Philip Miles
(University of Bedfordshire, UK)
Midlife Creativity and Identity: Life into Art
ISBN: 978-1-78754-334-8, eISBN: 978-1-78754-333-1
Publication date: 10 December 2018
This content is currently only available as a PDF
Miles, P. (2018), "Index", Midlife Creativity and Identity: Life into Art, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 195-203.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Philip Miles
Abstract context
, 121
Active context
, 25
Adult citizen
, 74
Aesthetic approaches
, 152
Aesthetic creativity
, 74
Aesthetic discourse
, 154
‘Aesthetic response’
, 153
Aesthetic value discourse
, 146
Aesthetic value of literature
, 153
Aesthetic value
, 36, 146, 150, 153, 156
, 11–13, 34, 36, 51, 54, 56, 62–64, 78–81, 96, 110–111, 118–119, 125–126, 146, 149, 156–157
, 28
, 14
, 31
, 157
, 170
, 13, 143
, 83
, 11
‘Age and experience’
, 147
‘Age of communication’
, 143
Age of individualisation
, 149
Ageing population
, 23
Ageing process
, 146
Alvarez, Al
, 115, 135, 146
, 3, 117–128, 133, 140, 142, 144, 176
Anthropocentric research
, 155
, 16
Anthropological challenges
, 70
Anthropological field sites
, 88
Anthropological field
, 88
Anthropological research settings
, 88
, 18, 89
, 9, 97
‘Anxiety of influence’
, 146, 150
Arbitrary barriers to realisation
, 110
Areas of artistic creativity
, 3
Arnold, Matthew
, 13, 17, 35, 58, 149, 153
Art and craft
, 2
Art and craftsmanship
, 88
Art and Soul
, 152
See also Performativity
Art form
, 1, 26, 32, 39, 49, 58–59, 63, 149–150, 159, 166, 168
Art world
, 19, 27, 44–45, 48, 50, 57, 63, 67, 73, 78, 81, 93, 110, 119, 152, 166, 168
Articulation of ambitions
, 26
Articulation of imagination
, 1
Articulation of social relations
, 143
‘Artist ethnographer’
, 104
Artistic citizenship
, 74
Artistic creation
, 40, 147, 150
Artistic creativity
, 3, 16, 18, 21, 38, 104, 147
Artistic energies
, 1
Artistic genealogy
, 167
Artistic identity
, 113, 169
Artistic outputs
, 85
Artistic routine
, 2, 4, 105, 113, 146–147, 169
Artistic skills
, 88
Artistic-architectural quality
, 86
Associative dramas
, 26
Associative enterprise cultures
, 14
Associative natural relationship
, 148
Atkinson, Paul
, 22
, 3, 29–42, 43, 48, 79, 84, 91, 92, 105, 106, 107, 138, 152, 159, 165, 175
Aura of creation
, 107
Authorial routine
, 1, 3, 8, 20, 59, 115, 120, 166
Authoritative determinism
, 36
, 7, 106, 115, 159
, 163, 165
, 132
Auxiliary job
, 145
Auxiliary playmakers
, 147
‘Back room’
, 29
‘Back story’
, 151, 153
Banal zones
, 146
Band rehearsal
, 26, 38
Band works
, 175
‘Bargain bookstores’
, 115
Barthes linguistic theory
, 69
Barthes, Roland
, 18–19, 80, 153
Bate, Jonathan
, 40
Bauman, Zygmunt
, 6–7, 9, 13, 118, 143, 160, 161, 170–171
Bennett, Andy
, 18, 23
Berger, J.
, 6, 13, 31, 35, 70, 97
Benjamin, Walter
, 41, 143
Biblical literalist
, 75
Binary system
, 93
‘Biographical centrism’
, 170
Biographical narrative
, 80, 167
Biographical story
, 101
, 6, 32, 36, 91, 115, 124, 159, 164, 172
Biography and lifestyle
, 12
Blair, Tony
, 70
Bourdieu, P.
