Gregory Coutaz
(Chinese Culture University, Taiwan)
ISBN: 978-1-78743-094-5, eISBN: 978-1-78743-093-8
Publication date: 4 December 2018
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Coutaz, G. (2018), "Index", Coping with Disaster Risk Management in Northeast Asia: Economic and Financial Preparedness in China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 159-168.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited
Note: Page numbers followed by “n” with numbers indicate footnotes.
Act on Development of Areas Resilient to Tsunami Disasters
, 103
Act on Earthquake Insurance (1966)
, 87, 104
Act on Promotion of Earthquake-proof Retrofit Building (1995)
, 102
Act on Promotion of Tsunami Countermeasures
, 103
Act on Special Financial Measures for Urgent Earthquake Countermeasure Improvement Projects
, 87
Act on Special Financial Support to Deal with Extremely Severe Disasters (1962)
, 87, 104
Act on Special Measures Concerning Countermeasures for Large-Scale Earthquakes (1978)
, 87
Act on Special Measures for Active Volcanoes
, 87
African Risk Capacity (ARC)
, 12, 141
Aggravating factors
, 153
Agricultural Disaster Compensation Law (1947)
, 104
Agricultural materials
, 37
Agricultural provinces
, 36
Agriculture losses, climate change and
, 35–37
Alaska earthquake (1964)
, 7
Alternative risk transfer (ART)
, 20n4, 45, 72
Anxin Agricultural Insurance Company
, 50, 50n30
, 50, 74–75
Arrow–Lind theorem
, 19–20
ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER)
, 143–144
ASEAN Disaster Risks Financing and Insurance Programme (ADRFI)
, 144
ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)
, 144
ASEAN Regional Forum Disaster Relief Exercise (ARF DiREx)
, 40, 144
Asian Economic Integration Monitor
, 18
Assistance policy
, 42
Association of South East Asia Nations (ASEAN)
, 143–144
, 1, 6
Basic Disaster Management Plan
, 87
Bart typhoon (1999)
, 94
Biological disasters
, 6
Bolaven and Sanba typhoons
, 115
Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation
, 80
Budget function
, 20
Budget Law (1994)
, 42
Budget reallocations
, 20
Building resilience in Shanghai
, 47–52
Business-as-usual (BAU)
, 127–128
Caisse Centrale de Réassurance (CCR)
, 141
California Earthquake Authority (CEA)
, 138, 149
Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF)
, 12, 141
Caribbean Development Bank
, 8
Catastrophe (CAT)
, 3, 31–33, 39, 115, 147
, 24–26, 72
insurance program
, 46
, 135–136
transferring catastrophe risks
, 23–24
Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters (CDSCHQ)
, 119–120
Central Disaster Management Council
, 87
Central Disaster Prevention and Response Council
, 68, 75
Central Natural Disaster Livelihood Subsidy Fund
, 41
Central public funding
, 41–43
Central Reinsurance Corporation (Central Re)
, 69, 72
Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED)
, 2, 9, 31n1, 63fn, 85n1, 113fn2, 138fn2, 151fn7
Chaba typhoon
, 115
Charitable donations
, 79–80
Chernobyl crisis (1986)
, 99
Chile earthquake (2010)
, 32, 103
China, disaster management in
, 31
building resilience in Shanghai
, 47–52
central public funding
, 41–43
civil society
, 52–54
climate change and agriculture losses
, 35–37
compact institutional system
, 37–39
economic development and urbanization
, 34–35
Great Sichuan earthquake
, 32–34
lack of insurance coverage
, 43–47
PLA role in disaster response
, 39–41
, 31–32
China Earthquake Administration
, 38
China floods (1998)
, 17
China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC)
, 46, 49
China Property and Casualty Reinsurance Company
, 45
China Re
, (see China Property and Casualty Reinsurance Company)
China Residential Earthquake Insurance Pool (CREIP)
, 46, 153, 155
Chinese Catastrophe
