About the Authors
ISBN: 978-1-78714-550-4, eISBN: 978-1-78714-549-8
Publication date: 17 August 2017
(2017), "About the Authors", Håkansson, H. and Snehota, I. (Ed.) No Business is an Island, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 321-326. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78714-549-820171022
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited
Morten H. Abrahamsen is Associate Professor in Marketing at BI Norwegian Business School. His research interests include buyer–seller relationships in industrial markets, network dynamics, research methodology, and managerial sense-making. He has published his research in journals such as Industrial Marketing Management and The IMP Journal, and in books by Emerald Publishing.
Luis Araujo is Professor of Marketing and Strategy at Alliance Manchester Business School. His research is related to business marketing and purchasing as well as the relation between markets and marketing. His work has appeared in a number of international journals in marketing and management studies.
Bjorn Axelsson is Professor Emeritus at Stockholm School of Economics. He holds a PhD from Uppsala University. His research and teaching areas are business-to-business marketing and purchasing management. During 2005 to 2009 he held the first Swedish chair in purchasing and supply management. His primary interest during later years has been various aspects of solution business, a phenomenon he studies from both sales and purchasing perspectives. He has also become increasingly involved in projects dealing with public procurement.
Enrico Baraldi is Professor at the Division of Industrial Engineering & Management, Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University. His research concerns strategies in business networks, innovation, product development, and the commercialization of science. One of his major research projects concerns the formulation of new economic models and incentives to stimulate antibiotic R&D to tackle the rising problem of antimicrobial resistance. His scientific works have been published in California Management Review, Technovation, Science & Public Policy, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Management Decision, and The IMP Journal.
Jens Eklinder Frick is Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Management at Gävle University and holds a postdoctoral research fellowship at Uppsala University. His research focuses on business-to-business marketing, markets as networks, economic development policies, and cluster initiatives. He has published articles in Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, and The IMP Journal.
David Ford is Emeritus Professor at the University of Bath, UK and Affiliate Professor at Kedge Business School, France. He is a founder member of the IMP group of researchers. He is currently researching the development of companies in interactive environments and the practice of consent between companies. He has publications as contributor to a number of previous IMP books and related journal articles.
Per Vagn Freytag is Professor of Industrial Marketing at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship management at the University of Southern Denmark, in Kolding, Denmark. His research deals with business development, relationship development, customer and supplier prioritization, and business model innovation. Articles by him have been published in Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, The IMP Journal, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, and Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, among others.
Lars-Erik Gadde is Emeritus Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. His research interest is the role of business relationships in networks, with particular attention to supply and distribution networks. He is a co-author of three IMP books related to these issues: Managing Business Relationships, Supply Network Strategies, and Business Networks. Among journal publications can be mentioned contributions in Journal of Supply Chain Management, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Journal of Customer Behaviour, Journal of Marketing Management, and The IMP Journal.
Simone Guercini is Professor of Management and Marketing at the University of Florence (Italy). His research interests include business marketing, heuristics in business, entrepreneurship in communities, and internationalization, with a special focus on the Italian fashion industry. He collaborated with many academic journals in management and marketing both as author, reviewer, and member of the editorial board, including Industrial Marketing and Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, and IMP Journal. He serves as associate editor of Management Decision and of Journal of Global Fashion Marketing.
Håkan Håkansson is Emeritus professor at Norwegian Business School and one of the founding members of IMP. He has published a number of books and articles about business relationships and networks. His current research interest is development issues including innovations in business networks.
Debbie Harrison is Professor at BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway. Her research interest is in the area of inter-organizational relationships and business networks. She is currently researching inter-organizational strategizing, how sustainability is implemented in networks, and how regulated markets “work” on a day-by-day basis. She has published in Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, and Marketing Theory.
Malena I. Havenvid is Associate Professor in Strategy and Innovation at the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management at NTNU. With a focus on inter-organizational relationships, her research interests include innovation, new business development, and project management. She has published in Technovation, Industrial Marketing Management, Construction Management and Economics, and The IMP Journal.
Thomas Hoholm is Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at BI Norwegian Business School. In particular he studies how innovation and learning processes unfold in practice. He is currently investigating technology and service innovation across various services and settings in health care, such as digitalization and coordinated care, as well as advanced medical technologies. His work has been published in journals like Industrial Marketing Management, Human Relations, Journal of Business Research, The IMP Journal, and Management Learning.
Antonella La Rocca is Assistant Professor at the Department of Strategy at BI Norwegian Business School. Her research interests are in innovation, entrepreneurship, and B2B marketing. She has published in Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Management Decision, and The IMP Journal.
Johnny Lind is Professor in Management Accounting and is Head of the Accounting Department at the Stockholm School of Economics. He is most active in the area of accounting in inter-organizational relationships and networks, covering both private and public sector organizations. His current research interests also include accounting in the manufacturing sector. His scientific works have been published in Accounting and Business Research, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, The IMP Journal, and Management Accounting Research.