, 5, 8, 13–17, 27, 93, 108, 116, 135, 147, 148, 159, 169, 171
Bourdieu’s subconscious mimesis theorem of habitus
, 27
British colonialism
, 167
‘Buying public’
, 108
Cacophony of novelty
, 176
Capital investment
, 70
Career change
, 3, 70, 96, 117–119
Career interdisciplinary research
, 88
Cathartic experience
, 73
‘Cauldron of morning’
, 116
Celebrity biographies
, 115
Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS)
, 8, 16
Chameleons, The
, 50
Children’s literature market
, 3
Classical art
, 19
Club bar
, 31
‘Cognitive dissonance’
, 75
Collective assimilative
, 149
Collective realisation
, 35
Commercial breakthrough
, 29
Commercial forces
, 131
Commercial strategy
, 134
, 71
Communication of art
, 166
Communication slips
, 117
Communicative in emotion
, 39
Conception and articulation
, 113
Conceptualisation of art
, 157
Confluence of history
, 16, 158
Contemporary outputs
, 3
Contextualisation of time
, 121
, 99
, 25, 82
, 149
Creating works of art
, 99
Creation of things
, 87, 170
Creative dichotomy
, 113
Creative discipline
, 120
Creative dynamic
, 79
Creative explosion
, 79
Creative fustiness
, 64
Creative legitimacy
, 40
Creative methods
, 145
‘Creative mezzanine’
, 35
Creative minds
, 74, 142
Creative people
, 9, 16, 21, 23, 95, 140, 145–146, 148, 150
Creative person
, 82, 149
Creative pinnacle
, 154
Creative process
, 2, 7, 25, 38, 42, 45, 47–48, 56, 65, 78, 87, 90–92, 94–95, 102, 120, 142, 146–147, 149–151, 154, 162, 167, 169
Creative processes
, 1, 78, 167
Creative rehearsal
, 34, 38
Creative resistance
, 36
Creative sensibilities
, 26
Creative soul
, 58, 61
Creative works
, 150
Creative zone
, 150
, 1–4, 6, 8–9, 14–16, 58
See also Process of transformation; Demonstrative of action
Credential progress
, 161
Creighton, Joanne
, 125, 145
Critical theory
, 149
Crowdfunding exercise
, 73
Cumming, Naomi
, 26, 51–52, 154
Cultural asset
, 70
Cultural emancipation
, 127
Cultural frameworks
, 154
Cultural hegemony
, 9, 15, 18, 34, 42
Cultural heritage
, 118
Cultural homologous
, 97
Cultural materialism
, 14, 155
‘Cultural pedigree’
, 16
Cultural reproduction
, 15, 25, 141, 144
Cultural studies
, 3, 18, 148–149
Cultural study
, 2
‘Cultural theorists’
, 17
Culture and Society
, 156
Culture of creativity
, 2, 31
Cyber cultures
, 58
Cyclical renewal
, 98
Daydreaming and fantasy
, 151
Defiance of formality
, 40
Degnen, Cathrine.
, 145
Demonstrative of action
, 14
Derby’s Victoria Inn
, 29
Detectable effect
, 14
See also ‘Double rupture’
Dialectic of creativity
, 172
Dialogic semantics
, 70
Dialogues of affect
, 70
‘Dominant taste’
, 16
Double-hermeneutic fashion
, 101
‘Double rupture’
, 14
Drabble, Margaret
, 145
‘Dreamlike state’
, 123, 136, 142
Driver, Peter
, 73–74, 78
Duality of capitalism and culture
, 6
Durham University
, 87, 129
, 32–34, 36–44, 46–54, 60, 63–65, 67
Dynamics of creation
, 155
Dynamics of creativity
, 13, 26
Dynamics of midlife
, 1, 12, 145, 149, 166
Eagleton, Terry
, 7, 17, 19, 151, 162
, 81, 99
Economic globalisation
, 9
Economic or cultural life chances
, 5
Economic poverty
, 75
Economic reproduction
, 155
‘Editorial moments’
, 77
Educational journey
, 96, 129
Elementary creative phase
, 138
Eliot, T.S.