, 45, 94, 150, (see also Catastrophe (CAT))
Chinese civil war
, 62
Chinese provinces
, 42
Chuetsu earthquake (2004)
, 17
Civic forces
, 52, 54, 98, 149
Civil activism in China
, 54
Civil Defense Basic Act
, 116, 117
Civil society
, 52–54
Climate change
, 2–3, 150
and agriculture losses
, 35–37
South Korea and
, 113–114, 126–127, 129
Climatological disasters
, 6
Coastal City Flood Vulnerability Index (CCFVI)
, 47
Coherent financial protection
, 11, 20, 27, 133–134
Community involvement
, 98
Compact institutional system
, 37–39
Comprehensive disaster risk management strategy
, 10, 18–21, 24, 26, 39, 134, 144, 156
Comprehensive Plan on Climate Change Adaptation
, 126–127
Compulsory earthquake insurance
, 140
Compulsory insurance
, 5, 24, 137, 157
Construction activity
, 34
Contingent debt facility
, 11, 21–22
Cooperative Mutual Insurers
, 11, 90–95, 151
Cost of protection
, 103–106, 155
Counterpart assistance
, 42
Coverage gap
, 17–18, 17n2, 44, 47, 55, 94, 107, 148, 151, 153
“Creative destruction” process
, (see Schumpeterian “creative destruction” process)
Cross-sectional regression
, 9
Daegu subway, fire accidents at (2003)
, 111–112
Decentralized decision-making approaches
, 4
, 1
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
, 112
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)
, 111
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)
, 66–67, 72, 74, 153fn12
, 1, 6
Development banks
, 5
Digital revolution
, 53
Direct damages
, 7
, 1–2, 6–7
, 80
disaster-prevention measures
, 26
disaster–relief bond placement
, 25
impacts of past
, 114–115
insurance schemes
, 120–123
, 128
PLA role in disaster response
, 39–41
, 4
, 11, 18, 27, 37, 39, 87, 97, 112, 118, 129
, 122
risk awareness
, 134–136
risk financing policies
, 135
risk governance
, 4–6
Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters (DSCHQ)
, 119
Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act
, 87, 102, 104
“Disaster Management 1.0”
, 103n25
“Disaster Management 2.0”
, 103n25
“Disaster Management 3.0”
, 103n25
“Disaster Management 4.0” Future Vision Project
, 103
Disaster Prevention and Protection Act
, 67–69
Disaster Prevention Bureau
, 88
Disaster Prevention Day
, 86
Disaster Relief Act
, 87, 104
Disaster risk management
, 38
Formosa Re CAT bond
, 72–73
importance of charitable donations
, 79–80
Morakot typhoon
, 73–75
natural disasters in Taiwan
, 62–64
before 1999 in Taiwan
, 64–65
921 earthquake revolution
, 65–69
public budgets and emergency funds
, 75–79
, 123
in Taiwan
, 68
Taiwan residential earthquake insurance fund
, 69–71
Disasters and Safety Act
, 117–118, 119
Disease epidemics
, 1, 6, 31, 119
Distribution systems
, 18
, 50, 71, 76
Domestic and regional financial preparedness
, 133
, 1, 6, 31, 35n8, 114, 117
Earthquake Commission (EQC)
, 138, 139
Earthquake early warning (EEW)
, 90
Earthquake Early Warning System (EEWS)
, 69
, 1, 31, 32, 64, 85, 139, 141–142
, 34–35
, 133–134
, 112
, 26, 135
, 24
, 8
, 17, 27
repercussions of natural disasters
, 8, 10
Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)
, 74–75
Economics of Natural Disasters: Implications for Federal Policy (Dacy and Kunreuther)
, 7
Elsie typhoon
, 73
, 75–79
, 38
Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT)
, 9, 17n1, 31n1, 63n3, 66n7, 85n1, 113fn2, 138fn2, 151fn7
Emergency Management Act
, 116
Emergency Response Law and Aid Regulations of Natural Disasters
, 38
Energetic storms
, 36
Environmental protection
, 123–126
European and American carmakers
, 100
Ex ante financing instruments
, 20, 21–23, 27, 135
Ex post financing instruments
, 20, 21, 25, 27
Extraordinarily severe disasters
, 42
Extraterrestrial disasters
, 6
Extreme cold waves
, 1
5th Natural Hazards Risk Atlas (NHRA)