Åse Linné is a researcher at Uppsala University and her main research interest is related to understanding commercialization processes, innovation, and renewal in various empirical settings such as the life science industry as well as the construction industry and the energy sector. She has published in the following journals: Construction Management and Economics, Industrial Marketing Management, and The IMP Journal.
Tibor Mandjak, Doctor Habilitatus, PhD, is full professor of business marketing at the EM Normandie in France, and former director of the Hungarian IMP Research Centre (hIMP). His current research interests are inter-organizational questions, international business relationships and networks besides multi-disciplinary approaches of business-to-business marketing. He is especially interested in the relations between IMP researches and economic sociology. He has published in Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, The IMP Journal, and IMP Conference Proceedings. He has been awarded several academic prizes.
Lars-Gunnar Mattsson is Emeritus Professor of Business Administration at Stockholm School of Economics and a founding member of the IMP group. His long-term research interests relate to dynamics of business networks in distribution systems, and industrial and international markets. His recent research concerns interaction between policy practice and market practice for sustainable development and the role of ICT as enabler of service innovations. His publications include The IMP Journal, International Journal for Research in Marketing, Marketing Theory, Harvard Business Review, and Industrial Marketing Management.
Kristin B. Munksgaard is Associate Professor in Innovation and Business Marketing and Development Manager at interAct at University of Southern Denmark. Her research and teaching relate to business interaction and innovation management, with a particular focus on inter-organizational relationships and networks, the organizing of collaborative product development activities, supplier-driven innovation, public–private innovation, as well as co-creation and strategizing. She has published in journals such as The IMP Journal, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, International Public Management Review, and Logistics Research.
Per Ingvar Olsen is Professor in Innovation and Economic Organization at Department of Strategy, BI Norwegian Business School, where he is also a leader of Center for Studies of Co-operatives and head of research at C3 Center for Research-based Innovation in Healthcare at Oslo University Hospital. His research has focused on business development economics, business networks, and technological and organizational innovation processes. He has published in journals such as Journal of Business Research, Philosophy of Management, The IMP Journal, Industrial Marketing Management, and Journal of International Entrepreneurship.
Frans Prenkert is Professor in Business Administration at Örebro University School of Business. He has previously held positions at Uppsala University and BI Norwegian Business School and he has been a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley. His research concerns the role of business networks to understand and develop more sustainable economies. His current work includes using this network view to investigate sustainable logistics systems, circular economies, and distribution systems for food and groceries. He has published in journals such as The IMP Journal, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Cleaner Production.
Ivan Snehota is Emeritus Professor of Marketing at Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano and a founder member of the IMP group. His current research interests focus on new business development in B2B, innovation in business networks, and sales. He is co-author of several books on business networks and journal articles. Currently he is acting Editor in Chief of the IMP Journal (Emerald).
Tim Torvatn is Associate Professor at NTNU, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and holds a PhD from the same institution related to purchasing management. He also holds a Master in Technology from NTNU and a Master in Business Administration from Queen’s University in Canada. His primary research and teaching areas are inter-organizational theory, industrial networks theory, project management, and purchasing and logistics management.
Annalisa Tunisini is Professor of Business Management and Marketing at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart- Milan (Italy). Her research interests and main publications concern business-to-business marketing, supply chain management; business networks; business strategies and internationalization of SMEs. She is member of the Executive Board of the IMP Journal and Book Review Editor Europe and member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing and of Industrial Marketing Management. She is member of the executive board of the Italian Marketing Association.
Alexandra Waluszewski is Professor in Business Studies at Department of Economic History, Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Uppsala University. Her research interests and engagement in the IMP setting include empirical studies and methodological and theoretical considerations concerning technological development, innovation, and industrial renewal in a broad sense. A particular research interest is the relation between scientific knowledge advances and its utilization in business and society. Her publications include a number of books, journal articles, and debate articles on this topic.
Finn Wynstra is Professor of Purchasing and Supply Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (Netherlands). He also holds an Endowed Chair sponsored by the Dutch Association for Purchasing Management (NEVI). His research focuses on the interdependence of supply and innovation processes, and buyer–supplier relations in business service contexts. He is a past Editor of the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Associate Editor for the Journal of Operations Management, and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management and the Journal Supply Chain Management.
- Prelims
- The Significance of Business Relationships
- Management in the Interactive Business World
- Value Measuring and Value Appropriation in Business Networks
- Purchasing and Supply Management: On Strategic Roles and Supplier Interfaces
- New Business Development in Business Networks
- Innovation Policy in an Interacted World – The Critical Role of the Context
- The Geographical Dimension in the Interactive World – The Importance of Place
- Regional Development Policies
- Owner Relationships – A Parallel Network Force
- Public Purchasing in an Interactive World
- Researching the Interactive Business World; Interplay of Research Object, Methodology and Theory
- Boundaries of Business Actors and Networks – Theoretical and Methodological Reflections
- Interdependencies – Blessings and Curses
- Researching the Interactive Business Landscape
- Interactivity in Business Networks
- Appendix A
- Appendix B: Published Articles Based on the Workshops and Symposium
- References
- About the Authors
- Index