, 10
US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), 172, 283
US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 163–164
US Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), 163, 178, 285
V Corps, 252, 259, 279
Vietnam, 155, 162, 247, 314
advisor phase, 126–127
convoy security, 145–149
expediting sea cargo, 143–144
Government Operational Experimental Research (GOER), 142–143
JLOTS, 149–150
LAPES, 149–150
lesson, 152–153
onward movement, 133–136
reception, 133–136
retrograde, 151–152
Riverine, 149–150
second increment, 137–142
strategic deployment, 131–133
strategic transportation, 127–131
sustainment, 136–137
third buildup, 144–145
Water Transportation Branch, 33
Wheeled vehicle fleet, 159–160
World Food Program (WFP), 294
World War I, 20, 160, 316
World War II, 8, 160, 312, 324
World Wide Command and Control System (WWMCS), 195
Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS), 171
XVIII Airborne Corps, 174, 175, 179, 190, 287, 295
Water Transportation Branch, 33
Wheeled vehicle fleet, 159–160
World Food Program (WFP), 294
World War I, 20, 160, 316
World War II, 8, 160, 312, 324
World Wide Command and Control System (WWMCS), 195
Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS), 171
XVIII Airborne Corps, 174, 175, 179, 190, 287, 295
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Introduction to Transportation Concepts
- Chapter 2 Genesis of American Military Transportation
- Chapter 3 WWII Asia Pacific Theater
- Chapter 4 North Africa to the European Theater
- Chapter 5 Cold War
- Chapter 6 Vietnam War
- Chapter 7 A New Army
- Chapter 8 Military Operations Other Than War
- Chapter 9 Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan
- Chapter 10 Operation Iraqi Freedom
- Chapter 11 Rapid Port Opening
- Chapter 12 The Way Ahead
- Appendix
- Bibliography
- Index