, 62–63
Financial policy
, 42
Financial preparedness
disaster risk awareness
, 134–136
international practices
, 138–141
, 136–137
regional initiatives
, 141–144
Financial protection
, 18, 24, 27, 45, 147
Financing natural disasters
, (see also Natural disasters)
CAT bonds
, 24–26
comprehensive disaster risk management strategy
, 18–21
coverage gap
, 17–18
insurance and reinsurance
, 23–24
making difference
, 26–27
pre-disaster budgetary measures
, 21–23
Fire disasters
, 38
Fire Prevention Law
, 38
Fiscal policy
, 41
Fisheries Disaster Compensation Law (1964)
, 87, 104
Flood Control Act and River Act (1949)
, 102
, 1, 31, 36, 47, 113, 152, 153
Flossie typhoon
, 73
“Focusing event”
, 148–149
Forces of nature
, 88
Forest and grass land fires
, 31
Formosa Re CAT bond
, 72–73, 75
Fostering coherent financial protection
, 27
Framework Act on Low Carbon
, 127
Frequency Analysis Rainfall Data (FARD)
, 119
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
, 99, 102
, 123
, 75–79
, 21–22, 71, 78, 124, 151
General Insurance Association of Japan
, 100
General Insurance Rating Organization of Japan (GIROJ)
, 93n8, 97n17, 100n21
Geographic information system (GIS)
, 97
Geological disasters
, 38
Geophysical disasters
, 6
Geostationary Meteorological Satellites
, 88
Global adaptive governance
, 5
Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)
, 147–148
Global financial assistance
, 51
, 5, 22, 24, 27, 157
, 105n28
, 137
“Graded response”
, 38
Great East Japan earthquake
, (see Tohoku earthquake and tsunami (2011))
Great Hanshin earthquake
, (see Kobe earthquake (1995))
Great Kanto earthquake (1923)
, 86, 91, 95, 98, 106
Great Leap Forward
, 37
Green infrastructure elements
, 51
“Green Ribbon” campaign
, 52
Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions)
, 126–127
Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 3, 34, 61, 96, 114
Gulang earthquake (1927)
, 32n3
Haikui typhoon (2012)
, 48
, 31
Haiyan typhoon (2013)
, 2
Hanshin expressway
, 95
, 6–7
hazard-specific approach
, 88n4
hazardous event
, 7
, 24
, 32n2
natural hazards
, 21, 31
Heat waves
, 1, 35
Henan province
, 36
Herb typhoon
, 73
Hsinchu-Taichung earthquake (1935)
, 66
Huangpu river
, 47, 49
Human-induced factors
, 134
“Humanist and socially-engaged Buddhism”
, 80
Humanitarian assistance/disaster relief activities (HA/DR activities)
, 40
Hurricane Andrew (1992)
, 7, 25
Hurricane Katrina (2005)
, 7, 99
Hydrogen explosions
, 99
Hydrological disasters
, 6
Hyogo prefecture
, 95, 98
Indian Ocean tsunami (2004)
, 7
Indirect damages
, 7–8
Indispensable commitment
, 155–157
Industry policy
, 42
Institutional framework
, 48, 87, 117–120
, 62
, 23–24, 44
companies in China
, 44
, 136
, 51
lack of insurance coverage
, 43–47
, 69
, 17
market development
, 49
, 46–47
, 151–152
Insurance-linked securities (ILS)
, 25n7
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
, 36
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR)
, 5, 37
International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
, 2
International Foundation for Science, Culture and Education
, 5
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 5
International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES)
, 99
International practices
, 138–141
, 43, 53, 67, 85
Isewan typhoon (1959)
, 87, 88, 149
Izmit earthquake (1999)
, 66, 139–140, 149
JA Kyosai
, 11, 93, 93n9, 94
Japan, natural disasters in
, 85
Cooperative Mutual Insurers
, 90–95
cost of protection
, 103–106
Japanese expertise recognition in disaster risk management
, 86–88
, 90–95
Kobe misery
, 95–98
post-disaster reactions
, 101–103
public awareness and education
, 88–90
Risk Allocation under Japan’s Reinsurance Scheme
, 91