, 3, 39, 157, 168
Emblem of subculture
, 25
Embryonic intellectual interest
, 88
Emotional triggers
, 79
Emotional value
, 58, 153
Energetic externalisation
, 79
Enterprise culture
, 14, 70
Entrepreneurial risk-taking
, 90
Entrepreneurial spirit
, 100, 161
Epistemological figures
, 170
Esoteric literature
, 2
Essence of writing
, 119
Ethnographic sections
, 4
Ethnographic tradition
, 148
, 6, 25, 67, 133, 147
Exit the Network
, 29, 44
Face-to-face communication
, 85, 110
Fashion-driven subcultural groupings
, 25
‘Fashions of selling’
, 107
‘Fear of art’
, 101
Fictional characters
, 80
Financial valuations
, 71
‘Fine art’
, 3, 69
, 77
Finnegan, Ruth
, 21, 26, 27
Fluid routines
, 119
Forces of Progression
, 43, 45
Format of delivery
, 150
‘Forward story’
, 153
Foucault, Michel
, 19, 77, 124, 146, 153, 170–171
Foundation course
, 75
Fragmentation of identity
, 11
Fragmentation of life
, 170
Fragmentation of social relations
, 171
Fragmentation of social worlds
, 7
Fragmentation of tradition
, 6
, 161, 170–172
Fragmented identity
, 109
Freudian analysis
, 151
Frith, Simon
, 37
Functional space
, 65
‘Fundamental anonymity’
, 169
Future effect
, 162
Gender dynamics
, 70
Generation of musical, artistic and literary texts
, 1
Geology to anthropology
, 97
Ghost author
, 49
Green, B.
, 36, 153
Grossberg, Lawrence
, 25–26, 158–159, 168–169
‘Grounded aesthetics’
, 9
Group dynamic
, 43, 45
Guiding principle
, 76
‘Habitus and field’
, 13
‘Happy coincidence’
, 65
Haptic system of perception
, 73
Hauser, Arnold
, 35
Hegelian dialectic
, 158
Hegemonic instrument of control
, 149
Hegemonic servitude of inevitability
, 147
Hermeneutic process
, 23, 124, 160
Hermetically-sealed space
, 42
Hesmondhalgh, David
, 66, 77
, 118
Hidden Musicians, The
, 25–26
See also Dynamics of creativity
Hierarchical dominance
, 13
Higher league opponents
, 31
Historical symbolism
, 86
History of Art
, 75
Hoggart, Richard
, 17
Holistic commercialism
, 80
Holistic view
, 26
‘Home studio’
, 32
Human capital
, 146–147
Human psyche
, 160
, 12
Identity and Feeling
, 152
, 168
, 9, 44, 154
Ideological frameworks
, 5
Ideology and Action
, 148
Ideology of capitalism
, 13, 164
Ideology of commercialism
, 70
Ideology of neoliberalism
, 161
See also Entrepreneurial spirit
Image management
, 54
Imaginative agilities
, 118
Imaginative anarchy
, 142
‘Imaginative literature’
, 115
Imaginative people
, 73
Imaginative realisation
, 36
Imaginative voice
, 135
Incremental argument
, 2
Incremental human
, 5
Individual instrumentalism
, 5
, 6, 17, 18, 42, 146, 149, 161, 163, 170
Ingold, Tim
, 15, 89, 105, 113
Innovative music
, 3, 41
Innovative zeal
, 1
Instructional text
, 137
Instrumental musicianship
, 37
Instrumental unit
, 43
Intellectual nexus
, 148
Interdisciplinary eclectic
, 2
Internal dialogue
, 154
, 8
Inventive individual
, 1
Inventive muse
, 2
Jago, Dominic
, 99, 113
Jazz performance
, 37
Joy of liberation
, 3
‘Keep Music Live’
, 55
Kermode, F.
, 3, 39, 168
Kernel of an idea
, 2, 43
, 73
Kingsbury, Henry
, 47, 156
‘Knowable community’
, 16, 157
Knowable reflexivity of creativity
, 158
Koppman, Sharon
, 14
Kristeva, Julia
, 8, 167–168, 170
Late-modern anxiety
, 170
Late-modern world
, 127, 133
, 148–149, 161–162, 171
‘Lean forwards’
, 150
Learn to recognise
, 154
Learning to Labour
, 175
Legitimate forgery
, 40
Lexicology of politics
, 85
, 85, 141, 155
Life skills
, 99
, 93
‘Life into art’
, 4
‘Life politics’
, 12, 171
Lifestyle choice
, 2, 103
Limitations of age
, 146
Linear pattern of ageing
, 147
Linear shifting
, 98
Literary authorial convention
, 137
, 164
Literary criticism
, 7, 70, 162
See also Marxist theory
Literary field
, 10, 119
Live performance
, 23, 41, 43, 46–48, 56
‘Living tradition’
, 46
Location of creativity
, 40
Lodge, David
, 144, 153
Long Revolution, The
, 156
‘Lucky coincidence’
, 119
Lyrical message
, 26
‘Lyrical rhythms’
, 37
Management of ideas
, 98
Management-editorial interference
, 3
Manifestation of art
, 69
Marr, Johnny
, 7, 42
Martin, Randy
, 74
, 122
Marxist historical materialism
, 16
Marxist resistance
, 122
Marxist theory
, 17, 155
See also Cultural materialism
Marxist tradition
, 172
Mental fragility
, 115
, 100
, 135
, 135
Metaphorical barriers
, 119
Metaphysical qualities
, 142
, 2, 9, 20, 35, 56, 74, 84
See also State of creation
‘Mezzanine condition’
, 160
Middle-aged musician
, 32, 40
, 35, 42
Midlife Creativity and Identity
, 2, 153, 170, 172–173
Midlife phase
, 15, 17, 142, 145–147, 159, 162
Midlife resistance
, 10, 67
See also Rebellion of teenage life
‘Midlife routine’
, 4
Miles, P.
