ISBN: 978-1-78743-534-6, eISBN: 978-1-78743-533-9
Publication date: 13 October 2017
Lafarre, A. (2017), "References", The AGM in Europe, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 301-312.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited
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- Prelims
- Part I Introduction
- Chapter 1 The Law & Economics of the AGM
- Part II The AGM’s Legal Outline
- Chapter 2 The European Framework of Shareholder Rights
- Chapter 3 The National Level of Shareholder Rights: Procedural and Information Rights
- Chapter 4 The National Level of Shareholder Rights: Decision-Making Rights
- Part III Descriptive Analyses of the AGM
- Chapter 5 Descriptives of Shareholder Voter Turnout
- Chapter 6 Descriptives of Corporate Ownership Structures
- Chapter 7 Descriptives of Shareholder Voting Behaviour
- Chapter 8 Descriptives of Shareholder Types and Behaviour
- Part IV Statistical Interference on the AGM’s Practical Relevance
- Chapter 9 ‘The More the Merrier’: What Drives (Small) Shareholder Attendance at Annual General Meetings?
- Chapter 10 The Impact of the Shareholder Rights Directive
- Chapter 11 Shareholder Dialogue: Assessing the Relevance of Dutch AGMs
- Part V Theoretical Analysis of Small Shareholder Behaviour
- Chapter 12 Small Shareholder Voting Coordination in Concentrated Ownership Structures
- Part VI Conclusions and Policy Implications
- Chapter 13 Conclusions and Policy Implications
- References
- Case Law
- Policy Documents
- Index