Triple Disaster of Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami
, 98–101
Japan Earthquake Reinsurance (JER)
, 11, 69, 90–95, 100, 107, 149–150, 154
Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)
, 88, 90, 97
Japan Tourism Agency
, 90
Japan’s past disaster management
, 103n25
Japanese Earthquake Reinsurance
, 24
Japanese expertise recognition in disaster risk management
, 86–88
Japanese law
, 104
Kobe earthquake (1995)
, 7, 11, 17, 86, 88, 89, 95–96, 95n13, 96, 151–152
Kobe misery
, 95–98
Korean Adaptation Center for Climate Change (KACCC)
, 127
Korean Meteorological Administration
, 114
Korean peninsula
, 111, 112, 113, 115, 125
Kuomintang (KMT)
, 66–67
Land policy
, 42
, 1, 6, 31, 46, 63, 65, 73, 78, 85, 113–115, 119, 110
Larger disasters
, 42
Law on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters
, 38
Legal system modernization
, 115–117
Limited private participation
, 154–155
Lushan earthquake (2013)
, 43n19, 53n33
Maemi typhoon
, 115, 120, 121
Marine disasters
, 38
Marine Environment Protection Law
, 38
Market-driven approach
, 46, 153
Matsa typhoon (2005)
, 48
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
, 144
, 32n2
Meteorological disasters
, 6, 38
Meteorological hazard
, 32n2
Meteorology Law and Regulations on Meteorological Services
, 38
Mexican CAT bond issuance
, 25, 26
Military aggression
, 111–112
Military operations other than war (MOOTW)
, 40
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
, 121–122
Ministry of Civil Affairs
, 37
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
, 101
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
, 89
Ministry of Public Administration and Security
, 118
Miyagi earthquake (1978)
, 87, 88
Morakot typhoon (2009)
, 2, 64, 73–75
MultiCat Program
, 25, 25n8
Muteki CAT bond
, 94
Nari typhoon
, 73
National catastrophe pools
, 24
National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE)
, 68–69
National Committee for Disaster Reduction (NCDR)
, 37
National Defense White Paper
, 39
National Development and Reform Committee (NDRC)
, 42n17, 85n2
National disaster management
, 3
information analysis and sharing system
, 119
, 117
, 5, 10, 12, 28, 37, 67, 151
National Disaster Management Authority for earthquake mitigation
, 118
National Disaster Management Research Institute (NDMI)
, 119
National Disaster Prevention and Protection Agency
, 68
National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day
, 32n2
National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)
, 117–118, 130
National emergency system
, 111
National Finance Act
, 123, 124
National floods (2010)
, 38
National Hazard Mitigation Program (NHMP)
, 64
National Rescue Command Center
, 68
National resilience
, 117, 148
National Treasury Agency
, 69
Natural Disaster Countermeasures Act (1995)
, 116–117
Natural Disaster Victim Relief Law (1998)
, 104, 105
Natural disasters
, 1, 7, 18, 23, 25, 31, 42, 47, 79–80, 129, 147, 157
addressing threat of
, 2–4
disaster risk governance
, 4–6
, 1–2
evolution of disaster risk management
, 11–12
financial protection
, 10–11
hazard, risk, and disaster
, 6–7
in Japan
, 85–106
protection against
, 44
in Taiwan
, 62–64
tragedy or opportunity
, 7–10
Natural hazards
, 21, 31
Navy hospital ship
, 41
Nepal earthquake (2015)
, 2
Nichido Fire Insurance
, 94
921 earthquake
, 75–76
, 65–69
921 Post-Earthquake Recovery Commission
, 66–67
Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK)
, 90
“1992 consensus”
, 62
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
, 5, 52, 54, 79–80
Non-life insurance companies
, 91, 92
Non-tax revenues
, 123
Northbridge earthquake (1994)
, 7, 64, 138, 149
One-party political system
, 52
Online message platforms
, 53