, 44–45, 53, 57–59, 61–64
Mimetic socialisation
, 159
Mode of work
, 73, 113
Modern economy
, 171
Modern era of state sponsorship
, 70
Moment of creation
, 40–41, 43, 79, 106, 146, 150, 172
‘Motionless presence’
, 145
‘Motionless sameness’
, 145
Multi-faceted process
, 109
Musical accord
, 35
Musical composition
, 3, 37
Musical odyssey
, 29
Musical segmentation
, 37
Musical terms
, 26
Musical-performative routine
, 26
Musicians Union
, 55
Mutual task
, 37
Mutuality of music
, 47
Myriad interpretations
, 132
, 107
Nature of the times
, 6
Negative fantasy
, 20, 163
Neo-romantic context
, 115
Nietzschean reappraisal
, 151
‘Normative expectations’
, 11
Occasional risk
, 46
Online peer review
, 120
Open musical space
, 32
Organic creativity
, 34
‘Ontological inappropriateness’
, 46
‘Ontological present’
, 158
Outside audience
, 154
‘Paradox of literature’
, 40
Patterns of production
, 123
‘Peer review’
, 57
Perception of choice
, 145
Performative experience
, 118
Performative utterance (literature)
, 137
, 47, 81, 109, 137–138, 152–154, 165–166
Period of industry
, 147
Personal archaeology
, 151
Personal value
, 16, 146
Physical habitation of space
, 39
, 135
Pinnacle of process
, 6
Plath, Sylvia
, 115, 116, 122
, 148
Polysemy of language
, 69
Popular music
, 23, 25, 44, 58–59, 66
‘Positive fantasy’
, 151
, 149
, 16, 149
Practical form
, 99
‘Practice gigs’
, 33
Practice of creativity
, 3
Present-day arts project
, 89
Primitive societies
, 70
Principle business
, 1
Principles of performativity
, 166
, 75
Privacy of ideas
, 79
Process of making art happen
, 5
Process of transformation
, 5
Professional author status
, 122
Professional writing contract
, 119
Progressive Insurance
, 70
Public consumption
, 1
Public domain
, 19, 43, 123, 136, 165
Quantifiable dynamic
, 147
Quasi-rural setting
, 14
Random thinking
, 118
, 123, 134–135
‘Real world’
, 2
Realisation of novelty
, 1
Realisation of vocation
, 97
Rebellion of teenage life
, 10
Recording equipment
, 23, 55, 61
‘Record of time’
, 113
Reflexive articulation
, 108
Reflexive culture
, 38
Reflexive forces
, 171
Reflexive individualisation
, 170
Rehearsal of creativity
, 26
‘Rehearsal room’
, 32
Rehearsing self-concept
, 65
Reliance of the centrism
, 6
Removal of boundaries
, 121
Renaissance of the Romantic view
, 143
Retrospective dynamic
, 121
Reuter, Monika
, 14
, 63
Rhythmical symbiosis
, 118
Rock music
, 25–26, 53, 58–59
See also Counter-cultural
Role of identity
, 171
‘Romantic vision’
, 16, 156
Routine of creativity
, 150
Ruins, The
, 3, 23, 29, 31, 34–37, 39–56, 66, 91, 149, 168, 173, 175
Sage-like wisdom
, 147
Salient contention
, 85
‘Satanic majesty’
, 167
‘Second-order system’
, 69
‘Selective tradition’
, 16, 157
, 85, 169
, 161
Self-defined excellence
, 100
Self-employed writer
, 118
Self-published history
, 29
Self-reflexive biography
, 123
Self-regulating discourses
, 110
Semantic emphasis
, 70
Semi-derelict urban warehouses
, 32
Semiotic language spoken
, 71
Series of thought patterns
, 105
Shared exhibition
, 47
‘Significance and power’
, 79
Simple artistic routine
