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- Prelims
- Section I The Flagging World of Mainstream Classical Economics
- Chapter 1 Economics of Power - Failure of Classical Economics
- Chapter 2 Origin of the Economic Belief System
- Chapter 3 The View of Notables: Questioning the Creed
- Chapter 4 Works of Dissent
- Chapter 5 Discarding the Tenets of Belief; Part One - The General Case
- Chapter 6 Challenging the Tenets of Faith; Part Two - in Business
- Section II The Shift Toward Behavioral Economics
- Chapter 7 The Emergence of Behavioral Economics
- Chapter 8 Shifting Toward Economic Reality in the Marketplace
- Chapter 9 The Role of Buyer Behavior and Economics
- Section III Introduction to Marconomics
- Chapter 10 Major Variables of Economic Performance
- Chapter 11 Scientific Evidence from the Market Place
- Chapter 12 The Economy in Four Dimensions
- Section IV Building Marconomic Models & Society
- Chapter 13 The Entrepreneurial Economy
- Chapter 14 The Managed Economy
- Chapter 15 The Mass Market Economy
- Section V Advancing the Future
- Chapter 16 Marconomics; Future Direction for Research
- Chapter 17 Revising Priorities
- Chapter 18 Toward a Creative Economy
- Appendix A: List of Cognitive Biases
- Appendix B: The Argument for a New Program in Marconomics and Entrepreneurial Economics
- References
- Index