Ordinary disasters
, 42
Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative (PCRAFI)
, 142
Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company (PCRIC)
, 12, 141, 142
Panda Re CAT bond
, 45
Peace Ark
, 41
People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
, 33
role in disaster response
, 39–41
People’s Republic of China (1949)
, 37
Peugeot-Citroen cut production
, 100
Phoenix Quake Wind Ltd
, 94
Political and social obstacles
, 126–130
Political culture
, 22
, 22
management approach
, 3
, 5
, 41, 133–134
, 101–103
, 18
budgetary measures
, 21–23
, 26
, 5
, 133–134
, (see also Disaster— preparedness; Financial preparedness), 5, 10, 18, 156
Pricing schemes for catastrophe insurance
, 23
Primary risk transfer tool
, 23
Priority Three-Year Reconstruction Plan
, 103n26
Private actors
, 23, 24, 81, 103, 137, 154
Private market actors
, 5, 52
Private sector
, 12, 23, 24, 69, 126, 135, 136, 143, 144, 154
, 44
Property and Casualty (P&C)
insurance policies
, 152–153
, 69
, 44
Protection against natural disasters
, 44
, 97
awareness and education
, 88–90
budgets and emergency funds
, 75–79
choice theory
, 22
, 45
public-funding catastrophe insurance programs
, 46
welfare projects
, 51
Public Debt Act
, 78–79
Public–private partnerships (PPPs)
, 24, 121–122, 136–137
Quantity of insurance
, 23
Rapid-onset disasters
, 2
Red Cross Society of China (RCSC)
, 43n19, 52, 53n33
Regional catastrophe insurance pools
, 143–144
Regional initiatives
, 141–144
Regression analysis
, 8
Rehabilitation expenses
, 134
, 23–25, 45, 51
Republic of Korea (ROK)
, 111
Reserve funds
, 21–22, 71, 78, 124, 151
Residential disaster insurance
, 44–45, 155
Residential earthquake financial protection
, 69–71
Residential earthquake insurance
, 46
insurance in Japan
, 91, 92
Restrictive regulatory system
, 53
, 6–7
, 18, 112–114
, 24
, 18
, 147
risk-linked security
, 24
risk-neutral approach
, 19
risk-reduction efforts
, 147
transfer mechanisms
, 20n4
“Rivers and mountains embroidered in silk”
, 112
Rusa typhoon (2002)
, 115, 117, 120, 121
Safety Tips app
, 90
Sampoong department store collapse (1995)
, 111–112
Sarah typhoon (1959)
, 115
School Health and Safety Act (1958)
, 89
School Safety
, 89
School Safety Plan
, 89
Schumpeterian “creative destruction” process
, 9
Sea-level rise
, 1, 6
Seismic wave analysis
, 88
Self-Defence Forces (SDF)
, 97, 98, 101
Semiconductor manufacturers
, 66
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR)
, 147–148
Seongsu bridge collapse (1994)
, 111–112
Seoul Metropolitan Government
, 125–126
Shandong province
, 42
Shanghai Implementation Plan
, 48n27
Shanghai Insurance Exchange (2016)
, 51n32
Shanghai Insurance Regulatory Bureau
, 51n32
Shanghai Meteorological Bureau
, 49, 50
Shenzhen landslide (2015)
, 43
Shinto religion
, 88
Sichuan earthquake (2008)
, 2, 17, 32–34, 38, 41, 43, 52
“Single-style” approach
, 38
Slow-onset disasters
, 1, 2
Slowly unfolding events
, 1
Snow and sand storms
, 31
Social groups
, 53–54
Social media
, 43, 53
Social obstacles
, 126–130
Songda typhoon (2004)
, 94
South Korea
, 112
disaster insurance schemes
, 120–123
disaster risk management strategy
, 123
environmental protection
, 123–126
impacts of past disasters
, 114–115
institutional framework
, 117–120
modernization of legal system
, 115–117
political and social obstacles
, 126–130
risk identification
, 112–114
Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Insurance Facility (SEADRIF)
, 144
Special-Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
, 25, 45, 72, 94
, 62
Standard fire insurance policies
, 94
Standard Procedure for Natural Disaster Assistance (SPNDA)
, 64
Standard Risk Management Manual
, 119–120
Storm and Flood Insurance Act