, 105
‘Sober interiors’
, 107
Social and cultural theory
, 155
Social lubricant
, 107
Social media
, 26, 47, 51, 75, 127, 138
Social relations
, 17, 89, 143, 150, 155, 171–172
Social-bonding exercises
, 88
Socio-cultural variables
, 70
, 43, 97, 133
Socio-generative resistance
, 133
‘Society under siege’
, 9
Sociological and cultural interpretations
, 4
‘Socialised subjectivity’
, 13
, 13, 71
‘Sociology of art’
, 70
Sociology of rock
, 25
Sociology of youth culture
, 25
Soft intensity
, 99
Sonic aesthetic
, 54
Sound investment
, 70
Spiritual destitution
, 107
Stance, The
, 29, 44
Standard requirements
, 125
State of creation
, 84, 113
‘Stirring emotions’
, 37
, 89, 108, 139, 141
Structural ideology
, 112
Structural things
, 162
Structure of feeling
, 8–10, 16, 60, 66–67, 81, 83, 113, 157–159, 162–163, 169
‘Studio project’
, 46
Studio-style isolation
, 32
Subjective reflexivity
, 116
, 44
‘Superordinate themes’
, 10
Superstructural ideologies
, 9
Super-structural manipulation
, 162
Supervention of novelty
, 3, 35, 39–40, 168
, 1
, 148
Synchronic creation
, 39
, 58
Terrestrial television
, 111
Thatcher, Margaret
, 70, 144
Theorem of habitus
, 27
See also Bourdieu’s subconscious mimesis theorem of habitus
Theoretical framework
, 2
Theoretical positions
, 4
‘Theoretical structure’
, 16
Theories of emotion
, 153
Therapeutic picking
, 99
‘Ticking clock’
, 78
Tomars, A.S.
, 70
Tones of voice
, 159
‘Tortuous language’
, 157
, 5, 11, 171
Transformational moments
, 62
Transformational power
, 7
Transformational process
, 5
, 5–24, 145, 156, 162
See also Process of making art happen
Transitive theatre
, 25
, 133
Transmission of ideology
, 166
, 29, 116, 165
, 54, 63–64, 79, 170, 175
Universal opportunity
, 112
Utilisation of power
, 40
‘Vaguely literate’
, 127
Value of doing
, 87
Value of experience
, 146
Value of the sound
, 54
Verboten by convention
, 32
Versatility of art
, 100
Vincent, J.
, 29, 44
Visual ideas
, 79
Visual language
, 79, 83
‘Waves in the mind’
, 115
Weathered intensity
, 29
Webb, Katherine
, 3, 129–144, 176
Whitworth, M. H.
, 115
Williams, Raymond
, 6, 8, 12, 14–18, 36, 60, 150, 155, 162
See also Structure of feeling
Willis, Paul
, 21, 35, 97, 175
Wilson, Robin
, 87, 155
Woolf, V.
, 115, 127
Working class identity
, 160
Working-class authenticity
, 57
Writers and Artists Handbook
, 129
Writing and Emotion
, 134–137
Writing and Life
, 137–144
Writing group
, 130
Writing Repertoire
, 31–35
Writing routine
, 115–116, 130
Zone of detachment
, 2
- Prelims
- Introduction: Life into Art
- Chapter 1 Transformations
- Part I Music, Midlife and Authenticity
- Chapter 2 Lost in Space: Music and Aura
- Chapter 3 Music, Sociality and Identity
- Part II Art and Identity
- Chapter 4 The Subterranean River
- Chapter 5 Down in the Woods
- Chapter 6 Inspiration by the Sea
- Part III Literary Midlife – Solitude Sitting
- Chapter 7 Living a Dream and Dreaming a Living
- Chapter 8 Shifting Rhythms and a Sense of Purpose
- Chapter 9 The Mezzanine and Midlife Creativity
- Afterword: Monday Afternoon and the Millennium
- Bibliography
- Index