, 120–121
Swiss reinsurance (Swiss Re)
, 3, 47–48, 66, 66n7, 97, 138
Taiwan Cooperative Precipitation Ensemble Forecast Experiment (TAPEX)
, 69
Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System (TELES)
, 69
Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund (TREIF)
, 69, 71, 149
TREIF Act of Endowment
, 70
Taiwan residential earthquake insurance fund
, 69–71
Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute (TTFRI)
, 69
Tangshan earthquake (1976)
, 32
Tax and fee policy
, 41–42
Tax revenues
, 123
Thailand floods (2011)
, 2
Thelma typhoon
, 115
Third National Climate Change Assessment Report
, 35
13th Five-Year Plan period (2016–2020)
, 39
, 32n2
Tiananmen Square Massacre (1989)
, 40
“Tofu projects”
, 33
Tohoku earthquake and tsunami (2011)
, 2, 7, 11–12, 17, 32, 43, 80, 85–86, 89, 92, 94, 95, 98n19, 104, 151–152
triple disaster of
, 98–101
Tokachi earthquake (1968)
, 88
Tokio Marine
, 94
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)
, 102
Top-down system
, 37
Torrential rain
, 47, 73, 112, 114, 120, 122
Traditional post-disaster financing models
, 12, 20
Triple Disaster of Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami
, 98–101
Tropical cyclones
, 141–142
Pam (2015)
, 143
Ian and Vanuatu (2014)
, 142–143
Tsunami Disaster Response System (TDRS)
, 119
, (see also Tohoku earthquake and tsunami (2011)), 1, 6, 85, 86, 96, 102–103, 120, 139, 142
2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
, 7
numerical simulation
, 88
Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool (TCIP)
, 25, 69, 138, 140, 149
12th Five-Year Plan (2011–2015)
, 38n10
Typhoon-related catastrophes
, 76, 78–79
, 1, 6, 11, 31–32, 36, 46, 47, 63, 68, 85, 112–113, 152, 153
Bart typhoon (1999)
, 94
Bolaven and Sanba typhoons
, 115
Chaba typhoon
, 115
Elsie and Flossie typhoons
, 73
Haikui typhoon (2012)
, 48
Haiyan typhoon (2013)
, 2
Herb typhoon
, 73
hit Taiwan
, 63n4, 73
Isewan typhoon (1959)
, 87, 88
Maemi typhoon
, 115, 120, 121
Matsa typhoon (2005)
, 48
Morakot typhoon (2009)
, 2, 64, 73–75
Nari typhoon
, 73
Rusa typhoon (2002)
, 115, 117, 120, 121
Sarah typhoon (1959)
, 115
Songda typhoon (2004)
, 94
super typhoon hitting northern Malay Peninsula
, 40
Thelma and Vernon typhoons
, 115
Winnie typhoon (1997)
, 48, 49
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
, 34
UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP)
, 156
UN International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR)
, 5, 37
“Unified leadership”
, 38
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
, 127n28, 148fn3
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
, 2, 5
, 27–28, 34–35, 112, 114, 153
US dollars
, 2n1
US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
, 6, 22, 26
Vector autoregressions
, 9
Vernon typhoon
, 115
, 22, 27, 39
of earthquake
, 66
Volcanic catastrophes
, 85
Volcanic eruptions
, 1, 6, 7, 31, 89, 92, 139
of Mount Sakurajima
, 87
Warming of climate
, 36
Water-related risks
, 47, 49
, 53
, 53
, 1, 6, 119
Winnie typhoon (1997)
, 48, 49
Working-Level Manual for Risk Response
, 119–120
World Bank
, 4, 25n8, 27n9, 41n16, 140, 141, 142n11, 147–148
World Economic Forum (WEF)
, 2
World Trade Center on 9/11, terrorist attacks at
, 67, 85
Yunnan province
, 46
Yurekuru app
, 90
, (see JA Kyosai)
, 11, 93, 93n10
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2 Financing Natural Disasters
- Chapter 3 China: Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
- Chapter 4 Evolution of Disaster Risk Management in Taiwan
- Chapter 5 Living with Natural Disasters in Japan
- Chapter 6 South Korea: Vulnerability and Adaptation to Natural Disasters
- Chapter 7 Need for Financial Preparedness
- Chapter 8 Conclusion
- Index